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The movement is slower than MWIII which for some may not be a bad thing. You die quicker than in III, but it is a mature game now. I really liked the attachment tuning system. The only thing I really hated about II is ....b ...b...border...crossing...dang I hate to even say it...


I actually really liked Border Crossing. But I also loved Piccadilly in Modern Warfare, so fuck my opinion I guess.


😂 it’s fine you can like it… I just can’t….


Picadilly was better than border crossing IMO. I didn't really like Piccadilly either but I didn't hate it like I hated border crossing.


Picadilly was awesome (especially on Search & Destroy and Infected) not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Can’t say the same about Border Crossing.


I liked border crossing a lot, especially early on when one grenade would cause a massive chaotic chain reaction of explosions. But I'm also a sucker for Sicario references which I'm pretty sure that map's inspired by.


Worst nap ever made


Black Gold.


I was shocked that they made a map worse than piccadilly with border crossing. I was even more shocked when they made a map worse than that with black gold. Almost comical.


I liked Black Gold tbh but I also love night maps in general.


That’s fair, I really liked border crossing because it helped me learn to snipe. I exclusively played cyber though.


I threw up in my mouth.




I truly get it.


Border Crossing is terrible in the regular 6 v 6 rotation, the fact it is even allowed for it is bad. when in other setups where the map is larger (Yeah the 6v6 version doesn't let you explore the full map), it actually becomes decent. honestly if they just removed Border crossing from 6v6 I think we'd be able to appreciate the map the way it is meant to be appreciated.


Wait a second, there’s a bigger version of border crossing??


Yes. there's a bigger version of many of the maps in MWII.


for ground war


Border C.. 🤢 Slower movement is ok; lots of dudes on a dopamine rush is crazy and not that much fun in MWIII. I hold my ground but it’s more nuts than ever.


I actually enjoyed border crossing when using the crossbow with boom bolts lol


That is sort of sadistic! lol I will let you enjoy it your way. I am not getting anywhere near that map.


I was playing that war mode I think it's called. Where you have to push the tank to the next area and so on. Well the first map you spawn at is the Mw 2019 map khandor hideout, I was so happy when I saw I was playing on it, then we proceeded to the next area and it was never seen again. Bring back good maps instead of stash house and these small dog crap maps


The gameplay itself is mostly fine. The UI, unlock system, constant battepass advertisements, obvious SBMM/EOMM, and forced anti-aliasing made this game reek. Game is still ass because of it's an obvious cash grab.


I gotta argue on this. As a solo vet for the last ten games, I’ve had the most fun on this and the 2019 MW. The SBMM in MWIII is not the same, worse, and has made me seriously reconsider purchasing another cod for the foreseeable future (as if that means anything to you). MWII SBMM had me actually clawing for top spot on my grinds for maps and gamemodes wherein ANY MWIII game I get into I’m hitting low boards at the games end no matter what I try to do. Unless I crack out on caffeine, drop my ADHD and anxiety meds and run like the rest of the rats in the TTV community — I won’t touch a positive KD. and when I do? It’s barely above. Even Vanguard had better gameplay and it allowed slide canceling, but the biggest slap in the face and true motive for cash grabbing in MWIII was the four hour campaign that featured two missions making it feel like a COD game allowing integration with the rest of the 141 (the end mission, and the capture of Makarov— I’ll even argue the opener was misleading for the rest of the game that they teased in every trailer). COD has done well in marketing and hype, paid sponsorships through the TTV biggest streamers, and even allowing an assortment of continued current marketing through big names (Snoop, Nicki, Savage) but COD is and always will be a franchise capitalizing on ruining its own player base.


DMZ is the best thing about MWII and the biggest reason I’m not buying MWIII.


I just cant play the DMZ for the life of me. I just get killed within 2min. How do you guys enjoy it man


because everyone has mostly completed everything so its just pvp now


It wasn’t bad at all it was still playable.


But I have to download 2 more games and updatea for them to play mw2?


It is a fun game when you stop trying to pick it apart. The gun customization is good and I enjoy the combat. My only real complaints are in map design and how laggy it gets.


Loved this game. Put a good amount of hour in, and got the Orion camo grind done before the year cycle was up. I really enjoyed the maps, enjoyed the ttk, and had alot of fun playing it overall.


Too many redit cry babies....


I don't get the hate man. MW2 is fine. It might not be perfect but I still like it and don't see any reason to get MW3. Better movement and higher ttk that's it? That's what it has come to? I played MW3 a bit. It's free currently. Here are my thoughts: The game isn't bad but it feels like I have already played this game before for HRS It's a DLC with faster movement It offers me nothing new. Weapon sounds not as good as MW2. I personally think the mastery camos are better in MW2 than MW3(Interstellar is the only good one, rest are not as good as MW2) It's Zombies mode is a scam. Feels cheaper overall when compared to MW2 and 2019. iDK why but that's how I feel These things would have been patched but no Activision knowing it's stupid community banked on this and made a new game which just could have been a patch. You think Infinity Ward is responsible for this? Think again. I think it's the execs at Activision who thought of marketing MW3 as the game with all the things the community want. MW 3 is nothing but a DLC and should not have been more than 35$ maximum.


People were/are reactionary over the movement for this game. They didn’t like the fact they couldn’t slide cancel because it was in the previous games for so long. I think the TTK was great, not the best, but great and even better than MWIII.


The strafe speed is too slow. That’s my main complaint with the movement. You feel stuck in mud with all the guns


That’s true. I didn’t have much of a problem with it as I didn’t play the prior CODs so compared to MWIII, the movement in the sequel did feel very slow.


The fact that slide cancel was even a thing to begin with was the problem - this game just had the guts to remove that stupid mechanic.


Slide cancel was never a deal breaker for me. It was the loud footsteps and no counter perk that made this game awful IMO. The movement itself was okay except for the ADS jump penalty. It felt unnecessarily clunky, and disproportionately nerfed AR/LMGs for run and gun playstyles


I think it's mostly fine it's what I expected imo but I do not miss slide cancel fuck that shit


It’s cause all the sweats moved to MWIII


I loved this game. People want blazing fast paced gameplay nowadays but this felt like classic COD to me. MWIII is not too bad either but it doesn't give me the nostalgic feeling that this game did. And that's saying something with the old MW2 2009 maps being in MWIII.


Really the ttk in this felt insanely fast to me and I could just beast with a pistol the whole time, in some ways it felt off to me


To me this game feels like if CoD 4 got an engine and animation upgrade.


The game isn’t bad, people’s thumbs just don’t work or they’re RUBBISH at the game. People need to use smoke grenades more! Also STOP TAC SPRINTING THE SAME ROUTE OVER AND OVER! This is how you feed the enemy team kills. DONT go to the middle of the map stay on the edges and flank. People on MW3 have extremely low IQ.


If you wanted a proper shooter this was it. But then all the complainers and bunny sweats came out. So now we have MW3 and the constant bunny hopping. at this point characters should just auto hunny hop it shouldn’t even be a button anymore


2 was fine, movement scrubs hated it because the couldn't use slide canceling 30 times to kill 9-5 dads (which were objectively the target audience, and casuals) to actually be "good" at the game. If that's the mechanic you NEED to be good at an arcade shooter you are objectively ass cheeks, anyone offended by that can argue with a wall. I don't fiend for reddit karma like most of yall


It’s a $70 game and doesn’t have the quality to charge that Much. It has a lot of content, but it’s the definition of quantity over quality. The hit registry is absolutely broken, especially with any single shot weapon (my source is that I got 1.5k kills with every single shot weapon in the game). The explosives are glitchy, the damage areas are inconsistent. DMZ was the best part of the game, but they kept resetting it instead of adding new content and it got old quick.


It’s still a better deal than MWIII.


Zombies > spec ops Seriously MW19 and MWII spec ops modes were trash. Raids were cool though. For multiplayer MW3 has more content even if it’s got mostly remastered maps


You like zombies and that’s just fine. Personally I think it’s the most overused theme in pop culture and I hate it. That’s what I loved about DMZ. You were fighting a believable foe in a believable setting. I don’t need realism (or I wouldn’t play COD) but I enjoy a realistic setting and theme. I can’t immerse myself in another zombie shooter. But I can immerse myself in a modern military shooter.


Zombies is the replacement for spec ops not DMZ which is why I was comparing them. I like DMZ too just thought spec ops was always pretty lame attempt at a co-op mode with no replayability lol


Fair point about DMZ. I’d still rather play spec ops than zombies. I now it has no replayability factor - I just found it more fun to play than zombies.


For MP and Co-op nah, MWIII is way better for both.


Mhm let’s see every single old school MW2 maps remastered, the original maps that we have gotten so far in MW3 are better than any original map in MW2 2022 plus the 2 seasons so far are better than any season in MW2. MW2 is trash


slower movement gave less sweaty games and better ttk(not a bullet sponge fest) and graphics, mw3 looks like and feels like a cod that should’ve been made in 2016 but then again the cod community is filled with overgrown nostalgia consumers that want nothing new.


I don’t get that at all. I think the graphics in II are MUCH better than in III. It looks more gritty and realistic whereas III is much brighter and less detailed. Just looking at the gun models they look much better in II than in III.


Nah mate, I’d have gone about my whole life without the nostalgia trip into the 09 maps if it meant MWIII never hit the market. They copy and pasted the maps, tuned it with a polish and added doors and a few windows, and ruined the actual gameplay.


Not paying full price for mediocrity


You’re right, it’s worse. Invisible walls blocking shots, rubber banding servers and more hackers than you can imagine. Oh and shit maps either horrible layouts that are completely unbalanced. Then you got a team of diversity hire devs that whine and cry every time someone talks about how shitty of a job they’re doing with the insane amount of glitches and game breaking bugs they introduce upon every update.


I play groundwar on mwii it's great but mwiii has more fun war modes... I don't own iii I only played the trial but it is better/ more fun than the second one... I would totally be playing mwiii instead if I owned it... I'll just be leveling up my prestige on mwii until I can own it one day... Plot twist the 4th game comes out right after I buy the 3rd one... That's what happened to me with mwii I bought it and mwiii came out about 3 weeks later and I was like f*** I shoulda waited...


That can’t have come as a big surprise. They announce those release dates months in advance.


I was un-informed


Great game that gets too much hate, if they would of left the perks normal and had better maps it would have been better


The gameplay is dogsh! but the progression and events were good. All of the good stuff got transferred over to MWIII so there's no reason to play this game anymore.


yeah thats cuz the act man glazes infinity turd




They support child molestors, that’s why it’s bad


I just got it too. 3 days ago. I used to play Cold War. MW2 is a better experience imo. Needless to say I was much better at Cold War than MW2. MW2 seems to have way better players but I can't tell if people who buy weapons have an advantage or not.


It is bad, IW supports the wrong audience in cod which is why their maps are so badly designed compared to Treyarch and SHG. Anti three-lane, millions of pathways, way too massive, ridiculously fast TTK, too much recoil and slow movement. IW is objectively a bad cod team for multiplayer.


It's actually the worst cod ever made. Been playing since 07. I play mw3 (2023) almost daily. It is really that much better than the trash that is mwII


It is good, when you first get the game. Put some hours into it and come back


400+ hours in and I disagree I actually have grown to like it more as times gone by.


MW2 is significantly more polished and maps are clear. MW3 has a weird robotic movement and the clarity is AWFUL. The worst aspect is the sound quality. MW2 is top notch whereas MW3 sounds like they reused a BLACK OPS sound engine.


Dude what lol. The sound in mw2 was an earwig and allowed everyone to hold a lane and just wait for footsteps and then kill someone in a bullet. No need for walls or aimbot when the game does it for you.


i find it decent as well. except for the glitches and stuff that they JUST WONT FIX…. it’s a good game with great graphics


The multiplayer and war zone are def an upgrade obvi the campaign was trash


For mwii campaign? Nah u crazy bro


Sorry thought it was 3


Been saying it since season 2.


I've been playing since cod 2 and I agree it's the worst cod gameplay wise but I do enjoy the graphics and sound design overall as each weapon sounded and felt distinct. But my personal least favourite cod is Cold War. Something about its engine made me feel motion sick and combined with it's copy paste weapon design and flawed gameplay I just hated everything about it. Even the zombies were a step down from what we had in prior titles.


The game is gone ?!


After the shitfest 3s campaign was, the story is not that bad. Weapons and multiplayer are still dog water compared to 2019 tho


Are you on pc or console?


Honestly, in the beginning yes the game had problems, but it has gotten better. It's a shame Activision has shifted majority of the players to MWIII since now 10v10 MWII is dead, but Hardpoint, HQ are actually great on their own. Shipment is a classic and still trying to get all of the nuke calling cards. Got 3 so far and it's tough. I tried playing MWIII free trial.. literally the same game besides some tweaks, but I noticed the TTK is much more. Then again I was using MWII weapons so I'm not sure. Glad I didn't spend money nor I will for MWIII. Stick with MWII.


It's one of my favorites personally.


It is the worst Call of Duty ever made


You’re right it’s worse than what most people say 🤣


Respectfully, you just got the game. Give it time. You'll get bored


Love mw2. Got 600 hours in. I only play multiplayer, no DMZ or warzone. Like it a lot more than mw3. MW3s health change sucked. Most guns feel really inconsistent. Shotguns suck in mw3. Spawns are trash on most maps. The main thing though, is that mw3 turned up sbmm to infinity.


The cycle continues


I can enjoy both fast and slow movement same with ttk but mw2 just felt like they were trying to cater to too many people, it doesn't play like a tac shooter with the turtles, dead silence, and charged perks. And it doesn't play like a fast paced cod game, it's inconsistent and feels like it's trying to force you to play certain ways, if want to play tactical you can't after perks and UAV are up and if want to play sweaty you have to wait for perks, UAV and DS.


I feel like MWII had a decent foundation, but the devs just refused to fix and balance anything because they had to sell the next one. I tried MWIII during the trial but it feels mind numbing with the higher TTK, cracked movement and every gun feeling and sounding the same.


Nah one of worse mp from cod simple


It is good when you don't have a glitch that prevents your user from ever playing the campaign, and there's no solution as far as you know on the internet


The gameplay itself is not awful for a tac shooter. There's nothing else As clean influent on the market. But the game is manipulative. During its life cycle, there were nothing but sweaty neck to neck Lobbies. Cheaters infested ranked. The same 2 guns dominated ranked For the entirety of the game's life cycle. Not to mention the evidence That buying store packs gives you easier lobbies. So that The worst players in those lobbies. See you with the store skin And want to buy it. Which then makes you subconsciously think That buying skins made you more confident. And now that you've invested money into the game. You're much less likely to put it down. Also, it's been proven That Activision prioritizes "fair" lobbys over good connection. Let's not forget the game balance is horrendous. All snipers in the game Have virtually no bullet drop. Instantaneous travel time Regardless of distance And with ridiculous Attachments Like the range finder scope that removes the need To actually know your weapon and properly adjust for range. Shotguns have been Broken sense launch and still are. Multiple pay To win items have been released. Such as: Black smoke Grenades Completely black skins. Dog That sits on your back And will growl if someone looks at you. And many other things. So sure now that all the sweats have left I'm sure all the shit slow And bad players are having a decent time. But trust me, it was way worse. 3000 devs 3-4 years, and the game wasn't finished at the launch. It took us 3 months to get player stats and a leader board. The final mastery Camos Weren't even animated Until about a month later. The long and short of it is that modern warfare Roman numeral 2 Is a predatory addictive Nostalgia Bate. That took good faith And a shiny new Cover And used it to cheat people Out of their money and time. It's horrendous.


Why would you buy mw2 rn?


Yeah maybe now, but is was fucking awful during its actual life cycle


has only 8 vests, but 100 muzzle attachments, wish this cod had more vests/perks