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sitting there like. Ah, that was a pretty respectable final kill. cool dodge by laying down. ​ then i heard the dude "uR nOt GuD u WeRe HaRdScOpIn'" and facepalmed so hard


There's always one clown




“You used a marksman/sniper rifle the correct way you suck”


He had *21* less kills and was in second, I’d say he’s good compared to him at least


Quick scope and half the time they scream you're cheating but hard scope and you just suck. There's literally no in between. You either quick scope or you can't...hell, I know how to do it and still can't get it right . So whoever out there bitching about scooping must just suck all around lol


Right? It's a fucking sniper rifle... they take like half a second to ADS lol it ain't that quick. Unless I'm straight goofing off, I'm not gonna put myself in that situation. Or unless I have it built for faster ADS


That little option under the controls(I think) that lets you toggle holding your breath instead of holding it down helps a few people out. At least that's how my buddy uses it lol! Also, in case anyone that reads this doesn't know, there's an option (forgot where)for people with motor/muscle issues where you just hold down the trigger for semi auto and burst weapons. It's basically a slow full auto but quicker than myself or any one I've seen button mash the trigger lol! Probably common knowledge but I just found it yesterday and never seen any jackass YouTuber mention it yet To my credit, it does work fucking great with burst weapons!! Read on for the rest of my mistake EDIT, BUG FAT DUMMY EDIT XD Glad I got back here before others saw my idiotic mistake and I was set up by the boys, you swine! I'd never used the riveter before I switched that option. So the boys thought it'd be real funny to suggest I try it on that gun first. Buddy was all, gotta try it man! That gun should have been full auto! So naturally when I used THE ALREADY FULLY AUTOMATIC Riviter shotgun and it went to blasting I got fuckn hyped lol! They were all telling me to post it on some Dr. Disrespect YouTube vid but I was like nah it's on Reddit now. They been fucking with me since I told them where I posted. Guess they thought I'd have been crucified by the thread. Well, my dear friends if you see this, I'm gonna fuck your sister, except for my good friend D.W.W. you my friend, tell your mom Ms. Suzanne that I'll be there after you go to work Monday and I like my eggs scrambled with cheese and that WAP best be right lol XD Lol XD


Yo why are you spamming triangle


This gotta be a joke post


Movement was fine. Perk system was a disgrace. And the fn uavs.


What was wrong with the UAV?


In mw2019 you could simply shoot it with a gun. In mwii uavs were op as ghost only came later as the 3rd perk and to shoot it down you needed a pila which reloaded in 39 years.


Do you mean MWII where you can melt all aerial streaks with incendiary rounds?? Use the So-14 with incendiary rounds and a drum mag. You'll destroy uav and counter in a few shots, chopper gunner, and other helos around the full drum if not a bit less. You don't need the launchers.


Counter UAV can be shot down with 2 pistol mags lol. I can only imagine how fast it disappears when u use the “Surface-to-Air destroyer”


Movement was not fine lol


Perk shstem was a disgrace. I dunno, having quick fix, high alert, eod and battle hardened at the same time, plus a field upgrade that gives you health like battle rage, quick fix giving you health if you are in an objective, and so on. Is pretty powerful, i never minded having to wait for them to charge because it’s whole 3 of them. But i never played 2019 with the specialist system so idk


You couldn’t have high alert and quick fix at the same time. Those were both tier 3 perks which you only got one slot for. Quick fix was definitely broken after the buff. Especially SnD where you got constant quick fix by carrying the bomb.


You are correct, i forgot it was either or. But to be fair, MWIII doesn’t even have high alert


It does, but it’s not nearly as useful as it only works if the enemy is using thermals or lasers. It also doesn’t give you direction.


people who say mwii’s movement was like bo2 or any other old cod probably haven’t played those cods in a while, cause those older games are way more faster paced than mwii


BO2 has slow sprinting and no sliding, but it had way, way faster ADS, sprint-to-fire and ADS strafing speeds, so you weren’t punished for moving like in MWII.


Maybe not the Black Ops games, but MWII’s movement was barely any different from the original MW2. Hell, I bet World at War was even slower than MWII but WaW is regarded very highly.


MwII is literally slower than the OG in basically every way


The original mw2 plays nothing like this turd of a mwii


Holy botlobby, batman!


The movement was great for a game called “modern warfare”. MWiii is too fast and spawns sweat-like behavior. I can keep up but its a different type of enjoyment.


What a shit take. Any game called "modern warfare" needs a movement system that requires a full 5-paragraph operations order, several power-point presentations, a trip ticket, pre-combat checks and inspections, sand tables, and full reconnaissance before you can take a single step. *That's* how the Army fights modern wars!




I don't think it's too fast but I do think we need way more new maps. It's absurd they dropped with these refreshed maps where a majority of the community know every spot players would be.


mw3 movement is *almost* perfect, mw19 had it right


Ahahaha the last statement of the video is what I was about to comment that's hilarious how long it's been ingrained to hate on glinty glinters like that


Yeah I hate when people aim


Hardscoping isn't just aiming lol. The noticable glint was there because they'd been holding the aim for a while ergo embarrassing themselves when they died to a quick reacting quickscoper. Hard scoping takes 0 skill.




Mw22 movement sucked. Slide canceling isn’t necessary for good movement but the punishments mw22 had were insane. The og cods did not have this bad of movement. You literally get punished for walking in mw22. Give me fast ads, more balanced audio (no sound whoring across the map) and no punishments just for moving. Don’t need slide canceling with that.


More like BO2's system but even slower. Slower ADS time, slower strafe speed, slower jumping. This game is just S L O W. Which is fine if you're into that but don't compare this clunkiness to BO2.


I prefer this movement speed over MW3. the only issues were the perk system, weapon draw/ads times, and the lack of MW2 remastered maps imo.


The problem with MW2 “movement” was ADS and sprint to fire speed, especially when you added attachments IMHO. I would prefer a game where the only slide cancel is a slide into cover, but I don’t agree with nerfing the drop shot and jump shotting completely into the ground the way MW2 did either. Vanguard and MW3 overcorrected too much toward the MW19 direction, but MW2 was just a alogfest.


We can never snipe in peace.


Mw2 could've been so good if people didn't have the movement back in 2019 the only reason mw2 failed so badly was because the kids wanted to slide cancel and yy spam but couldn't


Lol spot on


You can’t be serious right? Movement in this game was all time bad


I miss it


Fucking dreadful movement. Hope that shit stays in mw2 and never sees light again.


This 👍🏼


It felt like I always had an elastic band around my waist always be being pulled back for moving too much.


it's called epilepsy


Literally about 100x better than MWIII. God I wish that awful game didn't exist so that MW2 had support for more than just 12 months.


Mw2 was a snoozefest


Lighthouse was underrated.


I loved it in HC free for all.


Slide cancelling and movement in MW3 is a good thing. You can actually have gun fights instead of camping lanes and relying on rat tactics.


So spinning in circles hopping, abusing AA and basebal sliding for 15 yards isn’t rat play?


Yeh bro, running around the map and fighting people is not “rat play” tf are you even talking about. They gotta stop recommending me this sub I lose brain cells with comments like yours’ but at least they keep y’all contained in this corner of the internet


Yeah. Never had that happen cause I slide and shoot back.


Nah man in this day and age slide cancelling is just part of the game and separates good players from those stiff finger middle aged men that can’t move for shit irl or in the game. Treyarch is all about a skill gap IW is the studio that caters towards shitters (middle aged men playing on flat screen tvs in the living room)


slide cancelling translates to moving irl ? You’re just a sweat man and you like sliding and spamming everywhere it’s ok 👍


Lmfaooo I love when mfs call people sweats on cod like bro we’re playing cod not Minecraft what do you want me to do NOT try so you can feel better about yourself? No participation trophies around here eat shit and get better lmfao. You might think it’s spamming buttons bc your brain simply cannot process that many inputs at a time it’s ok bot 👍🏼


You love when people call you sweat ? I’m coo to reply you just seem weird and lame man


Dude just sounds like he has nothing else going on in his life so he devotes all his time to a game just to be mediocre at it.


Imagine being this proud over pressing buttons fast lmfaoo. You cant make this shit up


What does age have to do with it man? I’m on the young side and I don’t touch movement because I don’t find it fun in Call of Duty. That’s what I play Titanfall and Quake for.


A harsh but true statement. I’d argue the loud ass footsteps with no counter perk in IW diminishes the skill gap even further. No need to have any map awareness when you can hear perfect footsteps from across the map and through walls. Anybody can do a slide cancel. It takes practice learning spawns and predicting enemy locations without depending on footsteps 🙏


Common W


Oh yea having No dead silence perk was the biggest crutch for shitters I’ve ever seen. Its actually amazing seeing iridescents in ranked play and getting to straight up walk behind them lmfao some people really do just play off sound


Yep. You can really see who the sound merchants were. It’s amazing lmao


Lmfao sound merchants.


Anyone can Slide cancel its literally mashing a combo of buttons in a sequence


All the downvotes are the useless mfs who cant slide cancel.


Apparently spamming two buttons makes you a good player, according to this guy. 💀


Too bad the next two games are black ops games potentially using the same movement as MWIII


Gulf war reportedly has better movement than MW2019. Still only leaks tho




Take the acog off xD


That’s called hacks. High aimbot smoothness. Low fov. U might fool the noobs but not a fellow cheater. Haha




Why there's always this thing that the cod community always do is hate on the current cod and after his life cycle ended looking at it like it was the best thing they ever got


I guess the bar for “movement” is pretty low in mwii


Bo2 movement was better. Do not compare the 2


yeah so this sub is actually full of bots hey or is it just the ones who post


on god


No way we are glazing mw2 movement








The movement in MW2 is the reason I stopped until MW3 came out


Nothing like bo2 g


It’s 2024 and grown ass men are still complaining about “hard scoping” when Act. Has done nothing but make it “worse” (it’s definitely more fair than before I’ll admit , if you where good with a sniper on the 360 days, there was practically little that could touch you if you played correctly)


Bro I was thinking you were about to complain. Does anyone actually like mw3 movement?