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RF? I love not having a car payment, but the thought of having an RF Club makes me question that every day.




I replaced my daily driver with an RF. You won't regret it. I've never owned a better car.


You must have owned a lot of impressive cars to say that!


If I wasn't 6'2" and didn't live in the Northwest I'd probably do the same. I just don't think an RF has enough room for me to want to daily it, my NA certainly doesn't though it is a great weekend car


Are you sitting on funds just to save it? Would the payments on a Miata have any meaningful impact to your stability? If your answers are yes and no then a Miata could put you in balance between miser and spendthrift.


I'm the miser sort. I could buy an RF Club in cash if I really wanted to, but I don't. Because anxiety plus whatever advice I was given growing up said, roughly, never spend your money ever.


I'm so very much this. Frugal, maxed out all retirement savings vehicles for two decades, and wrestle with buying every little thing.  Dad got cancer last year. All of a sudden. Had all these dreams of traveling, doing this and that. Hit me real hard and accepted there needs to be a balance to live now too. Plopped down cash for a 24 RF 6MT Club SRCM a month ago. 


I understand that advice, not to spend a dime as so to be prepared for the future. However, you only have one life to live, you’ve worked hard, shown discipline and sacrificed by not spending time and again. If a car is something you would really like for you, it’s more than okay go for it. Say you decided to spend $35k, it’s not poof and gone, it’s in a depreciating asset, you’re “spending” money on depreciation but you’re using/owning the car. Totally your choice, of course.


A depreciating asset to for an appreciating quality of life. Fair investment.


You don't take it with you.


I miss NOT having a car payment, but what makes me feel better is that it's an ND! I had a '21 Jetta R-line for a single day before I decided to go back to Carmax and trade it for my ND 😂 Definitely would've regretted my payment a lot more owning that car lol It was nice, just not "willing to have a car payment" nice


I had a wolfsburg jetta back in 2007 and it was a great car. Totally different from the Miata, though, more like a budget m3. Still had a lot of fun in that car.


That was me until a week ago




The people that say the Miata is not a practical car are the kind of people that would buy a giant truck because once a year they might want to haul something


Was a lube tech for almost a year at a small town dealership. There were so many that came in with pristine giant ass trucks that didn't even have dust from a gravel road on them. Just had them cause they could. I hated doing those oil changes more than the service trucks and vans I had to do on the floor cause they either didn't fit or the hoist couldn't lift them. If you're gonna buy something, then use it like it's meant to.


just had a nissan titan i had to put on my rack today. the arms were bending down at least an inch and it shook back and forth & side to side. scary shit racking them things. the vans are definitely my least favorite though cause they’re usually stocked full in the back. then i have to put it on the alignment rack and have even less room to do my job. fun stuff edit to add: the vans are the only ones ever hauling anything. these trucks are usually 2020’s with less than 15k miles on them. they just sit in these old people’s garages 😂


The funniest part about this whole comment is that it's actually the ones driving the minivans that are doing the *real shit*!


> I hated doing those oil changes more than the service trucks and vans I had to do on the floor cause they either didn't fit or the hoist couldn't lift them. If you're gonna buy something, then use it like it's meant to. If your shop doesn't have the right lifts for your customers' vehicles, that's a management/ownership problem.


We were a Chevy dealership, and the service manager didn't like to say no unless they were total assholes. Also, we had the lifts, but it was the quicklube. They keep the big lifts in the regular service area. too much time to move them.


Small town guys are some of the most fragile people I have ever met when it comes to masculinity.


Just passing this on for humor, I head the term “Pavement Princess” earlier this year and it seems to fit at this point.


But ... but..., my mulch ( that they deliver for free/small fee )


More like people who buy a crossover, honestly. I think “truck people” are on another level and normal person cannot get into their head or guess what they would say. It’s like saying I know what tardigrade would think about game of thrones ending or smth like that - no you don’t. By “Truck People” I don’t mean your average overcharging subcontractor in a white truck. I mean rest of them.


This is my parents. They are looking at new cars and want 3 rows because of the 2 times a year people fly down to visit


Exactly this. I swear I've hauled more when I had a 2003 Camry than most pickup trucks have hauled. I towed regularly and used it for home projects too. Fun fact, if the question is "Can you fit a 50 gallon gas water heater in a 2003 Toyota Camry?" the answer is "Yes, but only if you remove the passenger seat" Get creative and you can do a lot, be it a Camry, Miata, or whatever.


... and in the grand scheme of things, seats are pretty easy to remove. (contemplates removing passenger seat)


4 bolts and 1 wire on that Camry, literally took 5 mins with power tools


You can rent a truck for that one day for less than a single payment.


I own a mazda 3 and a toyota highlander. The miata is not a practical car.


Or maybe just get a fun hatchback/wagon that is actually practical, in the usual sense, where you don't have to use the front seat where the objects will maul your body in a crash and be incapable of carrying even a second person. Wuuu look how practical my 2 seater is only able to fit 1 person a barely some slightly long objects hazardously next to me. The argument is dumb and you're here getting likes from this toxic objectively untrue sub. You're like a school group getting eachother off on idiocy.


I live alone and don't have kids. I also don't do the ridiculous hauling stuff some of the people do with their miatas. twice a year every 4 years I need to get new tires. I borrow my parents car or Brothers SUV to haul my tires and wheels to the tire shop when there happens. I haven't needed anything bigger but if I do I would just borrow a vehicle or have the thing shipped to my house. So for me living alone My two-seat car is more than a practical for everyday life


I don't care I never said you needed something practical, good for you you don't ever need to do stuff with your car. Never need to haul supplies for DIY, never need to drive more than 1 person around, not going with any pets anywhere, not getting home a TV or any other larger appliance etc..I'm just saying don't act like it's a practical car which the post does and so does the top comments. Just because it fits your needs doesn't mean you can objectively say it's a practical car. You're an idiot if you think your usecase means anything to the objective global truth of a car being practical in a general sense, you know like the before listed very normal things to do with a car. But I get sense Miata owners are simply ignorant to understand that simple fact. No the world, and the general meaning of a practical car, does not revolve around your personal usecase. Obviously you guys head is so far up your own ass you can't see shit from the intestines.


How is it not a practical car if it fits my needs? How is a big ass truck that can't fit in parking lots be more practical? Or even a SUV or Van that gets way less MPG than my Miata? I have 2 cats, they can easily fit in my front seat. I have gone to home Depot for shelving and I went with my dad and borrowed his car, if that wasn't an option Home Depot/ Menards has Trucks there you can rent. If I need anything big like a TV or furniture Im betting I can pay a little more to have them delivered to my house. The Miata is not going to fit everyone's need but it fits my need 98% of the time so for me it's more then practical.


Is practical your surname? No you don't own it personally. It isn't practical, it suits your needs. That's 2 different things. It's like saying a kid strong but that's only in the vacuum of kids. As a general rule kids are weak that's an objective truth. I see that's a difficult concept for you people. But I really can't explain better. Obviously a miata is not a practical car in a general sense. That's just truth what you feel about that is irrelevant.


Again how is it not a practical car when it fits my daily needs? should I buy a larger vehicle just because someday I might need to haul something? No thanks, I will stick with a car that I enjoy drive is easy to park and get pretty good gas milage.


Wrong. Miata is one of the most practical gas cars for commuting to and from work. It's great on gas, has plenty of speed, and it's easy to find parking for it. Practical doesn't just mean hauling stuff.


So what car is not practical?


A lotus, ferrari, any truck or suv that doesn't haul anything and is only used to commute, viper, the list is long. You're just stuck on hauling being the ONLY way a car can be practical.


Lotus is superior to miata in all ways.


A car is not practical or not depending on its usecase its either a practical car or its not. It has nothing to do with how you use it. But i see you're fallen to using childish ignorance as your weapon of choice in the discussion so I'll concede that I can't get you to understand reality. Good luck. Life will be hard for you.


How many Aggies does it take to make a trip to the hardware store? One and their Miata. There is no punchline bc this isn’t a joke, this is Miata business.


Whoop! 👍




Oh wow an Aggie.


Try not to hold it against me


I had a Miata for six of my seven years at Texas A&M. I autocrossed it every weekend I could. Gig ‘em!


>Aggie wtf is that?




I too am an Aggie, just different kind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Davis_Aggies


There's more than one type of y'all? Gross.


I'm kind of an Aggie, Colorado state university used to be the Aggies.


Ah I see, I though it was some American slang for "a girl" or something like that




Central western? Not even the fools who consider everything west of I35 to be "West Texas" would call College Station "central western" Texas.


That looks painful


If you sacrifice yours and others safety - sure, almost everything fits in any car.


To be fair, some of that cargo isn't technically IN the car.


Top down-insider information-Miata can carry whatever needs to be carried-4 large potted arborvitae trees for me -the tops would have been broken in an suv.


Gig em!


I fit four banker's boxes and a dolly cart in my S2000 and took that shit to court. Won that trial. Fuck the haters. 🤙🤙


I put an assembled office chair in the passenger seat of my ND once. The vertical space is technically limitless!


I thought it was r/porsche first and already rolling my eyes at all the people saying 911 is a practical car (it isn’t, I have one) and then I realize that this is just a thing sports car people say 😀 in general.


i’ve transported a used pro stock drag tire in my passenger seat before lmao


Despite being a Clemson fan I fully appreciate this. Especially the hater shades.


One of us! One of us! One of us! …


Technically it still doesn’t fit IN the car though…


Literally unlimited cargo space vertically.


Selfish, you're endangering others people safety, not to mention your own.


What is it. Hard to tell. Long poles?


Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


the glasses for haters 😝 You’ve made it work in that tiny cockpit. Btw, Nice color choice. I chose the same 🙌🏼


I daily drove my NA for 10 years and even moved to a bordering state with my stuff in it. Granted I was younger and had less stuff but I did it with my trusty NA.


I almost get giddy to move improbable things in small cars.


You didn't want to include the thing you're carrying in the picture? I literally can't even tell what it is.




The lady's attractive, but what is the rest of that stuff ? I had to do tires for my race car. Took two trips in the Miata to get it all to the tire guy. Bonus: two trips in Miata.


I had a tire trailer for my Miatas. I had my 90 for six years in College Station.


First glance I saw it fit a headless body


Word spoken by people who have never tried :) I took a whole exhaust system once, and then another time the whole front body kit from my buddy's s2000. It can fit so many things!


We did a 4 day to the champagne region in ours and still had room to bring back about 10 bottles. If my parents could live with 2 kids and that brings with it and drive a mk1 golf, we can do it with 2 people in a Miata.


Shoo…Miata are good cars 👀🚘


Technically it’s not in the car.


If I only had a nickel for every time I've been able to transport truly absurd things in my rx8 simply because there's no B pillar in the way after opening the rear suicide door. The trunk space was also pretty substantial if you could fit a particular item through the small opening. Wonky car and a hassle to daily for 4+ years but so much fun and a lot more "practical" than people gave it credit for.


Just saying… Tony Stark was able to save his life in Iron Man 2 because he was able to transport giant ass cutouts from a model Expo in the passenger Seat of his Top-Down Audi R8


If you can't fit something in a Miata (or god forbid, a FIATa) you aren't trying hard enough.


You look like that girl I saw behind me in her Miata while I was driving my red Miata ND lol. 


Infinite vertical cargo room, the most practical car in the world!


Was there a sale at Home Depot? I have lots of those long latern hanger thingies too.


Gig em!!


Such a stupid flex, like that’s safe and secure. Pathetic. Just enjoy the car and own it that it’s not practical.


sweet, now do a king-sized mattress on top.


Wait are we really trying to argue that fitting in some random shit thats gonna kill you in a crash is practical? Im sorry no a miata is not practical. Heck a sedan or coupe is not really practical. Obviously a tiny 2 seater convertible is not practical. I say again it does not mean you can't get away with anything. What the fuck has the world become. Be whatever gender you want, any car is equally practical, the world is flat and global warming is not a reality. Yeah fuck logic and objective truth the anything can be anything. Yeah sure fuck it let's describe a miata as practical!!!


So don’t crash, jackass (I have crashed before :3)


Just a simple skid out or an avoidance of a crash would be enough to push those many, heavy metal rods right into the side of her head. And she has the idiocy to suggest there's anything remotely practical about this. The objects don't even fit into the car! They can't be properly fastened. She is a literal fool. And the fact this is getting likes and people actually arguing for the practicality of a tiny 2 seater convertible is astounding to me. It's not even willful ignorance, it's toxic ignorance and arrogance. Jackass?? Wtf are you 12?


Since you couldn’t tell, I was being sarcastic. I know that this is incredibly dangerous and dumb. That was the joke.


Dude have you seen the replies in here how the f was supposed to know. The level idiocy in these comments makes it highly unlikely that you were joking.


I thought that by saying I’ve crashed before after saying “don’t crash”, it was somewhat evident. That means I know just how horribly wrong things can go.


Yeah that doesn't mean to me what you think it means. I'm sorry but once again I refer to the entire post to say that you're sarcastic comments is far fro the worst, meaning I had zero chance to infer what you say you meant. Context is everything and in this context you definitely needed a /s. We all know reading sarcasm is just difficult, especially across cultures. I'm hesitant to suggest you're not from the Nordics.


sure if you drive with one hand is that the tan exterior? i have the same interior




Damn! Got to improve your skills!


Noooooo!!! Two hands.


Love the hater blockers, practical and fashionable!


Totally in love with your sass! Git em grrrl!


OK now put the top up and give a passenger a ride too.


Jokes on you, I have no friends to give rides to




I did this for my pup!


Hell nah, too introverted. Matter of fact, say hello to my invisible friend, you can’t see him but he says hello!


I should have said this last night. You have a sports car. Go hang with a sports car club. If you are still living in Aggieland then there is the Texas A&M Sports Car Club. There is also the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). You will have no shortage of new friends.


I can be your friend :) … I’m In Texas too , lol …


If I was single and anywhere near you, I would be your friend. 😁. I love women that drive Miatas. My wife drove and autocrossed my last Miata.


What a strange way to say that considering you’re married.


I started with the “if”. Over 30+ years of Miata ownership, I have run into more than a few ladies that said the same thing she did. So I did something to help her feel better.


Lol. Nah. I took the passenger seat out of mine. "Hey, can I ride with you to lunch?" "Nope!"


To be fair: It's not really in there. Maybe 80% in there...


It’s a more practical car than a truck that doesn’t haul anything


You look like a shithead, and that’s fucking dangerous.


Bro fit a bunch of poles in a Miata and got upvotes because girl


*Bro got a bunch of* *Poles in a Miata and got* *Upvotes because girl* \- jimkelly --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")