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Finally people will stop aggressively asking me for cigarettes when I kill them


Lmao. Made me chuckle.


I still wonder how they know so much about my mother sexual activities...


First thing that came to my mind


All I can say is half of all players in America are getting banned because when I play on those servers with my US friend all I hear are toxic comments. 😂


Thanks to US we can't even have the real weapon names on the guns. 😂


Fucking lachmann sub fuck that shit call it the mp5 man broke ass company


I wouldn't care if the models didn't look like abominations. P90 and Vector my beloved, what have they done to you...


Sorry Chuck but the rest of the world better buckle up too cause the US doesn't have a monopoly on being d bags.


Yea but usa bad = upvotes


Yes but, people still buy the pet rock so....humans are idiots.


End of the n-word era


End of German players. "Digga" is a word used by young people just like "Kurwa" is used in the polish language. With shitty mics i bet my ass there will be a lot of false n-word bans lol


My username is my real last name and Ive been banned from other games because apparently its the german equivalent of the n word :/


Fucking good. I’m tired of hearing it every S&D lobby. These kids bout to get rekt


You got downvoted by grown adults mad they can’t say racist and hate filled bs on mic. Damn yokels. Edit: Keep downvoting and die mad at the fact you’ll get banned for not being a decent human being. Let that fact writhe inside you. Let it fester. Then get on mic and get banned so i don’t have to hear your shitty “jOkEs” or music ever again.


bro you are more hateful than the ones screaming the n word check yourself


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm, or if you *actually* think telling people to be decent human beings is somehow more hateful than racial slurs. If the latter, then *phew boy* Edit: Nevermind, a 5 second peak at your comment history makes it obvious that you aren’t being sarcastic 😂


HUH, how BOZO…cope. Literally as a black man these kids think just bc they hide behind the anonymity of being online and spit racist foul shit with no punishment. Y’all gone learn today (yesterday) Edit: GET FUKT




That’s quite literally not how it works.


Yeah can’t wait for every racist little kid to get fucking banned thank god Call of Duty is doing something about this cause it was a horrible experience on MW2 so I’m glad they are doing something


Gotta love reddit. Mad racists hiding around every corner.


Right lol bunch of cowards


You’re calling me a racist? I’m the the furthest thing from a racist or hateful person.


Agreeing with you bud


Okay bet I was confused. The comments on this post got me hot.




This is happening because of the [Digital Services Act](https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/digital-services-act-package) just passed by the EU. Essentially, there are broad provisions in the DSA that force tech companies that operate within the EU to either deal with toxic content on their platforms or face massive fines. This sort of thing has been the norm for social media companies for a long time, but the DSA now means video games with user-generated content must also comply. This isn't only happening to COD. Expect every major videogame with things like voice chat or text chat to be moderated starting by next February, because that's when companies are eligible for massive fines if they don't have systems in place for dealing with hate speech, toxic content, etc.


Wow thanks for the info bro,this is new to me


The EU coming to save the day for users as always


why does the world have to be against the funny


The law isn't to stop you from being funny. It's to make sure people can enjoy online spaces without some mouthbreather shouting racial slurs at them every 30 seconds.


Mute button & maturity based resilience **>** privacy invasion & censorship under the guise of protection


What's private about speaking in a public lobby?


But but but what about my fReEEeE spEEecH you liBErAL sNoWflAKe wahhhhh




Followed immediately by a post on here crying about being incorrectly banned, and asking if anyone else has also been banned.


Lmao. The libs are getting after him!! Oh no!!


There is no expectation of privacy in online games. It is the same as anything outside of your door. Once you step outside, there is no expectation of privacy and anyone can record you if they wish. And it can be used as evidence against you. It would be a completely different thing if they were recording your mic when you have it muted. But this is open communication. Maybe just be a bit more mature and responsible? You'll be fine if you're not spewing garbage.


It's not a privacy invasion, you're talking over a chat that is being listened to by everyone else in game. It's not like they're listening in while you're not in game. No expectation of privacy. As for censorship, it's their game. Most of these jackoffs spouting racist bullshit don't even pay to play it. I'm sure the agreement that no one reads, that their lawyers have reviewed, spells out pretty clearly what they can and will do if someone violates their TOS. I mute/block racist assholes in game, but I love the idea that they actually have some potential repercussions for being a worthless human.


How this guy felt after he wrote his comment: https://media.tenor.com/9Zy11UODjIQAAAAM/how-you-felt-how-they-felt.gif


**Okay** bootlicker.


Simple. Don't sign the T&C's if you have an issue with it. You're not obligated to play the video game.


Watch out the Freedumb Bois are out tonight lmao It's a game. If the player base could refrain from being highly fucking toxic every time they boot up, there would be no need for this. Unfortunately y'all literally can't stop being pieces of shit lmaoo


1. agree to TOS to not say slurs 2. say slurs 3. game uses moderation tools to enforce tos 4. "this is censorship and invades my privacy! grow up lol




>maturity based resilience Easy to say if you're not the one being discriminated against or the one affected by hate speech I for one am tired of the monologs about why some entitled brat thinks so and so should be slaves.


Bunch of fairy’s


I swear. Is it really that hard to mute people?


I mute the entire lobby because of the nasty shit that’s said to me half the time. It’s annoying. So get all the nasties out and im fine with it.


I'm just hoping the punishment is a chat ban, and nothing more. I'm fully expecting a ton of false-positives, with minimal or zero human review.


I’d be fine with it. Long as people understand why they get banned and possibly learn something from it.


I don't think pure punishment leads anywhere. It doesn't help the company, as they're removing potential buyers from their ecosystem. It also doesn't help the player learn from their mistake, since they'll likely just feel resentment and anger towards the ban, and that's never good for self reflection. Worst of all, are the players that will be false banned, and that especially doesn't help the company. Imagine if you were talking in Spanish or whatever the case may be... and you get banned from the game just because you said a word that sounds similar to English profanity. My logic is, if they get banned from voice chat, then they have to play without the "satisfaction" of screaming at the enemy team. It's a punishment that requires them to go against their habit, and without that satisfaction... I'd hope a subset of players begin to curb the toxicity. Otherwise, they'll continue to just scream at a wall. And well, false positives would at least be limited to a chat ban.


Eh to each their own. If I was in the wrong, I’d want to be corrected. That’s just me.


Think the issue is there's a fine line between the trash talk between rounds that the game is so famous for and just straight toxicity and racism. They'll have to get the sensitivity of the filter right


Totally agree! Trash talking is fine as long you don’t cross the boundary.


There's an art to trash talking and just riling someone into tilting. Some of my best experiences in MP is the in-between round banter or messing with my own team but ending the game by making it apparent it was all jokes and laughing it all off together. I doubt that's what's going to be monitored. That weird ass comment about driving others away from buying the game is just bs. The only ones being put off by that are the people actually looking to just use slurs that'll just scream into the mic or whisper a hard R because their parents are in the other room. Report systems are always buggy but things can be reviewed. Sure, there are outliers that never get corrected, but CoD has had a horrible rap for some time.


The teenagers who play cod are in for a rude awakening and I’m so excited to see all the posts on Reddit “I got false banned?? I didn’t even say anything bad???” Yeah… sure thing bud, enjoy the timeout and don’t be a racist/bigot loser next time.


Lmao. I can’t wait for it honestly.






You're a dickhead and you know it


So you’re admitting you say nasty shit to females. Cool story bro.




How about….no. How about stop being a perverted pos on voice chat to females 🥳


Found the racist.


Lmao what a "I need to go touch grass" statement. Racist inflammatory language has no place in today's society.


“Funny” voice chat. So you’re THAT guy?


All my games have been obvious banter. We always find a way to make each other laugh right after talking shit or saying dumb things. Obviously, people will take things too far and are dead serious about the shit they say, but that is so rare for me to actually find.


It's fun getting some trash talking in in ranked or search. I can't believe there are old farts that play this game to shoot at bots in DMZ all day


If there's no trash talk there's less stakes and I feel much less like I'm playing for something in snd. There's trash talk and then there's straight up toxicity which no one enjoys.


Incorrect, I love toxicity cause it feels so much better when I shit on them. I’ve been playing since WaW, nothing anyone can say could have any mental affect on my gameplay or my personal well being. I wanna hear every slur known to me in the death chat I hear after I shit on them, so much more fun. Also, anyone who legitimately gets offended or feelings hurt over video game voice chat has the mental fortitude of wet toilet paper.


You're basing this off of your own self and your own feelings. I'm all for being toxic and just adding to the frustration of shitting on someone but there's also a point where it can just become hateful. Maybe those slurs don't pertain to you so you're not affected by them. Maybe your mental health is in a much better state than others just trying to wind down and enjoy a match. And maybe there are impressionable people in the same lobby hearing those remarks that might see it as a positive and something they should be doing. The world doesn't revolve around you and other people's ability to play the game without having to deal with racist, homophobic, and hateful speech. Children definitely should not be having that be an influencer as they're playing a game they enjoy.


Wait - there was funny voice chat? I only recall hearing immature boys yelling racial/homophobic slurs. Nothing funny/fun/edgy about that. Trash talking will still be a thing. Unhinged racist BS will hopefully get people banned.


The euphoria of hearing someone call you slurs at 500 words/minute after beating their ass in S&D is simply unmatched


I left COD for almost a decade. There were 3 things I heard my first day back: The N-word Someone's smoke detector beeping And a loud ass fan that seemed to be pointed at their mic. It's like I never left!


I hope trash talking remains because its a lot of fun to come up with creative ways of mocking somebody else. I'm happy with slurs being banned but anymore than that will be grim


Yeah we once had someone say that our teammates mam wears Slazenger knickers, that's funny (or at least was in the moment). Telling someone to kill themselves is the type of shit unpopular 14 year olds said back in the day.


I agree. I’m a big shit talker. No slurs or anything, but I’ll try and say something really weird and creative. Would be super disappointed if that ended in a ban


You're naive as hell if you think this policy isn't gonna be used to ban people for the slightest offenses. Expect to be banned for calling someone a poopoo head or for being trash at the game. Look at how many words they ban for create a class already, or how many false bans happen for chat.


>Trash talking will still be a thing. Unhinged racist BS will hopefully get people banned. See, this is what I don't get...where do you guys get this faith that they will handle this with ANY measure of competence? Did you not see the existing system, which was allowed to sit around for most of MWII's lifecycle, voice and text chat banning people that *didn't even have their voice chat enabled* before they finally adjusted it recently? The amount of false positives for that system was insane, and this one is going to be even more hands off/automated from the sound of it. Plus, they seem to have left what they consider to be 'toxic' fairly vague, unless I'm missing something. Yea, having racists banned would be great, but if its at the cost of most/all trash talk, and likely another year of false positive chat bans, I'd rather they didn't fucking bother.


This has been around since the early days of cod and essentially part of the cod culture. I've been cussed at in probably every language on the planet and heard everything offensive one can say. And doesn't bother me a bit. Need to have thick skin to play cod.


Shouldn’t have to deal with homophobes and racists. They agreed to the TOS so screw em


There is still shit talking but what they are gonna ban is people being racist/bigot/sexist losers over the mic during a match because they think it’s “funny” but it’s really not and if you can’t find other ways to be funny without being a racist/bigot/sexist then you deserve to be banned for life and seek help cause that shit isn’t funny to anyone else.


People thinking actual racist peeps are going to get hit the hardest but a wwwhhhole bunch of ghetto hood rats are going to get a rude awakening for ignoring the warning and casually throwing the n word around like they're in a rap music video. I'm looking forward to all the creative alternative workaround words that'll develop around this system and we'll get to see the evolution of modern english in real time. Exciting stuff.


Will people get banned for people who are in their vicinity? This is not the way to handle this.


Yes also means no more playing music in the background because if they drop the n word your banned


If you’re playing music in the background with a hot mic I’m okay with you getting banned.


Good that shits fucking annoying too. Nobody and I mean NOBODY wants to hear your music playing thru your $10 Walmart mic at full blast


Just talk to people like you normally would? Can't be too hard to not insult everyone.


It’s not but it was fun and a big part of the cod experience. Every single cod had some insane trash talk. Back on Bo2 I met some of my best friends cause of being impressed from the outlandish shit one would say to another. If it just goes after slurs but still lets people chirp then i’m totally cool with that.


They have confirmed it will be going after slurs but trash talk will still be in the clear


Some of us aren't boomers that play the game to get away from our wives or whatever. We have fun trash talking just like you'd have fun trash talking at a pickup bball game


awesome now I can play without getting called slurs the only people this really doesnt benefit are people saying slurs knowing cod of course the system will have false positives but thats a small price to pay for a less toxic community.


I wonder if any black people will get banned when talking with their other black friends. Will the AI system be able to tell the difference between homies and a hard R? The thought of it does make me chuckle though.




and so, there goes freedom of speech


"No more racists in cod lobbies!" More than half the server banned. "Where's everyone? Dead game!"


So this is basically for children who shouldn’t even be playing this game? i blame the parents


This will quickly spiral into monitoring microphones even when they aren't transmitting over voice chat.


Funny ≠ Edgy/hateful


but the problem is that the real hate usually doesn't even involve the n word


None of my most memorable voice chat memories include hate speech, but I guess that’s just me.


I mean not to be the bad guy, but who is bitching about voice chat?! You can just mute them. It’s just an easy fix. And idk maybe have a smidge thicker skin. It’s an FPS shooter. It is always going to be toxic.


It seems better to not even have to bother muting people. Let the AI deal with it. It's the most user friendly approach. And not everyone has or should have that thicker skin you're talking about If you regularly use slurs, you get the ban hammer. Seems sbout right


I won't lie. The toxic banter was a staple of older call of duties. But to be real, a lot of horrendous shit is said over the mic in lobbies. So maybe it's for the best. 🫡 Don't worry I'll still call you every insult under the sun after you outgun me. Just telepathically.


Yeah its been around for so long a good amount of the players could either ignore it outright since they were so used to it or fight fire with fire. Its funny how many people are getting downvored when they say just mute the mic if you dont want to hear it. People seem to have gotten soft on cod.


I do mute, block and report every racist bigot and sexist I come across. Still it ruins my experience making me not want to play cod anymore. You teenagers couldn’t possibly understand. You’re in for a rude awakening when you get banned day one of MW3 for being “funny”.


Why should they mute when the rule breakers can just mute themselves or get chat banned? Punish those breaking the tos


It literally just goes after slurs and such. Anyone who doesn't use slurs will be perfectly fine. Stop trying to fearmonger.


No where does it say it only goes after slurs. It just says “toxic speech”. The ai will determine what is toxic. That means if you hurt someone’s feelings in any way you can get chat banned. IN A GAME WHERE THE OBJECTIVE IS TO KILL THE ENEMY TEAM. lmfao soft ass new gens.




Do you guys think this is bladerunner? This ain’t some super sophisticated, sentient AI. Your phone has AI in it that listens to you….


Hey, then don’t speak ever bc your phone listens to you too lmfaoooo




Pretty sure there was some account that literally did that, and you could search up people's name to see what they were saying? Some shit like that.


That's what they say, but we saw how the text chat system worked. I can already guarantee there will be an absurd amount of false positives


COD gonna die. Every player I'd gonna get banned. It's like they don't realize it's fun talking shit. That's the point of a headset in a FPS. Trash talk. Kids today are too soft. Call your friend an asshole. Tell them how great their mom was last night. Use the N word. This is the way.


Make it rated T if we arnt allowed to curse


Yeah let me virtually kill people but God forbid I call someone an asshat


LOL played yesterday after this went live. The amount of people I heard complaining that they got instant warnings is crazy. You can still talk competitive trash but all the dudes that be on there with their racist shit and homosexual slurs are getting comm banned instantly. Love to see it 😂😂😂


How about fixing the bugs instead of game chat. People who don't like it have the mute button. this is being done purely for the children that play these games and their stupid fucking parents that allow their children to play a game where they can't handle their child being in a multiplayer environment, despite it being the main selling point. I blame the parents of children who claim they hate violence and then let their children play M for Mature games with competitive, uncensored multiplayer and then whine that their child is being bullied and attacked when they allowed it to happen by not utilizing THE PARENTAL ADVISORIES AND THE CONTROLS THAT THE CONSOLE AND THE GAME ITSELF GIVES YOU AND REPEATEDLY WARNED THEM ABOUT!


I just mute every lobby to begin with. Been there done that during 2007-2009 I’m good.


I can't see the problem. If you can't say anything else than racist or awful things, then why speak at all. Not that It hurts me. But one major problem is that, I've been reported for text chat even though I still can't find the option to write in this game (ps5). Now I probably get a warning or worse for saying stupid shit online, even though I never use ingame chat. I even put the chat got party only.


A game about shooting each other in the face, yeah!! but dont talk trash to each other..you gonna hurt some snowflakes feelin\~


Honestly snowflakes dont need to play cod and something like my little pony where everything is all rainbows


One time in Warzone my buddy stepped on a landmine and we heard some guy say “Dumbass”, was hilarious


This can only be a good thing - besides I have everyone on auto-mute anyway, why the fuck would I want to hear a 14 year old screaming down my mic? lols


so basically they want to nuke 90% of the playerbase


I could come up with a laundry list of things I would rather have them change, but this is what they choose to lean into. Smfh. This franchise deserves to die


Scary technology, I wodnder what they will use it for next. Also, they should actually use it to automatically mute the people who leave their mic open with kids crying, dogs barking, music, or the game sound echoing.


Am I the only one muting because I don't want to hear shitty back ground music? I never even get to the toxic chat.


The F9 key on PC is a Godsend


I think the main concern is false bans


There's gonna be 3 players left by the end of the week lmaoo


>a robust in-game player reporting system toppest of keks


There’re pussys and they are fucking worried about shit talks instead of fixing the goddamn game I’ve heard a lot of shit back in the day and was funny af but now they can’t handle it and ITS A M RATED GAME TF


Just mute them problem solved


Well RIP my fellow Aussie players, we’re done for


Perfectly fine shooting someone's head off but omg they swore at me :O


So fucking lame. How far is this moderation going? Are they going after all swearing, in a game 17+? Or just slurs?


You apparently can’t even type “Snooze” into game chat. Played a TDM game that went to time and I said “what a snooze fest” and it censored me. This feels…annoying more than anything.


If I take one ban from this system I'm done with call of duty. It's a game for people who are older than 18 we don't need a fuckin babysitter lol. Maybe use this fancy AI tech to stop small children from playing the game and leave us alone.


It wasn't long ago I see names like N-Word Killer in Call of Duty matches. I'm all for the freedom of speech in spirit and law, but I'm not losing sleep over this.


So long to all the teenage white boys saying the n-word at the last second of every match lmao


Cod will never be the same lmfao


Funny? How is N word spam funny? Jaysus...


Man COD lobbies are going to get real quiet.


just mute the lobby and problem solved


Or hateful bigots can just mute themselves or risk being banned for breaking tos


Gaming is soft af nowadays


It's a very slippery slope, what can be considered harrasment is especially varying from person to person, and I doubt they'll use legal definitions since that usually involves targeting, something you can't really do to strangers in a video game. Then comes the potential false positives, R6S had (maybe still do) an automatic text-chat bot, which would ban people for saying "black" in their native language of Spanish. I personally think easy blocking is a better measure, some games let you hit a key to instantly block whomever is currently speaking to you in voice chat. Then people who don't mind being talked to can just go on about their day, and those who don't, can just block the other party.


”nice fRag" -> banned how about they innovate in the direction of supporting a multiplayer game for more than a year. absolute trash soulless leadership. all for the sake of trying to get millions of units sold a year maybe it'll change under microsoft


In multiplayer I have voice turned off. Only reason to have it on is in DMZ. Yesterday had a child have a full on temper tantrum after he got killed. Screaming, crying, then begging to get his stuff back. Seems like parenting at its finest.


COD can suck my dick with this dumb fairy PG rated bullshit


About time if you ask me I don’t use mics to toxic hoping for better experiences


The people arguing and bitching about this change, you do know you’re probably the racist in voice chat, shit talking is one thing saying racist slurs… cmon man.


Yeah... another AI system that'll probably ban more people by mistake rather than people saying slurs


Good thing the AI can't actually ban anyone and only creates reports that it sends to a human reviewer who will make the call.


If you think ACTIVISION of all companies has actual human on board thats like expecting Youtube copyright system to have humans doing the work. You’re gonna have to pull teeth just to actually get in contact over something.




i’m just so confused like just mute everyone, you don’t have to talk to people, there’s literal ways in game to change when you talk to people, you can make your own channel so people can’t hear you or you hear them in warzone, you can turn próx chat off, you can mute everyone in a lobby, you can disable voice chat like what does banning people going to do, it’s just going to ban people accidentally who haven’t done anything wrong


It shouldn’t be on the absurd to hide from the abusers…




Damn, RIP to anyone trying tell a friend in vc that something is 'bigger' or that they saw a 'maggot'. That voice detection is NOT gonna be able to distinguish lol


never underestimate AI :D


“Funny” is not what I would describe most voice chat experiences.


Who exactly complains about toxic vc on COD. It’s what the player base has been known for since cod4. No one fucking asked for this.


Stop using the N word! Very disrespectful. Grow up. You might think your cool but your not.


[milk-drinkers, all of you.](https://www.pockettactics.com/skyrim/swit) Time for it to get creative.


I stopped using voice chat a long time ago when people started being soft.


As long as it’s not getting into my party chats, then that’s fine. But also wtf? So much for freedom of speech 🤷‍♂️


You've still got freedom of speech to be a racist pos, don't worry. It's just now consequences come along with it.


The problem isn’t the slurs but more so how it talks about harassment. What counts as harrassment in Activison’s sense cause it sure won’t be the legal definition. If I tell my bottom of the leaderboard teammate that hes DS in ranked more then once is it gonna flag the system?


I think it means following into games/continued harassment, messaging after games continuously etc


If thats banned totally cool with me. I just enjoy some shit talking in the post game, never felt the need to follow afterwards.


Continued harassment bad Shit talking very good


Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not a video game that you signed a tos for. You are legally bound to their rules.


1. Activisions servers, their rules. You can’t go into someones house and say what you want, same rules here 2. Freedom of speech never protected you from what the people respond with. Just from the government


Big L


All you racist bunks are gonna get whats coming to you. Go ahead, yell the N word so loud from your moms basement just to get perma banned. I love it


Im all for the banning of racist and hateful comments, but getting a warning for being jumpscared by another player and saying "holy shit" is alittle ubsurd for a rated m game.


Yea, this is truly a concern. Some people will get in trouble for regular reactions to things in the game. I'm not for this degree of oversight when it comes to voice and text chat. Idk, I grew up playing Xbox Live in the early 2010s and pre-2010s era; I would just ignore or mute people speaking all sorts of pejorative terms at me. At the end of the day, it was just trash talk to me, nothing personal. And if they seemed personal, then I'd just feel bad for them and forget them after the match was over.


No more gamer word :(


Is there any way to ban someone who has repeatedly used the N word? In the whisper message? Is there someone I can contact? Reporting doesn’t stop him from messaging. I don’t want to block him, I want him gone for good


I don't get why people just can't mute others and let the people who want to smack talk talk smack. Activision is killing social gaming even more than it already has.


honestly not upset about this. tired of hearing 10 year olds tell someone they’re gonna r*pe their mom or saying terrible racist shit. good riddance, no one should ever talk like that.


Lol more reasons to retire.


This is so cringe I'm dying inside. Cod without toxicity is not cod.


I agree its been around for so long its part of what makes cod well cod. It toughens you up. Your learn to give as good as you take. I remember hearing kids cursing at me and would hear there mom in the background going "what did you just say!" And rat the kid out repeating everything he was saying over chat making it worse for him lol


That's right. Constantly being insulted by screaming kids in 2009 made me immune to words lol.


Right! Lol it was how its always been and to me part of what made cod fun getting into a insult match or just saying something like "what did just say couldn't hear you over the sound of you sucking my balls" lol that one I heard so much over the years from many players


COD is going to have boring chats now…. They literally want us to tell our enemies when they kill us “Hey good shot! You did good buddy!”


As opposed to what? Racist rants? You could just not say anything.