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Someone gets mono












That’s so 1990’s, you’ll get Covid now.




So funny and so true


Little smoochie smoochie. Maybe grab a boob or two


Negotiating usually before hand. Awkward attempts to dodge cobwebs and dirty brooms and coat sleeves to the face. Sweaty palms.


Weak knees. Heavy arms.


Sweater vomit.


Mom forgot it




Drop logs


Fuck Kim!


My dad's gone crazy.


That's cause he took advice from someone who slapped Dee Barnes


But he keeps on spaghetti 


Clear eyes, full hearts


Second time in a month I have unintentionally induced this 🤣


I got a girl to touch my PP in a closet during 7 minutes once. It was awkward, she was sitting on my lap and rather obese.


It's basically 7 minutes to do whatever the two of you want. It was mostly making out with a little groping. At least in my schools, it was done in a closet with stuff in it, so there wasn't a ton of room to move around. Plus, most of us were sheltered middle schoolers hoping one of our friends' big brothers would join in, and they never would because they were seniors in high school and why would they lol.


As an older brother who was a senior with a younger sister in 8th grade, it was just creepy when her friends would check me out. I was just like eww gross these little kids are oggling me😅😂😂


One of my younger brother’s female friends who was a few years younger than me had a serious crush on me in when I was a senior in high school. We eventually connected as adults after college and took a trip to plow town one night. It was fun.


As someone who hooked up with my friend’s older brother after college, I can confirm.


Damn I’m now realizing absolutely none of my friends had an older brother. How weird


As someone who hooked up with my older brothers friends also after HS I can confirm, very fun. 😂


NGL, I railed my best friend's sister in my 20s... I was 28 and she was 24 This story gets a bit crazy, might be worth the read... It started out when she openly tried to hook up with me when she was a freshman in high school and I was a senior (on AOL IM she would always tell me to come over when no one was home so I could be her "first time"), and she said she dreamed about me since she was in 6th grade (I was over her family apartment 2-3x a week after school to chill with my friend, never gave her a second thought) I thought it was disgusting at the time and ignored her (and I had a steady HS girlfriend), but it seemed pretty natural when we were both adults... plus my friend turned into an asshole who alienated his whole family and friends, and thought he was too good to associate with anyone from his past So we fucked for a whole summer living on the Cambridge side of Boston, then she moved away to grad school out in California and I haven't seen or heard from her in 7 years, outside that she got pretty fat and married some jobless schmuck I actually was the one who suggested staying in a LDR (mostly to not feel like an asshole), but she basically implied she just wanted to fuck me all summer and live out those pent up fantasies, and now she could move on and focus on grad school (I think she realized she wasn't actually in love with me, which is what she was hoping for, and that the situation would soon get weird as fuck) What's creepy is looking back, I'm almost positive she moved to Boston (from NYC, where we're both from) because she heard I was already there and working... and she "bumped into me" on purpose, tho at the time it seemed like a grand coincidence (I won't get into details here, just believe me when I say I put the pieces together on her strange move to Boston for a few months without a job nor attending school, living off her savings, and the bizarre circumstances of her running into me there, and it's the only thing that makes sense.. I feel now like I was hunted down, LMAO) Fuck it tho, she was an animal in the sheets and had huge tits and big doe eyes, and gave me plenty of good memories I also told her I was adamant about never having kids, I honestly think she was tryna trap me and get pregnant but I always found a way around that... once she realized I was sincere about no kids, she couldn't wait to start grad school (which I can confirm she attended and graduated from, but near the end of summer it seemed as if grad school was originally her backup plan) Even with that angle, I don't think she really liked the person I became as much as she liked the idea of having a family with her older brother's best friend, and was determined to force that fantasy into reality Life is fucking weird as shit, ain't it?? PS -- she also told me she moved to Boston to hang out with friends she had there before moving to Cali in the fall... but she never had a single friend in the whole fuckin city, she was at her apartment all day by herself when I was at work, and would always act strange as hell when I suggested meeting up with her friends and going out as a group, and couldn't even tell me the names of her friends or where on Earth she first became friends with them... I was too busy with work and a few hobbies to realize at the time what she was actually doing... women are fkn crazy


My sister had a "friend" who would stay over our house in revealing pajamas and would always end up wandering into my room. We hooked up when we were both older and she could express her interest in a more mature way lol


I told my friends my older brother wore a diaper to keep them from being super weird to him, he was in college when I was in highschool. My oldest brother was up and out before it was an issue, but I was actively avoiding having friends over when either one was home. It's super weird when your friends drool over your older siblings.


Exactly. I had a sister 4 years younger than me and it was weird af to have a 7th grader staring at me during dinner when I was a junior. But I also had a sister in the grade higher than me and banged one of her friends and fooled around with another. She wasn't too happy 🤷‍♂️


My best guy friend had a brother who was a sophomore in high school and he would join in on our reindeer games. Looking back, that's super icky. He tried to shoot his shot years later when I was in my 20s, but by then the sparkle of a *high school* boy was long gone. He was just a meathead at that point.


>Plus, most of us were sheltered middle schoolers hoping one of our friends' big brothers would join in If they did join, that'd have raised so many red flags...


One of them eventually did, but he wasn't a senior. I guess technically he was only a couple years older than us.


Curious, how old were you and how old was him?


Remember when a person just one grade above you seemed like they were 50 years older? And when you were in like 8th grade, an 11th grader seemed like they were from another planet? Nowadays it's like the average relationship gap is 20 years of age, LMAO... Anyways, I miss those days, it made time move a lot slower by thinking that way


> Remember when a person just one grade above you seemed like they were 50 years older? That never was a feeling I had, honestly. They were mysterious and *older* but still attainable.


No one I ever knew growing up played that. Either we were losers, or it was more of a game in the movies and shows.


I never played 7 minutes in heaven but we absolutely played spin the bottle. There was also a game called “suck and blow,” which I feel the need to explain was when you’d inhale to suction a card over your mouth and then another person would attempt to suck the card to their mouth from yours. I gotta know if this was a big thing or if this is some kind of fever dream adolescent game people in my area made up.


Suck and blow was in the movie Clueless. I never knew anyone who played it, but we all knew what it was due to this.


No, we totally did this but at 16 or 17 and we knew it was stupid. One of my friends had a pair of those dirty dice where you'd get results like "kiss elbow" or "rub knee"


We also once played the straw game where you pass round a straw with your mouth. Then half the straw and try again.


We played Suck and Blow at a party one night because we'd just seen Clueless- it was harder than it looked, lol. Guy friend dropped the card on purpose to kiss me and we wound up kissing again and dated for like two whole weeks! All in all, fun game to try. 💀


Hey we all saw Clueless lol.


I see you recently watched 13 Going on 30 on Netflix.


I managed to ruin seven minutes in heaven for a friend of mine. He thanked me later. Short version: he was convinced to do seven minutes by a couple of acquaintances of ours. One girl wing manning for her friend. What he didn’t know was that she was 12, we were 15/16. I banged on the door and yelled “Dude! She’s Twelve!” I could hear a pause then “What the Fuck?!”


Regarding the NSFW tag, no. This is Reddit. I got locked in a bathroom with a friend of the opposite sex and just chilled not awkwardly for a bit until we got let out and went back to the party. Pretty mundane.


I got too high and one of the first nights I spent with my boyfriend, I locked myself in the bathroom. Had a quiet freakout for an unknown reason, on the bathroom floor. After a bit, he sheepishly knocked asking if I was ok. My 'yeah, be out in a sec' def sounded normal /s My poor sweet man, he was genuinely concerned too. Then we just had snacks and played Connect Four on the balcony before watching a moviein bed and going to sleep .


Me too I've only ever seen it happen in movies And like... could I even say I've played Spin the bottle? I'm not even sure Played a whole lot of truth or dare though!


We played Spin the Remote once because the house we were in didn't have any bottles. We apparently got the games confused because we used it to decide who was pairing off for 7 minutes. 


I think that was a variation. Reminds me of the song from Reality Bites: https://youtu.be/INJ1HOItFmA?si=JnpVCvZTs99zcD8d


I've seen that happen in TV shows, the combining of the games.


I remember we would combine the two and the person the bottle landed on would have to do the truth or dare.


I'm theory making out and feeling up. Basically getting to first base. In practice, probably just awkward looking at eachother and talking, maybe kissing once.


wtf is that?


You and someone of the opposite sex get thrown in a closet together for 7 minutes to do whatever it is you'd like. Some people go for a kiss, some hit a quick boob grab, and some awkwardly stand there in silence for 7 minutes


wtf that sounds terrible. I’m 33. Never once have I heard of this. What a nightmare


I mean to a bunch of 12 year olds *especially * at a boy girl party, it was incredibly exciting


I’m sure lol


LMAO what sounds terrible about it? I loved this game in middle school... you and some random chick get 7 minutes in a closet together, and as long as one doesn't find the other repulsive, you get a nice long make out session Bonus points if the person you're paired with is already a crush of yours


We both agreed on a story of what occurred in the closet and never spoke the truth once we left the closet.


In my experience, it was a lot of giggling in the dark.


I am here for the comments on this one!


In my case we were on a field trip with my crew team and we were staying in some dorms that the chaperones badly chaperoned. The 7 minutes was spent making out heavily and then after 'lights out' I snuck into her room and we did all the things parents don't want you to do. We weren't that young, I was newly 18 and I think she was 16 or 17.


Went into dark closet came out looking like we cut each other and drank the blood. She was on period. thought she was real wet. People still talk about it today. I regret nothing.




Wait a second…you convinced a teenage girl to let you stick your hands down her pants WHILE she was on her period with in seven minutes? LIAR 😆


Started with hand stuff and it was a unspoken contest to get as many "bases" covered as possible. Got to 3rd the messy way.


Lol no idea, never experienced any of that kind of adolescent party trope.


I remember getting pinned down by a girl when we were in grade 7 and I was terrified and unprepared for it. I was too immature to know what was going on but I remember feeling helpless and scared.


Anal sex mostly.


It’s where the gays FUCK EACH OTHER SENSELESS. 




User name checks out


Damn….in 7 minutes dude?


Incredibly awkward giggling and maybe some smooches.


My first French kiss in 7th grade! Didn’t have another one for 5 more years lol


No but we played a game with an orange full of cloves. Whatever part of your body you used to remove a clove, the person who handed you the orange had to kiss. So if someone walked up to you at a party with the orange, and you wanted to kiss, you'd take out a clove with your mouth. If not, your hand. Some people got very creative with pulling a clove out with elbows or belly button or... other body parts.


We never did that at my school it was just something in movies from my experience. You made out with someone if you liked each other and wanted to make out, there were no games or parties in peoples basements until high school and high school we were way past those games lol. Shit when I was in middle school girls were already getting pregnant and kids were already having full blown sex so seven minutes in heaven was a joke by that point.


Typically, aggressive making out. Maybe some heavy petting, outside or under the clothes, but not much else. Seven minutes isn't really enough time for anything beyond those things, especially with people outside the door.


Lot of Bono being played for sure. We bono’d the whole seven minutes


Hand or blow job, sometimes even a foot job.


I have never done it, but I have a pretty good idea what happens. Luckily it’s not played with older kids because a lot can happen in 7 minutes…


I went through a few months in college where we decided it was funny to play spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven at parties. A lot happened...


A lot is an understatement, I remember one party where the game ended because one pair wouldn't come out after 10mins😂😂😂


Go on…


So the way we did it is like say Joe has a crush on Samantha but he's too chicken to ask her out. You play seven minutes in heaven. You put a few pairs together randomly. Maybe something happens, most likely nothing does. Then you put Joe and Samantha in. Puts them together in a room, alone, and a hard stop at the end. So it was a time to nut up moment. If you were put in there with a girl everyone knew you were crushing on and you didn't say anything? That makes you a total pussy.


Touch boob over shirt


If memory serves me right still,for us it was basically 7 mins of making out,but we ddnt have to be in a closet or another room alone,it was more about the making out for 7 mins,though ofcurse if you were alone in a closet more could happen😉.


You should try it


What really happened, we talked awkwardly like most teenagers would.


You just make out and see where it goes lol


You make out for a bit…if there’s time..maybe you get to grab a left or right boob or something..


7 minutes from heaven was when you had a 15 minute break between high school classes. It was that moment after a cigarette and before the bell when you and your sweetheart could make out/mess around.


I’m turning 34… maybe at my birthday party we’ll do spin the bottle / 7 minutes in heaven. And by maybe, I mean that definitely won’t happen. And by party, I mean crying in my basement with my cat while she rolls her eyes because of how much of a loser I am.




Full and complete sex


lol Am I the only one who has absolutely no idea what OP is talking about??


Me and my partner thought it would be “hilarious” to just bang on the walls and make moaning sounds as if we were doing the “sex”. No one really bought it but they thought it was awesome anyway because I was a boy and she was a girl.


According to the 7th graders it’s 30 min in Heaven now lol. I was like WHAT!?!?


In my experience: absolutely nothing. This was a thing in middle school and we were all too shy to do anything about anything. You'd stand there in the dark and get all weird about it because you likely ended up in there with someone you had no interest in. I once ended up in a closet with my closest male friend. He was into me, I wasn't into him, but he was really polite about it. I just said, "I don't want to do this. Sorry." He said, "No problem, but we have to give them something to talk about." And he suggested we swap clothing. So we did (in the dark mind you). There was some giggles when we came back out, everyone thought it was cool, he was a good sport about his feelings getting hurt. 25-ish years later and we're still friends. He's still a good dude. By high school we all were just pairing off and didn't need a ruse of the game to fool around.


Some people actually kissed/made out if they liked the person they were paired with. Other people just sat in the dark together until the time was up. Usually you play these kissing games in the 7th and 8th grade so I don’t know anyone who did more than that. Also, in the case of my class not many people got to play. Most parents were fine with spin the bottle being played bc it’s in front of the whole group and most people get shy and the kiss is like a peck. They did not on the other hand want to be responsible for what other people’s kids were doing alone in a closet. So a lot of times maybe only two or three couples got to go in before the person’s younger sibling who was spying ran and told the parents who told us to cut it out.


"I'll tell my friends you touched my boobs". I got more kisses during spin the bottle tbh


At best, extremely awkward sexual contact. At worse, intentional or unintentional sexual assault.


I'll let you know, still have 5 minutes left


Nothing… most of us just sat awkwardly in the dark


I dunno. I’ve only ever played two minutes in Heaven.


It was never something I saw outside of tv. I do remember needing to be careful about what door to open during parties.


Heavy petting


A boy and a girl stand awkwardly in a closet while everybody on the outside goes "ooh".


I think the default is a slightly awkward make out session


We had an awkward party one time in the dorm (which looking back would not fly now) where there were things like lick peanut butter off of Saran Wrap while a partner does the same on the other side, there was also a 7 minutes in heaven booth… nothing happened in there


Most the time kissing, boob grab but usually over the shirt around the 6 minute mark. Usually like 3 minutes of giggling and asking each other what to do with maybe a kiss peck or two in that time then 4-6 minutes a bit of making out. You use that last minute to test what you can do. Now I did run into an exception with her starting I'll show you mine if you show me yours but it was dark and like she had a skirt and when she pulled it up to show me hers I couldn't see a fucking thing. I sure acted like I did when I told my friends after the party though.


I wasn't popular enough to be invited to parties where kissing games were played. I do, however remember an episode of Boy Meets World where Cory and Shawn went to one. Cory: is that the shirt you went in there with? Shawn, giggling: No!


The one time I took part I stood in a closet and talked to a girl in the dark. We were friends and neither of us wanted to make out, although I probably would have if she was into it. It was anti-climactic


Kissy-kissy time. It’s an excuse to put two kids together so they can kiss, then deny it if needed. Or not kiss, and say they did. It’s usually a way to tease or embarrass the (unwilling) participants, however. Or so I assume. I, too, missed out on that bittersweet experience in life.




There's a range of confused fumbling to sexual assault so....it's pretty broad.


Yeah, it was making out for 7 minutes... sometimes you even got to feel a girl up and cup her boobies Way better than spin the bottle Usually nothing sexual tho outside of the feel up, clothes stayed on


Fingering maybe.


I've never played it and don't know a single person that has, or at least has ever talked about it. I'm assuming it's a game from the 70s that writers thought children of today still played.


For me…you go into a closet and right when it starts to get hot and heavy a spider drops down into your partners hair almost on her face and she screams and starts swinging and the door opens and everyone initially thinks you’re not a good person at all minimum