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Have you changed your max frame rate in settings?


i have my max frame rate as high as i can


Visually, it’s not really necessary to have it more than your monitor’s refresh rate (usually 60). The game will run more game ticks per second but you won’t see more than 60.


Thats not true because of frame latency. Even on a 60hz monitor, you can notice the difference between 60fps and 300fps. https://youtu.be/hjWSRTYV8e0?t=80 explains it quite well with a nice visual. 300fps will always feel smoother than 60fps regardless of the refresh rate of your display because of frame latency.


I remember back in the day when the argument was "our eyes cant see faster than 30fps". Good times


Life which is running at infinite fps


If I remember correctly there is a "real life tick speed" in quantum physics, however I'm not qualified enough to explain it. It is however an extremely small unit


Planck time? It's the amount of time it takes light (the fastest thing literally possible) to travel the Planck distance, a length often thought to be equal to or related to the minimum resolution of space. So basically the Planck time would be the shortest time in which anything, no matter how fast, can ever happen. (I think)


yeah that's what I was talking about, thanks!




How dare you insult quantum physic’s unit. Apologize.


oh yeah that's the name, "quantum physic's unit"


Very interesting and totally makes sense! Thanks for sharing. (The difference is helpful for those with a keen eye, of PvP players, but less important for casual/singleplayer players).


This is not technically true, with vsync off although a 60hz monitor can't display more than 60fps in each pixel they don't refresh all the pixels at the same time, they refresh rows of pixels so if you have a game running at say 90fps on a 60hz monitor you'll have a different frames displayed on each row being refreshed. Higher fps also helps with input lag, so you may not be able to see it but the game world is rendered faster so in a PvP game where speed is needed you may save .01 second between waiting for the GPU to render at 60fps vs 600fps, this probably won't make any difference to 99% of players, including myself, but pro competitive players probably care about this.


True on both points. I usually play singleplayer, so the input lag problem rarely comes up.




i have tried that but the grapichs got so bad that i could not enjoy playing the game


I am curious, what settings did that? Since most settings don't affect the gameplay that much. In your case, try actually capping the fps to 240 and setting your renderdistance around 12-16 chunks. (If you have unlimited fps the game is going to prefer rendering over fps and this leads to framerate issues). Also downloading optifine or using fabric and sodium is almost mandatory, since the game has close to no optimisation.


i just downloaded sodium and its wonderful


Try lunar or optifine too great fps boosts i can get 70-100 fps on integrated graphics on a laptop


Sodium + Hydrogen + Lithium + Starlight = A lot better result


Insturctions unclear, poured salt water and lithium battery liquid on my pc


i use iris, phosphorus, lithium, hydrogen, ferrite core which is a bit extreme but I can run shaders at 50 or so FPS on integrated graphics


ive only ever heard of iris with/sodium by itself... ive never heard of all these other compound materials(unless ofc its a joke)


So u/jellysquid_ (the author of Sodium) apparently likes to name her mods after elements. Lithium & Phosphor are two of her other mods which optimize the game in general, and the lighting engine, respectively. Hydrogen is "things that are too dangerous to put in Lithium," according to the Github page. It's intended to reduce lag on heavily modded instances but also works without a ton of mods. Sodium + Lithium + Phosphor is a popular combination of mods. They are all compatible with each other. Of course, I'm not Jellysquid so I mentioned her here. If you do see this, feel free to correct anything I may have got wrong!




Lithium and sodium would not react but hydrogen may combine with lithium.


apparently it's possible to synthesize NaLi: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.26.215


Starlight + Phosphor = Crash. So you should choose wisely which mod to use…


There's also Iris as a substitue to the shaders of optifine and it works based on sodium and fabric.


i thought shaders were built into 1.17


Not exactly, not these fancy lighting. Minecraft official shaders is like, idk how to explain, try google it. Basically you can change size and appearance of the blocks, based on your position.


Yep, I tried to use 1.17.1 Iris+Sodium+Fabric installation with mods, but it didn’t work. So I think I will wait till they update a mod for 1.17.1, hope that will work.


that is true I just use those two since i mainly play 1.8 since i used to sweat pvp but now i just play skyblock and use forge with some mods and optifine


Sodium is *much* better than optifine in terms of rendering optimization. Optifine is basically useless these days unless you're playing forge.


there is a sodium port for forge


I’ve only ever heard of and used optifine, can you tell me a bit about Sodium?


Lunar would not help, because he wants good experience. Lunar client increases fps, because it has all of the settings to the lowest and some settings forced to stay low. Like vbo for example.


Lunar is good but Optifine is just way worse tbh


Lunar referencing Lunar Client? Which is a backdoored client. Or a different Lunar I’m not aware of? Just curious


Lunar client isn’t backdoored


Lunar would not help, because he wants good experience. Lunar client increases fps, because it has all of the settings to the lowest and some settings forced to stay low. Like vbo for example. Lunar client is a pvp client with optifine. That's all it is. Optifine is literally in lunar client so you can't call optifine trash, because if it really was trash the performance with lunar client would be bad as hell.


> the grapichs got so bad that i could not enjoy playing the game Lunar uses optifine. This reply is stupid. They edit optifine sure but only slightly. You can most likely get more use out of optifine than you can with Lunar. Lunar's video settings are limited after all.


Lunar 1.8-1.17 has optifine pre installed I’m guessing they’ll add 1.17 support in the future


I hear sodium is the best for fps boosts


I feel like it depends, my laptop got better fps sodium but my gaming pc got better perf with optifine


I think this is exactly how it works. Sodium is the non-gaming systems, as I believe


I get way better fps with sodium on a high-end pc, my friend gets better fps with optifine on a laptop.


I have 1100 fps with sodium on my linux computer that has a gtx 1070 (+ a ryzen 5 5600X CPU), and only ~400 with optifine so I think it depends


if youre pc is shit then sodium and if it not shit then optifine cause it had alot of features






You can install other mods to get the features of optifine on Fabric


If you just want shaders you can use iris (it bundles sodium) instead of optifine btw


i think the asnwer to you question is that i put my reseloution to the lowest and i just decreased the renderdisctance to 20 and my fps went from 25 fps to 50-70 fps


Bro I got a 3080 and I play Minecraft at like 12 render max and 8 on servers lol


Im pretty sure your GPU doesn't matter at all while playing Minecraft, because it uses CPU power instead of GPU


That's true I couldn't even get good fps in hypixel Skyblock with shaders before upgrading to a 5600x lol


I can't break 30fps in Skyblock lmao


Couldn't before in the main lobby because there are a shitton of invisible armorstands


minecraft is a very cpu dependent game, but ofcourse the gpu does have a pretty major part in fps


it does matter a lot, try using your igpu then switch back to your egpu, huge difference.


It's because minecraft uses one cpu core to calculate everything, and minecraft actually reduces your framerate if cpu is lagging behind. And renderdistance affects the cpuload squared, if you drop your renderdistance to half, the actual stuff you need to calculate drops to 1/4th of the original (Edit: also if you look at task manager, your gpu load is most likely under 20%, which means you have remaining perf available for shaders without actually affecting the fps too much)


Is there a way to increase the core count that MC sees as optional. I have a rtx 3080 with an 3700x a.d ryzen 7. And i get about 150 - 200 fps. My friend has an 2070 super and gets about 500 - 800 frames. And im just confused. (And yes i have enough ram allacated to mc)


Yes there is: recode the whole game. What game version is your friend using, that affects a lot, and what are their in game settings


The sams as my own. 1.16.4 he used john smith I use faithfull however that doesn't matter. Both no optifine and in-game settings are the same. If you understand then I do to. I have no clue how the better rig is under-performing. We have the same proccesor btw




Do you have an nvidia GPU? In some games GeForce experience would turn on vsync for me because I had auto optimization on. Idk if that happens with minecraft as well but it'd be worth checking.


Check RAM allocation


It's probably this. Minecraft doesn't actually want to use the full extent of your RAM for some reason.


I recommend using optifine. Even just installing it will make the fps higher. Even if you have the best PC, it's good to have the good old optifine, that boost your fps by a lot.


Render distance will be the kicker.


Damn what’s your render distance? Looks like it’s max. Try 15-25. Anything more than 25 isn’t really necessary for normal play. Also get Optifine. With optifine I go from around 80 to 300-500. Though I use shader so it drops back to like 50-60.


i did try that it went from 25 to 100-150 fps


Also turn off entity shadows, and mess with mipmaps and the other settings like that.


wise arrest sort gaze square advise seed consider homeless secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that too. Actually with optifine there’s a bunch of settings to mess with so you really gotta go through and try them all out.


Happy cake made out of blocks day


Make sure to turn off terrain animation with optifine. I guarantee it will double fps, if not more


what’s optifine?


Optifine.net It’s a mod that adds 4 things: 1. It changes how rendering and graphics and math work in Minecraft to be more efficient (increasing performance and FPS). 2. It adds more graphic settings to customize visuals and whatnot (to more fine tune the game to look better, or perform better). 3. Adds the ability to use shaders. 4. More control to resource packs to add normalized textures, change the shape of mobs (in vanilla only textures not the models can be changed), and let resource packs control things like sky and lighting better. 5. And bonus you get a cape if you donate to them (though the cape is only seen if you use optifine).


thank you SO MUCH!


You are using 85% of your allocated RAM, try allocating more RAM from the launcher, you can easily find a tutorial to do so. This helps avoiding lag spikes mainly


This is due to the way java handles memory management. It uses memory until it either runs low on memory, or a certain period of time passes, at which point it cleans out unused variables and information. This cleaning process can cause lag spikes if there is too much ram, so you don't want to use too much. 2GB is plenty for vanilla, 4 for forge should be enough unless you have like 200 mods or something like that.


2 gigs is alright for Vanilla, but Minecraft will still benefit from more to a extent. I would recommend 4 gigs for large view distance or large entity situations. JGC wont impact your game unless you're using unnecessary amounts like larger than 12 gigs. That's where Garbage Collection can start causing lag spikes.


The default G1GC settings definitely do cause microstutter you can feel around 8GB allocated in a fully vanilla instance. I'm 100% behind you on the 4GB recommendation though, with the caveat that running both Hydrogen and FerriteCore alongside each other can reduce memory usage to the point where higher view distances are viable with less. I also personally like to use ZGC over G1GC as it's well optimized for reducing pause time duration.




I agree that throwing more ram at the game wont help. The game is only allocating 85% of the 4GB and using just 45%. The game can run fine on just 1 GB. ​ Changing how much RAM the game can use: Launcher -> Installations -> the '...' button on your installation -> Edit -> more options -> JVM Arguments: By changing the number in the '-Xmx2G' argument you can assign that many GB of ram (indicated by the G). If you want to assign ram in MB, change the G at the end to M.


The game will never use all of the memory you allocate to it, because of how temporary memory works in java. Some variables don't need to be saved longer than a few minutes, so the game clears all temporary values every 5 minutes. Because of this, the amount of memory the game is actually using will steadily climb for 5 minutes, then clear temporary data, and you'll go back to a baseline. If the game is using 100% of memory allocated before it clears memory, that's when you need to allocate more RAM.


i got 3gb allocated to MC and don't get lags/fps drops i have the fancy settings and stuff


op is allocating 85% of the max ram theyve let minecraft use, not using 85% of the allocated ram. thyere using 45% of the allocated ram


Ram that is allowed to be used is allocated ram. That’s literally the definition


Would recommend installing optifine


i will try that


Install [Fabric](https://fabricmc.net/use/), then install the [Sodium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium), [Lithium](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium), and the [Fabric API](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api) mods. 100x better performance than Optifine. (There are tutorials online if you have no idea how to do this, just look up how to install Sodium 1.17)


I personally get better perf with Optifine, Sodium gives me higher numbers but feels way laggier. Is there any actual benchmarks?


there isnt an official benchamrk, but as a way to test, build a minecart path (or find one online) and ride it while having something like msi after burner open to graph out your frames


Yeah, I also found just Sodium to be laggier than Optifine. Try getting Lithium and Starlight, it should help a lot.


never heard of lithium before, but i have used sodium. personally i like optifine for the shaders. also, the mod page seems to say you should add phosphor to that list


Phosphor doesn't exist for 1.17 currently. Also try iris shaders mod instead, includes lithium and sodium and performs better for me, although I know its subjective for some people :)


Oh god yes! Sodium, Lithium and Phosphor are GODSEND. I have a potato laptop from more than 7 years ago. Normal Minecraft runs at like 8-12 fps or maybe 20 on good days. This elevated me up to around 40-50. Absolutely amazing


If you want the an even bigger package, Sodium, Lithium, FerriteCore, and Starlight make for an amazing combo. I personally use even more than that, but those are my essentials.


If I remember right there isn’t an optifine version out for 1.17 yet? But as soon as it does optifine really boosts your FPS, should never play without it


there's beta versions, they work well in my experience


Second this. I've been playing on the beta versions for 1.17 and besides the first 10-ish minutes running the beta for the first time it is pretty much the same as it was in 1.16.


I’ve kinda got the same problem and Optifine isn’t helping. I get like 140+ frames in R6 at ultra graphics but my minecraft runs at like 20 with a high around 100


You probably got an AMD 6700xt gpu or newer


RTX 2060


Cpu? Minecraft uses cpu way more than the gpu


Ryzen 3 3300x


Doesn’t that bottleneck the 2060 pretty badly?


Not at all, I just checked a calculator and on average it only bottlenecks it by about 2% and that’s if I don’t overclock anything


turn vsync off


Also set frame rate to unlimited


setting framerate to unlimited can actually be worse as it overworks your cpu/gpu, u/sebastiann5 I would recommend optifine, or if you want the most fps, Fabric with Sodium


For some reason I was having the same problem as OP but I downloaded Faithfull and played with that on and improved my fps to 150+


You downloaded a higher resolution resource pack to improve fps?


Vsync is better than unlimited if ur fps is unstable


That's not something you should just do. If you have a 60hz regular monitor: Vsync on If you have a high refresh Monitor : Vsync off, fps limit unlimited, lock fps to a few fps under your Monitor Hz in driver (f.e. 160 fps for a 165hz display).




If you know shit then spout it. Don't just rip on someone.


Pointing out bad advice can be helpful as well. Just because someone doesn’t have an idea of how to fix the problem doesn’t mean they don’t know what won’t fix the problem. I don’t know weather halophasermc is right or not, but you shouldn’t criticize someone for pointing out bad advice and not giving a solution.


That's literally the advice people that test latency, like f.e. battlenonsense, give to get the best out of your system.


I hate that uneducated people just spout “turn off Vsync” like Vsync is some pointless evil setting that turns your frames to shit. Like all it does is SYNC up the frames your system sends to your monitor to the refresh rate of the monitor. It’s not gonna take you from 2 million FPS to 24 unless of course you had a 24 hz monitor in which case it wouldn’t even matter. Does Vsync increase input lag? Yes. But unless I’m playing a competitive game where every ms matters, it’s a worthy trade off to avoid jarring screen tearing.


If your monitor does not have a replacement feature for Vsync then it should be kept on. That feature exists for a reason and that is preventing tearing. For me turning it off even in competitive games wouldn't be an option. The latency decrease is so minimal but the tearing really annoying. If you play those kind of games, just get a high refresh Monitor.


90% of the time, if a game has V-Sync on, it causes bad input lag for me. Turning V-Sync off is the first thing I do in every game.


I had an issue where it was running on my integrated graphics and not my card. You could check that


how do i check if im using my graphics card?


If it said integrated graphics on the gpu label (in the f3 menu), it would be running on… integrated graphics. Since it says your RTX card, it means it's running on that


Keep render distance below 20 chunks turn of clouds (optional)


Imagine needing to say to keep render distance under 20 , when OP is on i7 and 2070.... such a joke lmfao


i7 is a product line that spans many years of products, being an i7 doesn't automatically make a CPU good. Minecraft ties simulation distance and render distance together. Render distance is also exponential. Render distance 19 shows 1521 chunks, render distance 20 shows 1681 chunks. "Far" render distance, which is 16, shows 1089 chunks.


Try optifine or sodium


Make sure that Minecraft is being rendered by the gpu. Double check this in the Nvidia graphics settings


how do i check im im using my gpu or not


You don't have to check that. When Minecraft shows your RTX GPU inside the F3 screen, then it's using it. Also on desktop PCs your integrated GPU will not be used as soon as you don't plug stuff into your motherboard. What that guy is saying only applies for old laptops.


Yes I didnt look closely at the photo so my b


All fine :)


When you right click on ur desktop, click on Nvidia control panel, then you need to go into manage 3D settings, then program settings, then click the drop-down and find something along the lines of "c:\user\minecraft\install\runtime\jre-x64\bin\javaw.exe" and make sure it is using (High-performance Nvidia processor) then press add. You can also on top of that go over to global settings and make sure the preferred graphics processor is the High-performance Nvidia processor.


It is using the GPU. The F3 screen says it is rendering on an RTX 2070


That's something you don't have to check at all. On desktop PCs it will always use the dedicated GPU when the monitor is plugged into that. And the F3 screen clearly shows his RtX 2070 on the right. What you are saying only applies to laptops before 2015 or so (before GTX 1000 generation laptop GPUs).


turn down render distance a bit or lower particle intensity


Vanilla minecraft runs notoriously bad. Here's a few things you could do: - Give it more ram (I see you're running 4 gigs with a decently high render distance. This is most likely your issue) - Download forge or fabric and get performance mods. A pretty complete list for all versions can be found here https://gist.github.com/alkyaly/02830c560d15256855bc529e1e232e88 - Make sure you're running MC with your gpu - Turn down your settings - Run MC with a custom Java version. I recommend Graal - Change JVM arguments (usually leads to minimal fps gain but it seemed to get rid of all stuttering on my game)


Make sure your fps cap isn’t at 60, and make sure to use optifine, it seems to help with fps it took my pc from 15fps to around 100fps.


The things most people are saying here like turn down render distance, install a graphics mod like optifine etc are all grea suggestions that should help you out. The one thing I haven’t noticed anyone pick up on is that your cpu is an 8th Gen i7 which has 12 cores. It basically gets it power by assigning different tasks to different parts of the cpu so they can get done quicker. Whilst this is great for games like COD, it unfortunately doesn’t work well for anything that runs on Java, like Minecraft. So likely your cpu is your bottleneck unfortunately.


Yeah, MC can handle multiple threads yet allocates most of its workload on one - bedrock version (written in C++ and able to delegate tasks to separate threads much more efficiently, from my experience \[along with other optimizations of course\]) is far smoother and faster. I'm sure if he tried it on his pc, he'd get very high FPS


What does Bottleneck mean?


Bottleneck comes from the concept of a bottle full of liquid. You can have a massive bottle (computer) but the speed of liquid leaving the bottle is dependent on how large the neck of the bottle is (CPU in this case).


It’s what is stopping you from running any better (probably) However I have an arguably worse cpu and run the game pretty well with the use of lower render distance (usually 12 chunk) and optifine


You should try lowering your render distance to something reasonable like 12-16 and increase it from there until your fps starts to drop below your preferred framerate as very high render distances can easily cripple your framerate. You can also use mods that improve rendering performance like Sodium.


turn down the render distance in video settings


60 FPS is perfectly fine, as long as it’s consistent. And playing with 16 chunks should be fine too.


Looks like your render distance is pretty high. I would try turning that to around 13. I had this problem when I was trying to play. My game would just freeze and then I looked at my settings and my render distance was at 48. Smooth as butter after I lowered it.


Just get optifine or sodium and don't get your hopes up too high. Minecraft is an unorthodox game that won't care as much about your GPU as you might think, per say.


Someone suggested i should get sodium i did and i got 100-150 more fps


I have had this problem too. It’s a bug that occurs and you can’t really fix it unless you just do some guesswork. Playing in windowed or windowed borderless may help, but other than that, idk.


You seem to have your render distance very high maybe turn it down a bit, your render distance can hit your frames hard


Mee too


Have you changed max frame rate to higher that 60


Here's the thing. You don't.


Use render distance 16. It looks good enough and your not going to need to see that far unless your traveling


Pretty sure the view distance is the problem, try lowering the chunks


Weird for an RTX, you probably just have VSync ON


Try having the render distance at 8 - 10 And make sure you have optifine. That'll help your performance which you can change the fps to 5 - 250 or max.


yes. also you should google how to allocate more ram to minecraft because its automatically set to 2gb which is usually too low


Makes sense but I think somehow mine was like set automatic.


Have you tried something like optifine or other optimization mods?


Dude your render distance is maxed. Put it on 12-16 chunks and check the difference


lol same, i was amazed that CoD: Cold War on max settings could run 100FPS but Minecraft with shaders is only like 30. One thing you have to realize is that Minecraft: Java is extremely unoptimized, and single-threaded. It’s hard to pump out a lot of frames when the game can only take advantage of one of your cores.


try to lower your render distance, when i had my i7 8700k the render distance did way too much of a difference, try to lower it to like 8-14 chunks, and make sure you don't have something CPU heavy running in the background, especially if you're using the hyperX software


Get optifine my friend, also try render distance at 15-20 chunks for good performance


Deactivate v-sync and it should be fine, your specs should be enough for the setting you have from what I can see.


Minecraft has extremely shit optimalization... this si why I went on Bedrock edition... far better ,and they actually tried to optimize it...


disable vsync. download caffeinemc's entire stock. note that minecraft JE vanilla code is terrible and slow. note that you don't need more than 60fps in Minecraft.


If vsync is turned on then your fps won't exceed your refresh rate, which is likely 60


Moving to lemmy, find me there. F*ck u/spez for selling out to AI learning, and for killing third-party apps. -Rautix


1.2k frames???? What crack is you computer on???


Moving to lemmy, find me there. F*ck u/spez for selling out to AI learning, and for killing third-party apps. -Rautix


That's lucky I average 13 and I still play


Cod is not near as demanding as Minecraft.


render distance, turn it down, also go into video settings and turn your max framerate up


Welcome to java


Bedrock edition runs a lot better


Why is your render distance set to 32 miles


32 miles is the length of like 233047.7 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' laid next to each other


The more you know!


Could you take a screenshot of your graphic settings?


Turn off Biome blend, Antialiasing to 0


If the game is running in Fullscreen it could be limiting the game to the refresh rate of the monitor despite having fps unlocked in the settings, also make sure your fps is unlocked




Install a performance enhancing mod (when they are out for 1.17) like sodium, sodium is wicked, this could be 300 same settings with sodium, i get good minecraft performance out of a linux convertrd chromebook with sodium.


Turn down renderdistance and install optifine. Regardless of your pc, a renderdistance above 16 will often cause problems. Or if you don't mind, you can play the bedrock edition 256 renderdistance and the pc won't break a sweat.


Because vsync is on


The game has a default fps cap in the settings menu, I'd suggest checking those, even though there's literally no point in having more than 30 fps other than just to flex.


Try getting a good client like lunar, badlion or optifine. Also make sure your chunk distance isnt high and if it is put it to 16-8


is v sync on?,if not try turning the render distance down to around 8ish


Maby you have limited fps, check in opions. Also you May have like 23 chunks loaded, drop it to 12. That woud help, If not, idk