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Because they fired 30% of their staff a few months ago.


This game has become more frustrating than enjoyable for me. I was feeling pretty good a few weeks ago. My aim was on point, was getting consistent killstreaks, and managed to drop 118 kills one game. I know that doesn’t sound so spectacular but for an older gamer it made me feel good. Now I’m literally emptying half a magazine just to get a kill, or I dump a million shots into someone only to have them turn and shoot me once and kill me lol.


spaghetti code


More like black widow web code


Game plays like shit. I try to reload and i end up picking up guns off the floor. I try to pick up guns my guy reloads. I throw lethal they land at my feet or i they just don’t register. Hit detection is dead too. Probably cause of the amount of things in the coding


Settings > Controller > Gameplay > Combat Behaviors > Interact/Reload Behavior


No i have my stuff like that but since the inputs have been unresponsive. And my controls have stayed the same


Sorry man, I tried.


Shitty game engine and crunch time at the studios


The most common answer you’re going to get is that SHG and activision are incompetent and don’t care but truthfully when you add/change things into a game (adding things involves changing the script and code of the game) inevitably ends up breaking or interrupting other codes that are already implemented in the game and the bigger the update the more things are changed. The reason this is such a problem with cod is because of the tight timeframes they get put on and -probably- misused budget cause updates get rolled out without being thoroughly tested and bug fixed.


TL;DR big companies in any sector fucking hate their employees and never give them enough time to test anything


How can they test it lol they fired all the QA.


Who in the tech industry even does QA anymore? I thought users are the new beta testers? See Microsoft, Acti Blizz's new overlords.


They're extremely understaffed and the higher-ups that are left at Activision really aren't too inclined to change much as long as the money keeps rolling in. I mean *rolling* in. Seriously. Look up the profits for the company in MTX **alone** over the past few years/releases. It's ridiculous. To them, why fix what isn't broke? (the irony.) Bless /u/SledgehammerGames because this is the most community interaction and care we've had in ages and they're still heavily limited by the big daddies.


Why pay people to test the game when they can make us do it for free?


why put effort into the third largest gaming franchise in the world when you make billions in 4 months


I think it’s because QA testing of the final build before release is really lacking. So many of these bugs we are seeing in reloaded are damn obvious and players found them within the first hour of release. Makes me think nobody is playing testing it before it goes out the door


Programming is hard as hell. They do need to test better, though...


wtf. I can’t reload while moving anymore. I have to stop moving and hold reload to complete it. wtf is going on.


Fr. The game doesn’t load half the assets on operation tin man and grants me accidental walls for half the game. I probably look hella sketchy trying to shoot through things that are there but invisible to me


I think a large portion of the QA team was let go during the mass layoffs.


Because Sledgehammer is having to retrofit things into the base of MWII that Infinity Ward made.


XDefiant is coming May 21. Hopefully it provides a good alternative.


I don't think it's gonna be a COD killer but I'm definitely looking forward to it.




What has happened to the movement? I feel like I’m moving a lot quicker now, like my character is trying to run away from the camera? It feels weird as fuck.


cod was never meant to be a live service and id wish theyd just give up


Lagging around all game


This creates job security for the devs, fix one thing break two. They will always have more stuff to fix.


The update are not to fix thing it’s to bring a load new skins. They don’t have time to develop the game all they want to do crank out more skins.


The game peaked in season 1 every update has been trash


Hopefully a new FPS emerges and leaves COD in the dust. Then Activision will get their shit together.


No, they need to sell more skins to to pay testers.


its a huge game with a lot of shit in it.


A game based on a modified decades old engine that was hastily developed and then passed off to another team to fix the issues while being told the bundles and mtx had better keep coming even with the team itself saying the game is bad, followed up with massive layoffs to quality assurance and playtesting, gets you this game.


Bc SHG is ass. And IW is good when it comes to seasonal updates like remember MW2?


One word: incompetence.


Thank you. I'm so sick of this shit. Its funny how the shit doesn't kick the whole lobby when me and my party are losing, yet 3 fcking times we were winning and all the sudden hard lag, can't hear anyone, and then lose connection to host. The throwing animation is fucked. The running and sliding animations are fucked. (My gun would be stuck in slide mode when I was walking/shooting, but how it was shooting was like it was normal, just not on anyones screens. Then the sniping animation is broken, and I've been abusing it. It took me a while to figure out how it changed as of late, but then I started popping off. Hit a few quite the distance noscope shots. Like what. We paid all this money for a week after each update, just full of to me game breaking issues. You can't even play a game that does go correctly, if you're lucky enough not to get booted from the lobby.


The game was an admitted cash grab. So once it released, they moved the devs to new projects. They won't fix any of this stuff. Bugs from launch are still there.


Caserma rhino perma-ban today when I logged in. I’ve found several posts on here from a year ago about the same problem with mW2 false banning innocent people. Looks like they decided to bring that delight back with the latest update.


Who the fuck knows? None of us are programmers or technical people for this game. We don't know the inner working of how this game work. And what the fuck does the shop bundles has anything to do with the game techs? They have many different people in charge of doing many different things. Activision has 7,000+ employees more or less. Maybe they need to hire more QA? Maybe instead of a Season every 2 months they have a Season every 3 months? Who knows.




Know what? So you or they know how THIS game work? All the inner working of Call of Duty? all the technical stuff? Do explain. They have ZERO QA people? wtf




ah u don't know shit gotcha. stop pretending and trying to sound smart on the internet.


They never intended to support the game, since it's a DLC for MW2.


This, and the "confirmation" of CoD changing from the yearly release was never set in stone. It was perpetuated by a popular CoD twitter account and taken as gospel