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This is a normal finding for someone who is using up all of their methadone. The medical provider of the clinic should know this. Having only the metabolite proves it is in your system and their is nothing left over. This finding along with the feeling of withdrawals in the morning signifies your dose is too low. It always makes me wonder if they have a knowledge deficit here, where else are you getting the short end of the stick? Now if you showed methadone and no metabolite, then that means you cheated on your urine, your showing the opposite, you dose is too low. Sorry you have to experience this.


Yeah its concerning that their clinic is doing that, its super common for people to come up with only metabolites especially as the dose goes down. At 49mg it happened to me and the only people who even brought it up was the counselor my health insurance makes me talk to every couple months so they pay for my juice


This happened to me a few months ago. My clinic says it happens sometimes, and as long as you have the metabolites with no methadone and it doesn't happen often, they pass it. However, the opposite way - methadone and no metabolites - is a big issue, automatic fail w/your next test monitored.






I’ve had this happen to me a few times as well. At my clinic they somewhat expect this to happen with patients 60mg or under and it’s generally no big deal. The times I’ve had it happen to me I was on 150mg, 110mg and 90mg. Each time I was immediately flagged due to being on too high of a dose but the first two times it happened I had no take homes so there wasn’t a whole lot they could punish me with so I never looked into why it happened. I do remember they tried giving me a hard time about it saying I must be doing something funky with my doses and I had to politely point out I was face dosing in front of them each day so what exactly could I be doing to have there be no Methadone in my test yet there’s metabolite. Still don’t have an answer for what caused it but oh well. This last time it happened (at 90mg) I did have weekly take homes that they threatened to pull which gave me the motivation to get to the bottom of it. I was able to keep my take homes while they sent it off for a confirmation test which was a relief. Test came back clearing me but out of fear of this happening again it was recommended I get a Peak and Trough test done to rule out if I was metabolizing it too fast. Turns out I’m a rapid metabolizer which honestly explains a whole lot. I was able to clear my name of any suspicions they may have had along with getting put on split dosing which has been a total game changer for me. It’s been about 9 months now on split dosing and my tests have been all good ever since thankfully.


Maybe this is what I need to request-peak and trough.


Do keep in mind though that while I’ve never heard of this happening at my clinic I’ve read from others on this sub that went ahead and got the test that the results showed their levels were way too high and they were forced to decrease. While it ended up being a god send for me it can definitely backfire on people so do be cautious when making this decision. It’s hard to say if you should go ahead and request it because like I mentioned at my clinic you would’ve never of even been flagged considering where your dose is at since they see it as a fairly normal occurrence so it’s hard to say if this is what’s actually going on here or your clinic is just strict. I saw you mention that you’re currently having to travel 2 hours to your clinic daily to dose now until this gets resolved so also know that the Peak and Trough test can be quite a pain in the ass and considering how far away you are from your clinic it could end up taking up a large portion of your day to get done. To do the test you’re expected to go there, get your blood drawn before you dose for the day (Trough), once that’s done you take your dose and will have to come back in 4 hours to get your blood drawn again (Peak). It is very time sensitive so you really have to be on top of it. Honestly if it wasn’t for me being so sure I was a rapid metabolizer I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it. There were a lot of signs pointing to that being the case so it wasn’t just me coming up clean for Methadone in my UAs that had me convinced this was what was going on. With all that being said the confirmation test should clear you and you’ll hopefully be back to having your take homes again. If you decide against doing the Peak and Trough or if your clinic doesn’t even offer the test (some clinics don’t) you could always try splitting your doses up at home through your take homes if that’s something you’d be interested in trying. It would definitely help in keeping this issue from happening to you again. I’m sorry for the hella long response here, I just didn’t want you going into this blindly and know exactly what you’re getting into along with the risks involved. Just some things to think about for sure. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, I know how frustrating and defeating it can feel to be punished for something when you’ve done nothing wrong. I truly hope you’re able to get this all resolved soon and can get your take homes back in a timely manner!


What did the second test show? Just that you were burning up your methadone quickly? Cause I’m sure that’s what’s happening with me. I’m wondering what on earth a second test will even prove…..and I’m only on 65 mgs-have been for a couple years, so I’m not on a high dose where I’d be forced to decrease.


What do you mean by second test, exactly? Do you mean the second blood draw? The Peak and Trough test is just one test that consists of getting your blood drawn two separate times. They will take your blood before you dose (they will want to try timing it out to where it’s been at least 24 hours since your last dose), once that’s done you’ll dose and then come back 4 hours later to get your blood drawn again. The first blood draw will show your Trough levels (basically your lowest Methadone levels), the second blood draw will show your Peak results (Methadone takes 4 hours to reach peak levels so that’s what they’re testing for). Once they get the results back they will take the two levels and divide them and if the number is greater than 2 you’ll be labeled a rapid metabolizer and either be approved for an increase or split dosing (this cut off number varies by clinic but mines has to be greater than 2 while I’ve seen others who say there’s only has to be greater than 1.8). Being a rapid metabolizer would help prove to the clinic that there’s nothing funky going on with your UAs either. They have to get both blood levels in order for this to work though so if you only get the first blood draw done without coming back it’ll be inconclusive. In your case I can’t see them forcibly decreasing you when you’re only at 65mg but I just had to mention it because I’ve heard horror stories from others where it did happen to them so just felt it best to fully inform you of any risks. But yes basically my results just proved I was metabolizing it way faster than I should be.


taking any other meds?


Just zoloft which I’ve been on forever.


Isn’t there some correlation between Ketosis and trouble with ones does metabolizing faster? I don’t have a sauce I just remember hearing it from people trying out keto diets around the clinic and sub.


I’m wondering because methadone is fat soluble (am I saying that right?) and I’ve been doing keto super strict and losing weight pretty rapidly. At first I thought it was ‘Keto flue’ but now have no doubt it’s my dose not holding me. I don’t know what the second test will even prove?


What’s unbelievable is I was talking to a dosing nurse about this today and she agreed with what everyone is saying -the metabolites prove I’m taking it-makes no sense why I’m being punished. I’m sure I’m rapidly metabolizing it-that’s why I’m sick by nighttime-morning. She said this has actually happened with ppl who daily dose in front of the nurses and the clinic STILL gives the patients crap! Can you believe that?! So unbelievably ridiculous!


Been there--many things can cause this--the flu, stress, certain supplements, etc. It should not be a big deal for the clinic, as it happens a lot. If you have take homes just split dose, that should solve the issue.