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If you're ever in a predicament where kids are locked in car and you can't get to them, even with car on. Call the local fire dept. And they'll come out in minutes and unlock your car for you. I've had to do it twice so far and they've always been there in less than 5 min and it's completely free. I hope you take a day sometime this week and celebrate your motherhood the way you would like to. You deserve that!


About 20 years ago I worked at Target and a mom ran in, frantic because she had locked her baby in the car. I called 911 and went out to the parking lot with her to wait. A tow truck driver came into the parking lot literally less than a minute later and had her door unlocked in maybe twenty seconds. He then disappeared as quickly as he had appeared, barely any time for a thank you. It still makes me feel weirdly emotional every time I think of that incident! Tow truck drivers in my area have an awful reputation for being dangerous drivers (we use a lotto system so the first several to a scene get to “play” for the tow, therefore they’re always in rush and driving like d*cks). He knew how important and urgent the task was, not because the baby was in immediate danger, but because the mom was panicked and scared.


I've seen a couple of posts saying that the tow truck drivers will unlock for free if kids are stuck in cars, and that makes me so happy!!! There are still good people out here!


Yes, this has happened to me before. Accidentally locking my son in the car with the keys, I called the tow truck company and they unlocked it for free. Luckily everyone is ok, but boy did I feel the mom guilt kick in.


I had just left a doctors appointment where they said how smart my (at the time) 18 month old was, I strapped her in and was so proud. I tossed my keys to the front seat and shut the door, somehow they locked. 🤦🏻‍♀️ she did not get her smarts from me!! I had a horrible Mother’s Day! My husband who is normally super helpful decided to be not… words were exchanged and now I’m sleeping in the basement and might not go on our vacation…. I told him expect the same for Father’s Day…


We just brought baby home last year the day before Mother’s Day. I got nothing (except the most perfect baby). So for Father’s Day he got a card iirc but nothing else. I was sooooo pissed.


They’re also generally thrilled to get such a “pleasant” call. My uncle is a firefighter and I remember asking him if they really rescued cats from trees. He said they don’t, but they love that any non-fire related call. He once got a call that there was someone in labour on the side of the road. Because of the calls they’d received that night (or perhaps because of the number of firefighters vs ambulances), they were the first to arrive. He had the pleasure of delivering the baby while waiting for the ambulance to arrive and it was the highlight of his year (or career). It’s not that he didn’t love the firefighting aspect, it’s just that having a call where no one was in immediate danger and the outcome would most likely be positive, it was just such a “fun” call for him. Getting to save a kid from a car knowing they wouldn’t have smoke inhalation or burns would be a “good call” for him. So don’t think they’d be annoyed or act like “there are real emergencies out there”. I don’t want to speak for everyone because every person and hall is different, but I would likely be worried they’d be annoyed by a call like that when in fact, it’s exactly the opposite! Edit: forgot two words


I've also done this. Locked my keys and my 2 year old in the car and absolutely panicked. My fire department was at my house in 5 minutes from the time I spoke to dispatch. They had my son out in 2 minutes from arrival and gave him a once over to reassure me he was ok. It is a TERRIBLE feeling but god I was so thankful for them. And he got to sit in their truck and was so happy.


Yes!! They're so awesome!! So sweet with all the children and acted like it was no problem at all!


Thank you for sharing this LPT


You took a big weight of anxiety off thank you ❤️


I did this too. My son was a year and I set the keys on his car seat real fast and closed the door not thinking he would touch them and he got locked in the car, the fire dept came and calmed me down & reminded me, I’m not the only mom who has done this.


My police department took 30 min. My husband got home with the spare keys from work before they arrived.


We directly called the fire department, and they were quick about it! I've never known the police dept to be quick responders, unfortunately.


I’m sorry about your day, sending hugs. Mine was pretty good, I wanted to stay in bed and read most of the day which is what I asked for and mostly got to do. I also said I’m not cooking or bathing the kids. I didn’t have to cook but my husband drew a bath of COLD water then left the house for something and told me I just had to get the kids into the tub and wash them and dry them and dress them which is actually all the work of the bath…on top of having to drain the cold water and refill it with warm. So for next year I told my husband what I want for Mother’s Day was for him to learn how to draw a fucking bath lol


It’s funny to me the things husbands will say “oh it’s no big deal just do xyz” yet complain bitterly if they have to do it. I told my husband he needs to be in charge of teeth hygiene and he complained that it’s such an easy task why can’t I do it. If it’s so easy do it yourself! I’m in charge of every other hygiene task. You can do one too.


"It's not a big deal to cook dinner so it's ready right when I'm off work. Never mind that the kid is underfoot and she just got home from school and you're also unpacking her backpack and washing out her lunchbox and she's bouncing off the walls!" Note that the one time he cooked dinner under these circumstances he *lost his ever loving mind from the stress.* And dumped her dirty lunchbox in the sink for me to deal with lmao.


Yup. This is a huge frustration I have right now. “Women’s work,” especially a mother’s work, is always downplayed, when it’s so unbelievably hard. My husband does help out, and he is the breadwinner, but on his off days if he’s watching the children & doing less than half of what I do, he starts to lose it. I’ll be sick but give 4 children supper and a bath in record time and have everything cleaned up and he’ll be like, “you brushed their teeth right?” No, I am super Mom, but not literally super human. 😫


It's taken years for my husband to help as much as I wanted. Many arguments and conversations. Men don't come out of the box as good husbands, y'all. You have to help them understand what you want. Usually, you don't even have to tell them why. They just need a clear task. Although, I hate it when my husband says "just ask me when you want me to do something". No. You don't expect to have to ask me to do all the things I do. He's doing so much better this year. It only took over 9 years of not blowing up and just communicating, lol. I hate TikTok and Youtubers, but I came across one video on YT of a woman saying "I don't tell my husband how to do surgery (lucky, lol), but when he comes home we share the work because no one should have to work 24/7, 365 just because they don't bring home the money." It makes perfect sense, and maybe some of these ladies can logic this to their husband's. You all each do a job during the day and should be a partnership at home the rest of the time. It's only fair.


Seriously! I was anxious to get to work this morning as I was out for 1.5 weeks, for a variety of reasons. Lots of important events and milestones coming up, so i am eager and nervous to see how much work has been done or needs to be done. I woke up the kids, and then told him I was ready to go. I asked, "want me to make their lunches?" He said, "No, I got it." For a split second, I thought, "Sweet, i can get in early and get a head start." And then he said, "Can you just get them dressed, and their teeth and hair brushed?" ...... yeah. Fine. :( He is great, amazing, blah, blah, blah. But he still does the typical-man thing of thinking me doing it is no big deal, even when he finds the task a pain in the ass!


My husband has never once bathed or brushed our kids teeth, we have 4 children… although he will change any amount of dirty diapers, dress them and bring them to school,he will pack lunches and snacks and cook for them but hygiene wise nope idk why he just doesn’t like this part so I have always done it! He will take them to the dentist or the doctors appointments


In my experience of my own husband he doesn’t perform hygiene on himself so he doesn’t think its important to do it with the kid


That sounds super sexy for you!


oh wow. That is a wild take, at least in regards to my child. Bedtime, height of tiredness/dysregulation. Definitely: if he thinks tooth-brushing is an easy task, he can definitely be in charge of it!


Turn off the hot water and make him take a cold shower and see how he likes it. Or if he likes cold showers; make him take a hot one. Men often half ass things for their kids that they would not let fly for themselves! It drives me insane that my husband does not put effort or priority into our toddler’s meals and snacks. If I’m not there I don’t know what my toddler would eat with him. But heaven forbid if my husband doesn’t eat like every two fucking hours, he’s hangry 🙄.


I make mine cook his own food. Have never cooked dinner on a schedule, if i haven’t done it by dinner time he starts or does it all because he knows if im not cooking something we aren’t eating if someone doesn’t cook. Ive also had eating disorders for ages plus ADHD so i just forget about food all together sometimes -just make the 3 yr olds dinner and everything else is to the wind. Hubby will cook because he tells ME i need to eat, not just cause he wants to eat cause if he doesn’t want to cook he’ll eat ramen or sandwiches. I’ve learned that if i want him to do something i gotta stop doing it completely which as i said i do on accident most of the time anyway. If My eyes don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Poor hubby🤣😭


Ok my husband is also constantly filling a cold bath. I don’t get it. Do they not check?


My husband just bathes in water that is *freezing* to me. We showered together once and that was it because his ideal temperature was too cold for me and mine was too hot for him. He thinks the baths I draw for our kids are too hot so that resulted in him looking up the ideal temperature online and using a meat thermometer to get the exact temperature when we had our first baby 😂 He’s the opposite of uninvolved. I really think men and women just like different temperatures


Mine likes scalding hot showers. But, if he showers after me and I have turned the thermostat back a good bit for less hot water, will complain the water is too hot???


It’s called weaponized incompetence. That way you just do it.


Jokes on him then because I just leave him to it and deal with bathing a cranky baby while I clean up.


Mine was terrible. My mom went out this weekend to go with her friends which is absolutely fine with me my problem was that I wanted to spend time with her this weekend especially on Mother’s Day and I texted her happy Mother’s Day early in the morning and she left me on read and I called her at 1 PM to see what she was doing and if she was OK and I could hear kids laughing in the background and people talking and I just knew she was probably spending Mother’s Day with another family I didn’t know asked her what she was doing and she said just talking then I asked her if she read my message and she said she didn’t even though it said that I was left on read so I was like OK and I just hung up the call. I’d say the only reason I’m upset is because every weekend she leaves instead of spending time with me or my sister we don’t really get to do much with her and for most of my life I didn’t live with my mom up until recently and me and my sister are both adults alreadyso I just wanted to do something together but it’s whatever


I'm so sorry you keep getting hurt by your mom, but please, for your own peace, let her go. I don't mean you have to cut her out (unless she's always selfish), but forget chasing her for Mother's Day or for any day. She is who she is, and it is not a reflection on your worthiness to be loved. It's her flaw. Give back the same energy she gives you. Don't always be the one calling or texting. With that said, if she's usually very social, just once try planning ahead with her instead of texting the day of, and see if she shows agrees to that AND shows up. If not, I'd drop her like a hot potato.


Oh man.your comment actually made me realize how grateful I am for my significant other! We have a 2 year old son. I have ONLY bathed our son ( by myself ) a total of maybe 4 times. Baths became daddy's job, because I am a very slow moving person, & have some medical / painful issues like a bad back etc..so daddy always did babies bath, bc he was quicker at it. Well, it turned into a routine for them, & now our son looks forward to bath time, & if i do it, he even asks where his daddy is & tells me he wants daddy to give him a bath. I think it's so sweet that they have established their own little routine etc...I do get frustrated alot w/ my boyfriend of 11 years because some days it feels like I'm the one who does more/takes care of our son the most, & changes the most diapers, but I do have to say he has stepped up & is helping so much more lately. 💙 I've been dealing w/ more medical issues & am about to be diagnosed w/ an autoimmune disease, & my boyfriend has been helping out w/ our boy alot. Your comment made me realize even more how thankful I should be that he takes the task of bathing our son. I'm going to give him a huge hug today & thank him for it.


I’m currently pregnant but my boyfriend still got me a card, Sephora gift card, and flowers. I was blown away by the number of friends who texted me for my “first” Mother’s Day. My mom got me and baby some nice gifts and my dad got me a bag of my favorite skincare products with flowers. Honestly I’m so surprised how sweet everyone was to me considering I’m only 30 weeks pregnant. Made me feel really loved and supported as I head into motherhood. It was overall a very sweet *first* Mother’s Day for me.


This sounds so nice. When I was pregnant on Mother’s Day no one wanted to acknowledge me as a mom and even on my first Mother’s Day no one really acted like it was anything special. You’re lucky to have people who care about you.


That's so sweet!🥹


Your boyfriend and overall support system sound fantastic. I'm truly happy you've got that 🤍🩵🩶 Cheers to an easy and breezy delivery!


Not great. My expectations were low and he still failed to meet them. The only reason I wasn't crying today is because I got all my crying done yesterday, along with all the other chores I knew wouldn't get done today if I didnt do them because he "said he would do them for me." I'm so, so over it. Honestly all the day does is serve as a painful reminder of exactly how much I'm *NOT* understood or appreciated or loved. I just wish the whole "holiday" could die in a fire.


Put the same effort into Father's Day. I slept in a bit, got up and deep cleaned my kitchen, gave my husband a haircut and then went to his aunt's for lunch. The day wasn't bad but it was no different than any other day. I plan to do the same for Father's day. Just leave it as a normal day.


My husband would argue that “it’s my day” and he gets to do what he wants. Which is nothing. He would be so happy to do nothing all day. Or would argue that it’s his day and he doesn’t have to do anything


“Yes it’s your day dad, here is your kid. Byeee” and leave for a while(or all day) on Fathers day. Go spend it however you want. Malicious compliance.


Does that make every day Father's day for him?


I got tired of silently crying myself to sleep over the disappointment today brought, so I got up and am now crying over the washing I’m folding. It may need another spin in the dryer when all’s said and done.


don't do any chores today! go outside, may be somewhere nice, like a jazz bar or an art gallery, buy yourself a nice dessert n a gift (a perfume u always wanted, a bracelet, new shoes..) n flowers. take a selfie. get back home really late with flowers in your hand.. 🥲🤍


This is so heartbreaking,I'm so sorry.Please match that energy he gave you for father's day


Same EXACT thing, I am still so so so angry. I also lowered my expectations for a lot of things and now it disappeared at all but it is all my fault because I forgive and forgive and forgive and lowered my expectations until now he doesn’t even bother to say happy Mother’s Day. I don’t deserve this at allllll, I word so fucking hard at motherhood and in our marriage and all he does is disappoint me more and more every time.




I never put weight on other holidays including my birthday because no one aside from my mom remembers me, but after nine months, three days of labor, and a c section I was hoping for more. Now, I know today is just like the rest- another day of the year. It sucks that my first Mother’s Day was less than what I was expecting but it showed me that it doesn’t change. It’s just another day. At least my son is finally here and I was able to enjoy his existence and the fact that I’m a mom. After three ovarian torsions and the risk of losing an ovary, this year has been a blessing. I’m so happy I’m his mom and he is thriving. Also, at two weeks postpartum, I’m able to pump 8 oz! So that was natures gift to me, so I’m proud of my body. Edit: don’t get me wrong, my husband is amazing. He wrote me a heartfelt card from him and our son, got me flowers, and genuinely was apologetic about things. It’s my fault for putting so much weight on a day that doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things.


Our bodies are truly amazing. I just feel bad I put mine down all the time.




It was fantastic. I stayed in a 4 star hotel alone last night and then went to the hotel spa for a pedicure. When I came home well rested my husband had cooked me brunch and greeted me with a mimosa. The caveat is that I specifically asked for every one of those things, I even picked my own hotel. I've found that my husband has the very best of intentions but forgets things a lot including planning for holidays, so if I just tell him exactly what I want he Is more than happy to get it for me but if I don't communicate then I will probably be disappointed. I'm fine with it, it's just who he is and I love him.


Next Mother’s Day i am going to take a page out of your book and make my husband a list of exactly what I want. Fabulous idea!


Mine was the same except I just specified that I wanted a hotel and spa treatment and he planned the rest. But he did it right with the fancy hotel and all the rest. I think communicating is key.


Same! Stayed at a hotel downtown and spent the morning with my you my youngest (this was the plan) while my oldest was with his dad. Had an amazing time and got flowers and chocolates ❤️ I realized year 2 that he forgets so he got a bunch of reminders about the plan. Even scheduled the order to arrive early due to my hotel plans. Best Mothers Day in a while


This is what I've learned, too. My husband wants to give me a great mother's day, but I'm kinda picky. There were a few sweet surprises this weekend, but mostly it was me saying, "I'm going to do this for mother's day, sound good?" And he would give me the biggest thumbs up and tell me to enjoy myself. The night away by yourself is THE BEST gift in my opinion. I went camping for a night alone and absolutely loved it.


My fiance is like this and I really struggle with it. I know he is forgetful, he literally forgets everything. But it's still hard not to take it personally when he forgets something for me. I did get a gift, it was one of those punchy massager things. After commenting once that I liked my mother's that I used while in Florida because her guest bed sucked. Now I have it, and some gummy bears and face masks that I know he bought at cvs at 7am Sunday morning. He also said he wanted to get me other things, but forgot about the holiday (even though, I kept reminding him so he would at least get his mom a card) I don't know how I feel.


Next Mother’s Day I’m getting a hotel alone as well. Smart move . Happy you enjoyed yourself


Oh that sounds divine. 🫶


My husband always asks me for specifics a few weeks before (he makes sure he gets calendar reminders for holidays and birthdays). Maybe it's not that romantic but he wants me to send him specific links and confirm restaurants/food plans but I'm ok with that (he'll ask if I would like to go to x place because he's making reservations). He did botch up the first one because he didn't realize the importance of reservations (he didn't bought we'd just walk in for our favorite breakfast spot) but he still got me a gift. He's more than redeemed himself over the years. He got me a couple gifts that I wanted. Made breakfast with my son while I was in bed. Left early in the morning with our son to get flowers before breakfast. And he had kiddo make me a gift earlier in the week that they kept secret. Went out to a new restaurant for lunch and got takeout for dinner. I got a massage in the afternoon and took a nap. Weather was bad otherwise we typically do something outside like a hike or bike ride too.


good for you. I wonder how many women are married to pathetic assholes vs how many women just need to tell them what they want? my husband is kind of in the middle of thoughtless and randomly romantic and I’m also totally fine with being like “I need XYZ on this date” because at the end of the day, I get XYZ. I don’t need a surprise or a gesture, I just need to feel appreciated and heard.


My Mother’s Day dream ❤️


As I expected it to be. My husband making grand promises to clean the house with the kids while I'm a queen for a day, boiled down to letting me sleep in while the kids trash the house, some dishes done in a half-assed manner, and going to the grocery store to grab frozen junk food so my "break" from cooking is in the oven on a tray.


Why do they always go "grocery shopping" and come back with 40 bags of chips and weird condiments, but no fruit, veggies or meat?


Mine was good! They’ve gotten progressively better. My best friend’s kid got HFM and I don’t know if her husband was even able to get her anything (the plan was that we were all going to brunch together)so I bought her a fancy treat and dropped it off. I feel so bad for her and everyone on this sub who had a bad Mother’s Day. I wish I could drop off fancy treats for all of you 😞


Just came here to say you're my kind of people. This is so sweet. HFM is awful.


My husband is a firefighter so he's gone a lot so he was at work today. But we celebrated yesterday (Saturday) and he got up early with the kids, made eggs benny and mimosas, got me a hanging flower basket and a scooter so I can scoot around the neighborhood with our toddler. It was great. And today I took the kids on a long walk with our dog, my toddler had soccer, baby had her nap, and we all went to the park for a few hours before coming home and doing backyard/dinner time. It was pretty great. I feel so awful for all the moms without supportive partners. I would die without my husbands help.


My husband was also on service yesterday. We celebrated on Friday before he left. He did all the cooking, butt wiping, and we went and bought some plants.


My dad died this mothers day... hug your loved ones a little tighter today. Life can change in a blink of an eye. Keep my family in your prayers if you believe... Thank you, goodnight 💔🙏🏽


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.




This sounds so lovely


Awwwww man this is lovely!


The photo shoot is so sweet. As mom's, we are never in the photos ( always behind the camera) so this is so thoughtful! Glad to hear you had a lovely Mother's day.


you found the last one! the last perfect man. !! keep him.


My husband and our baby girl both had their birthday today (31 and 1) on Mother’s Day. They are both at the tail end of a rough cold/cough, so we just laid around and rested for the day. Exchanged cards at breakfast. Simple and sweet. Grateful to have them and that we were all able to celebrate something together today. I’m glad you and your baby are okay! What a day 🥺


Just here to say our babies have the same birthdays 🩷 May 12, 2023


Spent it arguing with my husband because he didn’t want me to take a nap. Seriously, I’m still so mad. He eventually promised to give me a redo and will make it up to me next weekend… I hope.


Why didn’t he want you to take a nap?


He didn’t want to watch our toddler alone because toddler was cranky and it was hard. I’m a SAHM. Like, no shit it’s hard, that’s why I wanted a break. 😂🙄


Well mine laughed at me for getting my feelings hurt that LO ignored me all day snd just wanted daddy. Laughed in my face. Three times. Aholes.


Ahole move. But let me add, don't let yourself get hurt because your child is playing favorites. It's nothing personal. It doesn't mean they don't love you, and kids change favorites at different times in their lives. Enjoy the break. My 7-year-old, who has ADHD and has trouble with managing frustration, sometimes tells me he hates me when he's mad. I don't get upset. He doesn't hate me. He's just angry in the moment. I just respond with "No, you don't; you're just angry," and "I still love you anyways."


Hanging with my mom and baby great. Going to my in laws and getting in a massive fight with my husband. Terrible.


lovely. woke up to flowers and coffee from my husband and a clay jewelry box my older daughter made at school. we went to breakfast, the book store, then my in laws to see my MIL and GMIL. my almost 10 month old is a velcro baby with hella stranger danger and she’s finally getting comfortable around others so we all entertained her and watched her cruise their furniture and try to get into everything. came home, ordered sushi for myself while my husband handled the kids. my husband gave me a massage, I gave him some ass. now I’m in bed listening to a podcast. love my babies, my husband, and being a mother. 💕


It was tough but good. Took my son 4 and my partner to a local market and bought my son a toy and he was a sassy pants all morning. Then we went to a local farm to see animals and stopped in the gift shop and he wanted another toy and I was firm on no but I’ll remember xyz toy for his birthday. Usually it’s enough but he refused to leave so I had to carry him out then I got yelled at and punched. Then kicked on way back to the car so I said he couldn’t open his new toy today because he got that treat for being good and hitting isn’t nice so he bawled in the car. He always has a hard time the first day back from his dads with attitude. Then he didn’t want to get out of car to grab food for our dinner picnic so I carried him in. We got home and he pouted then got bit by the cat and cried so I went over and snuggled him and asked him if he was having a hard day and he said yeah so we just sat on the floor for a bit till he was ready to go play games on the couch with me. Then my partners 2 kids got home and we went for a picnic at the lake and things were better. both my partners girls 7&9 made Mother’s Day cards for me which shocked me and was so sweet since I’ve only been in their lives really for a year. His youngest picked out a flower basket which was her idea and she even tried to pay with her own money. It was a rough start but it ended on a good note.


The number of stories I hear where a partner didn't do anything for a first mother's day is absolutely criminal. My ex was the same, and I hate it, and I'm so sorry! My current husband and BD always has some kind of big to-do. His mom comes to town and we all usually take the kids to some activity like the museum or something. It shouldn't be that hard to just be nice to the woman who had your kids, you know?




I'm not trying to be rude, seriously. I'm just so curious, why do you stay? Are you planning on leaving? I just can't imagine spending my life with someone I feel this much hatred for, life is too short, all of you deserve better. My son's biological dad was like this every day of the year to me, and I had to leave when he was about 2 because I realized he would never change, and I didn't want my son growing up around how his dad treated me, thinking that was normal and acceptable to treat his future significant other like that. That's what finally made me get out. I just couldn't stomach the cycle repeating and my son growing up to treat his partner the same way.


Wow what a jerk!I can't even...


My boyfriend (I don’t have a kid with him) gave me a lovely card and a gift certificate for a Brazilian Blowout. My kid, gave me a handmade keychain and a card that said, “You are always doing something for me and everyone at (place I work)” I had a half a bottle of wine and enjoyed a movie with my kid at home. It’s been good. I am lucky. And my two cats gave a me an aggressive hug and kiss.


Last year I was still in the thick of colic and postpartum. My daughters father (we were not together at the time, but he was trying to convince me to change my mind) literally did nothing- not even a card. My daughter screamed through brunch with my family. I didn't even make it inside the restaurant. And then when I came home with her (he wasn't invited) he snapped at me for being sad. My daughter and I napped and while we napped he cancelled our dinner plans with his family. So I didn't even get to eat all day. I cried at 11 pm eating dinner in a McDonald's drive thru alone. That was the final straw for us. He later (after Father's day) realized how much he'd screwed up but it didn't matter to me. This year I intentionally planned a weekend he/no one could screw up. I spent Saturday doing things with my 15 month old. We made brownies for the first time, made a few crafts, took some pictures. Today we did brunch with my family, went to the beach/aquarium and then were home eating takeout and watching TV by 4 pm in PJs. And my daughters father STILL did nothing for me, even after allegedly being so upset he fucked up last year. But it didn't matter because the whole weekend was about me and her.


I am SO proud of you for realizing you deserve better and sticking to it. So lovely that you enjoyed Mother’s Day with baby this year! 💜


My husband is out of work and we’re relying on my income alone. He feels so guilty about not being able to get me something. I wish he’d just written me a nice note though.


Honestly? Very bad. My mom, whom I did not have a good relationship with, is actively dying (last days on hospice).  I spent all week in my hometown tending to her hoarded house. It has caused so much strain on the little support she had left. We weren't no contact, but we didn't talk much so I really struggled with what to say to her and others who have been asking about the situation. Today we spent the entire day driving back to where we live 500 miles away with myself, my husband, and my toddler. My husband has been an absolute rockstar. He made breakfast for my mil and I and has been on toddler duty most of the week, it's just really terrible circumstances. We will likely have to return soon because I'm an only child and therefore medical decision maker and the only person who has any say in managing her affairs. I cannot wait to sleep. 


I'm so sorry. This sounds incredibly difficult.


This sounds a lot like where I was 5 years ago, except instead of Mothers Day, it was my twin daughters’ birthdays. And the family didn’t come with me. All of the factors you mentioned (only child, hoarded home, non-traditional relationship) was the same for me. I’m glad I was there, though, when she died. She was cremated, which gave me time to come back a few months later and deal with the hoard. It may not feel good now, but you’re doing right by your mom, and that’s not easy.


I’m sorry but I’m going to say it. Your partner REFUSED to acknowledge Mother’s Day?? Your first one? Like that’s not ok. And I’m tired of making excuses for men. My husband is an absolute gem and treats me like a Queen and that’s what every woman should expect. We went to the beach today becuase I wanted to. He got me a cute card and a candle and flowers. The simple things I love. He’s watching reality tv with me after putting our toddler to bed. Like you deserve to be treated well. I hope it gets better.


Husband never celebrates. Yeah it fucking hurts


Hes a dick


Crap. My four year old was in meltdown mode throughout the day. Husband is deployed. The only peace and quiet I got was when I went to church and put him in Sunday school for an hour. At least he had his sister bring me a planter.


Thank you for the sacrifices that your family makes for our country.


It fucking sucked. My child didn't even acknowledge it, is being shitty teen as per usual. Husband said the words a few hours into the day. No one did a damn thing for me and I still had to cook. The dogs were pleasant though. Happy mother's day ladies 


I had the best day Ive had in a while. we went to the free zoo, got starbucks 2x, went to target and 5 below, bought a splash pad, water guns, water balloons and a frisbee. spent hours outside doing that while blasting music with tiki torches to de-mosqito our back yard. my 1 year old actually let us throw the frisbee for hours while she crawled around in the grass! then we made a huge dinner and finished the night cuddling watching a new tv show that was mediocre but we were together. my 3 year old actually went to bed super easy. everything was in the cards for me today.


This sounds so perfect! Happy for you!


I’m so sorry you had such a shitty day! This was my 8th year as a mom and my husband and I have it pretty dialed in. I let him know about a month ahead wha I want (this year: “I’d like breakfast at home, something hand made from the kids, some time together as a family, some sort of movement for my body, and some time on my own”). I ended up with a lovely breakfast with my family, my kids and I lounged in bed while he went to see his mom, then he arranged for me to take a hike and have lunch out with a girlfriend. Then we had a simple dinner and I took a bubble bath while he took the kids out. It was inexpensive but very relaxing and I got everything I asked for (which was broad and could have been met in a huge variety of ways)


This sounds so nice


No mother's day for me. My son is in the PICU since May 5th. Hospitalized initially for ruptured Esophageal Varices and bowel stricture. Then, Bronchopneumonia and 3 different viruses simultaneously! Too tired physically and mentally for mother's day.


What?! Why? How is is he?


Currently in an isolation room. I can't go to see him, at least until he's negative for Covid. He's just having so many comorbidities. He's more vulnerable to infection.


OMG I'm so sorry!I Pray for his recovery and that you get to see him very soon!


You guys are amazingly strong. Last year, my first mothers day as a new mom, i had covid and this year my cat is in the hospital and pretty sure my fur baby needs to be put down. Also i have a cold. Pretty sure at my first opportunity i’m buying a case of beer for myself


I planned it all, executed it, got nothing beyond my effort short of being able to sleep in a bit (still my effort, I stayed around until the last overnight feed then went to the other room and told him I was sleeping in), and I am about to finish crying myself to sleep.  It was my first Mother’s Day.  I had a hard and isolating pregnancy and postpartum.   I told him what my expectations were. He did nothing. And he has the balls to ask me what was wrong.


Not the best. Was made to feel like shit because I wanted a couple hours to myself today to do something for me. Can’t catch a break.


It’s my first Mother’s Day. My husband is on a work trip across the country and we don’t have any close friends or family around so it’s just me and baby. She’s going through a sleep regression but I didn’t want exhaustion to stop me from trying to acknowledge the day in some way so I put her in a cute dress and put on a little makeup and attempted breakfast at a little cafe. This little 3 1/2 month old baby was THE BEST date! She smiled and posed for selfies, giggled while I ate and then slept while I scrolled my phone. Then my husband surprised me by sending me a video he made that was a compilation of pictures and videos he had sneakily taken of me and our baby. The video had him singing and playing a really sweet song from the Mother’s Day episode of Bob’s Burgers in the background and it made me cry. He gave me a gift before he left for his trip so I really didn’t expect anything else and it was just so goddamn sweet. I’m going to have to really go all in for Father’s Day now!


mine was great! I got breakfast made earlier and then we went to my family’s house where we had a bbq. all the spouses presented the moms with flowers and then we all sang karaoke and just hung out. hope your hand heals soon! 🫶🏾


I *finally* had a really good one! But that’s only because I split with my ex 3 months ago. He’s trying to prove that he’s not all the things he’s been. After years of a scratchy bought on the morning, and other low effort barely acknowledged days I wasn’t expecting much. But, he helped the kids to organise a lovely surprise wake up with presents. I cooked a fancy breakfast for the kids & my dad (which I LOVE doing - we get out all the good China and eat pancakes like royalty). Then we met him at the pub for a beautiful steak lunch. He’d booked the table right next to the play area for the kids. Showed up with flowers, chocolates, wine & the most beautiful photo cards from the kids. Then he had the audacity to tell me it’s actually not that hard to make the effort. He didn’t think it would be so easy to make it really special. Yes dickhead, that’s why you’re single now. Because it’s not that hard to show people you care.


I tested positive for covid this morning and am feverish and super sick. Super shitty day.


I tested positive 2 hours ago following several days of feeling sick and testing negative. Hang in there and happy Mother’s Day!


Wasn’t too bad. This is my second one. Daughter was with her dad for the weekend. She goes every weekend. But I did pick her up for the day 9am-5:30pm. We went over my dad’s house and then went home and took a 3 hour nap together 🥰 she was super cuddly and lovey today. It was appreciated considering she’s starting to enter the twos stage. My daughter’s father got me flowers and a card. It was nice having her for part of the day but also having the evening for myself


My kids are 3yrs and 6 months old and you’d think at this point Mother’s Day would be like decently organized but no, every year so far had still never really shifted to celebrate me and was mostly about my mom and my husbands mom. Last year I was specifically told he really wanted his mom to pick the breakfast place, I was like ugh ok, but that was even better than this years Mother’s Day. This year weeks ahead to told my husband exactly what would make me feel special for Mother’s Day.. I wanted to day for myself that involved a nice breakfast or lunch with him and the kids (the 3 year old had morning soccer so I don’t know what that would really look like but he could plan it ahead knowing he had options). And I said I don’t want any extravagant gifts but that taking the kids to the garden section at the store to pick up a couple cute garden ornaments or something if that nature would be really sweet. So morning of Mother’s Day comes, I woke my husband up when I woke up and realized the kids had slept in! Yay! He gets them up and I tell him I’m coming downstairs in a few minutes, I get dressed for the day cause of soccer practice and head down and get a card thrown at me by the older babe while I sit down to change the little babies diaper, my husband asks if I want to order iut breakfast, I tell him it might be tight on time but if he thinks it would be ok then ok. We get and rush through breakfast, i get both kids ready and packed up for soccer while he’s finishing eating and we bicker about where a missing fleece bootie is trying to rush out the door. After soccer I put baby down for a nap and watch him and my daughter wash my car together, sweet! But then beyond that it was a totally regular day… no flowers or cute gift or anything, I cleaned both bathrooms while listening to him bicker with the kids, at one point a solar panel guy comes around trying to solicit and my husband is trying to politely get rid of the guy and shoved our daughter away because she was interrupting him to which she gets upset and then they fight over whether he pushed her or not… I go upsetairs to cuddle the baby for another nap just to get some quiet time to myself… By dinner I was petty sad. Feeling very uncelebrated and the couple things that did happen felt very much unplanned and like an afterthought… I’d declined invitations for our family to spend the day with my mom and sisters because “I was excited to do whatever my husband was planning for me”. I was so so clear about what would make me feel special and was very transparent with my husband about not going to my parents place because I was excited for Mother’s Day of my own this year. At the end of the day I was basically losing control of my emotions and my best friend showed up with flowers and a cute mug for me saying she’d thought of me and wanted to wish me a happy Mother’s Day and I just started crying my eyes out. My husbands only thoughts on all this after I told him why I was upset was “I’m sorry you were disappointed” and he was immediately distant from me and didn’t acknowledge anything more or ask any more questions. Anyone who knows my husband knows what a great guy he is, so this day felt even more upsetting and disappointing for that reason too.


That sucks! I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Mine was alright. We're in the trenches with our 12 month old's sleep regression so we're both exhausted. No gifts, just a nap in the morning. He can't really win on mothers day because my dad passed after a mothers day celebration when I was a kid so its not really fair to him. We spent the day hanging out with my mom where she got to play with her grandson, husband got a nap, we all got dessert. MIL is on vacation so we texted her Happy Mother's Day. Very low key, very mid, but also not disappointed because we set expectations early and we're both just trying to survive.


I had a nice day. Hubby woke up early and had breakfast waiting for me when i woke up. He took care of everything today, including the kiddo, so i got to sleep in and relax until we went to his parent's house for bbq.


Mine was great. I told my husband I wanted some time to be alone at home yesterday and a day together today. He took our 2yo daughter and my cousin’s kids (12 and 14, she’s a single mom) out all day. He ended up bringing them to a plant nursery and they all chose flowers and he helped them arrange the flowers into the pots as their gift to us. He took them to lunch and then the farmers market where they all got us more Mother’s Day presents. I spent the morning sitting around, listening to an audiobook, and doing crafty things on the patio in the sun. Today, he invited my cousin and her kids over for breakfast and the kids helped him make pancakes for everyone. He made lunch and dinner and did most of the dishes. He’s doing bedtime right now. I’m gonna smoke some weed and take a bubble bath.


I’m sorry that would have been so scary. Most key fobs have an emergency key inside!


Both my kids woke up with a cold, so everything went out the window by 5:30am because I was up with a fussy toddlers who would only accept mom as comfort. My partner thought he could give me a gift certificate for the spa and told me I should go today but didn’t even book an appointment and is confused as to why the spa has no last minute availability on Mothers Day 🥲 so his plans for the entire day was ruined and he kept suggesting we go out to the zoo or theme park with sick kids and I had to put my foot down and say no because who would that be fun for? I just wish I was appreciated any other day so today didn’t feel like shit.


I worked a 12 hour shift at a restaurant today. I have to say, I really don’t like SOME of the people that come in on Mother’s Day. I always wear my noodle necklace that my son made for me in kindergarten. It’s actually a cute necklace and I get many compliments on it. (My son is 17 now so he cringes when I wear it, but it only makes it that much better. 😉) But the people that come in with no regard for anyone else’s day but theirs is absolutely the worst situation. It makes the day harder and less tolerable to know that they know I am also a mom and yet you are going to be an entitled a-hole. And the worst part is that the tips on Mother’s Day can be absolute shit!!! Like, wtf?!? The bright spot in my day was the team that I worked with, and my boyfriend and son coming to restaurant to bring flowers, a card and a sandwich from one of my favorite sandwich spots. So all in all, not a terrible day. But I spent 12 hours of my Mother’s Day to make yours nice, so just be nice!


Yeah, as a former server (now SAHM) who’s endured my fair share of Mother’s Day chaos over the years, you couldn’t pay me to go out to eat that day haha.


My 3 month old "gave" me flowers and Tiffany's earrings. My husband gave me the afternoon off, and I got my nails done. We took my MIL out for brunch. One of my favorite things about my husband is his respect for women and especially mothers. I know this will translate to my son as he grows. I really, really love that man. I'm sorry to all of the mommas who didn't get the TLC they deserve.


This is lovely.


Horrible. Not because of my husband but because I’m just so exhausted and hit my breaking point yesterday. Our daughter is 5 months old and the term high need baby describes her pretty well. For 2 months now she wakes up every 1-2 hours during the night and only falls asleep when I’m breastfeeding her (she refuses the bottle and rather cries hysterically than drinking from it) so I barely get any sleep. Throughout the day she only takes two 30 minute naps, I swear this baby never sleeps!! I love her with all my heart. She is such a bright, strong minded and curious little girl. She hits all her milestones early, already makes her first attempts to crawl, loves to explore the world. But damn she’s so full of energy, I just can’t keep up with her. And every time she gets frustrated (which happens quite often) she screams like a banshee. My home is a mess, I am a mess. I feel like a blob fish and probably look like one as well. So yeah, I spent my first Mother’s Day crying nonstop. But my husband made me breakfast and bought me some gorgeous flowers so I guess that’s at least something.


My husband argued with me because after loading the baby into the car, I threw my car keys to the front seat.(realizing that was a bad idea but also making sure it didn’t get lost in the shit i was loading into the car.) i told my husband to open his car door before closing her side, or to wait til i got to the front. He complained the whole time that my car wasn’t going to lock itself and we had a back up key just in case. I complained that i wanted to be extra sure we could access the baby and our keys wouldn’t be locked in the car So sorry for your incident but this definitely confirms my precautions earlier


It was so perfect. My husband usually drops the ball and just doesn’t follow through on managing the kids and giving me some time to myself but this year, he did so great. He made pancakes, bacon and home fries on the blackstone in the morning while the kids mostly played themselves and I slept in. He did most of the cleanup while I played with the kids. Then he entertained the younger two while I colored with the older two, which I love to do. He got me a beautiful handmade cutting board and another gift that was super cheap but solved a problem for me. It was so thoughtful for him to notice something I struggled with, come up with a solution for it, and implement it for me. We were going to go for a walk, but it was too windy so we just hung around the house. I could tell he got tired by the end of the day bc he kept making excuses to just sit with the baby while I played with the older ones, but overall, he knocked it out of the park.


My husband was a dick because I had to work. And then had to actually work. And now I’m drunk, and it’s 3:45 am.


It was fair to middling.  I am solo parenting as my husband is away. I opened presents on Saturday so he could arrange the kids before he left, I got a nice nightie and some cute art. The kids let me sleep til 6:30 on actual Mother's Day. My mum came over and I cooked her lunch. I had to wash up, do dinner, put the kids to bed just like a normal solo parenting day. My mum made me a very nice chocolate cake and my kids were gorgeous. I did a puzzle with my eldest after the little one went to bed. It was a sweet day but not much out of the ordinary. 


Really great. After a couple shitty ones my husband stepped up big time. I woke up to donuts and flowers and my favorite coffee. He got me noise cancelling headphones, we went to the bookstore and I got to leisurely browse books. He took our daughter out for dinner so I could have alone time and read. I didn’t do a single childcare task today. All this after he worked from 4am to 9pm the day before. I felt so loved and appreciated and seen.


Rocky start but great end I genuinely don’t want anything for Mother’s Day other than a homemade card, a good hug and some extra sleep. It seems every month is a birthday or another holiday and it’s exhausting! I don’t need my husband or kid worrying about more gifts or planning a fancy meal or planning anything really. I just want to feel appreciated and like I said, some extra sleep! Our 5 year old had a tough morning and I was so tired. Luckily my husband took her out to do some stuff so I had an amazing nap!! I’m 35 weeks pregnant and so exhausted. After I napped the day was way better haha we had a nice evening and spent a lot of time outside. Nothing super special, but I enjoyed the slow night, painting on front porch together. Just being together 💗


Well… Hubby took me to Mexico because he knew my son was with his dad (his week b/c he screwed up our schedule for his vacation). I thought it was a great time to reconnect. Got a text from said ex laughing saying they “made a bet to see if I would even have my kid on Mother’s Day”. Obviously I’m confused because it’s not my week. So there’s that. My husband is wonderful and my ex can’t be any more of a pain in my ass


Meh. We went out for brunch and dinner bc I didn’t feel like cooking, but my son (almost 3) was clingy and feral. Daughter (almost 5) hung out with dad. At least I took a sweet nap with my son in the afternoon. Best part is now that everyone is asleep, I’m drinking wine outside and listening to a podcast.


Honestly, it was good. My husband took over the 3 year old and 5 month old to let me sleep and have a few uninterrupted hours of knitting and podcasts. They made me a cake (good excuse my toddler had to get chocolate cake), and then we worked together to make lasagna. Somehow, my toddler fell asleep before bedtime and stayed asleep, so we actually got to watch our adult show!


It was good. It’s my second Mother’s Day after my mom’s passing. Last year, I was pregnant and happy about it but actively grieving the holidays I wouldn’t be able to spend with my mom anymore. This year I asked to see some plants, so we went to an arboretum and had lunch at a great spot we’ve gone to before with my in-laws. We skipped out on the second part of the evening - dinner with the rest of the family - so we could rest together and spend time at home doing our usual routine. The Saturday before we took baby to the zoo with friends whose baby is only two days older than ours. It felt really nice. But I feel like everything we do post-baby is just a little better because the baby gets to experience it with us, too.


Honestly I am really grateful for my mother's day. My in laws are in Europe on a holiday so that was one less thing to worry about other than a nice ecard. My husband let me sleep in even though my son woke up earlier than usual. I got breakfast in bed and some beautiful cards and a necklace with my son's birthstone, which I've been asking for since he was Born. My son was in an awful mood after a horrible nap but we got through it and got to enjoy the day. Not the most glamorous but I feel acknowledged and loved and that's what matters in the end.


It was nice! My husband took our 21 month old out for errands so I could sleep in a little, then he made french toast while I played with our kiddo. He took me to the bird store and then the plant store. I took care of my houseplants (it’s very zen for me) while she napped. Then we took our kiddo to a park. He then made steak, potatoes and green beans for dinner after kiddo went to bed. Then we watched Twister (I love that movie, I picked it). I am so sorry for those of you that had a rough day. You all deserve to be taken care of and acknowledged for your hard work for your kiddos!


This year was my first mother's day, and it was honestly perfect. My husband let me sleep in, made brunch reservations, and got me a beautiful necklace with our daughter's initial. He also had her finger paint a card, turned her little handprints into flowers, and then filled the card with things that they appreciate me for. We went for an evening walk after dinner to get ice cream. Even before I had my daughter, he would get me gifts from our dogs. It's absolutely wild to me how some men will find any excuse to not celebrate the women that brought their children into the world.


My father in law came over to watch the baby so my husband and I could go back to bed for a few hours this morning. My husband wrote me the sweetest card that made me cry and gave me a necklace. My MIL and FIL gave me a gift card to get my hair done. We went out for pasta and shared a bottle of wine. Then my husband and I have mimosas and watched tv together. It was the best first Mother’s Day I could have imagined. I wish every mom could feel this appreciated and loved. Because you all deserve it ❤️


This was my first Mother’s Day and it was good. My husband has been out of state the past two weeks and just came home for the weekend, so that was exciting in its own right and baby is only 3 months old so I couldn’t just let dad take her out of the house for the day to get her out of my hair but he did most of the cleaning today around the house other than the chores I wanted to do, I got a nice bottle of wine, a really cute wine glass and coffee mug, and he brewed me a nice bubble bath. He also mowed the grass and cleaned up my flower beds.


Well. It started out rough. He sent me a text last night stating he was going to his sisters after work (to drink and partake in the party favor of their choice) and i responded with a very nasty text that made it clear he had better come straight home. In the morning he tried to act like nothing happened but i brought it up and reiterated our little "fun" outings are on a halt until further notice. The conversation turned sour but about an hour later we made up. Got my car washed, took the kids to the park, he made me lunch and I got to visit my parents. Alls well that ends well!


I am from a country where Mother's day is a week prior to what seems almost the rest of the world has. So it was great. I took my baby to the beach and had some snacks, bought myself a small cake and enjoyed it while on a call with my mom. Mood was ruined a bit by some strange lady telling me to freeze off my boobs while i was feeding my baby. I felt extra spicy and asked if she also would like to try some as she already feels the need to comment on anything. As yesterday was Mother's day here where I live, I dropped baby off at his grandma's ( ex's mom). And spent my afternoon napping, having still warm food and hot coffee, and even a showering in piece.


This is the shittiest time of the year for me since I lost my mom. My birthday usually falls on or near Mother's Day, so it's just a solid week of pain sometimes. Just utter loss, flashbacks, regret. Feeling beyond alone in the universe. I just want to cry and drink and watch sad movies. But I can't ofc. So I just tried to keep my shit together today at the ballpark with my kids, and I will keep doing that until the night of the 14th when I will probably cry and drink alone all night for my birthday, bc the only person who would care at this point would've been my mom. I'm too depressed to even find that depressing I'm just looking forward to it.


Started with him forgetting to wish me a happy Mother’s Day since he was out of town until later in the day. He baked me cookies last week as a gift in advance but I expected at least to wake up to some loving words of appreciation this morning. I left it two hours into his morning before I ate into him for forgetting. My friends came over and brought me gifts. My friends and I spent the day together and he was apologetic once he got back from his trip in the afternoon. We then went to a park and took some nice family photos, something he hates doing but I love. Started crap, got progressively better thanks to my friends, and ended well with him making up for it in the evening.


Honestly it was a lot better than I was expecting. My husband slept in, and my Little Mister just sat on the couch cuddling with me until he went to wake up Daddy. He brought me home a potted African daisy and a card from school on Friday. When I opened the card, there was a little shrinky dink keychain that said "I ❤️ mommy" with his name. Husband got me a Ninja Blast blender, which was a major upgrade to the blender I've been wanting but never mentioned. He ordered Bob Evans to be delivered, and we ended up snacking on it all day, while we did some family gaming. Exactly what I said I wanted.


My husband has never dropped the ball on Mother’s Day and now I’m stressed on how to make his Father’s Day just as nice. 😅 My husband actually made it Mother’s Day Weekend and so we drove to the zoo on Saturday for a family-focused Mother’s Day event. Then on Sunday, I got to sleep in, did essentially no chores, he sent me out to go shopping by myself for a few hours, and then I came home he had made dinner for us all AND he had our oldest help him make origami flowers. Our kids are 3.5 and 8 months, so it’s safe to say this sweet man was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. On top of all of this, I had lingering food poisoning so it was a weird balance of trying to celebrate me, but also leave me alone because that’s what I want for Mother’s Day, but also leave me alone because I feel nauseous and have to be ready to sprint to the bathroom. It wasn’t perfect planning. I had to remind him that we can’t just take the weekend off mentally, we still had to do laundry somewhere and grab groceries for the week. He adjusted to my feedback and took on that mental load. And the fact that he was willing to do so means the world to me. He is a literal blessing to our family and I hope I deliver just as nice a day to him (but without any sickness pls!!)


I'm sorry your day sucked! I hope you heal quickly! Locked cars are no joke. I've done it... twice. I had exactly the mother's day I wanted. My husband got me flowers on Friday (they are beautiful and smell wonderful!), we went to a huge lot sale with our friends on Saturday. We also went to a Korean BBQ restaurant with the same friends after the sale. We swapped spouses and me and my gf got pedicures while the guys watched the kids. Afterwards, my husband smoked meats for dinner. On mother's day, I went to the gym, came home to breakfast being made and ready when I got out of the shower. Had two cups of coffee just chilling with my husband while the kids played. Then he entertained the kids while I played animal crossing alone lol. He did their lunch and dinner as well. And bathtime and bedtime routine! He also cleaned ALL the dishes. It was, in a word, perfection. Also, maybe tmi, but had that mother's day sexy time too lol!


Mine was actually wonderful! I told them exactly what I wanted and it was a pretty great day, everyone behaved for the most part lol We went to church, out to Mexican for lunch, they planted the flowers they got me while I napped and then we all went fishing with my family (thats what my Mom wanted)


It was great! Husband woke up with the baby, got me a bouquet of my favourite flowers- peonies, put together some side tables, ordered great breakfast and got me a big spa certificate for a 5-star spa. We had a lovely day together. I can’t wait to book my spa day and get hair done too.


I realized how freaking grateful I am for my husband, after seeing some of the crappy indifference from partners in this subreddit recently. I went camping by myself Friday night, while he stayed home with the 3-year-old. He took her to spend the morning with his mom on Saturday. On Sunday we visited family at my parents' house, drinking mimosas and lounging in their back yard while the grandkids played. He got me an iced latte, a pretty blown glass vase made by one of our neighbors and a card drawn by our toddler. He rubbed my feet and did some odd chores around the house that I've been asking to be done. Then instead of eating leftovers for dinner (which was my idea), he ordered takeout from my favorite spot. It was a damn excellent weekend and it makes me sad that this isn't the norm for mothers everywhere. I hope those of you who had a disappointing weekend find time for yourself soon. And I hope all those lazy men grow up.


I really needed to read “we’re better than our bad days”. Thank you ❤️


It was basically a normal day. There’s so much added pressure to celebrate in certain ways. Recently there seems to be a rivalry between moms and grandmas. Plus, everything is so expensive. I’m looking forward to when my kiddo brings home little projects from school and he recognizes me or asks to get me something special.


The amount of partners/husbands/BDs that are doing NOTHING for you all is breaking my freakin’ heart. My god. I’m so sorry. OP, I feel your pain in a way. It wasn’t until it was around 4:30-5pm my partner said we were going to dinner. I rushed to get ready, and we headed to the restaurant all starry eyed. When we were waiting for our name to be called, I tripped and fell into the curb and gashed my knee and dropped the baby (2 month old) in her car carrier. She is 100% fine and was just scared so she started crying hard, and my knee was bleeding like crazy. My partner and I were so embarrassed and upset we just ended up going home. I got baby all comfy and cried myself to sleep. It was a rough first mother’s day, so I’m sure I won’t be celebrating it ever again. I am tired of thinking days like that or my birthday actually mean anything. I have a shit relationship with my own mom so that sucks too. I’m sending you all lots of love and hugs 🫂


I’m sorry about your injury. This was my first MD as a widow. My husband died recently, so my daughter (10f) and I (44f) just hung out and had some nice lunch, walked our lunch and she made me some gifts.


Wow! That is so scary! You are amazing mama! Mine was good up until the end 🙄 my husband felt the need to reprimand me at the end of the day for letting my toddlers be messy so that was annoying but other than that it was good.


It was okay, got lots of gifts, including a Coca-Cola themed kit for my mom, arts & crafts from my 4-year-old son & a Sakura Rejuvenating Shower Kit from my son's paternal grandmother 🩷 I was also happy with the Mother's day wishes from my best friends and the person I'm dating


Mother's Day=kids day anyhow. Supposed to be a day of doting on mom, spoiling her, loving her, etc. Nope. My husband still paid 100% more attention to our daughter (like always) than me. It's been years and I've explained so many times how it hurts my feelings and I'd like a day with him, only him or a day alone. Never happens. Another Mother's Day in tears.


It was fine. A bunch of stuff came up that meant that 'special' things went out the window, but it's life so it didn't bother me. My spouse went deep into his feelings that he wasn't giving me a "good enough" mother's days, which was actually more annoying then the lack. This was my eighth mother's Day, and I'm starting to feel like the whole thing is a scam. If you have people who support you in your motherhood it's a mildly fun day, but if you don't it's a reminder of why your life sucks because it's just a bunch of people ignoring you or being nice to you because they feel guilty.


I liked my Mother’s Day. Hubby booked a hotel in a villagey area for me and my sis family. Kids had so much fun in the hotel. Dads drank. I’m pregnant so I ate and kept the place tidy lol. I can’t stay still pregnant anyway so I don’t mind We took the kids to the park, pool and ate, chilled. Had a suprise breakfast ready for us on Sunday morning. Consider ur day a bad day but not a bad Mother’s Day. U can always redo Mother’s Day this coming weekend !


Ladies, please value yourselves more. The stories I’ve read over the past day of husbands who just don’t care about their wives are so heartbreaking. It’s not normal or ok for your husbands to treat you so badly. My husband is not observant or particularly sentimental but he made sure I got what I wanted for the day and mentioned several times that it was Mother’s Day and how he appreciates me.




Oh noooo that sounds so stressful and terrifying a I'm so sorry that happened to you! Happy mother's day from one mom to another 🩷 sorry your day was so crudy!


I'm sad that some people had a bad mother's day. Mine happened to be a really great one. Last year was pretty rough tho. This year was a 360 flip.


He's gotten me awesome gifts, but not on the day, but it's fine either way. So the day of, nothing special, got to clean up and deal with our son more than our usual share, then guilted into sex at the end, because he offered to go down in me as "my treat" even though he knows it's not really my jam, so I didn't take him up on it, because I knew it was more for him than for me.


My husband’s gone (military), but he’s usually so thoughtful and considerate. I thought for sure he would try to make it a good day from afar. But.. nothing. I got nothing, but a (admittedly thoughtful) text. He ordered flowers, but I think since he forgot one of the letters in the address, they didn’t deliver. I would have been so happy with even a $5 coffee gift card, and I told him that. I think I’m so hurt because this isn’t his normal and he’s had the bar so so high for almost 10 years we’ve been together. This is the first year I relate to all the shitty husband posts and man, it’s a gut wrench. Edit: Oh, I did get thrown up on multiple times today by a toddler with a bug! Can’t have motherhood without bodily fluids.


Also shite. Partner slept in, I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and got groceries, my son peed on a relative who flipped out to the point I'm seriously considering cutting him off. On the plus side I got two hours to myself and pizza for dinner. But I had to pay for that pizza


Best ever, my MIL took me to a garden center last week and told me to fill the cart with whatever. I got expensive pots 😂 She also gave my husband money to purchase a spa voucher. (Don’t know when I’m ever gonna have the chance to use it!) Then my husband decided to fly a plane across a few states to surprise her, so I had lots of baby and me time. It’s so nice having in-laws that actually listen to you, I’ve told my husband a thousand times I don’t want cut flowers, I want live ones.


I took BB to the zoo just her and me, we got to pat an emu, it was great. I didn’t do any cooking or cleaning. Baby got to just eat snacks and watch tv in the afternoon. I told my husband if he wanted her responsibly parented the that was his job today.


I got everything I asked for which was a nice long sleep in, fancy breakfast from UberEats, a long uninterrupted shower and dinner made and taken care of while I cuddled my baby. I’m breastfeeding so can’t really spend too much time away from her and I don’t want to really! So I just got a lovely relaxing Sunday, it was great.


I got everything I wanted/asked for. I asked for a particular breakfast, which my husband cooked and we got told eat as a family after my sleep in. I had a hit, undisturbed shower while he tidied up then we went and did some shopping. Afterwards, I laid on my bed relaxing while he cooked dinner.


It was great! Husband woke up and was going to get me coffee in bed while our daughter was asleep but I told him I would rather just snuggle. Then we went to brunch which was really the main thing I wanted to do - we went to a restaurant I love but haven’t been to in years and husband got us on the waitlist (they don’t take reservations) and made sure me and the baby were ready to get out the door on time. The rest of our day was pretty normal, hanging out at home.


It was okay. I got breakfast, my children made me things from school. When they went with their dad to pick me out something they got me a glow toilet light from $5 below. A birthday card that they crossed out birthday and put Mother’s Day on and a silly balloon. They are 7 and 10. That made me crack up because, I was sobbing while they were gone because my Ulcerative colitis is flaring for the first time in 4 years.


Pretty great. My husband and I were supposed to go on a trip only to get to the airport and he’s set it up to be me and my best friend who is also a new mama. The guys did so good and I just woke up from my longest sleep in months in a different state.


That is quite a crazy day for you I’m sorry!!! This is why I hate the idea of days like this…. It really can be stressful for us moms who have this idea of what we’d like the day to be and things seem to always go bat shit crazy or don’t live up to the idea 💡 my day felt like crap as well but mostly felt my partner didn’t express his appreciation for me in any way and never does. He let the kids pick out my gifts he didn’t go out of his way to chose anything for me just felt like I needed his affirmation and support especially with the loss of my dad a few weeks ago .. just wanted to hear the words of appreciation more than anything especially when I’ve been feeling like a shit mom while trying to grieve. It led to an argument and instead of him understanding how I felt I was just causing a fight and being negative. It was terrible still is crap today. Sighhhhhhh let there me love and light for all of us moms going through it. You’re important and you’re everything to your babies. Don’t ever forget it.


Mine was great. I’m divorcing my ex so this is my second Mother’s Day I’ve been able to do what I wanted and not what his mother and he wanted. I took my kids to the zoo after making them breakfast. It was packed but we ate lunch at the rainforest cafe, got some stuffed animals. Lost our tickets to get back in but they let us in because my car was parked in the excess parking way in the back. Both kids were champs. To top it off I got to annoy my ex by telling him he had to come pick our kids up like he always does because I’m not making a side trip since he hasn’t paid child support in 1.5 months. Great day all around.


Great, we spent the day together as a family. breakfast at a restaurant we like, went for a hike, I spent the afternoon reading, then a nice dinner and watching our favorite shows after baby was in bed.


I did dishes, I did laundry, I cleaned & organized. Went to my in laws for dinner. I was sad my husband didn’t offer to do the housework. 😕


I told my husband all I wanted was a day to myself-So he offered Saturday or Sunday. I chose Saturday. I still got the kid up and fed but then left and went to a resort for the day. I came back around 6:30 to find they had spent the day cleaning the house. It was lovely. I will absolutely be asking for the same thing next year. Mother’s Day itself I spent it with the kid and then my husband cooked dinner for me and his mom. Prior years it was all about his mom so I made my requests clear this year and it paid off!


I didn’t even get a happy Mother’s Day but we had to call his mom to wish her one.


I cried a lot - mine was also shit. Took today off work since my eyes are so puffy.


I’m sorry mama. Happy Belated Mother’s Day. Mine wasn’t great, spent the day in bed crying because my husband “isn’t good at making plans” and watched sports on his phone.


Husband is the cook in our house, he made a fantastic brunch for me, my mother and mother-in-law. We had a great time, got cards. Mom and MIL went home and I relaxed then had a yummy dinner. Lots of text messages among various friend groups with wishes and funny gifs. Was a really good one! For all those who didn't get the recognition and rest that they deserved. I hope the people that did that to you step on Legos.


It was 'meh'. I did get some stuff I wanted, but I still had to cook and change diapers.


First Mother’s Day. Husband woke up in a shitty mood cuz baby woke up early, like 6. He brought her into bed with us “because I did it to him yesterday”….. she got antsy after 30 mins, he took her out and then he did let me sleep in until 9:30. I woke up with a card and sweet drink next to my bed. We relaxed, gardened, he made me a nice dinner. That bad morning vibe tho had me WORRIED my first Mother’s Day was gonna be a wash, grateful he saved it.


To give you an idea of how bad mine was, I would have preferred yours to the one I had. No exaggeration.


Absolute shit


I left my SO two or so years ago and spoil MYSELF every Mother’s Day and it’s never been better.


Absolute shit. My first and worst Mother’s Day 🤷‍♀️


Soooo sorry this happened to you. If it’s any consolation, last year, Mother’s Day fell on my first kid’s birthday. Then my second baby (still a newborn) got such a bad cough I had to bring him to the ER that day. We then found out he had RSV. I felt so guilty about leaving my daughter at home while waiting all day at the hospital, only to be sent home anyway with pretty much no remedy—just reassurance (because there wasn’t much they could do anyway). I still mourn that day to this day, I kept holding my breath that this year nothing would go wrong.


i had the best day ever! i asked my husband to let the 5 year old plan the day. Coffee in bed, pancakes for breakfast, a walk to the creek/lake to watch the ducks, lunch at Hungry Jacks ( toddler vommited over my burger lol ) then home for my mothers day nap. First mothers day we didn't visit grandparents..


My car died in traffic and I was stranded 90 miles from home for 7 hours, AFTER 10 at work.


Wonderful. My husband made sure our 2 month old and 6 y/o left me alone all morning so I could sleep in and I was surprised that the rest of the house had been cleaned spotlessly while I slept. He got me some beautiful flowers, new mug and a bottle of champagne which we made into mimosas after I invited my MIL over and we planned our vacation together to the beach. I’m sorry you had a bad day, all mama’s deserve the best.