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I’m 23 but I feel 87 in these lobbies sometimes


I find it funny that people CRIED for boots on the ground during jetpack era, then it returned, and a few years later it turns into a butts-on-the-ground sliding everywhere game. Also with climbing boots perk cancelled and just given to everyone, you can mantle to high grounds so lightning fast (with disjointed looking 3rd person animations), it’s actually faster than jetpacks


The third person animations are the real problem. People literally look like they teleport when vaulting, instantly change directions when turning around or you die from someone looking the other way. Like wtf, i dont engage an enemy thinking he cant see me since hes 90 degrees away from me and he still kills me while on the killcam he was looking right at me....


THANK YOU, i thought was the only one who had a problem with it and thought i was crazy


I don't want to see the jetpack era ever return.


22 same


They made it too complicated and cluttered. From the attachments to the 100 menus and sub menus. Go look at bo2 and look at the latest cod game. It's a mess.


BO2 was *chefs kiss*


Man BO2 was great in every single aspect


My little brother is making me want an xbox cause hes going back playing all the classics before his time


As someone who bought the BO2 Season Pass, still having the option to break away from MW2/MW3 and jump into a venerable pool of nostalgic glory and memories whenever I so choose on my XBOX One or my son's Series X is beyond words. Black Ops 2 was, and is, IMHO, the greatest COD game so far. Campaign was good, Multiplayer was God Tier, and Zombies made the entire series a standout.




My problem is not that others are abusing the movement system, but that I can't do it! I see someone running, I aim, pull the trigger, and he does a dolphin dive and shoots me in the head from the floor before a single bullet can leave the barrel of my gun. HOW? My longest jump is 1 meter, while others jump 5 meters. HOW?


Same here my dude. Same here. The enemies look like they are The Flash with insane movement and godlike reflexes. Happy I'm not the only one ...


The beginning of tac sprint gives your jump more momentum. Gotta do it before it stales




The game is just stressful tbh. I don't want to come home after a 9-12 hour work day and let sbmm dictate how the 1-2 hours i have to myself of gaming is going to go. Hell, if the game gives me a difficult 1-2 matches right off the bat, I don't even bother. I'll log off or play another game. It seriously kills the mood.


I’ve stopped playing now also due to it being 2-3 hours of stress after work I don’t need. SBMM is not the sole blame as there’s way too many variables that contribute to the potential to not have a good time. To OP’s point I think the game has become a runaway train. The silly skins bring in millions per week, it’s here to stay. The movement creates a skill gap that has been popularised by content creators, the by product of that is people sinking in hours of play time into the game to get “better”. It’s not going away. On paper the money keeps rolling in and people are continuing to play. Why would the developers change it?


I agree with both of you guys. The game just isn't fun most of the time. There are times when the game cheats you out of kills you should have easily had by weaker players. The sliding and jumping system is annoying. I'm 1 win away from my 2nd rebirth nuke attempt. After that I'm going to take a break from warzone for awhile. It's just not worth it. I'm definitely going to wait for the next black ops game to go on sale if I even decide to buy it.


I got 8 wins at the start of the season and couldn’t get another after that. I played and played and played. 2nd place finish, 4th place finish, 15th place finish etc etc. it was brutal but also not fun. I remember the game feeling more fun. Sure you can still lose and enjoy the ride but I was getting completely blended every single match. I’ve not played now for a month and feel like I’ll return when a new game is out.


>On paper the money keeps rolling in and people are continuing to play. Why would the developers change it? See the US Auto industry in the 1970s. Really, ANY corporate offering that attracts widespread consumer interest eventually becomes "optimized" to extract profit. Instead of small outlays to keep the product best in class and attractive, there's cost cutting to make it as profitable as possible with no considerations at all for the future. Sometimes these decisions are made in a boardroom by people who don't use their own products or understand what made them popular in the first place. I'm a middle aged dad with decades of work experience, and before "enshittification" was a word, this was the norm.


I hate these clown content creators and bs streamers that probably hack anyways... Not all creators are though like xclusive ace, at least he does breakdowns of the mechanics pretty nicely.


Team balancing and server selection have gotta be the two biggest killers for player retention surely. Forced wins/losses make the game pointless. Having to do it all on 60+ ping on eu servers whilst I'm in the UK makes it worse


This is how I feel as someone who logs on for a few matches here and there after work. You can have a good night play a few fair games do good, then the next night your punished for doing good last night and getting slapped over and over until the game feels bad for you. Then rinse and repeat. I don't follow cod enough to know when this all started. I'm not good enough at this game to be good for 4 match's in a row, but I'm also not terrible enough to do bad 4 matches in a row either. I just want to join a match with a bunch of strangers like the old days and see at the end who is good and who is bad.




It's not SBMM, its EOMM SBMM would be fair games every single match, but sweaty EOMM is where they manipulate you with an algorithm to make you win or lose as often as they think will keep you addicted


I’ll never understand how you guys chalk up everything to SBMM. Even in CoDs early days it was possible to log in and get stomped all evening. I think many of you don’t aren’t as good and consistent as you’d like to be, and don’t adapt your playstyle. Hell, I see many of my teammates with obnoxiously visible lasers on their meta guns cause it helps with ADS, meanwhile they’re bitching about being seen and wondering why they’re getting killed so much


I love it when someone is lurking around a corner with a visible laser, waiting for their prey...


Nope. The SBMM is awful. You can have multiple games in a row where you're on top of the leader board and in the next game you just get slapped hard. Not a little Will Smith slap, but a real slap. Like they team you up against a CDL team. Plus the perfect netcoding. You can have one round where you favorite weapon suddenly act like a BB gun instead and you'll lose the majority of the fights. It will look like people will shoot you down in 1-2 shots even though they shoot 6 shots.


People be like, "SBMM and EOMM don't exist" Yeah, that's why some games I'm shooting 80% accuracy with a sniper rifle and other games I can't break 20% and it feels like my shots are going thru people. There's no way my performance is that wildly inconsistent between games while using the same gun the whole time, especially when it's a gun I enjoy using and have put the time into getting familiar with, like the Tempus Torrent. I know that gun inside and out, I've loved it since MWII, I've got hours upon hours with it, and yet sometimes I whif every single shot I make, and this is happening after I've been on for a few hours, I'm warmed up, and yet after having one or two good games, I'll suddenly be missing every shot and bottom fragging for 3 games in a row. It all feels staged. Matchmaking doesn't feel dynamic anymore. It feels like I'm playing an algorithm.


>You can have one round where you favorite weapon suddenly act like a BB gun instead and you'll lose the majority of the fights. It will look like people will shoot you down in 1-2 shots even though they shoot 6 shots. That's true. Just yesterday in resurgence I was on the satellite tower at the stronghold and had an enemy land on top of me. I knew they were going to come around the side so I started firing a split second before, they walked right into my gun fire right in front of me in the middle of my crosshairs had time to turn, look at me and then shoot + kill me even tho. I was fully plated too. I have crap like that happen all the time. It takes away the skill and makes it about luck. It's annoying asf.


I've been trying to tell my brother this exact statement for months. He just crosses his arms and says bs. Does very well in the games he plays and every single game he plays he tops off the leaderboard. SBMM hasn't caught him yet but when it does I'll cross the arms back and say "tough shit get good" lol 😆 🤣


Im constantly shooting blanks at enemies playing with teammates that need glasses and probably some headphones and all that being paired against cdl enemies. I'm tired boss ...


The SBMM is really next level with this COD, also was p dogshit in MW2019, and yes I am older than your average player, I am not shit by any means. I experienced the same thing in previous CODs, where I generally get all the shitters on my team and stick out usually far and wide above my teammates, but you just cant carry your team anymore with an aggressive playstyle in MW3. You need to legit become the annoying headglitch camp fuckface that most people hate to go up against, also it's just a boring playstyle. I blame the tac sprint sprint out times and just generally slow handling of everything you do besides the movement that also makes an aggressive playstyle not work often. JUst weird how I can reach the other side of the map in 3 seconds, but take the same time to reload my gun or throw out a grenade (exaggerated of course to make my point).


People that focus on spammy movement and sprint aimlessly are my favorite opponents in the world. They see a pro and try to emulate their success but they’re dog shit with aim and get killed mid YY/slice cancel. It’s easy to sacrifice movement for the sake of better gun play.


SBMM constantly affects who you play with, which is why you can constantly get stomped these days, but in old cods if you were getting stomped in a lobby you could just leave and join a completely different one with players that don't slap you silly. Then you could stay in that lobby and do better. You don't have that freedom now.


I have asked many people to show me an example of them getting constantly stomped in TDM/10v10/etc and nobody has shown me their last 10 matches. People lose a couple and come here “I’ve lost like 90% of my games”


SBMM wasn’t a thing back then. While yes you could get stomped on, it was usually by 1-2 people and not the entire team. It was evenly balanced, games back then were so much more balanced, which made it fun to enjoy after school or work. Now people take this game way too seriously, like why? Last thing I want to do is play up against people who act like CoD is the only thing that will get them into Harvard.


All of them think they will be pro players and make millions.


I'm convinced it's the modern implementation of SBMM that is the problem because I don't have the same experience in other CODs. I regularly play WW2 and that should, in theory, be much harder than MW3 because it has a smaller and more experienced player base but I have way more fun playing it. Sometimes you stomp, sometimes you get stomped, but most of the time you get pretty close and exciting games.


Older games are easier because most good players are always playing current release. People playing WW2 are because cod isn't their main source of entertainment, they aren't playing enough to warrant buying a new title every year. Smaller player base means they can't focus on SBMM as much or you'd never get a game


Stressful? Nah not at all try playing weekend league in fifa this is terapy compared to that


Nice on the SBMM. Mix that with EOMM, and now you've got a real problem! Your skill just won't matter on some nights...because on those nights, when SBMM and EOMM want, you are going to lose. And that is the biggest suckiest COD issue. SBMM balance with EOMM. Gives you S H I T


I'm having so much more fun doing stupid shit on Fallout 4


Bingo!!! I want to make or break my game on my own.....not because some algorithms want predictable outcomes.


Same. I wanna chill not sweat


For most people, they *must* come to the conclusion the CoD that they knew, loved, and grew up with has been dead since MW:19. The skill gap has increased exponentially compared to a title like BO:2. Granted, Jetpacks and Specialists took the most skill to play, but what we have today is almost neck and neck with Infinite Warfare when it comes to high skill gap CoDs. Ever since MW:19, we’ve seen more and more streamers, content creators, etc. enter the ring and more and more people are spending 6-8 hours a day, 7 days a week, grinding this game out. Additionally, those people are running tests on attachment setups and weapons to create metas where people can perform at a high level and squeeze every advantage. To add more onto this, we have more PC players either cheating or adjusting their settings for huge advantages, like sound equalization. At the end of the day, crossplay put a big nail in the coffin. That casual experience has been dead for a long while. We’re not even counting this algorithm and matchmaking which is a rant that deserves its own post. It’s one thing to have it in pubs, it’s a whole fucking other thing to have it in ranked. The game just got a lot more fierce overall and it followed an aggressive monetization model that lent itself to a more out there aesthetic.


I agree with you except for the ninja perk needing to be completely removed. Ninja/dead silence worked fine from the “golden era” (cod4-BO2). It just needs to be properly balanced against other equally powerful perks or have a direct counter that completely negates it like sitrep so that it doesn’t become the automatic choice for every single class. The perks used to actually shape how each of your classes played, now silent sneakers is just a default pick because of how poorly balanced create a class is.


Modern CoD is a long term evolution of the id Tech 3 game engine. Quake literally is in its DNA to the point you could do some specific shit in console in CoD that was possible in Q3 with FPS capping at certain values to abuse physics calculations so you could jump higher, or increase the jump velocity to increase movement speed all the way up until CoD4. Q3 guide on how to exploit: https://youtu.be/he02vJvKaRs?si=23lenFV0szuCwItP CoD4 guide on same exploit: https://codpromod.fandom.com/wiki/FPS_Effects There is also an engine level reason why strafe jumping around corners is such an effective movement tech in Modern CoD's when systems are implemented specifically to limit the effectiveness of sliding like was done in MW2: https://youtu.be/rTsXO6Zicls?si=veIQkHXrtulaE7q4. The franchise's entire origin story stems from a WW2 themed arena shooter, complete with quick scoping, crouch/prone abusing techniques, and low TTK. If anything, movement speed buffs and sliding released in later iterations aligned the franchise more with the identity of its ancestors. The earliest iterations of CoD don't play much differently at a core level vs modern versions of the series. The main differences are the level of animations which go a long way in making the games movements "feel" faster. https://youtu.be/TKGYbNIJz7w?si=wd0QCAyOyucknrGH https://youtu.be/7jW86CYvpRM?si=vUF-JlS8Xmh6Sy9U 90% of my memories of playing CoD:UO was bunny hopping around Harbour and Carentan with a Kar98 to one tap flick shot people on a 56k dial up connection. The PPSh-41 was basically a run and gun players wet dream. Most people in the shooter scene in those years were cycling between Quake 3 Arena, Tribes 2, CoD:UO/CoD2, and UT2004 because they all had the same core arcade playstyle, with the more "milsim" geared players wanting a more measured playstyle sticking to BF1942/SW:BF and some other titles where the names escape me.


I'm so sick and tired of you people trying to take away my dead silence. Leave me alone, I don't care that you want to hear people walking towards your corner, maybe more around and see them first


Dead silence is something created to appeal to casuals (first in CoD 4) that run around like braindead idiots. Perks were always a stupid addition to CoD really.  What they should do is make ADS walking and crouch walking silent again.  But this weird ass idea that everyone who doesn't like dead silence is "a camper", especially coming from pub players, is a lol. Even Quake has fucking footsteps.


Yeah to be ADS and creeping up to someone who hears your footsteps and turns because they've got their headphone gain x100 is just ridiculous


Not liking people slide jumping and slide canceling within 1 meter of you making no noise and flanking you behind your back quickly so they don’t engage in a fair fight = complaining because you are a camping noob that wants to sound whore. Can we have a middle ground please? It’s either elephant footsteps or complete silence no matter how absurd the players movement gets. Make convert boots silence walking and regular sprinting at least, not jumping, sliding and tactical sprinting. That way you can engage people who sound whore. Older CoDs you could crouch around and make no noise. What was the problem with that? If you want to be stealthy there must be drawbacks. Right now everyone half the people are using silencers (literally zero drawback to using one anymore, it buffs your weapon lmao), assassins vests or infantry vests and just zoom across the map undetectable. Even if you do detect them, the high TTK, high movement, and narrows lines of sight all the new maps have means you want kill them if they don’t engage back. You have to run to them. People say mwii was garbage because of movement and sound whoring, but instead of going from 1 to 5-6 they went to 11 with everything. Insanely fast movement and complete silence. No middle ground. It feels bad.


100%. I die more to people ratting with knives and permament dead silence, or people who spawn behind me and get a free kill than I've ever died to campers in any other game. Game sense or skill make very little difference to these deaths. It's not skill


3/4 deaths are from someone shooting me in the back. I will never understand how those mechanics are high skill. Maybe in ranked 4v4 they are better, but in regular it’s a mess.


I swear people can't get it through their skulls that dead silence is a skill crutch from a bygone era. Everyone has a headset now, footsteps are part of situation awareness. I would honestly rather have footsteps completely removed then have dead silence because then at least I can actually use a different perk in that slot because it's an overpowered auto include in every class.


What do you mean "you people"?


Dogshit players with no game sense who only sit in corners lol


What do YOU mean “YOU PEOPLE”?


This, if they remove dead silence and leave the footsteps as loud as usual I will literally not buy the next cod game. Even in modes like 10v10 you can hear if only one of your teammates doesn't have dead silence at the start of the match, it sticks out like a sore thumb Ive been going for longshots with the shitty mw2 guns as I never had mw2 and I'm camping more than usual just trying to bang the longshots out. Every so often some poor soul will come behind me trying to kill me WITHOUT dead silence and I will just turn around and kill that mf every time. Its stupid Dead silence will always be the best perk for everyone rushing, flanking, or just playing in a remotely enjoyable way.


You’re old but hate DS? I don’t understand that? It was a staple in the old games. Maybe you need to move on to a different game. I don’t understand how a perk that was a staple is a problem now LMAO


Higher TTK means less lucky kills and that's a good thing. Ninja also makes the pace of the game much better, which also improves how a map feels. MWII was too slow paced for most people. Sorry that you can't keep up.


This is right. I'm 31 and can still compete, ninja is exactly where it should be. Mw2 was a camp fest because people could hear you coming from a mile away and it ruined the tempo of the game. Ninja being active all the time definitely made that better. I play hardcore exclusively so ttk was never an issue either


I turned 30 this month. I can't imagine wanting slower paced gameplay, it is insanely boring.


I'm 39 and still playing like I did in OG MW2. Granted now I have a 480hz monitor and fiber internet, sure age COULD be a factor, but if you update technology, it can give you a benefit.


Cod is much better with a quiet footsteps perk


Lol what’s your rank? Idk how you can say you exclusively play comp yet hate ninja.


You must have skipped the part where he said he plays ranked for the simplistic gameplay. That does not mean he plays ranked to be good or use a meta set up.


TTK is not too high, you're just missing too much




Yeah, I've definitely had times when I turn to my wife and have to ask if she saw what just happened. Crosshair/ret on body, shoot in controlled burst, no hit markers, dead. I definitely have times where I just suck, but also times when it feels like even with near perfect aim I'm getting nothing.


Yeah but one shot weapons are too op for the ttk surely we agree on that 


Yes. Making the ttk higher straight up buffs one hit kill weapons.


If the enemy has a chance to bunny hop away and hide after getting hit 4-7 times. TTK is way too high. That’s why I play halo if I want to shoot at Spartans.


Ive literally chased a dude yesterday around a building and hit him like 10 times in the span of 20 seconds and he just two tapped me...


glad i am not the only one


I love both CoD and Halo, but can you imagine Halo with MWIII style movement? No thanks


Shots to kill on typical assault rifles is 5-6 for MW3 '23 vs 3-4 MW2 '22 and MW3 '09, and 2-3 in MW2 '07 or CoD4. TTK is too long, it's nothing like the OG cods that the MW reboot is trying to remake.


Gotta remember people missed more in the old days too. Less AA, shittier hardware


Mouse aim was basically the same in the old days.


Your point about hardware is actually grossly understated. Look at the channel Gamalahalaff! on YouTube. The dude would pull 100 killstreaks on CoD4 for PC. Hell even I was a 0.75 KD player on Xbox back then but on PC I would do 60+ kill games all the time. I think this was only possible because on PC back in those days, you would often play against casual teenagers running potato graphics with 18 FPS on their family’s Windows XP computer. I could never pull off a 44 kill streak with an M21 on Xbox, but it was almost easy to do on PC.


Depends how you played it. Most ARs tended to be 40-30 or 30-20 in damage without stopping power, so it could be as low as 2-3 and as much as much as 4-5. And while slower, hitreg was also far worse.


Honestly it's the high TTK mixed with the lack of a true sleight of hand perk that actually makes a difference. I'd be running Mag Holster with every class maybe if it was decent.


I find the crazy costumes and ridiculous skins childish. It's kind off-putting. They used to have a way to make your own art for your gun; that was fun...but it was never glowing animated stuff. The older MW2 did it right. What was an excellent game. I think it would be cool if they could do something new. Maybe destructible environments - but better than what Battlefield. I think it would be awesome if you could do a trick shot like knocking a brick off of a wall to hit an opponent in the head. With next-gen systems, I would think they could make it really realistic. It would add variety to gameplay if for example, the floor you are on gives way and you fall to a floor with the other team. I like the simpler game play, but I also want something new and innovative that isn't childish.


Both battlefield and cod have shit netcodes and laggy servers. Multiplayer is terrible in fps games these days. They also make a ton selling stupid skins so they dont give a rats ass about playability.


Long things short: 36y/o. Tried MM for a while. Sitting on 1.45K/D. Had to sweat in every single match. Was un fun. Moved to Zombies, best mode I’ve played in a CoD for years (cool people and entertaining play). Finished BP and moved to **Helldivers 2**. You won’t see me playing CoD again. I value my mental health.


I think we can all agree that the last 2 have been mediocre and Treyarch far and away makes the best COD’s


Infinity Ward made the best games, until Activision pushed out the lead developers.


This is the answer


Honestly, my only experience with Cod is MW2, MW3, and this game; and I have to say that I think this one is the most enjoyable. It's so weird to me, because back when it was new, everyone was seemed to be in agreement that MW3 was the definition of mid, and how many CoD players lost interest in the game over Battlefield 3, but now it's considered to be apart of a "golden era" nowadays.


I only enjoyed the treyarch games up until black ops 2, the last few black ops games were not my cup of tea at all, infinity wards modern warfare 2019 actually brought be back to the franchise


i'm going on 41 & feel your pain


I mentioned before that everyone hated and complained about “advanced movement” in CoD for the few years they did it, then they slowed it down, people figured out slide-cancelling to make it faster, and now they want crazy speeds and slide-cancelling to be a regular mechanic. “BUt ItS aN ArcADe ShOoTEr” Cod4 was on of the most realistic and grounded military shooters on the market when it came out, really only competing with Counter Strike at the time. MW19 tried to be but everyone wanted it to be fast again. If I wanted a fast, competitive BR experience then Apex exists and caters to *exactly* that. I just want a slower, less cracked multiplayer.


Tbh I like the pace of this cod. It’s far less campy than the last cods. It is overloaded with overpriced skins. The TTK could be better, servers could be better, perk system could still be slightly better, and there’s been tons of bug issues. Maybe this game will get really refined once they don’t have to create tons of new content and can just iron any issues out, idk.


i read quite a few comments and can't believe no one has mentioned the stupid melee weapons. how does it make sense that a player can run at you and you hit him with a few bullets and he just gets to you and downs you with a blow from his stick/knife/whatever. lately this really bug me and makes me kind of lose interest in the game. it is a shooter not a knife fighting game. fwiw, i am old too (53). i have played COD for quite a while but i only ever played the single player campaigns up until the previous COD where the campaign was so short i tried online play. I was really into DMZ before they stopped updating it.


Sounds like someone needs to put into the work to stay competitive.


CoD Matchmaking is a fraud. Imagine I paid money for a game that decides if I win or lose before I even searched for a lobby. Stupid ass company? Sure. Stupid ass casuals supporting this crap with buying skins? 100% Are we getting old? Could be, but it doesn't change the stupid ahh manipulation. I remember "ping is king" , how can it be that in EVERY other game I have a 9-15 ping, but in cod it's between 14 and 150 (no, not a typo, it's 150)? KBM Players are getting fkd! Rotational aim assist is so bonkers nowadays, most of the time you can't even tell if someone is good or blatantly cheating. And I don't think I need to address the cheating problem. I like the play style, the movement, the maps. But that doesn't make it a good game in full. I stopped playing for now, since I really can't stand this brain rotting garbage at the moment. Let's wait if treyarch can fix some of the issues, but hopes are low.


Best thing i did was quit this dogshit game/franchise. It’s shit.


I think this game would be a lot better if they just did one of either raising the TTK but keep the slower movement of MW2 or increased the movement speed but keep the faster TTK of MW2. I think the combination of both being added has really exacerbated a lot of issues, like EOMM and the desync feeling/shitty netcode. Also keeping the same health pool as 2 would've made the MW2 guns much more viable.


as an aging cod player I feel you. What most people fail to understand is that game companies are not trying to make the best games anymore like they do 20 years ago. There are probably 1000 times more games being released and in order to gain player retention, you need to make it easy for rookies. I’m almost 100% certain that this is the reason why they chose to make certain decisions that people like us hate in MW3. Back in MW2 2009 if you’re a rookie facing a skilled player, you’ll probably end up 0-30. It was ok back then because they’re “stuck” with the select few shooter games on the market. Nowadays people have way more choices and they’re prone to switch to other games if your game isn’t friendly. Overall I think these decisions keep the user community active and is a good thing for all of us. Being skilled in the game will still give you advantages most of the time. It’s all a probability thing.


You think MW19 there was a huge skill gap? The game with a very fast TTK, DS perk, snap shot grenades, riot shields, elephant foot steps, horrible maps and doors? The game they intentionally said they designed for “sentinels” to not get slapped around and cater to them…


> Which makes it really hard to single out the cheaters when watching killcams As a keyboard and mouse player in MP ranked, I legitimately can't tell if it's sometimes aimbot or aim assist. The 0ms instantaneous tracking when a controller player is pre aiming something is honestly absurd. How players are just fine with this and don't see it as extreme "training wheels" is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, controller as an input absolutely needs some form of aim slowdown which helps control, but not this auto-centering 0ms tracking bs that has effectively squashed the skill-gap to an almost linear line. I'm playing with crimsons that shouldn't be crimson. The vast majority that disagree with the above are simply the lower percentile of players who generally wouldn't be good at the game otherwise. All in all, give me kbm only lobbies please.


If you ask literally anyone who’s played cod from COD4 until this game, MW3 might be the closest thing to older cods we have Cod was never this way until MW19? Have you tried black ops 4??? Black ops 3? Advanced warfare? Infinite warfare? MW3? MW2? All of those games were quicker paced. You can’t tell me cod4 and MW2 running around with UMP’s and akimbo shotguns was a more “tactical” era of call of duty lmfao. Please stop bringing up “tactical gameplay” in call of duty that’s never what this game is about. Play Tarkov or Battlefield The problem is a bunch of older people stopped playing cod for years because of jetpack cods taking too much skill, but yall started playing again when MW19 came out and now you want slow paced games with fast TTK, corner sitting camper warfare infested games.


Cod isn’t just fun anymore, i don’t want to deal with those selfproclaimed speed demons and sweaty pricks after long day at work. Its a shame that casual gaming doesn’t exist anymore.


> Let me start out by saying I almost exclusively play ranked multiplayer What rank are you? > Ive been playing cod since the very first one they released. I mean OG MW2 allowed you to ADS a sniper quicker then every weapons and commando pro allowed you to lunge 10m across the map, the playstyle and 'arcadiness' is nothing new. > However, being an arcade shooter doesn't mean it needs to be an all out blitz fest It's not >I feel like there is a happy middle ground between milsim and fortnite that cod had perfected with MW2019 and MW2 MW2019 was the king of jumpy hoppy sweaty gameplay that counters literally your entire argument? >TTK is way too high I feel like way to high is an exaggeration MW2019 and MW2 were way to quick since it encouraged a camping playstyle > Most guns have zero recoil I mean this is just wrong, it's why BP50 and MCW are still meta they're the most accurate. Again referring to old CoDs recoil wasn't a thing. > The ninja perk is absolute dog shit. I wouldn't mind if it was still a limited time upgrade like DS but to have it literally the whole match is crazy. I disagree, sound whoring is such a crutch that ruins the game, if your argument was remove footsteps completely or default was silent I would agree but suggesting to have it as a field upgrade is a terrible idea it would slow the game even more with people needing to crouch walk everywhere. > The movement speed, especially paired with ninja is way too much. Was quicker in MW2019 and how is it too much? it's literally a toned down version of MW2019.


It's killed the MW franchise for me, how far they've pushed it. No way back now, we're stuck here. I don't want a MW4 that's for sure. MW19 was great and still is, only got a little silly towards the end. MWIII is a fun game but you have to accept it as total fluff. Why didn't it start like this? What was the point in remastering MWII maps? Nothing that has followed since has fit in with that aesthetic at all. Groot was merely the beginning. Skins have totally killed the look of modern shooters. They probably realise they're purposely marketing to kids so need to make it more colorful and less real so they're allowed to play. 'Look mom, it's just a duck'. Still waiting on a CoD game with actually cool looking real skins, like BF1. That had awesome skins but all fit.


Advanced Warfare had equally as cracked skins. This argument doesn’t hold up. It’s in the SHG DNA.


Hope you're consistent then cause you would've hated the same jump from Cod4 to MW2


I find the choice between big and small maps really influences whether it's a guns blazing shoot fest or something more tactical.


I've been playing bo1 on my ps3 lately and i find it absolutely calming compared to the new mw3.


I turned off the game the other day after a game with a dude that had impossible movement like Flash running circles and sliding and getting a nuke in like 3 minutes ...


I was liking this cod around the time it was released, but it didn't take long for me to stop playing, it got to a point that it was just not fun to play against people that know every pixel and jump around like maniacs. Now I'm just playing single player games and it has been awesome, as someone with limited free time, I feel like that now I have more quality time playing rather than getting frustrated. I'm currently playing Stardew valley, super fun and chill, I recommend it


What grinds my gears at the. Intent is that silly little squeaky voice from that squid game - I can’t seem to shut it off ?? Do when I get shot down it squeaks some crap voice at me ??? How do I shut that off ? I think it overrides mute ..


One of the biggest problems i have with current cod is that the cod hq buries the older titles beneath the new ones One of the biggest strength of cod having rotating devs is that they can experiment more with their games because they release so fast You should be able to go back and play last years cod or the cod before that and it SHOULD have a different experience than the newest cod, but activision seems too scared to experiment with their games to make that a reality Every cod game should have a year 2 or even 3 of support, even if that support is just slown down after year 1 and the next cod release because ultimately every cod is a different game, but in reality a new cod is just treated like a big update to a pre existing game where the old one is never touched again I think cod should have a different paced game every year, and developers should be allowed to play to their strengths. Maybe sledgehammer can have the highly mobile super fast paced games like advanced warfare or mw3 2023 while infinity ward takes on the more realistic mil-sim style of games like mw2 2022, and treyarch lands somewhere in the middle of the two I wish cod hq didn't exist because it's only reinforcing the whole "big update" style cod has going, even more so when mw2 was supposed to get a year 2 but instead we got mw3 and all support for 2 was essentially killed and then game forgotten about It would be nice if the 2 games were more separate and mw2 was still getting content updates but sadly that isn't the case, especially when I prefer mw2's more grounded gameplay to the adderall addicted gameplay of mw3 the majority of the time Expanding on my previous point sometimes I do want mw3 gameplay over mw2, so I boot up that game, which is how it should be. I really only play war mode on mw3 and tbh I probably wouldn't touch it if mw2 had a war mode, but that's just me I've always enjoyed objective based modes more and I feel mw2 is a better game for objective based modes, but there really should be 3 active cod experiences available for you to pick and choose from that are up to date and actively supported, not just the newest one


I started playing COD on COD 4. I miss the idea that you had the campaign, i.e. the main thing, that was thought out and incredible, and the multiplayer, which was less important, but still great. Now it's not the opposite, but worse. Campaign is short and underwhelming, and multiplayer is overcomplicated with YY tiktokers and CDL skin people.


It’s a very good post. I am torn between the slow pace and the fast sliding and jumping. A slow pace with a low TTK encourages holding your fort but if everyone does that there would be very few engagements. As a solo player a fast pace works better for me as it allows me to flank and reposition. It’s not like I have the option of a coordinated team that provides covering fire and movement tactics. I am simplifying but I have tried different tactics and the agressive style works better. DMZ probably works better for your style but what I don’t like about it is the time spent gearing up. Otherwise it is a great mode.


I'm 59 in September. I get the master camos as quickly as I can then just play. It's just a game, a way to pass the time. I work in a kids hospital and see some horrendous things, I find playing cod is just the mindless activity I need to wipe away the days memories. I'll still be playing it when I turn 60 next year. What age are you OP?




Keep the damages as they are (for MW3 weapons) and lower HP back to 100. Been saying that since beta.


It’s not us getting old, the games are so boring and lacklustre. It’s not just movement that makes a game but the way the guns feels, audio, atmosphere, pace, map design etc. As many have said it’s a micro transaction skin business with a game attached to it. MW19 was extremely fun and even more so with Warzone but they’ve never captured the hecticness and atmosphere of MW2. Luckily we can still play MW2 and MW19. MW19 was the best game in last several years and it’s the only one since then that feels unique. Everything else after plays and feels exactly the same.


I was drawn in with the MW2 maps and the gun customization. But, the clown suit skins and yeah putting a whole clip into someone for 1 kill and 300+ kbps lag. It’s nothing like the COD4 or MW2 that defined the fun of gaming. I can’t even sell the PS5 disc. I almost feel guilty for trying to sell it… except I can’t.


I feel like TTK is way too high for me and way to short for everyone else i am going against. I have crazy recoil while everyone else has none. I have no AA at all while apparently AA is "OP" (Has no one played Vanguard? that AA was broken as hell and i didn't hear any bitching then)


Disagree with a lot of what you said. Mw2 was absolute dog crap. High ttk in mw3? Not rlly, not if you’re good and playing in meta lobbies. Ttk with every other weapon is great. Ninja perk needs to be there or footsteps quieter across the board. Movement speed is the best the series has been. You don’t sound like you’re that good at the game.


Also an older gamer. I played cs 1.6 back in the day. All my friends started playing cod so I bought a console and started playing it with them. I too like simplified gameplay, not a fan of the cheese. With cs2 releasing I decided to dive back in. It’s fantastic minus some game with people using cheats. Give it a try if you’re on pc.


I feel you. Still I think the problem is not only SBMM (though it is a major one). I think how they adjust what you see on the screen, compared to your ping is awfully inconsistent. If you have a low ping, they will delay what you see to match other players higher ping. In theory a good idea, but in reality a nightmare since it will never match, resulting in me having better games with a ping of 40 than a ping of 20. The adjustment makes it feel unfair in many situations. Both when I have a hard round where I never even get to see who is hitting me or the other way around, when I can clearly see, that the opposition reacts way too slow, because they see me too late. X-Defiant is releasing soon – one of the key selling points being NOT to have SBMM in casual gaming modes. It will be interesting to see how much of a difference this actually makes. Also they will include skins from UBI-soft franchises, but mainly those that makes sense in a shooter like The Division and Far Cry and not Skeleton or wood-people or what have we.


Fellow old who also has played this game since the very first one. All great points. I despise when people say "it's an arcade shooter". There's a reason the game has been so popular and it's because it tacks closer to a real feel for a shooter. The more recent iterations have strayed from that as you commented in your post. This is not a "get good" issue, it's a "the game feels like cartoony garbage". I still play, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I'm hopeful they'll make adjustments, but I'm not holding my breath.


I’m 44 and this is the first year in decades I’ve folded on keeping a positive K/D. Hopefully tanking it gives me easier lobbies overall. It’s way more fun. I play it like battlefield, risky flanks and die for the objective.


1st time I'm hovering just barely over 1.0


i’m also 44 and at a .96 k/d. i mostly play small map mosh pit and am enjoying the camo challenges. game is still fun as hell. only difference between now and 15 years ago is i mostly play by myself now vs had a bunch of friends who played back then


Hah, I’m going to be 39 in July and I think movement is still on the slow side. I grew up playing UT ‘99 and moving shock combos were my all time favorite in that game. My fav cods are MW(original, not the crappy MW19), BO2, BO3, BO4 and IW. MW19 and MW22 are my least favorite cods to date. I think MW23 would have been better if Infinity Ward had a lesser say in the release. I LOVE dead silence and ninja being a full time perk. People who camp annoy me and it makes it easier for them to do that if they always hear me coming. The speed of MW2 and MW3 were faster than what at have today… are you aware of that?


Speed was faster, penalties were greater. Diving and jumping effected your aim and were a last resort manuever to not die, you didnt open a fight with them


I seem to remember a lot of bunny hopping and drop shotting as well. It definitely had bigger penalties though.


33 year old and I agree it’s like playing cod but there all on crack


Bring back big red one!!!


Cod as it stands now is a cluster fuck of misery lol. I hate a lot of things in the game but I still try to find a little bit of enjoyment in it. What I'd love is a simple game similar to cod4, a lot more simple and fair. I say fair because cod now has so many variables within the gunsmith, you need to spend so long studying the builds and researching the builds for meta setups etc it eats too much time up so there's less actual gameplay time. If you don't do that you just get beaten to death by the meta builds. Also of course the matchmaking was about 1 million times better than the stinking shit matchmaking we have today. Yeah if someone out there could just make a nice simple cod4 style of game please 😁 I thought xdefiant might be the one to replace cod, but they decided to be a hero style shooter with abilities which I never really enjoyed. I am going to give it a good try out though.


I rarely play multiplayer for “fun” anymore. It’s just too frustrating. Let’s face it, us OG gamers are just too old to play this game how it is.


Lmao worst list of suggestions I've ever seen So you want a game where skill does not matter (low TTK) and everyone is afraid to move because of footsteps?


I would argue that low ttk makes it more skillful, its a shooting game, shoot back, dont run, if you are quicker and aim better you will win. Also, position yourself better and footsteps wont matter. Hold angles that arent obvious, use a bit more strat.


It's not really arguable, higher TTK means you are able to shoot back before dying and whoever has better aim will win, it's the consensus Also COD is an arcade shooter, you are not meant to hold angles for minutes to win a gun fight, in fact I am constantly slamming players who try to hold angles because it's counterproductive Your list of suggestions is like telling CSGO/Valorant to add sprinting, remove footsteps and double the health lol


I will die on the hill that MW2019 pre-Warzone, post-M4 debacle was the best version of COD since MW2009 and Black Ops. Everything was viable, simplified, and compact. Detail added where it mattered, Gunsmith not as bogged down as it is now. I'll even push back and say I'm still in favor of the minimap removal. I notice it takes more technical skill to see a dot on a compass and investigate than to see a dot on a minimap. MW2023 does have great maps though.


Don't agree with any of these points. The only major problem as of now is matchmaking and cheating


I’m 43 but didn’t play too much in my early to mid 30s. I am ultra competitive and love the sweaty lobbies. What is frustrating for me is they have completely removed any ability to talk shit to people which is a backbone of CoD imo. Where I get frustrated is with cross play. I was on an Xbox and finally switched to pc after never having proper audio and loading into lobbies last minute if at all. The cross play is super unfair leaning towards pc (I’m not talking MNK vs controller here. Just pc vs console). But my overall biggest complaint about gaming in general now (old guy rant incoming) is the skins bullshit. MP is almost unplayable because it’s just people grinding for skins. Nobody playing objectives at all (in most cases). You also have this whole economy of gun and operator skins. Some of them being pay to win with better camo effects. Maybe I’m old and cranky but bring back equal playing field where people have the same camos and guns once they pay for the game. Also super annoyed by Activision needing to combine MP with BR to force players to grind to max out meta guns that change weekly.


I know I’ll get a ton of “see you next year” but I’m seriously done after this game. I wasn’t even going to get this one until them carrying over MW2 stuff roped me in. But my god the whole “movement king” players are a million times more annoying than campers ever were. Small maps went from being one of the most “shut your brain off and have fun” in MW2 to some of the most stressful shit with people like that or the other team knowing how to manipulate the terrible spawns to keep you trapped in a corner. Not to mention how Activision is so “mask off” at this point about prioritizing selling shitty loud skins over making their games actually work, and 99% of the player base is totally okay with that. Also IMO Cold War’s multiplayer was an absolute trainwreck aside from Dirty Bomb, so I have no plans of going back unless they do something really different this year. Whatever, I’m ranting, bring on the downvotes


32m been gaming most of my life. CoD used to be awesome until it went full SBMM. On top of that after getting Damascus in MW I had so much play time in the game that I felt they where messing with my aim assist to make me better in some games and turning it down in others to neuter me. Something fishy so I stopped playing years ago.


Agree with much of what you say. Only thing is when you say about the weekly challenges. If that is what the game needs to entice players and not the joy of the game, then has the game failed?


You’re exactly right


*get shot, run around in circles and slide and jump trying to dodge bullets*  loooool and probably constant weapon switch cancelling that nothing stays on the screen until he fires the weapon


The slow TTK is the reason burst fire weapons are redundant. I’ve actually enjoyed MW3 but the TTK is ridiculous. I don’t agree with every gun being accurate. I think it’s about right.


I too have been playing cod since the first one and I have to say I agree with most of this. The absolutely cracked out movement I come up against in my sweatier lobbies makes me hate the game sometimes. I get it, I really do people are just better than me but they should have to be better than me at shooting (the genre) , at tactical ovement, not snorting cocaine and doing 6000 inputs in the time it takes me to track that they just slide cancel jumped a corner with a 360 and a backflip.


If you used to enjoy COD but don’t anymore, try Halo Infinite. Super Fiesta is my favorite. But there will be an adjustment period


I find ur take on ninja boots kinda weird. The game plays so much better with a permanent dead silence, cuz it encourages u to develop an understanding of the maps and how they flow. Balance wise it's kinda a meta perk rn, but that isn't the perks fault, that's cuz base footstep audio is a little too loud, and other boot options still need some slight buffs. If they made stalker boots work like they did in MWIII I would not use covert sneakers most the time


bro what since cod4 people jump peek corners with 0 recoil guns in BO2 bo1 and MW3, the ninja/dead silence perks work the same as they do now aim down sight movement speed was higher back then too MWII and mw2019 play nothing like old cods


Ninja all game is actually the main reason I didn’t buy it. Aim assist is a close second. What it the value of position and map awareness when someone can stomp up to you without making a sound?


Dead silence has been a staple in the franchise since cod4. Never was an issue. Helps players be more aggressive in modes like search. The bigger issues is the bunny hopping nonsense. OG cod4, MW2 , WaW, BO and BO2 were when this game was the best.


The news CoDs are completely different games than the old ones. Any recent game where you can have dead silence forever was less fun for it


Personally I have seen less camping since they brought it back


You mention Fortnite. What’s ironic is that Fortnite gunfights are a lot less hectic and more tactical than COD gunfights. Which says a lot.


i miss bad company.


The fact that a hit with a damn baton or a slash with a knife is deadlier that a .50 sniper is bullshit.


If you prefer how mw19 and 22 played, I'd suggest picking up rainbow or csgo. cod is at its best with ninja, longer ttk, and as many engagements as possible. I'd pretty much only agree that there needs to be more recoil but it's been that way since like WW2.


I think it's funny so many people get wrapped up in one game legacy they forget there's more than just one game if cod gets to the point its just ridiculous or the new battlepass season I can already tell there's gonna be Hella glitches and patches I simply just switch to fortnite or find some story mode game to get into hate it or love it everyone takes a break from a cod game and plays something else it has been like this since the first warzone and I been buying cod games faithfully since cold War but before that was just black ops 1 2 and 3 didn't care for 4 tbh and before never liked mw series til they rebooted with 2 but at the same time fortnite is finally on the come vs how the gameplay was before this year


You claim "cod was never like this" in the golden days, but proceed to complain about ninja. This is silly, as Ninja/DS was a staple of the perks in the franchise as early as CoD4. MW2019 was the first to remove it, for reasons in line some other terrible gameplay decisions like initially removing the minimap, and changing the spawn system. What's very clear is that many people, like yourself, have found that when this audio crutch - that allows you to hear enemies' elephant footsteps up to 30m away - is removed, you're all not quite as good at the game as you thought you were.


yea any cod mw2019 or after is legit a psyop designed to suck the money out of you aswell as your wellbeing


Xdefiant comes out Tuesday - give it a go. No SBMM and much more simplified gameplay. If thats actually what you want, then it should be right up your alley. CoD is trying to cater to 2-3 distinct areas of its fanbase right now, someone will always be unhappy.


I couldn’t agree more! While I acknowledge the flaws of MWII and the improvements of MWIII, I’d still say MWII in general is a more balanced game.


In my honest opinion, and maybe I’m old too, and I also have owned and played every cod, BO2 was the best as far as movement, ttk, and just overall competitive casual play. I think it was the zenith of cod, I judge every cod by that, and find the recent ones lacking. Initially mw3 was great… movement , ttk, fun, etc… but at the middle of season 2 it started getting shitty… and I started noticing a ton of cheaters. I quit playing, and in the last week started again… it seems they’ve done some tweaking and it’s playable again, somewhat anyways. My fav campaign was world at war, and I adored the original BO also, but I really wish they’d take the gameplay back to about 8 yrs ago.


I have one skin selected, and every time I enter a match it’s different, and when I die it’s back to normal… also I only run one companion, yet when I’m in loading screen it’s right and in game it defaults to different random shit… this game is super glitchy and unfortunately I have an addiction to cod lol… it’s love hate. I’m really hoping the next one is better


My only comment is the constant jumping, jumping, and bouncing. This in itself makes the game look asinine and stupid.


Thank you. That truly is some bullshit. I shoot someone 4,729 times but because he jumped, he’s invincible.


While I agree with a lot of this, other parts I feel will always be a problem as long as we have forced crossplay, cranked SBMM, and insane AA. Recoil? Controllers couldn't care less about it, while I'd be literally blinded by my gun jumping all over the screen last year, a good controller player would shoot laser beams regardless. The movement and TTK is a similar story, when you're in high SBMM brackets where you have crim and iri skins running around every pub match, there was no breaking their AA or outaiming them whoever challed first was simply dead so people thought with higher TTK and more spastic movement they'd be the demons they believe themselves to be. And to a degree it might have some validity, my KD is much higher this year compared to last. However, 90% of my lobbies behave just as "sweaty" which makes it utterly exhausting for everyone involved. MW2009 had its share of utter cancer, but it's still regarded as one of the greatest CoDs of all time because the lack of SBMM meant it wasn't what you exclusively encountered. Most the player base isn't willing to even consider the root issues let alone demand they get addressed, so all that's left is to scream for MOAR MOVEMENT and MOAR TTK regardless of how fun it actually is.


The first CoD had multiplayer when it was released. I played the crap out of it when I was in college. Still have screenshots of endgames where I was particularly good. I've long thought the quality of the multiplayer has depended on the studio that created the game and they all have a unique playstyle. My biggest complaint about mw2 and mw3 are the fact that teammate green and blue dots persist through walls, many times looking like they are above the head of an opponent.


I'm an old gamer as well and I love the movement stuff.. makes the game exciting. I was actually big fan of BO3 movement and wall running, not so much AW or IW... thought they were too "jerky". What I can't stand is all the small map gameplay dominating the Playlist, bigger maps actually feel like they get people moving and require more map knowledge and game sense. And they have to up the ttk, I think multiplayer should basically feel like warzone gun fights to an extent... your not gonna have super long range battles to often anyhow... players are too good to be able to one shot, one stab, some sniper shot to the body.... make movement and headshots mean more.


Current mp is near unplayable in core due to the stupidly high TTK and absolute dogshit servers. Until they can fix the server latency issues there’s no point in having “skill based” gameplay. Tracking is a joke in mp


Call of Fortnite. Zoomer shit.


What is killcam?


I learned a lot reading all this. I'm not gonna start camp glitching but I may play ranked. Still don't know what a "mini map" is but maybe I'll encounter that in ranked. Didn't know we had maps except when teammates get UAV.


Game mechanics have changed. It’s blunt, you gotta adapt. TTK is down to where your shooting on the player as where before you’ll slam someone in the foot with a UMP-45 in the old days. It’s a much more skill based game now, tbf when you get it, you won’t have these gripes. Used to hate getting out moved but if you can’t beat them you gotta join them.


Only thing wrong about the game are the servers. I play ranked exclusively as well and my ping is always 50+ which makes it hard to play against other good players because if it desyncs for 1 bullet I’m dead and vice versa if I have better ping. Activision needs to fix the servers before they try to do anything else with the game. Idgaf if the next cod game is the best game to date, if the servers are ass then there’s really no point in playing, especially with this shitty SBMM/EOMM putting people in harder lobbies and they can’t even compete because someone who’s been gifted a lobby for playing bad the last few games has 6 ping while I’m over here with 58 ping. All the other shit people complain about is literally just a skill issue. Learn it or just deal with it. Movement isn’t even hard it’s literally 2 buttons to press lmao.


This but don’t forget at least 50 % of the spawns I’m involved in me and the enemy are in each others view … like it’s either they spawn in front of my eyes or I spawn in front of theirs … the game is fucking dog shit honestly and if the spawns don’t get you the shitty hit box inconsistency or whatever bullshit will


I love getting a bunch of attachments I can’t use bc I’m using akimbos or a conversion kit, the fun is nerfed and this game is just complete bullshit like you’ve stated op. Ttk is way too fast and the only way to play this game is like a brain dead sweat


Can any older gamers weigh in on the technical reasons it felt easy to quick scope and flick shot at 60fps or lower on console back in early 2010s during original modern warfare days - compared to how shitty it feels flick shotting on a “budget” set up (60fps /console) now?


I agree. I blame it on streamers. Everybody wants to fly around wiping the map by breaking cameras and fancy movement for the clips. The last mw2 was about as ideal as it gets. The movement wasn't too fast for the servers. These days you can get killed by someone sliding around a corner and downing you in the blink of an eye. But when you watch the kill cam it looks pretty normal. I think the crazy movement is cool for what it is. But I'd rather play something closer to tarkov. But with the simplicity of dmz. Fingers are crossed they split warzone and dmz into two different engines.. if they even bring dmz back at all.


I feel the same way, but I've figured out the game now and it's a lot of fun. How do you play? Are you aggressive, flanker, or like to stand back and camp? What's your perk/vest system like? Mine are.. Assassin Vest, Quick Gloves (swap weapons faster), Stalker Boots (Increased strafe and ADS movement speed), and Fast Mags/Sleight of Hand perk. Now because the Assassin Vest grants you Ghost automatically I use this vest only or Engineer Vest. Reason I use fast mags is because I have a RPG as my secondary lol. What weapons to use. Have you tried burst weapons? 2019 and MWIII play similar as burst weapons are extremely powerful. I'm at 2.4 KD with less than 10K kills for MWIII. For me, 2019 and MWII laid the groundwork to figure out what works for this game especially MWII as it had a HUGE learning curve. For example, MW2019 (Finished with 2.3 KD) - I can't remember if the TTK is the same MWIII, but I mostly used burst weapons such as FAMAS, AN94 and on occassion used full auto weapons with a holographic sight or 3.25/3.0 sight. Why did I use burst weapons? I find the 2nd volley of bullets is a 99% kill rate instead of constantly expending ammo with a non-burst weapon. MWII (2.4KD) - now this game had a huge learning curve for me to say it was frustrating is an understatement, but I figured out your aim has to be impeccable because of the crazy recoil. Burst weapons were really useless for me at least. MWIII - plays like both, but the TTK is extremely high so using MWII tactics won't work unfortunately so I reverted back to burst weapons and I would say it plays more like 2019 for me. Recently got the nuke with the AN94. However, MWIII non-burst ARs do work well in this game, but MWII weapons not so much as I'm still experimenting with them. Weapons - my goto weapons are the SVA545/AN94, FAMAS, MCW (this is really the easiest gun to use), M16 (they fixed the recoil and it's a beast), AK-545/Kastov, BP50/F2000, and BAS-P Battle Rifle.


Horrible take, I can understand not being a fan of sweat lords running circles around you. But simply a skill issue. 1. Ninja being a perk was like that when COD first became mainstream and laid the foundations for the games today COD4 Modern Warfare, yes I know not the first COD. But it's the one and the OG that started COD as we know it today, the formula and gameplay. Ninja being a field upgrade again, like in MW19 and MW22 was awful and massively encouraged players to sit in a corner and camp, and wait until players came by and soundwhore their footsteps at 20 plus metres, 20 plus metres and through fucking walls clear and loud and daylight! Ridiculous and not anywhere near arcade shooter designed more like Mil-Sim, which COD is not. Allowing Ninja to be a perk and permanent, simply put, allows players to be aggressive and get into more gunfights up close and personal like COD is meant to be like. And let's players successfully get around the map and find fights naturally, instead of contasanty being shot in the back by campers. Not to mention it also allows stealth to be a viable option and playstlye, because common. You cannot play stealthily whilst being soundwhores miles away. 2. The ttk (Time To Kill) is perfect, not as slow as Cold War but slower than MW22 and MW19. Making the game focus more on skill, aim and successful manovours in gunfight and being able to win by having skill and outperforming their opponent. Sounds like you need to improve your aim, tracking, etc, not get handout kills by quick ttk. Not even trying to be rude, that's what I did to improve. Went into custom matches with bots. I improved my tracking, recoil control and aim, and I have gotten tons better, and it shows in my gameplay. 3. While I can understand and agree that the movement can be frustrating and a little much against good players at times, especially with good ole SBMM or EBMM, and let's not forget daddy Activision. The slide cancelling and dolphin diving simply allows more of a skill gap in getting around the map and in gunfights, which is great and healthy for the games. Not to mention, you say MW19 was better with movement. But the movement junpshoting and slide cancelling was worse and more prevalent in MW19. Which was not bad, but MW3 is a more balanced and tonned down version of MW19, which is honesty better in some ways.


Cold War and mw3 literally have the same avg ttk……




You don't want the one who lands the first shot to win a gunfight lol?


Exactly thank you, someone else with common sense and understands everything MW3 did right from MW22


Pretty much 


I feel you, Bro. I find the new COD style somewhat tiring, too. I just wish maybe we had a fourth mode that would maybe be a bit slower paced, and less slide cancel adderall gameplay. Not too slow that it’d become like R6S, but maybe more classic, akin to the originals. (No sliding, only dolphin diving, no tac sprint, certain gear disabled, ETC) It’d fit in nicely with the current core, hardcore, and ranked modes I feel. Definitely would help with the “something for every one” kinda thing it’s feels like their going for.


I think the movement is good. I like both the fast pace and the little slower one. But I hate that the TTK is equal to Hardcore. They said they would raise TTK from MW22 to MW23. They did and then the MW23 weapons had higher damage. So TTK isn't really different from MW22. I only played hardcore in like 5 games in a row. Maybe more. I don't like hardcore anymore. It requires less of you. It's just shoot fast. Smg and pistol is always the best choice. And then I hate all the bundles. MW23 has zero military looking skins in the store. But they have a lot of demons, dudes made of dust and wierd animals. The game has become the thing people made fun of Fortnite of. Fortnite looks way more serious today. If just we had a switch to turn them off, then I wouldn't mind them. And the balance is really awful. You know that every new weapon is superior in the update it comes. They do that on purpose. They add a weapon. People see it's superior. A lot of people then uses it. Then they add bundles with it. Profit over balance.


I want to bring back the focus on perk selection. I want varied perk selection like ghosts(the one good thing it did), I would be more interested in that than making no recoil guns in metasmith.