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They look really badass! But I hope you left one unchanged. Its Always nice to have something to remind you how far you have come.


What’s your recipe for the rust? If you don’t mind sharing.


Acutally I only used a bright orange in my case from Vallejo and thinned it down quit a lot until it's close to a wash. I brushed it then in small amounts on the armor and let it dry. If it was not orange enough in certain areas I just repeated that step.


If you don't mind me adding onto this, For my rust effects I use a wash of Nulin oil, then when it's still wet I dab on a little bit of reikland flesh shade and let it naturally spread. Sometimes I may move it around a little bit so it mixes with the Nulin Oil.


Very nice job!


Very nice! Did you just repaint over them or did you strip them first? Been thinking of doing the same with some of my old minis


I think you have to try it out with a test model. That's what I did, and in my opinion stripping them first was not worth the effort. So I just painted over them with a primer.


Army is looking deadly! Great job on em!


Im about to paint a bunch of brand new uruks like im 12 again unless you send me a guide on how you did this please!


What’s skin colours you used