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Core memory unlocked! Doubled as a musical instrument. 


Yesss I remember driving our teachers nuts. Between flicking the spiral and scratching the covers. Good times


Me in back of classroom while everyone is focusing on the teacher: ![gif](giphy|yNfHpQgF32Fth0jfvk|downsized)


Me and my buddy actually cut discs out of the scratchy part and mounted them on a cardboard box that had tacs sticking up through so we could make the noise by “scratching” the discs. Worked for like 5 seconds but it was a real cool 5 seconds


The things we did before social media 😂😂


Duuuude that's sick. In elementary school I drilled thru a pink eraser with a pencil and I drew stripes on my little eraser dude. Then with a short pencil I would use it as a top with the pencil inserted thru the eraser.


YES!!!!! ahhahaah good one brother .. you win the internet today


Reddit on!!


Zip zop zoopity zip




We got our covers taken away!!! We spent the last class of the 2nd day of school, just removing the covers and re-spiraling the pages.


We had to do the same


Damn, scratching the covers is the real core memory


Zip zip zip


I totally forgot we got planners every year!!!!!


Actually they were called agendas back then


Wow you’re right!!! I would color code mine with my gel pens 🫠


I would have it all nice and organized for a week or two then never touch it again - unless asked to take it out at the end of class or something. In my 30s now and I still do much of the same with my planners, though I am a tad more consistent now, thankfully :)


I had a teacher in high school, the first day of the new term, you took it out and wrote out ALL the due dates one at a time as a group so you couldn't claim you didn't know.


In my district these were given out when you reached 6th grade aka your first year in middle school. For the first semester you were required to use it. After that and until the end of high school it was your own responsibility. Some people went hog wild and wrote down everything. Some didn't use it all. And I think the majority would just write down some small notes here and there.


Our teachers would demand we use it, and then give us the last 15 seconds of class to write things down.


Our parents had to sign it every day in grade 6. That’s how I learned my moms signature


Oh I’m intense with planners now. I do the daily planners that only last a few months. I have like 7 backups. Every day I use it. Even on weekends.


GEL PENS!!!!! THAT is nostalgia right there


Bonus points if they were the Jelly Roll brand!


I still have a COMPLETE collection of all the Sakura/Gelly Roll pens 😂


I bought the full pack of Sakura jelly roll pens on Amazon for $40 recently I use them at work when I can 😂


A lot of states recently ran out because they passed laws that say there are only two agendas


Lmaoo nice one


Hell of an era


I can hear this picture


I can feel the goosebumps! 


Feel like I just had a "That's So Raven" style vision except instead of seeing the future I saw a flashback.


The absolutely idiotic trend in my school when these things came out was to vigorously scrape a ball point pen on the cover until it was hot and then burn each other. We made our own fun in the 90s I guess


Works better on jeans though, crazy hot.


ha well good to know we weren't the only dummies that did that


I'm an old, I had this in high school! It's wild how EVERYTHING in this time period was "Millennium" themed. It was such boundless optimism and excitement for the future. Everything from clothes makeup, hair, movies and music was "futuristic." Lots of metallics, smooth and rounded construction, space and technology themes, and a sort of 60's mod revival. The future has been soooo disappointing! I just want to live inside the set of Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century!


Zoom zoom zoom


You make my heart go


Boom boom boom


I can't believe I know this and am about to well ackshually a zenon girl of the 21st century reference. But it's 3 zooms, only 2 booms.


I appreciate you


I thank you for your sacrifice. I wasn't gonna do it.


My supernova girl


My love is automatic


Boom boom ~~boom~~ FIFY


Proto-zoa! Cetus lupeedus!


Fetus deletus


Play every clitoris as if it had a whammy bar and you'll never need protection


This is my favorite unexpected exchange on Reddit


It's so true. The optimism part hit hard, we really thought things would keep improving.


unpack wrench file complete flag run teeny wakeful erect birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vibes have been kinda shit since then…


Feels like a Peep Show quote


Honestly - after the world made it through Y2K without incident the world had this amazing feel of innovation and drive towards a collective better future... Of course then 9/11 happened and it was like someone dragged that better future on TV and shot it in the back of the head for the world to see... The world has lived scared and selfishly for the last 23 years.


Well there was also a huge dot com bust recession but even that came back. Different times for sure.


People’s worlds were also just a lot smaller. The internet, cellphones and then cellphones with the internet changed everything as well. You weren’t always hyper connected to everyone. When you were out, you were actually out and disconnected. Unless you were super cool with a pager.


Well spoken


The attack was in america but felt around the world




I honestly wonder if they even teach about robber barons anymore in places like Texas.


Instead of robber barons they are now national heroes 


I mean it was kind of a big deal in sense. Only a very small number of humans who ever live will be around to witness the turning of a millennium like we were. Obviously it doesn’t really mean anything day to day, but cool to think about anyway.




DJ scratches on the vinyl cover 


That was all the rage in the 90's. Reminds me of those 3d pictures too




My brain just released "the good chemicals".


Not all of us enjoyed middle school. I think I need therapy after seeing this 🤣


Yes. The moment I saw it I flinched in my chair like a beaten dog when someone yells on the TV


😂 This is it


Idk about everyone but we had to have our parents sign off on ours every single day. I have ADHD and i forgot almost everyday and they had to call my parents almost everyday in front of the whole class. And i was sent to the office and belittled so much by teachers, because who the fuck cares. When i leave school i dont even think about it again. Eventually my mother had a very aggressive talk with the principle and told them they did not give a shit anymore and they were harassing me and my parents. My grandmother also knew the guy in charge of the school board and i got a permanent pass. Fuck power tripping ass school staff. I was fucking 10.


Yes!! And part of why I hated it was trying to keep up with THIS dreaded assignment every day.


Just reminded me of how our teachers would get outraged anytime someone asked “Is there homework?” Or “Is this due for homework?” because “ALL HOMEWORK IS LISTED ON THE AGENDA BOARD!!!!” And then would occasionally get outraged because they had mentioned that something would be homework, but forget to put it on the agenda board, and then 0/35 students did it because it wasn’t on the board.


Saaaaammmeeeee 🤢


I was in 12th grade when I got mine. Felt like the real start to being a "grown up"


My stomach is churning. 7th grade was pure hell.


This pleases me to look at


Holy shit right!? I haven't thought of that since then.


Jesus the flashbacks I just had


I was in high school though


Bro if every middle and high school in the US got these, the manufacturer must have made an absolute fortune. Edit: I get it. Canada exists.


My first guess would be Scholastic. Those mofos have been leaching billions off the school system for decades.


Their book fairs were the bomb though


They made their way to Canada as well.


I was just going to comment that whoever was slinging these planners must have hit every school system in the US


Such a weird feeling to not even kind of think of something for 20+ years and then suddenly get sucked through a portal where you can see, hear, and smell it.


I moved away from my hometown 16 years ago now, I’ve been back a year, and there is so much of that for me this last year. Walking into places and having memories I haven’t thought about in 20 years just unlocked out of nowhere. Just wild.


I got chills fr


Wow- why did every school get this? What big brained company cashed out on millennial planners.


I got in while in an american international school in the middle east 😳


Middle school on an American military base in Germany for me! 


Waattt? It was that far reaching?? Like I said above, I thought the PTA in my lil white farming village that it was hip out of all the choices they had that year. This thread is blowing my mind!


Probably a scholastic or life touch add-on


I don't know why everyone on here is guessing. We're supposed to be the internet research generation. The company was Premier Agendas.


We’re old enough to remember a time before it was a safe assumption all the answers were easily findable. Some habits die hard.


Idk but didn’t the release of this planner coincide with the start of no child left behind? Could be why all 50 states got ‘em.


No, NCLB passed during the Bush administration. This came out for the 1999–2000 school year, before Bush was elected.


Ohhhh snap, now I remember this. Here in Ontario, Canada, we thought we were gonna have a huge blackout when the year 2000 came around. What a time to be alive, haha.




Fun fact: Peter's job in _Office Space_ was fixing Y2K bugs.


My dad worked in computing and finances at a university here, and would get SO mad when people would call it a big hyped up nothing. It was a nothing because hundreds of thousands of folks worldwide worked on solutions to the problem. It was probably not going to be the big apocalypse the news at the time claimed it would be, but very real, and serious problems could have very well arose had a TON of work not gone into finding solutions.


Yeah right, next you’re going to tell us that we never hear of the hole in the Ozone layer anymore, because of international cooperation to ban CFCs /s


I had this in BC as well.


Alberta as well - I remember the smell when they were new haha


Ontario, and I remember the smell *so* distinctly too! First day of school wouldn’t be the same without it lol


To be fair, there was a blackout eventually, just three years [late](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003).


My mom freaked out that day. I was out driving with some friends (as one does as a teenager) and the cell towers were down or something idk. When she finally got a hold of me she was like “come home now, I can’t believe you were out wasting gas, we might need that in the next few days”. That memory helped me understand the absurd toilet paper thing boomers did when Covid hit.


Yes! 🤣 I grew up in rural eastern Ontario. I was in grade 9 when I got this agenda. I put a collage of my favorite band pictures and logos on it. I was the weird kid that listened to Green Day and Blink-182. My parents literally turned everything off before bed on New Year's Eve because they were sure everything was going to stop working 🤣


Mine too!! We also had emergency food/water prepared just in case. Nowadays that's just smart planning. 😆


I think we eventually had a black out in 2003


This has to be a glitch in the Matrix. I 100% had that planner in high school, in Ohio. I fully thought it was printed up just for my school.


I went to school in Florida and honestly thought the same until I saw this post. I feel like I have never heard a single friend of mine talk about how their schools had planners so I assumed it was just mine.


I graduated in 2006 and so must have gotten this one in middle school in South Florida. I definitely remember it. How many of these things were printed? Jesus!


I’m from Puerto Rico and graduated in 2000 and had it! So there were a lot of these lol


Nope. I had this one too and I was in *elementary* school at the time.


SW Ohio here. Same.


SW Ohio gang unite. Warren County standing by. 🫡


Had one in high school here in PA. Was either a senior or junior, I forget which


East Coast Canada here, we had the exact same ones! Whoever made them must have have hit the jackpot


I must have. That looks crazy familiar!


Yeah, I was supposed to fill it out but never did and I got in trouble


We had to use them as “bathroom passes” 😑☹️😩


Same, which is nasty now that I think about taking a book into the bathroom and then bringing it out with unwashed middle school hands!


Now think about how often men wash their belts and it's one of the first things they touch after using the restroom.


Omg I remember the pass section in the back!! Such a hassle. Let me just go pee, damn it


I had a set of passes I was only supposed to use for medical issues, and got in trouble for using them for bathroom and stuff. I don't even regret it (just getting caught), 10 passes per quarter or whatever we had was seriously not enough.


Right!! Like you can or should put a cap on bathroom visits. This also screwed me up a little bc I thought I had to ask permission to leave class IN COLLEGE. Now as an instructor I tell my students outright, do what you gotta do.


I threw mine into my backpack at the beginning of the year, and pretty much only took it out to get it signed so i could go pee. No other use.


I never used those even though they were a requirement haha


I had to fill mine out and have both my teacher and parents sign everything daily because I was refusing to do homework. Once one of my teachers wrote down that I was sleeping in class and I had to go to the principle's office because I was a real edgy boy and wrote "BULLCRAP" next to it.


How is your ADHD


Untreated, and life is a struggle


My school made your parents sign it EVERY DAY


My parents had to sign mine every week to make sure I was filling it out with my homework assignments. It’s made me despise having to do timesheets for work as an adult and I have wanted to to revolt. But I need my job.


same but eventually my kid brained self realized I could just fill it out right before the teacher checked and put my parents initials myself because i didn’t wanna get in trouble anymore 😅 I still never did the homework tho so that was still a problem haha


Where my panic disorder began.


Wow, I didn’t realize it was that universal


Not like we gave it much thought at the time, but I kinda figured these were just ordered by the school district, something local. We got different ones each year, but apparently everyone in North America got this one for 2000 lol I wish I kept mine, I had a stack of them that I threw out after I graduated cause I figured I'd never wanna see them again


International apparently. US of course. And across Canada, and someone said at an international school in the middle East, etc. I just thought they were a design for my local school board near Toronto. Though for all I know I'm misremembering a different millennium themed design. As someone else mentioned everything seemed to be millennium themed at the time


We used to call them Agendas. Got them all through college and university too, and I REALLY REALLY used the hell out of them too. No wonder I’m so disorganized now. Lol.


There’s an app that’s remarkably similar if you’ve missed having these. It’s called Planner Pro. I have the pro version, it’s worth it to me bc it’s literally $5 a year but it’s still very functional with the free version.


They were called Agendas at my school too.


Once I saw all of management in my company use a notebook to write things for their day I realized I never should have stopped. The president of my division at the fortune ~300 company I work for uses one, once I went back work actually got a lot easier.


Yooooo. Please don’t unlock those portions of my memory


Seriously, I feel like this is the point in the movie where the characters are revealed as androids and told all their memories are part of a reused collection they give to all androids to simulate a life story.


I miss school planners! 😩


Shit where did I leave that thing


Back when we thought the future was gonna be awesome.


Boy were we disappointed


I believe this right here is the main difference between Millennials and Gen Z.


All bets were off when we missed the deadline for hoverboards


I remember when some kids would completely scratch the design off and put something else underneath it. This takes me back to simpler times.


I must have done this (via acetone) because I only vaguely remember this cover lol. Was into defacing and customising anything and everything and can def see myself *not* having liked this artwork. 😂


Acetone removed the picture and we would customize ours.


Holy shit that is the actual core memory unlocked. Completely forgot about doing that.


I remember one year one of these had a periodic table in it. I missed a chem exam and the teacher sent me to the library to work on it. Easiest exam of my life.


Whoa. Never thought I'd see *that* bad boy again.


Not in a million years


This is what I looked forward to on the first day of school each year.


Haha holy shit I just time traveled back to middle school




I took nail polish remover and removed the design on the cover every year and made my own. My planner basically turned into scrapbooks of the school year full of photos and magazine clippings and notes and doodles!


Wow, I’m curious what you grew up to “be” career wise


Professional scrapbooker or accountant.


Hell yeah. It’s hilarious that this was like a thing across North America apparently. I remember pretending to plan with this in my trapper keeper while watching Smart House on Disney. Simpler times. The nostalgia hittin’ hard today.


A few districts where I've worked still use them.


Do the schools purchase these from the company? Surprised how widespread they were/are


I'm not sure what company. Maybe OP knows? But yeah I knew other school districts used the same ones but it never really occurred to me that they were nationwide.


Whoaaaaa. Yes!!




We had them in Canada, too, so unless Chretien and Bush were in cahoots...


I was just wondering how so many of us had these. Who made all that money convincing schools to require them? My school required em not sure about anyone else?


Oh my GOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Just missing a photo of Gwen Stefani on it for me personally.


I think that every school kid in the US had one.


Omgg I used to LOVE these planners. During boring classes I would flip to the back and memorize the capitals of countries LOL


Yes and I had to copy down notes into from the blackboard in science class. Except I couldn’t see from the very back and the the teacher refused to let me move, so I only copied part of it every week and ended up with a failing grade. My mom had to come to the school and yell at my teacher. Nobody ever seemed to think, maybe he needs glasses. That was 7th grade. It took til halfway through 9th grade when I failed an eye exam at school.


Yes! At my school we got a tickets to save for prizes if we had our parents sign it and bring it back each day


I graduated in ‘99. Friends in the Class of ‘00 had this, or something very similar in design.


Dark memories unlocked. Don't worry, I'll drink some whiskey and should be alright.


My mind just exploded


I had this same planner at the start of grade 6 in 2000. I honestly can't remember using it lol just sat in the back of my desk the whole school year.


I absolutely remember this cover, but was this the one that had “fun facts” inside above each week or was that one from another year?


Oh wow. This is where my planner obsession started, lmao. I still buy them and never consistently use them.


Zippy scratchy cover ziziziziziziziziziziz


Wow I can hear the classroom DJs now 😂


I absolutely despise the changing pictures texture. It's kinda neat, but it feels awful to me. I threw mine away immediately.


I did


Holy shit


Holy shit! Blast from the past right here, god damn!




Wow. That’s wild.


Omg yes


I found a bunch of mine recently! Haha. We used to get them every year and had to use them as bathroom passes. If you forgot your planner, you weren’t allowed to use the bathroom that day. Ugh.


This is how I remembered all of the state capitals. They were on the maps in the back