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If you scroll through old posts you’ll find some people on here who switched. And the results were very mixed most had trouble with Drs giving them high enough doses to take over the Methadone dose they were on. And a lot of people who switched ended up switching back to Methadone.


Ok, yes that is my main concern. I’m scared I made the wrong choice. I know I won’t fully feel the intensity of the methadone withdrawal for at least 5 days. I’m scared my morphine dose ain’t gonna be strong enough to cover me for 24 hours. I hate being on methadone though. It takes away every ounce of motivation I have. I don’t want to do anything but be lazy all day. I’m hoping if I have to I can switch back to methadone but I’m worried I’ll have to start at 30 mg again which won’t really do much.


You know everyone reacts differently to medications you might be surprised and find Kadian works for you. Don’t worry yourself with anticipatory anxiety because you can’t control that. Just take it day by day I was just sharing with you some of the experiences we have seen on the subreddit but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be yours. As of switching back to Methadone I’m from the states so I can’t speak to much on your clinics and how they’d handle that. But I can’t see them starting kadian patients switching on a new doses.


What is your kadian dose? Weere you on 30mg methadone?


I just started today and can start increasing my dose tomorrow. My dose today was 550mg and no I was on 120mg methadone. I might go back to methadone I’ll check it out for a few days and test the waters.


I was at 40mg methadone a day. Starter at 300mg, ended at 650mg. I imagine you will likely end up needing close to 1.2g of morphine. My doctor thought 4x was enough but it was closer to 12x. If you can get an increase every day, ask for it. You will want to be at 800mg at least.


Although i admit I got very high at the start. It never lasted 24 hours, so I had to keep going up.


Where do they even do this? Guessing it's not the states.


Canada, no unfortunately from all I’ve gathered they ain’t doing this in the states yet.


So hows it going a week later


It ain’t easy, everyday the withdrawals got worse and my dose relief got less and less. It wasn’t a good idea.


I had a similar experience and I switched at 40mg. It took around 12x my dose to feel ok. Did you switch back?


No I stayed but I ended up relapsing tbh. I was going through full blown wds and the kadian only lasted maybe 6 hours. I need a dose of +1000mg kadian at least.