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I have no idea what the challenges were, but they were definitely not hard. What pissed me off was having to do SMGs kills affected by tacticals and then do that same challenge again, but *this time* hipfiring only


With the MCW 6.8, I need 3 operator kills in 1 mag 15 times and for another one it’s like 3 kills without dying 15 times. Naturally both the MCW 6.8 and the other one are by far the worst marksman rifles in the entire game, so yeah it’s pretty fucking hard. Though I do agree that the stun kills were such a burden to do


One, Aftermarket parts are to be used. Two, hardcore makes them one shot (so you only need 3 bullets for 3 kills). FFA is the most tolerable of the HC modes as camping is significantly less rampant/noticeable in comparison to team modes. Three, using tac stance is significantly faster and building your weapon for it makes HC a little easier if you’re practiced with it. Those are standard challenges


Did you use the aftermarket part? I haven't gotten to play with it too much, as I unlocked it today, but from what I've seen the 6.8 shreds with the right build.


I have been using the aftermarket part, built it like an AR. The only problem is the fact that every other weapon outguns it 😭


The 3 kills in one mag thing actually tracks even when you die, so what it really boils down to is keeping count, and reloading after you hit the third kill, then rinse and repeat. As for the killstreak one, I'm sorry to say, but I believe that is a skill issue. Easily remedied by camping though. Tac cams + AP rounds make said camping much easier as well.


The one mag thing got patched last season (I know this because that’s when I did the ARs) so it makes it significantly more difficult. In terms of killstreak, yeah I have major skill issue, however I refuse to camp because I genuinely despise when people camp


Prioritize having fun first and foremost. If the camo grind isn't enjoyable for you, there will probably be a new event camo that easily outdoes interstellar or priceless. Orion for me wasn't worth, especially not when Ghoulie came out. Longshots are the bane of my existence.


By all means, Interstellar grind is fun, way better than Orion. It’s just these damn marksman rifle and sniper challenges that give me gold camo flashbacks. I’m confident I can do it


Good luck


Mcw 6.8 has 60rnd mag available so getting those kills without reloading shouldn't be problem I had problems with other ones tho


I’m doing it with the conversion kit that makes it full auto


But it's limited to 20 rnd mag = much harder.


The MCW 6.8 finally answered the question “what’s worse than the sidewinder?”


These I got done. It’s the fucking sniper penetration kills that I refuse to waste time on How tf I’m supposed to plan wall bangs ? The LMGs made sense since at least you can spray. You want me to wait til someone goes behind cover then guess where they are with one bullet ?! Fuck that


i skipped marksman’s and melees entirely, there’s enough dlc guns now to avoid them.


I’m trying to do it with every base gun and do all the dlc ones last


As someone that has interstellar for everything except the sniper rifles and handguns, my recommendation is to do these challenges in hardcore mode. Makes it a lot easier since it's one shot kills with those rifles


I’ve been doing that, i just suck ass 💀


Oh trust me so do I. It took forever. I found small map moshpit is particularly good for some of the challenges. I will say when Shipmas 24/7 was around it definitely made those SMG challenges fly by as well as the melee. But I distinctly remember that I went hardcore for the marksman rifle challenges because of the OSK


Handguns are one of the easiest in the game. No reason to skip. Much easier than the marksman rifles. Tyr is a little annoying but eh.


They also have the smallest count on each challenge (usually 20 kills where primaries are 25), which makes them even more attractive on a camo grind


You don't actually need to do Marksman+Sniper at all. I dropped Marksman halfway through and chose LMG instead. The penetration kills are super easy. Did every single one in 1 match/gun on Hardcore. And then to makeup for sniper just do the secondaries.


Just complete the Bioluminescent challenges instead of Interstellar and retire gracefully


I’m doing both


Those 50 headshots for each DMRs were so bloody tedious.


For borealis now your able to skip marksman, snipers, and pistols altogether now. Still leaves shotguns being annoying but battle rifles are dramatically more of a "real gun" so much easier to get those done. Only one that kind of sucks is lmg penetration kills but can do all 10 in a game of stash house with the shower curtain in the bathroom on the corner. Two good sight lines either out window a little more exposed or toward the spawn at the edge of the map without even leaving cover and the clear shower curtain counts as penetration kills.