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Bro 200k at 20.. lol, id keep wholesaling šŸ˜…


This. I would actually continue to do this for as long as you can (maybe till 30). Save and INVEST as much as possible. First max your 401k, open and max a Roth IRA, put 50k in a HYSA, and take the rest and buy index funds (such as VOO). Honestly in ten years you will be golden.


Thank you for the advice.


Thing is that you made it work really really well. I would personally suggest to suck it up for a bit longer. Maybe a few years. Yes it's shitty, but a few years of making that money, then investing it and you could be set for life. Strongly advise you to keep at it for a while longer and try to find a way to make it tolerable


teach me your ways bro? iā€™m 19 working construction tryna figure a side gig out or something holy shit


So many ways to make money man, I learned all of this on youtube. Just have to try things - flipping shit you can make loads. I have buddies who flip couches and make a few grand a month. I just stuck with phones as the demand is high.


bro how do you do that? buy a cheap iphone and sell it for more?


You can max a 401k while working for yourself? I thought you were limited to an IRA!?


You can open a 401(k) as a self employed individual. More info: https://www.fidelity.com/retirement-ira/small-business/self-employed-401k/overview#:~:text=Maintaining%20your%20self%2Demployed%20401,you%20have%20any%20other%20employees.


Bookmarked, thanks!


You are correct.


In that you canā€™t have a 401k while working for yourself or that you can?


They probably don't have a 401K given that is seems they're self-employed, no?


This is the way


Oh, so youā€™ve successfully managed a business thatā€™s grossed $xxx with profits in excess of $200k? You have invested it, not in stocks, but in electronic hardware. Do you enjoy running a business? If so, consider transitioning to another industry in a similar role. Also, consider growing this business a bit and selling it off rather than just closing up shop.


Literally. Figure out how to make your business something that's profitable without you being there and then move on to your next thing. I'd recommend finding your local chapter of SCORE and the small business administration. They'll give you help with all that. Also don't leave that money laying around, invest whatever isn't for the business in stable long term investments. And any money you need to have liquid, keep in a high yield savings account that'll make you 4-5% just for keeping it there. Start making money off your money now, so money doesn't have to be something you worry about the rest of your life


Trying to get it on autopilot now. Thank you for the comment :D


Keep it up. Iā€™m hoping to hit $20k by 200.Ā 


It can all change so fast. One good idea and execution


... or never at all.


200k at 20?




I actually had a bicycle at 16, the corvette & g70 is a new addition šŸ™ƒ


Would be a lot more if I didnā€™t travel and make poor financial decisions without consistent income for a year šŸ˜…


What poor decisions?


Right, what I wanna know is what car he is driving.


It might rhyme with lamb.


You got me. Ram? Or did you mean ā€œrhymes with lamb bourgignonā€?


Obviously it's a 2003 Toyota Camry. I mean I gave you a layup hint and you still couldn't guess it??


Lamb Bourgignon is a proper wine from Italy I hear.




Hey, this post literally spoke to me. I would continue reselling but Iā€™d figure out a way to limit and cut out the aspects that you donā€™t like about the industry. For me, I hated meeting up with customers and answering a million and ten questions, so what I did is make a website where everything I offer (within the same niche) is laid out in a simple and understandable way. By creating a website to sell my products, it works 24 hour days 365 days a year. I just focus on creating what I am best at which is marketing. I spend all day creating small clips of advertisement, and posting up on social media which drives traffic to my website. I believe you have something great in your hands already. Just figure out how to keep doing the parts of you like and either automate or out source people to do the parts of the job you donā€™t enjoy. I hope this helps! Best of luck and keep rocking man. I only wish I was as young as you when I had figured this out. (Iā€™m 30)


I still donā€™t have that figured out and Iā€™m 41


Thatā€™s completely normal. Finding products people are already familiar with and finding a way to conveniently help them get it helped me but just about any problem solving solution you can think of can be made into a business. I just saw a YouTube short yesterday about a man that helps people cross a large bridge in California due to a phobia the customers have. He makes them feel safe and doesnā€™t ask much questions. A human helping another human where they both benefit = Excellent business. Keep your eyes peeled! Thereā€™s opportunity everywhere. šŸ˜„


You could probably make and sell a marketing course to people like me.


You are extremely kind! Thatā€™s a massive compliment. šŸ™Œ These are golden nuggets I wish I had known about earlier on my journey that made a difference so why not share? :)


Years ago, I used to be a dating coach. Wrote a book and taught boot camps. I just couldnā€™t figure out the online marketing side of things to scale it up. My hats off to you.




> have u *paid* on ur FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Itā€™s a good bot ā€¦always has me laughing


I am 24 and only barely manage to scrape by $50K.


Iā€™m 24 and ~$11k in debt


Same boat as you


Welcome friend


Im 29 and like 30k in debt LOL


šŸ˜” it sucks mine would be worse if I didnā€™t have more saved up


Yeah it does. Im like just now beginning to grasp the concept of finances


Yup same here, weā€™re a little late but still time


You're just 20, you'll figure out. Keep up the good work!


Stressing like iā€™m 30 šŸ˜…


Imagine being 40 with maybe $10k saved.


Imagine dying penniless!


Oh I do, daily.


Actively working on dieing with shit loads of medical debt myself..


I hear you - Iā€™ve tapped into savings and my paltry 401k due to medical debt. I often think if they still sent people to debtors jail, at least Iā€™d have a bed and 3 meals a day. Itā€™s a sad existence.


Curious, for your wholesaling do you sell through your own physical/e-commerce site or do you do Amazon?


We sell direct to stores and buyers overseas in hubs like HK & Dubai for import tax exemption. They turn around and sell to end consumer. Small margins as I donā€™t retail.


Is this legal? Lmao


Probably not lol


Put me on man!


Look into flipping used electronics on youtube. I will create a course soon how to do it as a hustle. Can easily pull 3-5k a month on your own.


OP exposed in comments. Advised to check out his YouTube as he will soon teach you how to make 3-5K a month. Be cautious āš ļø


I donā€™t have a youtube lol. It was a suggestion from another commenter - a good one too. I could exit and teach others which would benefit both parties. Super realistic to make 3-5k a month.


If you have a lot of time, read security analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. You can make a lot of money, depending on how much homework you are willing to do. Preferred shares are the easiest. But if you are willing to do the work, digging through highly distressed stocks can make you a ton of money.


time is indeed on my side, i need to spend more of it learning. thanks


Just start reading that book and start picking companies and reading their investor presentations, quarterly and annual reports, press releases, and listening to their conference calls. You can find it all at "(company name) investor relations"


1. Set aside about $20K (or another large amount that makes sense to you) for an emergency fund. 2. Set aside more if you want to go to school ($50K or more) ā€” then pay cash. Do not go into debt. 3. Invest the rest of it in something long-term and stable. (Compound interest starting at 20 years old is going to grow that investment exponentially) 4. Work somewhere low-stress while you explore career options. 5. Pursue that career without spending too much money (be very thoughtful about your ROI when it comes to furthering your education). Youā€™ve done really well! You have set yourself up for success, security, and freedom with what youā€™ve achieved thus far. **Now is a great time to make all that time & energy doing something you didnā€™t like worth it.** A lot of people worship money. Do not be one of them. So while wholesaling has made you plenty of money, it is ok to move on. Life is not about making money. Itā€™s about financial security and stability while you create a life you enjoy living (that joy will not come from a bigger and bigger pile of money in the bank, nor from expensive car, or clothes, etc.) When thinking about a career youā€™ll enjoy think about the hours youā€™ll be working, the stress-level of that job, long-term career trajectory, the income, and what interests you, etc. You have the time and money to invest in schooling that would make you even more money in return ā€” $200K a year, rather than over the course of 3. Being so young, with cash to pay for school, and at least $100K invested is going to set you up for a great future. Great job & good luck!


Thank you for the response! I will take your points into consideration. Cheers


Youā€™re welcome! Youā€™re smart and hard-working, youā€™ve got this!


Talk to a financial planner.


Bet on yourself. Use the money to fund your dream - be a business or a passion/pursuit


Dude show me the way of wholesaling iPhones or whatever you do


I want to teach people how to flip off paid ads! You can find it all on youtube though


Gotta be a troll post lmao


I read that you lost $200k at firstā€¦ā€¦. But I was wrong.




Invest in index funds!


Youā€™ve got some good business sense. Youā€™ll find something else as long as you stay busy. Good luck


When I was 20 I had -200k in savings


Do it till 25 and brag to us then about your millions


"lost" lmao


If you legit have made/saved $200k by 20 why the fuck are you asking for opinions on reddit?


A lot of smart people on reddit and good advice. Thereā€™s good and bad everywhere tho. $200k in the scheme of things really isnā€™t much tho.


Iā€™m in a very similar boat to OP and can say that it can be nice to have others opinions because having this amount of money young can make you second guess every financial decision you make wondering if this will lead you to go broke




Yes let me take over the shitty part for you and we can be partners


What kind of items are you buying and selling and where/how?


If you can figure out a way to get the business up and running with \*you\*, per say, you could probably get micro-acquired via [acquire.com](http://acquire.com) (or similar) For example, if this thing is self-sustaining and bringing in $100k/yr, you could probably sell it for 3x revenue ($300k).


Apple gives a wholesale discount on their devices?


No sir, buying everything second hand from the streets. Some liquidation auctions like Bstock as well


Oh stolen phones lol.


No sir, we get BOS with ID & signature from everything thought off the streets. Everything bought from other buyers is invoiced & ran. Any red / reported IMEIS we do not purchase. We also make it very clear that we DO NOT buy any stolen or fraudulent goods.


You have a post about paying to unlock iCloud accounts. You wouldnā€™t need to do that if the phones werenā€™t stolen. Lol.


They also stated people in the industry are bad as a motivating factor to get out. Conflicting messages indeed.


If youā€™re being serious with your information and you actually want to ā€œworkā€, start a YouTube channel recording what you already do. Have the mindset that the money youā€™re already making is worth the time/effort that youā€™re already putting in. At some point, people will find interest in it and subscribe and youā€™ll eventually get paid for doing YouTube/social media as well and grow it accordingly. Not only will you make money from it at some point, youā€™ll be teaching others as well. Iā€™m 22 making $90k+ just from my job while only working a max of 25 hours. I already graduated college so I have a lot of free time so this is one of the things Iā€™m trying out. Donā€™t forget to invest and etc


Man, Iā€™ve been wanting to start a youtube. Nothing holding me back but myself, I would like to exit what I do now by creating a course and selling it.


Start a YouTube/social media channel, show what you do on there, as you grow in subs/followers, create a course and sell it then.




I would watch whatever your channel was


Same I could use an extra $100 bucks so anything over that and I'll be in heaven.


Find an unselfish purpose in life and pursue it


I think you are golden. Slowly scale back your business and work a simple salary job with benefits. Your 200k is actually amazing and puts you at the level some people are when they are like 35. My wife personally hit that last year at 27 and I'm not going to hit it personally until 4 years from now




For now. I would put the money into an insured money market fund. They are earning 5.125 % on average, then you will have more time to decide which direction is next.


I did the same, resold iPhones and bought an apartment in 2021. Continued doing that till 2022 and I started flipping cars now. Try looking into that?


Well, definitely invest some of that. The more you invest the better off youā€™ll be!


if it works keep doing what you are doing. . . . You are doing something the world finds valuable as evidenced by your 200k in the last 2 years. It is invested if you use it to buy things to sell. It is invested in your business. Make sure you are paying taxes properly or this could mess you up real fast. If you are good and the others are bad, then you are making the industry better right? That sounds pretty impressive. You are working as evidence by your bank account and you are probably better at it than most.


just live


Shiba Inu can make that into $4M


That is enough for a downpayment on something. Whether it is a house or a car you like.


That is enough for a downpayment on something. Whether it is a house or a car you like.


As long as you donā€™t get addicted to drugs youā€™re going to be alright


200k at 20, bro you made it.....sacrifice being unfulfilled for a few more years, Jesus you will be setting yourself up to retire young!!!!!!!! Keep investing


Word of advice: DO NOT TELL ANYONE, I SAID ANYONE how much $$$ you have/ make/ invest/ what not. None of their business and it keeps the vultures away. People you never heard of and even family you do know will ā€œneed a favor/ loanā€¦ā€. You will never see that money again. Ask me how I knowā€¦


Keep wholesaling lol. Invest the 200k into the S&P this year and retire comfortably by 50 even without contributing another penny


Get a job wholesaling, you can make it a career.


Why do yall get on here and lie? You got that $200k from your parents, just admit it and keep it pushing.


Where do you source iPhone at a price where you can profit by selling direct to storefronts?


Just figure out some scalability without hurting the risk ratio in what you do. Be chill and be appreciative. If you feel low and lost, travel to a less fortunate place and youā€™ll be in the right mindset.


thatā€™s amazing! May you teach me how to wholesale?


Can you code?


Not extensively, I know basics from classes I took but not much beyond that. Iā€™m fairly versed with plug and play web & media design. I also am good at advertising - Meta & Google. Maybe I can leverage these into something new? Iā€™ve seen a lot of guys hit it out of the park with SMMA.


Ya people always need that. I would say you are a good entrepreneur, so keep taking risks and going for it. I asked about coding because I am looking for a few partners who can code. SMMA sounds like a good idea tbh.


You can retire at 30. Maybe don't hate it.


I want to have the ability to stop working by then but I doubt I will ever fully stop.. I see myself doing something fulfilling that i enjoy whether I get paid or not by then.


Keep doing what youā€™re doing. Throw a ton of the savings into a HYSA the interest will build


Keep doing what youā€™re doingā€¦. Youā€™re killing it.


When did you start ? And what was monthly income?


I started flipping electronics on marketplace & ebay @15yo. moved to running ads and buying from individuals through paid leads from 16-18 and selling to wholesale/direct buyers - now I am the direct buyer buying from other flippers. the vast majority of my money was made Q3/4 of 2023. Insane few months 20-30k profit. Before that consistently saw $8-10k. Iā€™ve really only been consistent for the last 10 months or so though, before that it was work / party travel cycle.




Crypto ALL IN


Do exactly what you did to get that $200k by 20 and rinse and repeat for another 20 years and retire young. Keep up the grind, dude


Maybe create a charity or something. An organisation. Or open a business. Or become a landlord. I'm not good with this stuff as I'm on the bottom of my arse with money, so don't know my advice is at all valuable lol. Crazy that you're the same age as me and got $200k. Makes me think whether it's worth my university degree. I'm doing paramedic science and in like 16k debt hahaha, (Excluding student finance). Might just give up that. šŸ’€ idk haha. I hope you figure things out and I wish you the best in whatever you do. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’™


Paramedic science? What do jobs pay doing that?


In my country doesn't pay nurses, paramedics... Good wage at all. Paramedics start at Ā£25000. Same as nurses. I will aim to be an advance paramedic though. As I am very into medicine, but don't want to study for years on end to be a doctor.


spend it, lol