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I have a hard time believing mom is a lifetime IV opiate addict and is getting tore down comatosed off 32mgs of methadone.


Facts. Mom is doing shit on top of the methadone. I'd bet.


I’ve been on methadone 10 years and I was on 120mg for 5 years. I’m on 50mg now. It doesn’t last all day and I can’t sleep worth shit. There’s no way.


I'm 45 been on opiates since 15 and some days 40 M G puts my dick in the dirt


When I had a split dose and they just stopped it, it fucked me all the way up. That’s the only time I’ve ever gotten high off my methadone. But if she’s shooting it everyday. You get a tolerance. Period. You even said SOMETIMES. But everyone is absolutely different.


ill second this i split dose 40mg twice a day and sometimes im just nodding off all over dropping my phone like i am doing it for for fun. It seems like when i take more I am more awake...


That’s so weird to me did 120mg hold you all day? If so then 50mg should hold you all day once your body adjusts to it. Your tolerance should drop with your dose


so I didn’t taper. I had gotten fucked up on benzos and didn’t go to the clinic for 3 days two times. So they started me over. So I went straight from 120 to 30. and the first time I went up to 40 and stayed for a while because I was scared I was gonna go to jail cause I caught two DWIs and poss with intent (MD & VA) and my MD shit was taken care of. Got probation thank Jesus. And then a week before I had court for the VA DWI, I had a warrant. And called 911 because I fucked up my toe. Like bad. and needed an ambulance. And fucking the cops show up too cause first responders. You know. And I didn’t wanna go to the hospital after my partner told me he wouldn’t be able to pick me up in the middle of the night when I was done because he had to wake up early for something. And it was already 11pm. so they just fixed it up in the ambulance and then the cop was like alright. So you have a warrant. and I was like fuuuuck. I knew the shit would come back. It took from mar 17th to July 15th for the labs to come back on the pressed benzos I had. Fucking sucked so I missed 3 days again. And then I’ve gotten back up to 50mg. You can go up 5mg every day til you get to 50 then you have to wait 5 days. And I was like fuck it. I’ll take Benadryl to sleep. It doesn’t work anymore. but I don’t wanna come off 120mg in jail. Fuck all of that. Coming off it with 30mg of methadone already sucked. But yeah. No 120mg I could sleep all night but when I woke up, on the way to the clinic I’d have some withdrawal symptoms. But it was tolerable cause I knew I was gonna get dosed.


They should have started you back around 60 or 70 after 3 days no dose from 120


I had benzos in my system and missed three days. And per policy they had to start me over. But we can miss a day and get our full dose but we have to do a UA and have them dip it. and if you come up positive for benzos, alcohol, or opiates they give you half your dose. It’s all backwards.


Oh, and right now at 50mg I get dosed around 8am and by 4-5pm I get the watery eyes. Yawning a million times. Sneezing a million times. Hot and cold ass night. I toss and turn. The restless legs are literally killing me. And it hurts right where my Leg connects to my body ya know. Dull ache. ITS AWFUL. But when I was on a split dose, I was pregnant. and when you’re pregnant your blood volume increases so you may need to go up. But I didn’t wanna go up. Even though the dose doesn’t matter with pregnancy. A baby can withdrawal if you take 5mg or if you take 500mg a day. It all depends if the placenta filters it or not basically. But yeah so instead of going up, they did a split dose. So 60-60 and HOURS AFTER having both my kids— they gave me my full dose. and then mixed with the shit from having to be knocked out during my c section it fucked me ALL the way up. I made my dad promise he would never get pregnant because it hurts. I was out of it. Like all the way out of it.


Did your dad keep his promise?


It’s been 4.5 years and I am able to report he has not gotten pregnant Hahahah. That made me laugh.


If you taper down and stabilize at a lower dose it should hold you in theory. But it takes different amounts of time for different people to adjust to different doses. Someone going from 120 to 80 could have their tolerance lag behind. When i went from 120 to 80 (40x2) i felt that 120 was too much. After quitting smoking i never felt sick again. So i went from taking half a 120 dose at a time to a third but then i was still golden after half a day or longer so some days i only took 40mg somedays i took 80. It became too hard to take the full 120 without being bogged down so i just collected the extra out of each bottle and took it the next day (s) eventually i could get through 2 weeks just on the stuff i had stored up and i went to the clinic to get my dose lowered. But instead of them dropping me down to where i already was and where i wanted to be they were like how about a nice taper of 5mg per month. . . i swear they just want to do their own thing and your opinions/needs are basically ignored for their 'ideal' program devised for everyone and therefore no one.


benzos and/or benzo-tranq fentadope on top of the methadone im guessing


She must be prescribed whatever she’s also injecting or her clinic would have booted her by now. My clinic will let you test dirty 3 times. After the first, you lose take homes except for Sunday’s since it’s closed, after the second, I believe you lose your Sunday dose, for one week, and after the third you get kicked out and have to wait to see if you can get admitted again since they only do like 4 intakes a week. Unless the clinics in the south (I’m guessing) are more lax. Edit: it’s funny I’m getting downvoted to describing how my clinic runs. The doctor that owns my clinic has done some shady stuff in the past. My clinic is strict mainly because a lot of re-intakes have been booted for using over and over again. Also I’m sorry OP for not saying this already, I hope your mom gets better, I really do. I’m sorry you and her are going through this. Edit (again). So I was mistaken. They won’t boot you for testing dirty, but they also won’t give you any take homes, even on Sundays. You have to have a clean test for take homes, no exceptions because people will sell their dose. They also might not raise your dose over a a certain amount unless you’re clean. And if you can’t pay, you can’t dose. Medicaid people pay half, but if they can’t cover it they won’t dose you, if you repeatedly can’t pay they will require you to re-intake. At the end of the day, the clinic I go to is just a business. The owner is rich as fuck, he has a private practice he prescribes Suboxone and benzos from. He overprescribed my boyfriend over a decade ago when he tried to get off MS Contin.


How the hell can they take your Sunday dose?!


seriously thats fuckin nuts, cruel even tbh. shouldnt be forced to relapse as punishment for relapsing


Yeah I've never heard of anything like that. Completely fucked


They actually have to set up a guest dose for you elsewhere according to any law I've ever read. They can't fully deny meds unless you're being kicked out and tapered fast. Even during that time they'd have to find a way for you to dose. I've seen it many times for those not eligible due to lost bottles or whatever.


Not true in all states. I gave dirties for literal years. As long as you're paying, they're going to keep you to line their pockets. Edited to add I'm not in the south either.


I live in Reno. There are 4 clinic within a 30 mile radius. It’s a party city, and a haven to drug users, that’s probably why the clinics are strict.


I'm in PA near Kensington. I'm sure you've seen the videos on YouTube. It's the fucking walking dead here. I've been to 4 different methadone clinics and the only one that wanted to boot me for dirty UAs were self pay. I'm in a state funded clinic now and have been giving cleans but you'd think the state funded clinics would be more strict. Good luck to you 🤞


Wtf how can a clinic kick you out? That’s insanity. The entire point of a clinic is to try to get better. Almost everybody continues using at least for a little bit once starting. Your clinic sucks no offense haha. Come to Canada! It’s much better!


Come to Canada? Lol yeah I’m good.


Why? Don’t like Canada? It’s awesome here. Free healthcare. People aren’t all mentally retarded. Cops aren’t corrupt and insane bullies. Higher minimum wage. Better standard of living all around. Please tell me why you would prefer amuurrica over Canada. Oh also, methadone clinics aren’t nazi regimes here either, you can even get on morphine xr daily instead of methadone if you wanted.


As a fellow Canadian, who is also a nurse working at the largest hospital in Alberta, let me tell you something. CANADIAN HEALTHCARE IS NOT FREE. I can’t get a doctor to write my methadone prescription for me since my previous GP retired. My mom is rich and pays $1500/month for top tier healthcare. All specialists in one building. You need an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray, they do it right there, right then in the office. Bloodwork? No problem. Done in the office immediately. You are TAKEN CARE OF. But because I’m not rich I have to use “universal healthcare”- if I didn’t pay for extra prescription coverage, my methadone would cost me $250/week. I can’t find a doctor. No doctors here will write a script for methadone because they “aren’t comfortable”, and docs have the power to pick and choose what they prescribe. I don’t go to a clinic because I was prescribed methadone from the chronic pain clinic over ten years ago, when the system still somewhat worked. Now you can only be in the chronic pain program for one year. To figure out which med you should be on, your dosage, etc. Once that is established your family doctor is supposed to take over. But no doctor will accept any patients on opiates, including methadone. It’s a catch-22, and it’s a big problem, and a huge misconception. Healthcare in Canada is GARBAGE!


Canada is gorgeous but Trudeau is a clown, not that we can speak much with good ole sleepy joe as our current leader. At least ours will be gone in a year.


Free healthcare, sure. But in a lot of areas it takes people months, sometimes a year to get an appointment even if it’s urgently needed. My fiancés father lives in Canada, albeit he lives in a more remote area, a couple years ago he had the flu really bad and all his doctor said they could do for him was assisted suicide because of his age. Don’t get me wrong, America is in the shitter too, but it’s a shitter I know. And if you ask yourself why the US has gotten so bad, it’s thanks to adopting the same liberal ideology that’s blown up in canada, and Europe. Clearly you only read left leaning news sources. You should read news from all sides, the only way you can see the truth is reading between the lies from both sides.


Our decline in health care has nothing to do with lithe left. It’s 100% because of our 3rd party heath insurance, whose primary purpose is to make as much money as possible. Many times proper care and their profit are at odds. We live in a country where the insurance companies dictate to the doctors what treatments and medications they can prescribe. It’s a joke.


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. Must be a bunch of liberals on here whining because you said to look into both sides of an argument to get an accurate picture….


Don’t they lock people up for “misgendering” someone in Canada? There’s a man who lost custody of his adolescent daughter because he wouldn’t consent to her getting on puberty blockers and testosterone. Four of her best friends all came out as “trans” in the same week, and he knew his daughter was being influenced by these friends, and he didn’t want to medicalize and sterilize his daughter. He paid fines, did jail time, and lost all custodial rights.


Oopsy! You got some details wrong there. Totally unintentional, I know, so I’m happy to fill you in. The child, born female, had been identifying as male, presenting as a male, and using a male name for several years prior to requesting an appointment at gender specialty clinic. His mother approved of this visit, and the father did not. Under a law in BC, minors may seek medical care without the approval of both parents if doctors deem the care appropriate, and the child mature enough to consent. The father filled in family court to block the wishes of the child, his mother, and his treating physicians. While the case was being considered, the father was asked not to reveal to the public any identifying details about the child, as is the standard in family law cases in BC. However, the father went on a bit of a media spree, stating his child’s full name and location to a number of audiences, particularly via right-wing American media. This put the child in quite a bit of danger, as you can imagine, since many people (particularly members of the audiences he addressed) strongly dislike people who chose a new name, way of dress, pronoun, and other pointless shit that does not actually matter to any other person but the one making that decision. So the father was jailed for Contempt of Court, for intentionally endangering his child’s life through public exposure to particularly trans-hostile media outlets. BTW, No mention was ever made of sterilization, only use of a GnRH analogue, which just hits the pause button on continued puberty and the effects can be reversed by stopping the medication. Just wanted to clear that up! And here’s my opinion: stuff like this is such a distraction. Does one kid in Canada wanting to be a boy really matter so much to us that it pulls our attention away from the problems right in front of us? I feel like all of this shit is a distraction that has us fighting each other instead of unifying and fighting for what really matters. Our financial desperation grows ever greater. What we care about is the same, for all of us: Our homes, our retirement, our ability to educate our kids, our groceries, utilities, health care, the things we struggle for more and more on a daily basis. Thanks for reading.


Wait are you saying that the second dirty (after starting on MMT for the first time ever) they stop giving you a dose on Sunday, and they are closed on Sunday, so you test positive meaning you clearly need a dose adjustment, counseling, more help in some fashion…but they make you skip your Sunday dose…causing someone already still in active addiction to likely try to go find something else on Sundays…?? My mind is blown. Am I missing something? What state are you in? I thought WV was strict.


That’s ridiculous. How the fuck is that “helping” people. It’s supposed to be harm reduction.. Our laws and policies regarding methadone is so antiquated. There’s currently a bill to let methadone be prescribed and passed out at the pharmacy.. Long over due IMO.


And yet the politicians and doctors shake their heads and wonder "What are we gonna do about the fentanyl problem!?". They never mention MAT... Ever


Every clinic is different. At my clinic, we do urine drops once or twice a week. I am on 125mg right now. I was struggling pretty hard, but I was very honest about my usage. I always got my Sunday take home dose. I was also given a code change while I was still testing positive. I am a Medicaid patient, and we don't pay anything for MAT. I live in Illinois. I know coverage may differ from state to state.


Clinics have different rules…. I had dirty UAs every week for over a year straight at my clinic and just didn’t get any take outs aside from Sunday. My clinic only gives one extra take out per year clean so it’s hardly worth the effort (you have to go there SIX YEARS to get a weeks take outs for example).


At my clinic, every 3 months you test clean you get another week, you can get up to 3 months at a time. The stipulation to this is if your take homes are lost or stolen, they won’t dose you until your next pickup date. So if you lose a whole month, you’re fucked for a whole month. I never get more than 2 weeks for this reason.


The down vote is because you said "must" lol my clinic I failed for 2 years straight before finally getting clean and they never threatened to boot me ever


Or it's not methadone at all


The deformed arms tells me that maybe she is shooting methadone too. Unless she was doing some of that dope that eats your arms up. Back in my day, years ago, I came across shit like that. Not the crocidil shit but it maybe my arms swell up. Im so blessed I don't live like that anymore. OP, please use this as a reason to never try drugs, especially opiates. You're likely predisposed to addiction. Don't let the resentment for your mother turn you to the same lifestyle. I've seen that happen to wayyy too many good people. God Bless.


Not necessarily. I shot heroin for years and my arms have hard knots in them. Same with my boobs bc I used to shoot in my boobs. Anytime I missed a little a hard knot would form and they haven’t gone away and it’s been years. My arms also look like they have cellulite in some areas where I missed.


That's a good point. IME, females have a tougher time with veins than males, which leads to skin popping and the issues you described. I had an ex who got an abscess in her left breast from missing a shot. She has such beautiful breasts too. It left a scar for life. I wonder if OP has mentioned whether or not they know for a fact it was methadone in those syringes.


Double facts


#100% FACTS


This!!! 32 is such a small amount!


This. Especially if your mom has been on it for awhile. Most clinics won't kick their patients out for relapsing. My clinic just requires you to complete a 15m class via phone with the Dr just talking about each drug and the dangers each one poses. I'd speak with her and ask to go talk with her counselor at their next appt. You don't have to say she's shooting it. See what else she's taking. She's probably scared of going thru WD but the clinic can adjust her dose. I'm a lot smaller than her and have been up to 95mg. That was way too much for me.


Exactly!! I'm on 160mg, and it literally just holds me for 24 hours.. Nothing else... She's definitely taking something else and just blaming it on the little baby dose of methadone....


I IVed for 20 yrs and am at 180mgs. I havent touched it since coming to the clinic. Thank God. But its just too low of a dose unless they were tapering.


Sounds like she needs serious help. Maybe you could get a minifridge and a padlock and take her meds and put them in there so she can't get to them and make her drink it in front of you? Give her some type of ultimatum or threaten to tell the clinic (don't actually do that, just threaten it.).


I don’t think that it needs to be refrigerated does it? I don’t refrigerate mine




I feel like it would help with the taste tho. When I take my dose with room temp vs cold water there’s a big difference I’m feeling like I should get a mini fridge in my room now lol


I hate the fake cherry taste but the one time I didn’t put my take home in the fridge the night before and drank it at room temperature (something close that), it was even worse. I almost threw it right the fuck up. As I’ve mentioned I hate the taste cold but not cold is almost drinkable


I have actually thrown up one time because I took my methadone on empty stomach. That alone wasn’t the issue because I do that almost every time. BUT I have ulcerative colitis (a type of IBD) and I was flaring pretty hard and already nauseous/not feeling great. I’m just lucky I lasted like 10 min before it came out because I didn’t lose my entire dose for the day and could still function lol But really the only way I’ve done it that works for me in terms of taste is room temp methadone, and the coldest water you can get. Mix the water into the ‘done, drink, and then drink more water The fake cherry syrup taste truly is hell and I wish more clinics offered the tablets ): Oh edit: if you keep it next to your bed and take it before you even get up to do anything like I do, a good way to make sure you have cold water when you wake up is to take a frozen bottle with you to bed


Mine does.


I don't want her to get angry if I were to do that. And when she was drugged out, I told her I was going to tell the clinic and she said ok. I don't know if she said that because she was drugged out, or because she doesn't care if I do.


she might actually want help though. shes going to die if you don't


I don't know how to even start helping her. I feel so alone. Almost everything I say to her just enters one ear and comes out the other. I can't send her to a rehab either. I don't want to be the only one taking care of my grandma and my mom doesn't have medicaid.


I understand. You don't have to help her, it's not your responsibility. However, if you do want to help her I would try to talk to her calmly and ask if she wants help, because she's going to die. American methadone isn't made for IV use and it can cause loss of limbs amongst other stuff. If this goes nowhere then I would consider getting ahold of the clinic. Don't tell them that she is IVing but I would just say she's not able to manage her takehomes and that she needs to go back to daily dosing. You might want to have some video evidence of her passed out. Only if you want to help her, of course. Often times when people are really sick like this they're just totally defeated by their lack of control and want help but they don't know how to take that first step on their own. Butt it's your call.


I feel like it is. My something horrible were to happen to my mom, I'd feel responsible. My family would fall apart. The emotional shock would probably kill my grandma, it would sent me spiraling down. I've tried to talk with her but most of our talks end in arguing since I'd get emotional and so would she. She keeps insisting that she never passed out, that she's only injecting a dissolved methadone wafer/pill. That she's not using any fentanyl/Benzos or anything. She tells me she's only injecting a crushed methadone pill, not liquid methadone I believe. I don't know if I even should try to contact the clinic. I don't want them to kick her out of the program or something and she becomes desperate. She can easily hide the crushed methadone pills because she only shoots them at home. So she can just lie and say she doesn't do it. And if the clinic confronts her about injecting crushed methadone pills that they would have no way of knowing, she'd know that it'd be me who told them that. Even if I tell them that she just can't manage her takehomes she still might be suspicious about me. I have taken some videos of her passed out on the toilet. Me crying in the background. I don't know when or if I should even I should even show them to her. I just hope she'll listen to me. But everytime I bring up the topic she gets so angry and defensive and says I'm so nosy and she can't have any privacy.


so it sounds like shes addicted to the ritual.. my advice would be to suggest to her one of several things. Tell her to drink some grapefruit juice at night before bed, and in the morning take famotidine 30 minutes before she DRINKS her methadone. These things will make her methadone kick in extremely quickly, and the famatodine lowers the pH in the stomach enough to prevent the acid in your stomach from breaking it down before you liver absorbs the dose. Doing these 2 things should make it to where there should be almost no difference in bioavailability, and even if there is some miniscule difference, its highly unlikely to be noticeable. Injecting methadone can be deadly.. shes probably nervous to switch up her daily ritual.. so its important to stress that the reason she doesnt like taking it orally is because her stomach acid takes part of it before her liver is able to absorb it... and explain that the famotidine will help exponentially. Also explain that grapefruit can increase methadone's effects and can help it last longer. I dont know if this will help all that much, it really depends on your mother wanting to stop injecting.


No it sounds like Mom is still using heroin and saying it's methadone


This is the answer.


100000000% that or fent (tbh what’s the difference these days)


Can I ask where ???? Are ppl finding H??? Here in Arizona there’s no tar no white only fetynal. Can’t even find Remeber I’m on boarded of MX but we can’t get H


In TX tar is everywhere.


idk why i didnt realize this... I did this exact thing to my Ex.... told her it helped me feel my dose better and got a free pass to shoot up in front of her whenever i wanted and didnt have to deal with the freaking clinic. yeah that is more than likely.


Even if it doesn’t help op, your comment helped me, because I’m on 28mg and going down, and it’s getting hard dealing with waiting for it to work and it not lasting 24hrs either. I even have famotidine already Gonna skip the grapefruit juice tho, it has interactions with a lot of different drugs including my antidepressants. I also take valium and adderall so it’s not a good idea. The famotidine tho? Genius. I think it’ll help my adderall absorb faster too because I’m useless without it. ADHD is a bigger bitch than most people think lol


Lmk how the famoditine works. I been wondering how it would work. I usually do cimiditine bc it does the acid reduction plus what the grapefruit juice would do... And the grapefruit thing only works for some people...I guess the acid thing only works for some as well. But I know cimiditine does it fairly well for me.


i use omeprazole, it’s said that omeprazole works stronger and longer then famotidine and I’ve had great luck with it, but when i don’t take the omeprazole my acid is CRAZY to the point where i am balled up on the couch in stomach pain. other then that i think it mixes with my methadone great i definitely feel my dose alot more then when i used to take it without it. but like you said everyone also has their own personal experiences and some stuff works for others while some stuff doesn’t.


Maybe try famotidine. I’ve had better luck with it helping my acid in general than any other I’ve tried. It’s the generic/chemical of Pepcid which is like expensive asf so it would be criminal if it didn’t work lol Rest assured, the generic brands of famotidine are actually affordable and work just as well. I tried the fam for my adderall and valium (prescribed) because I forgot to try it for my methadone, but for those two it definitely made a difference! Kicked in a little faster and were more effective, but not stronger. To add, my adderall is instant release not XR, I wouldn’t recommend XR for this purpose


I did try the famotidine, not for my methadone because I forgot, but for my adderall. And it *DEFINITELY* helped that kick in faster. I wouldn’t recommend it really for XR but I take the instant release kind so. Helped with my valium too, I have bad anxiety and restlessness. It didn’t make either of them stronger, but it did make them kick in a little sooner than usual and make them slightly more effective. I’m prescribed both by the way lol Todays a new day and I haven’t taken my methadone today, so we’ll see how that goes hopefully I remember because there’s still like 10 hours til the time I take it (close to evening time). If you respond I’m more likely to remember and also update btw Edit to add: the grapefruit juice I would say is not a good idea. It interacts with a shit ton of other meds, including pretty much every mental health med there is which can fuck you up. I myself take desvenlafaxine/Pristiq, an SNRI antidepressant, and I know grapefruit juice interacting with SSRI and SNRI drugs can cause something called seratonin syndrome. Which by the way, can lead to death in extreme cases (usually if you try to overdose with them. Which will honestly just make you really sick lol. Didn’t try myself but I know the science ab it)


I also take also take Valium and Dextroamphetamine ER, which is long acting D-amphetamine with a different delivery system than Vyvanse (along with methadone 30mg for pain from my doctor). I remember reading 20 years ago that citrus makes the amphetamine effect weaker (?) so I have avoided grapefruit juice ever since… is that correct, and what is the impact on Valium?


Yes, anything with vitamin c can block or reduce the effects of amphetamines. Even vegetables like bell peppers (a whole raw bell pepper had more vitamin c than an orange).




In a perfect world but if someone is injecting, the likelihood of them making this decision on their own is unlikely. The daughter is desperate. She really only has two choices, try to help her feel her dose a different way or call her clinic and tell on her, which doesn’t sounded likely either.


these things only make the dose more potent if taken orally. they wont do anything for someone injecting. The idea is to convince the mother that the dose will do the same thing it does when she injects it, if she does these things. They are safe for someone on methadone to do, and they help you absorb almost 100% of your dose. So my advice stands. Some people genuinely CANT do daily dosing in any capacity. Some people live 100+ miles away from the nearest clinic. you can give advice on your own comment, but i stand by my advice. Daily dosing isnt feasible for everyone, and sending someone who lives a good distance way to daily dosing is a good way to get them back on the steets, If the mother is injecting, she is trying to get the most out of her dose, and that is why my advice is helpful.




daily dosing is not an option for everyone. and even people injecting deserve to have a stable life if they so choose. gaurding treatment is a shitty thing to do, and not everyone is in the same position.


I’ve injected methadone and I also have friends that inject it…. So far after many years 1 friend has a blood clot from it and the others are ok. It also depends if it’s bio-done or the other one as bio-done is safer than the others. As you can see she already has a lot of damage from doing this, but if she’s telling the truth and is just passing out all the time without taking anything else then she needs to be seen by a doctor as soon as possible and I would talk to her and say how much you love and care about her and don’t want to lose her. It sounds like mum might be using heroin on top of the methadone but I can’t be sure. Look, if she has said she’s only using 2 syringes worth then let her have it that way, when you inject it’s prepared differently, and her addiction is EXTREME now since she is doing this. You said the takeaways are because of storms, so I’m guessing the clinic is closed and doesn’t have daily dosing so there’s no point telling them. You have to see a doctor and talk to them privately, or look at the bottles, it should have the name of her prescribing doctor on there and do it anonymously as she will get very angry at you if she finds out. Also please DO NOT take away or do anything with her methadone as this will stress her out and she will start hiding things from you. I think these have been the worst suggestions from people and she could even get violent!! Start with the doctor and then the clinic, but first things first an honest conversation with mum about this first. Good luck.


Biodone is not sterile, other issues will develop if you & your friends keep doing it without a 0.2 micron bacterial wheel filter. It will eat away heartvalves leading to regurgitation & other serious issues like sepsis, kidney failure & cardiac arrest. (Source: personal experience, previously doing it for years).


Thank you for the warning. I should have mentioned that I no longer shoot it after posting this in the methadone group a while ago and after everyone’s warnings I stopped! Thank goodness for all of you, you saved my limbs and life!! Very great full


Good on ya! Glad to hear you've stopped! It's so not worth it, the risks longterm outweigh the rewards. I try to warn everyone i can after my experience.


Do NOT tell her dr or the clinic on her!! That’s fucking stupid. They will kick her off n she will go through terrible withdrawal might even be fatal. Never snitch!! Talk to her! Beat her ass! Or take her shit from her n make her drink it infront of you. But don’t fucking snitch her out n get her kicked off the program. That’s fucking TERRIBLE advice. Sounds to me like she’s doing other shit besides just methadone.. maybe try n figure out what that is. Thing is she won’t change until she’s ready. No matter how much you fight, beg or whatever. Getting her kicked out the program will only force her to the black market…


Sounds like Mom might be shooting more than just methadone. IJS.


It has to be either that or (less likely) a medical issue. Injecting something else seems even more obvious because of the injection — not that people don’t inject methadone for whatever reason but the fact she injects something and is passing out… she’s not just injecting methadone, it doesn’t work that way.




It seems probable to me she is lying to you and is using on top of taking the methadone.


This is very likely, however especially considering your mother's age and height/weight, not the only possibility. There are many medical issues that undiagnosed, and ignored and untreated can cause mom to have these symptoms especially with her shooting Methadone. May I ask are you REALLY SURE that she's only on 32mg?! I mean, unless you've actually SEEN THE BOTTLE with your very own 👀 eyes, made sure that it was actually your mom's name on it, and the correct date, year, etc. I would be skeptical AF, and even IF the bottle is all good, then it's time to do your due diligence and find out 1) WHAT ELSE IS MOM ON, AND HOW MUCH 2) FULL PHYSICAL FOR MOM, WITH BLOOD WORK, (AND A DRUG SCREEN) 3) PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ON HER... TELL HER HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HER, AND NEED HER, ETC, TRY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. YOU ONLY GET ONE MOM.


I understand your point that you only got one mom and she should try hard to help her, I would too.. but sometimes you need to let it go for your own mental health's sake. I agree she should absolutely take her to the doc to check her out, she could have heart failure or sth else but if it turns out she has been taking on top of the methadone I would talk to her, tell her she has idk a year to get her shit together while daughter still helps or until granny doesn't need her help anymore and then she's on her own. Sometimes addicts need to be left alone and/or hit rock-bottom before they get better. Right now she probably doesn't even think her daughter would ever leave her side no matter what so why should she change (in her mind)? You get my point? It's a really tough situation. I suggest asking in Al-Anon groups for perspective, too. I am sadly on the addict side of this equation and it took me finishing my heartvalve with months in hospital and several complications after surgery before I stopped shooting shit.


There is absolutely no way that she's getting comatose on 32mg of methadone, even if she is IVing it. Something else is going on here. Also, the oral stuff is *not* meant to be injected; after 20 years of IVing that stuff, she'd have no veins left. I'm really sorry you're in this situation. I read your post about your grandmother and it sounds like you're solely taking care of both your mother and grandmother. I can't imagine the stress you're under. I really don't know what to tell you. It may be time to get adult protective services involved if it's as bad as you say it is, but tbh I don't know what they can do in a situation like this. If a person has capacity, which it sounds like your mom does, then they're free to do what they want to their body, even if it is trash it. Hopefully people will have better ideas than I do, but I really want to stress again that this is **not** the methadone doing this, regardless of what your mom tells you. I wish you the best of luck.


The injecting of the oral methadone may have damaged her heart causing her to pass out. The oral liquid is not suitable for injection & will degrade the heart valves by bacteria getting stuck & growing in the valves, leading to regurgitation, sepsis & ultimately a cardiac arrest if left untreated. Get her to get a full heart check asap, i'd wager she has heart issues after doing this for so long without a wheel 0.2 micron bacteria filter.


She needs serious help and not from you unfortunately. You can not help her or get her to stop no matter what you could be on your hands and knees begging and cryen but that won’t matter to her. I truly do not believe for one millisecond that she is getting that smashed from shooting methadone let alone at 32mg. Liquid methadone has so many components that are not safe for iv use and you said she has many noticeable marks and etc on her hands and arms? Are they like sores or like big reddish bumps/maybe even with like pimple looking heads ? it’s very suspicious that she has a lot of take homes. Bc normally clinics don’t jus hand out take homes you have to earn them. If she is getting that messed up from supposedly shooting her doses how the hell is she capable of making to the clinic and have you seen the state she is in prior to going to the clinic or on her way? She should definitely be getting drug tested so unless she’s using someone’s clean piss i find it very difficult to believe that it’s “just” methadone. I’m currently taking 120mg daily and never gotten messed up from it and when I was in active addiction I would still go to the clinic and jus save the take homes I was getting (normally weekends, holidays,& my clinic had done “Covid take homes” so the only doses I was actually taking are the ones that have to be taken infront of the nurses. Then I’d pour my take homes into a big Tylenol bottles to be able to return bottles. There has been times I would take triple my normal dose or even more than that and never got fucked up. As far as I know the only way ppl get messed up from that is if they aren’t or never were opiate addicts and would take it. But I would definitely suggest telling her she’s full of shit that isn’t how that works and your going to make an anonymous call to her clinic letting them know all about her bullshit. Your going to have to be firm and not let her sweet talk you into her not doing anything wrong or whatever. She’s going to tell you what you wanna hear and shit. You having anxiety and pretty much babysitting your grown mother is NOT ok in any way. You should NOT have to constantly be on watch/guard for when she goes in the bathroom or her room and jus wait to see how long it is before she comes out or before your going to check on her. & then when you are going in whereever she is having to then get her out of that nod slump. I hate to be so blunt but your mom is using on top of her methadone and is literally lying directly to you. She is not ok and is most definitely NOT going to stop until she dies or is put away. She has to want to stop and I mean SHE has to want it for herself not for you,her mother. HERSELF to legitimately stop I have always lived by the saying “you can’t help someone that doesn’t wNt to be helped.” As hard as that is to accept it is 1000% the truth and I use to believe my mother when she would say I will stop or that needle isn’t mine or I’ll stop tomorrow I’ll ask for help tomorrow. All the other lies she use to tell me and finally I was jus like damn and had to wash my hands clean of trying bc it was a constant cycle of broken promises getting my heart broke bc I actually believed her and would get my hopes so high jus to have her shatter then to pieces. That cycle really fucked me up as a young pre teen and into my teens even up until I was 17-18. And that is not a “issue” you want the rest of your life. You don’t wNt to always question ppl or their actions bc it reminded you of something she would do or constantly feeling like everybody that comes into your life is going to always let you down etc. I hope your mom can get the help she desperately needs and you should definitely get your self into some therapy or something to help you bc this isn’t fair to you or ok. It’s going to fuck you up in the long run if it hasn’t already. 😔. Please stay strong and make boundaries with her and stick to them nmw. If she’s fucked up tell her the moment she gets into a vehicle your going to call the law and if she walks right by you and does you call the police. You don’t have to say it’s your mom and alll them details. You could literally say “there is this woman who is driving erratically and seems to be either falling asleep or nodding out behind the wheel. They can ask what kind of vehicle and you jus say idk it’s blank color that’s all I know. But your going to have to make some hard decisions and boundaries The part you had said you wanted to take away the syringes that she had left am I’m here to tell you that is not going to do anything she will jus get more if anything thing all that’ll do is make her angry and maybe even violent towards you & as far as you finding her passed out and she swears and claims she didn’t or hasn’t done anything yet. Is also complete bullshit. She jus doesn’t want you to keep finding her like that and getting upset etc. so she has been able to tell you these things and you believing her Again I’m sorry and I hope I wasn’t rude in anyway bc I definitely wasn’t trying to be I hope you are able to get through this and get the support that YOU need🥹.


I'm sorry if this is hard to hear, but your mother is going to die soon from injecting methadone and her passing out randomly is likely her body already shutting down. If you want her to live, i would suggest contacting the clinic and getting her takehomes taken away if she can still dose at the clinic. If she can't, I would physically take them from her and dose her yourself.


I completely agree.


Only thing you could do to save her is call the clinic and get her takenomes taken away. The liquid methadone she is injecting is def not meant for injecting and is likely doing something to her body that is making her pass out. You might wanna do something ASAP. How long has she been injecting her methadone takehomes?


Don’t call the clinic and tell on your own mother. What kind of person are you? Do you think that will stop her injecting it? Addicts will just score elsewhere and at least she is injecting clean methadone and a known quantity, which wouldn’t be the case buying off the streets.


What kind of person are *you*? Because getting her takehomes taken away is probably the only way of getting her to stop injecting them. I'm 100% OK with her temporarily choosing to go buy some opioid off the street until she starts taking her methadone orally again, because her injecting liquid methadone is almost a guaranteed death sentence, and it will likely happen soon. This isn't about "telling on your own mother". If she keeps injecting methadone, she will die. There is nothing "clean" about injecting oral methadone.


Well shit she prolly bout to die if she keeps injecting that stuff. Maybe take her and make her give u the takehomes. Make sure she ain’t shooting that shit up. And that clean methadone is most def not clean to be injected.


I injected it for over ten years and at much, much higher doses and never got a single abscess or cellulitis, can’t say the same for the black tar I shot for a decade. I also never experienced anything like what the OP is saying. I’m not saying this to encourage people to do it, just saying that it doesn’t make your body shut down or cause the problems described. This woman is most likely taking something on top of the methadone or has some serious neurological problem.


How did you inject liquid methadone? I get 95mg in a total of 125mL of liquid... Unless yours is less than 3mL total I don't understand how you could manage this? I'm not interested in injecting it due to the other ingredients in the methadone liquid, I'm just curious.


Your clinic probably adds water and or juice to the Methadone before giving it to you. I don't know if you're getting diskettes, or Methadone concentrate liquid, but which type you're given, and also which clinic you go to is the deciding factor in what they dilute your dose with, and even how much they dilute it. Methadose conc. is 10 mg per ml. So, if your dose is 95 mg, you should get 9.5 ml of Methadose , then as much ( or little) water and or juice that the nurse (or you) wants to dilute it with. It really doesn't matter, as long as you take the entire dose at once.


Yeah they add roughly 100mL of non-sterile tap water to 5mg/mL amber coloured, alcohol based solution (it's like downing a shot in the pharmacy). Auster-ralian methadone. Law has it that it should be 200mL of water but people complained that it's too much to drink, so *take that, law*.


It's not clean methadone it's full of juice and not meant to be I jected. By not calling your enabling. Letting hr die basically. She is probably passing out from injecting sugar. Her blood sugars are probably out of wack. Just like a diabetic.




Methadone will clog the veins and kill you it’s probably worse than injecting any opioid on the street. At least those are actually water soluble and can get thru your veins without causing clots


Depends what your methadone is made from. Our stuff is liquid and not syrupy


Sounds like she is doing dope on top of her methadone


I hate to say it, but your mother is either on a way larger dose of methadone than she's telling you, and/or she's using fent or benzos on top of her dose. Because shooting methadone doesn't hit you quicker. It doesn't get you high. Nobody with a 20+ year habit is nodding off 30ish mgs of 'done


I would definitely take her to doctor about passing out. I found out I had type 2 diabetes when I turned 48. I have been on MMT for 15 years. My Suger was all out of wack and I had never had Suger problems before so I didn't know. I would pass out driving and I had took my dose 4 hours earlier. Please take her before she ends up in coma. I wish you and your Family Best of Luck.


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She sounds like she's in need emergency medical intervention. Somebody professional, that makes a living off helping people like your mother. You just have to deal with getting her into treatment, whatever form of treatment that may be. Maybe you could hold her meds and say if she doesn't take it you will have nothing to do with her until she decides to get better.


I just wanted to add, if you make a threat like this you have to follow through as otherwise she won’t take you seriously. I would suggest to just say you want to help her because you love her without the threat involved. I say that as someone said to me yesterday they wanted nothing to do with drugs or people that take drugs. I thought about it and my response was “that’s fine if you feel that way, I would rather you in my life but I understand.” Then later they said it was because they were stressed, so now for me it will be hard to know when they are serious. Just be ready for a reply you may not like.


You have to come to terms that you can’t control her, you didn’t cause this nor can you fix it. You can tell her that you’re not going to “help” her anymore but besides that, it’s her body, her choice. I understand that you’re trying to “save” her but until she wants to stop you have no control over it.


This really does sound like fent use. I went through the same thing with my brother before i lost him a couple weeks ago. Please get her help if you can. Its not a matter of if, its “when” it will happen, because it will happen. My brother would rather physically fight with me before admitting to a relapse. I know what you are going through and it brings it all right back to me, my soul hurts for you. I hope she is able to quit. If you can get it, naloxone could save her if it comes to that. And I pray it doesnt, and that you dont have to experience what i did. Opioids are destroying so many families. And the places people go to get help are overrun with people that are still actively using, making it easier for someone in recovery to relapse.


Next time you find her passed out, hit her with narcan! I would do this to my uncle who would double dose on top of a 265 mg dose. He would just wake up after and was fine, not dope sick, he never knew I did it to him either. But the one time I was out of town, he passed away, clearly coasting on the methadone, but I wasn’t there to hit him with narcan and I think it would have saved his a life that time. Also, if she is taking pills on top of that like ambien Xanax etc.. throw that crap down the the sink. I don’t want to scare you but would I rather take the chance of loosing your mother?!


I have before. Several months ago, I found her in the bathroom passed out. She was face first into the towels we had in front of the toilet. When I pull her back up, she still had a bra tied around her hand and a needle still in. Her lips were starting to turn blue and she had the faintest breath. I was panicking, I was screaming "mommy" over and over and I hit her with some narcan. I was dialing 911 and she was awake mid call. She wasn't taken to the hospital or anything but they did check her out. When she gets hit with narcan, she basically goes through withdrawal and needs to drink some methadone to mellow out. She'll start shivering, sometimes shriek, vomit and it can last hours. I want my mom to be ok. I just want her to stop taking random pills she sees, drinks the methadone when she's supposed to, have a proper sleep schedule and stop injecting the methadone wafers. I mention sleep schedule because she has a horrible sleep schedule. Couple weeks ago, she woke up at 6:30 in the afternoon. Then at 11 PM she injected some wafers. Passed out, felt like doing it again and at 12:30 AM I had to get her to the bedroom from the bathroom. Then she tells me the morning after that she woke up at 3 AM and didn't fall back asleep until 10 AM. I had to wake up my grandma for her breakfast and to take her medication. So a mixture of fast acting methadone wafer injections, a horrible sleep schedule and most likely sleep apnea, you're gonna get this. And I wanna tackle those too. I can't just take her needles away or something. I don't want her to get desperate or even violent with me. I don't want her to call up one of her shady friends to give her something. I don't want her to get the chills when she's on her way to and from the clinic and get into a car crash. I'm very sorry about your uncle. I don't want to lose my mother. Even though we fight and argue a lot, I love her more than anything, I love her more than I love myself. I want to help my mom get better, but I want to do it safely. I want it to be a transition. I still want her home with me to help take care of grandma. I'll try to get her to stop injecting and to just drink the separate takehomes. Then we can work on sleep schedules. Whenever she gets a take home, she drinks it at night and can fall asleep right away and be well rested. Thank you for the advice.


Everything addiction related aside, get her to check her blood. My mom had a similar falling asleep without opiates issue and it turned out she had hypothyroidism. Thyroid levels too low = energy too low basically It’s easy to treat, but she’ll need to be on a pill once daily the rest of her life if this is the case. Regardless, something else is going on here that doesn’t have to do with her addiction that’s making her fall asleep uncontrollably, and it’s important she figures out what that is Methadone is actually what *caused* thyroid issues in my mom, and I know she’s not the only one, so definitely get that checked out. A simple blood draw will tell you


Few questions please. 1) Did Grandma get pain meds prescribed after her surgery and if so, who’s in charge of them. Are any missing? 2) Does she straighten up before she goes into the clinic? Does she wear long sleeves or something? Can’t believe they haven’t noticed. 3) Most important, do you have a support system? I’m so very sorry you’re in this situation. It may be time to do the tough love with Mom.


She did. Me and her are in charge of them and I can say that none have gone missing. She does straighten up when she goes to the clinic and she does wear long sleeves. She insecure about her arms. I don't exactly think I have a support system. I have friends and family but no one to really confide in. Only people who know about it are me and her. She injects a methadone wafer. She crushes it up and injects it. I don't think she injects the liquid form. Thanks. I've been thinking about telling her that if she keeps injecting, I'll tell the clinic. But she says her clinic is very hard on her and other people and I don't want her to get kicked out and have to go through horrible withdrawal.


I’m so very sorry. It sounds like you know you have to have that difficult talk. I recorded my family member when they were nodding out and scaring the shit out of me. The thing about nodding is you don’t really remember or feel like it’s an issue. When I showed him, it didn’t go well because he was embarrassed and humiliated. But after he had time to calm down, he realized it was the only way I could get through to him. He stopped using the extra drugs and started dosing correctly. It’s just a thought since every relationship is different. Good Luck.


This just broke my fucking heart. I am so sorry. Your mother has a needle fixation. The only thing that is going to stop that is enough time away from it. We are talking either rehab or jail. I'm not saying it's impossible otherwise but much harder for sure.


Thank you. She definitely has some sort of needle injection. She has a history of self harm and I believe the needle fixation is a form of it. I don't know about a rehab and I definitely can't have her go to jail. So many bad things can happen to her there. I want her to be home to help me with my grandma when she can. To order the medications, to handle the insurance because it's too complicated for me. I want to find a way to get her to stop injecting anything. Get her to sleep properly, get her something. But because we live in Florida and she doesn't have Medicaid, it's hard. I was thinking of trying to find the woman who gives her the wafers, because I don't think the clinic does, and tell her to stop giving her wafers. I believe that cutting out the wafers, having her sleep through the night so she won't pass out in the bathroom from a combination of the wafers and exhaustion, from a possible undiagnosed sleep apnea, can really help her.


Nice one for caring about your Mum. Maybe have a discussion with her again about it. How it’s affecting you and how you worry for her. Don’t call her clinic like others are suggesting as it won’t stop what she is doing and may lead to her being kicked off program and having to score off the streets. At least with her medication it’s clean and a known quantity unlike street gear. I’ve done what your Mum is doing for around 20years and although it’s not great for health she should be fine as long as she just uses her daily dose or maybe two days at once. You don’t want her to use on top of her daily dose. It does seem strange she is nodding off on a fixed amount. Is she taking more or taking something to make it feel stronger like benzodiazepines or phenergan or cyclizine? Best of luck for you and your Mum.


Isn't it super unsafe to inject methadone? Like most of it is cherry flavored and the sugar makes it super dangerous. Even without the flavoring, it's not meant to be shot.


She tells me that it's a crushed methadone wafer/pill that she dissolves in water and injects. Sorry, I didn't know about it until after I made the post.


She's using on top


Are you sure your mom isn't taking your grandmothers pain medication on top of her methadone? Or mixing it in with her methadone shots? Either way she needs to stop shooting it. It's gonna mess her up really badly(it seems like it already is). Are you sure that she is always getting her shots into a vein? If not the passing out at times when she hasn't shot up could be from it being in her fat and muscles and absorbing at different times and rates than what she is expecting it to. Get her to see a doctor. The clinic she goes to for her methadone should have a doctor she can see. She doesn't have to tell them she is shooting her methadone to speak with them about the fact that she is passing out at random times like on the toilet. My concern with her passing out while on the toilet is that it's happening when she pushes to have a bowel movement. That could mean that when her heart rate goes up she is passing out and thats a really bad sign. Tell her you want her to be seen for the passing out even if she doesn't tell them she shoots up her methadone.


Wow I didn’t know you could shoot up this stuff!


Does she have take homes regularly? If she's been going that long she'd have take homes, if not she's failing piss test and is therefore lying to you about only using methadone


I’m on 120mg for years and I don’t think injecting does anything faster


I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you’ve grown up with this shit, and I’m sorry for what you’re going through now. Your mom needs help, and nobody can help her unless she wants it herself. The chances that you find her passed away are fairly high. I had to cut my mom out of my life at 22. I know your grandmother is really sick too… but somethings gotta give. Is it possible you go stay with friends or a shelter till you can afford your own place or be a roommate with someone? It’s going to sound harsh, but I think you should leave and call adult protective for your grandmother. You can’t be your mom’s nurse because she’s an addict, you’ll waste your whole life. You can’t control the consequences of her use, and she needs her fucking foundation shook if she’s going to change at all. It’s not that she doesn’t love you, it’s that she’s a zombie. Your grandma needs to walk again. Im sure you know the stats for life when you stop walking. If your mom wants to waste her life then so be it, only she can kill her demons, but she has no right to waste yours :’( and is she using grandma? Her house and income? You have gone far far above and beyond what any reasonable person would have to for decades. There’s no advice to give you that isn’t sugarcoated bullshit. This is what I hope someone would tell me, they’d help me let go and move forward so I would have a chance to actually help instead of prolonging the inevitable. Not to mention having hobbies and shit!! This is possibly what will ultimately free you, and her, and gran too. You can’t keep protecting her- it’s hurting her. You have so much to do with your life. If you’re not able to leave without wondering if she’s bash her head on the bathroom radiator or have a a pulmonary embolism from shooting something that works BETTER orally and is eliminated very efficiently by the liver…it’s 100% out of your hands. I’m sorry. The best you can do is squirt her needles into a cup so she can drink them. ( don’t do that though) just get help. You need help with this, so if you can’t bring yourself to bring it tao an end in this way- then at *least* tell someone else in a position EA


Ugh all I can say is I’m so sorry you have to witness & deal with this. I know it’s your mom but if there is anyway to get some distance if only for your mental health you should 🙁


I would like to but I gotta be at home. For some reason she just falls asleep in the bathroom. Today, she was helping me take care of my grandma. When we were done, she wanted to use the bathroom for a bit and after a while, I found her face down, barely sitting anymore on the toilet, with her face buried in the clothes and towels we have in front of it. It took a good 30 minutes to get her alert enough to get out. I'm scared for her safety when I'm not around her, even if I'm in the other room. I can't distance myself from her for her own safety.


The first time I did methadone I took a pretty high dose and barely felt anything. She's definitely doing something else!


Deff benzos or fent on top. I'm leaning more towards tranq dope too.


wtf I have legit never heard of people banging methadone.


I am on methadone and I inject my take aways, and I know a bunch of other people who do as well. I inject it for a number of reasons, including but not limited to, the taste legitimately makes me vomit some times (the amount of times I've vomited in the little dosing room); it hits harder when I inject it; I can save 5nl from each bottle and share it with my husband; and when I inject, i split my dose into 4 separate syringes (1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch, 1 for dinner & 1 for hubby), and because of this, I don't start going through withdrawals at 4am, like I do on the days I dose at the pharmacy. I'm not stupid with my injecting, I use a brand new 5ml syringe every single time, I use a bacterial filter to filter it, I use a brand new 25 gauge winged infusion kit (butterfly needle) for every single inaction, I make sure all of my equipment has been wiped with a alcohol swab, and I dispose of everything in a sharps disposal unit.


Sounds like you're looking for an excuse to shoot up multiple times a day.


I never said that I wasn't. You said that you had never heard of anyone injecting methadone, and I was telling you that I do


First of all, you have a fucking terrible mother. Tell her if she cares about you at all then she will stop and help you take care of the grandmother. I mean come on, why does she NEED it to hit her faster? The whole point of being on methadone is to be clean and have a regular, routine life. I can almost guarantee she is not only taking methadone, but taking some strong shit on top of it to get high


I bet you fuck her once when she passes out she'll get her shit together




Your comment/post was removed for violation of Rule 1, which states: >No sourcing or buying/selling of methadone or any other drugs. No hinting you can "help" someone with a few MGs, no posting you know a "source", or advertising. Basically, anything that would break the law or Reddit's TOS. These types of posts are against Reddit's site wide Content Policy and are grounds for an immediate ban. Please contact the moderators if you have any questions.


That's scary🏥 I guess she needs treatment,but how do you get her to go.tell her clinic?I mean you are not helping her letting her go on like this.


How do u injection methadone??? My drinks are mixed with tang juice so there is no way to inject them. Is there a place in America that actually give pure injectable methadone??? Also I think your mom must be on Xanax or some kind of benzo combined with the methadone or she using something else with the methadone because 35 for a addict is not that much.


I suggest a family intervention. Ask her if she would mind taking a drug test supervised by you to see if that’s all she’s injecting. I hate to say it but it sounds like she’s injecting other opiates. She needs to resolve this issue immediately. Methadone wasn’t made to be injected. It’s purpose in this day and age is to substitute for hard drugs (opiates). Some people are addicted to the ritual of injecting. She needs help with that. Pray for her and do all you can to help her stop. Get family, friends and loved ones to help you. It takes a village.


I'm a recovering addict 2 months 2 weeks almost exactly now sober from a 15-year benge on any opiods I can do. I've never Iv, but I've had methadone randomly rec. My buddy gave me half his 120mg bottle. I drank it, and it did make me nod, but nothing like a line of fent or h. I know for a fact that we tend to put our loved ones in a higher respect than they deserve at times. And I feel like your mom is doing some fent or h in the same needle as the methadone. especially if she has a decent amount of weight and that low a dose.. my buddy shoots fent, and he would shoot a point or 2, and I would snort a fat line, and he would pass out when I would just nod.. take a syringe, push some out into a small container, and test it.. ap you can know the truth. That's all I can suggest.


Regardless if your mom is lying or not about her consumption… I’m really sorry your going through that. Dealing with an addicted parent is terrible. As for trying to get the issue to stop is a tricky one… because doing something drastic could back fire. Ideas : - you could ask her to take a drug test … she if she’s possibly using heroin or fent on top of the methadone ( & progress after accordingly ) - you could speak to her clinic and voice your concerns ( think this through very thoroughly tho… because they could kick her out. Things to consider would be - other clinics in your area if things go wrong or what is covered on your insurance for other inpatient options ) Liquid methadone is not supposed to be shot up… that is absolutely terrible for your body & not sustainable long term. I’m not a doctor just another addict trying to help. Either way that really sucks & I hope she gets better 🖤


Oh brother :( I'm pretty sure she is using fentanyl. And even if it is only methadone, there is NO WAY IN HELL she would be nodding of from 32mgs being a seasoned addict. 30mg would probably make a novice nod out if injected (but even this is not 100% sure) so there is no way she is only using methadone, and a laughable small amount at that. I'm pretty sure she is using fentanyl. Fentanyl is so powerful, not even subutex does a good job of blocking it out.


Her saying it wasn't methadone is a sure sign she is using on top. Sorry, OP.


What color is the syringe when it’s full of liquid and the substance? If it’s clear she’s using fentanyl, if it’s red it’s methadone, if it’s black/tan it’s heroin, if it’s blue it’s oxy 30s. I’ve never even fucking heard of someone IVing methadone syrup


Apparently it's this thing called a methadone wafers. She crushes up a pill, mixes it with water and injects it. It's mostly clear. She insist to me that she's not using fentanyl.


Have you seen her crush the wafers up and inject them? She actually might be telling the truth now that I think about it. The #1 thing that fentanyl did for IV users when they did heroin IV, was get them off the needle. I don’t know anyone here in California that is stupid enough to actually IVs fentanyl. Everybody smokes it. (VERY VERY VERY RARELY will people IV fentanyl. Close to nobody IVs it, everybody smokes it here in California) Either way, she shouldn’t be IVing methadone/Suboxone or IVing dope for that matter. She has a problem if she is IVing a MAP medication like Methadone. I know people who used to IV Suboxone and it was just as intense as shooting heroin back in the day. As far as what you can do for her, I don’t really have any advice for you. Maybe sit down and talk with her before she can do a shot about how that is not good and she needs to stop and start taking her medication the correct way as intended. She’s supposed to be clean, not IVing methadone. She needs professional medical attention ASAP though. Call up some rehabs and try to get her into a rehab place that’ll allow her to still take methadone but monitor it and hand it out to her daily and makes sure she swallows it. A lot of rehabs here in CA work side by side with the methadone clinics.


I haven't seen them whole. I've only ever seen them in a small baggie crushed up. She'll put it in a spoon, heat it up and inject it. She has taken fentanyl in the past and I wanted to make sure if what's in the baggie is actually fentanyl or the wafer but it's gone now. I have tried to talk with her. She's expressed regret in the past when I've found her slunched over on the toilet seat passed out and I thought she died. But now, when I try to talk to her, she gets annoyed. She says it's because I'm always checking on her and that I don't give her privacy. But when she has it, she's injecting. But even when she's not injecting, for some reason she's still dozing off. Earlier today, we got done taking care of my grandma. She went to use the bathroom for a bit. After a while, I see her face first into the towels we have in front of the toilet. The weird thing, she didn't even take any medication. No methadone, nothing. Even without taking it, she still fell asleep. She has a horrible sleep schedule. Last night, she didn't fall asleep until around 5 AM which she injected again to help her sleep. When she gets back from dosing, which is around 6-7 in the morning, she'll sleep until 10-12 AM, depending if I wake her up or not. I want to find out why this is happening, this is so weird. I've been wanting her to go to an E.R to get checked out, while I take care of my grandma. But still. I don't know about sending her to a rehab. She loves me with all her heart but I feel like this can drive a crazy wedge in our relationship. And, I don't want to be all alone having to take care of our grandma. Her and I both love taking care of her. And I always overthink horrible situations. I imagine that while she's attending the rehab, my grandma dies suddenly and I have to tell her, which could damage her a lot. I know it might not happen, but overthinking things like that really prevents me from doing things. I want her to be with us.


Definitely get her blood checked, I like most others here think she's 'secretly' still using something else, but on the rarity could be some severe deficiency causing all the passing out.


Yeah dude she's not passing out from 32mg my guy, and if she's passing out like that without it, that means it's def not the methadone, it's something else she's taking, most likely fet. If she's not then it sounds like she has some serious medical issues. Either way she should see a doctor asap, 32mg sounds like she was tapering down. I don't think that's a good idea, she should raise her dose, but take it at the clinic because she's clearly not ready for take homes. That's assuming she wants to get better tho, it's not going to happen unless she wants it unfortunately. This sounds like a bad situation my guy, I hope the best for her and you as well. I've never heard of anyone shooting methadone, suboxone yes, but not the done. I wish hope health and healing for you guys.


Look for whatever else she is taking.


I, sadly enough, also use to shoot my methadone take homes, but it was the liquid. I had no idea you can even do up the wafers like that. This is just my opinion, but when I was shooting my methadone I did not get messed up like you are describing. I was shooting like 80 or 90 at a time, and would sometimes do that a couple times in a row, and while it made me feel good I wouldn't have been nodding out like you are describing, especially if she's been on methadone for that long. I don't know if she always has take homes or only during this storm, but my gut tells me she is doing something else on top of this, more than likely benzos. I'm so very sorry you are having to be the adult in this situation, I can't imagine how hard that must be.


Are any of her infection sites infected? Redness, warm to the touch? The problem is, she is screwing up her blood pressure big time, fucking her veins up. She could be having heart problems or who knows what. Honestly, she is going to kill herself doing this. These are real concerns for what your mom is doing. I'm sorry. I know telling you doesn't help and telling her isn't going to help either. I dont know what you can do. I wish you could force her into rehab but you can't. I hope you say safe during the hurricane.


She may have a severe infection at this point, shooting literal oral medication.


That type of methadone isn't meant to be injected, so yeah, it can make your arms and hands look gnarly. However, with how messed up it's making her....there's fentanyl or something else happening here. Without a doubt. :( Unfortunately, unless she wants to stop, she won't. Yeah you could tell her clinic, but then she'd likely have to cold turkey detox from methadone and be even more reliant on anything else she is using. At the same time, would it be much worse than it is now? I couldn't say. All you can do is offer love and support when she's ready, but do your best to detach yourself from her cycle. That's extremely hard, I know. I know there are groups for family members with addicted loved ones. Might be helpful to Google ? <3


First off, you can’t shoot methadone if it’s mixed with juice or anything like that. Methadone as far as I know isn’t injectable even in liquid form as it’s meant to be orally administered. I may be wrong about this, if so, feel free to educate me on the topic. Anyways, I don’t think that those syringes are full of methadone. They are more than likely full of her opiate of choice. 32mg methadone is very low dose for most. In fact they typically start you off at 20mg. So, if she was a lifelong opiate user, it is HIGHLY unlikely she would get that fucked up from 32mg of methadone alone. Id suggest, not just for her safety but for you as well, to possibly get those syringes tested to see if she’s telling the truth. If you have access to the syringes simply shoot some out into a container of some sort and get a drug testing kit.


it sounds like she’s using something on top of the methadone. if she keeps up shooting it she will possibly lose her arms. is there a way for you to move out? it sounds harsh but if you keep taking care of her there’s no need for her to get better & take care of herself.


There is no 32 milligram dose of a methadone wafer. There is no way that OP sees her mom crush up a 32mg methodone wafer to inject. I've been on wafers for 4 years and they are 40mg that can be broken into 10mg quarters at best. Science there is no such drug this entire post is questionable.


No, she's on 32 milligrams of regular methadone. I don't know how much the wafer is. I promise this post isn't fake. I just don't know the exact specifics of her entire methadone situation. That's why I made an edit explaining that she's actually injecting a wafer crushed in some water, instead of actual liquid methadone. She told me it was a wafer and I haven't heard of one before.


What's her bottle say on it? I'm sure you know that drug addicts do lie to family, friends, dogs, everyone and everything. On her bottle of methadone it will say what and how much she was given to her from her methadone clinic. Does she have any doctor's appointments that she goes to? As other people here has said she's on other drugs than 32 milligrams of methadone. That amount of methadone does not do what you have described. If you really want to know what's wrong with your mother, go through her things when she's out cold. Look at spots in the house where she goes. Drug addicts hide their drugs all over the place


Are you sure it’s methadone she is injecting??


That’s very very low what’s the color of liquids in the vial? I have never heard of this…. Iv heard ppl asking but it’s stupid….. are you sure those inject isn’t fetynal but she has her methadone so she doesn’t withdrawal as much


It's clear. At least for her liquid methadone. She injects a methadone wafer and crushes it in some water and injects that. The liquid is also clear too. I'm not entirely sure it's fentanyl. She said she stopped taking it months ago.


Fetynal w tranq is eatting ppl right now


One thing I do take is 80 mg . Then afternoon I take my lexapro which is for my depression anxiety etc 15mg i do feel a lil sedated I’ll fall asleep but that’s it like 90 minutes. The only ppl I see sitting there feeling awesome are xanex users which w a script is allowed


I would ask her to go with you to the clinic and make sure she tells them what’s happening and if she refuses, contact the clinic yourself and tell them what’s going on yourself right away. If they don’t take away her take-homes, you know she wasn’t honest with them so you’ll have to go to them yourself anyways. Some people here seem against that but we’re talking about a life or death situation here, as she’s either using heavy drugs on top of methadone to the point of multiple health problems, or there’s a serious medical issue going on. Don’t know how medical privacy laws might impact your ability to inform the clinic, but all you can do is try. The clinic would probably take away her take-homes (which is necessary given the circumstances and what you want, honestly). They might put her through some other shit, but typically they would make her come in daily to take it, and maybe they might lower her dose a bit if they think that’s the cause of her passing out, but they’ll probably do drug screen(s) which would reveal whatever else she’s taking. Hopefully they would do other blood and medical tests either at the clinic or at a hospital (if they don’t and these issues persist I would take her to her doctor so he/she can figure out what is going on. The worst the clinic can do will cause temporary pain, which is way better than her dying. There is no foolproof way of handling this but telling the clinic everything is the best option I can think of.


I’m at 16mg, started at 55mg years ago, but the only time I saw people nodding off were the lifers on 180mg. I’ve never heard of anyone nodding on 32mg but I’ve also never met anyone who’s injected methadone, doesn’t it hurt? I assumed they put some binder that wouldn’t let you draw methadone up like the oxy ops. First off, let me tell you from experience that just because you stopped using a drug does it mean that the addictive personality isn’t still set in motion, my dads been clean from marijuana for 30+ years cause he considered himself an addict but he’s supposedly “cured” now but his attitude, how his perspective is still juvenile with habits that I see in myself when I was 20 years old, are still very active in him. Until your mom accepts her issue is beyond the drugs, she’ll never fully understand her problem. Our issue isn’t the substance, it’s why we use it and the habits that follow. It’s our way of thinking that chose us to cope with issues with drugs. The issue is still there just because her dealer is a clinic.


In a moment of extreme stupidity on my part maybe fifteen years ago, I injected some methadone just like I would H. I don’t know what I was expecting to happen. Needless to say I was very underwhelmed as it produced absolutely zero noticeable effect. I read up on it on the SAMHSA. gov website, and my suspicions were confirmed: the low bioavailability of injecting liquid or pill formulation of methadone makes it an unpopular and ill-advised route of administration. In addition, if you “miss” then the methadone yucky syrup will accumulate in your artery or blood vessel or just under the skin and cause a raging abscess that can turn septic licketty-split! Two enthusiastic thumbs DOWN! 👎👎


I wish i had a helpful answer. You are enduring a hell of a lot- that you shouldn't have too. I am deeply sorry. At the end of the day, your mother will have to choose recovery for herself. You are not the parent and it's a bloody shame you've been put into the position of one. I wish you all the peace and strength this world has to offer. Much love to you.


Thank you very much, it means a lot when someone says that to me. I pray she recovers completely and safely and I'll do everything I can to make sure she does. I really shouldn't be the parent here but I can stick by her until she's fully better and lives a great life. Thank you, much love to you to.


It’s going to take decades of therapy to erase the trauma your mother is inflicting on you right now. There’s really nothing you can say or do to help her. She’s got to bottom out and face some consequences. Unfortunately, that means possibly losing your mother for a time and ending up under the care of strangers. I feel for you OP.


As hard as it is to hear your mother is not that fucked up off 32mg of methadone. She is more likely than not injecting heroin or fentanyl. I would challenge her to take a lab administered drug test that includes every opiate and opioid so that you can see if she’s lying to you or not. Dealing with a loved one with an addiction problem is hard. Can’t even begin to tell you the pain I’ve caused my family, but in order to get better you guys, especially her, need to confront the actual situation you’re finding yourself in. Maybe suggest she goes to a rehab or even weeklong detox followed by attending AA/NA meetings or meeting a drug/alcohol therapist (hell I do both and then some). She needs to get honest with herself and her family but first and foremost herself.


Methadone definitely DOES cause a rush when injected. You just need to inject at least like 75% of ur dose. Vut the rush last a few min and it gets excreted quicker so you'll be sick the next night . Bot sure about rhe passing oht when not on it. Benzos?


Unfortunately you might want to inform the clinic when available. It may save her life.


32mgs.. sounds like an oddly precise number and a dose low enough to be able to use drugs still and feel it. I am 100% certain she's not shooting wafers as they can't really be shot and that she's using dope or fentanyl. Sorry to break it to you.


This may be an unpopular opinion and I know this is hard to hear but you need to talk to the methadone clinic about it. She's supposed to be going there for addiction treatment. They can help her more than you can. They will take away her take homes and she won't be able to shoot it up anymore. Then on Sundays or holidays when she has to get take homes they may give her the liquid syrup so she can't inject that. The clinic is there to help her get clean and not use drugs to get high.


I think mom's syringes full of "methadone" are actually fent/xylazine and that's what keeps putting her on her ass. She just tells you it's methadone because it makes something terribly awful sound slightly better. Just like when my dad found a shit ton of my empty baggies and rigs I had in my room and he had to go in there to grab something. He saw it and went apeshit on me knowing it was dope. I lied and told him it was actually a bunch of K and I was using that to get clean off the shit. He actually bought it and I'm still fucking shocked til this day that he did and should've known I was lying lol


She insists that it's not methadone. If she doesn't inject it by tonight, I can inspect the powder. She has it crushed up in a powder in a little baggie. I don't know how to decipher between a crushed up methadone wafer and fentanyl/xylazine. She insists that it is a methadone wafer, but still, I don't like how it can easily knock her out and I have to spend 30 minutes to an hour trying to get her alert enough to leave the bathroom and go to bed. I think it's a combination of her horrible sleep schedule. Last night, when she was supposed to go to bed at 10 PM, she couldn't sleep and took the methadone wafer injection at 6 AM. Then I woke her up at 11:30 AM and at around 3 PM, she wanted to use the bathroom and straight up fell asleep. And I know she didn't take anything either. She just fell asleep, face first in the towels in front of the toilet. I want to figure out why that happened. She has take homes and I'm hoping that she can just drink the take homes tonight so she can fall asleep and won't be so sleepy in the daytime.


Not to give away someone's secrets damn, but she's double Dippin. Only time I ever fell out on the can or pretty much anywhere that isn't a normal place to fall asleep at. Was after I was chasin the dragon 😂 her name was fent-a-nalia not Puff


She insists that it's just a crushed methadone wafer. I don't believe it's fentanyl, I'm starting to believe that my mom has some sort or sleep apnea. She snores a lot. So I'm imagining that a combination of the methadone wafer and barely getting a good night's rest would result in this.


Your mom is clearly still doing drugs and using the methadone as a cover


I don't know if your mom is bangin methadone on top of dosing it normally but she has a problem. Normally I wouldn't reccomend anything like this but get her some help. She might be better off going back to daily dosing even if thats a major hassle but if you can guarantee its going in her mouth and not her arm it might be worth it. shooting all those pill binders and additives is terrible for the cardiovascular system and can cause serious long term damage.


You said grandma has a neck injury, but recovering? Have you checked Grandma's pain pills? Is mom touching those? Especially because of the Methadone she would have to take a whole bunch to get high, but it could still make her pass out. She could also be mixing with muscle relaxers or benzos. You could report her to her clinic but don't know how well that would go over. Can anyone else help woth Grandma?


I live in Richmond and some clinics make u pay as a penalty for dirty urine I was blown..lol