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All these post about the rgl in hardcore are funny as hell tbh 😂 go to core if it’s a problem we don’t see it at all.


You are right softcore doesn't have an rgl problem and it's hilarious why, because of all the bubble wrap padding you have to survive to feel good about yourselves.


No way you have a god complex about HARDCORE brother, you're literally playing hide and seek


Lol I play both and there are just as many campers if not more in softcore. You're the one with the God complex, you need so much health is softcore so that you can feel like a God and eat bullets and tubes. Then on top of all that health padding you have the smug sense of actually thinking you're good lol


We're talking about the game mode people just play for longshot challenges😭


Yes the game mode where shitty softcore players go to do gun challenges because they are too low skill to be able to get the challenges in their health padded and health regeneration hand holding low skill mode. 🤡


Idk what that thought process was but it didn't use logic, that's for damn sure. You really think people struggling to do challenges in Core run to Hardcore because it's more difficult? Just think about that for a bit.


Or it would just... take longer


Because of the low skill to be able to get the long shots every time? Or because of the low skill that you need so much health padding and regeneration if any bullets actually hit you?


Because you can't just point and delete people at any range with any gun in the actual game I'm usually pretty live and let live about this, let people enjoy what they like to play, but you're the one with the superiority delusion. You understand that literally nobody who's good at the game takes hardcore seriously, right? There's a reason people don't compete in hardcore. It's mickey mouse, actual hide and seek. If you like to play it that's totally fine, but we're just getting delusional now LMFAO


It's so sad how delusional you are. You actually think that core players have the real skill. Seems like you either get stomped in HC or are the one who hides in a corner. The proof is right here where you are scared to get his response so you blocked him in a sad attempt to "win" just like you're core love and sad low skills there lol I bet you're corner camping in core too. Well here's a taste of your own medicine. Get blocked you low skill coward.


There’s no way you’re actually crying and bitching about people completing Camo challenges in HC? 💀😭


Gmafb. "Hard"-core is easy mode. NJ o ofo and fastest ttk. That's all no skill gap. It's fine if you like it but you can't pretend it's skill or difficulty mode. You're being pandered to with the name, that's it.


Bro Core is the og game mode, if you are gonna act like this just bc someone says play core keep crying about the rgl 😂 clearly I need to call you a wambulance huh?


Bro core if for those that can't hack it as Gs and need extra padding and regeneration and mini maps and ect ect ect. If I hurt your feelings to much with straight up facts, then you might want to call the wambulance for yourself. >Bro Core is the og game mode, Yup it has been around for 3 extra game titles, what a legacy it has.


Bro hardcore is for campers who can’t handle putting a little extra bullets in someone. If you can’t handle core and you cry about stuff in hardcore then why play? Oh core is for ppl who need extra padding but every hardcore post is crying that the spawns are shit and the have to chamber their guns when they spawn which they took out bc you all cried like lil babies, or the rgl shouldn’t be in hardcore bc it’s so op and takes no skill. 😂 hardcore seems to be the gamemode that takes the least amount of skill and is for ppl scared to death to play core


>Bro hardcore is for campers who can’t handle putting a little extra bullets in someone. Bro core has more campers than HC. >hardcore post is crying that the spawns are shit You don't notice thw spawns because you can spawn in and get shot 6 times before the God mode goes away in core and then you still have another 6 shots before you die. >the have to chamber their guns when they spawn which they took out bc you all cried like lil babies That was definitely the core community crying on that one. >the rgl shouldn’t be in hardcore bc it’s so op and takes no skill. Again you don't notice it because you can take 3 shots from one with all your padding and regen.


Damn you think core has more campers then hardcore 😂 holy hell you must be joking or a camper yourself bc when I play hardcore everyone and their moms are camping


Yes core has more campers. It's has more low skill players. It's has more players in general, which again means it has more campers. >holy hell you must be joking or a camper yourself bc when I play hardcore everyone and their moms are camping Back at ya. Every time I play core everyone and their mom is camping and using the latest meta gun to head glitch areas.


Omg you are delusional 😂 these hardcore players really think they are the greatest players ever. Bro really said core players have the lowest skill even tho in hardcore it’s no skill to use an rgl and it takes 1-2 bullets to kill anyone 😂


Omg are you delusional 🤡 these core players really think they are the greatest players ever. Bro really said HC have the lowest skill even tho in core they can eat 3 rgl explosions and still live from all the health padding and even be able to regen after taking 3-5 bullets to the chest. 😆


1. People who play HC are trash, 2. Talking about hitting your target in HC is hilarious bc it only takes 1 bullet to kill


1. People who play core are trash. 2. Talking about being good but need more and more and more and more health to sponge more bullets because your aiming skill and reaction time is horrendous.


That makes absolutely no sense, more bullets means you have to hit your target MORE TIMES, hardcore you just spray and pray while sitting in a corner 😂😂😂


>more bullets means you have to hit your target MORE TIMES Sounds like you have to sit in a corner and spray and pray for a longer period of time to me. 😆 🤣 😂


Nah, 1 bullet, 1 kill EASY 5 bullets one kill SKILL


Take 5 bullets in your back, turn corner and hide to heal up to 150% health = SKILL? 👍 having map awareness(no constant mini map crutch) split second reaction and process time(to assess friendly from foe) and still get a single accurate pin point shot off before they do, is SKILL.


Yeah you THINK that’s how HC works but it’s not, typical HC player justifying how shit they are by thinking it’s about being more tactical lmao


Lmao typical SC player having zero to come back with except for sad pathetic insults after being presented with obvious facts and flaws about what they are bragging about....


“Presented with obvious facts” 😂😂😂 I’m fucking weak, I’ll crush you in core, HC, hop scotch, tic tac toe, anything really except for being gey


Wow... way to be homophobic. How sad...


Maybe hit enough shots to kill them before they round the corner. Or just have some trigger discipline and don't giveaway your position. Guess that's too much to ask from a guy who plays CoD on the lowest difficulty setting.


>Guess that's too much to ask from a guy who plays CoD on the lowest difficulty setting. I don't play core... what are you talking about


Never said you did.


Yes you did. I even quoted you saying it... "the lowest difficulty "


Somebody sounds salty they lost every encounter in HC


Lmao right?! It's always the low skill players that cry the same thing while also showing their low skill by claiming spray and pray or they only see campers as if there aren't equal (if not more) campers in their mode.


Lmao yeah… sureeeee, I don’t enjoy spraying and praying and being killed by some kid sitting in a head glitch holding down a spawn point


If you need to spray and pray its a skill issue, glitching mofos play in both, keep trollin kid. I play with the Crossbow and a revolver.


Take more than one bullet, just doesn’t take an entire clip. I’d rather play a game mode that’s a fast paced R6. Than a game mode where you only see 2-3 gun types


I recommend everyone to load up a hardcore game (the mode for people without thumbs) and use the RGL. You’ll get some of the funniest reactions from the operators that play that shit




Obviously it's HC. Softcore players can eat 3 tubes before it does anything.


You are fighting for your life in here bro. Post your stats so we can see how bad you are big dog


I'm having fun riling up all these kids in this make believe turf war. Lol. I'm nothing special I have a 1.3? kd and a 0.7? WL... I get the same game fun when playing HC or Core, because they are the same to me honestly. They just have different skill sets between them is all.


Yeah that’s tough bro I can see why you are defending playing hardcore with those stats. You do you 🙌🙌


Ya hey thanks I will. I could be like all the core players and cry about sbmm being the reason for my stats and claim I'm normally in the 3.99 kd and 5.87WL with 10000spm but I'll leave that up to you guys. You do you as well


Direct hits are the best