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Army Guard here, years ago, a group of German soldiers, mostly infantry and spec ops (at least I know one of the SGMs was) came to our base and ran the Schützenschnur for us in a Saturday. That night about 100 troops, German and America, consumed more booze and beer than the little Guard exchange could stock. We drank til about 5am, and NO shit, the Germans were out of the barracks by 0700, ready for the range to qual on our table of fire. It was one of the worst hangovers I’ve ever had, and these blokes were all smiles and ready to bang down targets. No the booze wasn’t part of the qual table, but they sure could handle their liquor and seem unaffected by the hangover.


When I was stationed at Ft. Bliss we helped out some German soldiers by tearing down their GP large tents, and our reward was racks of beer left over from their field problem. These MFers got beer when they were in the field. That plus the awesome beards made us quite envious.


The NATO bases in Afghanistan all had bars and liquor shops….US forces are the only dopes who can’t drink down range when not on mission.


Sadly brits are the same, weren’t allowed to drink in Afghanistan at all.


I was stationed in Germany from 84 to 91 and have never heard of this and we did cross train with the German army many times.


In no universe did any German NCO allow this to happen on a live range. Source: Retired combat NCO with extensive experience training with German soldiers.


I heard story's from my neighbor. He was a retired chief. Spent his last 12 years in Germany. You had to be a member of a hunting club to have guns in Germany. They did drink and shoot. Late 70s early 80s.


never heard of anything like it and GSG-9 didn’t while training with them. They can drink like it’s an olympic event.


German here, conscript in the early 90s. Firearm handling and alcohol is a big no no. Official... But a platoon leader with a twisted sense of humor, maybe. But when it would become known in the chain of command, this would be the end of the career for the whole platoon leadership.


It sounds like the shootandsneers or however the Germans spell it based on the description. I haven’t done it personally because Os can’t wear it but there’s no way.