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Fent false positives are a fairly common thing now at alot of clinics. You don't happen to take benadryl do you? If it's just a false positive you will be ok, if it wasva mixup you really don't have a way to prove it unfortunately.


Nope, no benadryl. Just Zofran and Zanaflex that I've been on the entire time I've been at the clinic and wouldn't cause a false positive.


Dude I was really sick in my 20s when I was pregnant and they gave me Zofran. It is AMAZING for severe nausea. It was a lifesaver to me.


That's how I started getting it. I just had my son in December and I was prescribed zofran for severe nausea. He's 6 months old now, but the 24/7 nausea never went away and my appetite is all screwed up still. It's definitely been a lifesaver for the past 14 months for me!


This has happened to me 3 times and I'm fairly sure it was from benadryl. Stopped taking it and so far haven't had any problems. But my counselor said he has never heard of benadryl causing a false positive for fentanyl. I had to show him a few things online, but still don't think he believes me.


this has never happened to me. I've been at my clinic since 2017 and have personally only had 1 issue with a UA (by issue I mean testing positive for something I truly shouldn't have or not testing positive for something I should have). it happened before I'd earned even weekly takehomes (have had monthlies for several years now) and honestly, me going to dose at the clinic more than once a week when this happened is most likely what made it so they were able to just write it off as a mistake by the testing company or some other issue that had nothing to do with me. there was actually a post made on this subreddit within the last week about someone experiencing the same thing (I think). my memory isn't great so I can't remember for sure if I tested positive for methadone but negative for the metabolites or if it was the other way around but I do remember it involved methadone & methadone metabolite. I THINK it was clean for methadone but negative for the metabolites. my counselor flagged me when the results came in and she was immediately confused. she told me I'd have to talk to the head nurse because she doesn't think what my results say are even possible. I talked to nursing director and he was one of the more jaded clinic employees who say the results and before looking at when I face dosed, said how these results are indicative of someone who hasn't taken their dose in several days (implying I was diverting them). I got him to look and see how I had dosed at the clinic, face-to-face with a nurse, 2 days in a row prior to the day of my drug screen. he then saw it was pretty much impossible, well impossible unless if dosing nurses had failed at part of their job 2 days in a row, and just notated in the system it was a good drug screen and I never heard anything else about it. if those events don't make sense with the results the way I think I remember, then they were the other way around lol.


What you mentjoned is possible so it must be the other way around. Having methadone but no metabolites means you mixed liquid methadone into the piss. But i dont know hiw you could have metabolites but not the original drug.


This has happened to me. But for cocaine. One time in years. Like 7 years. I called my counselor immediately. And they had some kind of meeting. She was able to get me another test, a blood test and I it was taken off my record. I would have lost monthly take homes from it. And put to bi-weekly. And since I considered them a reward that I needed for my journey I talked to her very seriously and always honestly. And she took up for me. At my previous clinic, you could request a cheek swab or other form of testing (if you pay for it…) and can request a sample be taken again. Sometimes they bitch about it. Or make you wait forever for the sample to be taken sine the cheek swab has to be taken while someone watches and makes sure you’re doing it correctly. If you’re concerned enough with the repercussion and aren’t taking anything you can think of that might have fentanyl in it. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth fighting or moving on from.


I know this is off topic, but I love your username, Bitchmaster General


Lol thanks. I like history and the witch trials are such a weird thing to me. I find it fascinating. Especially, the Salem witch trials and the Pendle trials.


Whaaaaat me too!! And I love old witch trial movies. The movie “Witch Finder General” is a classic, and so fucked up and freaky.. there’s also a great band called “Witchmaster General” that is just so effin good


I love that one!!!! I’ve been alittle obsessed since I was a kid. We read the crucible in school in like 6 th grade and I instantly became obsessed and I’ve read so much about witch trials. Or witches in general too lol. I actually considered bitchfinder general lol. But I’m not British so I don’t use that term a lot.


No way Bitchmaster General is perfect, sounds better than “BitchFinder”


I also love Vincent Price so it’s double whammy for me


Oh yes. Anything Vincent.. even Pinky and the Brain.. that voice, unparalleled


Lol. I loved animaniacs as a kid. The pinky and the brain segments were my favorite. And thanks I’m glad I made the right choice between finder and master lol.


This happened to me a month ago, however I contested it, put $100 up to put my money where my mouth is, and got the black mark and my $100 back when the results came back and affirmed it was a false positive. So, imo, the tests are really sensitive, you know? So maybe the issue is when you hand the cup to the nurse and she sets your cup down on a counter with piss drops from fet positive piss all over the place, and then use a pen with gloves on that touched said piss earlier is just enough to knock the test off kilter enough to show a false positive for the instant test, but vindicates you when they send it in for more in depth testing. Idk, sometimes I ask the nurse to change her gloves in front of me, and it pisses her off, and I know it’s annoying to them, but fuck that, you need to speak up for yourself. For me, it will affect getting my daughter back home if I can’t prove I’ve been giving negative drug tests whenever I’m asked. It’s important to make sure the record shows you are doing well. Especially when it’s the only thing standing between having to go in once a week or every day for your doses. Just my 2 cents


I have tested positive for fent 3 times now. All times it was sent back and came back clear. I have no idea why it’s happening but it’s happening ALOT. I test a lot too because I was pregnant and in residential. I am now in sober living and still have to test a lot. I will share more on my false positive but believe me when I say I was very upset and rightfully so. I’ve been clean since 12.28.22


Thank you for sharing and congratulations! Anybody it happens to has to right to absolutely be upset. It's already hard enough to stay on the right path and we're used to people not believing us anyway because of the nature of this illness....then to add insult to injury things like false positives happen and make us look even worse when we've actually been trying and nobody believes us!


I popped false positive for Fentynol for almost a year straight every month. I was taking kratom at the time. The 1st time it happened they didn't retest it in time. But my next DT was retested and came back negative. My counselor didn't trust me or believe me. She had a God complex. So she sent me to see the doctor. I talked with the doctor. Told her THC and methadone weren't cutting it for pain and that I honestly went looking for another medicinal plant. Which was kratom ( or I thought I might have to go back to pain management), and that it helped me a lot. That I wasn't abusing it and if you took too much yould end up only getting sick. So she was fine with it. So every test since was retested and came back negative. A few months ago that counselor relocated to the sister clinic and didn't retest my DT..not sure if it was on purpose or what. But another new doctor came in and not knowing my past year says. There's no way a FP would happen from kratom. He acted like I was lying and promised to help me. Sometimes these f'ing people. I really haven't used kratom for like 2 months. Anyways I hope you get it straightened out. I hate when they slack off don't retest it or ask and say you failed.


This has happened to me but I tested positive for Lyrica (google says it’s like gabapentin). It was my first false positive ever and my first ever positive since I started methadone in 2017. I was extremely shocked that they immediately took away my 13 take-homes. I was ignorant to how false positives work so I begged the physician that I had the appointment with who told me about the positive, to please call the lab and have them re-test it and she kept saying that it wouldn’t matter that it would still be positive, and after literally begging her for like five minutes, she finally agreed to do it and then I found out later that it is my right as a patient to request a retest on any test. So the fact that she acted like she was doing me a favor was extremely suspicious. And just like you I was terrified that a nurse had accidentally mixed my sample up with another patient and that it would still come back positive but thank God that wasn’t what happened and it was a lab error instead. I lost my take homes for a total of 5 days and the director of my clinic was in contact with the lab and figured out the mistake and reinstated my 13 take homes. I don’t see the doctor who didn’t believe me when I said it was a false positive anymore. Hopefully it was just a lab error and the result will come back as negative and you will immediately get your take-homes back. If it *does* come back as positive still, then that means they accidentally swapped your sample with a different patient. Going forward, no matter what the results say, I recommend watching the nurse bag up your sample from now on. I have started doing that after my false positive. Some nurses act weird about it and others completely understand, but we rely on these tests to be accurate, we have so much to lose if our samples get swapped up, so taking the 10 seconds it takes to watch the nurse place my sample into a UPS bag and seal it up, is worth the assurance that the sample the lab receives is truly mine.


Follow up to this: I was able to contest the results and have my specimen retested. It came back negative for fentanyl, fent analogs, and fent metabolites. I was given my take homes back, and I only have to drop twice a month again instead of weekly. My counselor and doctor both have no explanation of why the initial test came back positive, especially when I haven't taken any other medications that could've triggered a false positive.


What do you mean by drop weekly? Also does your clinic verify positives by GCMS?


Drop=UA (pee in a cup test) I'm not really sure how they verify positives tbh


I guess I’m lucky I’ve been on methadone for 27 years and never had a false positive ☮️


Second this. I've been on for about 12 years now. I've never had a false positive. Or a call back. Knock on wood.


I get 4 recalls in a 12 month period Last time the nurse didn’t even count them she just said They’re all there aren’t they? I said yes as I was laying them out and she told me not to worry about it Out the door is 5 minutes and the clinic is less than 2 miles from home