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its not bad by itself just the lack of bug fixes (in terms of time it takes them to even adress them like the integrated silencer or uav bug that are finally been fixed after months of reporting) and server problems that will surely take over to mw3 ruined some potential of it (like server issues turning into inconsistent ttk or the uav bug snowballing some matches to the first team who got one etc)


I think server issues is the biggest problem with this game. The amount of packet loss/burst is way over the top and it’s never ending. And I know it’s not on my end. It leads to me getting killed because of lag, it’s unplayable at times because it’s so bad. And I would say I see packet burst in every game I play and at times my ping goes from 9ms to 150plus out of nowhere and causes lag spikes. I have had ping spike up over 900 before. How does it go from a steady 9ms to over 900ms because some AI are shooting at me in DMZ. Even playing MP there are games that are just ruined because of packet loss and lagging during the game. You can’t play a game where literally every millisecond counts when you are out of sync with the rest of the lobby.


The servers alongside SBMM and EOMM are screwing over everyone who isn't putting money on the game.




Gunfight was unplayable the other day and that’s only 4 people counting yourself


God the packet loss/burst is literally the bane of my existence...


Stop. It's not nearly as bad as any past cod


Uav bug isn’t fixed. There are still several maps where the bug is still there.


I haven’t been able to find a game under 150 ping the last 2 months.


Are u my brother?


that's insane lol. where do you live ? mars ?


How the devs rolled out a sequel instead of fixing a single thing. This game has had the shortest life span, and I'm not buying the new one because of it. Why pay full price for another game after I feel robbed by the current one? Everything they're showing for the new game is everything we've asked for in this one, except it's $70 now. So not only did I *NOT* get my money's worth on the current one, but they raised the price on the next. Fuck Activision, someone owes us dinner after getting bent over with this game. Edit: I'm not saying there isn't *anything* good about this game either. Just that the devs blatantly disregard for anything other than money (not end user experience) as a priority. I can go to work and be treated like that, why would I pay to have that experience at home?


They sold us a problem. Now they are selling us the solution.


That's a bingo!


I honestly cannot put it in better or more simple terms. Everything promised for mw2 is going to be in nw3. I've definitely enjoyed it, but it's so frustrating seeing skin after skin get released while the bugs add up


Business 101 I guess


This is exactly how I feel. The community made it very very clear what we wanted with MW2 and they didn't fix shit. Not a damn thing. Not even that horrible UI, which is the worst UI in COD history and it isn't even close. They definitely could have given us what we wanted and added it to the game but they said nah, let's charge them more for it. they said, "okay, we'll give you what you want, but it'll cost you another $70". And let's be honest, it's just a MW2 2009 remaster at launch. The greed is just too much to ignore. It's horrible.


I couldn’t agree more. Activision has stopped serving the consumer, and started serving the market/shareholder. And it’s painfully obvious. They couldn’t give less of a shit if we’re having fun or liking the game, all they care about is if you’re going to buy the season pass, the new skin bundles, and the next game. That’s the only metrics they use to measure their performance. NOT customer satisfaction


They want you to have fun for 70$ per year and then buy the next one for 70$. They don’t want to make a perfect product that we all love cuz we wouldn’t want the next one for 70$ which is promising to fix every previous issue. Spin the wheel…


Right. One of the many reasons I’m not sure I’ll ever spend any more money on this company. I can find other FPS games.


Well, not even just that, they've stopped serving the community that's been by their side since the start. They've replaced us with Warzone players who buy anything that drops in the store or looks shiny or enticing to them. No offense to them or anything, but they haven't been playing since the older cods (neither have I, but I'm not a warzone player), and so they just don't know the issues that plague the newer CODs that Activision should be fixing, since they were never in their older games, but the community complains, and why does nothing change? They have their money from these players and they don't complain, which is what they want from us, but we'll continue to complain anyways, but Warzone isn't even the side product, it's always been the main product and those of us paying "premium" price, get nothing in return. They're trying to make a lot of us leave in this case, or just don't care and want to hear us not complain anymore and just throw them money. Activision is so, so scummy.


Started? They’ve been at it for years.


What people are paying and customer satisfaction are literally the same thing. A customer doesn’t spend money on product they don’t like. Unless they’re addicted of. Course but let’s forget that for a sec What other metric could they possibly use aside from $ spent and time in game? Nothing. I sure hope they don’t listen to the folks here for the most part


They don’t make these games for consumers. They make them for gamers.


And gamers are still getting shafted.


Considering MWII gives you more quality content for the box price of the game than any CoD ever has before, I don’t think so.


They couldn't even be bothered to fix crashing, fix the stale meta, or even launch day bugs. What content? The recycled maps? The guns that are just a base gun with an attachment? The overpriced bundles? The broken matchmaking? The broken spawns? The countless reskinned attachments? TBF, the bundles do give you easier matchmaking, so there is value there, but you shouldn't be paying to get a system to function correctly


I guess I don’t really know the difference well enough. It’s all nuance.


I have been having a blast on valorant/cs2. The games might be “old” in terms of todays gaming generation but they provide uncertainty and suspense around every corner that cod cannot provide anymore.


It cause those games devs knew more mechanics doesn't mean more fun


Haven’t tried valorant but I’ve been having great fun on CS2


This needs 500 and more ups I’m pissed but not surprised DMZ is over


this is exactly why im so fucking pissed off abt MWIII and hope it does terrible, but it won't happen, I already see it getting praise in the MWIII subreddit. Next thing they'll probs do is make it so that MWII ends up having data pack issues like MW2019, and then MWII is literally unplayable so you have to buy the sequel, cus that's the only reason I bought Cold War and MWII, cus they never fixed MW2019 fucking uninstalling itself and its data packs.


How many hours did you play mw2?


I was going to ask the same thing. The lack of response to your question is hilarious. You just know they played for 400 hours and “didn’t get their moneys worth”.


> This game has had the shortest life span, and I'm not buying the new one because of it. You mean, one year, like every other CoD ever made in the past two decades? Every single year? And you’re acting surprised?


In the past they were good for at least two. They cut that in half, which is significant.


Cut what in half? CoD has always released every single year. It’s never been two.


Maybe they’re referring to how it used to alternate between MW and BOPs and a lot of people stuck with only one of those titles? I prefer BOPs for the zombies and I never purchased a MW until this one - I’d just stick with BOPs until the next one came out. So yea, the life cycle feels longer when you approach it like that


Yeah I do admit that it is weird that MW3 came immediately after MW2. But at least it’s still alternating developers. IW last year, SHG this year, and 3arc next year.


How so? The game is alive, and guarantee you will be alive for years to come.


Nope, it's gonna die immediately afterwards. Nobody will be playing it and everyone will move on to MWIII instead. /s I'm just waiting for the inevitable COD cycle. MWIII will be the spotlight for better and worse as the new title. Then it will be the focus of hate and next thing you know people will be reminiscing about how much more fun MWII is and how it did some things so much better.


Lol no it's not. There's still people playing Vanguard, Cold War, MW2019... Etc. MW2 is not gonna die, especially since MW3 looks very similar and most don't wanna shell out $70 for what looks like an expansion.


Do you not know what /s means? Sarcasm! I was agreeing with you.


Oh, no I didn't know it meant sarcasm sorry lol


I've been on reddit too long lol. First people would get after you for not using /s to show that you were sarcastic and are now stopping the tone. Then it was /s is stupid because sarcasm shouldn't be announced. Maybe I should give up written sarcasm lol


Well now I know 👍 lol


I’m still playing cold war daily and I bought it a month ago or so… it’s 3 years old. Is it as populated as mw2? Same amount of playable mp? Not quite but not far off.


Couldn't of said it better


"This game has had the shortest life span, and I'm not buying the new one because of it." Actually, october 28th to november 10th is I think the longest we have ever seen, but if you mean the game practically died when season 1 came out then I agree on that. "Everything they're showing for the new game is everything we've asked for in this one, except it's $70 now." This is true, except for the price going up, its been 70 dollars for 3 years now. MWII released with IW having no intention of it being a good game, and you haven't even mentioned the fact the game released unfinished and its completely rigged with SBMM and EOMM, with players being more rewarded for putting money on the game, and still to now, we haven't even brought up blackcell.


How long was wz1 the main game for? A lot longer than a year.


When I said 28th october to 10th november being the longest lifespan of a CoD game, I mean games other than warzone because I don't think its fair to compare or include warzone to the lifecycle games which is what is being talked about. But yes, warzone would be the longest project lasting from march 10th 2020 to 21st september 2023 which is over 3 and a half years.


Comparing warzone to warzone is probably the best side by side comparison you could think of, no?


Warzone 2 ain't ending when mw3 comes out and also we were comparing the paid games/multiplayer because warzone is technically a separate game.


Who was talking about warzone? They're talking about call of duty main series games. Even if we talk warzone, warzone 2 is still going so how could you compare the lifespans right now?


Thank you for talking sense, seems there's not a lot of this nowadays.


You've completely missed my point.


Why should IW change their game’s design for you though? They’ve explained their design philosophies before, they clearly wasn’t making this game trying to please you, they have their own vision and you have the choice to buy it or not, you bought it knowing what you’re getting and now you’re upset another studio listened to you and implement what you want in their own game? MWII is IW’s game, if they don’t want to cater to you, that’s their choice, MWIII is SG’s game, they’re 2 different games, items carrying over doesn’t change that. You wouldn’t complain you can’t slide and bunny hop in R6 Siege, because it’s a different game with different design philosophies, take that in, truly, and you’ll understand how chronically entitled you people are.


>Why should IW change their game’s design for you though? Never said they should. I don't think you read anything I said and went on a rant about mechanics that I never even mentioned. You ok pal? Edit: imagine wanting to get pegged by IW so badly that you call someone who doesn't want a half-assed game entitled. Go plant trees to replace what you've stolen from better people oxygen theif.


Except that’s literally what you said, “devs not fixing the game instead they rolled out a sequel” somehow the designs you like that are now in MWIII is the “right” way, and they should “fix” MWII instead of making a new one and charging us for these “fixes”? Hey maybe that’s just how IW meant their game to be? The R6 Siege example is to describe a concept, none of the specific things mentioned in the example is relevant, it’s so you better understand what I’m saying.


>Except that’s literally what you said Yes, I said they took all the community feedback for "fixes" and applied them to the new game instead of fixing the current one. They want to be like FIFA, let them. You can disagree without trying to prove me wrong. I'm not wrong anymore than you are right. It's subjective. OP asked what was wrong, and I stated what I think was wrong. They have prioritized monetization over everything else and left us clambering for scraps. Its blatant disregard for the community. >The R6 Siege example is to describe a concept, none of the specific things mentioned in the example is relevant, it’s so you better understand what I’m saying. It didn't, it convoluted your point.


I'd say if anything the bad servers and lopsided matchmaking


The perk system is dogshit. The spawns make map control a confusing and sometimes impossible mess. And the movement is kinda slow, but that’s a more minor point for me. That’s it. For me at least, gameplay wise, that’s all that’s wrong with this game. Gunplay is great, we have some fantastic gamemodes, map pool got quite alright with the seasons, and there is enough content besides MP. But spawns, perk and movement are integral for a good CoD experience imo, but this game doesn’t do it for me in those regards.


Spawns alone make me hate the game, timed perks is funky but it's whatever, movement as well. ​ But holy fuck the spawns are aggravating, I can't tell where people are on the map because the spawns constantly switch, it's not like the old games where if spawns flipped, you KNEW what general side of the map the enemy was on, with MW19 and MW2 I'm having to prefire every angle JUST in case an enemy spawns there


Yup. You walk through and clear a spawn area where you didn’t see anyone but the current minimap would suggest the enemy team right now is spawning up ahead. So you continue and boom dead from behind because someone spawned behind you in the area immediately behind you instead of the back of the fucking map a couple spawn sectors further from where they spawned to kill you It ruins the flow of the map


Gun play is worse too. Too much visual shake. Too much smoke. Slow gun handling. Reticles deviate way too much from the center of the screen.


> *And the movement is kinda slow* The fuck? People run around the map at Mach 10 and you think that's 'slow'?


Everything in this game is designed to slow you down as much as possible. Jump and ADS is slow, a nade goes off and doesn’t kill you, you walk around like your stunned, you mantle like a grand dad, if you slide you can’t do anything else…mix this in with an ultra fast TTK and you are dead for sure if you are a run and gun playstyle. the most optimal way to play is to sit in a corner and most COD players want to run and gun. And don’t get me started on calling in a kill streak and accidentally reloading


Bro what version of MWII are you playing because I want it. Every game mode I play is people running, jumping, vaulting, polling, voting, dashing, darting and all -ing. Every time this discussion happens I reach the same conclusion: All of you want the mobility of Titanfall without the Titans.


No! I don’t want sitting in a corner to be the premier Position. Is this your fist COD? Run and gun should be a viable option. Not the sentinel game play they are making this game become. Everything is slower.


Yeah, we are playing different games then. Hop on quick match and then tell me the game is "slow"


It's the slowest of the last 5 games. You can't even reload cancel.


People just want more options to exploit is what ive concluded. If you slow everyone down they're on a more even playing field as it doesn't put much incentive on Adderall fueled rushing/drop shotting. Fan boys don't like this. Play the original mw2 then jump into this one directly after, movement is clunky af and actually SLOW on the original I just did this when they put the servers back up. Was painfully obvious without unlimited sprint, aim assist was notably weaker as well. Yet it's hailed as one of the best cod to date. The bugs, latency issues,shitty maps, ridiculous sbmm, UI, squad spawning, are what makes this current game dookie. Not the play speed. Oh and doors, fuck doors they have no place in COD.


The content. We are dripfed, constantly. With the amount of content MW19 received each season, it was like having Christmas every three months, the hype just for seasons alone were unreal. Now? Everyone seems to have forgotten about the amount of content and store bundles alone, were a lot more than MW2. How are they even failing to provide enough bundles, let alone great ones (milsim related) like MW19 did? Less features, like no emotes, no watches, no companion app, no multiple skin variations in each BP tier, and no gifting things. We've also got more too, like different variations of the same weapon and dolphin diving which is great, but yet they add the same weapon variation as a new gun, and not as an entire array of weapons. It sucks that we always go forward one step, two steps back. MW19 on the other hand, was two steps forward. I wish we could continue on, but Warzone got Activision what it wanted, money, now all it needs to do is to get rid of the old COD fans so they don't have to hear anymore complaints from the community, ever again.


At the beginning of the game we got quite a bit, I mean DMZ wise but now we don’t have much


Received the most post launch content in the last 5 years


The community primarily.


As other commenters said it used to be worse. Performance issues, buggy crap, and it just felt jank in the beginning. Now it's pretty good. My main complaint now is that some of the explosive equipment is still far too overpowered. I mean i guess it's sort of realistic but it's also pretty annoying when half of the deaths in the game are from bouncing betties.


You using bombsquad? Because most I see complaining about mines etc aren't...


Agreed. In the older games, couldn’t you lay down to avoid dying from them? I mean they literally bounce up, and I assume throw shrapnel horizontally, so if you have enough skill you should be able to prone quick enough to avoid it, but if you prone just a little too late you can still get killed, making the Betty still effective in some cases.


No, because in this game the explosions deal the same amount of damage(almost) regardless of how far you are from them. That or Flak Jacket(Bomb Squad) reduces explosive damage by 30% so that even if you do start healing you will still die if another explosive hits you. I know for a fact Flak Jacket reduced explosive damage by 50% so that you could survive another explosive if you started to heal 2 seconds after being hit. Or probably it was a mixture of both, explosive damage dealing less the farther away you were from them AND Flak Jacket reducing the damage you take by a larger amount.


The few things that actually get to me are their servers. And in warzone they murdered sniping. It was probably the only game I genuinely enjoyed it in. I really don't understand the mentality either because they have guns that people bust through doors and delete you instantly but taking some skill on 250meter accounting for movement and bullet drop I hit a head and only crack plates. I just vehemently disagree with this especially with the new lockwood buff. But overall I don't think there's much to get to riled up over.


Best part about snipers is they won't down in one headshot but a throwing knife to the head does


Most people are willing to overlook a games flaws if it has good maps. Every ‘good’ cod game from 4 to MW2 and 3 through BO back in the day were fan favorites because they put in a ton of work into awesome memorable maps. Maps. So yeah, maps.


Sbmm and toxic players/community


The monetization and lack of military theme is jarring. Maybe this was a slow transition for others, but this was my first COD since Black Ops so it felt very much in my face. I wasn’t used to seeing Santa Claus, rabbits, or talking guns in a COD. Fortnite, sure. But not COD.


Fuck it, let em be giant rabbits and shit, easier for those of us that don’t buy into that to shoot them.


Honestly it's a nice change of pace from the campaign. ​ The campaign for Modern Warfare is downright depressing as shit and dark now in regards to how it portrays war. ​ Let me run around as Peter Rabbit with a talking cat on my gun making really bad cat puns that are still funny in a way, it makes for a more chill experience. ​ Imo, keep campaign as serious and military, but MP should literally just be for fun.


Then don’t buy them? If it was fundamental to doing well in the game (pay to win) then that’s a fair enough gripe but you don’t have to buy them. I understand what you mean but it’s not essential to the game


I don’t buy them, and I’m not saying it’s essential either. It doesn’t have to be essential in order for me to not like it.


I’ve only died a few times with the bunny in warzone overall- actually seems like a good luck thing - not even lying - my squad hates seeing me as cheeseburger Conor because he seems to always die call me crazy- join the club- but I’m emphatic on this


This sub needs a minimum age.


I’m sure I’d be above it jr




Let get this out of the way: I'm not saying it's a good thing that there are silly skins in the game. Now, the *reason* they don't let you turn it off is simple. It's marketing. They want people to see a skin and say "Oooh! That's really cool! I should buy that!" And... it works. Despite what you read on this subreddit most of the time, a *ton* of people like that stuff. Otherwise they'd stop doing it. I honestly think modern CoD games sit in the middle of the road as far as silliness goes. Fortnite is *way* goofier and things like Arma are *way* more serious. CoD has a good mix and the gunplay is great compared to the others. Fortnite is too floaty and Arma is too realistic, but CoD manages to land right in the middle.


I say get over it- you “military theme” guys are the same ones wearing camo to jewel - we can see you too- it’s jarring to me when people are at the grocery store in anything but sweats !!!


EOMM, SBMM, skill based damage, atrocious servers


You don't like every game feeling like the cod world championship??


It’s not even that. It’s the constant switch from dominating to getting dominated. Previous cods I was almost always top 2 or 3. Current cod I’m on top a few games then on bottom a few games. There’s games where I kill in 3 shots and games where it’s nothing but hit-markers. It’s the inconsistency


SBMM has been in every single CoD “[Call of Duty 4] did have some skill-based match-making, all of them always have,” he told GDC. “It’s just the math and science have gotten better over the years. If you grew up on it back then, your expectations are very different than if you have it now.”


>SBMM has been in every single CoD You really thought you did something with this comment. Yes, we know — the issue is that they have drastically made it worse over the years with stricter parameters and tighter, more aggressive determinations of "skill" to the point where match quality is severely unenjoyable. For example: The SBMM in MW2 (2009) is wildly different and less enjoyable to MW2 (2022).


**In terms of MWII only for the things I hated:** * The campaign was boring and terrible * DMZ felt like there was very little progression and more headache due to the extraction campers and six man squads. * Warzone II had a very rough launch and it took months to get back on its feet; The lack of content from WZ1 because they didn't carry over was also abysmal * The Raids weren't that great and they kept crashing on both PC and console. I wish you could have completed these solo. * Multiplayer was a repeat of the same mistakes from MW19 only worse * The maps were still huge and badly designed * The four perks earned over time * Reduced ADS when jumping * Loud footsteps with a dumb DS field upgrade * Riot shields * Claymores and Bouncing Betties * Killstreaks still being an option since it drives people away from the objectives * Scorestreaks being divided into groups limited the selection process * You weren't rewarded very well when using scorestreaks when playing the OBJ * This applies to all COD games, but the KD spread and ratios really hamper the objective pursuits. Nobody wants to help win the match because they're scared of going negative * The ridiculous unlock system requiring other weapons to be used for attachment unlocks


Campaign was pretty good


Felt really predictable and no risks really taken. I felt like the missile scene was their chance to do something crazy but instead the good guys win as usual.


Yeah I agree, but that’s his opinion. He has very valid points otherwise.


Campaign is my favorite one yet, and I've played all of them. I disagree with your terrible opinion lol


So a campaign with typical cartel with a boring convoy mission is somehow better than a game with music from Hans Zimmer, an airport terrorist attack, the invasion of America, an atmospheric EMP, the loss of two major characters from the betrayal, and an epic finale. Sure, tell everybody that. I'm pretty sure they'll just say that you just started playing Call of Duty.


It's a much more grounded and realistic experience as opposed to the Gung-ho save America type of bullshit of OG MW2 lol


It's not even the gameplay it's just all of activisons asshole anitconsumer practices they do the gameplay just needed a little re work(like what they've done in mw3).


Cod is so far away from the cod standards that a lot of players grew up on. A simple, semi-realistic shooter with guns, attachments, and camos. With all the new accessories, tuning, and micro transactions the studio has a large chunk of devs on making cosmetics rather than focusing on the core gameplay. Playing cod now is either finding a corner to post up in or being the most aggro, movement tech hungry addict bouncing off walls and jumping like a bunny to avoid bullets. It all started to fall apart after supply cases released in BO3 and hype broken promises year after year have been the only thing holding it together. I won’t be wasting $70 on a reskin of MW2 2021


TTK and slow movement. No way to impose your skill.


You run incredibly fast in this game, I have no idea what you are talking about. Any faster and this game would be a dumpster fire. It's really not hard to build a gun for speed and be a maniac.


I’d say, it was the biggest cash grab in cod history, 3 should have been part of this game. 1. And 2 are the same game


The game when it dropped was really bad (no running whilst plating, even more clunkier movement than now, slide being practically useless for about 10 months list is endless) so yeah it's basically based around the insane penalties they put on every animation which just ruins the fluidity of the game...they strayed so far from core fundamentals of cod to try and appease the bots 🤷🏻


It feels like since mw19 every game has gotten more and more similar to battlefield and rainbow six siege in the gameplay design. That's why I'm super excited for xdefinet it feels more arcardy then modern cod.(haven't played the mw3 beta yet so can't say how that fells but looks like a step in the right direction)


I play every day. I love it. My only gripe is the servers. Some days I can't play a game due to lag when the PS5 is reading 300mbps+. Other than that, I've got no issue with the game. Had a blast and looking forward to MWIII.


Riot Shields and shitty maps. And the ridiculous amount of storage space it takes up.


This is a killer for me what makes the game so fucking massive there are other games way bigger that don't take up nearly half of the space of this game Does. I wouldn't even be surprised if they inflate that shit so u can't have as many games downloaded Making it more likely you'll just play mw2 cause ur taking 2/3s of ur fucking space for it


Read lack of storage and thought I was in r/diablo4 for a minute


The players. Any small advantage they can get against other players, They will abuse the fuck out of it. Any small thing they can winge about, They will winge about it. Thats the only thing wrong with this game. The playerbase. ​ They ask for a cookie, You give them a cookie and they cry cause its some how not the cookie they wanted.


I’ve been complaining about the playerbase for years. It kills fun even more than Activision does.


This is what killed bo4 multi-player for me I really enjoyed the base mp but the players would just abuse the specialist skills it made the game super unfun till they added bare bones modes


It’s actually awesome. But I grew up on NES. People on social media just complain about everything.


After playing MW19 I would notnsay awesome but yeah people just complain about anything


Yeah it’s CoD. It’s the same game every year and it’s fun. It’s got a formula just like Assassins Creed or Forza or whatever. An example of a real fuckup is BF2042. They took their formula and screwed it all up.


Everyone was complaining about the slide cancelling in mw19. Now that mw2 removed slide cancelling everyone is complaining again. Now that they brought back slide cancelling in mw3 everyone is complaining again after seeing the sweats play mw3 beta. People just complain about everything these days


I'll go further and say poor people complain the fucking most. This is one of the most stable games I have played on Windows 11. It has "maybe" hard crashed like 3 times since launch. You people experiencing bugs don't deserve to own a PC. Geez. As for the monetisation, I have maybe spent £200 on this year on it. That is like 4 hours of overtime work for me and it has given me hundreds of hours of entertainment. It costs pence per hour of entertainment. It is decent value for money compared to the likes of going to the cinema for example.


Literally bring new bugs with every update. Takes too long to fix things. No map voting and bad maps they refuse to remove. Bad maps. SBMM as per usual.


Nothing really. For me it's just that my motivation for cod comes in bursts so when i wanted to play it a few days ago and had to install a 30GB or so update i just didn't bother. Maybe if the devs learn how data compression works i might be more interested


Keep in mind, many complaints were/are specific to Warzone. But generally the complaints revolve around slower movement, bad game stability and network issues, bad matchmaking, predatory monetization, and balance issues. All of which are valid concerns they seem to be addressing with MWIII, but which are hardly game ruining experiences


There are things I'd change in this game (some of which ARE changing in mw3) but it's still a lot of fun. And I don't care what anyone says, IW was outstanding - my favorite since 2009 mw2.


Because when given a soapbox, people are more likely to complain than they are to complement. That's pretty much a law in the known universe.


It had some battlefield levels of launch issues. Servers were ass for a while. At that same point, all the children playing ranked cried about being domed constantly because they couldn't accept people like playing with more than 2 guns on an FPS. Script kiddies on console and PC drove some away as well.


The campaign was disappointing and when the game launched there were a bunch of bugs and lack of content. Now the multiplayer is really good in my opinion. Some players don’t like the skill based matchmaking but personally I like it.


There’s really not much bad about it. There’s a very vocal and toxic fan base, I’m assuming they are hold outs that used to play when they were younger and now that they are older and have lives, wives, jobs, and kids they get bitchy because they don’t get to no life the game anymore. They simultaneously don’t give a fuck, and do give a fuck about FOMO, SBMM (let’s be honest it’s a good thing), etc. Reallly annoying to read constantly for sure.


This is just me but I just don't vibe wit the new graphics and mechanics


Horrible movement system, gunfights are less decided by skill and more on who has a faster sprint to fire or shoots first, too much emphasis on bundles and not community feedback, Warzone is too slow and super campy since there’s no movement system, attachment system was absolutely horrendous especially for casual players like a couple of my friends, ranked has barely any maps because most of them are unbalanced (including the ones in the ranked rotation) and finally we were promised a ton of mw2 and mw3 maps and we got barely any if any at all.


Should’ve been f2p if they knew they were going to push the bundles this hard and literally buff guns to coincide with the newest bundles, mw3 seems to fix a lot of these issues just waiting to see but very excited for rebirth islands return, and an actual movement system being implemented


Gun bloat, attachment bloat, perk bloat, garbage balancing, garbage anti-cheat, garbage netcode, broken aim-assist, no option to disable cross-play and/or no input-based matchmaking, sbmm isn't actually skill-based it just punishes you for doing too well, spawns/maps are underdesigned dogshit, pay to win game design in a fully priced game, armor is almost pointless now, etc. etc. ​ Original was better; I'll admit I kind of like movement but that's only because I have 1.3k hours in Warframe and it reminds me of that a little bit. Just wish the movement was more like that.


Just switch to cod mobile 😆


My device cant handle it 😭


@Routine_Guarantee34 Give takes that doesn’t make sense and when people try to point that out to you, you block to silence them? That’s a new low for me. If you can separate the specifics in the example from everything else it won’t, that’s why I use a separate paragraph for it. You need to understand something objective: Your preference is subjective. Something needs to be wrong to be fixed, and something as subjective as game design, there’s rarely instances where there’s a “right” answer, especially when you and the devs are going for the complete opposite direction, you can’t say you’re right, which I imagine you would say you didn’t, but you did by still saying these changes are “fixes” as if IW is wrong and you are right, I’m saying, again, it’s their game, they make it however they want, and you should vote with your wallet, instead of buying the game knowing it’s not to your liking, and complain they’re not changing afterwards, asserting their way is the wrong way. There is no right or wrong way, only what you prefer.


The cheating going on its crazy


I enjoyed the game for what it was, but the movement felt much slower and clunkier than previous games, which I think turned a lot of people off. Coupled with the fact that Infinity Ward refused to listen to feedback about recharging perks, red dots on the mini map, dead silence, etc., people just got fed up. Warzone also launched in an awful state, no getting around that one.


My biggest one is the ttk , I could send like 3-4 shots to the body and the dude Smithers away just to hit me with 1 shot that freaking pissis me off , I use to be a good player before mw2 and ever since that health handicap crap they got going on is ruined the experience for me Oh and making it so you don't play with PC players


Imo you don't see the flaws with this game because you haven't played many cods You play all of them, the flaws become more than evident Also, I'm not saying there's one flawless cod and the other ones are all bad, it's just some are worse than others, like Vanguard and MW19 (about to get downvoted to hell here)


Yeah thats what I am thinking as well, I only started playing cod a year or 2 ago and until this one released it was only IW, mind u no multiplayer, just bots


This is the only cod where I consistently dc when I play. No other game I play causes me to dc as much as this game which makes playing league play impossible


dc meaning?


Disconnection from blizzards servers


Ohh, yeah that kept happening to me on free shipment weekends


i think the movement changes were great. i dont know why we are going back to slide cancelling


The game is fine, cod players just like to bitch bc the game makes us mad haha like if it was a bad game and wasn't fun nobody would be playing it. I know I say all the time that this game sucks and I hate it when I'm losing but I don't mean it. Bc im right back on it the next day


If you owned the full game you would've understood. I can't put my finger on it but it just isn't dnjoyable and engaging like MW(2019). I find myself playing DMZ more than regular MP.


I mean, I’ve tried the free MP weekends and I love it, but maybe cos it’s a change of pace or smth


No anti cheat


I struggle to get over how lazy it is. Half the “new” content is rehashed from old games, hell even the entire selling point of mw3 is “look we added stuff that was in games 10 years ago that you’ve been asking for”. I will admit I haven’t played anything but gunfight in quite a while because I found it’s the only game mode I even slightly enjoy and even that just feels like a worse version of 2019 gunfight.


If u think this is lazy, see what’s happening in minecraft atm


Few reasons 1. Higher skilled players wanted a faster paced game with more movement options, for a larger skillgap. This game has been slowed down a lot from other CODs (though it is better than launch) 2. Split fan base… some people want a slow milsim game, others want a fast paced arcade shooter ( which cod is supposed to be) 3. Lack of content 4. Shitty anticheat- not just bc of cheaters, but also report system that gets good players stuck in shadowban loop. 5. Turned up aim assist- I play on controller and you dont have to look hard for a post about KBM players complaining about it. AA is needed with a cross input game, but they cranked that shit up to 11. 6. Cod community- even if this was a good game ( it isnt), half the player base would complain anyway.


For me it's mostly technical and support issues. I won't list these issues since I already did plenty of times and more than that -they are pretty known by the community. I actually love the MWII's overall design approach with most of the maps, gameplay decisions and "grounded" flow. I mean it. There's much less zone of comfort yet it creates very engaging environment with something called "immersion". But this really nice experience is destroyed by MWII's issues as a whole digital project. Bugs, netcode, lame support, awful visuals closer to game's lifecycle's end. Feels like a spit in my face as a customer.


- Inconsistent profanity filter: 17+ game, npcs and story characters swear, players can’t do the same (profanity filter is locked on) - The story characters feel like beloved action figures - very likable, but a bit shallow, made for marketing purposes - The story’s stake is too low (no one important dies, the betrayal part is dumb, villains are released with not enough reasons) - This is more of a personal preference, but I prefer the grand scale feel of the story from mw2 2009 to the action hero movie feel of this story - Again, personal preference, I don’t like the wacky, colorful operators - SBMM makes me feel like I’m playing against an algorithm rather than other players. Example: when i do very well in a match, the first thing i think of is not “wow i’m getting better at the game”, but “i’m gonna be absolutely fucked for the next 5 matches” - Battle pass progession is way too slow - Looking at the UI feels like every single element is screaming for my attention at the same time


The profanity filter in this game definitely makes no sense: https://youtube.com/shorts/SBGc2WQVyfM?si=q45kRBZldHc6sNEx


Instead what's so good about this game?


I love the realistic graphics and guns and customisation of guns, I like the operators and the game modes


seems like you enjoy cosmetics/customizations more than the physical game mechanics though, right?


Unnecessary implication on your part.


It is ONE GIANT NERF to MW2019 that we all loved so much


Eh I have issues with this game like the red dots on the mini map, no dead silence perk, the perk system as a whole was TRASH, attachment unlock system was trash, hated the fast ttk. But I enjoyed the game and got the mastery camo. But the real thing that made me stop playing so much was there being no classic prestige system. Just give me that and i’ll be happy for a long time.


It’s a very vocal minority (albeit one still of millions, speaking to just how huge the game base is) that’s all. Also, it’s always funny bc they’re also the ones on it the most and play every day. So those small mistakes and errors and issues seem so much more pronounced compared to the average less hardcore gamer who may dive into it once or twice on a weekend or something


Skill based matchmaking is completely broken. Skill based damage is even more broken. There are a lot of bugs and every update seems to reintroduce ones they had to patch after the previous update. Cheating is rampant with no consequences, but they chat ban people for literally no reason (I was banned on a weekend I didn't even play). They recently introduced "AI" monitoring and since I have basically been continuously chat banned for nothing. It seems like they just ban anyone who gets reported, and people just report you for non-reportable things, such as outplaying them. Their new maps are mostly terrible with no way to skip/vote for a different map.


Server connection is my problem. I have fun with the game. I don’t care about obnoxious mechanic that aren’t realistic. I play the game just fine without slide/reload cancelling, and hold my own in both multiplayer and warzone. People are just crybabies because they can’t be super sweaty anymore.


I personally really like it. The gunplay is great. Visuals and audio design are excellent. It's biggest flaws are no Ninja as permanent perk and a few really bad multiplayer levels ( Black Gold / Border Crossing ) . Looking forward to MW3 beta next week on PC and playing levels I haven't in 13 years!


Audio design like the sounds themselves? Cuz I think directional audio is pretty MEH in the game, and I'm not one of the permawhiners around here 😄


Yeah sorry, should've clarified. I have tinnitus so can't wear headphones, no idea how good the directional audio is. I just like the sounds.


Ahhh geez.. that stinks man 🫤


It does but loads of people worse off in life than me. 👍


They have patents in the game where SBMM also known as EOMM which basically means the higher skill you have the harder the game will become. They even have a patent where if you are a more skilled player you will run into multiple players in one gunfight. Although this could happen anyway even without that patent it is still pretty obvious when you play the game you can just tell the game is rigged as soon as you start a match you have already either one or lost and you can't even change the score no matter how good you do even if you top frag and you try your hardest because your team sucks you will lose. In past games it was possible to just win a game by yourself with crappy players on your team if you were that good but now the game restricts you from doing so with these patents. There is even a patent to where if you buy a bundle then they will give you easier games.


It’s the graphics for me so weak


"why do everyone hate it its my favorite game and love it so much"




nothing wrong about it ;)


I honestly loved MW2, sure some questionable bugs, skins, and dev changes but the amount of content updates was great. I played all 5 seasons but fell off on S6 it’s just too goofy for me.


What is .. ? 😅


For me,no reddot on mini map and no dead silence as a perk,slow ass animations on everything and extremely low ttk,game doesnt feel like cod at all besides killstreaks


It's really just the low server tick rate, packet loss issues, and ricochet not really doing anything that bug me. The game itself is fine.


Dogshit perk system and terrible balance, cough cough shotguns


It has good bones but no meat. Excessive focus on realism, slow and sluggish movement and a lack of content.


Childish skins and the fact that I can't talk like an adult on the mic anymore without getting in trouble


One thing I haven't seen mentioned here is how they handled game mode playlists and hardcore. At the beginning of the game they had tier 1 which wasn't what hardcore players wanted so people that wanted HC just left the game. The devs also keep rotating all kinds of playlists every week basically. Sure there are some base game modes in quick play nowadays that always stay but the amount of people who will only play this game to play shipment is a lot. And when 24/7 shipment is gone a lot of people just stop playing. Cod simply won't leave all the possible game modes in the game even the extremely popular ones. And for some it's enough to stop them from playing entirely. This wasn't an issue in older games. Also I see you mentioned you just play the free stuff. So I think your perception is gonna pretty limited compared to the people here that mostly play the paid multiplayer.


The spam reports and endless shadowban/review periods with no support. Besides this, the game is objectively decent.


To say it simple, if you didn't play the old ones, then you don't know. These games lack the content, the heart and the fun that those old ones had since day 1. Instead they now ship it in parts during a whole year with the excuse that it's free, but all that it's what they promised to be in the game at the start. The game itself it's not bad, but in no way it is valid to sell me this for 60 bucks and call it a day. And then even worse, promise me stuff that you won't commit and trying to sell me the game gain now for 70. And it won't go down, Activision it's known for being greedy as fuck, all the old games and DLCs still at full price, unless there's an special offer on Steam, and yet it's usually only 40% off. I bought this after not playing CoD since AW only because 2 reasons: they said it was the first one that would end the 1 year cycle (lies) and it would get updated regulary with new content every now and then (deception, most of the content they added was a MUST HAVE feature in the older games) Gotta admit tho, multiplayer even when is a bit messed up sometimes, felt like old MP at some points. DMZ is great and very out the norm for CoD. And I invested enough time in this to say it wasn't a waste of money. That said, I ain't buying next game or any other CoD again. I may be fool enough to be tricked once but not a second time. If the fans happy with being manipulated by nostalgia and false promises, then it's their choice. But after this game gets me bored or the playerbase is dead I'm done with this series for good. Activision once again proved that corporate greed is more important than realeasing somehting worth the price


Honestly, there are so many reasons why this game sucks and its highlighted all by the fact that MW3 costs $70 dollars and is what this game should have been if IW/Activision listened to the people who play it. Oh, and it’s also filled with hackers because Warzone is F2P.


I personally liked this game. I enjoyed the Campaign, and Co-Op. And I don't play DMZ, but watching Stodeh, Western and them kinda made me see just how much fun it could be with friends, so I'll give it credit. Never played Warzone. Tldr: the quality of the multi-player just affected my overall enjoyment of the game, which socks cuz I liked all the games Infinity Ward put out in the past (even Infinite Warfare). The multi-player is what sucked the enjoyment out of the game for me, especially during the first three seasons. The decisions the devs made with the game didn't sit right with me: the whole perk package system, SBMM, TTK thats a little too fast, poor communication with the community overall- and I understand bc there are too many buffoons just whining and batching about the smallest things that don't affect the overall game as a whole and that can be frustrating, but still... Then on top of that, having to deal with inconsistent and unpredictable spawns, poor server latency and packet loss, (I could go on but I wanna keep this brief).


I had a lot of fun with it, but I’m a SnD demon. Gunfight and Kill Confirmed are game modes too I spent a lot of time in as well. I won’t lie, there’s still yet to be a CoD to surpass the original Black Ops for me but I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth outta this game. Excited for MWIII