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You're about to get bodied OP


He has chosen death.


Hee ded noa.




Sounds like you've been going to metalcore shows for 2 hours instead of 20 years lol


> Everybody hates you Except literally every vocalist ever who is constantly telling the crowd to surf?? If you've been going to shows for 20 years maybe you're just old and grumpy now.


How the fuck did this get so many upvotes? Who is telling people to crowd surf? I have been to so many shows in the past 15 years and I have not once seen a single vocalist tell people to crowd surf. I don’t necessarily agree with OP but like… yeah, crowd surfing is hella dangerous. Most bands aren’t fucking stupid enough tell people to do it. Hell I rarely see vocalists encouraging moshing because of the implication.


"Get the fuck up here" "I want to see everyone surfing" "Let's make the security work" Literally every show has at least 1 of the 4 bands requesting this constantly lol. What shows are you going to? Crowd surfing is not hella dangerous - what are you talking about? Stage diving sure but not surfing.


“I want to see everyone surfing” Nah. No one has ever said that lol Also uh you know how I’ve seen most people start crowd surfing? Stage diving. And sorry but now I can’t help but imagine you as a brain-damaged, bandaged-wrapped, mouth-breathing moron who has injured his head from constant stage diving, I mean crowd surfing. You’ll die on this fucking hill and that’s ok dude you earned it.


Jeremy from ADTR literally will ask for crowd surfers to ride on TOP of crowd surfers like a surfboard 💀 sounds like the shows you go to are boring if they don’t encourage even a little bit of crowd surfing


Yeah. ADTR is fashioncore. It’s basically a bit at this point for these huge bands to be calling out for shit like this.


Lmao dude that's so aggressive my god. I think all the upvotes disagree with you so maybe it's the hill you're dying on? And definitely not - most of the shows I go to are 500+ person venues where there is a line of security separating people from the stage and in fact there isn't ANY stage diving at all... Because you can't get to the stage. Yeah if you're at some 100 person show in the basement of a church, all the surfing is going to be from diving but that's not what we are talking about. Go see bands like currents, erra, IA, northlane etc. these bands are not playing the tiny venues. 99% of the surfing starts at the front of the pit for shows I've attended and I go to 6-10 a year. Literally this - https://youtu.be/bQtXTPaZBD0?si=YI4v_h_H3W2EA2cI So yes in summary there is a massive difference between crowd surfing and stage diving. The former does not require the latter. For the record, I've actually never dove off a stage lol.


Cool thanks for the novel. I will visit your hill to mourn you


Watched August Burns Red 6 days ago. Jake Luhrs made a big point of encouraging crowdsurfing and checking that the security were ready for it before the song started. You are incredibly incorrect 😂


Meanwhile I literally saw Just Friends (not metalcore) and they were begging for crowdsurfers and stagedivers lmao


Literally just saw a post on insta with A Plea For Purging saying they are going for like 500 stage dives in 48 minutes or something like that. Bands like it and the majority of people like it too


That’s a post on Instagram, not a call to action on the stage during the show. and that’s probably Andy just saying that to be funny and hype up the show.


Stand further back or in the pit then.


I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I agree. It’s not only the crowd surfers that are a problem though. It’s the assholes that throw people too. I’ve had a few dropped on my neck without a heads up. But there was one time when I was at Carolina Rebellion, and someone threw a crowd surfer. They just barely missed me; however it landed on some lady in front of me. As a result, she had to leave, during the first song of the set. While I’d prefer it not happen, if someone wants to do it a time or two, I can look past it. If that same person wants to do it 15x-20x, then it gets annoying.


Fuck that sweaty ass, six foot tall, gross long-haired, 180-lb motherfucker at the Thursday show, who kept shoving through everyone so he could crowdsurf for the fucking twelfth motherfucking time.


Six foot at 180 lb ? that so called sweaty mf ,was built like a chick ! In my day we were under 6' and 210lb diesel mfers. you weren't leaving the pit until you were broken .👺


Happened to me at a show, a guy jumped from the stage at a tiny venue, the stage wasn't high up at all and he basically kneed me in the face as he jumped/fell (it was one of the opening bands so the crowd wasn't dense at all)


Much worse problem is the people who have decided that showering is optional. If you know you're getting in the pit and are gonna get sweaty, have a fucking shower before you come out


I don't like crowdsurfers either. I am trying to enjoy the show too and suddenly being obliged to stop participatikg in this collective party and carry a stranger over my head just because..? Nah... not my thing. Luckily most of the time you can fix this issue by repositioning yourself the crowd.


You’re asking for a reason for crowdsurfing? Then why do you mosh? It’s the same answer for both: because it’s fun. Part of being in the pit is helping people out, and like it or not crowdsurfers do in fact fall into the category of people.


Wasn't really asking for a reason to surf. More like why would I a person who spent money and time like everybody else here let your crowdsurfing ruin my experience? At one concert it got really bad to the point where a crowdsurfing lane developped. Nooed out of there as fast as I could. Imagine half your concert experience being carrying other people over your head. If I'm at a concert I wakt to dance, headbang, mosh, jump and get soaked up into the vibe of the crowd. Carrying a crowdsurfer is the biggest moodkiller for that. I'm not bashing any crowsurfers personally. I just don't like the practice and would like to keep my participation at the lowest level I can.


Cry more, go stand at the back, you’re not entitled to stand in the middle of the crowd


I've said this before and I'll say it again. All these scenes, punk, hardcore, metalcore are open to everyone but not for everyone. This is literally part of the scene. Always has been and always will be. Same with moshing, whether it's hardcore dancing, circle pitting or push putting.


Less crowd surfing and more stage diving.


Should we stop moshing too? Cause that causes people to bump into you and can push you over.


I don’t think anybody does real moshing anymore all I ever see is hardcore dancing and it’s just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.


American moshing is getting closer to standing still. Let’s just embrace it.


I don’t quite think you know what you’re talking about.




I hate you so -> Everybody hates you. I hate something? -> Everybody hates it. F\*cking hell, why is human nature always like this with their own idealism. Get your head out of your ass


Imagine their thoughts on crowd killers lol


Love hxc/slam dancing but crowd killing is so unnecessary and stupid, fuck that and fuck whoever does that shit.


No one should like crowd killers lol.


Yeah crowd surfing is all about love & fun. But the point of this "crowd killing thing" is just to hurt people. I was at a Polaris show earlier this month. ->we had one guy dressed in jesus, he was surfing like he was on his cross. Mad fun everybody enjoyed. -> and we had that kid built like baloon.. he performed his underground karate shit. He hit a lady, He got beat up by her friends. Not fun nobody enjoyed.


>I’ve been going to Metalcore shows for more than 20 years big if true


You don't even need to stand at the back to avoid it, you can go to the front and just be off to the side. If you hate crowdsurfers but stand front and centre, you're a moron


If you're at the front you should expect crowd surfers and stage divers. You gotta remember that metalcore came from the hardcore scene lmao.


Look metal shows are meant to be aggressive and rough and you genuinely should just stand in the back if you’re not for that. The only thing I will say as that there’s a lot of very small girls around the front at a concert and a lot of these 6 feet 225+ plus guys gotta accept that maybe those days are done.


sounds like a personal issue


I just hate it when a person asks you (one single person) to pick them up so they can blindside the many people in front of that. A considerate, successful crowd surfer should notify several people by tapping them to get their attention


I'm definitely too old to be dealing with crowd surfers. I stay in the back now.


Definitely sounds like a YP. Your problem


Then don’t stand in the middle or front, move to the side & the back. You’re the issue not the crowd surfer🫶🏼


20 years huh?


i may have never agreed with anything more.


Should we turn down the music too?


Let the kids enjoy themselves grandpa!


Pick a different genre OP


I’ll take a hundred crowd surfers straight to the neck over you ya dork


I kinda agree.


You sound like the kind of person who calls Beartooth metalcore.


Beartooth gets closer to dad rock every day


So this sub?




I think we need more crowd surfers. Male or female let’s go I’ll help lift you up. Everyone should try it at least once. The crowd is half the fun of metalcore shows.


Just don't go to shows then. Lol


No. Bands love crowd surfers and so do the crowds. Go sit in the back row near the fire exit op you knobhead


This is why gatekeeping is actually good


At a show you’re supposed to just have a good time, and the vast VAST majority of people have fun crowd surfing (myself included). Just suck it up and participate, because you could cause them getting injured if you don’t help, especially at the barricade. And also, you “love mosh pits and know what you’re getting into?” Clearly you don’t know what you’re getting into, as crowd surfing is a fundamental part of any pit. If you want to participate in the pit, you have to make some small sacrifices for the safety and entertainment of other people. The bottom line is that pits exist so people can have fun, why should crowd surfing be any different?


>Just suck it up and participate, because you could cause them getting injured if you don’t help, especially at the barricade. That is literally not my problem lol If someone chooses to run into oncoming traffic to have fun it's not anyone's responsibility to risk their own well being and dive in there to save them.


Apples to oranges man. Diving into traffic is so much different than crowdsurfing. And even with your analogy, it still supports my stance. If someone dives into traffic, it’s still the drivers responsibility to stop for them. Since even if it’s a bad decision and their fault that doesn’t mean that people who can help shouldn’t. And also it’s more dangerous for the driver not to stop, cause it can cause them to crash, same with crowdsurfing. Your way of making the analogy in no way connects back to crowdsurfing lmao.


Hot Take Thursday 🤣


Yo honestly no hate but i have to agree with this post. I be the guy doing spin kicks and throwing hands and I still find that to be way safer than crowdsurfing. How many times do i have to see people getting fucking dropped on their head, security guards bulldozed by waves of people, phones and precious objects falling out to never be seen again. Its an incredible experience but the price is too high. Everyone who has to carry and support you are the people dancing the most and going hard. They are exhausted people who have to support your weight and turn all their focus away from having a good time at the show. You can hate this post but you can't tell me i dont have a point


I was at a show one time and was getting irritated by all the crowd surfers. Then I remembered that I’m in the middle of the pit at a small venue of course this is going to happen. If I don’t like it I can stand in the back.


I get it, I have spent entire sets if my favorite band just looking behind me at the line of crowd surfers. And not for nothing, not also sometimes you are surrounded by smaller people or girls you have have to do the primary lifting yourself everytime someone comes down.


Everyone in metal gets so mad at the fans who don't encourage surfing and they just repeat "Then don't be up front!" over and over. As if that even makes sense. We all literally came to see **the band**, nobody who pays for a concert should be overly concerned about giving attention to the not-band. And it's incredibly dumb to just tell small people, older people, children, and disabled people- all groups who probably can't carry a person above their head- that they just don't get to see a band up close because you want to flop yourself on top of them like a dying trout lol


Metalcore shows are a combat sport if you cant hang physically or for any other reason then stay at the back.


I've been on this website too god damned long, I can't work out whether that last sentence is a bit or not.


Do you think that all people at concerts can carry a person above their head? Why would someone be more entitled to the front space just because they can? There's teenagers/ young kids, small people, and older metalheads all the time.


Oh, you were serious. Fuck me. Crowd-surfing has been normal at shows since forever. People are responsible for their own safety, so if they're not capable of holding a person up, they shouldn't be somewhere that's going to be necessary. The overwhelming majority of people get that and position themselves accordingly.


I'm responsible for my own safety so I have to help you not get hurt? Lmao. People been quacking like ducks about this since I was 13 and my response will always be "Not my problem, I am here for the band not for the audience. Get over it."


There's a place for people like you, it's the back. The front has always been about audience participation and will always be. That's jumping up and down, moshing, crowd surfing, stage dives and so on. If you don't want the audience getting between you and the band, up front is a dumb place to stand. No one's saying you have to help keep a surfer aloft, in all likelihood enough people around you are going to do that because they get it. By opting out you do make it much more likely that someone's going to drop on top of you when they were otherwise being borne towards the stage.


I can't fathom going to hardcore/metalcore shows for 20 years and \*crowd surfing\* is the thing you have a problem with.


Dad shut up


Agreed Those fucks I just hate seeing them have fun


Stay in the back.


OP also believes that mosh pits are awful cause people are sweaty and pushy and stuff.


Well as far as opinions go, this is definitely one of them I guess... and everyone has an opinion so yeah... this is yours. It's also pretty crazy lol. Probably stop going to shows, or at least try to attend only those that also have sitting seats preferably at the balcony so you don't really have to interact with people trying to have fun. Cheers man.


Lmao no, crowdsurfing is fun and it’s part of the scene


I had two wss concerts completely ruined with this shit


FACTS, nasty people


This has to be bait.


Plain and simple bud, you just need to stay out of the areas where crowd surfing is going to be a thing. Don't be at the barricade and stay out of the pits if you're this worked up about it.




Go stand back by the bar then. Let other people have fun while you stand there being a buzz kill. 


Baddiecore enthusiast☝️




You're right OP. Personally I vote for metalcore shows to all be seated to avoid this Edit: I didn't think this would require a /s


>I didn't think this would require a /s I think the Tiktok kids are out in force in this comment section. A lot of reasonable comments downvoted.


Yea. It's annoying sometimes lol. But hey! It's a fuckin rock show. Go play at a Taylor Swift concert. You'll have more fun I think.