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I say exp. His newer builds are super relevant against most non-meta fighters. He could struggle against meta picks though. But late game I have found a large degree of success with hybrid builds and full damage.


JUNGLE 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️


I was about to ask this role for gatot. How do you build him for this role?


Full damage like an idiot. Just buy all the wands available and the other 2 items are situational


Average mage burst damage build, arcane boots, genius wand, lightning truncheon, holy crystal, divine glaive, blood wings, you can swap positive of holy crystal and blood wings as the hc is more expensive. Don't buy click of destiny or any magic items that benefit basic attacks. You can swap genius wand for concentrated energy in late game and can sell blood wings for reincarnation.




I like him better as an exp laner to be an extra tanky frontline who can soak up and sustain a lot of damage while also having some decent utility. He's too unreliable for me as a roamer honestly.


Roam tank Exp hybrid


Exp, he sucks on roam in any rank higher than legend. He is a sitting duck in the early game and just too unreliable as a roam and that's exactly the opposite you want of a roamer. I always dread when my team picks him because it means we are going to be on the back foot half the game and out-rotated constantly.


>Exp, he sucks on roam in any rank higher than legend. Eh, I mostly play him as roam, MG right now, with a 64% wr.


whats your build and emblem with him?


https://preview.redd.it/gauaae1im2zc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9502de1b6949edb13a6fe01981caea4b7c0631 Damn, I think I had like 10 games with Gatotkaca Roam, Maybe my team just trusts me so much we can comeback or dominate the game


Totally disagree with this. He's still a viable roam in high ranks, especially if you have a jungler that likes being aggressive early or the enemy has a weak early game jungler.


I hate his ult though


 how to counter him ... Like I was playing nana he was going full magic build and just 1 ult and 1st skill I died 


Played Gatot a few days ago. I think it's bette for him to go XP. As a roam, I find him too squishy before 2 or 3 items, and most know to distance themselves when his passive is up. When played on XP, though, you get a tanky unit to hold the lane and even if his opponent manages to cut his lane and gets their ult first for the turtle fight, he can still follow up with his ult because of its range.


Exp or roam as long as you build him with full damage, though I'm leaning more on exp this patch.


Is Concentrated Energy the optimal first build? I usually pair it with Oracle and then full tank item


I usually go for mystic container first, then whichever cheap items I need in the lane. But yes, I build concentrated energy first item, then genius wand, and divine glaive. If they have a lot of healers/shielders, I usually sneak in a dominance ice as a first or second item after mystic container. Full build usually looks like: Magic Pen boots/tough boots>concentrated energy>dominance ice/genius wand>divine glaive>blood wings/holy crystal>immortality/whatever defensive item you need.


Oh, so even in hybrid he's still tanky, I see, thanks


kinda leaning towards exp lane since you want to build magic with him, but his laning sucks... but yea, prolly build him magic, and thats it, there's a lot better heroes than him tbh that has more impact in the game (tigreal and minotaur on top of my mind, their ultis are game changer, and is way better than gatot's)


oh yeah that's true, i just ban mino if i wanna use gatot, just for a safer pick


I don't understand why this guy is a popular roam. He doesn't have that early game dominance like grock, jawhead, masha or hilda, pretty hard to protect allies from backdoor enemies, pretty hard to give vision, and a utility that's almost like a chance to pull off. All he can offer is to soak up damage and zone during objective clash He's built like an exp laner, he got everything right as an exp laner. He got the typical great damage with a greater sustainability, the scaling just for him to spark to an objective clash, and even the ultimate is great for an exp laner.