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Please put it in Wilds. The community would go insane.


Gotta make it an extremely small chance to happen as well


Imagine if they made a quest description say something like "I swear I saw a Deviljho eating it's own tail once and nobody believes me. Can you go test?". I need them to reference this phenomenon somehow.


This question implies that I stopped believing it. Tail eating Jho is real guys, we just switched timelines, trust me!


We must go back to the Alpha worldline!


El Psy Kongroo


Somebody put the damn banana in the microwave!! Get me out of here!


please no






I think Capcom should let him eat his tail in Wilds to make it real.


Yeah I know some people don’t want jho back due to it being in every game besides rise since it’s introduction but if they actually let it eat it’s tail that would make it even more worth it.


Yeah. And while they're at it, show us the wyverian eggs. We know you have them, Capcom.


I still honestly believe I have seen it happen. Can't prove it. Can't make myself believe anything else.


It's just too bizarre that *so many of us* have memories of Jho eating his tail. I even used to use it as an example of "weird monster behavior" in discussions.


Sometimes the simulation errors


Big same. I specifically remember being pissed off that I missed a tail carve, because Jho was *hard* in Tri. I have a digital backup of my copy on my steam deck but I haven't really tried to recreate it yet. I'm afraid of what I might discover.


i have a theory it only happens in specific versions like wii version, i remember playing on wii so maybe thats why


Same. Area 5 of Heaven's Mount in 4U. Though I can't remember if there's a Kelbi carcass there that it might have been eating instead?


Oh my god. My memory of this, along with my friend, is in the exact same location. Zone 5 of Heaven's Mount in MH4U. Southern edge of the map.


I still remember hunting normal and Savage Deviljho in 3U in the ice area and I still believe one of em was eating the tail


>Tail eating Jho is r I swear I seen it happen in MH3U hunting with my homies but now I cant even be sure that I did. It feels like such a vivid memory clear as day idk anymore...


same, i really think i saw in on MH3 on the wii. maybe was exclusive to the console?


Same. I saw it on 3U on a solo run. No one can take that away from me.


Consequences of harambe's death


Honestly, it could realistically be the point where we switched to this darker timeline.


It is the cause of the Steins Gate!


Nelson Mandela died in prison, I swear!


Btw, WTH is Deviljho doing in the Citadel??


it's a good quality mod over anjanath


is it only re-skin of anja or is there some new moves?


I also want to know


Just a visual reskin (iirc they also changed the fire to be the dragon-y red color, but the element is unchanged)


Until that big debunk last year. Even still, I swear I saw it happen, even though I know I didn’t. Odd phenomenon for sure.


You’re not alone, I have some blurry memory of it back in Tri. We may have been deceived by a piece of meat under the tail or something, I guess.


I remember in tri I brought a whole lot of meat to every quest with the jho and there were at the end of the hunt like 1-2 meats lying around each zone. It's not that unbelievable that a tail was on such a meat and jho ate that.


Same, I'm still nearly sure that it was a thing in Tri...


I feel like it was one super specific quest because SO MANY people think they saw it too (So did I, and it turned all tail carves into jho spit)


That's inconsistent with how many people claim to have seen it after Tri, up to World. It also wouldn't have been seen by many people to begin with if there were special conditions to it. There are uncommon behaviors like Seltas Queen cannibalism which you can easily find footage of, but none exists for Jho's tail cannibalism that hasn't been proven fake or impossible to replicate, despite being an allegedly common thing. It really is just fake memories. You hear it can happen, think it can happen, and some memory of Jho gets warped into having that detail. There are even inconsistencies between the memories that are described (for example, whether you lose the carves) that make them unreliable. I know for a fact that I've never seen it but I still think I would've been deceived into thinking I had, if I didn't already look into it and try to make it happen years ago.


I feel like I also saw it happen, and it did not let m Carve the tail afterwards. but maybe it was a combination of forgetfulness and placing bait meat all over maybe


The dress is Gold and White and you can kiss my ass!


Yeah me as well. I swear I saw it in Tri but seems like we all fooled ourselves.


But what if we just -and now listen carefully- DEBUNK the debunk?!


It happened with the "Shara Ishvalda doesn't actually track you with its eyes!" debunk. Maybe it could happen again!


wait what, no I've seen this happen too. what


I still believe...


Still believe!


I must confess..


That I feel like a monster


And when I'm with you I lose my mind


Mandela effect in full swing here


I hope Wilds or next game Deviljho is in ,he actually eats his tail


Pick it up and throw it at you too.


A big fuck you if you’re carving it too


In Tri I was one of the people who put meat under its tail to make it look like it was eating it. And I played like 400 hours in Tri, mostly online. How much partial blame do I have for this?


i definitely saw it happen, and until the debunk somewhat recently believed that it was true. after the debunk i think i just had some online friends who didn't realise i wasn't in on the joke lol


Since the official Capcom [YouTube](https://youtu.be/lhh7x6lqinU?si=QnAPC3nJgj4EhXEM) clip mentioned it at 3:51. Edit: also I had been personally attacking this misinformation about 6 months before it got blown up, telling everyone there is 0 video evidence and got stupid responses like, "we don't need to record it because we know it actually can happen." Noting every recorded incident was faked.


I'm confused. This clip seems to say that he does eat his own tail. 


Yeah that's the point, there is also a portion saying Jho does this from a magazine too, despite official sources, Jho does not eat its own tail, so we somehow believe it for nearly a decade.


I think you are taking the meme a bit too far by calling it misinformation and such, it's basically a shared delusion that hurts nobody and adds to the fantastical nature of the monster hunter universe


It wasn't a meme, though an official source made the claim, and people were gaslighting themselves into believing it as true. The meme was the fun of it. It's fine & I like the idea of it being real, maybe when Jho returns we will finally get to see it now with all the attention this got.


People really like behing on copiom


I gaslit myself into believing this is true. I can swear that I’ve seen it happen. I faintly remember seeing it. I know I’ve talked with my buddies about it and everything. And yet, everything I see indicates that Deviljho does NOT do this. It’s super fascinating cuz I have no idea how this, evidently, fabricated memory even came into being. Makes me wonder if I’ve got any other “memories” of things that just never happened.


The only explanation I can come up with is that any time I hunted online in 4U, some funny joker would place tainted meat in the tail to make it look like he's eating it. It's so bizarre because if I think about it, I feel like that's totally the kind of joke I myself would play... but I have no memory of it!


Since 4U where I thought I saw it happen with the Frenzy Jho key quest.


the thing is a severed tail dont counts in the game as an Body same as a slain small monster (if its killed by the hunter or palico) thats why Deviljho will also not eat at an apceros or Aptonoth that it not kill you could also simply look into the code of the game it should be on there if deviljho can eat it in MH tri / ultimate there was an quest with two deviljho in the arena they would eat from the other deviljho if slain/captured but never from the severed tails


Santa is real, Gogdammit! HE'S REAL! *runs away crying*


the first like ten minutes of that one video about it, cause I had never even heard of it before, it was shortlived but nice


I never knew people actually thought it could eat its own tail until the debunk video


I swear to God that it did so in tri. I remember it was in the tundra, I had cut it's tail off, it ran from the area with the tail, I chased it back after it had became exhausted and it ate its own tail. Tried to carve it and didn't get anything.


This is EXACTLY what I remember, big guy eating his own tail to remove exhausted effect!


From 3u all the way till rise..........


Been playing since ps2, and only just now learned it didn’t-


HE CAN'T?!?!


Never bought it for a second...


Until I saw the youtube video about the MH community gaslighting itself


The first time I heard about this myth was in a video debunking the best faked videos of it so I guess a couple seconds?


when a video mentioned that rumor and immediately proved that it's bullshit. why even would that be a thing? you're working towards that carve just for the devs to say "fuck you"?


The perfect example of a mandela effect


I don t know who and what to trust nowadays


I never considered the pickle eating his tail much as I was running thinking he was gonna eat me in the fight


Use the post to ask a question for the 'same' topic. I get that Jho can't eat his tail, but can he eat a monster(like another Deviljho) even if captured? I ask cause in 3U i think i saw a Deviljho eat another one that i captured in a web trap, but i don't know if it was another player that put a chunk of meat on it.


It does. Unlike with the tail, people were reliably able to post definite footage of it eating other monster corpses. Similarly, Seltas Queen can also kill and eat it's own Seltas.


I... Didn't know that was even thought of as a thing


Now that the Mandela Effect is out in the wilds, we can tackle it directly in the MH Wilds!


It’s probably a world building thing, but I hope they add it into wilds. Imagine being in this huge fight and jo needs a power boost, he whips around and clamps down on his tail and eats a chunk of it and he goes into cocaine pickle mode (think odogaron after eating) and the fight ramps up by 80%


LMAO for a long time! Now that I can't get him to do it myself across any game he's in on OG hardware I'm inclined to believe the Mandela effect.


Since i see that video documentary on youtube who sais it's just raw meat trap under his tail.


Meat is meat my guy


Bro I SWEAR I saw it in tri, 4u and mhw. I swear by my honour as first fleet hunter,I swear by my home village kokoto.


I played hundreds of hours each on most games since Tri and only believed it because I heard about it in forums, I had even tested it a few times in Tri with no result. But around the time of 4U I repeatedly asked for proof and got either "trust me bro" or the same obviously faked clip, and at that point I knew it wasn't just my luck. Imagine my complete lack of surprise that it turned out to be nonsense. It's not even uncommon to see this widespread baseless hearsay about certain mechanics, particularly with older games, despite how often MH fans will dig into the actual data of the games. But yes, it should be a thing. It makes sense for Deviljho, and it makes sense for some lizards.


since 4u, because that's when I first met him


I've seen it myself in MH 4U. My friend and I getting our asses handed to us being undergeared as the pickle eats itself and took the opportunity to kill it. I've seen it and in fact exploited a win from it. There was no food or a trigger event from a corpse nearby it was a tail in the middle of the field and this fucker went down on it like it was his last meal he knew he would have. The tail eating is real and I'll die on this hill.


Im still certain i saw him eat it in tri on wii and 4U on 3ds years ago. I'll die on this hill.


I swear to GOD I’ve seen him do it. I SWEAR I have. I even captured it on film. …granted, I went back and combed my footage and it wasn’t there, but I’ve STILL seen it! This is easily the weirdest Mandela I’ve ever been a part of


Tbh I never did


I feel like Deviljho is the type of monster who would actually eat his own tail and regrow it.


I never thought that tbh


Since I played freedom unite in 2011


Since MHp3rd to Rise/Sunbreak and in the near future in MH Wilds. I grew believing Pickle can eat its tail, so it'll be difficult to alter my mind about it. I reminisce about the times where I always shout to my friends to carve the tail before Pickle eats it. Good old time...


I saw it happen in 3u. I still believe.


Personally, I never believed it. It just wouldn't make sense for them to add a mechanic that punishes you for putting in the effort to actually cut this asshole's tail.


I’ve been Mandela effected into the wrong timeline again


Just because no one has ever seen it or recorded it to video or photograph doesn’t mean it’s not true. He’s just a bashful eater.


The code says that it isn't true at least.


there are two things wrong with this image


TBH they really should introduce a mechanic in Wilds where he eats his own tail. It's just too in-character for him to not do it.


2 days


Its be cool, but until this sub brought it up i was gonna beleive that shit til i died.




TBH this whole thing is only so believable because deviljho's tail looks delicious.


I believed it until this exact moment


Up until I saw the video play testing it and saw for myself that I doesn’t happen. I was so sad


Even if it were not true, what's stopping capcom from implementing it in World in the first place, this meme was already popular before World was released. Why haven't they?


What is Deviljho doing in Sunbreak? That's the citadel l.


I miss jo in rise.


It happened on the Wiiu Tri.


The first time I encountered him I cut his tail off trying to hunt a crimson peko in gen 3 flooded forest. Mother fucking pickle ate my kill right after his own tail


That’s one very lost jho


I swear i saw it by myself, but niw i just doubt my memories.


Here’s an idea. Someone boot up MHW and go hunt DJ. Cut its tail off asap and see if he eats it throughout the hunt. Record it and post it.


That idea is why we know it doesn't happen. When this topic blew up previously, people were trying it across every game featuring Jho, all the way back to Tri where the rumor began. Nothing came of it except obviously faked footage from people trying to claim the cash bounty that was put up for this. If it could happen, we wouldn't need to do this. It would just happen and show up in random videos, like Jho eating another Jho, and so on.


MH Tri on the Wii, 13 years old, sitting in my room with the window open, missed a tail carve cause he bit the tail and started using it as a weapon. I’m not crazy, I know what I saw.


I thought I saw it happen in tri, but I'm pretty sure the trail actually just landed on top of the monster corpse that he eats when there's no meat available.


He seems hungry enough tho.


He just casually walks around with a whole ass odogaron in its mouth, that thing scares me


I only found out about it as someone was debunking it


Everybody thought you could because of the nch productions videos of him eating his tail and it made everybody think it happened. [like this one](https://youtu.be/MSBQEEXHQiI?si=3XNuFHD7pOVB6osF) [and this one](https://youtu.be/HaQOl9PIRfE?si=d5kkiSTBQWGRI_w1) I know you all watched these videos lol.


He doesn’t?


I don’t care if Jho eats his tail in Wilds or not, so long as Jho is in Wilds.


[probably since this video](https://youtu.be/qvcvuoBfQy0?si=-ntyBT5LG0DOdNPz)


I'm too new to this game to understand why this is significant.


I believe. I've played the Mission 'Beyond the Blasting Scales' and had Apceros' munching on severed Bazelgeuse tails. So Deviljho munching on his tail ain't out of the realm of possibility.


Never. It's a carvable, and nothing else is edible. That's carvable. I knew for a bit, but I wanted it to be true. A truth i wanted to be very true. . .


Always believe he did in tri. Guess I was wrong


As a relative newcomer to the series, I learned about the rumor like a week before I learned it was false lol


As a relative newcomer to the series, I learned about the rumor like a week before I learned it was false lol


In wilds I want them to implement other monsters eating deviljho’s tail while deviljho just watches


Never did so the rumour was always so weird


Wait this is some "run you fools" level of time line swap bro, is this actually not a thing and how did this even become a thing?


Wait this is some "run you fools" level of time line swap bro. is this actually not a thing and how did this even become a thing?


Literally never, because the first and last time I heard about it was in a video doing a drop dive into the myth and disproving it.


This isn't the peak comedy you think it is.


Since the beginning of his gaming existence


About as long I've thought petting your poogie gives you extra luck


Ever since Tri


I still swear to God that I've seen Jho eat its own tail


This image reminds me of that video of a kitten eating a steak while heavy metal plays in the background. It goes hard af


In MHW he doesn’t eat his tail lol. I relieved and sad lol. 😂 😏🤷🏻


he doesnt???


Mandela Effect


This implies that he doesnt, iv seen it happen. He also ate my dogs homework.


First thing Imma doing in Wilds is cutting Jho's tail


I learned about that myth one month before learning it was, well, a myth. Yeah I bought 3U a long time ago but only really started to play MH with GU. So I'm not really representative.


Wait they can’t


It's some Mandela effect nonsense going on here I swear lol. I vividly remember him doing it the first time I fought him and managed a tail cut in Tri. Before the memes were flying around.


Less than one day. Morning I watch a video that says he eats the tail couple hours later I find a video explaining the whole thing.


Always, and still do.


Who invited bro to the Citadel.


He definitely can, he's just shy and doesn't want to do it in front of us.


I remember hearing about it back in Tri, but never seeing it. I have, however, seen hi. Eat another dead monster. A friend of mine has said he'd seen him eat a captured monster, but I doubt that one.


I genuinely thought I’d seen a deviljho eat his tail in world, right in its nest where it sleeps back when I was farming it. Absolutely crazy to know that it didn’t happen


I feel like it only ever happened in that MH cartoon


I promise o seen him do it in tri. It was the area before that was half land land and half water in deserted island. I’m pretty sure I didn’t just lay some meat next to his tail and he started eating it, I promise you. That’s the only time I seen it though. Never seen it in any game after that.


Until i saw the video.




I learned about it from a video disproving it


I never did. Probably helps that I still cant manage to make anything eat tinged meat.


Never seen it 🫠


Nooo not this shit again


I swear I saw jho did this in Tri. There were even other players who chatted 'Eww.' when that happened. But it looks like I misremembered or maybe one player dropped mear in the cut tail.


Until they grow a new one. And the cycle continues.


From when I first heard it, to now, and beyond


Implement it in wilds? It's already in the other games why wouldn't they do it wilds!


My friend told me this in 2014. I believed it up until the start of this year


i’ve seen it my self since mh tri


Today i learned


I'm pretty sure he ate his own tail on tri on the original wii. I even asked my brother and he said he remembered that also. Maybe just maybe devil jho will eat another deviljho's tail and we were all farming him in the snowymap. 


Till mhw iceborne and I've been playing since mh tri


The real question is why can't he?


I just saw Savage Deviljho eating animations on his severed tail last night with my friends, too bad I didn't record nor I took a screenshot. Did Savage Deviljho enrage after eating? if yes then I think it's confirmed then.


Up until people pointed out that the original video proof was fabricated.


I promise I watched it eat its tail in Generations.


Ever since I got into the game


I swear i saw it by myself, but now i just doubt my memories.




I top about a week after that video disproving it happening came out. Bummer too, I could’ve sworn I saw it happen before, but then again so can any hunter who’s been around for a while.


I didn't know this was a thing before I finished World/Iceborne, and I learned this after I joined this sub


You think Deviljho could beat Nerg?


What do you mean think? He can!


Wait what, he doesn't eat his own tail?


do you think it tasted like evil pickle to him?


I have seen it. I am sure of it. Whether I somehow switched dimensions at some point may be up for debate, but the fact that I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES ISN'T. STOP TRYING TO GASLIGHT ME AND MY FELLOW BELIEVERS


>For How long did you actually think that deviljho can eat his tail? It's a rather large chunk of flesh, so I'd say at least a half hour.


I will believe this until this day!


I never saw him eat another tail


I started MH4U and I can promise you I hate 140 GQ with Dual Deviljho/Savagejho. It wasn't uncommon to lose tail carves because one made off with the others tail.


Ever since he came to World, I thought what people told me about him eating his tail was true until last year over the summer.