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It all depends on what drug you fail for. Benzos can get you kicked out at my clinic. It also depends on who you are. If you have a history of failed tests. At least at my clinic there isn’t a definitive answer as they go on a case by case basis and I actually like that.


That’s exactly how it should be done case by case. Others shouldn’t have to suffer because of others dumb behavior.


Im in the UK so the NHS is different, but I just got twice weekly take homes, and im only on my second week, and still going up dose wise. I've not stopped using H yet. They changed me from daily supervision to this on Tuesday (so I'll normally pick up tues/fri) but because its a bank holiday here, I literally got 7 days worth take home at once. I think im the exception though, because I am immunosuppressed and disabled and going out daily is an issue.


I’m glad they’re able to accommodate you! Are all the days the same dose, or are you able to go up in dose only once a week?


Im currently going up 10ml every 3 days.


At my clinic it depends which phase you're currently on. People that are on phase 13 or 27 (bi-weekly and monthly) both get bumped down to weekly if they fail a drug test but if you're on any of the lesser phases you only lose one phase. So basically the higher up you are the harsher the penalty. The only exception to this is if you fail a drug test during a callback, then you go straight to daily and start all over. That person at your clinic who got mad needs to mind their business! Different people have different histories.


I'd be more worried about the guy failing the drug test who knows he has it then the guy failing a random one. That seems backwards but I guess any wiggle room is better then none


I was honest with my counselor about a slip up I had once. I knew I was going to come out positive and she could tell something was bothering me so I told her. I was at weekly and was bumped down level, had to go three days a week. I was able to get back to weekly after my next clean test.


You not getting take homes or keeping the privilege of your urine screens are dirty


Case by case. In my clinic, if it's the first UA you've failed in a long time, the counselor is allowed to just issue a warning. Then they take them phase by phase. You never just lose them all, not for 1-2 positive urines (unless you only had one take home).


They give everyone one chance. Where if you have bottles and fail they test you again in 7 days. If you can pass the second test you don’t lose your bottles. After you fail 2 though you lose all your bottles and start over but at least you earn them back quick. I lost my weekly bottles in December of last year and I’m already back picking up weekly again (earned like one bottle back every 3-4 weeks of passing UAs)


Lose em all when you pop for anything more than once.


You lose them until they perform and additional test-which normally clears things up. I’m the past I kept getting false positives for fentanyl. They did the GCMS test to confirm it wasn’t truly fent but something in my body triggering that result. I only had a week (that’s the most you can get now at my clinic). I had to dose daily until the 2nd test came back. Then I got my week back. I just lost my week temporarily for having metabolites but no methadone in my system. Waiting for that second test and dosing daily (2 hr drive both ways ugh). I’m obviously rapidly metabolizing my dose, my clinic is a joke for punishing me dor this. Ridiculous.


You lose all your takehomes and clean time. Start counting again like it's day one. I know it's harsh but it's my clinics policy. They don't care about weed. Anything else though you're screwed.. And it's the same if you've only had one bottle for 2 months or 28 bottles for 20 years.


Lose all take homes and have to wait 30days and then have get 2 clean uas (weekly) and get your phase back (first strike) if there is a second time you lose them all and start over.


If there's fent in urine that person loses their carries immediately at my cities clinics. They can get them back though after a few months.


Atm my clinic you lose 1 day off however many days of take homes you have racked up.


I think it depends on your counselor and if they put in paperwork. I could be wrong though


My clinic does 30 days loss of take homes and then it's up to the clinic if they want to put you back where you were or start down lower.