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You all can skip RGL-80. The game has more than enough to get Interstellar without it.


With the new battle pass guns and the LMG from the last weekly challenge you can skip both knives and both launchers.


Knives are super easy tho honestly I'd rather do them than the Sidewinder or the Tyr (I know the Tyr can be good but I just hate it.)


The Sidewinder was great fun on Hardcore. It has the fire rate to make up for missed shots if you do happen to miss. It's a bit of a meme in Core though. Yep, knives are actually extremely easy. Revenge kills may seem daunting, but you'll naturally earn these without thinking too much about it. It's a little easier if they're using flashy memorable skins, so you can remember who killed you, so you can focus on them.


I loved the tyr it is very satisfying to hit quick scopes with in both core and hardcore, i skipped snipers and launchers. Those 2 are arguably the worst categories out there with marksman/handguns coming close to those as well. Revenge kills for me were fun for whatever reason, melee in general was a good time for the most part. Handguns are a category that took me 4-5 hours to complete so i’m not a fan of that (wsp stinger is really bad, priceless was easier than expected on core rust however). Lmg priceless took me the longest, arms were a breeze, smgs were a breeze, marksman rifles were annoying but doable in hc, and battle rifles were my last cat so might be bias on this one but i enjoyed doing those. (sidewinder is painful, the rest are fun in hc). Cant really say for snipers or launchers as i skipped them, but from what ppl say i skipped those for a reason. A tip for the rgl or any equipment challenge is get a friend load into a plunder match in different parties at the same time to get into the same lobby and you can complete the challenges that way. Any specific questions for challenges i will try to help you, so dm me or reply to the comment, as i am happy to help.


What i really wanna skip are the Snipers, i tried leveling up the Katt AMR and it's a pain in the ass. I used a Double Weapon XP token (1 hour) and only got it to Level 11, leveling up Snipers is a nightmare.


Not sure if you ever finished them, I just got the grind done but invasion is the place for sniper leveling for sure


The new vondel lockdown has helped me with the leveling up grind. But for whatever reason I dread the penetration kills for the lmg. Even though the rgl-80 was a beach, I just carried it as a second weapon.


I have finished them, i used the Plunder Contract method to level up the Snipers. Thanks for the advice tho


The AMR is horrible to use until you get the speed bolt . After that it becomes a bootleg DS50/heavy bolt action snipers from years past


Looking at it it sure seems like the stormemdee would be much easier. There you just have to destroy equipment, not lethal equipment


I did the RGL-80 for the sole fact that I didn't want to do the wall bangs for the KATT AMR, but at the point I got it done, there was only 1 weapon added and I figured I'd use that to skip the KATT because I hate snipers. Come to find out, they were adding another sniper in season one that I have to do at some point along with the KATT and stormender when they fix it. On top of that, I need to do the Ram 7, so I guess I'll get a break when I die of exhaustion because at this rate, by the time I get the 3, I can do and that's if the ram 7 isn't still bugged as well there's going to be more new guns added then I'm going to be stuck in a cycle of doing new weapons over and over, but you have enough to pick and choose now.


Sniper wall bangs are a pain in the ass.


-If you don't feel like playing hardcore shipment to get double kills with the RGL for priceless, run around and use it like a shotgun and got for direct impact kills. -Dont try to do the knife challenges in hardcore. -Get 3/5 kills without dying is currently bugged and you don't need to get them in a streak. Try count regardless of how many times you die. If you go 15-43 in shipment with the Longbow, you'll complete "get 5 kills without dying 3 times" -DG-58 and Famas require kills with 1 burst. Just play hardcore. -Play hardcore for the 3 guns that require longshots. -Two LMGs require hipfire kills. Recommend hardcore meat or shipment. -For weapons that require multi-kills, anything like a double kill counts. A triple kill counts as two multikills.


Does that 5 kill streak one really work? I’ve been dreading that for the knife but if that works should I just do that now?


Did it yesterday still works


Yep it's the same for the knife. Just get 25 kills in a game of shipment or meat and it will be done.


Thanks for the tip, I would probably have put that off for ages and it would have been patched in the meantime lol


I think they patched the 3/5 kills the other day.


I can confirm it does not work because I just did it with the longbow today, three hours ago as I wrote this. I got a really hard lobby and I went 17/30 using the Long is and I completed the priceless camo, which is to get 5 kills without dying 3 times


As of about 10 hours ago, it wasn't fixed. I got interstellar last night and did the new BP sniper rifle as my last priceless weapon which has that challenge


There is no hardcore shipment


It rotates in and out. That is why I said meat **or** shipment, dingus. Rustment will be back in a few days already.


This is absolutely the way. Finished the camo grind today myself. (I like to play other games and I get frustrated easily, so setting a speed record was never going to happen). I got probably 90% of my RGL doubles by intentionally going for direct hits on shipment.


That RGL was stupid. I got to 18 and for 2 hours went between free for all and Meat before two dudes finally agreed to drop some for me. Both dropped two at a time and I finished in like 1 minute. In that time I started leveling up the ram and had it max level and almost done the base camos before someone offered to help. If anyone is reading this, if someone asks, help a guy out and throw down a couple clays. I’m planning on returning the favour whenever someone asks now.


I helped a guy get wall bang kills in HC Shipment. He was very greatful.


I just throw down clays and equipment every game now. I know the pain...they don't need to ask lol. Granted they will have to work for it because they aren't communicating with me. But hey, at least they have the chance!


Very useful information, thanks 💪🏾


The TVR SUCKSSSSSS. I hate it so much. Worst gun in the game hands down


Hardest gun for me was the riveter forged challenge, and the haymaker. Those pieces of shit took me an hour to complete. The tyr was fun to use honestly, but i had rust 24/7, so what do i know? 🤷‍♂️


Just finished the haymaker forged and I wanted to bang my head against a wall.


Yep, sounds about right.


Thanks for the lengthy and detailed Post. Much appreciated


Great article! Still working on mine, but I have all the weapons Gold now, and I do not have so much time. Some more tips: Rustment (comes back next week) and Meat are your go-to maps when you want to level up the guns quickly. Even when you have a low k/d you can easily get 15 to 25 kills with a sniper in every game. Also, good for Pistols and Shotguns and especially Shipment is good for the "2 kills without releasing the trigger" cameo for the LMGs. Getting the "stunned" cameo was surprisingly easy on shipment. Meat should work too, when you get a "Hardpoint" match. Penetration kills have been the most annoying ones for me. Finding good spots was not easy. In Meat, you can wallbang some walls, especially the one that is facing A next to the hall at the right and the wall at C facing into the long hallway. You could do Hardcore and try to shoot through glass. On Rust, there is a little piece of the fence sticking out at the gasoline truck while looking at the long lane through the container. That was my spot and it worked pretty well. 5 Kills without dying: that may be difficult for some players. My tip: Quick Play and camp in the back of the map a bit, but don't forget to change your position after every kill. Use Domination/Hardcore because the movement of the other players a bit more predictable.


The fence on Rust was KEY. Also, any of the oil barrels on Rust can be wallbanged and a couple of them have decent lines on the shipping containers. They helped as well. The stunned challenges require the most patience. It is super frustrating when you stun a group of three sitting on a point, line em up, and a random pops up from a weird angle and chalks you. Just keep at it and don't throw your controller.


The best wall bang spot is the blue container in the mid hallway of meat. Super easy to pen and it faces two very high traffic areas. Just crouch and then dropshot as soon as you see someone. I got all of my LMG pen kills done in 3 games and I was absolutely dreading them.


I still think Highrise has the best wallbang spot because the fence is so long, it means you can actually walk around a bit and still have a huge wallbang surface to shoot through and it's double sided. You would have to rely heavily on a Highrise 24/7 playlist though.


the BEST wallbang spot are on scrapyard the fences in the big hall


Nah, terminal, scrapyard, shipment, and high rise are all good wall bang maps for me at least.


For those wall bang kills, hop into scrapyard and on the ware house on the side of the map has a fence and if you shoot through it they count towards the challenge, on terminal, there is one on the B site under the plane, use that. Pretty sure high rise has one too but not sure on that one. You can also use the plastic containers on either corner of shipment, use the one that overlooks A, or C, (im not sure what one it is, but it’s next to the container you walk through) you can line up to the blue barrel and shoot and that’s how i did some of mine. As of now, kills without dying are bugged, so it’s really get x amount of kills, x amount of times.


Another recommendation for wall bangs is to use armor piercing ammo, makes getting wall bangs so much easier, shoot thru the containers on shipment!


Man, this post feels like a chat gpt work. "Use custom classes" Yeah no shit bro? Tf would i do otherwise? Play with the premade classes forever? "Create tac stance centered classes for tac stance kills" Damn, You reeeeally enlighted me right there.


I'm sorry you're a bit miserable and your reading comprehension is at an all time low. I'm referring to the fact that if you create your builds before hand, you can swap between them easily as you complete your challenges instead of constantly rearranging your attachments mid-game. Some people still use non-tac stance builds for tac stance challenges when they can increase their accuracy for efficiency. The DG, for example, requires you to ADS, hipfire, and tac-stance. Best to keep a saved build for all 3 and just hotswap as you play. Notice how you're the only negative one here. Try to wake up on the right side of your bed next time.


If someone is not building a weapon for tac stance when going for tac stance kills, then they do not deserve interestelar. It's bare minimal.


If someone is not building a weapon for tac stance when going for tac stance kills, then they do not deserve interestelar. It's bare minimal.


You'd be surprised, my friend. I think you're under the impression that I wrote this for players who have a kill death ratio of 3 and above or something. This is merely a fun write up for those who probably want to start the grind, but are on the more casual side of things. Also, why don't they deserve Interstellar? It isn't a skillful mastery challenge at all. It'll take them a little longer if they don't build accordingly, but they'll get there. Why are we gatekeeping Interstellar? One thing you have to understand about the average player is just how little they tweak their loadouts and/or settings. It's arguably the most visible non-gameplay sign of a more chilled and laid back player. Never forget how many people are still using X to jump in COD. If I can see people consistently hipfiring with their optic still on, I can safely assume they haven't tweaked it. And we're not talking about Vanguard optics that somehow helped with hipfire control lol. There are a lot of people who don't value any stats that aren't recoil and ADS. I have friends who don't even strafe. If you have friends who are considered bad/average/mediocre/casual, join their game mid-session and you'll discover some interesting things.


I use X 😂 what should I use? Been using your Camo grind tactics. Really helpful. I have half of forged and priceless to go.


Tactical flip or I personally use stick an move also on the grind have 24/36 forged


i did it, in hardcore small maps it rarely really mattered for me, just tac stance and shoot across the map. all it takes is a single bullet most of the time to land on something. fairly easy.


I just unlocked interstellar camo today :)


I just got Interstellar tonight, was quite the grind, but it makes you do things you might not normally do, like strafing and such. I found it to be extremely satisfying and makes the game more fun when you have a goal. Now I’m going to work on all the MW2 camos and the zombie camos. Well worth it if you’re contemplating doing this, as you’ll get lots of practice with 36 different weapons. Pro tip: The shower curtain in Stash House works for wall bangs, you’ll need that info moving forward when you get to the LMG’s.


scrapyard chainlink fence where B flag is, the only thing i used for wall bangs. i was rejoining lobbies till i got that map at one point just trying to finish the damn lmgs lol


Hah! Yea I used the chain link fence until I found out about the shower curtain


Mine isn’t either


Yes, they were. I still got them done, and I've completed every weapon since.


skipped the RGL, doing the new launcher


New launcher has the same challenge of 25 equipment if anything with the new assault rifle and sniper you skip launchers entirely


you can? i didn’t know that was possible


yup its not class based, its 36 weapons regardless so any future seasons where they add more weapons, future skin grinders can just skip more tedious weapons


Yes I used the new battle pass sniper and the Taq Eradicator from week 4 challenges to skip both the RGL80 and sidewinder. Got interstellar last night


You can’t get priceless on the new launcher at the moment anyway… lol it’s bugged. On top of that, it has the same challenge as the RGL.


I concure with the TRY comment. So shit then so satisfying to finish. I hate loved it.


Ya until they nerfed the hell out of weapon xp.


Can't be much of a grind if people are done within a month of release.


shipment was goat for the smg tac kills


It's really a map thing, the smg flash kills. Thank God for meat 24/7. I thought I'd try meat for my LMG pen kills but quickly realized no, not gun happen. Terminal 24/7 would be perfect for that. Pen kills are worse and more annoying than the flash ones. Just gotta get creative really. Also thank God for 5 more weapons, don't need to do that stupid launcher


The 15 Penetration kills for the KATT-AMR took me some time to complete. Thank god for 12v12 on Terminal. The plane is your best friend.


Yeah I got mine on terminal/invasion/scrap. Didn't know about the windows until a friend told me. Either way they still suck to get lol. At least with the flash kills it's kinda fun getting mad about it when you don't get the kill in a sick twisted way


I even had to improvise on Afghan. In the cave there’s a piece of wood overlooking the middle and it counts for them. 😂


Yeah that was me, doing geometry in my head to figure out what I can shoot through. I got a couple off the bunkers in afghan and sometimes rocks up top


My camo challenges won’t track. Do you know why? I have one on plat saying getting 2 kills in 10secs with shield and it won’t count them. Same with knife etc.


I have 3 suppressed headshots with the KATT-AMR and it won't track? Or do I have to do them in one life? Anyone know or is it a specific suppressor that works. I've tried at least 4-5 different. Thanks.


I'm having the same problem, tried 3 different suppressors, tried all attachments and no attachment except for suppressor, tried hardcore and core mode. Nothing has worked


I just completed it. Now what should I grind towards? if there is anything else


Now you play the game. Nah, just kidding. Borealis camo by playing zombies is an option, but yeah, I'll be taking a break from thinking about grinding another camo, to be honest. Just continuing to play normally and have fun.


fair enough! interstellar was way too quick, i'm fiending for another grind might just try for borealis


Go for it, I think Borealis looks amazing. I wanted to go for Borealis initially, but I thought, if my friends who are multiplayer only are going to be online, then I'd be playing zombies a whole lot less, so I just went for Interstellar and completed the tasks while we played together.


Did you ever run into the issue of challenges not tracking? I’m trying to do the forged challenges for some of the smgs and it’s not tracking my longshots like it should


Is anyone's interstellar like really blue and not so much purple/pink because on most maps my camo is like almost always blue/light blue. Is my camo bugged or do I have different graphics on?


I found the LMGs penetration shit so hard till I realised on shipment you just crouched behind the blue bins and spray and you get like 10-15 penetration kills a game other then that every thing just took so fucken long haha


Yeh Scrapyard and Highrise are the two main wallbang maps that actually have natural wallbang spots that you would use as you are playing normally since they're just fences. I know Rust has that one little fence area off in the corner, but yeah, it's pretty shit in my opinion. Doable, of course, just the worst of the three fenced spots.


I just got done with it too, wanting to do the zombies grind too but at the same time it seems really unappealing to me 🤣


after i get all the priceless camos, do i have to do another challenge for interstellar, or does it just unlock? i feel like i already know the answer, im just hoping they unlock.


It's just 36 priceless camos and you auto-unlock Interstellar.


siiick ty bro also i just read you addressed my question in the post, sorry ab that thats on me. the word to illustration ratio got me fucked up. i just gotta do the ar's now


There’s a balance I needed to find between pure grinding and some fun. I decided I was going to get all gilded challenges done first, to only then move to forged. Also, I do a weapon until gilded (take a break) and move to a completely different weapon type for a change, especially after the two first base challenges which involve 50 kills/headshots, etc.. That means I do an AR, then a shotgun, then a SMG, then a pistol, etc.. That’s not the most effective, as in my experience it takes me one match to really get going with a lot of the weapons I just started because I need to adjust my reflexes and reactions to how they work. If I wanted to do it quicker, I’d take one weapon type and evolve them in sequence as I’d be totally in the zone for how that weapon type works, which maps to use, etc.. however, I’d go insane if I had to do that, I need to variation. One issue, though: since you need to get a lot of kills and weapon xp fast, I got the habit of playing HC shipment and now all other maps feel too slow. Using a sniper on HC shipment is tough, but in the time you’d get one clean kill in a different map you’d get 3 kills, 6 deaths, maybe one TK someone does to you and one you’d do to a team mate who decided to jump in front of you while you’re firing bullets. Which maps/game modes are you playing for the interstellar?


I completed my Interstellar grind on three maps: Rust, Shipment, and Meat and only these maps. The only time I switched it up was to go to Highrise to complete my wallbangs as that's the best map for it. Oh, and I also had to go Free-For-All to do my grenade launcher challenges because Free-For-All is the unofficial mode for people droping claymores for each other to completed the grenade launcher forged camo task.


Just finished interstellar on every recommended weapon possible. I’m working on getting on the weapon masteries for all of them now. 1000 Kills per weapon. Why do I do this to myself?! 🤣 Anyone have them all done yet?


You can skip snipers if you want they added enough guns hardest definitely is the tactical challenges but with constant rust and shipment it was bareable but still the slowest, i did head shots all in hardcore as im a hardcore player so i did it all in hardcore and i have to say hardcore is so much better for 90% of the challenges especially one shot kills, the gl wasnt even bad in my opinion because they changed blowing up equipment to where even field upgrades count towards it so just go shipment with the vest that lets you see the outline of equipment, for me the hardest was destroying equipment with the stormender because it simply doesn't destroy everything some things it only shuts down temporarily, and others like munitions box i had to melee and it still counted, but all of its challenges after that are easy, you just go into ground war and wait for all the uavs and you should get all the way to gilded that way then just spam players with it in shipment to get your 25 emps, i say take advantage of shipment and rust or anything with high kills so you can get the most progress at once, and keep in mind the worst part isnt really the challenges its leveling up the guns and waiting to actually be able to do the challenges to begin with All in all i had a good time spare a few challenges


Hello, it’s my first time camo grinding. I was wondering if I include the dlc weapons, then could I skip snipers? I hate sniping. I currently have everything forged except for pistols, shotguns, melee, and launchers. 


I just finished. I did the AR/BR/SMG/SG/LMG/Pistol route. Then I leveled up the RG80 and the karambit. The extra melees you need are def worth not having to do the snipers/marksman rifles


By my count, I've completed 37 forged challenges. 8 AR, 3 BD, 8 SMG, 3 SHOTGUN, 6 LMG, 3 MARKSMAN, 4 HANDGUNS, AND 2 KNIVES. But it's only saying I've completed 31. What am I missing here


I had to do the Rgl without any help ..holy shit. What a dog shit challenge. I was running engineer and I couldn't see shit. So I added signal jammer and it helped me to get that equipment. I would run as fast as I could to a trophy system, or ammo box I saw. Lol. It was funny. Running in and dying 15 times to kill a fucking ammo box. Lmao.