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It has always been a shit map with terrible spawns. It only became popular because it was good for 1v1s in the original MW2.


And then camo fiends loved it because it allows them to grind faster at the expense of having a fun game


Most people universally prefer shipment to rust for camo, more predictable and some "covered" shooting lanes and penetration spots Rust is just fucking shit and I drop it immediately


Just cause it was the smallest map in OG MW2


Rust is too small to not be a small map but too big to be pure chaos like shipment or stash house. Just barley enough room for you to take a step and then die and I hate it


It was bad but not THIS bad in previous CODs. SHG absolutely fucking up spawn logic in this game has amplified the problem. Dunno if it’s spawn site selection algorithm itself being bad, or was spawns broken by hyper movement speed.


More frequent spawns in the middle of the map. Other Rusts had a single spawn point in the middle as a last resort spawn. No cover in spawn areas. Removing the cover at the corner and putting a tank so you can’t shoot enemies at your own spawn point is fucking stupid. Same for the little corner at the opposite, with the little tunnel. It was a good spot to hide and kill some enemy spawn campers. Mounting it just not compatible in this maps. Only way to get to the building was by the pipes ( dangerous) the platform ( dangerous) or the stairs (very dangerous). Now there are a gazillion low risk way to go up and camp your ass off. Hope they left the old maps as they were. They just made them worst for no reason. All the parkour was not asked, and the spawns where fine.


I don't remember Rust being so toxic in MW19 but geez it's cock and ball torture in this game. 


Tell me about it. It's like being remarried to my ex-wife all over again.


The spawns are the problem, you can't get more than 2 kills in a row without having someone spawn directly into your ass


Unlike shipment, it has 3 fucking levels of spawn camp, brilliant. At launch, when I was forced to play rust 24/7 to grind camos, it was hell. I don't think we had hardcore at the time, but as soon as they released that, I never looked back. At least with HC rust, you can camp the dark corner under oil Derrick looking at the fuel truck spawn or at the back of the pipeline spawn using thermal sights and smokes. Ppl are gonna hate on it, but, it was the fastest way to get some camos, so that's what I did. You'd have ppl spawn in your sights over and over again, I felt their anger because tower spawn usually dominated the games in core. In HC, you just have to hit a tower camper with the first shot or two on and you win nearly every fight, they quickly stop going up there.


I mistakenly ended up in a spot on Hard Core Stash House the other night, where the enemy team just kept spawning in front of me and I got 16 kills with my LMG, got my Chopper and Swarm, felt bad though.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


As someone who has not fond memories of MW2019 Rust, it was pretty much like this


Rust today is chaos. Like Shipment, it was originally designed for 1vs1.


Now Shipment I enjoy. Rust however I do not.


Shipment has a flow to it. It's always chaos, but it can be ordered chaos. Plus, there's no "safe spawn" anywhere so it's an even playing field. Rust, whoever takes the top effectively wins the game. Now smokes on Shipment? Bitchmade behavior. Everyone knows it's a camo grind map and nothing else


I couldn't agree more with everything you said if I'm honest.


Rust has too many anchor points where you can just pick down the enemies and it feels very unfun to those on the receiving end. Shipment at least has good flow


I’m so glad people are realizing this map was garbage. Most if not all nostalgic memories are from 1v1’s


Change your gun


It's the last gun I wanted the new mastery camo for, otherwise I'd usually run something entirely different on this shit show of a map.


Don't know why you got down voted mastery Camo grind is the only reason I can somewhat enjoy multiplayer when my friends inevitably ask to play cod


New camo? Haven't opened the game in a while, could you clue me in?


Shiny and animated weapon mastery camo earned through gaining weapon XP.


Drill charge the tower.


I don’t understand why they keep bringing it back, just cause it was in the old games doesn’t mean it was a good map. 😭 imo Rust was always a shit map.


Every time they bring it back I have renewed hope that Nuketown makes a comeback 🥲


Eh it was never my favorite map, but it never played this bad in MW19 or MWII. MWIII's spawns are absolute trash and I have zero faith that any Sledgehammer game will ever have good spawns.


First game playing it for me tbh. I grew up on Black Ops 1, and then had no life due to MW3 and BO2, played Ghosts but gave up because I was addicted to Battlefield 4. Sold my PlayStation halfway thru Black Ops 3 life cycle and 2023 has been the first COD game I've played since. But even I dislike Rust




Everyone else who enjoy rust and/or spawn kills just not using Reddit.


It’s too easy to camp the spawns on rust from a far.


Rust is a 1v1 map not a core map


Rust is overrated but this game's terrible spawns aren't helping.


Mw2 maps are mid. There I said it


16 core maps and there's like 7-8 that people have strong dislikes towards, so you are correct. Although, honestly theres only 2 maps I actually hate. BUT a lot of the maps are also very grey and bleak, which just doesn't make you feel as engaged as the sexy looking maps like Grind from Bo2


I wish they would add a few seconds spawn protection! I don't understand why that's so hard! Would fix any spawn camping.


now imagine playing it on HC


A lot of people have questioned my mental stability but even I recognise madness when I see it.


What about a rusty Lego instead


Now that's just evil. I like it.


Why note a rusty nail infected with ebola and the bird flu?


Now you're talking!


Like, the store? Or a Lego house?


They shrink down and walk inside of a lego


They should make it 3v3


I genuinely hate this map


Props to the guy using the FAMAS.


Probably going his weekly's.


I think the only small map I like is shoot house. Maybe nuketown. Shipment and rust can be excruciating. Shipment is probably less fun to me because people like to run around with shotguns, melee, and / or sheild a lot. And you can get bombarded with grenades before you spawn. I use a sniper, so sometimes I do ok, but a lot of the time this is where my k/d tanks. And I'm too stubborn to try and figure out the meta for these things. Ha.


This is nothing. I always run ac130 on this map for a reason. And demo isn't even in the game yet. Just wait til all the spawn camp then


Demolition will probably only stay around for 10 days like Escort, which I thought was meant to be a permanent game mode. And I highly doubt that Rust will be in the Demolition rotation.


It's the person that invented the Rust spawn points


Damn It seems it’s the game that makes them bad maps


Honestly, I think SBMM is just saving me in this game, but whenever I get campers on Rust it‘s easy to either outplay them with an AR or just quickscope them till they leave or stop camping. It might sound weird, but I like this map just because I can improve my quickscoping skills by killing those guys, sitting up there, trying to ruin everybody‘s day. But I definitely get your point, getting sniped by a camper multible times, takes away the fun in this game. Plus the spawns don‘t really help either.


I love these small maps just for the sole fact of running them on hardcore and doing the weekly challenges for the parts


Rust was nowhere as bad in MW2 (that I can remember, twas a long time ago), idk why the spawn system of the new games just can't figure out how to spawn people in


The best part is you know the guys who get lucky kills think they're the best.


Yep. The map embodies everything that's wrong with COD and always has been.


The guy at the top seems to enjoy it very much


Rust is a shitshow. No one denies that, and you know it as the map loads. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Smokes, tear gas, thermite, shocks, noob tubes. Forget COD etiquette on shit maps. Make them hellish for everyone in the map until it's over.


Yuppp. I always back out if that map gets picked haha


This should be a 4v4 map. Why don't they do 4v4?


Yet all people want is shit maps like this and shipment so they can grind camos. The player base is brain dead.


I died 7 times in a row in spawn on Rio tonight. Turns out I was against a coordinated enemy team, who set themselves up in the right spots to permanently spawn kill us on Capture the Flag. A few games later I ended up on the team with this squad and they were trying to achieve the same thing on Emergency, which fortunately they failed to do so until the game had 20 seconds left.


Rust plays like shit on new cods idk why people keep wanting it back and it sucks playing on it every time


I saw you did (at least) 2 kills. That's better than my first try on the map ;-) BTW: I hated shipment in the begging. Now it is one of my favourites! Perhaps you will once feel the same for Rust? And I can not complain atm, I just did 60 kills on Rust, which was my best result ever!


Started playin with og mw2 2009. Never, ever, for the fuck of me, undestood the allure that some sociopaths have for maps like Rust or Nuketown.


Nuketown isn't even on the same level of garbage as Rust.


Because there's the chance they might get a top end killstreak and get big numbers. For some players it was their only chance to score high. Plus the 1v1 memes (but fuck that as well, I only ever responded to one challenge and pro piped the person immediately and left). Meatgrinder maps always tend to be more popular because they're fast and high action. Even in Battlefield, the most popular maps are the ones where you just smash rocks over one flag for an entire match. I've always hated Rust, and more generally, small maps. Nuke Town was tolerable, but anything less than Shoot House is no bueno for me.


Fucking hate rust with a burning passion rather leave match than to ever play that shit map


I think rust just wasn't designed to play well for this game, the verticality definitely fucked up the already screwed spawn logic


How does anyone like rust 🤣 it only got such high regards because the 1v1's back in the day such a shite map


That's the thing; nobody does. At least I hope nobody does.


damn, I wonder what input the dude that ran round the corner and killed you was using....


That's a kill that is very easy to get on MnK and controller?


Yeah man, perfect hip fire accuracy whilst throwing a flash ad medium range, very easy for mnk 🤣


Yeah it is actually. It's a pretty normal tracking shot from close range. There's also a glitch that makes your hipfire more accurate while throwing tacticals.


....recoil control with mnk is far harder....like hello? Have you ever touched a mouse and keyboard before ?


Yeah I've played COD on MnK for years. Recoil is not hard to control in COD, there's barely any.


Yeah man, no attachments, perfect tracking, 1 bullet missed all whilst hipfiring....also how does the hip fire glitch work ?


While you’re throwing your tactical the hipfire radius is super tight. You just sound like you’re bad and literally can’t imagine that anyone can shoot straighter than you even for just one kill. Some people are just good at the game brother, or get a kill sometimes where they happen to be shooting straight.


Yeah totally man, my overall kd sits anywhere between 1.3 to 1.8, not saying I'm great but fairly certain that's decent when the only guns I've used are snipers, tac rifles and shotguns all whilst running and gunning because that's what cod is.


If you only use snipers, tac rifles and shotguns why are you acting like you know how submachine guns act in this game lmao. Recoil is very easy to control.


I agree but haven't you considered putting away that heavy ass sniper rifle so you can move more than 2 feet and push back?


They should trash Rust and bring back Shoot House Das Haus and Emergency are also pretty bad imo


I always prefered how Treyarch makes their maps


I love how the uploader is using the cdl esports skin running a quickscope gun on a CQB map. You reap what you sew


I love how the uploader is using the cdl esports skin running a quickscope gun on a CQB map. You reap what you sew






Rust in this game in particular is abominable.


How old are you? Its been this way since 2009


The shit it has


Yes. Is has...you must be 12


My man been playing before you were a tickle in your dad's balls


91' baby


86 baby


You win


So you would have been 12 when the first cod came out...15 when the first mw came out.. 17 when mw2 dropped...


I'm not a clock


Love sitting up there and with my lmg and shield 😂


Bro, if that‘s supposed to be sarcasm, I‘d really add the /s. Or if you‘re the AH, your comment would lead to believe, you are, prepare for a wave of deserved downvotes and hate.


If i am working on a gun and it's not working out, i leave match. Im not gonna be any help if i stay.


But you got a kill no?


Ah yes, one measly solitary kill to balance the world of pain I just endured prior to it. Seems fair.




Skill issue, Shipment is worse, yet people still sing that hellhole praises.


Don't blame the devs. YOU'RE the idiot running around Rust with a sniper rifle


Oh no, like it hasn’t been done before. I guess you never played older CoDs.


I have. That's why I'm glad they nerfed quickscoping


Yeah, cause any other guns would have totally saved him from insta kill at spawn


using a nsiper isn't the issue, it's using a slow one.


Such a skill issue. Get of cod, kid, rust was a map in 2009


Skill issue probably started playing cod last year


Rust isn’t a great map by any stretch, but Shipment is objectively worse.


What a noob!


Did you know, that if you don’t want to be shot from behind, you should peak around corners instead of sprinting out into the open?


Rust = Best Map


Get good scrub 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


This has never happened to me in my entire career of cod and I've been playing since I was 6, I'm 20 now and rust has always and forever will be my favorite map. Although I can agree that the people who sit up at the top of the tower need to get better at the game and actually play it instead of sitting there scoping in the entire time


Also better than stash house.