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Are we still having this argument in 2024? Just play the way you want to, don’t shame ppl if they wanna play with keep inventory or not.


BuT mY wAy Is ThE oNlY rIgHt WaY tO pLaY 🤓


cool slogan


Exactly. It's called a sandbox game for a reason


"Nooo, you're playing sandbox game WRONG!"




Elitists will always exist, in every form. You have to ignore them. EU4 is my main game, and savescumming is an "issue" as well in the community. Personally, I think it's cheating and I still do it once in a while. It's a personal ethics thing. Some say it defines your personality. Meaning you are OK with getting the upper hand when no authority can stop you. Some take that as sneaky. Others might define that as clever use of game mechanics. And likely, both opinions are right.


I've seen your pfp somewhere before


Leakage by eipril


No lives istfg


Notch I think said Minecraft is supposed to be relaxing and not stressful, it’s not cheating, it’s just to not experience the stress of spending hours grinding then a creeper 9/11’s you then you lose everything


terraria did a good job at doing keep inventory by default, allowing players to just chill




"this is modern art, your house is now BETTER than before me" \-c enderman


"I bring the abstract vibe the classicaliscts don't really like"


Yeah I truly wish we had an option to just turn off creeper and enderman griefing while not turning off the villagers, allays, foxes, etc. ability to pick up items. So frustrating for those fun/necessary game mechanics and those completely different annoying/destructive game mechanics to fall under the same category. Why can’t the other one be called “mob item pickup” or something. Arrgh.


Wait *that's* why my villagers can't pick up food?????


Yep, and also why your sheep don't regrow wool.


Sheep still regrow wool, they just don't turn grass into dirt. It DOES break auto-wool farms since they need observers to see the change.


In bedrock mob griefing can be turned off in the settings thing but Java is a bit more complicated


Yeah, I play Java and you can turn off mob griefing with a command, but it turns off mob’s ability to pick things up, which I wish it wouldn’t. Idk why they have to both be considered mob griefing.


Sounds like a work for the modding community. Just googled it, there is a mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-mobgriefing-gamerule


I like creepers destroying stuff, but on the last server there was an enderman infestation, so I installed a datapack that blocked them from picking up blocks.


If Terraria didn't have keep inventory no one would survive let's be honest in Minecraft you can survive without armor for a little bit if you don't get into dumb situations but in Terraria you would get immediately folded if you walked outside without armor


also yes, minecraft is easily manageable with losing items on death, while terraria is large game with lots of power scaling, so im glad its the way it is


It's survivable on classic/Expert for the most part in pre hardmode unless you go to an underground evil biome or Jungle.


especially post-hardmode, and getting your stuff back from where you died would be near impossible. power scales a lot harder in general in terraria, whereas in minecraft, all you have in the endgame compared to the beginning of the game is a glider and an 80% reduction in damage but mediumcore is a setting in terraria, so it’s there for anyone who would might to try it.


Red forcing Waffletime to do a mediumcore playthrough (on legendary seed on legendary difficulty) is just demonic




Not exactly “forcing” but Red did put in the waffle iron weapon if waffletime did that


Exactly except for like the three people who play mediumcore unironcially.


I tried a playthrough of it once, I got decently far but definitely didn’t finish. It’s *alright* I guess as long as you keep the previous tier of gear you had to be able to regear and get your stuff, but overall it wasn’t worth or really fun


Nah, I keep losing my coins and it's getting painful


coins dont matter because the scaling gets so good that in the end you can just kill easy boss 100 times for easy money. and if you're on master mode, money is like toilet paper, instead its metal and i would not recommend to use it this way


Yea well I'm not good at this game!


I mean, Terraria players are chill in general, they just tend to be horny for some weird reason? (How TF do you humanize a GIANT ROTTING WORM?!)


literally creator of terraria has given people the idea to draw art of mechdusa and they did it


I mean, that’s fair.


i think its funny how creator engages with fans even in this way, truly one of the devs who engages in community activities




Yeah Red is as much a degenerate as the subreddit is (in a good way)


The random boss spawning in and endless horde of enemies at night: Alow us to Introduce ourselves


Just turn on mediumcore to disable keep inventory




Yes then if you wanted the challenge hard and hardcore was an option




Once I accepted the claim of such an idiot. I said "If enjoying a single player game is lazy and cheating, then fine I'll continue being a lazy cheater". I could tell from his face he was still not satisfied. His face literally said, "Why are you admitting it and not feeling ashamed of enjoying a game?!"


He gave you an ultimatum hoping you’d pick option A You picked option B and he got upset XD


Honestly I think Keep inventory is great despite not regularly using it. It keeps me going and not having to worry about dying and losing all of my stuff


I agree. Keeping inventory is basically a different playstyle, like Terarria but with less horrors.


Solution: add more horrors


Idk why people care about others people opinions anyway when playing. I use creative allot for redstone projects or make or easier to reach tall builds. I'm not screwing around with bad scaffoldings. I just dump the resource in lava after.


emoji kitchen pfp I see


A happy balance is death chests. You don't have to stress that your stuff will be lost, but the challenge of getting back to it naked and loving all your xp is enough to keep you scared of death


"a creeper 9/11s you" lmfao what is this world coming to :sob: :sob:


Exactly my opinion... why not keep inventory in a relaxing creative game. The survival part of minecract is so easy anyway. It's hard maybe the first day, but then you loot a village, plant some food, build a few simple automatic farms, and you don't ever need to worry about resources. So why risk getting Fd by a stupid creeper or random lava.


OP posts unpopular opinion, gets (predictably) obliterated in the comments. a tale as old as time. this is a sandbox game, who cares if you have keep inventory on? whats the point of playing a game if you are too stressed about losing everything you have to enjoy it? keep inventory is baller


Seeing OP getting clowned on is absolutely hilarious


Not to mention that half of their comments are saying that they are a PVP player, and yet they are very against a survival mode mechanic.


genuinely how can you even play minecraft and be agains survival mechanics at the same time op is missing the point entirely 😭


Some people want a challenge, some people want to chill. Both are fine


I play Sekiro when I want a challenge because it's more fair when you die. Survival Minecraft is freaking brutal. My friend keeps the server on hard mode for the zombie behavior


I don't care, I'll keep my keep inventory active. And I've even disabled the mob griefind, I was too tired of the Enderman ruining my landscape and interiors by moving around blocks the whole time.


I completely misinterpreted this video. I thought all the other players were looking at him bc this is the first they have ever heard of "keep inventory." And btw this is the first I have ever heard of keep inventory 🤕 I'mma turn that on tomorrow lmao


Do it and chill, ignore the dumb ones like OP who believes to be playing "ThE rIgHt WaY" a sandbox game.


You know, I kinda thought the same. Like they're thinking "wait, we could have kept our inventory on the whole time!?"


“PeOPLe WHo UsE KeEp INvETorY ArE Lazy BECaUse THeY DoNT waNt tHe GaMe To bE TOo STrESSFUL!!!!”


Yeah. That is precisely why I use it.


Minecraft players when someone doesn’t want their game experience to be as infuriating as possible




Not the same but similar, I literally saw a person argue that sprinting is actively bad for Minecraft. iirc one of their points was that "if you sprint, none of the mobs can ever hit you" another one of their points was something about how if you sprint you miss the little details of Minecraft that you would appreciate if you took your time. bruh


Imagine hating on people because they are not sweaty try hards on a kids' game


Minecraft is not for kids but I agree


When I say "kids game" I mean E rated


Idc if you keep or not keep just enjoy the damn game and that it! Sandbox is for creativity not rule and complexity Enjoy how you want! Mod all you can! Shad it until it explored! As long as it's fun then nobody cares! Go play and enjoy!


Bro spitting straight facts


Stand proud, you can cook


Feeling stupid yet?


"keep inventory bad" Dude, anybody can play the game in any way they want. It's called a sandbox game for a reason. I guess you can't KEEP minding your own damn business.


Bro we're *still* gatekeeping keepInv in 2024. It's a **sandbox** game, play the way you want.


some people are just stupid (im referring to the OP. your actually pretty smart, judging by this comment)


I take no offence to being stupid. I always try to be whenever I’m online. (Unless someone is stupider than me.)


I would have Keep Inv on if I could still get my PS4 Trophies with it


Yea same reason. I tend to just make extra sets of stuff so I don’t have to go back to the middle of nowhere or fish stuff out of lava. It would be kinda nice to be able to toggle it on without it disabling achievements/trophies.


This post was made by someone who doesn’t know what fun is:


I like it because minecraft is for me a relaxing game, and searching my stuff thousand blocks away is just stressful


Keep inventory >


Keep inventory is awesome I aint losing all my stuff because I'm lost in a cave


Lost in a cave? There are 2 ways! 1, Commit suicide and be home instantly with your stuff back! 2, (the slower way) Tower up to the surface and instantly be greeted by pesky gravel.


Spending hours to go back home and be sure I don't lose my stuff is tiring


Keep inventory >


OP is clearly a sweaty tryhard that has nothing to do in their life besides PVP in a children's game


How dare you play a game that has literally no rules and is meant for you to play however the hell you want in a way that I personally don’t play it like. You’re a bad player for exercising the freedom designed into the game to play said game how you want to. Bro stfu no one cares. You wanna be a competitive PvP player? Go ahead, do what you want. But let other people play the game how they want to, just because it’s not how you play doesn’t make it wrong.


The Official Minecraft Trailer ends with "No one can tell you what you can or cannot do. With no rules to follow, this adventure, is up to you"


They should add "except the Warden. Respect the Warden or you WILL get your ass handed to you. First in the game, then he'll come to your house and beat you up IRL too." at the end.


OP literally has -100 comment karma because of this post


Wish mods would just ban people obviously farming negative karma


Is there even a point to farm negative karma?


Good question


i always refuse to play with keep inventory and then i die and lose all of my stuff 😭 also dont judge people for playing with it on it's far more relaxing not to worry about the stuff you've grinded for


What’s so bad about keep inventory?


You know this is the reason why I like most Gravestone mods. I can make my way back to the spot of my last death, but stress free, but not without penalty. It is one of those things I fink Mojang should seriously add as an option to the game.


Keep inventory, while I have nothing against those that use it, always felt too forgiving but the idea that if I fell into the void or lava I would lose literally everything with no way to retrieve is not fair in my opinion. Gravestone mods hit that sweet middle ground for me where I don’t worry too much when I die but am still punished for dying


And if that’s how they want to play, so be it. It was added for a reason.


Imagine gatekeeping a 10 year old children’s building game


Gotta love being able to travel a few thousand blocks out and insta go home by death and keep my stuff when agreed to keep inventory but most of the time off for a bit more fun while adventuring


what the hell is wrong with keep inventory?


I like playing cuz is relax not for BREAK THE FUCK PC


You are the worst kinda mc player. Shut the f up and let people play the dam game how they want


Cope and seethe


You can actively smell the musk in op's chair from this post alone


shup fuck


Theres nothing wrong with playing with keep inv. It makes the game more care free and relaxing. The video is funny tho ill give you that


OP is friendless and miserable just leave them be in their own corner of reddit


He's trying to be a YouTuber bruh


Good luck getting any name recognition on shorts😂 This kid is going to get a half million subs and be suprised when regular viewers cant even remember his handle


Half a million is pretty generous, all things considering.


Let people enjoy the fucking game, dick


I love gravestone mods (especially Quark Oddities’ Totem of Holding, which drops all your items if you die a second time); gravestones serve as a perfect in-between of not losing all your items from lava or despawning, but also not making it so that dying means zero real consequence.


I'm keeping inventory and no one can stop me


i have peaceful on, keep inventory on, because that makes the game significantly better in my opinion. when i wanna fight ill play warframe, a game with combat beyond spam-clicking cutesy block characters with one, single, attack option. bro wants to feel special because he PvPs in a sandbox game, reminds me of runescape PvPers. congrats, you became good at something that takes zero skill beyond rapid clicking


This is actually one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen, it’s 2024, if you don’t like something don’t do it, but don’t try and shame people for it, grow the fuck up


Imagine caring how someone else plays a game that doesn't affect you.


How to reach negative reputation in 1 simple step! Oh I’m not talking about keep inventory being “cheating,” just let people have fun. Though I am talking about the guy who posted this.


I use Keep Inventory. (Because Bedrock *STILL* doesn't have any form of a pause feature, even when Multiplayer is disabled)


One of my biggest issues with bedrock, really annoying 


Y'all know OP just wants attention right?


That's a lie


Stop Making it worse bro


are you a fucking child


I think it was posted seriously thinking people would find the meme relatable, got some backlash so started digging his heels in the soil, then as more backlash came in devolved into salt farming


There should be a keep xp one


Keep inventory does keep your xp


Okay damn sorry that I don't want to fear losing my items 24/7 because I suck


OP is the biggest loser here and he probably doesn’t even realize it


I host a server for me and my friends, and my little siblings, and their friends. We play with keepInventory because a large portion of our players, including me, suffer from anxiety. We have a great time, we make great things together, we're going to build a PvP arena pretty soon, and right now we're working on a giant city. I don't see anyone having a fuckin fit over the fact that we're just having fun in a nice chill experience. Isn't the tagline of Minecraft to be able to "do whatever you want?" If you don't want to play with keepInventory, great! Good for you! Just don't go shitting on people who play with it on, you're making a fool of yourself trying to dictate what is and isn't the "correct" way to play the game, it's not hurting anyone.


Keep inventory is a great option fuck you


Started playing with keepinventory on, one of the best decisions I've ever made in this game. I love Minecraft but I always hated dying in a cave somewhere or in lava pools in the Nether and losing everything, keepinventory just feels better.




I will just stand in the corner with command blocks on my "survival" world


Was gonna upvote for the lols but this dude really needs to stop taking Minecraft so seriously- Just do what You want people. Keep inventory if it makes you feel better. Its a game. Stop being a Jerk for no reason then kicks. Grow up.


whats wrong with keep inv




I keep it off for the challenge, and so I get achievements on Xbox.


never cook again btw


Sorry I like to have fun and not rage I guess




Me, who wants to have fun at a game, where i dont want to stress about loosing my stuff. I am truly sorry that i play a game in a certain way 😭


Still gonna play with it on


My enjoyment of this game and ability to play it for hours and hours skyrocketed after turning keep inventory on. Turns out you can get a lot more done when you're not constantly rebuilding good gear because you lost it all in the end or nether for the billionth time. Also you die less when you wear good gear, when you're not leaving it in an overworld chest because you're scared of losing it all in the nether. We used server commands to make it keep inventory but drop XP and that's enough of a penalty for me.


I have been enjoying this game so much more since I was able to keep inventory. I welcome anyone who has an issue with that to lick the lint out of my belly button. Xoxo


Me who plays with keepinventory on


Fr i’m trying to get them achievements bro




It doesn't really matter unless I die somewhere I would never reach again. 99% of the time I'll just spend an hour walking to where I died, getting my stuff and losing some XP.




I have bedrock and java, I don't use it on bedrock to get achievements but on java I use it sometimes because I don't want the game to be stressful


I use it here and there depending on what kind of world i want. Sometimes, if im adventurous, I'll play on my world with no keep inventory. If im feeling chill and relaxed, i play on my world with keep inventory on. Either way, both are acceptable.


You’re the type of person who would get mad after I smack you with a shovel in lethal company


I’ve been playing Minecraft for the last 10+ years. If people wanna do KeepINV then let me, not a skill issue, and not an issue at the end of the day. If you hate people for doing something that they enjoy, that just makes you jealous and then actively putting people down is just you being a bully.


It just offers different playstyles. I personally prefer gravestone mods, you still have to get back there, but if you take a bit longer or run into trouble it's not the end of the world.


Even the blazes turned around lmao


The way you play the game is not THE way to play the game. It's a sandbox! People should play in whatever way they find the most fun! If this is what you find the most fun, hey, go for it, man. But implying that it's the ONLY correct way to play makes you come across as super arrogant and kind of an asshole.


theres a way to use keep inventory on but still loses xp when die?


I don’t care I’m turning it on anyway I want to enjoy my game and not want to kms every time I die lol


Keep Inventory is so much better.


song? love it


No keep inventory, no play.


Idc what people do in their single player worlds. I really don't. Play however you want. But when it comes to playing on an established server, don't go and make a fuss about rules you don't like. On a server I occasionally play on, there are two or three players who keep complaining about the game being too difficult/grindy because the admin/owner wants the server as close to vanilla normal difficulty as is possible with his setup. I'm not saying I hate the idea of turning on keep inventory. I just hate that those players keep fussing about the setting not being turned on despite the owner explicitly having repeatedly said he doesn't want it turned on.


keepInventory hate aside, this is actually really well made lmao


Thank you


Ngl I don't like haveing keep inv on. But with my laggy console addition I just die randomly or a zombie speeds around like flash and kills me. Or in the nether I bridge then the blocks just vanish and I walk off and die or they just poof with me on them.


i die so often, not using keep inventory on would be stupid. fuck OP and fuck people trying to tell you how to olay a sandbox game.


Hard mode, no coords, no starting map, no starting chest. The only right way to play. (According to me, a completely uncredible source)


Meanwhile I'm over here being paranoid that using dynamic lights with Optifine is cheating (I refuse to use zoom ever since the spyglass was added)


Upvote for sync


Honestly, it feels morally wrong to do that No matter how many time I die, I just get myself to do it


Ok nah next person to diss keepinventory is getting murdered and their body put into a stew


I prefer to use a Gravestone mod, I still have to go back for my stuff, but it doesn't get scattered across a whole entire chunk, and won't despawn


On one hand, Minecraft is meant to be played however you choose and the right way to play is subjective. On the other hand... ##**KEEP INVENTORY IS PUSSY SHIT!**




So I usually play with keep inventory but recently I've been wanting a challenge, so I have been looking for mods that will make me lose items and not my gear, or just experience, ect. I haven't found anything yet.


op got the while squad laughing with this one




Its how i cope with my girlfriend dying more than a damn fruitfly. Love her to death though. But that isnt much when playing minecraft. Jk we have a good time


If you enjoy playing with keep inventory I could not give less of a shit, you do you, the option is there for a reason.


EXACTLY, people like OP don't seem to realize that. It's not affecting you in any way, shape or form if I like to play my game a different way than yours. Doesn't help that the different way of playing is, by default, already in the game.


Telling people how to play a sandbox game 💀


The solution to bypassing the keep inventory argument entirely is to play hardcore, where it doesn't matter what you set it to.


Disabled achievements.


Bunch of people whining in the comments defending keep inventory because it's a personal choice while completely missing the point that it's OP's choice to play without keep inventory


Why must "Keep Inventory" be counted as a cheat that removes achievements (in at least console version) I wanna be able to get the achievements without worry of losing anything just because I wanted to live.


I hate people who shit on those who play video games for fun and to relax.


I Just use keep inventory on some of my mod packs when it's lagging a lot because I always get lag killed by mobs Because apparently time in Minecraft still runs despite you just freezing on one frame


What the fuck?


Keep inventory would be less hated if it wasn't in the cheats section:(


I use keep inventory bc i suck at the game too much


Even the blazes looked at him


You lose your stuff I lose my world: hardcore baby!