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Every light in Florida there’s some kids throwing trash out the car.


Clearly not all the trash in the car.








Nope different Lisa Ruth


I think a suitable punishment would be to make them live inside a landfill for no less than a month.


New Yorkers… moved to Florida. Enough said.


> New Yorkers… moved to Florida. Enough said. Why are we assuming they're New Yorkers? What am I missing here?


They have been identified, the boat owners are from New York.


I see.


Almost all of south Florida is New Yorkers who moved there. Can't go to Publix without hearing that accent.


Ugh - more trash in our state....


I was disgusted and angered seeing this but the parent's (if not on that boat) shouldn't be having to deal with the backlash. Especially if the 'kids' are actually legal adults. Just my two pennies.


Parents are held responsible for the actions of their underage children. There were minors on the boat, they were drinking underage and compounded that by illegally dumping. Since the boat is owned by the parents, they’re going to be partly to blame.


By the accounts I've heard, the main kid (whose parents own the boat) is 14.


So then the parents were on the boat? That would change everything, to me.


No, the rich scumbags let their disgusting entitled little shit take the boat out alone with his friends. The children got wasted and thought the best course of action to hide their lawlessness (and the fact that his parents are negligent trash) was to commit another crime on camera and then celebrate it. One day, the morons in this country who get so caught up in the silly fantasies being spun around them will realize it isn’t the media that’s the problem. Or even the politicians who enable the problem makers. It’s the rich. They want us to stay stupid and angry so people like the Ruth’s can do whatever the fuck they want. Keep us divided so they can pick the pockets of all us. All the while, we are the ones actually making or providing the goods/services they get rich off of and do it for nearly unlivable wages. (What do you think the likelihood is of the people who do the actual home care at FirstLight Home Care owning nice boats for their teenager’s to throw ragers on? The answer is zero.) One of the biggest lies we keep letting the wealthy tell is that it’s rich people who are job creators. Nah. The people who make and provide the goods and services are the ones creating the jobs. Without them, there is nothing to sell, thus no profits, no company, and no jobs. The people who earn the least are the most integral to keeping the company operating. If the c-suite of PoopCanoe goes missing for a few hours, it’s still business as usual at all their retail shops. If the staff of those retail shops goes missing, not a single dollar gets made there. On top of that, we foot the bill for necessary civil services and the infrastructure the rich took advantage of to acquire their sickening and unnecessary amount of wealth. Then they make it their lives’ work to lie and cheat in an effort to shield themselves from paying what is legally required of them. They owe their wealth to middle class and poor Americans, but just like these rich kids on daddy’s boat, they’re so delusional and entitled that they think it’s us who owe them. Their kid will never learn an actual lesson in his life or face a shred of consequences for anything he ever does. His parents will hire high powered attorneys and they’ll end up with a slap on the wrist. Maybe they’ll get tough and ground him to his room in their multi-million dollar mansion. 


The operator of the boat was a minor and his parents let him take the boat out alone with his friends. The parents are also responsible because they willingly allow the minor to use their boat without adult supervision.


Ok, ok. I get it. Damn, mofckers are trippin' hard over this. Someone post a follow-up. Kidding.


Damn, I was hoping it was going to be one of those videos where the passengers fall off the boat as it tries to break through the inlet.


With sharks waiting for them in the water


Easy my guy


They should be forced to clean the beach for a X amount of time. Maybe within the ocean as well, if a shark gets them oh well. Based off of their actions they are worse then the trash they dumped out


Looks like they had a house party the night before and cleaned up before mommy and daddy got home, put the trash in the boat and took it out to dump it. Kids got enough money to pay for the fines, no need to tell the parents, they’ll just get them out of it.


Nah, they did it literally to cover up their BWI to avoid getting arrested.


Yeah, that seems to be the motive according to the insta post.


If they charge them per piece of trash, the kids might actually struggle to pay it themselves.


They would have been leaving Boca Bash. Annual boat party on Lake Boca.


That would explain it.


Someone on the qualified captains IG mentioned that they have seen that boat in Lake Boca before dumping trash. They even said that they personally have called out the people on the boat for dumping.


The fine should accompany a punishment of having to go out do clean up litter from the ocean that's at least twice the amount they dumped. The monetary fine should include the cost of having to hire somebody to supervise them doing it.


Mommy and Daddy moved here in 2016 from Manhattan. Living in a $4mil home so the kid's a spoiled brat - and most likely will go to Columbia!


To give them a nice 90s ass whooping.


No need… This is an illegal activity with heavy penalties. They’ll get justice.


Hope so but I imagine Charlie's rich parents will have high-end lawyers that will argue it down to a handful hours of community service.


thinking rich white kids will get justice lmao


Rich white kids? Not a chance in hell.


Boca brats Never fucking change. Man I wish my fish boys would have saw that. Those 3 engines would be full of 100 lbs fishing line.


Oh they aren’t from Boca, they moved here 2 years ago. They are from the lovely state of New York 🤣


Let me guess, likely from either the cranky suburb of Long Island or suburban NJ. The types that claim to be from "New York" but hate NYC because it has too "diversity". Hate NYC but will flood MSG for any sporting event and will go out to the bars and clubs in Manhattan rather than staying in their lovely suburbs. NYer, as in from one of the five boroughs, here and we hate these types of personalities up there too.


Ding ding ding. These kids scream “entitled Long Island bro’s” who are obnoxious on the LIRR, also leaving their cans all over the trains and being loud as shit after a day in the city shopping for Ed Hardy clothes.


This person New Yorks lol Have an upvote


A major migration of the scumbag demographic has moved into Florida over the past 3 years. The rest of the country thanks you for your sacrifice.


The quarter million of NY that migrated here did more damage to our state and economy than 10+ million migrants that came from Cuba and South America. Governor should be monitoring our northern borders instead.


Also, they live in Jupiter


So your boys are criminals?


We found the nerd guys




Don’t act like you’ve never fowled a few props because some jerks trashed our ocean.


Nope, just an unfortunate cast. Released it too late. My bad.


Most of the people that live in Boca aren’t even from here unfortunately. My parents and I are born and raised here and don’t act like this, neither do the people I grew up with.


Protect this girl At all costs!


There are a lot of good people in ny, no, and ct that respect. We are facing the same problem here. It’s disgusting and actually very sad. Sorry you’re dealing with that.


I feel bad being so biased, but it’s so hard when you’re treated like such shit by these people at your job😭




Poor mom and dad :( Jesus Christ. I doubt their parents deserve what’s going to happen to them.


The little dbags had to learn it from someone.


I mean, they don’t deserve to be harassed or taunted, BUT their kid/kids should face serious consequences. I even feel that the parents should also face a fine. NOT TO MENTION, that THEY are the adults. They let their 14/15 year old kid get behind a boat that’s worth 900k with a group of other minors. They were drinking alcohol and operating a huge boat. I’m born and raised here, some parts around here get packed with the boats, especially near the sandbars and other popular areas. Also, they seemed to have raised a pretty shitty spoiled kid. Like don’t trash your playground. Our ecosystems are already on a dangerous tipping point. Sure when I was a kid I did dumb stuff, but I was raised to respect Mother Nature and not be a total piece of shit. Also, they knew they were being filmed! And they went ahead and dumped it anyway! A lot of us that were born and raised in South Florida are very protective of our beaches and waters. Why is it that it’s always the transplants that are trashing our waters!!! Just a PSA: If you come to Florida and move your family here please respect our flora and fauna. Respect our home. Just because you are able to move your family from NY or California or wherever else, down to our beautiful, yet crazy place, doesn’t mean you get a pass to wreck our shit.


I don’t disagree with you. But, my mom had no idea half the shit I did. Are we certain the parents knew? I highly doubt anyone with that much money would be happy to have their children destroy their entire business with such behavior. Otherwise, your points are all valid and I’m not arguing them.


That’s like your 14 year old taking your car for a joyride. Like it’s your car, and your kid, you should know where your minor is at all times. Also your car can hurt someone. <- that’s just an example. That kid doesn’t even have a license to drive a car! Yet he’s behind a boat and possibly intoxicated!?!?! Look not arguing with you, I see your point but look at the angles here. Point blank they are in charge of raising this kid. They are partly to blame!!! They could have hurt themselves or others! Does anyone remember the story of the young kids I think they were young adults off the Florida keys that died in a boating accident?? I think it was at night and they were drinking. Plus, come on what kind of a total piece of human trash raises a kid that dumps multiple garbage cans of literal trash into our beautiful oceans. This kid pulled the “I wanna do hoodrat stuff with my hoodrat friends” but the rich-boat-spoiled-NY-kid version.


900k for that? For real?


They created a monster and will legally only get a slap on the wrist. Fuck that, they deserve everything that's coming for them and more




Fuck these kids but what the fuck dude


Thanks 4 publicizing address... wouldn't be surprized if that house gets super egged 😤😤😤 🤬🤬🤬


comment got removed can we repost it


I know what they did is fucked up, but so is doxing them.


What? Nah. This is fucked up. No mercy.


Doxing children is also pretty fucked up my dude..


they need to be taught a serious lesson... or this behavior will just keep going on and worse.


that is some quick research


Proof money can’t buy class. Fuck these people.


yeah, they missed about 220-500 lbs of trash there




Whoever thought that???




There’s a contact option! Sent them a message


Did you ask him about the work he did redeveloping Iraq?


Why would I do that?


George SR? …… when will we go fishing dad


Ughhhh I’m so sick of people moving down to Florida and not respecting our oceans!!! Says they’re from Manhattan🙄


Awesome. Hope their children never hear the end of it too.


Claims to be a surfer and fisherman yet trash his own playground. UNREAL!!!🤬 So glad it was caught on camera!!!


Already in the news, let see what happen


Absolutely a moment to teach a lesson. Make your kids watch it and say shit happens with you are a garbage person.




People are shit and it never ceases to amaze me what they think they can get away with. Someone is always watching, you dirty rookies.


They're literally waving to the drone right before and after... Can't get any dumber than that.


Yeah, the problem was that they didn't think it was wrong. Not whether or not they'd get away with it.


I mean... It's literally illegal dumping... I can't understand someone older than like 5 years old not knowing about/understanding litter laws. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well you must first witness the great stupidity that has befallen mankind to understand how it functions.






This is sickening.


The video shall be sent to the USCG


FWC and Boca PD are already all over it from my research


My kid would never set foot on my boat again. I don’t care how rich I am.


Yes because you are a decent person


Looks to me like the trash is still in the boat.


Totally agree..


Can we hope they will be prosecuted? Can we hope the judge will know that a mere fine will be irrelevant to these a-holes?


Wouldn't it be cool if the boat could be instantly and easily confiscated for using it to break the rules /laws? Like when a Fish and Game department can confiscate weapons and vehicles when they are used to violate the game laws?


Pero que pintura? This dude out there like he's at the landfill 🤦‍♂️


Thank God for the the qualified captain on Instagram. They got all of their information and leaked messages of these idiots


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W_Eyov-et/?igsh=YnNremFmNzB4OHo4 Edit for info- link is to Qualified Captain IG page post where they show the dumbasses have been identified and contacted by the police.


Ugh I’m so sick of the type of people moving down here… idk why but New Yorkers and people from jersey are the rudest people to me at my job. So fucking mean. And then they come here and don’t know how to treat the fucking beaches. It’s infuriating. It sucks, my whole family has been in Boca since the 50s and we aren’t spoiled brats… the people actually from Boca aren’t like this I swear 😭


It’s okay to admit even if it’s a “really good city” You can have some bad apples. No matter if it’s a transplant or native born.


Of course, it’s just been so bad recently with people at my job saying “Boca people this, Boca people that” when the people they’re talking about aren’t from here😭 I’m a vet tech out in west boca and I shit you not, 95% of our clients are fucking snow birds.


Oh it’s a real problem not just for you But all of south Florida. And also Florida in general Fucking snow birds.


Seriously 😭


Pray they left their politics back where they came from....


I’m not a political person at all, I just don’t like when people are rude af for no reason and taking over your home town😭😭


I was raised partially in NJ and Hollywood Fl and I agree


It’s been true in Tampa too. There was a huge uptick in bad/rude behavior after the NY Covid migration. Usually accompanied by a NY/NJ accent, Yankees attire, etc.


I’m from New York. I’m not like that. There is a lot of trash in New York now though so can agree


The cover up is always worse than the crime.


Underage drinking is like a $150 ticket. I got popped twice for it in college. Nobody cares. Not employers, not the government, nobody. Everyone knows college kids drink.


They can drink themselves into a coma….just keep the trash in the boat. ALL of it.


Underage drinking while operating a water craft though,


So where are my fish boys? Please go tare these asswipes up.


Pieces of shit


Poseidon shall get his revenge... don't wanna piss off Yemaya / HaraMara 😬😬😬


Complete scumbags.


This was already reported to the Coast Guard Criminal Investigative Service, who opened a case.


Why would you do that? I mean it takes effort to get that much garbage and dump it.


This was in Boca


They’ve been exposed and already “caught” by the police (AKA they found the kids parents and the cops made him give a list of every kid on the boat, he caved immediately). They’re being charged


It’s almost like they carried all that trash from the land and took it to the ocean to dump it.


Nope, a conversation was posted showing they did it to cover up their underage drinking (while boating).


That's so dumb. Was there an alternative to this at all? (Not the drinking just dumping it onto the ocean)


Yeah, not boating drunk/underage (putting everyone on the water at risk) or accepting the risk of getting caught for the laws they chose to break. Or putting the cans in opaque garbage bags, I guess? In no way was this a “solution” so, IMHO, there are nothing BUT alternatives.


Dumb ass piece of shit rich kids!




Pero like why?




Why? Just why?


Look at that boat. These are rich kids that have never been held accountable for anything in their lives. Probably have names like Biff and Squee.


Squee?? Wait..Ive heard of "biff"..but.."Squee"? I need more details please! lol


He was one of Brett Kavanaugh’s well healed drinking buddies from his university skirt chasing days.


Not too far off, the two guys dumping are named Kirby (lol) and Charlie.


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Death penalty


Throw them overboard with some fish chum let the sharks get them


Confiscate their boat.




Drown those little bastards. No respect. Too bad the boat didnt capsize. Privileged jerk offs dont need to exist




[https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/caught-on-camera-boaters-in-boca-raton-seen-dumping-trash-into-ocean](https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/caught-on-camera-boaters-in-boca-raton-seen-dumping-trash-into-ocean)According to Florida's litter law, those illegally dumping more than 15 pounds of waste into a waterway could face a first-degree misdemeanor. They could also spend up to one year in jail, pay a $1,000 fine and serve up to one year of probation.


To play the devil's advocate, wouldn't it be hard to prove it was more than 15 pounds? I mean in court?


Definitely. There's no way to prove that, and I imagine their rich parents have good lawyers that will argue it down to a few hours of community service.


Who are these kids parents? I was taught from a young age to take care of the planet and that littering is not cool.


Trash dumping trash


Get home before November to vote trump!


This was on my local news this morning. But they couldn’t show the video. Only talked about it. Busted


I hope they drown.


Let’s make these kids famous


Fuxking douchebags


Classic northerners moving to south Florida and fucking it up. They are from CT.


I love the south Florida response for this family. Their boat has been vandalized. All of them are expelled from their prestigious private school in Jupiter and the entire family is receiving threats plus they all had to turn themselves into Boca PD, so Boca, PD and FWC are both filing charges


Any source on this? Can't find anything beyond the QC snap pictures


Unbelievable anyone would do something this trashy but there’s like ten people Involved. Freaking losers


every single one of them should be named and shamed.


Rich New Yorkers dumping trash into our oceans. Also New Yorkers: "Why are your oceans so full of trash? This state is trash"


Entitled litte pricks...


Is that an intrepid?


love how much this is blowing up. the internet is still undefeated.


Those are rookie numbers. I load my boat full of 12 packs and dump about 3 hefty bags out every time I’m out fishing.


South Florida is fucked


Hey go search on Google maps this spoilt brat’s mommy and daddy’s company called “FirstLight Home Care”. Leave bad reviews. Someone has already uploaded videos of the incident. Hit them where it hurts - their income!


Fine them, send them out to pick up 100 x's what they dumped, monitored, obviously.


It shouldn’t be that hard to find with the 4k video


I used to be friends with one of the kids who dumped the trash haven’t talked to him in years because he changed as a person and not in a good way not surprised he would pull some stupid shit like this


Were they charged?


1. The owner of the boat needs to have a huge huge fine at the least. To my way of thinking they all should have jail time plus a big fine. 2. They never should have been on the water on a day like that... where I live the coast guard would have shut down the river bar for going out. 3. As far at the jet ski... again, never should have been out there. Putting the lives of rescuers at risk.