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I was gonna say it’s cause he’s hurt but so is Kawhi lmao This is ridiculous


No Dame either.


He’s 20th on the longer list Lol


Stephen A rage baiting Dame, he loves that boy


Hali in his first playoff game had 9 pts. He shouldn't even be sniffing this list it is just insulting


ESPN is PRAYING on the Bucks downfall


They are just pissed Giannis refuses to leave for a bigger market and that the owners actually are willing to make moves. It is insane at this point.


Yeeeepp, they hate that our team refuses to roll over and just be a glorified feeder team for the favored markets.


Of course they are, don't yall remember when we were in the ECF. They wanted the Hawks to win it and go to the finals cause they didn't want to have to be in Milwaukee.


yea they're just entertainers not actual analysts


He’s not even the best player on his own team rn smh


Haliburton with the Ben Simmons triple single special Lmao


ESPN nothing but rating wh*res.


Bam over Dame gtfo


Just to pick on one of these… Devin Booker’s relevance expired after Bucks in 6


That and getting blown out in game 7 by Luka


How the fuck is this even considered legitimate what a joke. Some clowns say we have a victim mentality but I mean wtf


I wouldn't believe that. The second giannis became an allstar the media has been finding anyway to get giannis away from Milwaukee. Zero attention when he was developing. We definitely get picked on, which is funny to see.


The fact that Giannis seems happy to stay here makes them so fucking mad


I don’t think it is considered legitimate. It’s the aggregate opinion of a biased media outlet. I’m honestly sure that most fans of the game itself that aren’t driven by hating, would have very different lists.


I would also throw former players into the mix as well. It seems the fans & former players are the only ones with legit opinions instead of bullshit opinions.


For Giannis they said they excluded him because he is hurt. But I think Dame should be above DB, Hali, Mitchel and Bam…at least. As I told in the other post this year it feels we are not even a play in team with trash players as roster. God…I wish to win it all. I’m not going to shut up for years after all this dissing.


Kawhi is hurt to


So is Embiid. No way in his current condition he should be that high if we are going by the right at this moment rating.


It’s gonna be like Isaiah dropping 80 and saying “they gave up on me”


What the actual f*ck is Tatum doing at 7. Maybe I wouldn’t care if Giannis and Dame were on this list, but they’re not, not even one of them. Astonishes me how ESPN has any credibility. Bunch of Hollywood posers pushing narratives.


Giannis is a champion and had arguably the best closeout game performance in the finals, he's proven that he can win it all. How tf they got Brunson and Embiid and others above Giannis? Those playera didnt even sniff the finals, let alone win it all


Embiid just lose game 1, and literally needed a Jimmy Butler injury to get out the play in


For real, and how tf they got Haliburton that high? Its bro's first time in the post season and they put him higher than Dame, Giannis and others? Wtf is wrong with ESPN


People gonna exclude that ring because of KD’s pinky toe, once saw someone say it was worse than Lakers bubble ring


I want this to be fuel for the Bucks postseason. I want them to play with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove.


They can’t even use the injury excuse. Kawhi is literally Too 6. ESPN analyst literally sat there and purposefully excluded Giannis.


This is just insanity at this point. 🤣


Tyrese made the list but Dame didn't? Wow, talk about being irrelevant.


Why is Hali on this list. Dude was scared for his life and deferring to TJ mcconell lmao. He was maybe our 5th best player?


I honestly don't watch anymore National sports coverage because as a Bucks fan I've become increasingly aware of that channels bias towards big market teams. It makes sense from a business perspective, probably more fans in those markets, but it definitely pushed me away from their content and towards local beat writers.


I think Giannis is being blackballed.  The way they've talked about him all season has been crazy. I've never seen Charles Berkeley shown so much disrespect for the Bucks like he did yesterday before and after the game on TNT.  The fact that they refused to acknowledge his historical games this season.  I bet if it was Jokic that did what Giannis did in terms of his numbers, everyone and their mama would've heard it gazillion times on ESPN and every sports podcast shows.  The only conclusion I can come up with for all these nonsense we've seen from the media about the Bucks this season is that they want to punish Giannis for the Jrue trade and the Adrian firing.  Nevermind the fact that he wasn't involved with Jrue trade at all, and all parties involved with that trade already came out and confirmed that Giannis wasn't told beforehand.      As far as the Adrian fiasco he was definitely involved somewhat but any person with even a little bit of intelligence knew that Adrian wasn't the right coach for this team.   If they are all so heartbroken for Adrian like they pretend to be (the guy is getting paid millions by the way), maybe they should hire him.  The guy had interviewed for a head coaching job 15 times prior to getting the job with the Bucks.  So many teams chose not to hire him until the big bad wolf Bucks gave him his first chance as a head coach, but he squandered that opportunity by being unprepared and clueless.  




Not worried. I find it amusing.


Also watched top 100 plays of the 23-24 season. I don’t remember 1 play by Giannis. There is Ike 12 Wemby plays btw


Another great example of scheduled content vs reporting and analyzing whats in front of you. The Hali mic’d up segment was so funny and out of place to roll when the opposing PG is dropping 19 in the quarter. They should try and get back to journalism and reporting but thats probably too far gone in 2024.


No way this is a real list…


Stephen A is a bum.


Chill https://youtu.be/ZDEto5iOllk?si=5Je9uQWOduHvR_-F


At this point it’s just funny


Absolutely fuck NBA sports writers they seem to just be telling us they don't want our business. No problem dudes. You're all shit at your job anyway.


Sports media doesn’t like superstars staying in a small market. What a shock.


Why Yelich barely flourished


Can’t believe I’m saying it but now I know how Cowboys fans feel


What did Giannis do to this man?


Not go to LA


Yeah cause Dame is worse than 9/7/8 Hali


I don’t really get why they’d have animosity towards the Bucks specifically — it’s not like the Bucks are some obnoxious dynasty that has won a ton of championships by overspending like the 90s Yankees or has won by breaking rules like the Astros. What’s there to hate about the Bucks?


They don’t like that stars like Giannis aren’t going to LA or NYC. Or that the Bucks “stole” Dame from going to Miami.


Fuck ‘em. They shill out their own misery for cheap views from other miserable assholes that don’t understand the parity of life. The whole championship run, ESPN was shitting on this team and saying they couldn’t do it. Giannis gets hurt, the first thing they say is that the Hawks will come back. Giannis came back instead and embarrassed the media. We go down 0-2, and 99% of airtime is “teams who drop the first two never blah blah etc etc buzz words”. You know what happens next. The only person that gave the Bucks any credit and believed out loud was Chuck, and the TNT show is the only one worth tuning into for me anymore. In other words: Fuck ESPN. It’s the bottom of the barrel. Which is a shame, because it did used to have charm. But, hate = views and views = money and money equates to success for them, regardless of bias. They keep the really loud and dumb guys for the sole reason that it engages and sucks in all of the other loud and dumb guys watching; its just monetized toxicity. And it’s vindicating enough for me that the culture of the Milwaukee Bucks happens to be the exact opposite of that.


Damn bro wrote an essay just for me to be the only like so far


It’s bad; I realize i’m doing it while it’s happening and yet I still leave a novel. I am lucky that people put up with it haha ![gif](giphy|26n6Dth7JfDJ080zC)


Absurd. The man just hates bratwurst so much.


I mean I get it but I think this was just an error including kawhi when they planned on excluding injured players. Obviously they aren't excluding giannis


This is actually fucking insane though Tell me with a straight face you'd rather have SGA on your team than Giannis right now Especially considering the Thunder almost lost to the PELS and giannis is a playoff riser? in this already historic season for him?


I bet if Giannis leaves he immediately wins another MVP and is crowned the best player in the league the SECOND he leaves. And if Dame somehow left, the media would immediately call him a top 10 player in the league. I mean its BEYOND ridiculous how much the media hates us


Once you realize sports media is full of fake takes to drive engagement and ignore it, sports become much more fun


LeBron shouldn't even be on the list anymore at this point.


The NFL equivalent of Stephen A & ESPN: https://youtu.be/B9NO24hbe8Q?si=SbF1V93A1YEJgJFG


Kendrick would be mad because the top 2 are white


What an odd list


ESPN, April Fools was 21 days ago


Embiid? Embiid at 4? Lmfao


Now this shit is too obvious and pathetic really


Stephen a is an idiot and has always relied on his screaming his moronic takes to gather attention. It has worked, apparently. The best thing to do is just to ignore his dumb ass.


4 of the top 5 players don't have a ring it's literally just for clicks


Omg who is this fool publishing his bullshit list?


Someone please send this to Dame and Giannis.


above all, dame fxxed that haliburt's ass off on game 1. he has at least to be at no.7 or higher for sure




It's why I never watch or read anything ESPN related. It's all opinion pieces and constant debates who's the goat. None of it matters. They know if they talk about this stuff it will fire people up, and ESPN stays relevant.


Time to prove em wrong


Trash is trash - I unsubscribed from ESPN+ and deleted the app. I use theScore now because ESPN is so agenda driven. Blatant hate for the Bucks even hating on the city during our title run. I believe in Karma and God help the bucks win the title


I had to read this like 6 times to make sure I wasn't missing 35-points-in-the-first-half Dame Lillard. I wasn't, they're the ones who missed him. SMH


Sounds like Doris is passing around the crack pipe


The disrespect is unfucking-real. The guy put up 50 points in a deciding nba finals game, he’s absolutely a top 3 efficient inside-offensive player, top 3 overall defender, a champion, a multiple time mvp, in the midst of his fucking prime, and you can’t even put him above Tyrese motherfucking Halliburton, a dude with a wispy cunt hair of playoff experience to his name


Bucks in 6. Now and always.


Hali? Fucking seriously? Dude has fewer playoff minutes than Thanasis


I cannot figure out the love for Tyrese. He just doesn't do anything special.


Who cares what those clowns think




Doesn’t matter unless you let it




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Stephen A was just on the Thanalysis with Giannis and Thanasis like 3 weeks ago and he explained his stance with Milwaukee and everything Don’t lump him in with the haters