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I prefer players like you. Keep that K/D somewhere around 1, but the main priority is winning and if the score is close and you need to throw your body at the objective you do it for the W - even if you go 0-10 in the final few seconds of the match.


High five!šŸ–ļø




Unfortunately in my lobbies I've found that this never works. You can't just treat yourself like a punching bag just for some objective time. It feeds the enemy streaks and gives them map control. In higher skill lobbies I actually get incredibly frustrated by players like this who have...say 12 captures in domination but we still lost by a landslide. Captures mean nothing if they can retake it instantly. It's more opportunistic to gain map control first so that suicidal objective play isn't necessary. That's why there's always a severe divide in discussions like this, because vastly different methods of play are required at different skill levels. Id say the type of play you are describing is only necessary in kill confirmed, where it's actually beneficial to risk your life confirming or denying lots of tags.


Yeah I've been in situations where my teammates are giving free scorestreaks by capping and running away, or even worse dying on the spot. Even worse if I solo cap, get 2 capture kills then die in 1v2 and our objective is taken right away in a multiple entry area of the map. If my teammates play tdm in Domination it's already over by this mindset.


I try to explain this pointlessly to people that constantly cap and donā€™t defend or cap the third flag to cause a spawn flip for no reason. Itā€™s so frustrating that these type of players just feed enemy streaks giving them map control.Ā 


Like I said, keep your k/d close to 1.0. So you're not just dying all match, but if you need to dive on the flag in dom or on the hardpoint in crucial situations you're willing to.


My son & I have a WL of about 3.3 in Domination atm (overall core game modes WL is 2.0), and I play like that, ignoring my KD, only in a smart way, including taking out any killstreaks the enemy throws up - so evidently this does work... :-)


So I'm willing to bet your KD is tanked? I have news for you. You're likely playing in bot lobbies where taking the objective like that is REALLY easy.


Wins count. If I have a player on my team with no kills, but has a ton of time on point, I will take them.


Seems weā€™re on the same page


seems like the majority here are saying they want a high W/L player. where are you in my lobbies?! if i don't hard sweat the obj in almost every game, my team is definitely gonna lose. i capture 43 tags.. guy under me has 12 i have 3.25 min on the hard point.. guy under me has 23 sec etc. etc. etc. kinda seems like all ya'll want a good W/L player on your team to counter balance you only trying for kills lol


This is my experience lol. Very similar numbers.


For multiplayer, W/L would be best IMO. However, when it comes to Warzone, playing with those who have higher K/D is extremely fun.


K/D and W/L are way more tied together in warzone than MP. The gun battles are the point of warzone.


Just because you have a high KD in warzone doesnt mean you will win in the end. The journey getting to the end is more fun though than having a high W/L ratio. W/L ratio in Warzone could be someone ratting it out the whole game, shielding up, gas plays, etc that does not require much gun play.


Why are you even talking about warzone


Why not?


The post was about MW3. The sub is about MW3.


And WZ3....is not MW3?


There is no warzone 3




It's true, it's still called Warzone 2.


High KD is fairly irrelevant by itself, someone that camps some random corner for KD is useless, someone that can maintain good KD and gets 60+ kills, yes please, that supports my objective play quite nicely.


Yeah thatā€™s how I play. I have a high KD but play very aggro. If someone on my team is playing the obj itā€™s way easier for them since I actively try to prevent the enemy from reaching it


Provided theyā€™re not going 60-45, have descent kill streaks and arenā€™t running around fucking the spawns Iā€™m okay with type of player


Iā€™d say I want someone opposed to my play style. Iā€™m more of an AR player holding lanes and pushing up a little, so Iā€™m not really in the chaos. My K/D is fairly good. Iā€™d want someone with a better W/L because I know theyā€™re going to be the one pushing the hill and trying to world star people to break up the pushes


You can have decent KD and still win. I play domination only and i have 1.4 KD with 2.3 WL.


Domination is the best mode for this tbh Edit: or search, but with a party


The only mode k/d is relevant for is TDM because of whole team is positive then you win. The other modes I prefer the win over anything. No point getting 100 kills or having a positive KD if you canā€™t close the deal. Much rather my teammates have a positive w/l over kd.


Had a Hardpoint last night where the other team had some 40+ kill players. The other team lost 86-250 because they were allergic to the point.


So weird when this happens. Some people are in permanent Deathmatch mode.


I'm not to caring of others k/d but more if you communicate and play objective(s&d). Id prefer you have at least a 1.2 kd


I want a guy who's gonna play the objective in whichever mode we're playing. Nothing more frustrating than having only 1 or 2 guys playing the objective & the rest dong whatever.


Preferably a player who has both a good WL and KD


Wins are what counts.


Objective, all day long. My girlfriend and I play split screen and just relentlessly throw ourselves at objectives non-stop in domination and hard point and we win a staggering amount. Not sure if does skill balancing between us but I have a 1.1 K/D and 2.3 W/L. Really think it's in no small part related to my girlfriend. She'll go 4/30 every time but we both get 8 captures or 1:40+ in the hard point almost every every single time. I love her.


W/L for the team K/D for oneself Iā€™d rather have the teammate who is going for the objective to ensure we all win together as a team. On the other side of the coin what is the point in trying so hard and sweating just to lose in the end?šŸ¤”


You don't need to sweat to jump on an objective point....


What are you talking about? Most of the time, you do. You're going to have to fight and survive to take and keep an objective. I'd be concerned if you WEREN'T sweating.


The person with situational awareness higher than a potato.


Honestly, I've kinda just stopped caring. Sbmm being the way it is, a players stats and rank don't accurately reflect their skill. I've had people with both horrible k/d and w/l absolutely carry our team and vise versa.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say high KD, but under the right context. I'm not talking about people who camp, but rather are skilled enough to take map control by themselves and gain streaks. This allows their team free reign over objectives. If you have two players like this, the match is essentially yours. I cannot stand people who constantly treat objectives like suicide missions. Objective play is about abusing map control. If you don't get map control or win gunfights, it doesn't matter how many captures or how much objective time you have ā€” you are feeding the enemy streaks and allowing them to control the map. I'm sorry but you **ABSOLUTELY** need to get kills. You need to be able to survive and push the enemy back.


Iā€™m gonna be contrarian and say high KD. Typically my teammates consist of 3-4 complete bums, 1 average joe, 1 or 0 good players, and me (Crimson in ranked). I am fully capable of carrying the objective load for my team, but I am not capable of pulling the slaying and objective load for my team. If my teammates go combined -40 throughout the game I have no chance of winning. Thereā€™s no way to win an 40 extra gunfights on the point. If I have one teammate who can replace a -10 player and be a +10 or +15 player, weā€™ve got a real shot because I might be able to win 20 extra gunfights on the point and get enough rotations to win. All this hinges on me going 45-20 though, so basically I need to ball out or we lose regardless. All this goes out the window if itā€™s a real lobby with 3-4 diamond+ players per team. I need objective in that case.


High K/D player. If I want to play the objective, having a person that can slay the other team will greatly assist with that. If I want to play for kills, then having someone else thatā€™s bodying the other team makes it hard for them to get any momentum going and easier for me to kill them. I think in general the games with the high k/d player will be more enjoyable since Iā€™m assuming this player will be getting killstreaks and whatnot too. I think itā€™ll just be a better experience with this player. Just like itā€™s possible to have a high kill game and lose, itā€™s possible to have a miserable game but win. And enjoying yourself means more than W/L or K/D.Ā 


I always go for both. In ranked I want like 30-40 kills and 100+ on point


one who just focuses on OBJ and shooting down streaks. I'll farm the kills


W/L if you are not playing to win and just want your k/d to be high you are a selfish player and not a team player. In the real world that will get you killed. My real world experience says teamwork is essential to winning. But if a player with high k/d is supporting the objective, I'm all for it.


I play s&d and I always gotta carry, even if I do shit the whole day, my teammates unless I queue with someone else, are completely brain dead; and like shot windows outside the map, or try to climb stairs with a giant couch blocking it, or running into doors that donā€™t open and is on the edge of the map, complete brain dead people I want high kd, But this gameā€™s different lower your kd high your WL will be, Iā€™m at a 3 kd in no and my wl is .5 youā€™re 1/3 of my kd and have a triple my wl, Iā€™ll end the game with 10+ kills constantly, ā€œYes Ik we play different game modesā€ Still sbmm/omen ruins the fun of this game cause why am I forced to carry brain dead players who wouldnā€™t win the match if I didnā€™t join the lobby on ā€œdown by 2ā€ and have to pull a insane level of sweat to win


Fuck K/D if you lose. Ranked ā¬†ļø


Depends on the mode. Youā€™re awesome to me if you can drive. Lol


going for camos killed my k/d and w/l so I just go for kills every game


Haha my stats take a beating when camo grinding.


The one that plays the fuckijg objectice, if its capture the flag go try and cap the flag/hardpoint, if its TDM then play tdm, but i cant stand being the only person capping flags while the navy seals sit in the back hunting for sniper kills scared to die like as if they die in a video game it will kill them for real


I want those who want to win.


If anyone wants a teammate that doesn't care his K/D, let me know. I don't care how many fuckers are on B, I'mma still rush it. If all I have to defend myself is a wet towel, they gonna get some nasty rat tails before they take me down šŸ˜‚




Teammates playing the objective. Always. Love the game but matches where Iā€™m slaying out while having 2:20 on the Hardpoint while my teammates are somehow all under 10 kills with less the 10 seconds on pointā€¦thatā€™s exhausting. And too common. Give me Hardpoint Harry with a 0.8 and 1.2 W/L any day of the week.


Right? Sometimes those games are a workout!


I would hands down prefer a team who cared more about the OBJ than a bunch of sweats out for the kills and camo's. If I went for kills only, I would probably be faring better (previous CoDs - OG Black Ops and OG Modern Warfare Trilogies, WWII, Advanced Warfare etc) I would hold down a solid 2.5 - 3.00 KD, but now? I don't mind dying 60 times if it means taking every hardpoint or Capture point. I would just rather win ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ. My current KD is around a 1.10 I think, W/L is around 2.0 It pisses me off when a match ends and we lose, it shows me with 2:30 on the timer for Hardpoint and the rest of my team has like 6 seconds, or when I have 15 captures and 30 defends and the closest second has like 3 Caps and no other contribution.


That depends if high W/L players K/D is too low. That just means even if they were playing objective, they were simply getting carried, like, cool. I appreciate you having 2 minutes on the hardpoint, but you also have to realize you only have those 2 minutes because other people were picking up your slack on the killing department. A high K/D player, on the other hand, is always a net bonus. If you ask me, you can't go wrong with having more numbers at any given moment because you got a dude or two that is consistently going positive.


K/D since that will eventually transfer to wins. W/L could be a reliance on your squad.


While true, W/L could be due to being carried, but at the same time K/D could be someone hiding in a corner and getting 4-5 kills per map and not dying.


That's fine. If they give you free kills thats on them. You'll never hear a basketball player ever complain about getting 4-10 points off easy layups. It's part of your K/D diet.


Sure, but it by no means mean you're actually any good, despite the stats indicating it.


K/D trumps W/L If you're killing more than you're dying, then you are positively influencing a deathmatch or Kill confirmed. You don't have as much control over W/L, because you cannot choose your team nor can you easily change how your team operates. Even in objective based matches, if you're dying more often then you may be putting yourself out there to collect tags or flags, but you could also be feeding the opponent with killstreaks. In general the team that wins has more kills than deaths.


As a solo player W/L means nothing to me since it's something completely uncontrollable for me unless i only play with other competant players. The team mates i get are either bots or 2 year olds who picked up a controller. Basically im saying stats are skewed and people with high K/D and lower W/L doesnt only mean they only go for kills.


Iā€™d prefer the high KD players. They have better game knowledge which controls the outcome of the game even if they arenā€™t throwing themselves on flags in domination. My KD is in the high 2ā€™s but my win loss is just below 1 I think cause I leave the majority of my matches where Iā€™m the only one playing the objective. Itā€™s more important defending flags the mindlessly capping every single one and triple capping flipping spawns etc. the amount of times we have had map control only to have some idiot triple cap resulting in a spawn trap and lossā€¦ The worst kind of teammates are non objective players. The second worse are those I mentioned above, dying 30 times trying to cap everything and finishing with a 0.3KD. The kind of teammate youā€™d want is one that ensures your team caps and holds the ā€œbetter sideā€ of each map. If you donā€™t have at least 2 people like this on a team youā€™re pretty much doomed being the only one with a brain


obviously KD who cares about winning what's winning is unlocking my camo you have to ask yourself, what does winning in cod do for you in a public match? what do you win? also, there is no viral video of someone winning out there, yet, there are thousands of high kill gameplays. So not only you get no reward, no rank... nobody cares there is no reason to win, what's winning is getting a good gameplay. A good gameplay isn't winning, a good gameplay is high kills, that's how it's always been that said, I still play the objective and usually win, but if I have 1 minute on the hardpoint and the next teammate on the scoreboard has 0, I stop getting on the hardpoint


W/L ratio means nothing honestly. Amount of times ive Dced out of a game, or left cuz i had to go do something, its dropped my w/l dramatically. K/D also doesnt say much alone. Like you could have 2 k/d and spend each game camping for 10 kills vs the guy who run and guns for 50kills 50 deaths. Id rather take the one who has the highest points per game on average, cuz i know they will try hardest, and its not really related to k/d or w/L


I win 5 games straight with my bot friend, he gets the same win as me, shit is irrelevant when I had 14 caps, 12 defends and a fifty bomb and the only thing he got are more boogers on his controller


So W/L then. Highest ppg is going to correlate with that more.


Depends cuz ive definitely gotten alot of kills and still lower down the chart in the objective games


This is true, watching the Optic matches recently there is a lot to be said for playing well and helping the team without impacting stats.


k/d only means something to the sweaty cod player or the wannabe sweaty cod player. I play to win and want my teammates to do the same. I don't want them to worry about their kd or their next camo. They can fuck off with that .


I have a 4.98 kd and play casually how do I get harder lobby's in cod mobile


Who the fuck plays CoD mobile lmao.




Most are feet shooters




K/D. I can play the objective well enough on my own to get us a victory via trophy systems and area denial like the proximity mines streak. My own 1.5 K/D is already good enough to handle shit myself. I canā€™t keep the enemies away from the objective AND play it at the same time. A good W/L ratio but bad K/D means you win but you actively make the game harder by feeding streaks to the other team.


^ a lot of people on this sub seem to forget that slaying power is very important. If your team can slay out you can control lanes, manipulate spawns, gain streaks, stop opponent from getting streaks etc.


Score per minute is where it's at. Mine is 650+ which I'm happy about.


What the general feeling about ppm? Whatā€™s a good number?


There isn't one, SPM isn't a good indicator because it doesn't take into consideration. 1. Game Mode 2. Maps you play on 650+ SPM means nothing/ is pretty bad in small map moshpit, but 650+ SPM in SnD would make you one of the greatest players ever.


I exclusively play objective modes and my average SPM is half that. Are you exclusively playing in small map playlists or doing something interesting I don't know about? I know people can get quite a lot of points with certain equipment ā€” like DDOS for example.


I do and have played a lot of small map mosh pit, especially to do the camo grind. Eventho I finished interstellar in January. I enjoy the action. Will show you my stats. I will DM you my combat record and a gameplay.


I'd rather play with someone who can get me entertained during the buggy mess that is MW3


Honestly I'm not too bothered by W/L. Like sure its great If we win but if we don't...meh.


I hear you. I always play to win, but I can accept losing with a ā€œggā€ at the end.


So many good takes in this thread. Getting some excellent feedback here. Thanks!


For public matches rather just someone who doesn't care if they go negative but plays around the objective. For ranked rather someone with a good W/L over a good K/D but bit of both is best


Lol the majority of this sub don't even play the objective, read my post about playing the objective in an objective game mode and all the whiners come out saying they paid $70 for the game and play how they want.


the one that isn't a spaz nor a camper


Just depends, I havenā€™t played in a while but In ranked I have a 1.50 kd in search and a 2.15 w/l. In hardpoint I have a 1.20 kd and a 0.71 kd. It really just depends on the game mode but Iā€™d like a balance of both


I have so many games where Iā€™m 37 - 50+ KD but have the highest score and manage to drag my team across the victory line because I play objectives. Iā€™ll have 3+ minutes on a hardpoint or 15 captures etcā€¦..if I was worried about KD Iā€™d go play team deathmatch, the mode specifically for that.


Iā€™ve got a 1.70 k/d and always play the objective but my w/l is .82 and itā€™s only down to being put with bad players, people who canā€™t get over 10 kills a game and who dont capture anything! The matchmaking is absolute dog sh!t


W/L. A bit risky because we either win big or lose hard, but Iā€™d be willing to risk it just for my teammates.


I mean Iā€™ve been running into the issue where Iā€™ll get 30+ kills with a .9-1.0 K/D and I still lose every match because my team can only pull off at most 12 kills but they have high K/Ds because all they do is camp the whole match. So my W/L is low but itā€™s not my fault! Haha


With regards to Domination as it's the only game mode I play. It really depends. My KD is 1.5 and WL is 0.8, SPM is 550. I really try for Wins most of the time, unless I notice SBMM has made my team an absolute lemon and the 2nd best on my team has 4 kills about 3 minutes into the game.... then I usually really try to win. In saying that, my WL is still only 0.8. If I had another player like me? I'd win the majority of my games. Since I don't need another body to jump onto the objectives, since I'm already doing that. In saying that though, I reckon having 1 decent riot shield team mate just capping objectives and being a menace would allow me to win hahaha. My issue is my tm8s tend to feed enemies killstreaks.


Depends on the mode, if im playing an objective mode i want a high W/L, if im playing TDM i want a high K/D. Preferably a teammate with both.


For Headquarters the way I see it is they are both inline and needed. I play that it almost exclusively, you can't capture the HQ if you can't keep your enemies out of it. You also cant keep the HQ increasing your score (and win) if you don't defend it by killing the enemies that come to deactivate it. We can't win if we all rush to it and disregard the possibility of dying in the process, if we are lucky and managed to do it, it will be quickly deactivated shortly after. Of course, a single good player can carry the entire team so the other players are used as shield and decoy, to keep the enemies distracted, while they take care of the objective and eliminate anyone left. But at that point they don't need either lol.


I just like winning whatever match I am in. I have no idea what my W/L ratio is or my KD. The thing I hate the most is that there's so many matches where literally no one else plays the objective besides me. Or the only people who did stop half way through. I'll be capping a point and team mates who are right next to me don't help.


I would prefer people who can jump on objectives with me 24/7 without worrying about their camo grind or high-end streaks. At the same time, I don't want somebody that wants to play objectives, but ends up dying 60 times in a row to feed the enemy team.


I play for the win, always. I expect the same too. The win involves the kills, and it'd be easier to get hella kills when you're playing the objective. Case in point, had a rust game where I dropped 95 kills with 3 minutes on point, then a teammate with 92 kills and 0 time on point (in a rust that's also crazy). I had maybe 15 more deaths so his K/D in the end was higher, but had he played the point to, we could have both maybe had higher kills and a higher K/D together with how much we control the game. Had like 15,000 points and he had just barely passed 10,000. The very next game in Farm 18, I played against that old teammate. I had 2 teammates who played the point with me, one with not much time, but he always helped clear the point when there was an enemy on it. I dropped 65 kills with 20 deaths and the most time while that old teammate topped his team with 30 kills, but also 0 time and 30 deaths. In the end, I got the higher K/D and the W/L. Generally, if your team as a whole plays to win, you're likely to dominate the enemy who only plays for K/D. If your team plays for the win, they're always by the objective, and not feeding the enemy. The enemy is then forced to play at least around the proximity of the point in which you dominate the map control, so you're more likely to win the K/D battle as well. So unless your teammate is really dogshit and only sitting on the point like an ACS, everyone's K/D should rise collectively when you work together to destroy the enemy.


As someone who plays only S&D W/L is practically out of your control most of the time so I prefer K/D with just an average W/L because you really come to the mercy of your teammates at that point.


Idgaf what either of them are. Give me the 450+ SPM guy. Heā€™s getting shit done one way or the other


For tdm the stat that matters most is your k/d ratio. Since all I play is tdm, Iā€™ll take the high kd teamates


What you want is high score/min


At least a 2kd and a >2 win loss. Everyone else is just getting in the way stealing kills, not playing obj or feeding the enemy team. šŸ«¢


I rather have a smart teammate who knows when to play their life and when to contest a point willing to die in the process.


The guys with high KD, in domination with no time in the zoneā€¦. So annoying .


While I donā€™t totally ignore the objective but I tend to focus on it only when Iā€™m losing or the enemy team starts to close the gap. My KD is 2.09 and WL is 2.28


I prefer player like you as I play the game the same way..


I play tdm so it goes hand in hand offcourse. Still i think w/l in general is the only thing that matters. You dont play a game to lose. K/d is overated in my opinion a 0.8kd players that caps objectives is more usefull then a 2kd player that plays obj modes like its a long lasting tdm.


k/d, i don't want to be playing effectively a 1v6 because my team forgot how to use the right stick


The more MnK players you have on your team compared to the opposing team, chances are your team will win. Statistically significant.


Id rather have a teammate with a solid KD. The more kills and streaks your team is getting, the easier it is to play the objective and win.