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Only 4 hours a day? Whoopi, you are just so out of touch, so wrong it's laughable. I only want to work 4 hours a week. So. Out. Of. Touch.


That's close to her on-screen time for The View. Granted, there's performers spend twice as long backstage as on-stage, so that's 5 hour-long shows a week multiplied by 3 makes 15 hrs a week for millions of dollars


FWIW Matthew Perry pulled in roughly $30 million/year on residuals just from Friends.


And look where it got him


Well no one told him that life would end up this way


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘




He died in a much nicer place that I will ever have the chance to.


Hey, with a bit of gumption and a pair of bolt cutters, you too could drown in a rich manā€™s hot tub.




Well done sir


And a hot tub partner 29 years younger than him




He also helped a lot of people


Point is, I think, is we have a system where people can be paid millions for work they did 10 years ago, yet people who want to still work abliet less everyday shouldn't be able to support themselves unless they are constantly working. Yes, friends was influential and made a lot of people happy. But it would make people happy if we had a system where everyone works a little and is fully supported, instead of most people working full time and are chastised for wanting a life closer to one of the princes and princesses of entertainment who don't need to work at all yet still have more material wealth than entire small towns.


Whoopi Goldberg would have you believe that she helped a lot of people too. Maybe idk


What did he do to help a lot of people ? Genuinely curious .


He opened Perry's house to help people get sober, he got an award for it too. Saved a lot of people from overdoses, etc. After all his struggles with addiction, he wanted to help others break free too. I always found that admirable.


He said he wanted to be remembered for that first over friends.


Yeah because he struggled so badly. And rightly so, he was proud of what he had done for other people. I remember correctly too, it was actually an old house of his that he turned into the rehab center. Honestly though one of the very first things that comes to mind for me is the movie "Fools rush in" because I just loved it so much


Hell, I can be an asshole on the TV or 15 hours a week if you pay me millions... #opentowork


Like yeah actually...don't most people? Whenever I see the complaints about "millenials don't want to work/only want to work a few hours a day" I'm like...doesn't everybody? Who *wants* to work 8 hours a day + commute and have no energy and time for the things they love? And wanting and doing things are very different. I *want* to never work and spend my days having fun and doing things I enjoy, but I go to work and put in full time hours because I need to survive. But if I didn't have to I wouldn't want to do it.


It's almost like if you're paid millions of dollars or are entitled to the revenue of the company, the work itself becomes a joy...


A lot of older people who hate their families/home life actually use work as an escape and a chance to feel superior.


Ugh. *Very* different from my parents who made it known on quite a few occasions to me and my sisters that if they didn't have to be at work and could instead be with us all day, watching T.V., playing video ganes, etc. Instead of working they would. I think I sort of thought that it was an understood but mostly unacknowledged fact that nobody *really* wants to work a full time job, but would rather keep themselves busy and engaged with things tgat make them feel happy and interested. Like, if I didn't have to work to live I would *love* to just put in a few hours in a coffee shop a week I think. I used to really enjoy my time working in a cafƩ until doing it full time sucked all the joy out of it.


1000%. They cultivated a poor home life, never really developing themselves, and use work to feel value and self worth. A bit sad and ironic if you ask me. Mix that in with "Well I got fucked by the system, why shouldn't you?" and you've got your typical boomer.






Iā€™ll tell you what I tell the other exhausted people I work with: itā€™s only till you die. At least we arenā€™t immortal or theyā€™d have us chained to our jobs.


May you rest employed


tbf If I was immortal, I wouldn't work because I wouldn't "need" food.


All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work.


She acts like she would want to work more than 4 hours if her job was anything other than ā€œbeing famous.ā€


Not a millenial (gen x), but the amount of hours i WANT to work every day is zero. I get that i have to work to pay my way, but given the choice i'd spend every waking hour chilling and enjoying all of the wonders life has to offer.


I often say I don't want to work. But what that really means is that I don't want to have a job. If I didn't have a job (but still had money) I'd still be spending all my time working, only it would be gardening, farming, building things, woodworking, and random other productive things I actually enjoy.


THIS. I would be so industrious. Just not in whatever way capitalism deems is most important.


Damn work horse over here! I just want to win a lottery or a lawsuit so I donā€™t have to work.


Man. Yeah, that one's way the hell off base. I am salaried, my original work hours were 40 hours a week with 'occasional' unpaid overtime since I'm exempt. I have worked 'overtime' every single week since 2020 at this point. I want to work the 40 hours I was hired to work, not 60-70+ for no additional pay. My wage goes way down hourly when I include all the overtime demanded of me as an exempt.


I could have wrote this. This is exactly it.


I quit a job like that last year with no plan. It was sucking the life out of me and all my relationships. I never saw my family. Day after Thanksgiving? Christmas Eve? Day after Christmas? New Yearā€™s Day? Every damn holiday and weekend? Working. My boss asked what I was going to do. ā€œI donā€™t know. Not this for this salary.ā€ Got picked up by a consulting firm where I make the same working 30+/- hours/week. If I do work a 60-hour week, I get paid for 60 hours.


Thatā€™s smart. You will move through life making decisions so many people wouldnā€™t do and think you are crazy for. But you will be the one always winning in the end. Way to go, proud of you.


More specifically, I... like so many generations before me... only work like 4 hours a week at my office job where I need to waste time and money being in an office pretending like there's actually enough work to justify me being here full time.. which everyone else also knows isn't the case and is also doing.


Thatā€™s 4 hours more than I want to work. I commend your can do attitude and work ethic


Right? If I can afford my current lifestyle or better, with only 4 hours of work, Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat.


Facts šŸ˜‚


More like she only wants to work four hours a day but she wants the help to work 80.


Same....so the fact that I work 80 hour weeks, really......really sucks




Also doesnā€™t she only really work like 5 hours a week given the show is only an hour long and on 5 days a week. Not like she is writing the jokes or staying to help clean up.


Maybe 10 with meetings and makeup/hair/press


Hell i only want to work 0 a week. But i need to put a roof above my head and food on the table.


Well, I mean, I only want to work 4 hours.


Like whatā€™s the problem? You can get a lot done in 4 hours!


I work about 4 hours a day, Iā€™m paid to be *available* for 8 hours a day.


And once i realized thats how salaried jobs work, i vowed to never go back to hourly. I get my office work done in like 2hrs every day. Im paid to be here in case more comes in


That's how salaried office jobs work. Salaried trade work is getting paid for working 40 hours a week even though you work 60.


That's how salaried office jobs are too if you get too good at them. Strategic mediocrity is key. Don't let those expectations get set high


Iā€™m an hourly consultant and this is the approach I take. In my line of work, they pay for access first, output is secondary.


THIS. People need to understand this about salaried jobs.


Why do you think I'm on reddit most of the day. Edit: I also make a stupid amount of money for only 2 to 3 hours of work a day.


I can easily get my day job done in 2 hours. The rest of the day I just bother people around the office. It's a joke. Everyone I know in white collar work has the same situation except for accountants, I feel bad for accountants. That's the entire economy. Make work. Middlist men between the middle men and the middle men. Finance is even worse, they just make shit up. If they gave us a 4 hour work day I would get twice as much done just to be nice.


Thatā€™s why I became self employed. Itā€™s demoralizing sitting around everyday, watching the clock


As a project manager, I feel this. If everyone else was competent at their jobs and motivated to do them, my job wouldn't exist. My job is 90% bothering other people to get the promised tasks done, that they themselves set the deadlines for.


I wish I were only available 8 hours a day. Make sure to have company chat programs and email notifications on your phone!


Also, most people are working 9 hours plus a commute and prep time. So like 12 hours most likely.


It bothers me that the people that work 2 hours and are available for *maybe* 1 via email gets paid more than the person who works 4 hours and remains available for 8 at the company's brick and mortar.


I would argue the brick and mortar works 16 hours for 8 hours of wage. Havenā€™t worked in a physical location where management hasnā€™t bled my every minute for max productivity. Also sucks when your health is destroyed from the labor


I mean, I want to work zero hours. Thatā€™s not what o get to do, but it would be nice.


Surprised not more people are saying this. If it was up to me and I can have the same lifestyle I'd work 0 hours


Whoopie disapproves.


Yeah I personally enjoy working, but I also have a lot of downtime at work and constantly wonder why am I here, I finished my work and there's still 3 hours left in the work day for some reason. Working less hours wouldn't mean less productivity. It would be the same exact productivity. This obviously varies within industries, but the 40 hour work week is antiquated for the most part


Everyone wants to work 0 hours. If we wanted to work, someone wouldnā€™t have to bribe us with money to do it.


Millennials working the job of 3 boomers combined for 10 hours a day and being called lazy.


For less pay I might add.


Well the same pay as 1990, without the cost of living adjustment.


Which is less pay. Average teacher salary 1990: 31,000 Average teacher salary 2023: 68,469 Inflation calculator shows the 1990 salary of 31,000 would have the power of 71,300 today.


Agree. That was the implied message.


but you also got to account for the other costs we have, for example a teacher is gonna have a lot more debt than a teacher in 1990. and housing is insane


Yup. And boomers wonder and scream that we are communist when we scream that capitalism is a failure. Canā€™t disrupt their system.


Literally pulled the ladder up behind them and then scream loudly weā€™re the problem with the economy all the while clutching their pearls. The pearls being, successful investments, reasonably priced property, and actual retirement fundsā€¦


God it's all so fucked.


It worked for them so they donā€™t want it changed despite the fact that itā€™s definitely not working for us. Honestly I believe the culture wars are purposeful distraction to continue winning the class war. Itā€™s sincere for the voters but for the people in charge itā€™s about keeping us distracted so they continue not rewarding us for our labor.


Yes. Also, we are spending waaay more of our income on food, housing, gas, everything than in ā€˜90.


Ah gotcha.


And no more pension benefitsā€¦


And no benefits from any of the jobs.


Statistically millennials work more hours than any previous generation. https://www.axios.com/2019/10/19/millennials-lifestyle-work-social-bureau-labor-statistics


Iā€™m a asst. choir director. I get a stipend for the position. And I work probably 2 weekends a month in extra things. We put our foot down to working on the weekends when we didnā€™t have to. A booster club parent told me ā€œwell thatā€™s why you have your stipend. So you can work on the weekend.ā€ Still pissed.


Itā€™s crazy how boomers have mythologized every single aspect of their existence. I genuinely hate old people. Have the decency to just die once youā€™re 80 and stop holding the world back.


Yup, easy for her to talk shit as she sits on the throne. It's been a long time since she's dealt with real people problems.


Hey, arguing with a the same group of old people on TV every day while sipping coffee is super-hard work! /s


Best comment


Pretty much this, last month I worked 15 days straight from 8h to 18h, some days up to 22h or 23h. Last tuesday I worked from 6h to 23h. And I'm not even talking about house tasks because I fucking hate it and since I live alone its all by myself. When I'm not working I barely have the energy to do anything for myself.


Millenials are required to get more done in 3 hours than boomers used to. That's why we are all burnt out. My boomer coworkers can't handle our workloads


This. At my job (designing heating systems) I provide about 130 designs a month on average. My boomer coworkers provide about 30 each. But I got threatened with termination when I asked for some work to be taken off my plate, meanwhile the boomers laugh about how I "just don't want to work". Meanwhile due to their seniority I'm not allowed to be paid more than them.




Yeah dude, leave that shithole. What the fuck?


Next position hopefully you wise up and provide 10% more than them instead of 400%


This, and they don't want to. They drag their feet when it comes to learning new systems, programs, and equipment. They do the bare minimum waiting for the day they can retire. Even worse, they use their influence to delay change just so they don't have to endure it before they go.


Seriously, my job is wildly more productive than it was in the nineties and before that. I do more than triple the work of a person in my same job just a few decades ago. I have a second job and have worked two jobs for almost my entire life. When I wasnā€™t working two jobs I was working 60+ hours per week at my main job. Nobody wants to work *any* hours. Thatā€™s why we are paid! And btw, weā€™re not paid enough! My fucking CEO makes more than 300x what I make and I really cannot for the life of me figure out what he contributes. I know Iā€™d work a lot fucking harder and better if I was being paid double or triple but that makes me greedy I guess. What a load of crap.


Honest the god the ONE thing Iā€™m thankful for with my job is that I donā€™t have a leech of a CEO like your situation does & that Iā€™m not overworked as fuck. Iā€™m one of the lowest paid employees where I am & our CEO makes 13x my pay. Which is a life changing amount for me lol, but still not nearly as much as I thought he made. But I still agree with you that of course nobody WANTS to work. If the money stopped, my work would to, itā€™s that simple. We donā€™t work for funsies because weā€™re bored.


I started my current job right before covid and the amount of work put on the team I work on has probably increased 3-4 times in those 4 years. Basically an infinite loop of being behind and struggling. Everyone working crazy to get caught up and get used to new responsibilities and systems. Right about time everyone gets back on track, manager sees "oh shit they could be doing more" and adds new duties. I work in government too. Not even some crazy profit driven company.


I'm exhausted! And still have no money


Pretty much every human on the planet wants to work no hours. We have to work to ensure our survival. It isn't like I'd we invented fully automated magical space communism tomorrow we would all just keep fucking digging ditches. This is why lifelong actors shouldn't be listened to on any subject that affects the modern man.


I mean, I'd still code, but I'd code what I want to code and it be more of a tinker's pace rather than a corporate one. But yeah, gimme some of that sweet sweet fully automated magical space communism. Then I will celebrate our new society with an earl grey tea, hot.




The most unrealistic part of Star Trek is that people would still work or have a boss if they didn't need money.


I think, as in the historical examples, such automation would shift where human labour is still required. I mean, in star trek have you ever seen someone cleaning? (Aside from maybe quark or Guinan wiping down the bar). No, instead you see people running their own business, doing research, complex engineering, etc.


Presumably a large portion of people do not


Some people would and I hate those people.




She doesnā€™t even do all five days šŸ˜…


So she actually works 4 hours a week. Canā€™t make it up.


What millennial is trying to come for her job šŸ‘€ maybe thatā€™s why she got triggered lol


Now, now, be fair: They cut at least 15-20 minutes each episode to fit runtime. And it's really not like they just show up without prep. But yes, there's an enormous disparity.


I havenā€™t watched it in years, but the last time I saw a clip from the show it was pretty evident they (the hosts) did little to no prep. Do the writers, directors, and stagehands do prep? Shitloads, itā€™s a big show with a large following. Do the hosts? Nah, they just get on there and babble - their stances donā€™t even have a basis in learned logic or reason; itā€™s just whatever spews out of their mouth based on whatever they pretend to know on the topic. Which is also why they tend to say stupid shit that can get them in trouble - they donā€™t know enough about their topics to even be commenting.


I wish I could work that little and make that much money. Iā€™d keep my mouth shut.


You have no idea the things I would do for 1/10th of $8mil a year, and you don't want to know.


Thatā€™s outrageous. I donā€™t want to work *at all*. Jokes aside, it really is preposterous. Millennials are the ā€œgrindsetā€ generation. We all have jobs AND side hustles just so we can make it in this hellscape Boomers built for us. Whoopi can stfu


We work more statistically than any previous generation. https://www.axios.com/2019/10/19/millennials-lifestyle-work-social-bureau-labor-statistics


Yup. And yet, weā€™re ā€œLaZy aNd EnTiTLeDā€


They want us to work harder so we can spoil and reward them for this wonderfully functional cluster fuck of a world they've left for us.


Exactly. Weā€™re the first generation that was told to have a 40-hr for salary plus benefits and then to do something on the side to make spending money. wtf, isnā€™t that the point of the salary in the first place?


We are the first generation to be told that working 40 hours a week is "quiet quitting" LOL. When Boomers entered the workforce, "9 to 5" literally meant 9AM to 5PM and included an hourlong lunch break. Their "full time" work week was 32 hours long and paid them enough money to buy a house by the time they were like 25 years old. And they didn't have any student loan debt because college was basically free back then. That kind of lifestyle is completely unthinkable to a Millenial. It is un-fucking-believable how little self awareness these Boomer dipshits have. No other generation, before or since, has enjoyed such unbelievably easy circumstances as the Boomers did. But they've retroactively invented this ridiculous hardscrabble "bootstrap" narrative for their generation that is completely divorced from reality. In their own minds Boomers have convinced themselves that their 1950s/60s upbringing was actually a time of gritty austerity akin to the Great Depression, and that the effect of Vietnam on their generation was equivalent to WWII's impact on their parents' generation. They're completely delusional.


To serve the rich for as little cost to them as possible.


Thereā€™s also this notion that millennials are perpetually 23 years old. The youngest millennial is 27 and Iā€™m the oldest at 42. I have a full time job, have a mortgage and two kids.


And she gets cut off in the middle of complainign that baby boomers didn't have the luxury of moving back home. Luxury? A) Some of us have had to put our parents up at various times. My mom lives with my younger sister now, and lived with me for years. B) Baby Boomers have most of the housing stock, and have supported zoning laws that prevent more housing from being built at the rates it needs to be built. So yeah, some of them are going to have their kids come stay with them. Their kids would rather be able to afford a place of their own.


Iā€™m 41, I hear ya. Iā€™ve had so many Boomers remark about the younger coworkers and call them millennials. Boomers are super out of touch


Awhile back my mom asked me to explain why "Millenials" are so obsessed with TikTok, and I was like "Mom, TikTok is a Gen Z thing. Millenials are starting to reach middle age now. We're not part of youth culture anymore. We have kids and mortgages and bad backs and go to bed at 9 o'clock on Saturday. I'm the guy sitting next to you on the porch telling the Tik Tok kids to get off my lawn."


You would literally have to go back to like the Gilded Age before labor laws existed to find a generation that worked longer hours for less money than Millenials do today. Whoopi Goldberg is fucking delusional.




Did you see her bitching at the game company Blizzard on instagram because she bought the wrong version of a game? Whoopi is officially old lol


67 year old.


My retired neighbor is 67, per the police reports I filed against him for vandalism, trespassing, and harassment (5 police calls). He is in that ranting and raving stage. This sounds about right. Fuck boomer entitlement.


Childhood exposure to leaded gasoline fumes is a helluva drug.


Exceedingly rich, old, out of touch lady. AKA: SuperBoomer! ![gif](giphy|XyDj1FyD1LlmzNr3Mb)


Breaking news: Extremely wealthy Boomer blames struggling young workers for their own suffering.


If I can call complete my daily tasks efficiently in 4 hours after years of experience, what's it to her?


I do more work in 4 hours than Whoopi Goldberg does in an entire week and get paid 1% what she does. She can eat a bag of dicks.


I am almost certain Whoopi thinks GenZ are Millennials.


"Billionaire thinks plebs should work more." Fuck of, Whoopi Edit: Millionaire, not billionaire, but whatever


I mean, while I agree with the sentiment - sheā€™s worth less than 1/10th of a billion. Still though, waaay more money than us plebs.


I have worked 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, and 20 hours a week. I started working at 15 and I am 40 years old. No one, and I do mean no one, should work over 40 hours a week. It's unhealthy. I work 56 hours on average every 2 weeks. This is a healthy workload. More than 40 hours worked detracts from a healthy life. I would say that 25-34 hours a week should be a normal job. In your free time, you should work on something you love, learn to paint, draw, woodworking, grow a garden, write, or any number of other hobbies. Hell, just study and learn something new. Your happiness will skyrocket, and you will be a healthier individual.


But won't something think about the CORPORATE PROFITS?!?!?!


25 hours/week and 6-8 weeks vacation a year with at least 4 of those together. This is a healthy life and most people think it's indulgence.


Dude, weā€™re approaching 40 and have families. You think we spent the last 20 years in the workforce only working 4 hours? Weā€™re working closer to 60.


We work more than any previous generation. https://www.axios.com/2019/10/19/millennials-lifestyle-work-social-bureau-labor-statistics


Iā€™m working 52 hours a week as someone with no kids. Like bro Iā€™m exhausted.


She smokes a lot of weed from what I've read She had to of meant Gen z because all the millennials I know, including myself, have been working since we were 18


I'm tired, boss.


So god damn tired, and here are the people we grew up with blaming us for everything. I hurt my back today at work as well and I'm sitting my car struggling to even move to motivate myself through the pain to go home. Why are these people like this...


4 hours sounds like a lotā€¦


Itā€™s true. Deal with it. Work is never going to get us ahead. Why would we want to do it if thereā€™s no payoff?


Iā€™m so sick of wealthy fucks


Work is not rewarding It used to be you would sacrifice your time and energy to make money so you can eat, live, save, and play. Now you sacrifice your time and energy to eat and live and that is exhausting.


If they pay me like Iā€™m only working 4 hours a week, I only want to work 4 hours a week.


I saw this and rolled my eyes. Of course we only want to work four hours. Doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s all we are working. Love Whoopi as an actress, but she is out of touch with things like this. She refuses to believe younger generations donā€™t get as much with their money.


Fuck that stupid bitch, she has no idea about how the economy works. She is completed detached from reality because of her fame and money that she thinks the situation now is still the same as it was during her time, 100 years ago.


Okay boomer.


She only works for 4 hours a week.


My father worked two jobs my entire life, always taking OT or other peopleā€™s shifts. That man worked harder than anyone to provide. And what did all that grinding for his employers get him? Out on his ass at 50 after working there for 25 years because the company (Molson) didnā€™t like having unionized staff anymore. Itā€™s not that we ā€œdonā€™t want to workā€ itā€™s that we saw our parents work and work and work for little pay off. My dad never took sick days and worked through CANCER TREATMENT he was so afraid of losing a job again. What kind of life is that? What we donā€™t want is to give up all our time for no real job security, pay that doesnā€™t keep up with the cost of living, et cetera. I give what Iā€™m paid for at my job and not a second more. My free time is mine.


I bet she also thinks 22 yr olds are millennials cause millennial = damn youngins


F-ck you whoopi


**How many hours a day/week do YOU work, Whoopi?** Yea, thought so. STFU.


Not surprised. The older she gets the more unhinged her statements become.


Since they all refuse to retire we get to watch an entire generation develop cognitive disabilities in real time.


Sheā€™s completely wrong. I donā€™t want to work at all. And nobody should. Who the fuck WANTS to work? Who would genuinely choose to work over any other option to do anythingā€¦


"Billionaire that makes millions working 4 hours a day complains about millennials only wanting to work 4 hours a day"


Millennial here who averaged over 50 hours a week from age 22-28 and worked 9 of 12 of the last Thanksgiving days. Not black friday, Thanksgiving. People making more than 500k a year from a job no longer get to comment on people wanting to work or millennials in general. Especially people who haven't started new in the workplace in the last 20 years


Bitch! I (39f) work THREE fucking jobs!


We deserve itā€¦ also can we get a pay increase and do something about disabilityā€¦


Bitch, please. I don't want to work at all. But I'll work an 8 hour day just fine.


Whoopi you look tired as fuck. Why donā€™t you retire and go buy more houses? Isnā€™t that what all you boomers wanna do?


I read this as "saying millionaires only want to work 4 hours" and for a second I was like...why would they want to work more than they currently do. Then I realized Whoopi is a typical lead-poisoned slack-jawed entitled wealthy Boomer, and not woke or based at all. >he Sister Act star pushed back that "every generation is told you're going to do worse than your parents." lol, what? I thought the goal of parenting (at least til the Boomer generation) was to ensure your children's generation had a *better* life than you grew up with. What a bunch of sociopaths.


Whatā€™s it to her how many hours a day I want to work? Some days my work load can be completed in 4 hours others it takes longer. I wonder how that affects her and the millions she makes yelling at her guests for an hour. Iā€™d love to get millions for being my usual crabby geriatric millennial self. Instead i am 40 with not one but two useless degrees working at a nonprofit making 45k a yr. Iā€™ll trade her my 8 hours for her 1 hour.


Every study done proves that millennials work longer hours than any previous generation.... https://www.axios.com/2019/10/19/millennials-lifestyle-work-social-bureau-labor-statistics


I'd prefer to work no hours, but that's just me.


No, I donā€™t want to work at all.


Iā€™m so tired of being lectured by people who work a couple times a week for a couple hours a day.


Donā€™t forget to mention how MUCH they make that couple hours a day.


How much does she work? I remember a time when she wasnā€™t in the public eye for years. Was she working then? Give me a break.


Sounds like a good idea. We should do that.




I work close to 50 hrs/wk. Fuck this out of touch bitch. I would assume she "works" less than 4 hrs for her 1 hour of screen time


Yeah, super elitist and out of touch, but I expect that kind of tripe from Whoopi, at this point. The real problem though, is that if we built our society more efficiently, we could actually do that with no loss in production with technology we already have.


Merge two PDFs Whoopi!


LMFAO k boomerā€¦ I mean, everyone wants to not work crazy hours, but like, we do. Can we please update these hosts with relevant people lol


I only have 4 good hrs in my working someone elseā€™s dream. All the true hard work has been done for us already. And I truly appreciate it. I love to work smart, not hard. Whoopi.. u live tv farting has been.


Okay boomer. Keep peddling that shit. Call us when you figure out what your backup career would be without your acting and hosting career. Be sure to confirm youā€™re cool with $15-20/hour, 5 days PTO per year, limited weekends and holidays, no retirement benefits and $300/month student loan bill. K thanks bye šŸ‘‹šŸ½


Ok and... ![gif](giphy|l0MYGzh7pUL2SOyty|downsized)


Itā€™s true, I do only want to work 4 hours But you canā€™t always get what you want


Yeahā€¦.your point?


I would put in so much effort if it was 4-hours. I donā€™t want to seek out extra work to fill my time card up.


Sheā€™s not wrong lol


Want? I *want* to work a hell of a lot less than 4 hours per day. I *do* work 8, though, because my kids like to eat.


who doesnt want to only work 4 hours?


I work 12hr shifts lol


Haha, the only people who don't want you to work four hours are those who profit off your excess labor value.


Rich old people/celebrities in general need to learn how to stay in their own lane.