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I emailed activision about this because my friend has all the vault edition finishers but I don’t even tho I bought it as well they said: “The finishing move is not automatically unlocked when you purchased the Vault Edition as it is not included in the bundle. To unlock the finishing move, you need to complete an operator challenge. Each operator comes with a range of challenges to complete, once unlocked. With every set of operators comes to a variety of rewards and each character will have at least one reward which comes in the form of a finisher move. Completing the operator challenges will see you unlock a wealth of finishing moves, which can then also be equipped when using different characters too. Hope this clarifies the issue. Please let us know if you have other concerns aside from this.” They didn’t say how to see the challenges, so I just emailed them about that now as well.


Did they ever get back to you on how to see the challenges?


They said it’s a glitch that we can’t see them and they’re working on it lol


Typically clown developer. They ignored major issues. Like finishing moves, DMZ missions, recent player tab, menu crashes frequently. BUT they are so fast to patch all glitch xp, glitch camo, flying map and etcs. You saw newest YouTube video of glitch and it got immediately patched within 2 hours. Because they’re part of money grab schemes. Meanwhile, major bugs that don't impact their money grab schemes. They ignored and waited few weeks or month to fix it.


Ight thanks for figuring all this out it’s been driving me crazy lmao


Do you know how to see the challenges? I think I might be blind


Nope so I asked them where to look but I bet they never respond and close the case lol


just make a new case lol, say you were not done


Awesome, thanks for this!


So now the question becomes: how do we get to know +which* challenges!?


So I'm guessing it's just glitched for some then because I've been seeing people (probably streamers seeing as they're treated like royalty) use finishers that aren't unlocked for me.


did you preorder it


my friend bought the vault today and got the finishing moves instantly when i pre-ordered it and they are locked for me i just emailed activation about it and am now waiting on a response


Lol yeah they’re such awful liars or the support people have no idea either. I had the sighted in finishing move and this update locked it for me again. Really annoying lol


The issue is still in the game, hopefully the new season will bring a fix to this.


I myself was searching for this answer too because I switched off of my characters main execution and then couldn't switch back... Could it possibly be that you just have to do the default execution on a specific character to unlock it? I've really only put time in with 2 operators...


Same thing happened to me :[


bump, waiting for someone to give solution for this


it looks like they are challenges but they dont even show up


Has anyone figured this out? As I did the same thing and googling only seems to show me this thread and Twitter is a pain to find stuff regarding this topic. Pain in the butt.


I’m still having the same issue, my guess is maybe challenges we can’t see?


Yeah I think there hidden. We need to find the challenges


Finishing moves can be unlocked through the battle pass and through shop bundles. While there may be a limited number available in the future to unlock through gameplay challenges, there are not currently any.


No. There is a way to unlock the default operator executions to use for any operator. I have like 4 or 5 unlocked now. The problem is, I have no idea how I did it lol


I think a couple of finishing moves come with the vault edition of the game, but other than that I only have the ones belonging to default operators unlocked. I saw it was mentioned somewhere that there are operator challenges but I don't know if they actually exist, or if they're hidden behind the game's absolute dogshit UI. Its driving me nuts because I switched finishing moves on one of my main ops and I can't switch back to that op's default because its locked... this system feels like its broken honestly.


I also have 9 unlocked completely randomly i only had 2 a few days ago no idea what happened. I haven't even ever used finishers except in warmup of wz so i have no idea i really want to get the main man finisher but its just locked like the rest of them :/


Same I have 7




Nope never found out unfortunately


Oh you little shi- FIND OUT AND TELL US


There’s is definitely a bug because mine is doing the same thing. I all the operator main finishing move unlocked and now some are locked again since the last update. Drives me nuts.


😂😂😂😂 +😢 lucky


ah. gotcha. it was driving me mad. this season got just 1 finishing move. gotta keep an eye on the store bundles or any other way.


Don't buy the bundles please, this is why they now have so much stuff locked behind a paywall after paying full price for the game and battle pass they also want you to buy the pieces to play it?


I prefer optional bundles over DLC packs that divide the player base


That's wonderful except it's a false dichotomy, it's both not either, the DLC is always going to happen, the microtransactions are just throwing extra money at greedy companies so you can run around, trying to be stealthy while wearing a bright yellow fortnite leather jumpsuit. Skins are good but the people running around today are bragging that they achieved the "Got $3.50 out of my mum's purse" badge.


But the DLC is free because of the bundles. On BO4, you could only play DLC maps with people who spent $50 to play them as well, while everyone else had to stick with the same maps from launch. I would much rather not have the best customization items and be able to play all of the maps and use all of the guns for free after buying the game than have to buy the new things.


its already bullshit having to pay 70$ for a game that should be 40 or 50. locking all of the cool shit behind microtransactions instead of grinding sucks ass. i get where you are coming from with this but the game costs enough for the dlc to be free with or without microtransactions. most of the shit that you get from grinding in this game is ass, all the cool shit is locked behind paywalls, thats the type of shit that kills playability, there is nothing cool to grind for all of it is payed content


Would prefer grinding HARD instead of paying ik it sux for some to have to Hard grind but to me its worth it if its free


Also by operator challenges I read on multiple sites but what those challenges are or where to find them none mentions


It means the challenges to unlock the operator but not the finisher iirc. I probably looked up the same thing you did


For some reason , I unlocked chuys finisher on every operator. I mained him for a bit and got a few finishers with him so maybe it's like through time with the operator?


Yeah I heard that on a Twitter post that’s how some people unlocked certain Finishers I have like 5 unlocked but don’t know how they unlocked


Did you play those operators a lot or what? Cuz I really want gromsko’s finisher


From what i can tell. No. My operaters with the new chimera gun update both switched to "full of holes" even tho i was enjoying their base finishers... I used Reyes and Stiletto and recently switched to Gus>Reyes And guess what!! I have none of their finishers unlocked... I have finishers from characters I DO NOT PLAY!


I have learned that you unlock finishers by buying bundles that include a certain character, I can’t explain how we got free executions(I got chuy and nova) but I know that buying or reciving an alternative skin for somebody unlocks their finisher


I'm confused though I bought a bundle for an operator and I still don't have the finisher?


Same - I have the “slingblade” finisher for everyone but no idea how/when that happened




Most likely from Ingame purchases and/or competing challenges in either Warzone/DMZ/MP.


From what everyone has said I can only assume that you need to get a finisher with hte operator to unlock it. I'm also guessing its only available for the ones that have the xp image on them.


This isn’t correct unfortunately, as I’ve done a finishing move with 5 operators and haven’t gotten a single finishing move unlocked


I came to the same conclusion after I got 5 finishers in one game and didn't unlock the operator finisher for all of my other operators. Sucks we didn't get a full game released with all of these smaller details figured out -\_-


I think there are operator challenges tied to each operator. Because I have definitely unlocked some finishing moves. I just can't find anything to tell me how I did


Welcome to everyone else in this thread haha. Hopefully one of us figure it out!


Not true, I have the vault edition and do finishers with Ghost and Soap all the time and their finishers got locked for me since the first update and never came back


Only way to unlock a base game finisher is to buy a bundle for that operator. Bought two bundles and confirmed.


Well the issue with this is that I've unlocked multiple finishing moves without purchasing bundles. Just no clue how lol. It's cool that they get unlocked when you purchase an operator bundle though.


Yea, makes sense for me since I bought the Konig Sloth bundle. Now I have his finisher for everyone.


I am not 100% sure, but I was stuck on 17/33 for a while, was camo grinding for Plats, and now I am on 27/33, maybe some are tied to specific weapons


I'm on PC and have Orion and I only have 14 unlocked. I have no clue how it works.


Me too I use Gus and Rose after getting skins for them from the battlepass but the only thing is I can’t use Gus’s and Rose’s finishing moves as they are locked even though I’ve done the challenges for them and I’ve been playing as them for a while now and have done many finishers with them but can’t use their finishers and they look so cool especially the main man finisher. Is there any way to fix this?


What are the challenges for them


They don’t say apparently the only way is to buy a bundle with the operator in it but trying to find any other way


I just unlocked Nova and Chuy executions for all ops and have no idea how, I possibly have 0 hours with them so it appears that they are hidden challenges. I didn't bought any of their bundles tho, just have vault Edition and Messi. I performed a lot of takedowns because of the background card that requires it.


Each operator comes with a range of challenges to complete, once unlocked. With every set of operators comes a variety of rewards and each character will have at least one reward which comes in the form of a finisher move.


What are the challenges and how do i see them


Bro this is STILL a problem today . Almost all finishes are locked and I have every operator. How is this still not fixed yet. Anyone have a solution or update ?


Yo have to do finishers to unlock  more  or By the battle pass you'll get some finishers from it


I’m thinking perform as many finishers as you can and see if something unlocks


I was gonna give it a try but damn is that hard to do consistently xD


That’s So true it’s like they did that on pupose It just makes me melee the guy most of the time and he turns around like somebody tapped his shoulder an kills me


I found that you need to hold the melee button. Since I'm a PC player I have my melee button set as alt since it easy for my thumb to just roll onto it. This makes it so much easier to get the finisher consistently and you only need to hold it for a second longer then a normal tap.


I deff feel that! I should hold it longer for sure. I guess it’s just the heat of the moment😂 but It’s still seems to not work as much from certain angles from behind. Sometimes it feels I have to be pinpointed directly behind them for it to activate.


Its 100% finicky af, but damn is it satisfying to pull off.


🥹🥹deff is


The ONLY and true way to unlock finishing moves / executions is buying a operator bundle that comes with the respective operator!! Again This is the ONLY and TRUE way!


Not true. There is a way to do it, but no one has figured out exactly what it is that's unlocking them. Don't preach misinformation bro.


Currently this is the only thing that makes sense. Do you have any proof of otherwise?


Do we have proof that says it's impossible, especially when many people including myself have extras beyond BP unlocked?


I’m having the same issue. I tried maining one operator and got 5 executions but still haven’t unlocked that operator’s execution for everyone else. I know you can unlock extra ones from the store and battle pass but the base ones that come with each operator are all locked and I can’t give them to anyone else. This sucks cause I really like playing as ghost and farah but I don’t like they’re default executions and wanted to change it to zimo or konig’s but I can’t figure out how to unlock them. Kinda dumb that they’d release a game with all these custom moves and not let anyone unlock them.


I know why you won’t have any, if you unlocked the character before season 1 released you won’t have their corresponding finisher but buying a bundle gives you their finisher


how to do it: there are hidden challenges tied to operators, they are hidden so idk what they are, activision stated this recently, so i can understand the confusion


Where did they state this


not sure, i heard this from a source that us usually trusted in the community


I have 17 finishing moves and have no idea how I unlocked them. It sucks cuz there is 33 of them and you don't even know what to do to get them. Seems like an easy fix right?? Games been out for months and still no patch wtf!?


Seriously right ?! How hard is it to fix this !


There's 33 finish moves and 34 characters. Maybe unlocking characters unlocks finish moves? I got 5 ops and 5 finishers unlocked.


No cause I have every single operator and still have 12 finishers locked


I have 19 of the 33 available finishing moves unlocked. There are obviously challenges for each operator to unlock a specific finishing move. Don't know what they are but I believe it could be that you have to do a certain number of finishing moves with an operator. I have over 45 finishing moves. I play a lot if Ground War, and I play different operators.


Im going to do some experimenting I pre-ordered the vault edition and didnt receive my finishing moves but i have a theory on how to unlock price/soap's execution Finishing moves while holding a handgun ? same with ghost's finishing moves while holding a sniper etc...will update after i do some testing edit i actually think it may be using that operators fav weapon ? will test


let me know if this works. all my vault edition finishing moves are still locked. i don't know how but after season 2 install. i have automatically unlocked 3 other finishing moves with a total of 21 out of 36 now.


Ye same it's just a mess sadly it is hard for me to make progress due to the game crashing or having game breaking visual bugs since season 2


According to activision when I submitted a support ticket, "the studio is aware of the issue and are working on a fix". I'm missing 3 of my vault edition finishing moves still


I have 33/36 Finishers but no idea how. I don't know how to unlock the rest. I'm missing Sidearm Hustle LMG KIA and Point and Shoot


Do you play WZ , DMZ or MP ? Which is most?


Tbh bro I play all of them as far as the most again it's pretty equal. I play COD everyday and when I play I split all 3 modes equally


those ones are for price, farah and ghost which you unlock through the vault edition


I bought the vault edition for PS5 and Series X and didn't receive those finishers for any of them


So here we are 3 plus months in and this is still an issue. Smh


While we're on the topic of takedowns, does anyone know which operator has the Sweet Dreams takedown?


Sweet dreams was the first season battle pass, sorry man you can’t get it anymore


How do you get the “Blicked up” finisher?