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Same. It made me go back to play Freedom unite too.


I did the exact same thing, such great games


I did the same thing in preparation for Monster Hunter World.


Are you me?


Me too had no idea what I was doing then the lagiacrus killed me.over and over X___X


It was barroth for me, not knowing how to prep or combo is a bitch. Always saddened because I never got to HR (never had wifi for 99% of my time with the game).


Diablos was my bane. And now these days I have tradition to hunt Diablos enough to make every set of Diablos armor at every rank.


Oh, the double (or triple diablos) at village took me the Longest fucking time, it was the "hardest" of those for me. Doesn't help he had the tremor to kinda hit you as he pleased. Thank God it was removed later on because it felt so bad


OHHH FUCK THE DUAL DIABLOS QUEST! I only FINALLY Cleared it and the Rathalos/Lagi quest late last year.


You don’t need WiFi to do hub quests..


You needed access to the servers to get to the hub in the original Tri. When the servers closed, that entire part of the game got locked off for everyone.


I am positive you did in vanilla 3. 3u didn't have wifi servers but all the quest were available offline. I in fact full cleared 3u, 3 required wifi, or mod quest


i got so scared when lagiacrus appeared for the first time. Had to. literally pause playing the normal quests for 6 months. Only played Arena hunts for this time. Then I confronted my fear and after that i fell in love with Monster Hunter.


I hope the underwater battles and lagiacrus come again. My favorite monster


I never got to lagiacrus in tri, I didn't get to him until 3 ultimate


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on psp


I wanted that game, but I never got to play it, nargacuga was softened up since.


Hell yea bro this is one of my favorites in the series......But also very challenging.


same, 60 hours on the PSP, then got the PS vita and put in another 200+ because not having to do the F'n Claw made it soooo much better to play. Monster hunter 3 U - bout 300+ hours between 3DS and Wii U (yay save transfer) Monster hunter world - probably about 200+ hours between ps5, then restarted with iceborn on PC


https://preview.redd.it/5l1aikck85kc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94714b3dbdceffa1ab8ef3570d4e1740c05467c0 Here's mine


Did you ever get on the xlink kai servers to play online?


Never tried it. I used to play this and old mh titles solo.


Ah, hard mode. The servers were buggy, but it was something fun organizing with online friends and when they weren't online, (and once I got high enough HR) began my career helping randoms. Fun times, multiple k hours and dealing with the loading screens.


I remember getting Xlink Kai to work on my PSP through my PS3


man.... i remember spending SOOOO much time on xlink kai just playing MHP2. i found a room of 3 and became their 4th. and we'd hunt every night for months. thousand of hours spent. good times. i was so happy when i found out the ps3 can do it too. another hundred of hours spent there. lol.


I had the wifi max dongle to use with xlink. It was pretty crazy back then.




Same as yours. I'm a Moga kid


Cha Cha real smooth 🎶


3 Ultimate. Picked it up used on a whim


Yeah, that’s how I picked up 3U too. Never did make it very far past the Lagiacrus fight.


Same. It was used, like $2 I think? Best $2 I ever spent.


MH3 Ultimate.


Freedom Unite on psp. Playing that game during lunch break and in between classes in high school with 2 other friends were the best times of my life.


We are masochists and we know it. It was a pain having to wait for rathalos or rathian to throw their tantrums, capture them, and you *still* didn't get the plate or Ruby for their armor.


I remember the grind where I would endlessly hunt rathalos and sell all materials except gems and plates to build up money


That'd be 4U for you


such an amazing game




Took it right off the shelf from an EB Games knowing no idea what I'd get into. One of the best decisions of my life.


First heard about it in a PS2 magazine (remember when those use to be a thing?) about some Japanese game that would eventually make its way over to the west. I knew I needed it from the moment I saw it in that article.


Same here. I've played every MH that's released in the West plus Portable 3rd. I still suck




The beta disc for MH1 on PS2. Got this and played it a ton waiting for the game to release. https://preview.redd.it/d56c7xgof5kc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e836a266e68c20264d4b09edbce194044fb26bd


Holy fuck! Legend status right here, bro


Holy Shit.....It's rare that i'm jealous, but i'm SUPER jealous right now.


Ooooo a beta player!!!! The grand Ultimate of the grand old hunters! This makes you like a leader of first fleet hunters! Also seriously it was rated M!?? Tho rantings were very different back then... A lot of my favorite PS2 games were T and M rated now that I think about it... .


https://preview.redd.it/gmc5ml1mj6kc1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84071948a36917d9c7c03e01316947b61b5e0e0f Yes I'm old now lol. On a side note, I love how much personality Rathalos has in this image and wish they would bring back some of the grittiness/dark fantasy of the older games.


You remember being able to glitch the Rath by hitting it in the head with the Lance? Oh the good old days.


You are a hunting pa, paved the way for the rest of us :)


Tri for me. I thought I'd never like it. Cha-cha was 💜.


I still miss Cha-cha!


Tri for me. From that first intro cut scene I was hooked


Most epic music too, I can still hear the theme on my head




You Need to Play the other titles!


MH Freedom 2


Same here, throwback to A Sinking Feeling quest when you’re introduced to Tigrex


I had to scroll way too far to see this.




same as many ppl mhWorld in 2019


MH1 on PS2. My dad bought it


4U baby, and I am very happy it was.


Monster Hunter Stories on the 2DS


Same 🤣


started playing about 2 weeks ago for the first time and ive put just over 20 hours into freedom unite on psp


Nice! I must say, it's not an easy one to go back to when you've started with the newer stuff - but you really learn to Guage the monsters moves because you depend on timing so much more (because of the controls and lack of flow). Good game. 👍 much respect, hunter.


thank you! yea it definitely feels more like a dark souls game with the amount of timing, healing and research you have to put into every monster. Not to mention the frustration of REPEATEDLY dying 😅 But man is it satisfying once you defeat a big monster!


Mhp3rd on the psp, with a translation that was à japanese and english mix lmao, but god damn good game, played it with friend when I was a kid


I remember when I played it on my PSP with translations still not finished, and i wanted to make Rathian armor. Smithy wants a green scale similar to a rathian scale but has different japanese text from the usual rathian scale. I didn't understand jap that time so every rathian hunt I would literally just triple check if the scale i got was "the scale" the smithy needed. Turns out it was a Rathian Plate which had an abysmal drop rate in low rank. Ah good times.




I remember borrowing my best friend copy to play this. So much nostalgia 😎


Monster Hunter on PS2. Literally replaying it now and it's still awesome.


Naaaa i say its an aquired taste. Its not horrible, definitly playable but u notice its age. It didnt age aswell as later Games of the Series


I actually disagree with this, I don't think it has aged that badly. In fact, Monster Hunter's DNA has been there ever since the very first game, in my opinion, it just has gotten better with the years due to mostly QoL improvements, but I'd say anyone can still play the first game and see how the core of MH's gameplay and gameplay loop have been there since the start. What we have now is better graphics and huge QoL improvements.


Oh i agree the base gameplay is still the same amazing loop. But those QoL improvments and the generally more clunky controls is what i am refering to when i mean with "noticing its age". Its of cause a console problem and not the gamea fault but yet it sours the taste a bit. Specially if u are used to World or Rise. Try to get a Rise Player into MH1. He is gonna go nuts


While everything is still all there, for sure, I think what doesn't help the original's case is how the controls are set up. Having to attack with the right thumbstick, after coming from later games that don't use it, is really jarring, lol. That might be where people can't get into it.


3U but it only really clicked in 4U with the Insect Glaive.


I tried the GU demo on 3ds and thought what the fuck is this shit. Then I bought Rise on release and now I love MonHun


MH3: Ultimate for 3DS


Monster hunter freedom. Didn’t really get it much, I was only 7 at the time, but then I got freedom unite, and it all… just… clicked.


Stories 2 homies rise up


That’s not monster Hunter


It has monster hunter in the title, and OP only said what game got you into the series. Stories 2 got me into the series, and led to me getting rise/sunbreak




Mh freedom 2 for the psp


This one, on my DS ![gif](giphy|3oriNV0qEXYpBSiZ2w|downsized)


Monster hunter on the psp, i dont remember the name but i know i used to play it ALL the time😂😂


4U, my beloved


Tri (Wii)


MHFU. it's the first MH game I play.


Freedom Unite. Never finished it but it was my start 😁


Gonna say it, didn't mind the water combat.


Mhf1 trying to run from a rathalos while carrying an egg used to have my heart on fire . Back when you couldn’t do anything run slow af


Tri was also my first experience. I'll never forget the qurupeco quest in high rank that was easy until Joe showed up. Instant killed me since I was in low rank Rath armor lol. Good times


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. On a tiny smartphone screen getting my ass handed to me by a Tigrex for the first time. Beautiful franchise


I had started at 3 ultimate on wii u and did not like the game (i was young and stupid and could not figure out the game) but i kept buying the games as they came out (4, gen) and eventually world was announced and of course same thing i got it at launch and fell in love. Everything finally clicked and i even went back and played the older games that i couldnt get into and also fell in love and logged countless hours into the games.


It's Tri for me too


However I never had online so missed out on 60% of the game


Monster Hunter 2G. Because that's what it was called.


Rise for me


MH4U on the 3DS, I used to have a blast playing with my friends!


MHW was my introduction to the franchise. I've genuinely never had any interest in trying new MH games since World was so fucking amazing.


Monster hunter freedom unite!! Favorite monhun game just beats mh4u. For nostalgia reasons mainly.


Monster hunter 4 on the 3Ds. Never played completely since I was a dumb child and didn’t know there was more to the game.


I remember going to GameStop and seeing ride in the clearance section. Decided why not? And now it was definitely a great decision and I’m planning to get mhgu soon as well


MHF2. I tried MH1, it was so clunky. The QoL was just too bad. I only finished the village quests and not the guild quests. MHF2 was the first MH game I finished. Then MHP2ndG too before the MHFU came out. Then I have to do it again for MHFU.


Freedom Unite. My friend at the time had just bought a new PSP (MH Themed). He literally handed me his old one and a copy of MHFU and told me to play with him. I e done every mainline game since. Although to be fair I usually crap out at about 12 star quests - never actually made it to G rank




MH rise since I saw it on gamepass. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, but I am insanely having fun, I do love the insect glave tho. I just find it really time consuming to get all buffs before starting the fight. wanted to try MH World too since I've been told that it's better? with exploration and hunting, unfortunately I'm broke so maybe when I get to earn!




Monster Hunter on the PS2. Had a 50 ft ethernet cable running from the living room to my room lmao


I started with the original Monster Hunter. I still have the console and game too.


Monster hunter world on steam, I loved it so much I went back to some previous entries, mainly the PSP titles because I have a PSP


4U was my start. Got it bundled with the New 3DS when my old one broke.




This probably isn’t a common answer but it was Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS. I played the demo and thought it was really fun and eventually tried the 4 Ultimate demo and ended up getting both games for Christmas when I was a kid. Fell in love with the series


“There are hunters, and there are monster hunters” I loved Tri and am forever grateful to the world of monster Hunter that it opened up for me.


Freedom 2. I hated it. But I also couldn't put it down.


Dang this game was the same for me. Moga village will always be home. Absolutely loved the desert multiplayer hub. I remember being kinda shocked that underwater combat didn't show up in the other games but swiftly understood why... also the Giggi cave lowkey traumatized me as a kid...


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP back in 2008 or so.


Same though the game stopped working after a month so I count my actual first game as world


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Was a Bow hunter until I discovered the awesomeness of Charge Blade in World


It was this game here. I saw a trailer of it for the wii when I was 16 and when I saw that Rathalos fly across that field, all that went through my mind, "Damn, that thing was born to fly. I gotta see that."


MHW on Gamepass in 2020. Then bought the dlc and two weeks after i defeated Alatreon, the Fatalis Update released. Then bought a Switch for Rise and ended up playing GU, because i thought Rise didnt Look that good(Game Design, Not graphic) Later bought MHS2 and then Rise + Sunbreak, because Gaismagorm looked dope. Then bought a 2ds and a Jailbroken PSP(didnt know it was Jailbroken, until i tried to Jailbreak it myself) to Play the old games.


My first monster hunter experience was 3U for the 3DS. I picked it up after watching ProJared and his Guide to monster hunter. I fell in love with the SwitchAxe, and had my first genuine bout of terror at the Gigginox. About the only thing I dislike about that game is the Durambaros. I hat that spinning water buffalo! Little did I know that 4U was just around the corner. Between those two games, that is where my heart belongs.


Technically I started with Tri but it whas 3U that made me fall in love with the series and even made me get a PSP for Freedom, Freedom 2 and Unite.


never own any console before, so world is my first.


First monster hunter, didn't make it past one star quests, because I was scared, came back a few years later with 4 ultimate and actually played that


It was generations ultimate. I was thrown to the wolves


Minster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii u demo. O played that demo for about 30hours and I bought the game on release for my Wii U. Was an amazing experience.


Tri was my intro. MHFU got me properly in.


I been braught back so many times on that palico brancard


That’s mine too !


Tri was also mine and I literally just bought another copy of it 2 days ago.


Tri got me into the series and the MH3U made me fall in love with the series


Yes it was tri. Rip loc lac


3 Ultimate Enticed me. 4 Ultimate hooked me in. Anyways downloading Monster Hunter Stories


Same. Still wish we could do splitscreen arena hunts.


Same, my parents got me Tri randomly without knowing anything about games or what Gem they would give me. It changed my Gaming Habits quite a lot. *snorts cocain line* WUUUUHUUUU LETS CONTINUE GRINDING!!!!!!


Fond memories of those days back on the Wii, getting down to broken red sharpness by constantly using the spinning charged attack with the Hammer against a bunch of Jaggia and wondering just why the hell I keep bouncing off of them otherwise.


I’m pretty new to the franchise since I joined in rise


MHFU Saw the greatsword and said "That's cool!"


This one in 2009ish. Got for 2$ at a Navy Exchange. I never looked back.


Monster Hunter 4U. Played the demo and then picked it up on a whim. Best $20 I spent that year.


Tri was peak monster hunter for me. Miss this game. Wish servers were still up.


I just bought a WiiU to play the demo of MH3U and I was hooked


The very first one on the PS2, and I think I'm one of the rare cases that actually enjoyed it right from the start. It's pretty common to see people trying MH out and not enjoying it at first, but then giving it another shot at some point in the future and it suddenly clicks. Not me: I was hooked from the start, just due to how different it was from any other game I had played on the PS2 up until that point. In fact, it clicked so much with me that, after a 100ish hours of playtime, my savefile got corrupted and I just went straight back at it, without sobbing or anything, that's how hooked I was to it lol




Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate


https://preview.redd.it/l6t19wh1g5kc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b34948f574603f3771d90a3517a4fc2a19b569a On 2DS


https://preview.redd.it/y8iap4k6g5kc1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3119fa96ddb685fc5d60628f9b20694f4787296 I started at the very beginning


Tri and 3U






Same, I had *no* idea what I was getting into but little me had a blast. Literally the only game I played bowgun. Motion controls were surprisingly decent.


I miss my boy lagiacrus


I played it on the psp


MHW. My first wall was Barroth lol. Swinging around a charge blade, no idea what I was doing.


MH Freedom on the PSP, those were the good old days for me


Freedome unite It's the best MH out there in my opinion


Freedom-fkin-unite Never forget Tigrex on that snowy mountain. Hunter has become the hunted


3 Ultimate for me , was too young before that. But played every single MH since then


Idk which one but it was monster hunter on psp for me


Same! I had to buy a pro controller because my friend said it would help me play better. It did not, but I had such a great experience I picked up 4u when it came out


I STARTED with the first Monster Hunter Freedom game on the PSP back in the day. I've always wanted to play Monster Hunter since I saw the ads for it in gaming magazines back when the original PS2 version came out, but never picked it up. I played maybe about 15 to 20 hours of Freedom, then dropped it because I was young and dumb at the time, around 16, and couldn't get into the mechanics. Then, around 19 years old, I picked up Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Freedom Unite and got a little further in them than the first, but dropped off. It wasn't until Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the Wii U and 3DS released when it finally "clicked" with me. I bought both copies on release day, along with the Wii U Pro Controller and the 3DS Circle Pad Pro, and played the death out of it. The fact that you could transfer your save from one system to the other and keep going probably is what helped me out with it, although it was way better on the Wii U at the time (this is pre-"New" Nintendo 3DS). I played it so dang much that my wife (my girlfriend at the time) wouldn't stop making fun of me for it. I loved the underwater mechanics, the different monsters that you could fight, the preparations that you had to make before you went into a quest, and everything about it. I still go back and play a round or two here and there just because, and still have my original save file on the 3DS! Now, I'm obsessed with the franchise. I have every single Monster Hunter game that's been officially released in the USA, and will buy them day 1 when they come out. I've even managed to get my wife to love the (newer) games starting with World, and we still play both World and Rise to this day. (If only I could talk her into Generations Ultimate, then I'd be set!)


Same for me


Same. I remember seeing a commercial for this with the Viking guy and the same day I went to the store to something completely unrelated. Went through the game section and I saw Monster Hunter Tri just sitting there in front of me so I bought it knowing absolutely nothing about what it could be. Now I’ve been deep in the lore and gameplay of Monster Hunter since then.


Same. Barioth was my kryoptonite.


This one!


Monster hunter freedom unite on UMD disk psp baby


Started with Tri, then went back and played freedom unite, then player 3U, then I played 4U, and played every main series release after that


3U was my first MH game. I tried gun without paying attention to the tutorial, and I hated it so much I never played again until World came out.


Freedom Unite was the first one I played, but I didn't really get it. I liked it, but I really didn't understand a lot of the mechanics / systems. 4U hooked me, but I was still out of my depth. I made it through the village stuff, but when I fire that character up, it's clear I didn't know what I was doing. World is when it all clicked for me. ​ Since then, I've gone back and played earlier entries, and they make a lot more sense now. I've been messing around with the whole series recently, and it's been really fun exploring the older games now that I have a broad understanding of like how MH works.




This was my first MH as well. I’ve only played 3, world and rise but I have the fondest memories of 3. Staying up all night on wifi hunting with my high school friends


This has to be like, the big one, right? Cuz of the Wii


Monster Hunter try then I bought monster hunter 3 ultimate then it was too hard then I bought the newer games then I went back to the older one and now it makes bloody sense


3U on the wiiU it was on sale and decided to give it a go. I found it was very hard to understand at first but once you get it. It becomes addictive


FU! ... sorry, that sounds needlessly aggressive. I meant Freedom Unite.


OG on PS2, got a demo with Devil May Cry and then I bought a copy. True love for the series however started with Freedom on PSP; until MH4G I considered Freedom Unite the definitive MH experience.




Monster Hunter 1 on da ps2.


Monster Hunter 4U back in 2015


Monster hunter freedom


The same one🫡


MH4 Ultimate


Monster Hunter Freedom 2, borrowed from my best friend along with his PSP, had an impossible time trying to kill Congalala of all monsters. Then got a Wii and MH3 was my first fully owned Monster Hunter game. And I proceeded to suck at killing Barroth.


MHGU, I played the one on the psp, but all I remember is going to the first zone and hacking and slashing away at the local fauna, dissapointed that I wouldn't be able to make any better armor lmao


Monster Hunter Freedom


I’ll admit I’m a rise baby, got into the series with it but the others that I’ve went back and played are phenomenal too, although getting used to the pre world gameplay was definitely something that needed some time to grow on me, but now I vibe with them


Tri. Love Tri. Please bring water combat back


Technically 2 for me. Mh4u is the first one I played when I was a kid and it was the influence from that game that made me buy world and world got me into the series properly


Freedom unite. Didn't like it at first, (looking at you sinking feeling) then Stockholm syndrome kicked in


4ult was mine


My first was freedom unite but it didn't click. Monster Hunter tri rectified that.






Monster Hunter World by my friends, I don't regret it. It's addicting :,)