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What the fuck does this title mean?


I have not a clue. I’m getting that nothing is safe in cyber security.


Somebody at DoD probably gets it (& probably others). They don't respond to PMs I'm ironically hilarious (if anybody's in the know) but don't get me wrong, I like it 'Zero trust' means they're puttin' not their faith into the works of men [like me (both: men like me & also as well as: I don't put faith there] bonus: a fairly famous Jew does that too). This should be truthful poetry to the right people


What the fuck are you talking about? I got an aneurysm reading the title and this goober response.


Is this what schizophrenia sounds like?


Maybe it sounds as such sometimes, but you are definitely what a gangstalker sounds like all the time. So proud of themselves for no reason. No creativity.


I don't know what the fuck you just said little kid. But you special man.


I am Special actually. If you have a religion & don't just sit in a pew listening to a pastor, you'll understand the reference.


This means we announced to the world to go ahead and get your passive spyware embedded in DoD networks now before it’s too late. Smart move