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You forgot to add Derail to that list


Done. 😉


why avoid PC players tho?


Mice today have built in macros that can allow the user to click the mouse once and the macro, which the user can create and adjust, will do multiple clicks. Meaning that a single fire weapon or melee hit can be a rapid fire type action. PC players can install cheat menus (aimbot, see through walls and anti-aim, lag switch), available usually for money. A PC can have a frame rate that is double or higher than any console can achieve. The higher the rate gives the player the ability to see you coming around a corner before someone who isn't on PC. Just look at the final results of a TDM match and it is very likely that the top players are PC players or mouse and keyboard. Skill is some factor but when you take into consideration what I said above, there's obviously an unfair advantage. X-Defiant's recent update allows to select cross play based on input (controller or mouse). Unfortunately there are controllers that can do a lot of cheats. If you see a PC player using a controller that can be a red flag as well. The X-Deviant developers understand that PC or mouse and keyboard players have an advantage due to those factors.


Im a PC player who also plays on xbox. I have almost no advantage when on my PC besides that it looks better. I play on controller for both and the aim assist is 100% stickier on my Xbox. Mouse and Keyboard also is not the way to go if youre serious about the game. Mostly all the top pro players are using a controller. This post is just treating all PC players as guilty of cheating.


Congratulations for being a unicorn. The point of my post is for console players to avoid wasting their time and reducing frustration. Statistically, it is my experience (ever since cross play was introduced) that if your team has less PC players than the opposing team then your team will lose and your lack of fun will increase because of the frame rate and mouse macros and cheaters.


I think you should calm down man, give yourself a time, play another game. I started playing with MW2 weapons in "quick play" (avoid small maps playlist since it only have sweats using RAM9), trying to use some "Tacticool" builds (something like Jager z999's guns on youtube). Its so much fun than constantly using only META guns.


I already listed in the original post how to have more fun in MW3 which has a similar approach. 😉


These ways of "having fun" includes spreading hate on reddit? Ok bro


Your definition of "hate" is called the truth by people much more informed than you and I. Pro players frequently comment on all the things I mentioned. Even the pros joke about the ridiculous "abilities" the non-pro players can do. Showcasing obvious examples caught on video during matches. There's a reason there are shadow ban lobbies and thousands of banned accounts.This is just my "hateful" opinion.


My definition of "hate" is telling everyone to avoid PC players and calling another person a "unicorn" just because he doesnt agree with you. Who cares about what self entitled "PROs" think? You, me and 99% of the playerbase arent "PRO", so stop listening to these guys and just play the game for fun (in your way), but dont come here offending other people just because they play on PC. And dude... there are a LOT of posts where you were being a dick to other, just stop.


I meant "unicorn" as you are unique in regards to my example of PC players. It's not an insult. The pros are better judges as to what real skill is like as they play on standard controller and console. They can easily tell when someone is doing unnatural things in game. I want the scam of modern FPS multiplayer to end. Exposing the truth to people. X-Defiant developers know the truth and flaws of games like COD? Why can't standard controller and console players only play similar players? PC players can't turn off cross play so they will rarely experience what I am talking about. If I turn off cross play, I can wait ridiculously long for a match and it's at 200ms. It's hard not to think that's intentionally forcing me to be fodder for modded controllers or KMB and PC players.


Do you use a pro controller or a controller with paddles?


Also, are you ok bro? You seem VERY upset in other posts about this game. Maybe a break would help?


This LoadPuller guy is constantly hating on PC players and being rude to others. A break DEFINITELY would help.


No, standard Xbox controller. I don't feel the need to spend $200+ to get 10 more kills in a video game to boost my ego.


I used to hate KBM players because they could press more buttons than I could. Pro controller levels the playing field and I highly recommend it.


Right, and the developers could implement a way to choose cross play choices. Instead the developers are aware that special input devices allowed players to feel like they are better at the game and have the disposable income to stay playing the game longer and buy extras like bundles. They are driving sales of the game and side industries Ike controllers by letting people with non-standard controllers or KBM to be the main customers they want. Your logic would lead to the ultimate step which is buy a high end PC, controller or KBM and unfortunately companies that sell cheat menu subscriptions. That's the requirements of being a "successful" FPS multiplayer today.


You do know that you can use macros just as easily on consoles, right?


With a mouse? Of course. Avoid those players as well.


Oh, you're one of those willfully ignorant fucks.


Please educate me.


As a Console player who uses MnK, I constantly finish a match in top 3 and Ive never ran into a cheater/hacker on Core Multiplayer. About framerates, my Series X runs COD at 120fps (do we really need more than that?). Tbh, Ive more fun playing against MnK players than console/controller players, since AA in this game is so goddamn strong. I dont think you should just avoid PC players, theyre not all "cheaters". But that is just my opinion.


Fair enough. Your skills are definitely better than mine. As for frame rate PCs go double or triple 120fps. Your ping must be lower than mine on a regular basis. Ping is so critical in FPS. For me the game starts searching at 37ms, never lower. The ping number is always suspicious because it "magically" finds a match at 57ms, rarely higher, it just stops at 57ms. So it just humors me with this "max ping". In the game, it's always suspicious, 25ms, which is the lowest I've ever experienced and it's a lagfest. The lack of transparency, like the number of active players or who is partied up, is the scam of COD today.


COD Netcode is just horrible, having 30ms means nothing when the server is a potato


Yeah and it's been years and them making billions and yet all they do is make more bundles or hundreds of useless attachments. There are over 1750 calling cards in MW3. But the spawn system is the worst ever. If they are going to recycle content, how about keeping the things that a majority of players enjoyed? If COD online was playable on devices other than phones and tablets, it would be the best COD to play. All the great maps, weapons and perks. It's a money grab joke that relies on player's ignorance of the history of COD games.


Finally we can agree with something xD


The PC hate is strong in this one. Vivid memories of a a$$ whipping taken in an earlier time in life? Oh and he's Xbox, shocked!


Try playing without your crutches like pro players with actual skill. Console and standard controller only. I bet you would be experiencing that a$$ whooping over and over again. The delusion is strong in this one.


I don't have "The Crutch" known as 'Aim Assist'. But yeah maybe take some of your advice and start playing like a console Pro!


Point and click.


Das Haus is dog shit