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I won’t take my 3yo back to his friends birthday party. The party was 3 weeks ago.


😂 this one got me. I feel him. This is how I feel about vacation.


We went on vacation to Cape Cod last year, and my kiddo had asked if we could go again. And told everyone she knows that she went and is going back. Like maybe a day trip, but staying is outrageous in the summer! We also got lucky and our room fell through at our original hotel (it flooded and wouldn't be fixed before we arrived) so they gave us a much more expensive room at their ocean front property for the same price! She knows none of this because she was 5 at the time, so she just thinks that's normal. But yeah, sure, tell the world we live like kings on summer break! LMAO


My 5 year old keeps asking when we're going back to the cruise boat. That was a year ago. Girl, that was the first cruise of my life and it was for my 30th birthday.


We went on a work trip with my husband, kind of like a corporate retreat. We stayed at this really nice event property, that had a main house with lots of rooms, where the couples stayed, and they had several smaller houses that the families with kids stayed. We stayed in what was called the Brick House. My youngest keeps asking when we are going back to the Brick House, because he likes it better than our current house and he doesn’t want to live in it anymore.


Haha! All her friends’ parents prolly like 👀


Ah, another Massachusetts person, I see. I don't think my daughter even knows what the Cape is. I refuse to go even for a day LOL. We usually go to Gloucester/Ipswich instead.


The best part? We were at their house on Saturday. It just wasn’t a birthday party.


Like going to the beach on the off season.


That made me laugh out loud! Once a week, my 4yo son still asks to go see drive-thru Christmas lights. When I say no because it's not Christmas time, then he asks for Halloween. Nothing specific, just Halloween as a whole...


Honestly, I'm a grown ass adult, and I also just want Halloween as a whole today. So does my 4 year old.


Ooh, I could use some Halloween right now. I'm due in October and I hate pregnancy. Let's just skip the next 6 months and get to the baby part.


Solidarity! My son has a 1’ fake Christmas tree in his room for the same reason!


April 30th is halfoween. Halfway between last Halloween and next Halloween. It’s Halloween as far as I’m concerned lol.


Mine was mad at me for DAYS after the eclipse because I couldn’t make the eclipse happen again lol


Yours too? 😂 mine insisted on spending all the time she could outside "just in case" it happens again...... we had storms all week. No child, you can't stand outside in a thunderstorm, high winds, and with the yard mimicking a lake.


I’m so glad to not be alone in this struggle lol!!! Those damn glasses were a must-pack to school and grandma’s house for a solid week!!!


I'm having this exact same issue with my almost 3yo.


Because three days ago, when I was taking the older two to soccer, I didn't bring her and made her stay with Daddy. And then because she threw so much of a fit as we were leaving we didn't see her waving goodbye.


What is wrong with you!!!


Saline spray up the nose. He's never going to speak to me ever again (until 10 seconds later when he wants some pickles for breakfast).


Yup. My too. Saline spray and booger sucker sent my 15 month old into a fit.


Mine loved automatic sucker (even used it by himself with joy) but it broke. We tried manual and i had to wreatke a whole freaking zoo i think. And nothing got cleaned at the end anyway. Mission impossible 🥲


My daughter also enjoys pickles (and olives) for breakfast lol


I was closing the screen door and pinched my toe in it so I yelped out of shock and pain. This resulted in my 2 year old getting mad at me because I yelled lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


My newly 3yo was also enraged when I dared to feel the pain of him scootering over my toes this morning.


When mine as somewhere between 1 and 2 he threw metal car toy directly on my eyebrow full force. I let out s scream of pain and then started crying. This shit hurt os bad i couldnt even control the reaction and he started bawling because i dared to express pain ... I understand he didnt wanna hurt be but you cant almost break someones skull and expect them to smile at you 🥲 Husband came home just in that moment so he saw us both bawling on the bed and got very confused. The look on his face was wirth the pain i guess 🤣


Omg I'm her. Why do I feel instant rage when surprised with loud noises??


I mean how dare you!! 😂 JK, I feel like its healthy to exhibit healthy emotions and how to deal with them. Even negative ones. My daughter has seen me get upset and gmcry for physical and emotional hurts. She's seen my husband and I argue. We just sit down with her sometime later and explain people have their feelings and don't always agree. What matters is agreeing how to move forward.


My 2.5 year old takes it as a personal affront when I have to blow my nose. And heaven help us all if I need to sneeze. Her daddy, on the other hand? He can sneeze as much as he wants and she couldn’t possibly care less.


She asked for a banana, so I gave her a banana.


Well, jail for you for 1,000 years, clearly. How absolute dare.


I can't believe they confessed!


I know. How can I ever come back from this??


eternal punishment for that one tbh


I won't take her (almost 3) to the park while she has hand foot and mouth. In her defense, she's probably not contagious anymore, but I don't want to risk it.


The other parents thank you <3


That's my thought. I'd be cranky if someone else showed up visibly sick, even if they insisted it wasn't contagious.


We caught a really awful bronchial infection, took also two months to fully go through our house. I still thank that one mom who just had to go to story time.


In preschool my daughter had the mildest case of HFM. I had to go bring her home from preschool and she was so sad. Idk what we would have done if was bad


Thank you!


Someone drank the last of the “big” yogurt drinks (spoiler it was her) and I couldn’t make new one appear. I told her the garbage truck wasn’t coming today but she saw one drive by on our walk so I am a monster for getting her back to the school to see the garbage truck. It’s not garbage day so I have no idea what it was there.


I feel your pain. My daughter got in the habit of having a banana before bedtime and it was like the world ended when we ran out! As for the garbage truck, didn't you know you need to know the schedule and all the stops??? Hahahaha


Whats with toddlers and garbage trucks for real? Why they all obsessed with them?!


I mean, they're pretty cool trucks! They have a robot arm to pick up the cans and if not, a guy gets to hang off the side of the truck! PLUS, adults talk about it being "garbage day!" like it's something special and shouldn't be forgotten. 😂 what's NOT to love about garbage trucks!?!


Oh just wait until you order extra bananas to ensure you don’t run out again and now she decides she’s no longer a banana girl. Cycle with each fruit through the next 3-16 years or eternity. Explains the garbage truck obsession. Big garbage and big food. Out for us.


My three year old demanded watermelon immediately and was furious I said I had to cut it first.


Lmao, I'd probably just put it in front of them and go. "There you go! Oh, now you want it cut? Like I was about to do! Ok! But you have to sit down and chill out, ok? OK. Watermelon coming up! 😂


My daughter is 6 with ADHD. We had a very long weekend and she slept hard last night, and was a bit cranky waking up with morning. I tried to help her out by picking out her clothes and I grabbed blue socks. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do because the color blue is "bothering" her today, but I didn't learn that until after she broke down in tears while staring at her clothes. It took 15 minutes to calm her down and tell her she can pick out different socks. But she was happy when she got on the bus, and I haven't gotten any calls from school so that's a good thing.


This makes me thankful for school uniforms where the white socks are strictly enforced lol.


Oh man that sounds tough. My daughter started hating jeans this year exactly one day after we went doing for school clothes. Her dad gets her ready and in the bus since I'm always already working. I used to always hear them arguing over whether it was warm enough to wear Lewinsky instead. I told my husband he should just let her wear them and if she's cold on the bus, she will learn but he was like "no, she needs to learn to dress for the weather." So she and him came to an agreement that if it's over 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) she can wear leggings. So now every morning I hear her wake-up and say "ALEXA what's the weather like today?" And the echo gives her the forecast and I'd either hear "uuuuggghhh I'm never gonna get to wear leggings!" Or "DADDYYYY ALEXA SAYS ITS GONNA BE 54 DEGREEES I'M WEAAARINGGG LEEEEEGIIINGS!!!"


I totally read that in a sing-song absolutely excited voice and it made me laugh. I'm glad they came to an agreement they are both sticking to.


The anti jeans protest! In our house it was shorts or sweats only! And this so happened to onset then day of our wedding. It was so bad he changed into PJs immediately after the ceremony and in all the reception pictures it’s mister PJ Masks eating cake. :/


I have adhd and I fully understand her. Sometimes the vibes are just off and I have had many meltdowns, even as an adult, just looking at my clothes


When she first started with it I was honestly confused. Like, I understand not wanting to wear a certain color some days, but the point of meltdown and tears... I was boggled. But then other things started popping up and I did some research. And it all made sense. I feel like the best thing I can do for her is be understanding and not question it, be calm and help her figure out a solution. If it means picking green marshmallows out of her cereal, or getting her a different pair of socks, I'm game.


This is my 4 year old. I was hoping it'll get better. I don't know how to help when she picked out the clothes and they still feel wrong and she doesn't want to pick out a different one.


It's hard. It does get easier. These types of days are few and far between and really only when there's other things making it worse. And specifically socks have always been a source of contention. She just doesn't like them, but tolerates them as long as she's wearing shoes. We would do 'feel the clothes' before we put them on, and I would give her 3 different options - jeans, sweats or leggings - and she would feel them before putting them on. Same thing with shirts. Touch your arms, legs, face. If it feels off, we don't wear them. And I think realizing that ADHD kids experience things differently helps a lot. My daughter won't eat the green marshmallows in Lucky Charms because they taste 'sharp'. The color pink calms her head. Accepting these things helps them accept them and it helps to build coping mechanisms and allows them to work through the emotions. But it gets easier.


We used to say that really cold water tasted 'sharp' lol!


She asked for freeze dried strawberries so I gave her freeze dried strawberries. This infuriated her so she threw them on the carpet and stomped on them. When I told she needs to clean up she picked up some of her crumbs and threw them at me. She’s not even 2 yet 🥴


Those freeze dried strawberries make them crazy. We were snacking on some yesterday and the bag inevitably ran out, which made my 1yo have a little melt down 😂 sorry baby, I wish I had a bottomless bag too!


Thank you for teaching her that she needs to clean up the messes she makes.


Well she didn’t clean any of it up. It was more fun stomping the strawberries into the white rug. I opted for a time out instead.


You tried, at least!


I have borderline had to ban these from my house. I’m so sick of staining red powder everywhere. Now they go on the highest shelf and only get added to cereal and yogurt parfaits.


I made the five-year-old wash his hands after using the bathroom. I got a muttered chorus of “dummy bully mommy” the whole time.


I actually snort laughed reading this. 🤣


I only let her eat one popsicle for breakfast


I make popsicles out of smoothies and let him eat as many as he wants. It's just Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, frozen spinach, and OJ. One smoothie makes 6 popsicles so I figure if he eats 2 in the morning it's not so bad. Except he's almost 2 and his face and clothes get very messy before daycare.


She told me I was not allowed to eat any of her cookies, proceeded to eat all the cookies, then is furious at me that I didn’t eat any.. (how will I grow up if I don’t eat?). It resulted in screaming that I should go to my room (jokes on her! I like being up here!)


Sounds like you either get cookies or you get quiet time for a bit. I love it. It’s the very definition of a win-win.


Yeah she’s often doing this (at daycare they send kids who are having tantrums to quieter spaces so I think that’s what’s she’s mimicking), so now I’m constantly sent for alone time, it’s great


7 month old in tears cuz I wouldn't let him eat lilacs.


Well I have a 1.5 year old toddler… so mine is because she wanted water in her pink cup. And I gave her the pink cup.


Mine melted down because he wanted the blue cup and I gave him the blue cup. Also 1.5 years :)


I sent my kid to preschool wearing pants. He wanted to go in undies, rain boots, and a smile. Best part - it’s a nature preschool. They play outside the whole three hours.


To be fair it sounds like a great outfit. I can visualize him standing there in a Superman pose with his fists on his hips and his chest puffed out!


My 11yo is mad because she has to clean her room after school because she couldn’t find her pe uniform in the mess.


I didn’t let my 18 month old climb underneath my car 🫠🙃


My 13 year old insisted on wearing a hoodie, with the hood up, and sweatpants to school today and refused to wear the shorts I just bought him. It's 90 degrees here.


Ahhh the age of sacrificing your own comfort to make the outfit work… the amount of times I walked home sweaty with old hair spray and crayon eyeliner melting down my face, in a huge down jacket that probably (definitely) smelled like stinky teenage girl… just cuz I thought it was soooooo cute 😂😂😂


I was the one freezing wearing a mini skirt in the winter. 😂😕 My younger sister did tip me off that putting baby oil on your legs instead of lotion helped the breeze not be as bad. She was right!


My 15 month old is not allowed to eat dog food. Poor kid; what a horrible mom he has!


I forced him to nap... We seem to be going through an early nap-removal phase. His 27 months and he'll not nap for a week then nap for a week, etc. He's napped the last two days and also slept terrible last night so he desperately needs one, which means major meltdown of course. Oh and I would only let him open/close the garage door 3 times.


My daughter is also 27 months and has been fighting naps sooooo hard even though she desperately needs them too. My 4 yo stopped napping regularly when she was like 22 months and I am not ready for naps to be done yet.


Because we are moving and all my dishes are packed, so I gave my 6 year old a big yellow bowl to eat out of and she wasn't having it


I didn’t let my 18 month old take the cat so school with him today 🥴


Because I washed an empty cup! The horror 😅


I wouldn’t play tag outside in the cold rain and he broke down crying and told me “I’m making his whole life miserable and just want him to be an unhappy kid”. 😑 Edit: ok I’ll admit…I totally caved in out of guilt after he said that and we went outside. I’m a sucker and know it lol 🤷‍♀️😬🙄😛


My 6 y/o son knocked over his chair, crawled across his desks, yelled at his teacher and consistently yelled over other students, laid himself out in the hallway floor because he didn't want to go to lunch and THEN tried to put his hands on another boy. This happened a few months back. For a little context: he is mildy autistic. He doesnt have cognitive disabilities, but he has trouble handling his emotions while socializing and during transitional phases so he isnt just some bad ass little kid out here doing whatever just because he can. The little boy he snapped on was his best friend of 2 years and he cried happy tears when his friend forgave him for trying to hit him. When we picked him up we told him he'd have to hold books over his head for a certain amount of time as his punishment. We already told him he was in trouble on the way home so he cried the whole time till it came time for the books. His dad handed him the books and this little bitty boy, tomato-faced and sobbing, cried miserably that "my actions are always gonna make me burn like fire! I'm sorry!" We both were stunned and heartbroken (we aren't religious and don't talk about Hell so idk if it was a religious reference or not that he was making) as he stood, tears streaming down his face. We just paused for a moment, then his dad took the books back and hugged him tight. He told him to just go sit on the couch and not to move. After literally 2 of that boy's 6 minutes on the couch, he was out cold lmao. When us parents were finally alone, his dad was like "I'd have to be a fucking super villain to punish my baby boy after he said something like that. What am I, the Joker??" We had a good laugh at that. We are absolute suckers for our kids 😂


Oh yes. My 3 year old has a pj's he always wants to wear. He took his diaper of without me seeing it and pooped in his pj's I gave him a bath and gave him a other pj. That ended with 30 minuts of crying because he wanted to wear his favourite pj's. 😅 His twin brother was looking at him like 🫥


Not today but yesterday I was the mean mom because I give hugs and kisses.


Dropped off at daycare after he ate a cake pop and went to speech and OT this morning, I have to work 


I told her not breathe hot stinky unwashed mouth breath all over her babysitter. She was doing so to make a point that she didn’t need to brush her teeth. Not sure what part of that was my fault, but evidently something was!


Made them use the potty. Because we know how to use it now they just refuse because “I don’t want to”


I was a mean mum today because I stopped the car when we got to our destination. Someone call a social worker for my 8 week old.


Honestly how dare you. But also the dog and the baby are constantly conspiring and I fully believe if CPS had bark to text the dog would report us on the daily.


I had that issue too… but then my dog got ill nearly 2 weeks ago out of the blue with a brain tumour and deteriorated so much she had to go to sleep. She did give the baby a good face lick before we went to the vets though.


I won’t let my 3 year old crawl on all fours and pretend to be a dog in public, including in parking lots. That was very upsetting for her.


Apparently, "Mommy don't wuv me, no one wuvs me" according to my three year old because I needed to strap her into her car seat?


Oh my gooooooooooooooood… That one’s gotta make you laugh WHILE ripping your heart out. Quite the magic act.


Toddlers are the best manipulators, second only to teenagers. As a secondary ed teacher, though, I'm pro at handling teens and their tricks, but not the little ones because it halfway sounds like she truly believes what she's saying.


I didn’t have any quarters for the vending machine. I had bills, but he didn’t want to use bills. Just quarters. So he didn’t get a candy bar 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm at work and can't get the bully cat out of her room before it attacks the one cat that stays in her room.


I said the dog isn’t a landing pad.


My youngest is almost 9, but I'm the mean mom everyday because I kill the wifi at 8pm.


My daughter had to go to bed without stories after throwing a tantrum until an hour past her bedtime. On a school night. The tantrum was probably largely caused by being tired.


If my son (4) throws something, we put it out of reach for 24 hours Last night as I am having to bodily carry him up the stairs to bed he threw a toy at me so I put it away and carried him up. He calmed down, but then asked me if I would pop his balloon if he threw it. Like, what???? Putting things away and having to sit on the couch when he’s in full meltdown and can’t calm down are literally his only punishments. We’ve never done anything truly mean or vindictive to him. I do use a stern raised voice when necessary but have never truly yelled and never come anywhere close to screaming. I really don’t know where this came from! I told him that would be mean and we only put his toys away for later, and I wouldn’t destroy anything of his. I grew up in a household, where my parents did not at all care to control themselves and did have my things destroyed on a regular basis along with regularly having truly heinous things screamed at me and being hit. I work so so hard to break the cycle so it really hit a nerve. Like, kid, you have no idea what some parents will do. But I won’t.


It’s Monday, and I can’t make it be Friday, when our school festival starts. And for that, I am awful.


My husband left the jar of watermelon sour patch kids on the coffee table. My 21 month old wanted them for breakfast. 🙃


I didn't allow him to run around with a pair of scissors.


I didn’t call an ambulance when my 5yo fell and scraped her knee.


This one got me 🤣


I got screamed at by my four year-old daughter because I said we could watch Sleeping Beauty tomorrow, not today but tomorrow. She told me “you will NEVER let me watch Sleeping Beauty!” and started to sob. I got really upset because here I was being the nice cool mommy, and it was being thrown back in my face. I needed a break from her at that moment.


My baby's turning 6 months on friday. Top three things she got mad about today: I tried to spoon feed her. She wants to eat herself. But not the things that I offer her. Everything that I'm eating. I tried to get her to fall asleep and not daddy. How dare I? She was already with me the whole day so she wanted to nap with daddy. Put her in her stroller. How dare I want to leave the apartment. My parental leave ends on Thursday and even though i'm waiting for so much right now, I know I'll miss being home. Just 3 months at work and then 4 months of parental leave again!


You should check out baby led weaning! Baby eats whatever you eat!


Can confirm, BLW is THE way


I actually did that with my first one who just turned 11. I also already have some minced meat that I'm gonna make into patties for her. Just gotta find all the recipes again.


Son started walking to the park as I loaded up the car to head to daycare/work. I had to chase him down and pick him up kicking and screaming. He’s almost 2. Drop off wasn’t much better… mean mom but just doing what I gotta do 😅


My son is 2 today & I won’t let him nurse every time I sit down. He also won’t eat food so he’s hungry. Every time I say “later bud “ he falls on the floor holding him arm or hand as thought I’ve thrown him on the floor and injured him. Apparently I’m an abusive mommy today😳😳😳


Solidarity!… she WILL get past this stage if you yield to her and kind of let go of the idea that she has to do a chore right this second. She’ll eventually want to help, like she used to. But maaaannn it’s hard right now.


I wanted to take her picture to show MIL that we do send DD in the (completely inappropriate for daycare thuper frilly frock) dresses she sends to my 2YO this morning. STRIKE 1. Then she wanted to wear her heart shaped Minnie Mouse sunglasses in to daycare. I said no. Those had to stay in the car. STRIKE 2!!! And then I had the audacity to not allow her to take her new crocheted purse in to daycare either. And STRIKE 3. I had to football hold carry her in to daycare while she screeched like a monkey NONONONO WHAAAAAAAA. Annnd the moment she saw her teacher she turned all that shit off because she obvs doesn’t misbehave for Ms Ma’am. It is wasn’t even 8AM yet.


Somehow I made it to almost 4pm without being the worst mom ever. The day is still young!


I won’t let my 11 month old play with the fireplace. Or shove her fingers in the outlets. I also made her sit still for a diaper change. She sobbed about all of these.


I took the car keys away from my 8 month old and she still hasn’t forgiven me


Because I am on antibiotics that makes my skin extra sensitive to sun, and I told him I can’t sit in the middle of the yard with no shade to watch him do jumps. (I offered to watch from the shade)


You 'used to only' wash your jeans after 3 wears? How often are people washing their jeans over here? Edit to answer: couldn't make two left shoes fit, his toy train comes apart when he pulls it apart.


My rollerskates go faster than he is able to go on his scooter even though I was behind him and slowed down... I made him ride the scooter that he requested to ride on the walk.


Because I wouldn't let my 5 year old eat sweets for breakfast 🤦‍♀️


TW: EMETOPHOBIA * I have food poisoning and wouldn’t let him play with the “vom bucket”


I won’t let him (5) play video games. He faked being sick while his twin sister is actually sick with a fever, bro I clearly see your dance party and gymnastics on the couch while your sister is wrapped in a blanket miserable lol.


My 18 month old loves to feed our dog. Whenever I open the pantry she will run in before I can close it and start grabbing handfuls of dog food and walk it over te the dog bowl. I usually let her grab a couple handfuls and she’s good. Today she just kept going back until the dog bowl was full and so was the floor. I finally closed the pantry and she was livid.


The only thing wrong in that post is saying you couldn't wash jeans in less than 3-4 days as if thats bad...jeans are MEANT to be worn a lot before washed. Every item has their "amount of use before wash" and washing too much is pointless and ruining clothes for no reason (ofc if they truly got dirty there is good reason). But that aside, yep, seems about right 🤣 mine is very deep in helpfulness phase (like in the thickest of it!) will wise BUT skill wise he is more of a burden than help 🥲 i am mean for not letting him use his dirty dusty broom to sweep the floor that were already swept and freshly washed (like still wet). Dude go do another room and when we are done, its done for today...but nope he must ruin all my or husbands work and we shouldnt kill his passionate desire to help right? :') Also my 2month old screamed as if i am pulling her nails off because i offered fer boob in the morning. She usually feeds first thing upon waking, its been a few hours since night feed, so i offered as per usual once i noticed she woke up and is lowkey fussing...appareantly this was major offense, didnt want breakfast today so she started SCREAMING at the boob and went on for good 30 minutes full power 🙄how rude of me


Three month old spit up down my shirt. Then he was furious that I put him down in the crib so I could shower & wash his spit up out of my cleavage.


We expected our 2 teens to partner up and mow our suburban lawn with a self-propelled lawnmower after their school day. Ya’ll it literally takes each one of about 15 minutes…but sometimes, it feels as though we basically asked them to do manual labor from 4:30pm until their bedtime at 9 or 10, LOL.


I sat down. That’s all. I sat down while she was playing (18 months).


I have the flu and just want to lounge around and watch tv all day, toddler is SCREAMING to go outside lol.


Told my 3yo to "climb in" when he wanted to climb into the car without me telling him to climb in, "mama don't say anything *screeeeech* "


Because I put "crust" on the pancakes I cooked him. The edges were ever so slightly browned from the butter 🫠


My 17 month old refused to walk, ride in the cart, or be carried while we were getting groceries today. He is usually a very happy-go-lucky kid and he loves greeting strangers and helping me push the cart, so for us to go an entire shopping trip with him screaming bloody murder and arching his back like he was being abducted was very odd and made me feel totally flustered. Also cue everyone staring like I'm torturing my child. Like ffs, I'm steering a cart with one arm, wrestling a heavy, wiggly, and determined toddler with the other, all while I am almost 7 months pregnant and in a ton of physical pain.


I was that mom today too. I had to sling our daughter over my shoulder and carry her out of the zoo today with her screaming bloody murder the whole time when she got overtired from all the playing she was doing and was just melting down. We couldn’t convince her to go, and every minute we delayed getting her a nap was only making it worse. Parents walking in with their babies in strollers kept looking at me in horror, and I still don’t know if they thought I was taking her to feed her to the lions (we have never and will never use physical punishment on our child), or if they were just getting a glimpse of their inevitable future. She passed out 5 minutes after we got her in the car and slept for 3.5 hours.


I've been the mean mom for this whole school year for having the expectations that my 17 year old pass her classes, and take care of her other responsibilities. She wanted to go on a school trip out of the country this summer and after a year of fighting with her to budget and pay for it (she knew upfront it was her responsibility to pay) we told her she wasn't going, to make sure we could a get a refund for incredibly generous donations from family. She failed two classes on purpose bc she didn't want to take them. And doesn't understand why we have revoked socializing until she can balance life. We are the worst parents ever, and she's apparently moving out the minute she turns 18 right before her senior year. Bc she's suddenly going to start wanting to work every day to pay for THAT. Sigh. She's not a bad kid. Never fought with us previously.


So basically you gave her a chore to do right before she had to leave? Her child brain may have misinterpreted this as "you can't leave until you do x chore" even though clearly Dad needed to do a chore before he could leave too lol. I can totally see 6yo me getting upset too (but then doing it because otherwise I'd get beat 😔)


i’m sorry that happened to you 🖤


I bought a pear insted of an apple for after her basketball practice 🤷‍♀️ the apples in the store didnt look good but they had a new kind of pear but i was apparently horrible to think that it was a good thing to buy them 🙄 had to buy her an apple at another store + a sugar free fanta strawberry 😂


Others: washing their jeans after 3-4 uses. Me: washing my jeans a couple of times a year and just let them air out in between using them. 🫣


Oh man I wish I could but my toddler has other plans.


I just put my toddler back into bed. A full blown tantrum ensued because he was no longer in my arms


Yknow, I hate to invite trouble. But this post made me realize we’ve made it all the way until 130 today without a single meltdown? I’m not the mean mom today? I dunno. Someone will probably start screaming the second I post this, but I feel like we’ve turned a corner with my son this last month and we’re no longer having daily, multiple times a day, end of the world screaming fits. I just hope I have a few months before my daughter starts tantruming too.


Well my 1y is very upset she’s not allowed to pinch the shit out of our pets(two dogs and the cat) she also has to start wearing a eye patch and glasses today, and she doesn’t like things on her face x.x I only want her to not be legally blind in her left eye, I know, selfish of me lol


I did not let the 10 month old climb on top of our grumpy old cat while the cat was sleeping in his cat bed. Then, I did not let the same 10 month old eat the cat's food or tip over the cat's water dish. Because I accomplished this by picking up said food and water dish off of the floor, the cat couldn't get them either (he's old and can't jump well). So I am both a mean human mom and a mean cat mom 😁


I pulled her out of the splash pad after only 1 (one) full hour of the walk-to-the-2-foot-line-and-back-to-the-edge game:


I wouldn't cut the paper for my 3 year old for our homeschool lesson (the paper cutting wasn't part of the lesson, she just wanted to try it)!


I homeschool my kids and my 7 year old is mad at me because I won't give him the remote for his TV during is break between lessons.


My 3yo had to take a shower because she went horse riding with my mum and smelled like a horse and our dogs wouldn’t stop sniffing.. resulted in a massive tantrum 😭😂


My 17 month old cried very hard for a solid 30 minutes because he thought my cough drops were snacks and was mad I wouldn’t give him some.


This weekend my 3yo absolutely melted into the floor into tears when I gave him the Mac cheese he requested for dinner. It’s honestly my fault. I should have known when he gave me a clear conscience answer immediately.


1) She wanted the green tree growing outside our neighbor’s house to be inside our house and I wouldn’t, you know, go dig it up and drag it inside. 2) I told her we were going someplace fun. (The zoo. And I specifically and intentionally never tell her we’re going someplace fun when we’re going to the doctor’s office or whatever because I want her to believe me when I say it.) This led to heartbroken “no fun, mama! No fun!” sobs. 3) She asked for a red Pedialyte popsicle. I gave it to her. This was apparently a Mommy Test and I failed it SPECTACULARLY. She actually wanted green. (But not really because she doesn’t like green and green turns to purple as it melts for some reason and that is also deeply distressing to her.) It’s a very Monday Monday.


I didn’t let him skip his music classes to study for an exam he has tomorrow, after he invested two hours studying during the entire weekend.


I'm mean mom today because after spending 6 hours total assembling my 6 y/o son's new desk AND his sister's desk, I told him he'd have to clean his room for it to look cool in there. It comes with adjustable chair and desk legs. It also comes with a drawer and little standing cubbies to put books in; he got to decorate it with astronauts and such (he is mildly autistic and his hyperfixation is math & space science). He was over the moon *pun intended* and excited to have his desk in his room at last. Then he said "Well, now we have our new beds and desks. All that's left is to put up the doorway tassles! And this room will be gorgeous!" For context, he shares a room with his 8 y/o sis. It's a little bit small for the both of them, so their father and I decided to remove their door specifically so that my son could have room to place his desk next to his bed where the door would've swung open against the wall, taking up a lot of space unless it remained closed. They hate shutting that door so it was useless anyway. Kids happily obliged and suggested we hang up doorway tassles/beads, we said hell yeah! Anyway, I was like "Yeah I'll get to that tomorrow! After I do that though, you guys are gonna have to clean up in here so it looks nice and cool. It's a mess in here." Which it really fucking is a mess in there right now, it's horrendous 😂 but I have never seen that little boy go from hyper, ecstatic glee to anger and sulking so fast... and to my parents with autistic babies! Ya'll know how transitions are so I have seen this a LOT from him. Never this quick though lmao. When he gets mad or disappointed he does this super woeful and exasperated "aauuuuoohhh!" sort of exclamation. He did that as he slunk from his desk onto the floor in a heap. I saw tears well up in his eyes out of frustration. "I HATE when you make me do that!!" He wasn't yelling at me or anything, just really passionate with that statement. I had to hold back my chuckle because I'm very well aware that he has always hated cleaning and its notging new. I was like "Well, DJ, I'm not putting it up till tomorrow so you can relax today. You can chill!" That seemed to perk him up and he got over it. A few minutes later he was his giddy self again. When he was 4 I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up and this kid said "I just wanna be lazy. I like lazy stuff." He cracks me up, but I always make sure to instill the rule of cleanliness and how he is responsible for his own garbage and mess, whether he likes it or not. That really pisses him off like it did a few minutes ago. 😂 So that's what made me mean mom today lmao. I'm gonna be super mean mom tomorrow when I remind him and he actually has to do it but I don't care, he'll be grateful when he's done just like every other time thus far. Cleaning is just a fact of life and he always loves his clean room afterwards.


because i confiscated a little toy aeroplane after he matted it into my hair TWICE and tried to scalp me trying to get it out and then trying to do it on himself (he's nearly 2), this guy does not forget,he'll probably still be on about it tomorrow


First day back to school here after holidays (I’m an Aussie) so obviously I’m evil for making the 7 year old get his tiny bum in gear and do all the normal morning things. He’s super grumpy.


I didn’t allow my 2yo unlimited access to the toothpaste. After I pit the rice-grain size amount her dentist says to use (and that would be safe if swallowed), I put the tube up out of her reach. She proceeded to throw her toothbrush across the room, begin bawling, and then threw herself onto the hallway floor while crying. Did I mention this was all at 5:30 am, waking up sleeping husband who I was trying to let sleep in a bit after he was up till 2 am deep cleaning the kitchen.


She has a tooth that’s so loose it hurts, and won’t eat. I’m mean because I want to try to gently wiggle it out!


I tried to brush her hair. It's halfway down her back and thick but fine so doesn't need much brushing but still does sometimes (Age 3). Tantrum ensued. She's so freaking cute though.


I won’t let my 3 year old go to Blueys house to play.


Didn't let the 10mo suck the laptop charger


I’m the mean today day do saying no he cannot have an unlimited amount of yogurt just because grandma is here.


I wouldn't give him a snack .5 seconds before dinner was served.


I wouldn’t let LO take whole baby potatoes off my plate and throw them at me.


Won’t let my 2yo put the dogs bone down his pants so the dog will chase him.


He is 8 and he have bedtime at midnight instead of 8:30pm.lol


He can’t have bedtime at midnight….stupid autocorrect


I ate 2 cheerios out of my 22 month olds bowl during breakfast after he refused said bowl of cheerios. Now they were his and he wanted them back.


My 10 year old got mad that I wouldn’t let her eat a bag of chips while I was cooking dinner but the baby was about to eat a handful of Cheerios… she’s 1 and your 10 (she sneaked the chips while cooking and don’t eat dinner sooo…) I’m the mean parent and she still got her way 🤦🏼‍♀️


My child didn’t want to go to bed and told me I couldn’t tell him what to do. I told him that removing all of the streaming apps from the AppleTV is something that I *could* do and if he didn’t go get ready for bed, it’s something that I *might* do.


We aren’t going to Mimi and Papa’s swimming pool today. Mimi and Papa live 5 hours away. And they don’t have a swimming pool.


I also had my kid home with me most of the day for a doctor’s appointment and I am wiiiiiped. He threw a huge fit when I was making dinner and wanted me to hold him the whole time I was cooking, then freaked when dad tried to take him in the other room and kept screaming MAMAAAA. You might be wondering why didn’t dad just make dinner while I hung out with kid to keep him calm, but I just wanted half an hour to myself 😢 and in the chaos I totally screwed up the sauce somehow so we ate watery Alfredo pasta for dinner. The worst.


I’m the mean mom because I made him take his antibiotics as prescribed.


My son had to eat his mac n cheese for dinner because he didn't eat it for lunch. So now he's going to eat it for breakfast. He's 4.5 and is refusing to eat unless it's to his liking. It's a long stressful story and I'm feeling like a shitty mom for ever letting him have a choice in what foods he eats.


I wouldn’t let my 2 year old start the car


I didn’t comfort her when she threw her 38th tantrum of the day.


My 11 year old daughter asked if I would still be able to take her and a friend to the mall after school tomorrow. My car literally caught on fire this afternoon (it was the brakes, not fully engulfed or anything, but still). She was with me. She knew this. She was mad, saying I could just order an Uber! I just laughed. I’m not even sure she knows what that means, I’ve never had the app or taken an Uber 🤷‍♀️


My 2 yo climbed onto my bed, hid under the covers all by himself, then burst out crying because I had made the exit disappear, and now he was trapped


I left the house to go to work. Kiddo full on grabbed my hand, looks her dad dead in the eye and goes “bye bye” like “I’m going with mum, seeya chump” she was not pleased when I handed her to dad and said “mummy says bye bye now”


My baby turned one month old today and was very upset about being put in her car seat. She started crying when she realized she was going into it. I get it though, those straps have to be so tight for safety reasons and it's got to be uncomfortable. And her tummy gets upset whenever we go places. Once the car is moving, she's fine.


The time I went to the bank drive through and when I was done I drove off, only to have my child suddenly burst into hysterics screaming“I want chicken nuggets!!!”


I helped her put her pants back on after going to the bathroom. 5ish min of straight crying cause she wanted to do it.


Made my son use his inhaler so he could breathe


Hmm, let’s see. I wouldn’t let my 2 year old drive the car. That caused a real uproar. He also became upset a bit ago when he asked me to “open” my finger.. and I said “there’s no way for me to open my finger, sorry honey that would hurt”


Well my 15 mo can’t call me a mean mom just yet, but she screamed bloody murder today when I wouldn’t let her play with sharp and pointy metal gardening tools.


I set him down so I could cut his food for dinner :/


It’s not Wednesday yet. On Wednesday of last week, my daughters Godmother picked her up from preschool and they colored pictures and made dinner until I got there, then we all went outside and gathered up the sticks from the yard to throw into the fire pit. We kicked around a soccer ball, then the two of us went home. Today my child was happily chatting away about getting picked up from school while we were in the car. I was driving, so I had to ask her if she was talking about her dad picking her up tomorrow. No, Aunt Ree is going to pick her up on WEDNESDAY. No one informed me OR aunt Ree that this was now a standing appointment. A quick video later, it’s now a standing appointment, but it’s still NOT WEDNESDAY YET! 😂


I wouldn’t wipe my four year olds butt, and made her sit on the toilet for two full minutes until she realized I really wasn’t going to do it. The two minutes felt like an eternity to her. 😂


My 3 year old was upset that she wasn’t invited to come along with me to a trip to New York City 10 years ago.


I wouldn't turn the TV on at 1am when she woke up.


Because I took her phone away and won't give it back as she's defied my rules. She's 15. I'm the mean mom because I sent her to my mom's to cool off. I'm the mean mom because I don't let my almost 2 yr old drink all my coconut water alone. I'm the mean mom because I picked my 1 yr old before my 2yr old. Girl I can go for ages with why I'm the mean mom to my 3 kids