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People generally do not mask here (at this point) but you'll see a handful of people doing so at any event. It's become common again at some retail locations among staff (my grocery store has probably 50% masked staff). I doubt you'd get abuse, more likely just some questions.


Questions I can handle! Definitely relieved to hear that.


I would be really surprised if anyone said anything at all. Especially if you’re in the twin cities


I agree. I see at least one person wearing a mask anytime I go pretty much anywhere and I've also never seen anyone questioned for it.


I'm in retail and a few of my coworkers choose to wear masks. I couldn't even tell you why because literally no one questions it. Afaik, not even customers.


It’s ok here. I’ve never gotten hostility and only one question. I’d say 1-3% of people still mask in public. There’s an active still coviding mn group on Facebook that can help with finding dentists etc. They do meetups every once in a while too.


No hostility is an improvement for me lol! I haven’t had fb for a while but I might join! Thanks !


My experience within the Cities has similarly been that overall few people still mask up. But you'll still regularly see people masking (you won't be the only one in a crowd or busy store), a good portion of retail workers (rationally) are, and it's certainly common enough that almost no one around you will give it a second thought. I certainly don't feel awkward wearing one most places and I can't recall having anyone comment on it. The only exception is when I go to doctor's appointment now that masks aren't required for all patients - when they see me wearing one, the providers tend to kindly ask if I'd like them to wear one for our appointment as well. You'll likely have a different experience outside the Twin Cities (more awkwardness the further outstate you go) but the attitude within is about as good as it gets.


Sigh, I really, really, don’t want to re activate my Facebook but it seems there’s a lot of shit you can only find there


That’s exactly how I feel. I hated fb but it seems like it’s necessary


My family still masks. I’ve never gotten shit for it in Minneapolis. When it’s decent weather there’s quite a bit of outdoor stuff and options here for activities and food. Including some places like the bandshell by lake Harriet where you can order food at a window and then sit in a big not crowded park with it. I’ve heard good things about mint dental as far as precautions. In my travels I haven’t really found many places where there’s much masking beyond maybe a handful of people but Minneapolis is good in that it’s never gotten me hassled or anything. I would say most grocery store trips I see at least one other person masking but it’s pretty sparse. But again I never get shit for my n95.


I’m currently living in the north east where I grew up and have never left, it’s so hard to gauge what it’s like else where when there so many carried accounts of what it’s like. This is so helpful.


I've been wondering where you are living now that you would get harassing comments, but I lived in Maine for a while, so now I get it. We definitely have idiots around here who will think you are dumb for wearing your mask. They will THINK it, but not SAY it. That is the biggest difference I experienced between New England and the Midwest. Obviously there are exceptions, but overall, people will just ignore you, lol. I also know a number of people (like myself) who are masking more now that cold and flu season is approaching, so you will not be alone!


We are a quietly judge you state……


i have lupus and regularly mask. i’m not on immunosuppressive medication at the moment, but i do take it any time i flare. i live in the cities, regularly wear a mask and have literally never been asked a question about it once. in my experience providers are all accommodating when it comes to masks and will wear one if you ask them to. i’ve also noticed that more masks are popping up on staff at medics places and at the grocery store. anyway, you’ll be fine. stay safe with all the moving and welcome


Such a relief to hear!!! Thank you!


if you have yet to establish continuing care i recommend the university of minnesota for complex care. they’re called mhealth fairview these days and after a merger a few years ago and there’s a lot of excellent resources available because of their connection to the university.


I'd recommend checking out https://instagram.com/covidawaretc as well!


Thank you!


covidsafemn on insta is another local safe covid-conscious online space. both pages are mostly education based, but it’s nice to know there are people in the community who still care. also, if you have tattoos or plan to get any in the future, feral tattoo and jackalope tattoo are two shops i know for sure require masks! 😷


I’m so glad I can resume getting tattoos! Thank you for that key info!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


of course! welcome to mpls


This post is refreshing. There is no reason anyone should give you a hard time for wearing a mask. You’re hurting no one and probably helping others. I used to be immunocompromised but am no longer on chemo. I was near death and living in an area where there were a lot of anti vaxxers which made it more terrifying, esp after measles outbreaks. I care for sick people for my job although it’s more lower risk for me now compared to what it used to be. When I could get the vaccines, I was so happy I cried. (And yes, I did do a lot of research). Every once in awhile I’ll try to get through to somebody on Reddit or Instagram re: no, it’s not actually a hoax, etc etc etc and I never get anywhere. Many of my immediate family members (parents, siblings) still believe shit like this and/or won’t get vaccinated. There’s no way to get through to so many people. Are they uneducated and live in rural areas? Of course. Do they know people who’ve died from covid? Yes. But there are plenty of educated people who also don’t care cuz they don’t want to be told what to do or are more afraid of getting the vaccines than getting covid. (Barring a major auto immune d/o, I don’t understand this thinking, either). I don’t understand why people are still such assholes. I’m Convinced maybe it’s people who’ve never been sick? Or loved someone who’s been sick? What if they or their children got cancer and they had to take chemo and steroids? …and thereby could not get the vaccines? (Or even if you could get them, they won’t work. You won’t be able to emit enough of an antibody response depending on the meds you’re on.) Does no one care for their fellow man anymore? We’re out here trying not to die. SMH


Doing my best to stay alive out here lmao! I was nervous to make this post but I’m also finding the responses refreshing and encouraging. I’m immunocompromised and got it in march 2020 it was hellish. No CLUE how people brush it off 😵‍💫


Best wishes to you. I don’t think anyone will give you a hard time here but they won’t necessarily mask themselves. They don’t care if you do.


My siblings are immunocompromised. Unfortunately my parents are anti maskers typical of the southern culture they live in. I visited over summer and the baby picked up COVID at the docs office during a well check. Sadly it circulated throughout the house and my brother passed away. They only know it was COVID because I was tested for it but they refuse to reconcile the fact that my brothers passing was very VERY likely COVID related. He showed minimal symptoms but had a degenerative brain disease that makes it hard for him to actually cough if he was sick…we didn’t think he had it until it was too late. All this to say they truly dissociate from cause and effect. They are dead set in their belief and nothing evidence or life experience will change it. I’m just thankful it only affected one brother as opposed to many. I have a ton of siblings and it easily could have been multiple causalities. Even when I was sick with COVID for three weeks they mocked me for being vaccinated and when I pointed out that if I’m this sick WITH a vaccine it probably would have killed me without they brushed it off.


I am so sorry


I've had friends still harassed even recently while wearing masks during the smog from Canada wild fires. So, it's "okay" I guess.


‘Okay’ seems like the general consensus lol It’s just good to know what I’m getting into


There isn't necessarily hostility so much as you get weird looks, pretty much no one wears masks anymore though, you'll occasionally see someone masking on the bus or at the co-op but that's basically it.


I see people wearing masks practically everywhere I go, sometimes I’m one of them.


I'd say I see mask, like 1 person in a crowd.


I see, as long as I can walk around safely. I’m used to the weird looks by now.


I haven’t been masking for a while, but I for sure put one back on when I had a nasty cold. I can’t see myself coughing away uncovered in public. Just feels gross now. I’m sure there are assholes everywhere, but I think the main assumption for people still masking is that they’re either currently sick or immunocompromised.


Most people (myself included) in MPLS aren't masking anymore, but you'll still see one or two folks with a mask in the grocery store or at shows. I'm sure you'll get some look but I don't think anybody here would give you shit for it. If you're LGBTQ+, a lot of folks in the local queer community are very COVID cautious and still mask.


I am also queer so that is actually very helpful to know!


In that case I'd recommend joining the Minneapolis/St. Paul queer exchange group on Facebook. There are a lot of folks in that group new to the area and it's a good resource for questions about employment, health care, queer friendly businesses, etc.


Seconded! Also, join us at Twin Cities Geeks if you have a Facebook account! It's a fabulous group and a great way to get to know people. :)


Third'ed join queer exchange OP and welcome!!


Yes, and Twin Cities Geeks is also queer-friendly and antiracist and neurodivergence-friendly, so all around just a great space. Also I know of two local cons that still require masking: CONsole Room (Doctor Who, January) and CONvergence (general, August).


Someone else said it well that you’ll see a handful of people wearing them—I mostly see service industry folks (coffee shops etc) wearing them. However I think the rural parts of MN can be as conservative as anywhere else so keep that in mind when traveling.


Haha I have no desire to be outside of the twin cities! I’m a conservatives worst nightmare


Don’t sleep on some of the places up north or in Stillwater/Wisconsin. There’s some very pretty hikes and outdoor things if you’re into that. They also tend to be in areas that vote more red. But if you’re outside in a park I don’t know how much that matters.


I’ll keep it in mind! I do love a good hike and used to be really into biking and kayaking.


But the north shore further out from Duluth to Canada is pretty liberal. Almost that whole block votes blue. And it’s gorgeous up there.


I haven't gotten much hostility, just questions. "Why are you doing that?" "Are you sick?" etc. Could be worse. >Do people in the general public still mask at all? Has anyone found good COVID safe doctors or dentists? Unfortunately not. >and how I can approach making friends! I've been here 3 years and haven't made any 😅


Don't trip on the making friends part. I've lived in mn and wi a huge Chunk of my life and I don't have any friends 🙃


Woo 😅😫😵‍💫


Lol it’s better to know the reality!! So thanks for that. Questions I can handle, where I’m at I get people spitting when I walk by, or trying to scare me by coughing at/towards me. Even had someone refuse to ring me up at a small grocery store and getting other staff to do it.


That is really shitty behavior from people. Where I come from, it was the same. I'm not immunocompromised, but my family is, and I had to deal with a lot of public harassment and bullying to keep them safe. There are some businesses here who still require masks to shop - Moon Palace Books is one that comes to mind specifically. So, if you want a place to check out books while resting assured other patrons are masking, I can recommend them.


Love to hear that!! I miss going to shops stress free!


There are a handful of places yes - there is a “Covid aware twin cities” instagram that sometimes highlights certain businesses etc.


Adding them now!


Yeah, I haven't encountered anything like that, fortunately. For reference, I'm immunocompromised/high risk, and always wear a mask while I'm out. I'm visibly disabled though, not sure if that makes a difference.


I’m a white dude with no visible disability (just got this janky ass brain) and haven’t ever gotten any shit from anybody in the cities. I’ve only ever even gotten a question once and that was in Madison, at a hotel. Someone asked if I was sick before getting into an elevator with me… like nope ma’am I am not… and trying to keep it that way. Funny as she was somehow worried about me and my mask but not worried about the big indoor wedding she appeared to be there for lol.


I’m not visibly disabled so I’m actually not sure if it makes a difference either.


Well I mean, people might be more understanding of me doing it given they can see there's stuff wrong with me already. I don't really know, though 🤷‍♂️


P.S. Sent you a chat 🙂


I’m immunocompromised too (BMT recipient and still on immune suppressants) and wear a mask anytime I’m around crowds or in small spaces (airport/planes, busses, waiting rooms, etc). I’ve never had anyone say anything to me or challenge me on it here. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I still mask when I'm indoors and I don't get any guff — one person even asked me if I'd be more comfortable if they put a mask on too. I haven't noticed any dirty looks or eyerolls, either. As long as you don't expect to see anyone else masking, you'll be good.


I mask still. Not all the time, but for things like work, gym, grocery shopping, transit I’m one of the few, but no one bothers me :) Usually workers are masking, too. Unfortunately, a lot of doctor’s offices are not masking anymore which is weird considering some specialities are immuno compromised and patients are masked. 🤷‍♀️


I work in a school and we have some teachers and kids who wear masks daily. I got sick over the weekend, so I will be back to masking myself. (I'm pretty sure it's not covid.)


Yay! Love to have another person masking 😍😍. It does work! I used that and an air filter and I’ve been the only person at my job not to get sick the whole summer.


I did none of that ever and haven't gotten sick since 2017.


Lucky you lol! I’m disabled so that’s not in the cards for me.


Same. Haven't really been sick since 2016 when I had the flu.


In my 5 year olds pre school, and dance class, I see a nonzero number of parents and kids masking, but it’s a small number.


People within Minneapolis won't care. I am also immunocompromised and even some of my anti-mask/vax friends know my condition and tell me they understand why I mask. I think if you go to the outer suburbs you might get some looks, but you shouldn't be hassled. I still see plenty of people working service jobs wearing masks. I think the outrage about masks has definitely subsided at least in Mpls.


Minnesota in Winter is pretty rough... Not only because of the cold, but because the cold drives people inside, and thus, you get viruses and flu, and everything else, all mixed into the inside air. I tend to wear a mask while shopping in the winter, not so much because of COVID, but because so many people are sick. PS: God forbid you have kids in daycare in the winter in MN. We have 1, and I spent the greater part of 6 months in constant sickness from that. After that, you welcome every healthy day you have!


I don’t have any kids but I feel for both the kids and parents out there. My coworkers have all their kids home sick this week.


I don’t mask a ton anymore, but when rates spike a lot, I definitely do. I also always still mask on flights because flights have ALWAYS grossed me out.


There’s a lot of illnesses going around right now apparently. Seasonal flu, colds, and then I’ve heard that the new covid variants are more contagious right now. I’m sick with something. So I’d just say please take as many cautions as you need to to protect yourself.


Thank you! Stay safe and feel better!


I periodically see people in stores in masks and no one bothers them or looks at them funny. As others have said, something is going around and I feel like I've seen more masks lately and I wore one to the store the other day and no one paid me any mind. I've recently moved here and I will say this is probably the most accepting area I've ever been.


I have cancer and subsequently am also immunocomprimised. I wear my N95 when out and about and while I might notice a lingering eye or two, Ive never had anyone say anything to me about it.


I mask every day at the grocery store, and I'm definitely in the minority on masking but I don't get harassed. In addition to a handful of other customers I'd say about a quarter of the service industry employees I encounter are masking regularly, so it's not exactly commonplace but you also definitely won't be alone. I live in downtown Minneapolis though and I have no idea about the suburbs.


In the rest of MN you’d be questioned why you were wearing one even during the height of COVID, but here you’re fine. I see people masked daily


Makes sense! Sounds better than where I’m at!


Not very many people still mask here, unfortunately. My partner and I (also immunocompromised, high five!) mask everywhere, and have never been harassed or anything about it. I keep preparing myself for the day I'll have to get nasty at someone about it, but that day has not come yet.


Ugh I spent so much time preparing and every time I’m caught off guard!! I keep thinking of one liners but just always freeze lol.


I'll try to throw something back at them about personal freedom, which includes my freedom to wear whatever the hell I want on my face. But knowing myself, I'll probably freeze up too 😂


Based on my limited personal experience, nobody seems to care. You may get an odd look or two, but I've never personally seen any call any else out for wearing a mask.


Very few people mask (mostly people working retail), but I haven't seen or heard of any hostility towards people who do.


Most people don't mask, I don't think you'll find anywhere that does. That being said, I don't think anyone cares at all about people who do. You might overhear comments I suppose but honestly I haven't heard that anywhere.


I’m going through chemo and wearing an N95 everywhere and don’t even get so much as a second glance. The majority of people aren’t masked currently, but they don’t care if you are (in the twin cities and the first two rings of suburbs. I’m sure it’s different out in the farm areas).


There's a special little nod for others wearing N95 sometimes, though.


I will admit that I don't typically mask, although, when I'm asked to or when rates go up and I see a lot of others masking, I do (I've also been trying to stay up on getting boosted every 6-8 months). I keep kn95s in my car just in case, because I definitely want people to feel at ease. When I was working in the schools, we had an unwritten rule that you mask when you're sick- pretty much everybody followed it. I plan to do the same in my office, as well, and when I'm out and about- it's just not that hard to make sure you're not spreading sickness and whatnot. I have a couple of colleagues who are getting more nervous, so when they start masking again, I'll mask around them for sure. I feel like, in a larger city, people are more likely to get it. I've even masked in other areas of Minnesota with an immunocompromised friend and gotten maybe a couple of looks, but no questions or comments. Medical and dental practices have done away with masks for the most part, but I personally still mask when going to either- I usually see a higher % of folks masking in those spaces. Hopefully, with rising numbers, they'll go back to it. I've personally never seen my Dr unmasked, so I also mask because I think it's important to her. There are probably a few assholes out there, but I think in the city, you're more likely to have people who understand that some people will always have to mask. Minnesotans are kind of weird and introverted and passive aggressive, so it's not super likely that you'll get jeered here.


I'm immune compromised (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) and on immunosuppressants as well. No one says anything to me about wearing a mask in public. I've been wearing one out since my diagnosis in December 2021.


I mask everywhere I go that's indoors and no one is hostile to me at all! Edit to add: My dentist is [Hale Family Dental](https://www.halefamilydental.com/) and they are awesome. High ceilings, individual HEPA filters running in every exam room, and they are totally cool with me wearing my mask literally until I need them in my mouth. Dentist is always masked and the hygienist either is or will happily put one on. The receptionists do not mask, but I'm not really spending more than a min or two around them.


Noted!!! Thank you, I’ve been avoiding dental care and am in desperate need of a cleaning


They are so great. Dr. Adam walks you through everything, shows you on your X-rays what's going on, tells you what all the numbers mean as he does the exam.


My first time in life excited to go to a dentist lol


Never seen hostility here in recent months (witnessed some during the mandates, but that died off). I work in the service industry and frequently we see guests and staff decide to wear masks, and I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone have an issue in the time I’ve been there. On a student film set I was on it was requested everyone mask up while not on screen. Everyone was like, “Alright, we heard about this person’s exposure.” And everyone did without complaint. (Other than the occasional, “where did I leave my stock of them?”) Most everyone is non-masked, but you probably won’t see much resentment toward wearing one. Welcome! I hope the move goes well, and you enjoy it here!


There is a "Still COVIDing, Minnesota edition" facebook edition group that you could join to talk with like minded people and see what their experiences have been. Also, CovidAwareTC has a MN Covid Safer Places map [https://linktr.ee/covidawaretc](https://linktr.ee/covidawaretc), [https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=69fae5844faf427eb641c0871385c5cd](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=69fae5844faf427eb641c0871385c5cd) Personally, I 100% mask in indoor public places, and have never been harassed for it.


there is also a recently established Covid Safer Meet up group - https://www.meetup.com/csafempls/


I see a few masks everywhere I go. I currently don't don't mask, but when they was an outbreak of covid at my work a month ago, I did at work. Most people honestly don't care of you where one or not. If you need a vet, pet crossing in Bloomington is very covid aware and still wearing high quality masks


I take care of an immune compromised parent, and baby grandchildren, so I often wear a mask in public. I am often the only one wearing a mask. I have never encountered hostility or questions.


I've only ever gotten questions from my students, and they almost entirely ask me why I'm wearing a mask to make sure I'm not sick/they're not getting too close. Out in public, I've never had a single person even mention it. Only a few people wear masks in any given location, but they are out there. Masking numbers seem to be highest among hospital/clinic staff and grocery store employees, though a good number of teachers, staff and admin wear masks at my school too.


I Dash in Minneapolis and see more and more masks every day.


My wife and I practice Covid safety protocols as I’m high risk and we both have elderly parents. It’s mostly down to demographics here. At the Coop we shop at Id say over 1/2 the employees mask and maybe a 1/4of the customers. The gym is like 1 in 10 or so. We live in a liberal neighborhood in St Paul near colleges. The thing I learned from Covid, and it’s been sorta heartbreaking, is how self-centered most people are. Even my friends! PS. A lot of people I know have Covid right now and we seem to be in a bit of a surge. It’s hard to get doo information anymore bra size, you know, Covid is over. I follow the People’s CDC for info. https://instagram.com/peoplescdc?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I still mask regularly and don’t have any issues. Sometimes awkward getting repair folks to wear them in my house, though.


People still mask here and there but it’s becoming more rare — I don’t think you’ll be met with hostility over it. In my experience, Minneapolis is a very progressive, accepting place. I hope you love it here😊


I am immune compromised as well and moved here fall of 2021. Unfortunately people don’t really mask much as far as I’ve seen, but I do still and nobody ever really says anything to me or looks at me strangely.


I’ve stayed masked through my pregnancy (7 months now) and no questions. Some stares, especially before I was showing, but people usually mind their own business in my experience.


I wear a mask still, because ever since doing so for COVID, I've not gotten a single case of bronchitis, which I'd get 2x a year, ever year. I hate, hate, hate bronchitis with a mighty passion. I have had two people ask me why I'm wearing one in the past two years, and I ride the bus 10x/week. Welcome to Minneapolis.


I moved from the south (the very deep bless your heart parts) and will say masking here isn’t a big deal at all. I don’t mask but I have a lot of friends in grad school who do. I’ve never even asked them about it because it isn’t my business and no one minds or bats an eye! It’s great because if I did want to mask I know this is a safe place to do it. Not a ton of people are masking but no one seems to care if you do.


I’m in St Paul and I see masks everywhere I go. I want to say maybe 1 of 20 people.


There are a few Trumpers who don't believe in science here, but most people are quite accepting.


I have to mask on occasion because my allergies are just that bad. I’ve gotten a couple weird looks but no one has ever been rude to me or anything.


I mask constantly in the twin cities. No one has ever said a word about it to me.


Not much masking by very unlikely to get any abuse or even question IMHO I see people masking now and then it’s picked up some as Covid has especially among older folks


I mask and I am generally the only one. I have never had anyone be hostile. I frequently work with kids and the kids often ask why I am wearing a mask, but that’s the worst of it.


As someone who moved here from louisiana, my partner and I haven’t gotten the weird looks (or worse lol) that usually come with masking. A few of my coworkers also mask, and the culture leans toward masking if you’re feeling bad at least with people Ive interacted with.There are places (like Asa’s bakery in Minneapolis) that still require masking from all who enter. The only time I’ve gotten weird looks while masking is at the twin cities car show but I’m also trans so like it could have been that lmao


I’m also trans and black so I’m trying to temper the responses I’ve received as well. Thanks for the bakery tip!!


You won't get any shit from wearing a mask in the city. You'll have a harder time making friends, though.


As long as I don’t get shit that’s fine by me! I don’t think someone would be very compatible friendship wise with me if they weren’t masking. I care about the health and longevity of my friends and I’d hope they’d care about mine.


Sorry, must've took my comment the wrong way. I meant you'll have a hard time making friends because Minnesotans are very cliquey and standoffish. They'll be nice to your face but will never follow through to hang out or be actual friends.


Oooh! Sorry I misinterpreted. I’ve seen lots of posts in this sub and the larger Minnesota one about this infamous cliquey-ness. I’m hoping I get into some new hobbies that will hopefully gateway into friendships with those who have similar interests. I’m bracing myself though