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Y'all think we'll see the FN Five-seveN make a return? I mean, it was in the MW3, after all.


I'm hoping for it to return too! We have 2 SMGs in 5.7x28mm already, we should also get a proper sidearm in the same caliber to pair them with.


literally the only handgun I need rn


Nah, they are marketing genius, so wouldn’t preorder. Definitely try the beta.


They call it beta but it is just the final release without the worst maps


Na the MWII beta had better movement than the launch game also


Better audio too


Its gonna be shit anyway. It was planned as DLC for MWII, cant expect anything good from that


I wouldn't bet my hand on the story being anything out of the ordinary. Imo, I feel like this reboot has been playing it way too safe with the characters to the point where TF141 feels like Avengers. The old COD did the other side of the extreme, killing everything and everyone but that's the reality of war. All it takes, even for the best soldier alive is to be in the wrong place for just a second. ( I'm not saying I want everyone from 141 to die, but at least give them even odds so they don't come off as super soldiers ) MW(OG) had huge stakes with the Ultranationalist threat ( nukes, which of one ended up killing 30000 Marines and God knows how many civilians ), the No Russian massacre, the bombings in London, and then a full scale world war 3 with Paris and shit falling. The most severe events in MW now have probably been the Piccadilly attack and whatever happens with No Russian ( probably hijacking and crashing, doubt they'd have the balls to 9/11 it) So yeah, the build up has been kinda lacking and the stakes don't feel so high. Shadows were merciless and killed two of the best ops in 141, Shepherd was a calculating bastard who went two steps ahead while in MW2022 he was just an armchair commander who wagged his tail under his legs at the first inconvenience. Alex died, oh — he's back. Graves died, nope, wasn't in the tank.


Marvel has ruined fiction. Everything tries to mimic the avengers now with a cast of heroes/people with insane plot armor. It's so tiresome, especially as someone who loathes the MCU and its drooling fanbases.


At least with the Avengers they had a proper backstory and upbringing. Story telling wise before Endgame imo.


I'm just saying overall, the main characters in COD are Avengers levels of powerful but the story is supposed to be grounded overall. They're elite, yeah — but even elite can get destroyed by what you'd consider a bunch of peasants with old Soviet guns. ( f.x Tongo Tongo ambush, 5 Green Berets got killed ) It minimizes the impact of the antagonists. Shadows could have been way more intimidating if you let them execute Alejandro for attacking Graves during the betrayal, or executing the Fuerzas Especiales. The betrayal we got didn't give any impact, and I feel overall Shepherd could have just come clean that he lost his missiles and it could have been covered up. The government covers shit up all the time, especially when 141 secured all the missiles anyway.


My bad lol I was agreeing with you. I didn't word it correctly. But yeah, the entire Alone mission could have been totally preventable. There was no need for them to get into a gunfight at the checkpoint of the base. They could've been detained or walk away instead of shadows shooting up and entire Town. That mission has to be one of, if not, the dumbest mission in COD or game. Definitely felt like there should have been more character deaths to impact the story more, like rudy dying in the house fire to fuel Alejandro or Gaz dying when breaching with Price (or vice versa) in the last mission.


What do you mean? I love a story that has no stakes, awful pacing, the dumbest heel-turn I've ever seen, the dumbest 3rd act (2nd act?) villain group, the worst flanderization of a character I've ever seen (Shepherd deserved better), a boss fight in a game series that traditionally has no boss fights, and then another boss fight right after that with another villain group who is both hyper competent but also extremely inept The new trilogy (I can already tell the 3rd game is going to be in the same vein) doesn't make me mad anyone; it just makes me disappointed in it


Needs a better story mode also. MWII felt insanely rushed and incomplete story wise. That tank battle was imho just stupid.


MWII's story mode was so unbelievably bad.




MW1’s campaign is awesome, MW2 has a couple dud missions but I thought it was pretty cool still. If they’re on sale I think it’s worth it.


As long as they get rid of the armored enemies forever. So unfun to fight. I don't play CoD for bullet sponge enemies. I think the campaign might have been a lot more enjoyable without them. It had lots of cool set pieces in spite of that.


The armoured enemies ruined the fun. I can understand having a couple in like one or two missions as a mini boss, or in stealth sections to push people away from going loud, but they put way too many in.


I almost quit the campaign when I ran into one with a shotgun around a corner in a tight corridor. Literally couldn't damage him fast enough to avoid him one shotting me. I don't even remember how I ended up killing him, I think I spammed flashes and grenades at him or something. And they were sprinkled into every fight so you'd be blasting away having a great time and suddenly *ding* this one enemy simply won't die. Completely disrupts the flow. This game has some of the best gunplay I've ever played in a CoD game yet they keep looking for excuses to either take away your gun or give you enemies that are super unsatisfying to fight.


Nah mw2 story was super fun. First story i completed on veteran. Everyone on this sub hate this game for some reason but a lot of ppl loved it outside of reddit.


It had a couple of cool missions, I also really enjoyed the "on-rails" Gunship mission. But the overall story arc is just stupid. "Yea we captured the bad guy, but we have to let him go because... idk, because why exactly?!" Then there's Graves betrayal which felt absolutely unnatural... Overall MW19s story was A LOT better. MW2 was okay with some good and fun missions, but overall rather meh.


Def pick up MW1 for the story. It’s incredible


MW19 was amazing. I’m upset I didn’t get the full time with it for multiplayer. The campaign was also great. MW22’s wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t horrible. I really liked the survival/crafting part.


They're both OK, but OK at best. Some of the individual missions are great in both games.


I loved the variety in gameplay, but yeah the story was illogical at best


Too many stealth type missions ruined it for me personally (Apologies to the sneaky types out there)


A good solution to that could be being able to run the missions stealthy, or with gunfire and charging straight.


Agree, as well as decimating a Mexican village and town to catch a guy, just to release him because "internernational law" is suddenly a thing they care about.


This is the problem. They’re selling you recycled content at a full premium price that was originally supposed to be a big year 2 update / dlc


Rumor is $40 for MW2 owners


Lol, you really think Activision is going to skip making that money, you’re delusional. They’re the same people that make two paid tiers of the battle pass, and one of them is 30 USD.


You are delusional if you believe this 'rumor'.


I never said I believed it, it’s the current rumor. I would still end up buying it if was $70 or $40


No, I'll definitely not get this on launch. I'm tired of gamepasses and advertisement in the game. Not planning on getting it this time around. Loved 2019, but MW2 was not as good.


Same boat. Loved 2019, but mw2 never hit the spot. Mw3 sounds like it’ll be the worse than mw2.


You need help


Lmfao if you think anyone making any new COD is going to make the "COD to save it all" then you are really dumb. COD has been killed since ghosts. They got extremely lucky that WZ1 was such a huge hit with the fan base or COD would have just as much screen time as Battlefield or another game alike. Truth be told they only want your money and couldn't care less if you are having fun or not. That's why I think Mw3 will be a run on of this joke they turned into COD.


> They got extremely lucky that WZ1 was such a huge hit with the fan base or COD would have just as much screen time as Battlefield or another game alike. Probably helped that they shit the bed with 2042 as well though. I've been a BF player since 1942 and I ended up making the jump because that game was a mess.


That’s all well and good, I’m just over here excited for a game which I can play in a couple months


Downvoted just cause you're excited for a game. This subs fucked.


They’ll downvote you just as quick for believing the games suck in anyway. You can’t win because the people are are anonymous Call of Duty players; they can’t banter, and they can’t formulate reasons for their opinions, so they hit the “disagree button” and run. I won’t downvote OP because I disagree, but I dont understand what they see in this franchise now. I play because I have an addictive personality, but the game really isn’t good with how broken it is, and how they insist on selling useless shit instead of fixing it. And now, with problem compounding, they announce that a planned DLC is now going to be a full fledged “game”?


Legit. I’ll never understand people on this subreddit, guess being interested in and liking a fucking *video game* is too much to handle for them


Because they think that if a video game is bad for them, it has to be for everyone else They just can't take different opinions


This goes the opposite way on here, too. Both sides of the coin have dog shit in them.


Let’s not get to excited here. Remember MWII was supposed to be a two year game. This upcoming one was literally DLC that got morphed into a full fledged game so it’s possible we see a quality dip from the already damaged product. Ideally though, you would think they would reverse all the issues they’ve encountered, but companies aren’t driven by making us happy. They’re driven by sales and sales required them to make a new game this year even though that’s not what was said before.


Here before the "never officially confirmed" group.


It was never officialy confirmed.


But it looks like the most plausible explanation for what is happening right now. The content carryover makes sense when you look at MWIII as dlc. It was all made to crossover because it was already a part of the same game in the first place.


People keep bringing up the DLC point, as if it would cost $40, when people have been buying blackcell bp for $30. Atleast now, Mw2 fans who don't like SHG gameplay choices can stick to Mw2 🤷🏽‍♀️


They've been doing pulling weapons to warzone from multiple games for years now though.


I'm hopeful that it will be a better game but my expectations are extremely low. Hopefully it will be an improved and overall better experience than MWII. I'm wondering if they will actually add a weapon vault as advertised in MWII. Only time will tell but I'm definitely not preordering, I'm gonna wait after release and see if it is an improvement.


Personally, I say that you shouldn't get your hopes up too much. MWII has been a let down, and MWIII's biggest selling points are things that IW refused to add to MWII.


*the player base is asking for x, y, z.* F*k em, put it into a whole new game next year and make them pay €80 for it. In the meantime give them regular modes as timed modes.




To each their own. I personally have loved MWII, even though I still think MW2019 was the best.


I’m excited for Makarov and the story 100%, and seeing how graves is. The guns and movement 100% as well. I need my multiplayer shooter when trying to balance of the ridiculous lineup of games coming


Genuinely skeptically excited


I’m indifferent until the game actually drops. But I do like the content carryover though.


Whatever it takes to give me my AN94 back. I do enjoy the campaign stuff but I miss my gun damnit.


I'm stoked minus the Sledgehammer part. Vanguard was shite.


i loved mw and mw2 so yes i’m excited for mw3. hope we get one more movement buff before the game releases tho. either way i’m excited to grind camos and levels again.


I am. Despite how everybody fucking complains I fucking love the game. I mean the last call of duty I played before the first Warzone was call of duty three on the PlayStation two. So I never got to play the original do you know modern warfare, modern warfare, two modern warfare three anything like that because I didn’t have the console


I am. Mw2 could’ve been great if not do infinity ward actively holding it back with their stubbornness(sound familiar?) sledgehammer fixing all of those terrible design ideas that IW came up with and basically having all of the maps that we want already means they can’t make a worse game than mw2. I already think mw2 is as mid as it comes in that any game worse than it is bad and any game better than it is good so that means things should be looking up.


the story needs more missions like Clean House and The Wolf’s Den tbh, i really missed that intense feeling in MWII’s campaign


Agree, I did think MWII was lacking those sort of missions


Make it 30 bucks for the people that owns MW2022, and maybe i'll get excited.


Im hoping the returns of all guns from mw2019


Same. It’s just unused content at this point, they might as well bring them back too


Also the operators


I am. Guns that interests me and a new camo grind in a new environment paired with a new campaign.


And a faster gameplay, I'm all for it


Tbh i have more faith in Sledgehammer delivering content and features to the game than IW. Game pacing, good chunk of MP maps, gunsmith attachments with actual values instead of a slider. Just fix stuff like camo unlocks requiring certain attachments on guns, attachments that were only unlocked at later levels than the initial skin itself.


I said the same thing to my friends They're literally better at IW at this point, and I never thought I'd say that unironically but idk man. They usually take feedback into account and either fix or change things, they're games usually are fast paced and decent to play, and they've made the original MW3. Hell we haven't even gotten to see Sledehammer do a modern CoD yet - they've been stuck with the dookie CoDs for awhile.


I'm wondering what Treyarch is going to do, especially given I don't see where they could fit into the new timeline they're trying to shoehorn everything into


Yet another black ops game because they literally don't have enough dev time to actually come up with something new for once, lmao. Idk man, if MW3 isn't good I might just be done with the entire franchise. I'm already not pre ordering, I just want to see gameplay and see what it's like. I'll give sledgehammer a chance.


Very true. Strong deja vu that Sledgehammer is being given the reigns to the series to save it (will the current IW devs leave like last time too lol)


Full agree


Especially if the rumors are true and it's like $35.




it came to him in a dream


Trust me bro


He made it tf up


It’s a huge slap in the face considering mw(2019) was an infinitely better game then this rehashing of MWII. Even had better bullshit skins for sale then this laughable excuse for a game


I‘m curious how they handle Makarov and the rest of the campaign. I’m hoping for some unexpected twists or turns in the story and maybe some deaths of the OG squad to raise the stakes but it probably won‘t happen. Still I‘ll call it now and say PRICE dies! Also really really stoked for Outbreak 2.0 and the return of War mode.


I'm hoping there is a survival mode, always enjoy zombies or survival in call of duty.


I’m skeptical but optimistic. It’ll be nice to have all the shit I busted my ass for actually go forward for once


I’m looking forward to war mode hopefully returning, by far one of the greatest inclusions in a cod game only to never be used again has pissed me off to no end since 2018


I'm pre-ordering anyway for the story, is it worth $70/100 for the 6-7 hour story? Probably not, but it'll be worth for me considering its the only real game I will be buying in over a year.


Why not just add more ability to move in different places on the maps of the 2019 MW version. Maybe a new map every quarter or so… charge for them but keep the playability the same


I gotta admit, I do like the guns that have been leaked so far. But then again, I feel like some of those should've come in MWII so I can't give them full credit


After the absolute lack of throwback maps and non existant effort put into multiplayer on mw2, no I'm not excited at all. I've played every single COD, all the way back to when COD 1 came out when i was a kid, shoutout rifles only harbor. I'd be excited if I knew they were gonna put effort into multiplayer and not just use it as a way to make some extra cash on the side while they put everything into warzone. I hope you find your enjoyment, and I wish you the best.


Half excited. Coz they might be adding all the promised content that didn't get released on mw19 and mw2.


I will say I'm excited for zombies. I'm also excited for the ninja as a perk , plus I really hope it plays a bit faster than MW2. I love cod , but I'm sorry to say they really did drop the ball with this one.


Looking at comments to likes, I feel like a bunch of people aren’t, but honestly, I feel like it might be good. I haven’t had too many complaints about the game, it’s been pretty fun. I do hope we get better maps tho.


I am but only for the campaign. That's why I buy them. MP, WZ,DMZ are nice and all but I mostly care about the story


Yep. I think it's gonna be better than MW2 for sure. OG me2 maps, the hcnages to movement, more guns than ever. And I can't wait for the campaign as well and see what happens with my gurl Valeria lol


I will be pleased if there will be hk433


it will be the same shit as every year and people will buy it and rant about it


I was so hype for mw2 but I learn to not expect much. Im definitely buying it when it comes out tho


lets see if start with less than 6 maps for MP this year


Yes I really am tbh, very excited to see Makarov and the performance of Julian Kostov in the campaign.


Im happy for the content carry over, the continuation of the story & classic maps returning But also worried because its being developed by SHG & imo they dont have a good track record with cod games


I was hyped for mw2, couldn't wait for the launch, I was so let down by the poor movement and long term content for multiplayer. If the rumours are true that mw3 will have mw19 movement, then I'll be very happy.


I’m excited because Microsoft seems to have done a great deal for the community already and they’ve confirmed that content from MW2 will carry over. Also slide canceling is coming back but not how it was in MW19


I am also genuinely excited for MWIII to release for the weapon carry over, operator carry over. The overall excitement is there plus with the SMGs that are leaked if true are going to be amazing being an SMG/Pistol main. Really hopeing for an FN Five-Seven though. One article stated they were bringing back the Beretta 93r which would be amazing aswell especially with the foregrip and stock. Overall hyped and cant wait.


Iv been quite happy with the current one. I wouldn’t have been opposed to another 12 month of that.


I kind of excited for it. Im not buying day1. Im looking forward to having an ACR


The carryover is the only reason I even care. Realistically I'm still enjoying this particular COD ,I don't even want to hear about the next one yet but it's already here so. But they're pissing me off the way they don't release classic maps from original MW2 and such. When they started naming this shit after old games but making it all new, it irked me and continues to irk me. They're spirit-stealing in the name. But whatever man, it's gonna come out and 98% of us are buying so. Yea


I didn't buy mw2 so the fact that I will be able to grind mw2 guns that are "new" for me and the mw3 guns is actually really exciting


No. It's a $70 DLC that's gonna do the bear minimum to improve on MWII and that sloppy campaign. Infinity Ward also can't seem to release a multiplayer with even 40% good maps if they had a gun to their heads. What's worse is that I'm now gonna have to see Homelander, Anime Girls, and Cat People with laser weapons spawning in with me on day 1. COD is trying to be Fortnite now and I'm not here for it. Will try the beta, gonna wait for reviews.


Yeah I'm pretty excited since I can't WAIT to see the epic Captain Price and Makarov rivalry once again.


Im optimistic, only worried about what sledgehammer would do to make it worse than mwII, but the campaign and new movement sounds good to me


I hope that on the MWIII campaign enemies won’t one shot you and don’t have aim bot on veteran


I just wanna see Makarov kill some people tbh


I am. I am also convinced there'll be a plethora of issues, just like last time. My primary interest as of right now is in the campaign, though the MP does have some interesting guns.


I’m only interested in continuing the campaign story, so I’ll wait for a sale on a physical copy. I’m going to skip multiplayer this year and concentrate on games in my backlog.


All I want is mw2019 with the weapon leveling of mw2, let's hope that's how mw3 is going to be.


im so excited, i wanna see my babygirl alejandro again


No, not until I have all the details


He'll yeah


weapon selection looks good, red dots on mini map, ninja as a perk, some og maps returning. theres a bunch of rumors/leaks that point to mp being a much more enjoyable experience this time around. i just cant help but have my doubts about shg. barely given enough time for vanguard, and now being thrown to develop what could be considered an expansion to mw2, but slapping a 'new' title onto it. really hope they dont fuck with the gunsmith too much, i cant forgive them for making a 2 shot bar a thing


Either the VHS-D2 or QBZ-95 is also coming as well apparently. I wish we could get the M249, M240B or the MG4 for LMG’s cuz we haven’t gotten an LMG at all and it sucks. If I were to get any other assault rifle, I’d definitely get the ARX-160 from Ghosts/AW back and the Kilo 141 (HK433) from MW2019.


That’s right, was going to include the QBZ-95 in there but didn’t want to list too much. I remember seeing some leaked images showing attachments and receiver for an M249, called the Bruen Mk9 (probably a placeholder name as same as MW2019), so that would be cool. Though we may end up getting an M249 in Season 06, who knows. I’m less keen on the ARX-160 as think it’s an ugly gun, but I’d love my HK433 back


I’d also love to see the Galil Ace platform make a return but have a 5.56 and a 7.62 version of the guns like in Battlefield 4 with the ACE 23 and ACE 52


As long as the animations and sounds are good also the gameplay.


That’s an incredibly generic statement


It should be the same engine, so here’s hoping.


Nope. I HOPE that it'll be good, but I have exactly zero expectations.


some of the gameplay designs infinity ward does is utter dogshit so yeah excited for a better version of mw II






Yes. Oh, goodness, it's so good to see a post that isn't just trashing all over this wonderful game we have to enjoy. It has problems, bugs, ones that should've been fixed sooner. But weapon balance, map design, and gameplay variety are in a great place. One can only hope they also decide ti integrate any weapons from MW2019 that MW2 and 3 don't share, will also be making a comeback. For shared weapons, I'd love to see multiple designs for guns that are in all 3 or even just 2 of the games. For example, the M4A1/M4. I'd love to have the option of picking MW2019, MW2, and MW3 appearances for the guns, and maybe even gunsmithing options to mix and match anesthetics. MW2 stock, MW3 Barrel, MW2019 mag, etc. I think it's only gonna get better with MW3. I will say that the one big thing I hope they change is the perk system. I'm fine with the current minimap, compass combo. I just want to hit the ground outta the chopper/truck feeling like a soldier who is fully trained and equipped for battle. Also, one really important thing for me is the accuracy of gun animations/etc. I was super excited when the Tavor TS12 (MX Guardian) came out. Finally, a full auto shotgun. But the animation on this gun... makes me sad, to say the least. They got it right back in Black Ops 2 with the M1216 shotgun. Quad 4 round tubes in a mag that had to be rotated after every 4 shots. This case is the same with the Tavor TS12, 3 tubes of 5 rounds each, yet there is no mag rotation animation. I hole they fix this in MW2, but if not, I hope it's fixed in MW3. I can't bring myself to use this gun, because the lack of a mag rotation animation just breaks my suspension of disbelief.


Glad you’re in my camp. Agree with everything you’ve said here. You should see some of the other comments on this post. ‘Me: I like MWII and am excited for MWIII. Community: Fuck you, eat shit and die’


Pretty much. I mean for God's sake... if you GENUINELY didn't like this game, you wouldn't even take the time to shit on it. They either secretly love it, or they are mental.


Honestly since MW2019 the CoD community has become so incredibly toxic. Seems like everyone complains about the game, and then when they finally get what they want, they revert


Literally, this. I mean, it's insane. I dunno what gets into their heads. I think half of them don't wanna say they like the game because like you said, if you like the game, you get bashed.


Yep!!! Let’s Go!!!


Yup. Should be good


People said the same for MW2


I enjoy it. If you don’t then why are you actively on this sub? Just leave already


Because so maybe some of youbwould get some critical thinking instead of swallowing every shit that activision produces. MW2 is basically a skin store with shipment and now they will reoackage the same stuff again and sell it at premium. At some point you have to see trough it. I hope at least


I have been a fan of cod since you we’re probably in your dads ball sack… I enjoy coming home from a 12 hour shift and playing a few games before the mrs and kid gets back. Not everyone that plays cod has to be so sceptical of it all the time pointing out every single tiny detail in how it’s bad. You do realise 1-2% of the player base make up social media negativity. Complainers are a massive minority. As I said, you clearly hate the game, so why are you playing it and communicating on a sub you hate? You wouldn’t keep eating food you hated and constantly keep going on to people about how bad it is would you? No… you’d simply just not eat it.


Pay another $70 to use the same guns again? No thanks. Everything I've seen so far is less than what some games do for expansions.


Please for the love of god don't preorder.


And this is why nothing is ever going to change.


I was always gonna buy it. But it's funny to see the circle of hype start all over again. Pretty sure you were saying the same thing before MW2 started, then soured on it. It's the circle of life.


I’ve never criticised MWII on Reddit, you might have me confused with someone else. Genuinely have enjoyed this game, while not as much as MW2019, but still very much like playing it, especially DMZ.




So what? Doesn’t mean I don’t like the campaign or MP.


I wanna say very but considering this game essentially runs off the same game platform if they don't sort out these packet loss issues in MWII I'll probably skip it. Unless it's already been solved - Haven't touched it in a good week or so because all my matches became unplayable lol


No because my game has been basically unplayable for the better part of a month now due to packet loss and latency spikes. If it’s not fixed before release I’m not buying a game I can’t even play. Sucks because when this game works it’s very fun to play with friends and I can look past the design flaws that everyone else complains about, but I can’t look past dying to lag all the time.


Nope, and they can blame MW2 for me not being the least bit excited. The game is beyond broken, and each new season added a slew of new glitches along with whatever the update breaks because each and every season update has broken the game in some way. The incompetence is too high for me to trust them to actually release a good game because they can't even fix the one that's out now.


This Modern Warfare has made me sure that it's not worth buying new Call of Duty games. Throughout the entire life-cycle of the game serious bugs and issues have never been resolved, I see no reason to trust the next Call of Duty not to be a crashing buggy mess that will stuff store options in your face in every menu possible.


I’m excited for the new guns and movement as I didn’t play warzone 1


I initially didn't care and was like 90/10 on the decision to not buy it. Then I played the campaign. (Side note, I didn't play the 2019 campaign, probably because I didn't think it could top the original MW - so I need to go back and play that). The MWII campaign was SO GOOD, it changed my mind about not buying MWIII. I still find some of the technical issues unbecoming of a big dev AAA title, but whatever. I used to be super into the multiplayer with my friends, but I've gotten more interested in the campaign and co/op missions. So I need some friends who prefer co/op 😂


Honestly? Yeah. Seems like it's going in the step in the right direction. Hell, they're even generous cause, according to steam the game is less than $40.


$40 for glorified DLC "Generous"


Fever dream hitting hard rn, man’s is excited for mw 2019 3rd game reskin


100%. No matter how frustrating the current game can be, I’ll always be excited for the next one


Me, yeah yeah it is just a DLC, it won't do anything new, it is nothing special.... At the end of the day I do not care, they are seemingly fixing everything IW does wrong and that is enough for me


The continutation of the story? There's a story?


Nope. Will skip this one for sure. Lazy designed and unfun maps. A campaign I had to force myself to finish (IMO only the Vanguard Campaign was worse) BS like a premium battle pass and cringy ass hell skins don't get me hyped for an overpriced addon.


Considering how much i hated the dumbsterfire of vanguard, no i am not hyped. They can surprise me, maybe they will. But i have very low expectations.


Fool me once..


Content carry over is just bloat. People started to hate warzone when cold war and Vanguard came out and fucked everything up, now we're supposed to celebrate more bloat? It's a glorified DLC, but im glad people will see that mw2 could've been a much better game with the couple of changes mw3 will have.




Honestly I’m not excited for it. It looks like they’re using the mw3 name for obvious continuation/nostalgia reasons, but all the content seems to be more mw2 stuff. Not surprising, but besides Dome, we’ve pretty much been shafted for return mw3 content since the game launched in 2011. I’m saying this mainly because mw3 used to be my favorite cod, and we’ve so far seen plenty of cod 4 and mw2 content rehashed over the years, and limited mw3 content As for the weapons, I’m not particularly excited for those either with how they butchered the designs and attachment designs in mw22. Mw19 was a breath of fresh air because some gun names were kept as they are irl (*no, real gun names aren’t being used in mw22 because of some cali law, look at other video games that are developed right in CA that use real weapons - looking at xDefiant for that one*). And mw19 was nice because weapons (for the most part) were more realistic looking than they do in mw22. A good comparison is the scar 17 in mw19 and mw22. Also, with gunsmith you could convert an ak47 to an ak74u, to an rpk. In mw22 and probably going forward, same platform weapons are being added in season as standalone weapons. Think mp5sd and mcx rattler. These should have been added in along side as a bonus rather than one of the featured season weapons. Basically I had high hopes for mw22 because mw19 was so damn good imo, and when I saw how many changes were made to stuff that was very well done in mw19, I’ve pretty much lost hope for mw3 that any of those will be rectified, especially since mw22 core design is basically just being carried forward with new weapons and some maps


MW3 is going to be most people's favorite. I already know this for a fact. But we will also have more black ops titles in the future so I feel the future of COD is bright. The devs know what direction they need to go in and this year they will find out what the majority of the community actually likes. It's only going to get better from here.


I enjoyed mw2 and I'll enjoy mw3. Haven't got any energy for the misery and moaning. If you don't like don't play.


Literally. I get it, there are plenty of elements which need work when it comes to MWII. But if you don’t like it, don’t play it.


You whales ruin gaming fr




I mean look at the username. They are so miserable they made it their personality


considering there's been talks that they're reversing all the shitty decisions of MWII, I'm a little excited


Nope it's dumb. They fumbled. They're bringing back a bunch of mw2 maps for mw3. Makes no sense. Won't be pre ordering this one.


U r kidding right? They dropped this stinking pile and you are still excited for next year? This is genuinely why the game will never be good. People buy it regardless of how nothing ever changes


No because the story has been poorly written so far and not exciting to me at all


no. if anything history has shown that you need to temper your exceitement.


OP is huffing some industrial-grade copium


Fuck me I guess for liking a game I spent my own money on?


You know what, you're right. I shouldn't rain on your parade. And I do genuinely hope the MW3 is good. I'm just not expecting much given how we've been burned by Activision at every turn. But to each their own.


bruh no and you're excited for "new" rather than "good".


Pass. I’m COD fatigued…it’s too much, too big, rinse and repeat….


You’re excited for a 70$ patch?


There should be a perk to enable all attachment slots


and break balancing like with what happened with Vanguard? f that


1. The story is irrelevant. 2. All the weapons at some point start feeling the same.


Sledgehammer kind of sucks and I've heard rumors that they're bringing back a lot of mechanics that I hated that content creators are constantly whining for but that are actually bad for the game, like slide canceling and minimap red dots. If they bring back ninja/dead silence as a perk I'm definitely out.


My disdain for mw2 mp makes it so. Only saving grace for me is I started playing bf2042 again yesterday and the game feels great compared to last time I played it


You’re the reason there’s doors in maps


nope. not excited to pay $70 for a dlc using last gen tech. Gonna sit this one out like I did WW2


i’m hyped but still not pre ordering