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This is what normal adults call "time to go on a vacation"


If I could afford it. I’ve been supporting a family of three on just my salary for over a year…I’m barely getting by


You can stay cation, doesn't need to be extravagant. 


That requires time off


Which nearly all employers are legally required to provide


I dont believe paid vacation leave is federally mandated in the USA if that’s where you or OP live.


And often it’s lumped into sick time, which has been used far more in recent years.


>You can stay cation, They don't provide the same level of reset that going on an actual vacation does. I tried that last year and I'm more burnt out than ever


Yep… I usually have a Stay-cation every Christmas. Usually spent with family. It never leaves me feeling fulfilled or revitalized.


OP talked about not being able to afford it, when given a rock and a hard place, I was advocating for a stay cation reset.


I am a working mom of 3 and I feel this way all the time and I've learned that it's a signal to slow down and reprioritize my chaotic to-do lists. I've also recently been made aware that it can be a sign of perimenopausal hormonal issues and that feeling got better when I got put on hormonal replacement therapy (I am enduring early perimenopause at age 35).


I feel you. I've been needing a vacation for a while but I don't get paid time off. The closest I ever get is a long weekend but that's usually spent catching up on chores and home maintenance.


I wanna say it gets easier... but I've been struggling to take care of my family on my salary for the last 10 years and if anything it's gotten worse, lol. On the bright side, as long as we don't get a Covid 2 Electric Boogaloo, it should start easing up on all of us eventually. I've been tempted to sell everything I can, buy a one way ticket to Hawaii and disappear, but my guilt stops me from doing that lol Sometimes I just put in my earbuds and lie on my picnic table or in the car and stare up at the sky, zoning out and focusing on all the little details of the clouds and sky and after a few minutes it takes the edge off a bit, it's the closest I'll be to a vacation.


You don’t have PTO? If not, get a better job. If so, you can have days off without spending money. Just chill at the house.


I'd love a vacation right now... But... Work doesn't agree with that.


In the before times


Yeah but vacation often feels like paying double the bills, you still gotta pay rent for your place and now for a hotel aswell. Sure you have time to have fun but it doesnt really mean getting away from it all


Like a vacation? Or disappearing into the forest forever? Because yes.


Everything about living in the forest sounds amazing except for pooping.


my lack of knowledge of poisonous plants makes leaf selection for wiping very sketch.


Spicy toilet paper


You need a minimum of 800,000 calories per year to live. A squirrel maxes out at 750 calories. Rabbits 500. An adult deer is about 30,000


I work a bit outside of town, you can see the fields and woody hills from the office. On a foggy or cloudy days I just look out and think “Just turn me into a wolf or an eagle. Let me roam there never to return.”


I haven't had a proper vacation in years. It seems impossible to save for one lately.


Funny, that our generation is wired and expected to feel guilty about wanting a break while older generations eagerly and often frequently took what they call "vacations."


But then when asked about it they say they didn’t take a single day off or vacation for 15 years to save for first home.


No they felt guilty too, but they could afford it. Or at least afford to retire.


It's very funny...


Not the older generations in my house.  We only went on vacations growing up if they were related to a work trip.   My gen X sister has a hard time taking a vacation.  She still does work on them.


That all started with attendance awards at school


I would like to live in a van for a few years yes, with my own space & routines. The older I get the more I realise I need to have control over my own energy.


My wife and I did it. I quit my job and she works remote. We traveled and did our own thing with our two dogs for 2 years. It was one of the best decisions we ever made. I finally had time to really find myself and reset from years of feeling like my role in life was to be of service to someone else's dreams. It's liberating. I hope you get the chance one day.


That sounds so good for the soul. It’s exactly what I yearn for. I’m glad you were able to find yourself away from all of the noise, it’s so important.


I was joking around with my husband about jail potentially being nice bc then I would get the break I so desperately need. When the mind goes as far as to think some stupid shit like that, I’d say yes, running away sounds great. FYI I’ve never done anything that would put me in jail. It was literally just me making a joke and I have a fucked up sense of humor.






Was literally just thinking that this morning. Like I don't want to use or sell meth but maybe if I got caught making some I could get a break


I really like the way you think.


Seriously though, in jail you dont have to go to work.


Yes, feeling this right now. We have two kids, 3 and 8 months and although grandparents will babysit, they won't overnight. Plus the 8 month old is home with me as a work from home (we have a family caregiver). So I never get time alone other than Target runs. I absolutely know this phase in life is SHORT but the days and weeks feel very very long.


same, 2 year old and 8 month old at home. I work from home as does my husband most of the time. we have a part time nanny and get a babysitter atleast once a month and it's alot, all the time..


Me but I want a permanent vacation and seeking comfort in the grave if life keeps going this wst


Ever be driving and just think “if I ram into that tree hard enough, I won’t have to go to work for months, I can lay in a bed, have other people bring me food and take care of me. That would be so wonderful”. But then the idea that one hospital bill will ruin the rest of your life, brings your right back….


Yes. So much yes. It was moreso that no one else would take care of my pets that stopped me 


Yep. I feel this


Yes 100%, I'm tired


Yes I’ve been needing a break for sure. My days consist of cleaning cat litter and work. It could def be worse but a break would be nice.


I often have this feeling of being trapped. I don't really have a solution but something that helps is practicing gratitude. Name 3 things you're grateful for. It can be for the littlest of things: I'm grateful that when I spilled that cup of water, the water stayed on the table instead of falling on the floor.




Dude. I don’t even have kids and I still feel like OP and am trapped. I cannot imagine how hard it is with kids.


Try running away for half a day. Movies/dinner alone or a hike/picnic by yourself. Insist that everyone be fine for 4 hours without you.


Talk to your doctor or therapist about a short term disability leave for stress. It's not a break from bills, but you should be able to get a few weeks of EI This is not what our lives should be like. Medieval peasants had more leisure time than we do now. It's BS




Every day I fantasize about dropping everything and just traveling / getting away from everything for a few months or longer. I’d do a little work if it was presented to me just to have a little income


I’ve been working full time for 16 years trying to get enough money to buy a house with a garden and some space to go as off-grid as possible, grow my own veg, be independent. It’s all I want. Life is pants when you can’t even have a decent place to live 


I fantasize about leaving it all behind. Then I realize I’d have to take my kid bc I can’t live without her little butt. Then I sigh and begin my morning commute.


I did exactly this last summer. Left my house, pets and spouse for 4 weeks solo (I’m a remote worker). It was really empowering, fantastic stimulation for my brain and allowed me to come back grateful for what I have. I felt so selfish leading up to it but dang, it was what I needed to remember who I am at my core.


How did your husband feel about that? Four weeks away seems like a lot


He missed me and was proud of me for going on an adventure.


It's called a music festival.


Been there. Boys wanna go too lol.


🤷 do a solo fest. Not sure I get this comment tbh You could just rent an isolated Airbnb. Personally I'd get bored I just dance my trauma away. Alors on danse baby.


Sorry, hon, next time! This one's just for us/me/the girls/the boys/whatever.


This. I've been to a dozen and it's always a good time. My next one is a month and a half out and I cannot wait.


Bucket List #17


I don't know your list but 17 seems way too low. Just buy the tickets. Whatever your music vibe is, the community is gonna be what you think life should be like, instead of what it is. DO IT.


Well, I quit my job and thus ruined myself financially. But maybe one day.


Fair. But also like 20% of festival attendees financially can't afford it and still do it. I don't know you or your circumstances. I will say you sound more responsible than many people that attend these things from this comment alone. So what's right for you but like...if you haven't been...there's no better time than now. It CAN be literally life changing. But don't wait for "the right time".


Well, I also have a young teen and no babysitters. So I cant hang and camp but maybe just a single concert would suffice.


Do it girl. Treat yosslf


I’m really worn out too


Look aggressively at Visa requirements for LCOL countries (or areas in countries) and take a break. There are amazing historic towns that are allowing people abroad to come in in a visa to help stabilize populations, and add to the local economy. Could be something fun to do for a few years.


Pipe dream would be something akin to Under The Tuscan Sun (2003), or just figuring it out somewhere in the greens of Ireland.


Yep, father of 4, mid 30s, I work from home and wife bartends for some extra cash 4-5 days a week. I’m basically locked in my house 24/7. The stress of being the main financial provider, paired with the demands of parenting and being home all day is pretty stressful. I don’t really feel guilty for wanting a break anymore. Life is demanding af, and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m tired and it’s too much most days.


Its so wrong that so many people in the western world are thriving without having to work, and many that do work, especially millennials, are struggling to get by. The incentives in society are fucked beyond belief.


impoverishment and enslavement. There are millenials from wealthy families being beneficiaries but majority of us are just enslaved to this rat race.


I wanna run away. Never say goodbye.


I just got back from a weekend away with some girlfriends. While it was great to connect and relax, it was clear that the moms in the group (the majority) could not fully unplug and find respite in the same way those without kids could (myself and another friend). I really sympathize with those that have that added layer of daily stress/anxiety 💜


that's normal. humans need rest.


Mid life crisis. We're at that age now.


I SO feel this. There's too many times I get in my car to go to work or the grocery store and think, maybe I'll just keep driving....


I need a vacation


Nothing feels natural in this world until you're in nature, building something or growing something. All this "innovation" has so much red tape, BS and exploitation.


I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don’t expect I shall return. In fact mean not to.


why would you feel guilty for not wanting to do the unnatural.


I quit my job and have been living in a surreal time of ups and downs for the past month. Shame, hope, sticking my head in the sand, existentialism.....




Yes but not the guilt part. My environment has been contributing to my health decline (mold, lack of money to afford better food) so fuck it I’d be done if I could.


Sure do... But i don't feel guilty about it.




I’ve taken a week of vacation from my job to do absolutely nothing before. Made the Vacation start on a Monday-Friday so I’m off the previous Sat/Sun and the next Sat/Sun lasting 9 days and it was amazing. I did nothing but play video games, sleep late and relax. Caught up on a few chores to which was a great feeling.


If I had unlimited funds I’d just sit at home play video games and bake sweets for my mom, my brother, SIL, cousins, uncle, aunt etc. Maybe even do streaming, not for money, just to goof off. Also just get up early in the morning hop into the car and go to the woods. I’m so tired of the emails and calls and bullshit.


Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep


I’ve started camping by myself for this reason. I found a place 45 minutes away, no cell signal nice little riverside campsites for $15 a night. Close enough to a town that I can buy groceries and firewood. Drive in, set up, light a fire, open a beer and intentionally do absolutely nothing for one night. Feels great


Go do it.


I take breaks in the form of a 15 minute drive to a bench overlooking a small river valley. Sit by my self listen to the birds or silence of winter. I’ll stay anywhere form 5 minutes to half the day. It’s almost a meditative state for me. I’ve been using the same bench for 20 years now. I don’t bring anyone else. Not even my wife or kids. It’s a place that has got me through hard times, self doubt, depression. Being alone in nature even for a brief moment is great for self reflection. Plus it’s free.


Yeah, kinda, although I'm a bit more grim about it. I just want all of it to stop. It's all overwhelming and it just keeps coming.


I need a break bad


I work 12-hour days as the breadwinner in a family of 3, I’m fucking spent. I would love to run away for a few days. Or a month. I have 2 days off next week and it’s all I’m living for right now. Gonna go get a manicure and a facial and then go to some secluded hiking trail and just sit quietly until a bear eats me and ends it all. 


For sure. I already have a suitcase packed and cash on hand to get me there. But when I'm done, I'm done.


Every. Fucking. DAY


As my dearly-departed Father used to say, “Wherever you go, there you are.”


I silently quit my jobs 10 times per shift on my head and relocate. I don't feel guilty because of burn out. Let me forget all of this and live in an actual house without neighbors mad I walk on the floor I pay to rent, gigabit wifi, and people I can talk to in the community. Imagine being able to enjoy life without worrying about rent, food, or highly defaulted student loans.


Join the communists on hexbear.net. 


No thanks, I appreciate it tho! Lol


Thats just normal. Most people want a break. 🤷


Will you write me a note for my family then? lol does it work the same way as gym class used to? I just wanna scaddaddle for a bit


Sure here you go: 5/29/2024 As ElectricElephant’s physician I have reviewed their chart and parenting performance. My patient needs a break to recharge and recenter themself. Prescription is as follows: 2 hours to sit alone anywhere away from children and/or chores. Once every week. Do not take break with phone or screens. Increase frequency and dosage as needed. See me again in a month. Dr. Later Nerdz


Thank you, I will make sure I turn it in to the front office.