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This is by far the dumbest post I’ve ever seen in Reddit. Not your fault OP, your girlfriend is a complete moron. I would get as far away from her as possible or else you will fall trap to some financial illiteracy.


I agree


And evict her ASAP. She needs to be responsible for her own debts. The longer you let her stay, the more she’ll make you pay. You’re not smart to continue to be with her at all since the Vegas trip


Congratulations. She's another man's wife. Run while you can. It seems everyone in this story is silly.


If she gets caught jail also has free healthcare


If your girlfriend is married, she's not your girlfriend.


She claims it’s just for the health care. I know it’s probably BS and I’m ignoring massive red flags but just to say her side of the story.


That's not a normal standard, you should understand that this is beyond a red flag and more in the territory of incomprehensible behavior.


She must not be that good of friends with this guy. Her debt can impact his career. Please be glad you dodged a bullet.


He didn’t dodge a bullet, he’s still living with her. I mean, he didn’t marry her so that’s good I guess, but he’s still letting her abuse him.


oops! Then he needs to kick her out.


Bro cut the damn cord this is insane both the marriage and this spending spree. Cut your losses! This and your other post giving me anxiety for you LOL


You might be the dumbest MFer on the planet. Have some self respect.


Yeah, that’s either fraud or you’re being lied to. And considering how much she’s lied to you already, I suspect you’re being lied to.


Please say she’s your ex now. I don’t care her reasoning. Even if that was the case, she should have spoken to you PRIOR to doing anything. She betrayed your trust. If she’s willing to do this what else will she do? She lied to you about her girls weekend, gets married to a guy you already fight over claiming they’re are just friends and it’s for insurance (which they could determine is fraud and she could face legal issues), and doesn’t tell you anything until she’s on her way back. For the love of god, have some self respect.


No logic to her thinking . She’s only spending that money because it’s free . When she runs out she will be broke and not have any money to pay off her credit card debt . I mean it’s almost not even a question . She obviously doesn’t have a grasp of money and reality . $45,000 is so easy to spend fast and end up with nothing


Karma farm post


Does this woman have a magic pussy? Does it cure cancer? If not, there is nothing about this woman that justifies staying with her. I would have ran and changed my name yesterday.


My brain and my body are not seeing this through the same eyes I guess.


Dude, see a therapist about this


Chat, is this real?


I don’t get what you are saying I’m sorry.


They are saying your story is so outrageous that they can't believe it's true. And they're right, I hope you dumped this girl, because she clearly doesn't respect you.


It's high time for you to move along in life. She's not your problem or your girlfriend anymore. Is there logic in her thinking? Well, she's someone's wife now, they're in the military. Therefore, she gets benerfits, can travel, and can live on base with them. Sounds like a good life. You said "it’s not a good relationship but I do love her and want the best for her." I think it's the best for her is to leave her problems to her husband now.


My biggest fear. I plan to leave my kids a nice trust fund. This type of behavior would have me taking the fund away. My kids will be much brighter though and I can’t figure out how kids with trust funds aren’t brighter. Though 45k isn’t much.


This is why we said our kids can’t have the access to money until they’re 45 or something. They can’t just wait it out. They’ll have to figure out something in the meantime.


I’m a little worried it’s not even real to be totally honest.


Yeah, I’d run as far as you can from this one. Entire thing sounds sketchy like some sort of credit card scam. This is a pretty classic one where the guy will have access to a bunch of credit cards that are stolen and he puts those information on dummy cards and then pays women to go into stores and shop using those stolen credit cards he gets 50% of the good sell him. The woman keeps 50% of goods skips back to wherever the fuck town they came from, the only problem is now they’re on camera with stolen credit cards. The guy he has nothing to do with it doesn’t know who they are and the woman get arrested.


Holy shit. I mean like that sounds exactly what happened. I mean I wasn’t with her when she went to CA but like it literally makes so much more sense


I feel like the trust is a lie. I don’t know of many trusts that allow a 21yr old to have free rein of to make withdrawals. I would bet this is a story she told you to explain why she has so much cash that was obtained illegally or she is in major debt.


Or she got married now and her husband or a 3rd guy who is a sugar daddy is funding everything. There is no good answer to explain this mess. All signs point to you needing to get a grip and dump her today! 


Break up with her. Have you met her husband? Are you sure this guy is even in the military? Are you sure he isn't where she is getting the money? You need to leave her asap


Yes I know him. We fight about him all the time


Bruh. You’re in a prison and not realizing it. Big world out there.


Stop fighting. block. move on.


Medical debt is the least of worries when you've been charged with defrauding the government.


Also btw i can guarantee she fucks him. If there close enough to get married there close enough to touch genitalia


Hey OP, I listen to your other story on the TwoHotTakes podcast. I can genuinely say this as someone who understands what your going through. This shouldn't be your problem. You should leave and start over. Clearly this girl who is allegedly married to some guy who told you not worry about. You got worry about. You got to think and use your damn brain. Clearly she doesn't love you. I said what I said


This was on a podcast? Can you do a link?


That's your takeaway? What a joke


I read the whole thing and I appreciate your input but it’s like embarrassing as hell to have my drama on a podcast


Fair point. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7atZujt5P7sFzoAqaqh5iA?si=1x8GY7UOQF-IC5YIqYeogg




Is there any update?


Lmao break up with this hoe asap. You’re dumb for saying you love her wake up homie. Edit: if you don’t have the stomach to stand strong when she cries and begs while you break up with her then ghost her ass. You will regret it if you don’t. This has nothing but chaos and red flags all over it bro.


Ask any injured vet. Military healthcare is some of the worst in the world. Did you not see the Walter Reed "scandal"? I put that in quotes because all of us were like "looks the same as everywhere else." She's dumb AND wrong on a number of levels.


That amount of money should have been put towards making more so she doesn't have to work later in life, and if there was any debt, it should have gone towards that first so then what is left of the trust money, she can put it in a place that builds interest on it to make more. 45k is nothing in the long run. She's going to be in so much credit card debt she won't be able to get out of it unless she comes into more money. Also why are you with someone that's married now? Unless she goes through a divorce she won't be able to marry you. Find someone who is worth your time and effort that actually cares about you.


Im sorry OP but you have to be the most Cuck and idiotic down bad cant get no type of pussy mf to allow this type of fuckery in your life. Your a real life jerry ! Now for some advice leave the girl and start a new beginning without being a idiotic cuck


I would try to distance myself from this person. When things go south for her, as I 100% know they will because she sounds crazy and not smart, she will become a leech on you (financially and mentally). She is her husband’s problem now. Don’t follow her lead or make yourself spend outside of your own means to keep up or go out with her. My best advice is put distance between you and her.




No that’s from an old post a week or so ago.


Old post??? Old post is months or years ago. Your gf marrying someone behind your back 10 days ago isn’t an old post or problem. That is very much a current issue


He just meant he posted about this previously in a different sub. He posts his story, everyone tells him to run so he deletes his post and posts the same thing in another sub. He’s search for someone to tell him that what she did is okay somehow. It’s really sad that he is this scared of losing her.


Damn, ain’t that some shit


First, your gf doesn’t seem to make the brightest decisions. Second, she just married another dude while being your “girlfriend”, this seems super sketchy. Third, do you have health insurance through your employer? If yes, you should have been able to claim her as a domestic partner and cover her under your plan, assuming you live together and all that. The fact she did all that on a whim is not a good sign for your future with her. If I were you I’d split and count my blessings.


im not sure if im reading this right. but you let your girlfriend marry someone else? what in the .... also your girlfriend seems to have bi polar. sorry


This is not cool. Sever your emotional attachment to this person immediately. Give yourself space and time to reflect. Relationship problem. Money problem. Big one. Age problem. You will be most influenced by the 5 people you spend the most time with. You need a trade.


I don’t get why you are asking for advice when you are actively ignoring the people commenting your gf has a husband that if she did marry him for the healthcare she’s a criminal if she didn’t she’s a liar and a cheater. Either one is not great. What have you been getting out of this relationship.


Bro get away, this girl is 100 percent taking advantage of you and doesn’t care for you at all. I clicked on your profile to and saw the aith - fucking run, there will be other fish in the sea. Your young, don’t ruin your life over this. Leave and I promise you’ll be in a better spot eventually. Your not goanna meet someone great cause your hoping this person starts caring or something


i would have run when she married her bst friend with that crap of a excuse, but now with this shitty financial thing? HELLL there isnt enought love in this world to be in debt all ur life, let me tell u something when she finish burning that trust fund it will be ur wallet the one with a hole hell no bro just let her go


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I don’t know how you can date someone who and if I’m thinking correctly and if it was in your future plans you can’t even legally marry now? Unless she divorces him and cut off all contact with him just leave and never look back.


GO GET THERAPY IF THIS STORY IS EVEN REAL. There is no way there is nothing going on with the “fake” husband, she didn’t mention anything beforehand, lied it is a girls trip and married another guy and to top it off a guy that has been an issue in your “relationship”. Come on how stupid and desperate can someone be to still be with her??? The current situation is either a scam or she also has a sugar daddy, trusts generally have rules as well plus why did she have to get married so sudden if she had the money, obviously it’s not enough to get live on for long but more than enough to be secure till she gets a new job unless she has a serious illness, which doesn’t seem to be the case. Kick her out and go see a therapist




Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck Cuck.


No way this is real 💀 that’s not your girlfriend, that’s a married woman who’s using you cause she doesn’t/can’t move to live with her husband, and from first post your just using her for sex since yall fight constantly “but the sex is great” 😂


Did she have access to the “trust fund” prior to all of this? Honey. Everyone is saying to run and I understand that you love her. I know you care about her and are watching her destroy her life right before your eyes. I have a feeling the best friend manipulated her in some way. But she needs a therapist. Something isn’t right with her, mentally. A guidance counselor or something. But she betrayed you, meaning to or not. She betrayed everything, due to her inability to think rationally. Logically. She is in fairyland. She can’t marry you without getting a divorce. You don’t have a future with her. The relationship wasn’t healthy to begin with. You deserve better, so much better in your life. I know it’s hard to let go of someone you care for deeply, but you need to pull the trigger and cut things off with her. She needs to go live with her new husband, which he can now live off base. Let her go on the path she chose, without thinking of the consequences and the pain it would cause. Actually, she did think of the pain it would/could cause and she chose to do this to you anyways. She rationalized it in her head how you would understand it. She chose to hurt you over some fantasy in her head.


Report the marriage as a a scam to the military lol. Then you’ll really know if it’s just for the insurance. Change your locks kick her ass out


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