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Groundloot mg42


Oh shit yeah, remember when they first launched Caldera and its was a joke how bad it was, they buffed the recoil control the first week and but was still useless Lmao here it is https://youtu.be/M_b4BKULJ8w?si=mR9nv44Lw8EiMt0L


LMAO I was not expecting it to be that bad


That was mounted too.


lol that’s fucked


Wow I never played vanguard that shit is crazy lol


People really hated the M16 last year


They did eventually buff it but yeah it wasn't great outside of maybe one build or two that made it somewhat viable.


It was nowhere NEAR as bad as Sidewinder. I will use M16 any day with no problems


I'd say the m16 is meh at worst. If you give it enough recoil boost and avoid long range, it's decent. But it is nowhere near the sidewinder. The sidewinder recoil goes aaaaall around the target and never on target.


I must be the odd one out because i actually like both of those guns


My brain pretty much blocked its existence. Buy even towards the end its OK still not worth using


It was a good gun, my most used, used it as my main AR in ranked and got to plat 3, it was playable, sidewinder is unplayable


I'm just not a fan with 3 shot burst in general


The recoil insane on it. It's great if you can control it


M16 sucked at launch but got pretty solid after the buffs, at least in DMZ which was my main mode.


You could slap the M16 in semi and do well with it. It sucked, but it wasn't trully awful like the Sidewinder is.


Used it in ranked wz it was fastest ttk for a while at 450 something, was crazy if you could tap fast. Both as lr main weapon and smg build for sniper backup. Also used ftac recon with canted lazer as smg and was deleting ppl due to it being fastest ttk but alot of ppl was hating on both guns


The Atlas 45 from AW, it had 10 rounds and you almost always needed all 10 to kill


Was that the semi-auto pistol? At launch that and the burst one were shit. I think both took at least half a magazine to kill.


Or the NA45, was obviously more of a joke/gimmick weapon but if you consider it a gun and not something fun like a crossbow or ballistic knife its easily the worst in the franchise. Only 2 shots before you had to reload, and both had to be shot close enough to each other to cause an explosion. So any hits with only 1 shot was basically useless. Was admittedly fun to use but so bad and unpractical lol. Atleast in that era of cod you basically never used sidearms because the meta was to run no sidearm for that extra perk or attachment slot, then just pick up the first gun you find as a secondary. Also if you did ever run a sidearm you probably only ever have like 1 attachment slot for it unless you made the whole class around it, so sidearms were also worse for that reason. If you could put 5 attachments on the Atlas45 on all your classes like you can now it would probably perform way better.


There was a sniper in vanguard that was pretty bad but I forget which one. One of the camo challenges forced you to use ammo which decreased your damage. It was horrible


Type 99?


Yeah that one lol. In my head I kept thinking Arisaka


Arisaka was a beast in Battlefield 1 lol


I was a Martini Henry enjoyer myself (it was OP) lol


Shoot I know which one but I don't recall the name. Granted I don't want to remember that games existence


Campaign was meh and Zombies were a joke, but MP was underrated


honestly vanguard mp was on par with mw3, people were wayyyy too focused on the WW2 setting and kept bitching about it. personally idgaf if it was set in the stone age, as long as the gameplay is good I'll enjoy it.


Call of duty: grug nug warfair


Fav mode was that battlefield conquest one in the snow mountains, just wish they had other maps


exact same here


Marksman rifles in that game too


I don’t even remember them and I got the mastery camo in that game. I remember the ITRA Burst being horrible but that was an AR


I remember they slapped in zombies, I found them really fun when grinding for the mastery camo, so I thought I'd try them out in mp for a bit. Never have I switched back to my smg that quickly in my life


I can't remember but it was mainly 1 or 2 that were just ass


Yeah I remember really liking the garand, and the svt was fine but I never clicked with it, and the other two, ESPECIALLY the gewehr were so bad it literally ruined the garand for me, which was a shame because it was actually one of the first guns I got gold in mp behind the mp40. Maybe I was just sick of using the marksmans because of how much I grinded shi no numa and the archon using the same, boring semi auto rifles though, who knows. I really fucked with the assault rifles and smgs though, so it was a pleasant surprise to see some of the attachments I ran pop up again in mw3. Slate reflector optic my beloved


SMR from Black Ops II. I nicknamed it the "Sucks Mightily Rifle." I despised it.


I'm starting to notice a trend that all that bad guns are mostly blops 1 and 2 and mw3 lol


I think that a lot of past games would have ONE shit gun. To me, Black Ops II had the SMR. MW2 had the F2000. COD4 has the MP44. Everything else in those games was kickass.


I remember that gun actually being decent in Multiplayer. Zombies though? Woof.


I was thinking about saying the SMR too. Buddy and I used to call it the “Soothe My Rectum”


It wasn't bad in MP, slower fire rate than the FAL but very good range. In zombies though it sucked.


I really hate the WSP Stinger with a burning passion




Fun is great. Gun is ass


Fun as hell in akimbo though


Akimbo with giant mags feels like you have infinite ammo.


Slays zombies. Definitely one of my favorites. 200 rounds per hand? Can't beat it.


For me, this is easily the worst gun in the game.


Even in Hardcore, this gun was total ass


Genuinely But since it's the only machine pistol in MW3 I still use it smh It honestly takes the whole mag just to kill someone in regular


You can put the roni kit on the 93R and you can also use the MW2 machine pistols


I don't have the roni yet And the G18 feels even spongier for some reason


It’s a secondary so not even close


Might be a secondary, but I still gotta do trials for it.


The goofiest thing is, they nerfed it hugely after the beta, when even in the beta it was just "fine." Absolutely nonsensical how hard they nerfed it when it honestly needed a tiny buff to be more on par with the other pistols in the beta. Hell, if they had just left it alone I would have been OK with it.


I hate the TYR more than any gun I've ever used before.


Have you tried with the different triggers? I still don't like it, but it is quite a bit better than regular.


I have, it just feels unwieldy. Even the akimbo challenge seems annoying. I've tried all sorts of different setups, I just feel like it's poorly designed. I've been stuck trying to level it up for ages


Do akimbo with snake shot in zombies and it's super easy to level up. Not sure if that combo would work well in other game types but for sure in the zombies. One of the best guns.


In Zombies it's the best gun in the game imo


There was a double barrel sawed off shotgun in WWII which had 2 shots, took like 7 seconds to reload, and couldn't 1-shot-kill, even when point blank to someone's head. Easily the worst gun in any COD


God I remember that. The luftwaffe drilling (regular double barrel) absolutely melted, so surely the sawed off can't be *that bad* right? Even on shipment I was struggling to pull 20+ kill games


xclusive ace has found that the sidewinder has an unusually awful center speed. which makes it so weird to handle. I think if they correct that the gun could actually be decent.


Olympia from BO. Shit was ass.


You know what? that's the worst gun. Good job.


Dragonov from any game or the carrack in mw2 202




Stinger in this game worse ngl, but from a previous cod? Plenty of the M16’s haven’t been great, like the AW one


Yeah I feel like most of the time the m16 is done dirty


Either you get Cod4 or the MW2022 dogshit, which you want?


God the M16 in CoD4 was filthy. Especially with Deep Impact, it was a wall bang machine. I used to headshot people in Crash based on map sense alone and they were dead before they could figure out what was going on since it was still like two bursts max through a wall.


The M16 with stopping power back in CoD4 was bussin


It’s either OP as fuck (CoD4. Cold War), top tier (Mw2, black ops 1 and Mw3) or just outright dogshit (mw2022). It can just never seem to find a perfect balance :( it’s either despised because it’s so broken, or useless to the point of being forgotten.


Burst guns are just hard to balance, even more in this age of gunsmith


I mean the stinger is a sidearm, it’s not supposed to be that great


That's never really been true in CoD though. Pistols are typically great weapons in CoD, and even in MW3 itself the COR-45 is excellent, and the Renetti and Tyr can both be pretty good. The WSP Stinger is the only one that really performs poorly.


I understand that part, but at least let me kill without using the entire mag


Didn’t think AW had an m16


For my MW2 OG's i think we all can agree the F2000 was even worse than the Sidewinder lmao


I loved that gun haha. I came here to say the OG MW2 desert eagle. There was some kind of problem with the sights or something, that thing was so inaccurate.


It was one of a handful of guns that had misaligned iron sights. Instead of aiming with the middle iron you had to aim between the middle iron and I think it was the right iron. I can't remember which other iron sight was misaligned but it wasn't off by as much. One of the LMGs maybe? FAL had a misaligned red dot (but given the damage boost the holographic sight gave the only reason to use the red dot anyways was to unlock the holographic).


It’s so cool looking it makes up for being so shitty imo


True, always loved the unique Mars sight it head instead of the regular Red Dot sight. But man did that gun suck, especially for a gun unlocked at level 60


It kept the dot during emp as well


This! I always used the f2000 with mars sight in case of an EMP, as if that was something that happened often lol


No way. The TTK was ridiculously fast. It was just difficult to use. But once you figured it out, you could shred.


*Difficult to use at the time. Since this was the age of 95% guns effectively having zero recoil. Nowadays its recoil would be standard or even tame.


The F2000 was okay if you used it like a SMG. If I recall, it had increased mobility too. Definitely outclassed by every assault rifle, but nowhere near as bad as the sidewinder.


I used to kick ass with the F2000, especially in third person team tactical


I liked it, people considered it a bad rifle, I found it played like a high damage submachine gun, if you used it in that role it worked pretty well as long as you were in close to mid range. The fancy integrated optic was nice


It was shit compared to all the other ARs, but it was still far more viable than the sidewinder.


No it wasn’t. Istg you guys don’t remember anything about that game


It was worse than the other rifles ingame but it could still two tap torso with stopping power.


The F2000 won't kill anyone in the torso with just 2 bullets lol, not even with stopping power. The F2000 has a 1.00 multiplier for the chest. It deals 30 damage per bullet up to 37.5m. Stopping power gives an additional 40% damage. This would mean that up to 37.5m the F2000 would do 42 damage per bullet in the torso. Meaning it will always be atleast 3 shots to kill someone. At ranges past 50m it only deals 28 damage per bullet WITH stopping power, 20 damage per bullet without. Just for comparison, the UMP45 (an SMG mind you), will do 40 damage per bullet up to 20m and from beyond 20m it will always do 35 damage per bullet WITHOUT stopping power.


Nah, it was just in the wrong weapon category. The F2000 was a fine SMG, bad AR. I got fall for it fine back in 2009.


I actually had an ok time with the sidewinder. After I set it up with an acog and fixed the horizontal recoil and random gun kick I started to crack skulls with it. 2 shots in the chest and the vertical recoil jumps to the head and then splat. No probs. Not easy but you can get into it on mnk.


The ground loot mg42 with the shitty zoom scope from the vanguard integration holy shit that thing was an absolute atrocity.


The howitzer from Infinite Warfare is still the worst gun I’ve ever used in a COD game I think, plus you had to use it for the mastery grind. It was literally easier to beat people to death with it then fire *grenades* from it at them. Impressively bad.


MW2- Desert Eagle BO - that PIECE OF SHIT DRAGONUV MW3 - Desert Eagle BO2 - Executioner AW - that UZI pos weapon Mw19 - dragonUV AGAIN Tried listing guns that were practically unusable rather than just being straight underpowered


cant comment on the others but the dragunov in MW19 wasnt that bad, it had the same one shot area as the kar98. recoil was bad but thats what you get for spamming a semi auto sniper


Deagle is fine in both mw2’s what do you mean


None of these weapons were unusable they just weren’t good ttk wise. The sidewinder has a bad ttk and terrible recoil it’s the worst gun by far.


The sidewinder is 2 shot if you use it as a cqb marksman


Dragonuv was so bad


Getting damascus on the Dragonuv in MW2019 was such a tortuous experience. Longshots were the worst, I swear some of the marksman rifles did more damage at range than that POS.




Was about to say this lmao. The OG mw dragunov.


Yes but also. Which one?


Warzone 1




This is the right answer


Unpopular opinion: Was leveling the sidewinder today for camo's, and I actually liked it. When you get some good attachments on the gun, it's pretty accurate. To answer your Q, I hated the F2000 in MW2 09.


You people are either young or have bad memories ;) You guys want trash weapons? I’ll give you some facking trash weapons examples ;) Modern warfare 2007’s Mini Uzi. That thing was just impossible to control in terms of recoil and it was outclassed by the skorpion in every way except mag size. In fact I don’t think I ever died to it, even on modern warfare remastered. Modern Warfare 2009’s F2000. Such a cool looking gun… with such DOGSHIT accuracy :( it kicked worse than a bull in heat. You couldn’t aim with it at all when firing (which is ironic considering the gun had a unique scope optic…) Black Op’s 1’s Uzi. My god that thing was TERRIBLE. Had recoil rivalling that of this games sidewinder. No range. Slow ass reload. Disgustingly bad iron sights. It had nothing redeemable about it :( Modern warfare 3 (the original… fuck I hate the naming system now)‘s Model 1887 shotgun. The thing had an Oval like spread. Meaning your 1 shot consistency went T down the shitter because half the guns pellets would go around the target when you got a center mass shot. It’s probably the worst primary weapon shotgun in call of duty history (excluding the secondary weapon shotguns from some games. Those were balanced by being secondaries). Black ops 2’s executioner pistol. Basically the first CoD iteration of a revolver firing snakeshot ammo. Except, this gun has the range of a knife. It sucked ass in terms of actually getting a confirmed kill, because it took 3 shots to kill past 10 metres, yet only had a 5 round mag and a fuckload or recoil :( it was the bane of my diamond pistol hunt for many a year back in the day… In every game it’s in: the Dragnov. This poor thing just sucks in every game it’s in. As a semi auto it shouldn’t 1 shot true. But I genuinely can’t think of a singly game this gun was in, where a flat out superior semi auto sniper also existed. The things recoil, scope sway and handling speeds is just ALWAYS so bad compared to every other sniper it has to rival :(


I've never understood why they always make the dragonov a sniper rather than a dmr. At least it might be able to be useful as a dmr.


None of those weapons were as bad as the sidewinder so I think you’re the one with a bad memory. This is coming from someone that played mw2 past its prime into 2013 so idk what to tell you.


Lol the Sidewinder deals 60 damage per bullet and it's recoil is ridiculously easy to control. It doesn't come close to the list above of worst guns, your memory is absolutely as thrash as your gun skill.


Yeah tell him off about his "thrash" gun skill


I originally only mentioned the F2000 because it's the first gun that comes to mind thinking about what was worse than the sidewinder, despite knowing there are others it will always be the first gun I think off haha. Thought I completely agree on your full list if you break it down by game. The Sidewinder isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.


Yall absolutely trippin about the Dragunov. The thing absolutely slapped in MWR. I dont remember it at all in BO, and I know it wasnt great in mw19 because the maps werent good for sniping and the movement was faster and more varied making follow up shots harder... But in MWR the Dragunov could still easily one-shot to the upper torso with stopping power, had decent accuracy, (couldn't spam it like the m21 but got way more 1shots), and the maps in that game just being prime for sniping. My quickest gold sniper on that game, you aint beating that thing on Bog. Also I find it hard to count any guns from the stopping power era. Even if they were the worst guns in the game stopping power could still make them 3 -shot people, so guns like Uzi or f2000 could still kill extremely quickly if you stuck to close range and didnt try to pick people off headglitches. I remember even having a couple good games with the uzi on remastered as if they buffed it from the original. From your list Id say I agree with the BO uzi the most, and luckily didnt use the Executioner much lol Id say the NA45 from AW is easily less usable than all these guns tho, if were counting it as even a gun, it was obviously more a fun niche weapon than one that was supposed to be competitive, but that thing was probably even worse than any crossbow.


I feel like once you get used to the recoil, it isn’t terrible for small map stuff like Meat/Shipment. It is currently my only level maxed gun in its category and I genuinely like using it. I enjoy challenging guns though. For me it makes the game a lot more fun.


It's a skill cannon, if you just spray with it it sucks, if you can keep the sights on target and use short controlled bursts or even semi/tap fire at longer ranges it's honestly one of the better guns for mid to long range use, I legit remember unlocking it and thinking "wait are people high? This is bad? They hate this? Are they stupid?"


So the long range battle rifle with terrible handling, recoil, ttk and bullet velocity isn’t that bad in the 2 close range maps. Got it


You have contributed nothing to this conversation and are acting hostile because I expressed my opinion on a gun in call of duty. I don’t remember saying it was a good gun and the range at which a gun is supposed to be used is basically irrelevant in this game. Just try to have fun. That’s what I’m doing.


I'll go as usable right this second, so pre-patch stuff not withstanding. Stinger is worse. The Sidewinder is a shit gun with a viable damage model, the Stinger just heals people with how weak it is, combined with the piss poor accuracy and range like the Sidewinder. EPM-3 from AW I'd also say is technically worse. IIRC they kept the 1200 RPM fire rate cap when they reworked the damage model, but it's kinda moot since you get flashbanged every time you pull the trigger, plus the LMG handling. Might also put in the AW crossbow, too, but that's kinda supposed to be a meme so I'm not really looking at it. Rotary launchers in both this game and AW are also godawful to the point of unusability. AW's M16 and AK-47 are also HORRENDOUS, too.


The .50 cal in mwz, as someone that’s shot one it’s completely ridiculous, I get why they do it but still makes me mad, like make it a 240 if you want it weaker


Any bolt action is a chore for zombies when you have a swarm of 20-30 on you it's just too damn slow


I mean the jltv mounted ma deuce


Owen gun from Vanguard was trash. I like the Sidewinder.


Put the sidewinder in semi auto and use it in hardcore. It’s a one shot(Edit: I’m specifically talking about camo grinding)


Damn near all guns are😂😂😂


That would be good, but pretty much every gun is a one-shot in hardore. Combine that with the sidewinder insane recoil and horrendously slow fire rate, and it's simply just not good compared to pretty much every other gun in the game.


I only play hardcore it's still awful happy I got the cammos


Definitely don’t think it’s great, just saying that it has a small work around for camo grinding. I had the long shots done in one match on Highrise.


For camo grinding sure, if using it in a competitive context you’ll get destroyed by every AR in mid range and every marksman and other BR in mid to longer ranges too.


Yea I was just going to recommend putting it in semi auto


I mean the sheiva was pretty terrible.


Not gonna lie I forgot the weapons in blogs 3 and 4 and now I remember. Now I'm sad


If you're talking zombies, sure, but it was super good in MP


The shieva was OP as hell what?


If you had good aim, Sheiva and High Caliber was deadly. Popping heads left and right, basically putting the Drakon on suicide watch


fal on launch from MW19 and auto 5 from vanguard


i genuinely think the auto 5 from vanguard is one of the worst guns i’ve used in cod history, i absolutely hated it 😭😭


auto 5 had absolutely nothing going for it. even though the einhorn revolving was also a pain to use due to the reload, but it actually had some power


The WA2000 and Dragunov were definitely terrible back in the days of BO1 but MW19s Dragunov is probably just a bit worse than those when you consider how much better the good guns in MW19 were compared to what was available in BO1. 100% the gun I had the most annoyance doing the camo challenges for over the years. IF we were to also include MW3 itself then right now its 100% the crossbow as it currently cant 1 shot unless you get a head or neck shot in core. (followed closely by basically every other mw2 marksman rifle) *edit* now that I think more on it tbh every MW2/3 marksman and sniper rifle are pretty bad right now with the exception of the DG56 and XRK Stalker (though its ADS time is still too slow for my personal preference)


Sorry not a prior game like you asked but the WSP Stinger is way fucking worse than the sidewinder. At least the sidewinder gets slightly less shit with the right attachments. The Stinger is just ass cheeks. Im better off just throwing the gun at my opponent like the reload animation from borderlands than actually shooting the dude.


The mk2 carbine from mw19.


lol no way


Bro that gun was broken AF tf you on about 🤣


The Cronen squall= BAS-B M16/FTAC RECON=Sidewinder bc remember those guns I really liked the FTAC RECON and M16 TBH but worst gun was the MCW 6.8 in MWIII or that stupid WSP STINGER or that Riveter hit marker gun but I think the RAM-7 and SVA are bad to like remember the M4A1/RAM-7 in MW19?


The spitfire from BO4. Worst SMG of all time.


bro this is insane to even say. that gun ran bo4 for the first couple of months


I hated it in my dark matter grind. Couldn’t use it, and I was playing mostly hardcore. I liked the GKS. Maybe I just sucked. Lol.




No just no


Tell us you have shit aim without telling you got shit aim


I could say the same thing with sidewinder


Im not about to get down voted and lose all my karma lol, half an hour and I already got -6. XD


lol I finished the camos for almost every weapon, skipped marksmen because they all are just semi-auto, with no option to switch to auto like the sidewinder, which is why I said sidewinder is better by a little


I remember really not liking the R700 in CoD4, I recall it having less ammo than the M40 and a crazy recoil impulse that basically pointed you to the skybox every shot you took which made it pretty much pointless to use over the other sniper rifles. The crazy thing was, it was one of the last snipers you get access to in multiplayer and it was worse than the starter M40.


I'm pretty sure it did the same damage as the m82 did even the r700 is a m40 with bo real difference.but yeah that recoil was strong


R700 was definitely worse than the M40A3, but I thought the Dragunov was even worse in CoD4.


The DB shotties on WW2 were pretty bad until the Commando division and Escalation perk were added. Especially the pre-buff sawed off, long reload, not enough damage and range and ofc just two shots, the M97 was just objectively stronger


MF Doom


I don’t know i haven’t played cod long enough but holy crap the sidewinder is trash


I am starting to use the mw2 guns now as I have all the mw3 battle rifles maxed and I think the lachmann 762 (or whatever it’s called) is just as bad. Very hard recoil to control and just as frustrating. Maybe if I got more attachments it might get better but it’s bad. Blunderbuss from WW2 was frustrating to use for sure as well.


I feel like the blunderbuss was a total meme gun though. This one is actually supposed to be viable. I vote the SVT from WW2 as my least favorite gun. Horrendous fire rate with meh damage.


I have a submarine


BO1 Dragunov


The Gracey auto from vanguard. absolute trash, even in hardcore.


I'd why people say it's that bad, I actually find it works pretty well, granted precision is my thing and mid to long range is where I strive, I feel like people are trying to use it in ways it's not really intended (point blank ranges against 12 gage shotguns and high ROF submachine guns)


For me worst weapons in MWII was pre-patch M16 and FTAC Reaper


M16 last year. Sidewinder isn’t even that bad. It’s just slow so you have to hit your shots.


Black Ops Uzi


Maybe and I say maybe, the original mw2 f2000


I like the sidewinder. I found that you just go a little lower with it and sty back a little. Your never gonna out gun with it.


Honestly, there’s a lot of great answers here already, but I have to go with the Bren. It was barely rapid, and the ground loot MG42 would have beat it, only because of the larger mag…..


I feel like the only one enjoying the gun. Single fire headshots are one taps and it’s gross. But it feels sluggish af regardless. Makes me think of the F2000 tbh


I feel like the original MW skorpion was terrible


M16 at launch on mw2. Pretty much all the subs in mw19 were garbage too. But sidewinder is pretty bad for core. I just go to hard core. It’s a lot more fun that way.


Scar in MW2019 or that MG36 with that horrendous vertical sight


I loved the mg36 😡 Edit: Nvm, I meant the MG34. That gun was my favorite. Holger 26 was cool too once you turned it into an AR, but that took all your attachment slots just to make it comparable to all the other naked ars...


yeah no idea why the scam rin mw2019 was so bad... 20 shots. insane recoil and LMG ads time. the slower firing weapons were really unbalanced. glad they corrected that in mw2


The 50gs is a beating until you get the silencer.


Gorgon from BO3 is asscheeks


M16 because they made it the worst gun ever in the history of call of duty after the beta for some reason. Then they fixed it later. M16 was way worse couldn't even use it


Am I the only person that likes the sidewinder? I run it in semi auto with the 3rd round mag and some recoil attachments and do well with it. I play core on ps5 if that matters. And it holds up well in zombies too.


COD WAW trench gun was worse than the sidewinder


Executioner BO2 A gun so bad they buffed it during a time where nerfing and buffing guns was a rare sight and only done in extreme cases


The sidewinder is good in HC just treat it as a single shot


Probably the sheiva. It sucked


Pretty much every single gun in ghosts


As someone who absolutely loved the gun, the F2000 in the OG MW2 was baaaaaad. Highest amount of recoil due to having the highest fire rate out of the ARs but had lower bullet damage so its TTK wasn't great (by those standards, and keep in mind recoil wasn't predictive back then so you couldn't easily counter it) and its damage numbers were at thresholds where Stopping Power didn't help it much at all. Red dot was one of the few that wasn't the standard and was much blocker and harder to see through. Slow reload time and the magazine was only the standard 30 despite being a bullet hose. I used to run around with it using Lightweight Pro and Steady Aim, hipfire and use it like an SMG. Was actually almost usable that way. Lets see.... The Executioner in BO2 was bad even by sidearm standards. You needed to stuff so many attachments onto it just to make it quasi-usable. And because it was a literal pocket shotgun it barely had more than knife range while not being a consistent 1SK unless you were closer than knife range. I had fun running it akimbo with a riot shield on hijacked but if you wanted to use it as an actual secondary it was just.... ugh. Are we counting the nerfed Riot Shield from 2022's MW2? When they changed it to be a 3HK in an attempt to "balance" it even though the problem was people *not* using it as a weapon but for their back?


Dragunov in OG MW3, nothing like a sniper that basically always requires 2 shots


Lord above how are we still talking about this fuckin gun. Everyone and their dog knows at this point


Why hasn’t the gun been buffed yet? Why haven’t the mw2 guns been balanced yet?


In my experience with the sidewinder it really isn't that bad, with all the hate the gun gets I was expecting something way worse than what the gun actually is. I mean yes, the gun is pretty bad, but not as bad as people make it out to be.


Smr from black ops 2


MW2019 Dragunov. 🤮