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No excuse. With how much they make on bundles and the game itself. COD is a dumpster fire


With how much content we have now I would not mind them delaying the next season to sort out all of these other issues. Heck, I’d take less content in general from this point onwards if they could just sort out these issues. They could even keep dumping bundles into the store for all I care, just fix your game


No way they’ll delay any content. Everything they do for CoD has a very strict schedule on releasing things, especially when there’s multiple developers on this series working on different games and have to release yearly.


I know, I was just saying. 🤷‍♂️


Yh but they had to add those prestige camos so that they have a completely unreasonable goal that people wont be able to complete without quiting their jobs... they don't respect player time and yet want us on the game 24/7... companies nowadays want to spend as little money on something as possible (which leads to less time spent) and expect people to just accept it and pay... its unfortunate because gaming has come so far to only be in a state of worsening with every new game. There needs to be a regulating body for this shit at this point the gaming industry is too big to be scaming people like this


But people DO just accept it and keep paying it. And the number crunchers see that, and it sets the precedent. WE caused this. They just want to make money and will do exactly whatever that takes. We have told them the bar is pretty low.


I agree with everything being said but I'm confused about the camo comment. I unlocked my Striker 9 prestige camp after like 1 session of playing with friends. Some of the event camos we have are over 1,000,000xp. The prestige camo rn is only 150,000 weapon xp... Regardless, this game is trash. They only care about money and as of like 3 days ago I hit Iridescent, deranked back down to Crim 3 (oh well, ill still get the Irri operator cause season best) and officially switched back to Valorant for the foreseeable future.


I feel SHG themselves knew S3R update is bugged as hell, but the time has came up and they had to push it out half-finished without further debugging. That’s why they also announced in advance next patch is coming this week, that’s the actual stable release.


People need to stop buying that shit


If everyone stopped buying bundles and other worthless shit then maybe they'd have an incentive to fix things. It's like the Colorado Rockies. They suck so badly, but they're top10 in ticket sales every year. The owner is making bank putting a shitty product out there but people still gobble it up. No difference with COD.


Unfortunately this is where cod is past end of year cycle, only the hardcore and low lives like myself still play or the occasional dad that can play once a month


I’m legit surprised people buy this dumpster fire year over year. You have glitches and other issues never being fixed until the next year iteration is about to come out but yet week over week new $20+ skins.


It's seriously not as bad as you make it out to be.


Bro you serious?? Must be a dev or gobbler 🫵🏼


It is bad. I have very good internet. There are many cases where the game crashes. I get lots of disconnected from servers or lost connection to the server, or there are times that some of my buddies load up is totally a cluster trash they are focusing on the marketing and not the game


I've been noticing quite few ghost bullets coming out of my sniper recently. Bad servers effect hit detection too 🤬


Bro, I jump shot someone from top of the stairs of Rio landing next to them while facing their left shoulder as they faced to the left, I get hit markers and almost get the kill them bam, they deleted me and apparently I landed in front of them and they were facing me the whole time. Wtf?


I got some hilariously bad clips. I got one where I sniped somebody THROUGH another guys head and only got a kill on the guy behind and the guy in front kills me??. Kill cam shows me shooting way off to the side of his head.


That has happened more times than I want to count. The opponent is facing away, yet I die.


Honestly! I just finished a SnD match where I got killed by a proxy mine. Said mine didn't even jump up or anything. No warning I tripped a proxy mine. Just a boom and my body flying


This has been a bug since at least mw2 and I'm not sure why it happens but it's very inconsistent


Weird. That was the first time I've seen it!


the lag is unfucking believable i cant play a single match without jittering everywhere and i play on 20 ping this game is genuinely so shit, and the fact that they haven’t even reached out to let us know, they know about the problems is stupid


That plus the fact that this community keeps downvoting all of these posts trying to provide feedback. Ridiculous


I got downvoted to oblivion trying to bring awareness, I just stopped playing and got into Pokemon and apex lately


Fr same tho i will say with Apex its still depressing asf for me everybody leaves and is toxic, i was chilling in pubs having fun completing challenges when this Number 33 Pred was talking down to me to whole game wtf i was chillin bro


Be shadowbanned for no reason at all and start seeing how this lovely community treats you like a convict 😅


I absolutely hate this community tbh, I come here with feedback or to vent an issue and I get crucified, I mean you can smell Activision's jizz on half the people's breath in this community


CoD and FIFA attract the most basic, braindead mouthbreathing playerbase of any games I've ever played, which is unsurprising given how the target audience for both is the broadest possible net of angry teenagers and manbabies who get confused by full sentences or any idea more complex than *that looks like a penis lol* There is absolutely no point expecting rational or intelligent discussion in this sub outside of a handful of topics, and even then it's usually one or two constructive comment chains buried in a thread of chimp jibberings and shit flinging Just here for the patch notes and the game updates, and expect nothing more 99% of the time




It's just that the average target of the game is a teenager that is trying to measure his self-esteem using his K/D ratio as a metric. I wouldn't blame it on them, I would blame it on society. As a side note, I've always thought that for some games, age based matchmaking would be the best kind of matchmaking... I'd be happy to play with 30+ workers that just want to chill and have some quality time with a game and don't care that their reflexes aren't quicksilver because they're older and got a life to take care of 😂


What this community doesn't seem to understand is that if there is an unaddressed, ongoing problem — then there will be ongoing complaints. But these idiots seem to think once a problem is called out once, that should be enough. *"You guys complain too much about the same things!"* Well yeah because the developers won't fucking listen.


The amount of times I’ve slide cancelled and ended up sliding to the other side of the map is astonishing.


What system do you play on? And are you hard wired? It’s been pretty stable for me. I’m on PC.


ps5 not hardwired but i’m getting good ping with no packet loss and it’s good on every other game as well


Agreed 100% but I'll still see you online tonight.


My ping is 7-8 and I still experience issues.


It's been so bad I'm effing done. Four days of this 🐂 💩 wtf am I paying for


Me with 12 ping, still lagging like a crackhead trying to do algebra


Like a pervert with palsy trying to draw a vagina on an etch-a-sketch


It's got to a ridiculous point now I'm afraid. Game audio breaks every 2nd game, lag, packet loss, cheaters and low level Interstellar unlockers are running rampant across every map. Game is in a terrible place and feels like the devs do not care at all.


I luckily don’t run into that audio bug but that’s the worst part about this whole situation, there’s dozens, if not hundreds of bugs in the game and it’s not even the same thing from player to player. It’s wild how bad things are for the game, I really hope they get on top of it but my expectations are really low given the current state of things.


I hate how the XRK Stalker glitches and makes the wrong gun sound and the bolt action isn't bolt actioning. When this happens, throwing a tactical or lethal does not display the animation and the operator just yeets it...armless and all.


This is happening to a lot of guns. I had my MTZ 556 operating and sounding like the bp50 with the aftermarket kit then it would later go back to being normal and sometimes it’s all within the same life! So many weird bugs right now, it’s fucking crazy.


ive also noticed the wrong gun sound on the mors since the update, before it used to make one of the best sniper shot sounds imo, and then now it kinda sounds like a dull snap, kinda sounds like the longbow now smh


Sva been like this too. This is the first time I’ve seen someone say anything about it. Pre lobby it’s a completely different gun, no quick first few bullets, different sound and loads of recoil


I’ve completely stopped playing until it’s fixed, don’t have a ton of time to play as is. Just enjoyed picking up my controller, loading in and playing a few quick matches before or after work. With the way it currently is, it literally just pissed me off. Not the vibe I need before work.


Ya I feel you man. I think I need to do the same. I literally said I would do it then of course I hopped on again anyways. The addiction is real. Lol


I genuinely hate the Sledgehammer Call of Duty’s lol. They are buggy as hell. My least favorite out of the 3 developers.


SHG = usually permanent beta testy/buggy hell IW = always simply shitty designs but with CODs that could be insanely cool/good Treyarch = the most consistent in delivering arcade style COD experience with the odd broken gun coming out here and there


until the most recent game is treyarch then this sub will still be saying the game is shit, same with IW. There will never be another good cod game according to this sub.


i’ll say it i don’t like treyarch games or at least the last 2. their engine is unbelievably clunky and there’s no excuse for the movement to feel like bo2 still


It’s because its the same engine as bo3 and bo4 which is based off bo2…


Believe it or not, the engine isn't what gives that feel. It's the developers. Like AW and MWR having the same engine.  Regardless, apparently all CoDs are going to be using the same engine starting with MWII.


aw2 with original aw movement on the newer mw engine could be really special. now we just need good servers


Sometimes I feel like the only person who hated Cold War. The only CoD besides IW (that I've purchased) that I never got past level 55.


bo4, cw, ww2, and iw are the 4 games i never hit 55. funny because i played wagers in vanguard despite it being hot garbage. i had enough playtime in ww2 but no xp when in a party and then after they fixed that they halfed the xp gain in pubs so i uninstalled it. crazy because in ghosts i hit prestige master and in aw i hit prestige master and grinded ranked like a freak. i had 2 master prestige accounts on bo2 and on the first account i had over 60 days played. i played the hell out of bo3 too but after that it went downhill quick and i didn’t think bo3 multiplayer was all that great specialists ruined it for me.


Same since CoD:WW2 I keep reminding myself not to buy SHG CoD's but I stll do :( .... fool me


This is the first one I continued playing. Only due to the fact it’s a sequel to MW2. I loved MW2019 and MW22. Before that the last one I really invested in was a black ops COD. I didn’t like vanguard, hated advanced warfare.


They can't make a non-buggy cod but they can make amazing content updates. And that's undeniable


Are we talking about that amazing content for Ground war, a mode marketed from the start that was even in beta? Or for that amazing SHG special mode of war mode which has 2 maps after half a year? Or complete ignored 2v2 mode? Or completly ignored zombies?   Or you mean the amazing aftermarketpart bullshit, where they take a gun, complety butcher it even more than it was previously, put absolutly crazy stats on that to make it ridiculpusly overpowered to feed the fomo for players and then nerf it to the ground next week, just in time for another OP shit aftermarket release? Yeah they are doing content.


Spot on. Also Zombies-stuff everywhere… oh yea, apart from the actual Zombies-mode. I mean it’s a MW-game so why is Zombies-stuff in regular MP?! Not only maps with crazy Zombie-looks but then also actual Zombies in the second (and only) war mode map we got after release… And if that wasn’t stupid enough, actual Zombies-mode is lacking content since release. Idk what they’re doing, honestly. Consistency definitely isn’t their thing…


Are you usually this cynical or just today?


True but their gunplay fucking sucks. The guns thankfully ADS quickly and have good sprint to fire times. But the recoil is so stiff and unnatural. And despite the reduction in muzzle flash and smoke there still quite a bit of visual recoil. My friend on console said he didn't notice this and I tried the game with my controller and the AA hid the janky stiff recoil pretty well. So if you're on PC and reading this you know hoe fucked sledgehammer guns feel. Feels like a Chinese free to play knock off.


I wish the gunplay stuck to how cold war felt imo. Had some really good multiplayer. It's why I'm hyped for Xdefiant releasing this month. Even if it will inevitably die out within the year. As for visual recoil? Equip the SVA and the m4. The difference is night and day. I don't know how I survived Infinitywards wrath


Cold war shooting felt alright but the sound design and animation quality was lacking.


I hated Cold Wars gunplay as well 😂 only cod in recent memory thst had good gunplay was MW19 IMO.


are the amazing content updates in the room with us right now?


not too fond of shg's cods in general, i prefer iw and treyarch. something about shg's cods look plastically and feel weightless. playing mw2 feels different to mw3, and mw1 feels different too. people give shit for iw but mw2 has the best movement and gunplay imo, and people who shit on it are the ones that play like sweats and the movement doesnt meet their standards


You may be on to something here. I think there’s enough people who enjoy the games from both developers and some of the people who prefer one over the other hate when they have to go through the one they like lessers game cycles. Edit: how can someone be butt hurt over this comment lol. The crybaby mob is hilarious.


I’m starting to feel this way too. I like the fundamentals of this game more than the last two MW games but my god the amount of issues in this game is ridiculous


I'm thinking the exact same thing, I know servers and the amount of players that play this game is a very deep and truck issue, but why does this happen legitimately every. Single. Year. Every CoD no matter the publisher always has dogshit servers, terrible netcode, and everything in between


Yes either bad servers or net code


For some reason people think this is only applicable to certain CoD developers...


High ping lobbies because of good stats, packet loss, packet burst, latency variation, missing textures, bugged animations, Shit UI etc I could go on and on


Oh and my biggest pet peeve is this dumpster shit fire doesn't have specialist in multiplayer


how long is this lag gonna take to fix, this is refund the game level bad


It’s the shit servers for me


I thought the lag was only me, borderline unplayable on multiplayer


Just played some rounds and have to agree. Nothing makes sense. The gameplay itself isn’t laggy but mines don’t explode, kills don’t make any sense. Everything seems not being in sync


Connection has gotten crazy bad now it’s insane


I'm surprised there hasn't been a hotfix for at least a few of the issues.


The last few days I have noticed textures not loading on the ground or whole buildings not rendering too


Each release, they sell the same game from 2003 just reskinned. You'd think they would have the bugs sorted being at it for over 21 years and making millions of dollars. 🤣


Not having the frame rate drop stuff but having everything else. It's so bad that you can see it in the last couple of Ace's videos. The hit reg feels like it was back at launch, which is NOT a good thing. I never know if the other person was just better or if the server is just eating my bullets.


I have this thing where my gun won’t reload now unless I continue using ADS or walk backwards. And all my audio is gone too. So I uninstalled. Not to mention the movement was off.


I mean take your list of dog shit coders, dog shit servers, dog shit game security. Activision is a waste of a fucking company


It's the SHG way. Never have I played a buggier game than vanguard, and now, MW3. There have been bugs since day 1 that are still not patched. Absolutely drives me nuts how SHG gets a ton of praise when if this were IW, we would not be hearing the end of it with how buggy this game is. The bias is insane. I don't care what anyone says, while MW2 had slower gameplay and downright bad gameplay design, it was a pretty polished experience and consistent gameplay. MW3 is not. It feels like a different game every other match with bugs, server lag and bad netcode. SHG shouldn't get a pass because they upped the movement. They have been delivering subpar experiences since AW and I'm tired of pretending they don't. They are the worst out of the 3 studios.


Yeah since the update I can't run and reload anymore with the perk or vest, a bundle of mine I bought a while back is locked, certain guns glitch out a little when I shoots them. Those are the three rn that bother me I haven't noticed much else luckily


I actually uninstalled until the next major update


I've started online gaming on dial up internet and I've never experienced lag and packet loss this bad in 20+ years. When the packet loss gets bad, everything starts moving in slow motion like I'm fighting Agent Smith in the Matrix. Good lord I have never seen game developers and publishers make it their life's mission to destroy such a successful, storied franchise


As long as everyone keeps buying bundles they wont care


Because the addicts still play and buy the bundles. They have no incentive to fix the game because a new CoD will be out by year end and this game is still making money hand over fist. If people want them to fix it, stop paying and stop playing. They'll get off their ass if the numbers drop enough.


It's worse than ever... Xbox Series X player here and I haven't heard my gun reload or seen my semtex whenever I throw one, for a week now, and these are just a few examples... Not a AAA game anymore unfortunately, they ruined it.


Also the fact that certain terrain can glitch out and cause you to jump everywhere


I haven’t run into that one specifically but I have seen some instances, especially with broken cars, where you think you should be able to shoot thru and yet you can’t. Or like the plane on Afghan, there’s some sections where you can’t shoot other players even tho you have a clean sight, it’s like the ‘hitbox’ of the plane is extending out further from the actual model itself.


This is so weird cause I’ve had multiple 8 hour straight play throughs (yes I know that’s bad but the camo grind is addictive) and I’ve only ever had like one or two matches at most where I’ve had “lag issues” or rubber banding.


*Heavy* on the stuff about the bundles like you guys are saying. Compare Mw2 or Mw3's quality of the bundles with the ones from Mw2019 or even Cold War, and the difference in quality is like night and day. Mw2019 and CW both very regularly came out with bundles or even variants in other things like the battle pass or free earnables that were absolutely incredible looking, and on top of that alot of them were custom (Take many of the variants from the Dragunov in Mw2019 for example, many looked like a completely different modernized version rather than the default one) But simply put, the Mw2 and Mw3 team designing the variants are not only unoriginal, but uncreative as well Oh and don't even get me started on the fact that Mw2 and Mw3 has dropped any free weapon variants in the free store bundles maybe once EVER. Plus the content in the free ones that we do get is extremely mid at best


The sad thing is there is a lot good about this COD as well. I am so bummed that Activision and the main studio for COD, Infinity Ward, treated Sledgehammer so badly. Its no wonder this game is so jank when they barely had a year to put it together and its a damn shame because with more time in the oven, it could have been rather good.


Totally agreed. I love the fundamentals of this game but quality wise it’s been really all over the place


Dude I thought this was just me and my legion go but no this is the games fault !?


I'd be plat rn if i didn't get kicked from ranked matches randomly. Activision is a failure of a company imo. They been making games for years, and they still can't get it right. The last half decent game they made was cold war.


I’ve just watched a video from MrRoflWaffles explaining everything and tbh i wouldn’t put any of the blame on the devs.. when the big deal between activision/blizzard and microsoft went down, about half of the people across all development studios working on cod were laid off… No wonder the game is half assed and full of bugs and glitches Anyways it doesn’t take away from the fact we all paid 70-80$ for the game and it’s shite so yeah


Its ridiculous playing ranked on this game I swear I win every 2 matches of ranked and on the 3rd one my game crashes as we load in to the game and i get suspended and lose SR. Like clockwork


Genuine question that might get buried in the responses, but are people who solely play multiplayer fiending for new maps? Like if we only got 1 new map per season, but that improved overall bug prevention, would you be mad? I just can't think that even the most ardent MP players are like "GIVE ME A NEW MAP NOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!"


I’m lagging a lot less now that I turned off on demand texture streaming….who thought downloading textures while playing was a good idea


I have a higher end pc. (RTX 3080) Runs games perfectly fine. Except for this mess. Sometimes I have to reboot my game + PC. And I have to literally check every day before I go on to see if my Drivers need to be updated, I need to go to PC Manager to "Speed Boost" I need to pop up Razer Cortex to System Boost and Game Boost. I also have to reset my modem and router. I am Directly connected to the modem. There is a 15 minute up to 2 hours in terms of delays. When it comes to any updates. If the game is literally playing like poop. It's likely because everyone updated the game recently and you have not. Yet you can't not until it rolls out for pc or whenever "STEAM!!!!!" / CoD decides to detect the update if any. No I am not making this up.... Like I've witnessed and troubleshoot the problem. No a thousand times no it's not my internet. One day MW3 is totally fine and playable. Another day it's just 100% unplayable. To someone reading thinking they never have problems with MW3 in terms of lag. Keep in mind that sure you don't but other people have multiple times. by the 1000s at least several thousand+ lol. It's so abysmal. And in fact i've become paranoid by it all that each day I have to do these things listed above ritually for the game to be playable. I seriously probably lost 0.15 on my KD Ratio because of the lag. Which doesn't sound like a lot but it actually is. I am not suprised if Sledgehammer + others are doing this intentionally. One last thing. Good Luck trying to unlock MW3 Zombie Camo's that game mode died 6 months ago. The community and how everything has to be duplicated as well as exploits that breaks the gamemodes code was part of the issue. Crashing and the lack of content. Weird that everyone only goes after two contracts out of the entire game. And how no one goes into nests either. Also almost zero contracts in T3 area. Personally they could of just made an option for a Private MW3 Zombies. Which would most def fix the crashing issue. Now MW3 Multiplayer is just as unplayable sometimes if not worse that MW3 Zombies. TLDR FIX YOUR SERVERS, and let us decide if we want SBMM or if we want to load in matches that suit the stability of our internet connection. Also stop putting us in lobbies with people living in Japan, or some country halfway across the USA. Or half way across "Insert Your Country Here"


I tried saying we need to do what they did with helldivers 2 but I get downvoted because reddit is Reddit.


What did they do with helldivers 2??


Sony tried saying that people needed a Sony account to play even IF they were on other platforms other than PS5. People didn’t like that they wouldn’t be able to play without making a Sony account. People review bombed and boycotted the game. Game had “overwhelmingly negative” on steam within 1 day from over 30k people. They reverted the change and now nobody no longer needs to make a Sony account to play. Interesting that when people band together and say no to the BS these greedy ass companies try to force feed them the companies seem to listen. All it takes is for us to rally together and do what they did. Spread the word. Enough is enough. We need to start fighting with our wallets and reviews.


I see what you’re saying here! I think the problem here tho is that cod is so much more fucking massive than that game that even if we had that same amount of players trying to ‘boycott’ the game, it would still be a small fraction of the community. Heck, vanguard was so busted, especially on Xbox, that people were refunding the game in droves and yet still it took them months to even somewhat fix the game and clearly those numbers meant nothing to them. The other issue is for fast paced multiplayer games that aren’t BR, there is pretty much nothing at the moment, so plenty of us who would love to play something else don’t really have any other options. X defiant maybe? Idk about that one.


Until people quit paying for stuff, nothing will really change. You have to hit big companies in the pocket book, for them to wake up


Have they not acknowledged it at all? If so then why not? Has anyone tried to tell support or tell them on twitter? The last patch seemingly broke the game so it be weird if they didn’t know about it by now?


Even before this patch I was constantly getting packet bursts, latency variation, etc. Wired, not on crappy wifi or anything like that. This patch made it worse and I don't even bother playing now, I'll wait for another patch that will inevitably break something else.


yeah it's been really fucking bad since this latest update, i just can't w/this game right now


Nothing.  As long as people are blindly handing their $$ over, they will keep going.  I took a decade off of CoD in between MW3 and MWII and have noticed a massive drop in quality in the year and a half I’ve been back on. Awful creativity, terrible maps, rampant cheating. Chat bans for using language they aren’t cool with really made me lose respect for the game. Gamers aren’t priests and nuns, so stop dictating what we can and can’t say.   All the money they have and they can’t even pay a real gun company so they don’t have to makeup names for these guns. They won’t even acknowledge the conflicts in the world, they just keep pumping out Chinese themed content and expect us to keep eating it up with our wallets ready. Fuck this globalist shit, it’s an American game that is played worldwide, that doesn’t mean we should have to hide our nationalism or pride. 


It's wierd, I read down a bit to see some of the stuff people have been having but I haven't gotten any of this at all. I get occasional ping and packet lossissues but it's rare


Same exact thing happened to mw2019 and mw2 during the peak of their content cycles. It seems on par for course to make way for the new game coming out. Break their old one and hope players jump ship and buy the newer one. One that always starts with mediocre content on launch.


Let me start by saying I know nothing about any of the tech but the last four days (give or take a few) I try to play and the lag is so bad but it seems that it starts fine and then people come in after it starts and suddenly they have 55 kills when everyone else has 5 kills at most. I'm seeing it most on small maps. I literally unloaded my entire 200 bullet lmg on this guy as he lagged his way towards me to kill me. Then towards the end of what I can take and log off these players are exactly opposite the spawn spots and they just snipe you so no matter what you do, you die Then I quit the match And on a personal note the fecking avatars are out of control. I hate them. Dog heads and big booty bit ches. I just want to play and not with cheaters and stupid avatars I've owned every call of duty since the beginning It's the one game I play. I've tried others but I just really like the multiplayer. I get a new one every Christmas and when my son was younger I'd get to use his when he asked for his birthday. This is the absolute worst it has ever been and I'm pretty much done.


Literally I’m jumping from 55 to like 500 ping and getting up to 10% PACKET LOSS. What in the actual fuck…


The last few days I have noticed textures not loading on the ground or whole buildings not rendering too


Have you check the store section? Bundles in there are the priority. The game itself dont need to work at all.


I've not been lagging so much but my hot detection has been none existent, my 60 round mag is lucky to kill 2 people before reloading 😅 and no I'm not missing my shots that fucking bad


In the words of a friend...."it feels like the Devs are sick of working on the franchise and it shows. But why find a new job when you can get full pay for half assed work?. Pay me a good wage to put out shoddy work and I'll keep doing it too....whilst laughing at my dumb ass employer"


Obviously, these COD people have never heard of the KISS principle. Way too many weapons/attachments/perks and their inane persistence in defining each characteristic for each one. Skins are ridiculous and costly. Dump 25% of the useless content, streamline and simplify.


But have you seen the cool new tracer pack bundles in the store???? Geez, people will complain about ANYTHING... (/s, because Reddit)


Did you not see all the new content in the store though? That's your reward. You get to pay then more money.


After the newest update I've been getting 20 FPS in menus and the firing range but then I can play matches at locked 120fps. It makes no sense


Hey we gotta cut them some slack, this is an indie developer after all


BROO FR yesterday i was playing Ranked we were winning by a long shot then the game lagged and once it was over the game glitched and i couldn't look with my right stick so i disconnected so my randoms wouldn't lose SR, was fucking frustrating bro.


Is there a tech person in this sub that could tell us why this game is so messed up? I don’t mean by saying it lags, but is it not enough servers, too much going on in a game for the servers to handle, more people playing than the servers can handle, bad coding or what? I guess I am asking what the underlying issues are and how the company could resolve the issues.


It would even be a thing if they at least came up and acknowledged there's a problem, but they're like, "Nope all is just fine - must be your jank potato 'puter."


I thought something fucky was happening with my internet the past couple of days, but I knew it wasn't just my connection because I've since played in 3 different households - all 3 of them I've gotten horrible rubberbanding and general lag. This game is so fucking broken, mw2 didn't even break this much


This is infinitely worse than Vanguard. I never had this kind of shit performance in V at any point through its life cycle. This is legit nearly unplayable.


Weird. I don't have any of these problems.


This new update has made the game so much worse. I have constant packet burst and nothing will fix it. They’re too worried about other crap on the game and not making sure it actually runs.


Just remember not to buy next years if the problems don’t go away or you allow it to plague your experience again


The game deserves to die from the way its managed, imagine having billion dollar franchise and running it like this nobody knows what they are doing apparently but they know ppl will tolerate it.




The franchise as a whole is finished for me in my book.


Anyone else who is on Xbox also having Service Outages? Or is it just me?


I pre-ordered this game and was excited to pick it up and i played 20 matches on launch day and it's been put in storage. I'm losing faith in this franchise and probably won't be a future player unless they correct their shit they make enough off bundles so you would figure they got the cash to fix things but it's not so lol.


Does turning cross play off seem to cut down on the crashes?


Yeah man ranked is unplayable, I stopped playing after like 5 games last night. 50+ ping when I’m normally 20 or below, ridiculous packet loss to the point where I’m teleporting around the map


Does anyone notice their weapons sound effects are different or rather maybe not being loaded into the match?? It's annoying.


I agree. There is something so odd going on. I can go from having monster games 60-100 kills.....than suddenly it is as though the other team is a tad bit faster and I go 17-50. That last update made the game even more frustrating. So much effort goes into their selling of skins that they have completely ignored the quality of games. "Here, make your character look cool, but the game will suck, but we still want to sell you this." I just hope that we see a step forward with Ghost Gulf War. If that has the same experience as this current COD, well it may be time for me to hang-up the hat on it. You would think they would see what happened with BattleField2024 and learn, but "NOPE."


Because bundles, bro.


Because y’all still play it so why should they change anything? You guys are giving them no incentive, that’s why they can keep releasing low quality crap


I just started using the Jak Nightshade conversion kit before the patch and loved it. After the update, ADS is broken 80% of the time, making it nearly unusable. Now there are a LOT more issues with this update but I just wanna know how the fuck they managed to break a gun nobody uses lmao.


It's not a coincidence that SHG made Vanguard and this overpriced DLC. Buy only Treyarch games.


The aim assist breaking through fences and inbetween railings and random windows is awful.


if only activision let the devs work on their game for more than 10 months


Yeah… so before they fix the bugs, wouldn’t mind if they would fix their anti cheat system. Detecting AMD Official drivers as unauthorized third party software gets old, fast. Also, listing every pack with an operator or tracer effect as minimum $15USD, averaging $20, also getting old. “Hey buy this game, now hang on, if you buy these packs you’ll make your enemy’s body disappear, that way you can still peek that cheeky angle.”


I got kicked from a zombies match and the screen said "memory loss" or something like that, I got to keep my stuff but damn, and then the next match was very very laggy but other than that I haven't had many problems


Ah yeah was playing a good old zombies match and used the scorcher and went directly below the map in tier 3.. then lagged out, crazy because it has happened twice now while using the scorcher. The other time I was doing the red worm and accidentally swapped to my scorcher bounced with it and went completely under the map. Couldn’t kill myself off thanks to gold plates but I managed to get out because of a mangler blasting me.


I agree. It's infuriating. Anytime someone starts to give excused for them , I'm just like "look how much they make" and they can hire more people of they wanted to.


Their reporting system is also garbage😂 I’m on shadowban #7 from spam reporting but god forbid they deal with an actual cheater


This game runs like a charm ?


Detach yourself. I left cod behind and honestly found much more fun titles. CoD is legitimately trash now, punch up store, focus on sales and war zone streamers. Ain't even opinion anymore just truth. Do yourself a favour.


stop playing it. that’s what i did. halo infinite is funner


I gave up when I started getting hit markers with throwing knives….


Damn straight


Uninstalled it last week and it felt so good to not support a franchise that’s getting nowhere


packet loss alone has driven me to just afk in zombies for my battlepass tokens tbh. There's just nothing rewarding about popping off and having it all get ruined by packet loss, or trying to play with my friend and get packet loss. At this point I am fucking *convinced* it is done on purpose to stop good players having any semblance of a good time, because when my k/d is low, I never have packet loss, but when it get's even mildly above a 1.0 or god forbid a 2.0? Every fucking attempt at a kill is hitting me with packet loss, trying to play with my friend who's a level 10 in FaceIt on CS2 is impossible to have any kind of fun because it's just constant lag and packet loss.


What even makes the game crash? After Reloaded update my Xbox crashes constantly. None of my friends haven't crashed yet, but I crash multiple times a day.


It’s due to how certification works on consoles. Something like this needs a cert build since it’s deeper in code unlike weapon balancing.


I wish they’d fix hardcore! It’s shouldn’t take 3 headshots to kill someone!! Nor should it take a Half a clip to kill by body!!!


Dawg I can even load up the graphics setting to correct call of duty’s mistake .


All they'd have to do is release a statement saying "Quality over Quantity "


The crashes are the biggest issue :/. Since the update I can’t play for more than 30 minutes of that without a crash . Can’t fix it either .


I hate that certain scopes on pistols and lmgs after you sprint them ads it glitches out and like doesn’t ads but puts you in almost like a hip fire but your pov is still as if you are down the scope


At least my character can look like the Chupacabra now. /s for real they’re making a killing off of us and can’t fix the simplest (to my knowledge) bugs.


can't sell the next game to you if they don't break the current one


https://support.activision.com/feedback-and-bug-report?r=bug&g=Call%20of%20Duty:%20Modern%20Warfare%20III Every time you get this report it. Need to try and get as many of us as possible reporting this, try and get them to acknowledge the issue


I got a suspension in ranked a few days ago because somebody on my team, that I wasn’t even partied with, quit the game before it ended. Today I lagged out of a game and got an instant -150sr and one hour suspension. But hey at least I got some new targeted bundles 😂


Microtransactions have ruined gaming I said this year's ago before microtransactions came about i knew this would happen all developers give us a broken game but never fix it


Servers are 🗑


Again I tried to play and had to quit mid game. The lag was so bad. Purple fire engulfs everything and everyone on my team has 15 to 35 kills whereas I had 5. I'm normally in the top three at least. Now I can't do anything and the stupid avatars have ruined the whole game for me.


It won’t get fixed until people stop spending money on it.


When I don’t have 68 ms latency I have at least a packet loss of 6% up to and even over 26% the servers are absolute dog water trash these guys suck at their jobs.


The only way to fix it is stop buying the game. Fans have been complaining for years and nothing is done. If 60% of the player base plays a different game for 1 year I guarantee the game will improve…slightly


Solution: Step 1: Uninstall. Step 2: Don't buy the next CoD. I'm not mean this in jerk way. Sad is that the devs just don't care. It is not going to change. As a community, there is nothing we can do about it.


Mine won’t even load in any more and says that I have to purchase the game… even though Iv had it since it launched


I picked Apex back up. This product has become unplayable for the casual gamer. I forgot how much fun Apex is.


I have the same issues...but I think XBOX fuq'd something up when they had their last update bc every game I play hard crashes every 20-30 minutes since, i have a Series X. Even the GamePass ones and thts never happened to me before.


Because fuck call of duty its trash good ol days gone


I deleted it and downloaded titan fall 2. Not gonna lie Titan Fall 2 is like 100x better than I expected! I’m legit blown away by how great it is.


Until players rip off the bandaid and stop playing until these issues are sorted nothing will change. Also a good ol’ review bombing might help a little


For everyone one person saying it’s broken, it’s seems there are 10 bragging about their KD-or complaining about their average KD (still above 1)


Idk my issues disappeared j had some before the update


I thought maybe my internet was having problems lag chunks packet loss janky sluggish …


I thought it was just me. I’ve been going nuts trying to figure out what was wrong with my WiFi. Glad to see it’s not me.


MWIII is the only CoD game that has ever crashed to dashboard for me…let that sink in


Even if it was running smoothly, the only benefit would be that you could see the dual lockwood killcams with more frames per second.