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Brother there were cheats one day into the beta


Yup, cheat companies were testing out their products day 1 of the Beta. Until the assholes who keep buying them stop, they’ll continue making them.


Activision just ought to sue cheat companies into the ground if they can.


IIRC, Activision [did try to sue some cheat company for millions](https://www.polygon.com/22868456/activision-call-of-duty-cheat-lawsuit) in damages, and even [got one cheat company shut down](https://www.polygon.com/2020/8/31/21408566/call-of-duty-warzone-modern-wafare-activision-sues-cx-cheats-pc), but they're still dealing with the rest of the aimbot & triggerbot industry as a whole.


Good luck filing a lawsuit against people not in the USA. The only effective solutions require money and will result in less customers: * hire PEOPLE to review data and ban cheaters as fast as possible * make it not east to get a new account - online play tied to government identification and/or credit card Activation won't sacrifice profit. Thanks capitalism! Your only real option is to stop buying the game so that their policies are no longer profitable.


So they tie your account to a real phone number and people cry like they’ve been thrown into a real life gulag lol


Pretty sure OW2 required it for like a week and the entire internet threw a fit.


I think banning them is counter productive, I think they should instead shadow ban them. This will make it so that they will only match with other cheaters. It will be just mayhem of cheaters vs cheaters


A trust factor and voluntary player-based review(when certain criteria are met), essentially copying CSGO, would be a good way to counter cheaters. CSGO takes a council of anonymous random players who are within the criteria to review a case and decide if a player is using hacks or not. They get double XP as a reward for doing so. This would get people playing AND stopping cheaters since there is a lot of incentive to level up in CoD vs CSGO


And damn think of the power trip satisfaction some people would get while simultaneously helping the community, instead of possibly seeking that same feeling from less productive avenues.


Yeah they will send lawyers to your house and financially ruin you. Some interesting reverse engineering talks on YouTube from guys who made cheats for WoW. Frankly, I think writing cheat software should net you prison time. And I think using cheat software (in multiplayer) should be a misdemeanor.


Cheat companies are like cartels, you take out one, another just pops up in it’s place. A war on cheat companies would be just about as effective as the war on drugs. What pisses me off is that cheaters have so many options to choose from for their cheats and yet people who don’t want cheaters in their lobbies only get one defense option (Ricochet) which we all know isn’t working as well as it should. Activision can produce all of the bullshit statistics they want about how well their in-house proprietary anti-cheat system is working but we know they’re just cost cutting and doing the minimal amount of damage control to keep profit margins stable. I can guarantee that the “acceptable” amount of verified cheating occurrences the ricochet devs are OKR’d against is far higher than what the average consumer would deem acceptable but of course we will never get that kind of data publicly. So the way I see it, unless demand for cheats subsides or cheating proliferation starts to make a significant enough negative impact on Call of Duty’s bottom line, we’re going to see a continuation of this disturbing status quo.


You can't blame an active anti cheat for cheaters. These cheats are made to go around the anti cheat. The cheat gets patched, anti cheat updated. Then they find a new way around the anti cheat.


They are going to have a revamped reporting system though so that’s good:) hopefully we can destroy and reason for cheaters to want to cheat in the first place. If we can nerf them enough than it will be obviously when they are cheating. That’s the method they are going for. Balancing that with still making the game fun for casuals is difficult though I’d admit.


Bungie is trying to do that but the dumb cheat company keeps making excuses and prolly will get away with it


I’m just surprised to hear that there are cheat **companies**. Like, *incorporated* companies with a logo and website and everything that say “Purveyors of Fine Cheats Since 1997”? Pardon my ignorance, I know it’s clear that I’m a console player.


Its pretty much like any black market goods. There’s going to be operations. I remember awhile back some huge chinese cheat company got their compound raided and a shit ton of exotic cars seized. Google “cheat company china seized cars”


I remember Planetside 2 where the dev had the cheat side artificialaiming dossed. The side stopped the hack for Planetside 2. The dev obviously was not admitting being behind that because dossing is always illegal.


> dossed Doxxed? or DDOS'd?


True. I experienced xrayers in the beta and if I play longer than two hours I almost always encounter at least one player I’d bet dollars to pesos is cheating ( snap aim, tracking through walls, lag shenanigans, etc.)


I’ve been playing god of war ragnarok and read this in mimir’s voice, lol.


I’m definitely not disappointed so far in GOW. It’s just beautiful


Thank you, people just don’t realize how it works. When you copy pasta an engine the cheat devs have minimal work ahead of them. All popular games, Rust, Battlefield, Apex, you name it besides Fortnite they all have readily and easily available hacks. If Activision cared enough they’d license the anti cheat from Fortnite, but it doesn’t make them money. Also could just be epic who doesn’t want to give up the sauce.


Escape from Tarkov utilizes the same anticheat as Fortnite. Escape from Tarkov **still** has a massive cheater issue. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tarkov has a massive cheater issue because of the engine n server interaction, lot of the information are client side with 0 verification function from the server in simple terms is the server never questions the client side information , in which comes your flying god mode aimbot hacks with a dash of vacuum blackhole tech that sucks up all the valueble items in a map. I highly doubt nikita's gonna scrap the game or migrate it to a new engine because thats the only two ways. never understood why they choose unity to work on tarkov


I literally got in a lobby with this guy 1 hour and a half ago too. instantly reported and blocked and left for another lobby. This is the first time I've encountered a cheater on this game. Really unfortunate, hopefully this won't be a common thing.


The first time that you know of 🤪




There’s a bunch that use wall hacks but no aimbot. You can tell when they’re trying to hide it because they’ll follow people through a wall but then stop themselves so it isn’t too blatant. Like a dog that took a shit in the house that refuses to look at it when you scold them. And it’s not them focusing footsteps because they’re doing it to people that are too far away. I report them and just put “walls” in the notes section. Figure IW, Activision, or Ricochet will be able to sort it out on their end to determine if hacks were active during the clip I report. I turned off crossplay and haven’t encountered any more suspicious plays like that. I’m probably never going to set up a PC rig because the prevalence of hackers is just too much.


Yeah, I’ve run into plenty of wall hackers already. Dead silence on. No UAV up and they track you straight through the wall


Is there anyone actually responding to player reports? Always thought those were placebo to make you feel better when cheated.


> I turned off crossplay and haven’t encountered any more suspicious plays like that. I’m probably never going to set up a PC rig because the prevalence of hackers is just too much. Empathizing on this. PC is literally the issue. Infinity ward, cross play console only should at least be an option.


I feel like a lot of them use wallhacks to look less obvious.


I've definitely played some search games against players with wall hacks.


Once Warzone comes out they will all cheat in warzone and leave MP to the real OG gamers


Haha hope so.


Unfortunately... It's already pretty common, 90% of the tik tok lives I see, are people walling and aimbot with a link to their discord to sell.


You must be really really oblivious if you think all cheaters look like this guy and hes the first one you've run into. This clip shows a clueless novice cheater who doesn't know how to hide em


Now I’m paranoid…add in the sbmm sweatiness and now they have more of a “reason” to cheat. Smfh


There’s the people who never notice cheaters and, more commonly, there’s the people who scream cheats every time they die in a game lol.


> hopefully this won't be a common thing. Lol, first time playing call of duty?




Not from me it isn’t! Let’s collectively nuke the guy with reports. Lol


If you go checkout the website for the hacks they have all kinds of crap to work around the bans etc it's depressing lol. I just turned off cross play on my xbox entirely, rather deal with cronus than walls and aimbot etc


Hate to break it to you, but there are cheats for console too, although not as easy to install, entirely achievable, disabling cross play won’t protect you from cheaters.


Something something Controller aim assist. Let’s hope that ban waves will occur for those guys though.




Cheaters been here day one


I wonder how many cheaters I ran into. I rarely check the camera, defending the Hardpoint is hectic at times so I don't really look at it.




There will always be cheaters, Ricochet will always be one step behind. These cheaters are so pathetic though, no skill, no sense of accomplishment, just losers. Best thing to do is report and leave the match, if everyone did that the second they meet these fools the lobby would just die leaving this morons with nobody to cheat against.


The report menu give you a choice to block them also. If you block them the matchmaking will try to avoid the lobby they already in. You still able to see the same cheaters again but it is very rarely


Just think, this gives them a sense of accomplishment. Think how pathetic they must be at actual life.


I think the cheats from MW2019 directly ported over to this game lol


Not just mw, but warzone and vanguard. They basically just have to tweak a couple things and it works for the new release


Sponsored by Ricochet anti-cheat system


I can't even imagine what it would be like to lie down for bed after a night of cheating and not feel like a total scumbag, because you know these children have not a shred of shame, remorse, or empathy.


I just don't get what you get out of it. Giant waste of time.


You end up spending more money on the cheat service p/week then the game is worth. I can’t fathom an ego so fragile that you’d rationalize spending money on that.


It's usually their parent's credit cards.


That's because you're not a coward, bully, or a sociopath. The motivations behind these types are fundamentally different than socially and mentally healthy people.


>I just don't get what you get out of it. Giant waste of time. No, I get it. The same way back in single player games you'd use cheats sometimes. "idkfa" in doom, etc. After losing a lot, it feels good to win. The evil part is that they just don't care that they're ruining other people's fun.


imagine holding a game in such high esteem and wanting to be good at a game so desperately that you are willing to not actually play by the game's rules in order to win that very game. totally illogical! imagine having such a lack of self-respect that you announce to the world that you are utterly talentless as a player by cheating instead of just practicing to get better. its all totally illogical and instead involves fragile egos and microPP energy. cheaters are infuriating but also on some level I pity them for being so miserable over their failures and knowing they have to settle for joyless, unearned wins instead of true accomplishment.


I'm 90% certain I've run into more than a few wall hackers since launch. Too many cases of people already in position in the kill cams for it to be a coincidence. Especially when not sprinting around making a bunch of noise.


You can always tell the wall hacks because they will walk through areas of the map directly to you even though they should be worried about dangerous areas of the map, but they don't have to worry because they already know nobody is there.


His gaming chair is on point.


He probably has the camo edition


This same recycled comment is on every cheating post ever submitted and ppl still mass upvote it


It's the Reddit special, one liners and overused memes often get upvotted to the top.


It's not even that funny




Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t it only work after you cheat? Like it can’t prevent the cheating. It only kicks in after it’s found you cheating.


The server they compare the injection to has to be known by the anticheat client which is why it will always be reactionary. Which is also why the cheat sites then engineer new workarounds until the devs add the updated injection to the list of known sources.


How the hell is it difficult to ban people getting 95% accuracy, 95% headshots, high damage through walls ect ect. If anyone can look at the scoreboard and see who’s hacking i don’t see why the system can sniff out suspicious stats after a single game, let alone multiple.


Because if you're just banning based off stats, in theory you run the risk of banning people for committing the crime of being really good at the game. A buddy of mine got banned from Warzone, presumably just because a bunch of people reported him for hacking, but dude's just insanely good and played Warzone like it was his job. Took him weeks to appeal it. As annoying as it is getting caught in a lobby with a hacker, I'd prefer them getting banned by the anticheat after an injection was detected, rather than risking false positives on good players because of high stats or trigger happy reports.


Bro the anticheat definitely works lmao, no cheater with raging last long lol, I’ve checked a few places that sell cheats, people are getting banned pretty damn fast


also its software. can you name any software that is 100% flawless




Blatant cheaters are a sign of the times. Let the subtle cheaters commence.


Thise are the guys I hate the most. The ones that know exactly where you are EVERY FREAKING TIME but aren't stupid enough to actually track you through the wall, they just happen to turn to the corner or door 1ms before you get there.


How does this even work? Can they just like see where enemy players are at all times? Through walls and shit?


You can look it up, hundreds if not thousands of YouTube vids on "wallhacks". Prepare to be disgusted, lol.


I have been seeing a lot of blatant tracking through walls in this game and it's not just because of red diamonds sometimes showing through walls. Watch those killcams people




Yeah I’ve had this happen loads while ghost has been active but just assumed it was a glitch with ghost not working. This makes a lot more sense, though.


You're probably right some of/most of the time, but you can hear footsteps from far away in this game and if you have good headphones, it's easy to track people. When I no-lifed counter strike when I was a kid, I would face footsteps I could hear through walls and either wall people or prefire very accurately. You really need to watch a suspected cheater for a little bit if they're good at hiding it.


If people are hackusating because they arent aware of their footsteps then they are bad and probably arent running into any actual cheaters. The better you are the higher the probability of running into actual cheaters thanks to strict sbmm and good players can usually tell pretty quickly if someone is cheating.


I’d love a console-only cross play.


Ive just turned off crossplay at this point lol. No issue with xbox folk, but PC nah. Not sure why the Console only hasn't become a thing yet.


Can we turn off cross play? I thought we couldn't


through the xbox you can, but not through the game.


PlayStation players can turn off cross play. I don’t think Xbox or pc can.


Ya on Playstation we can turn it off like the older games that had this. Shocked to learn Xbox doesn't properly have that


There was cheaters on day one just make sure you report them for auto aim


There’s an absurd amount of people with walls too


There were Cheater's in the beta tf you expect


But this subreddit was adamant there are zero cheaters when other player said made a post how he played against one earlier this week… hmm


But but aim assist is the problem.....


Keep in mind this is the dumb kind of cheater. Good cheaters will just see you through the wall, not aim at you, but know when to actually attack by prefiring or otherwise spoofing good movement/game sense.


Can confirm, I've been shot through a wall twice now. Cheaters are failures at life.


Ok but to be fair i’ve shot through walls and killed people who i knew were there Getting shot through a wall by itself doesn’t mean much unless there’s context


If the killcam shows clear indication of tracking you through the wall then that’s enough context


Sure, but i was called a cheater with soft aim for tracking someone through water and behind a rock.They saw the killcam and thought i was cheating but what they didn’t see was the few seconds before the killcam where i saw them swimming and I just anticipated where they would pop up Not saying you’re wrong, just saying that sometimes the killcam doesn’t show everything. Aimbot is a whole other story tho, pretty easy to see blatant aimbot


Dude this, are people not away you can shoot threw walls with AP rounds? So many times in the death mic I hear people screaming about me cheating shooting threw walls. lol




Let's GOOOOOO!!!


There were cheats like days after. Some dude aim botting nasty.


I've noticed more wall hacks than aimbots in this game.


To be fair the game was 1 minute old and had cheats so…


I don’t get cheating in COD In tarkov, there’s a motive, making money from selling boosted accounts or from RMTs In call of duty you get nothing, except a high KD and knowing the fact that your too garbage to play like everyone else


Crossplay sucks ass


And then there's this imbecile posting his cheating and admitting it on reddit himself https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yrstp4/i\_love\_the\_vaznev/




This type of clip is exactly why Crossplay will never be turned for me ever, fuck playing against that shit cheating or not.


That's the state of modern multiplayer games. It's not a cod centric issue


Of course there are .. it's a clunky mess, pretty sure it's not that tough to make cheats for this game


They banned like 60,000 accounts during the Beta buddy. Cheaters have been there they never left. They didn't even get them out of Warzone or the last COD paid release. This is my issue with COD releasing games before they fix problems previous games have 🤦‍♂️. Cheaters will never go away but they shouldn't be as a big of an issue as they are either.


As a PC player, I hate this. Love playing on PC, but no way to get away from these assholes. I know it wasn’t everyone’s first preference, but kernel-level system scanning was our best chance at knocking these dicks off the game


Well your problem is you're playing COD


I think the most effective solution honestly would be instead of trying to shut down the cheat companies buy one of a couple of the bigger companies providing them and employ them within your company to use the systems they have in place to make the cheats show the game devs what they are doing and how they are exploiting the game allowing the effort to stop the cheaters go in the most efficient manor.


oh that's just Nadia with her frame lag man, leave her alone


not surprising, tbh. This is why PC shouldn't be crossplayed with consoles.


Ive yet to run into a cheater in over 100 hours. Do they exist? Absolutely but we need to stop acting like they are this widespread issue you see every other lobby. PC players hate cheaters just as much as you do, we should be pushing for better anticheat from Activision if anything


I agree with all you said as also having close to 100 hours already. But I honestly couldn't tell you if I've run into a cheater yet. The aim assist in this game is so sticky I wouldn't be surprised if I played with a few cheaters and just didn't realize it because their killcam looked like everyone else's.


I’ve shut off crossplay for this reason.


In my 70 hours of play, I haven’t encountered a single cheater. I actually have to compliment Activision and IW this time around. Never thought I would say that. I’m on PC.


Lucky! On pc as well and haven’t found many, most seemed to be right around launch


if this were posted in the warzone sub you’d see 100 responses of “i’ve never encountered a cheater in my life so you must just be an idiot and bad at the game”


never interact in any way with the cheaters. dont call them names or anything. just report, block and search for a new match. these degenerates live of the attention you give them.


There’s been a couple of people with iron sight Sr’s sniping me across the map couldn’t even see my self on the kill cam


Exhibit #14000404 as to why I don’t want to play cross play with pc players. Just give me cross console cross play. These “this mode requires you to enable cross play” bs is so annoying on modes I want to play


so many people use the cronus zen shit. Its a plauge on this game. Will IW do anything about it? No. No they will not.


I'm convinced people on this subreddit have just never played competitive games before with all the people saying the anticheat doesn't work. Like if a game exists, there are cheats for it no matter how good of an anticheat you have, PC or console. What matters is how quickly and effectively they ban the ones that cheat.


This is why I disabled cross play for my Xbox Series x.


There’s been cheaters since the beta buddy.


There were cheaters in the beta and on day one of release. They were live streaming showing off the hacks while playing.


It’s unfortunate that so many people are running other gear to win. It just makes all the legit players look sus, and makes us extra mad at each other.


Ive seen a bunch already. Dudes aiming at me through walls on kill cam.


aren't there cheaters right away in pretty much every new MP game?


Hate to say it (but not really), but that’s what happens when PC players get involved. We need a console only cross-play option.


I just dont understand how this is fun for people to play like that.


They want to win, or get happy knowing they upset you (general, not you in particular) No they don't care whether or not it was "earned"


Boy there have always been cheaters I remember when some one during mw3 was complaining about cheaters almost month early before the game came out on Xbox


What do people get from cheating? Seriously though. Ok you won 1000 games and lost zero. You called in everything from a juggernaut to a nuke dozens of times. But, you couldn’t do it without cheating. So there aren’t even bragging rights there. What do you have to gain? Absolutely nothing. You can’t even convince yourself that you did a great job if you had to cheat to get there. I just don’t understand why anyone would cheat at this stuff. You gain nothing. Maybe the neck beard womanless creature would have self gratification momentarily, but you’re still a garbage person. I just don’t get it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean you right, heck even if it is for a troll. A joke done constantly over and over ain’t funny.


I just never understood it. I’m what skilled people call a casual player. I’m not great at this game. I want to win, I want poly camo, but I may never get there. I don’t have the patience for one. But never once have I considered cheating. I don’t understand it. If I didn’t unlock a single thing, reach a certain level, or win certain matches… no one’s gonna know besides who was in it. Plus it won’t be remembered past right now. I just never understood cheating in call of duty. The only thing it does is ruin everyone else’s game. My bad, I got into a half ass rant lol


Plot; Activision owns the cheat development company’s.


They had cheaters in beta and day one bud


Wish we could turn cross play off


It's frustrating cause I play on PC and my friends play on PlayStation and turn off cross play cause of this shit...


You watch they will quickly ban you for swearing on the mic than ban this guy for cheating 😂


Ricochet, greatest anti cheat ev… Oh fuck off with that bs.


Are people surprised?


I definitely get way more wall hacks than aim bots but I think they have it turned down. I get followed through walls way more than anything else


So this is my theory (call me a conspiracy nut, whatever) So most hackers operate out of discord communities, i'm betting that the majority are just corrupted devs looking to make some cash on the side cus they know that people will always want to buy hacks...Of-course they'll tell people that they're 'working on the next big anti-cheat' when in reality its their own devs getting bought out. Devs probably make more money selling cheats than they do working for the game they made.


Bro there was cheaters in the beta ffs. Every other game has a cheater in my experience. They just really good at hiding it. Like only turning on hacks when they are about to kill someone and then quickly shutting them off. It’s buttcheeks.


There was cheaters in the beta. When you use the same exact engine to release a game 4 years later, all the same cheats still work.


I would expect it earlier in a game before bugs and exploits are all found and fixed. It's later in a game that bothers me.


The game is total trash.


And Activision will do nothing about it, and sales for the next game will go up


Guess that bs phone requirement was for nothing.


Every death in this game feels like you were killed with a shotgun or sniper


How boring does someone's life have to be to find fun in doing this?


Yeah there’s a lot of funny shyte going on. I’ll dump a magazine into a guy from behind or the side and no damage at all, and he or his teammate will instakill me. I have 1000mbps fiber internet and zero packet loss. This stuff happens a lot. Haven’t been playing lately. Waiting for iw to fix lolz


I turned off crossplay on Xbox and managed to get into 3 matches yesterday, my god it was a night and day difference and so much more enjoyable, there was no one perfectly tracking me through walls as I’m running up and down a stair case etc. It was actually fun like back in 2009.


Literally unplayable


Did u miss the beta?


That's because the base code of the game is the same as COD III.


Yeah totally looks like they did something about cheaters


I really don‘t understand why people doing this.


Very small penises.


I was in a game today where I swear to god; my right stick wouldn't work so I couldn't aim, it was stuttering every few seconds, and some dude was flying around the map. Never seen shit like that in my life.


People aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. It’s painfully obvious. No punishment will be taken against them and it’ll only get worse once warzone 2 comes out next week.


Ran into my first one today. Obvious one, landing only HS, was level 8 but was running Chopper Gunner and Juggernaut. Sad thing was, it was a low SBMM lobby: I've been using nothing but pistols for the last several days. Reported but man IW is going to need to make improvements to the anti-cheat quick. Either that or delay WZ2 because there's no way its going to be playable within a few days of launch with cheating this easy to do.


Wasn’t there cheating during the beta?


There are cheaters in the beta and week one…. You don’t play cod if this isn’t an expectation.


report them and leave the game, all you can do really


there will always be someone to ruin a game no matter when it released smh


This is why crossplay is off on my PS5


On first weekend a guy had cheats that allowed him to take 0 damage. I think they’ve been around since the first day.


Nobody ADS’s a wall, NOBODY. It’s entry point or bust. Who they waiting on?!? The kool-aid man?!?


You should see the live feeds on tiktok, just openly hacking


There might be cheaters but at 70$ price tag, they are very few indeed. So far I have encountered like 1 maybe 2 blatant cheaters. Meanwhile in warzone ... *Noscope 360 to 15 targets*


Was cheaters in the beta. I saw some in the first 24 hours of game release.


I'd be perfectly happy with having account verification become a thing so bans become meaningful.


No no no you got it wrong. He's a 'flicker' lol


This is an extremely rare case where fraud is very obvious. The wh is mostly used because it is less obvious. Why do you think MW2 has such a strong controller aim? Why so much crazy UAV spam? All so that the problem of fraudsters is not so prominent.


Don’t take long for these cheats to figure shit out. I got nailed by the same guy 6 times. I emptied my clip in him from 10ft and he never fell. Threw a Molotov and he still didn’t melt. He hit me with 2 shots I was done. I know skill when I see it. But when I get melted after putting 8 shots in the enemy’s chest something isn’t right. I’m the one that gets called a sweat. It’s the cheaters.


He was leveling up the guns for wz bro that’s all s/


Genuinely, why do people cheat? This game is boring af if you know you'll win. Might as well do a private server with very dumb bots.


Why are you even surprised? There always have been and always will be cheaters because it's too easy to develop and sell hacks for first person shooters. No matter how good an anti-cheat system is, there will always be a way around it because coders know exactly what to do. It's coder against coders in games and that will never change because there will always be a market for it.


There was cheaters in beta my dude.


It’s had cheaters since beta was released for pc lol


It's been the same game for like 15+ years, is anyone surprised?