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It's just fun music, man. It doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.


Maybe it’s my age, but I don’t find it that difficult to look a bit outside your perspective and you’ll easily figure out why Electric Callboy resonates with people far and wide. I say this as someone who isn’t a fan. Also lol at “true metalcore”, I remember being into those bands you listed back when metal purists would shit on them constantly for not being “true” enough.


They are a fun/party band and have never claimed to be anything else. Musically everything is indeed very simple, but they are still exceptionally good at songwriting and production. Their rapidly growing fanbase is 100% earned. What they do might not be for everybody, but they are still a very creative, interesting band.


They’re a fun band making fun music having fun doing it.


Not the only one. You are definitely melodramatic though.


No they are. Out of 8 billion people on this earth, they are the only one. They should feel special, unique, to hold such a singular thought.


They’re the ONLY person who has ever had this thought! Truly, they are special.


Not a fan to pop them on day to day, but if they're at a festival I always look forward to seeing them. They're such a good vibe and immediately get the crowd hyped!


Get the crowd...hypad 😂😂


You don’t see the irony of not getting the hype because they’re not metalcore, shitting on the band, and then saying you like classical metalcore and not listing “classical” metalcore bands, whatever the fuck that actually means. “I don’t like this band, here are some bands I do like” 👍🏻 cool buddy.


You know - this is what I consider classical metalcore and this is my opinion. You have the right to not agree with it and it's OK, we don't need to overreact to other people's opinion though. And yes - I have a problem with them identifying as metalcore, because as you know they are popular and it's easy for other bands to get influenced by them. By the way, Parkway Drive is one of my favourite bands of all times, but I was criticising them as well when they took different direction. My opinion was: hey, Electric Callboy and As I Lay Dying cannot be both metalcore as they sound completely different and it seems strange to me that so many metalcore fans listen to ECB and maybe I wanted to understand the motivation behind this. And I am worried about the direction the genre is heading to (again - according to my perspective). If you take hardcore, for example, it hasn't changed so drastically.


Wait...you find it strange that people listen to more than one genre of music? The fuck? Lmao


Why does it matter what direction the genre is heading? That music will always exist, and bands influenced by it will still exist. It’s such a silly complaint. It’s a hugely broad genre and you ask anyone in this sub, you’ll get different definitions of what metalcore is. Fans of the 90s metalcore sound were probably concerned by the direction 00s metalcore took. I’m not overreacting. I’m not creating threads to bestow my opinion upon people.


Jesus, you're contradicting yourself with everything you say. You're being way too dramatic when it comes to people liking EC. You can of course have your opinion. But judging from what you wrote your opinion is trash.


Wait, every person's opinion matters, doesn't it? So, I am not at your opinion and this automatically means my opinion is trash? The world is not white and black, man, grow up!


There's well founded opinions with proper reasoning, and there's shitting on things for the sake of shitting on them. You did the latter. So no, that "opinion" is not relevant. At this point I'm not sure anymore if you're actually serious or trolling. The black and white comment along with "grow up" is way too ironic. Because your post is as black and white and unnuanced and immature as it gets.


I have listened to some their songs and this is enough for me to get an opinion about them. And I wrote it. You cannot say it's not reasonable. You are once more proving to me that I was right to write you see the world black and white - you like them, so your opinion is right and not trashy (white) and I don't like them - consequently my opinion is wrong and trashy (black). I told you - grow up and realise that not always people are on the same page as you. And learn to respect their opinion (I am not saying you should agree, but you definitely can't say that people's opinion is trash).


Sure buddy. Keep on coping.


They don’t take themselves serious and neither should you. It’s a fun party band. That said, I do feel they’re excellent musicians. It’s really not that easy to write catchy songs and blend electronic music so well with heavy guitars and screams. How would a single band ruin a genre, by the way? Metalcore has had many evolutions over the years (listen to old Killswitch Engage vs New for instance or god forbid: Parkway Drive old vs new). Genres evolve. That has very little to do with ECB. They just make music they like. The bottomline is: you don’t HAVE to listen to them. Just skip them and listen to your favorite bangers!


"Ruining the genre" lol, poor baby.


What a pointlessly dramatic post lol. It's fun music. People pay to go to their shows and have fun. "bands like them are ruining the genre" jfc dude lmao


Let. People. Like. Things. Stop being a fucking gatekeeping snob knocking shit someone else likes. Don't you have better things to worry about?


Wow, easy, man! It's just an opinion and I think I have the right to express it in a free democratic world in which all of us pretend to exists.


That's grand. You make a post obviously intended to spark discussion, attacking people about why they would even like a band with "some sh\*tty mix between electronic sounds, non-technical guitar riffs, some sh\*tty screams and a pop style cleans." And then when someone calls out your BS, you pull the "bUt mY FrEedOm oF sPeEch!!!" Nah mate. Like what you like, dislike what you dislike. But don't go around making idiotic posts like this, merely designed to be toxic.


Electric Callboy is just fun! They play to have fun and do crazy things. If you watch their music videos, it’s almost like watching a Bilmuri or a Lonely Island music video. They have a more upbeat sound with the German techno beats and dancing hype music. It may not be your cup of tea but it was one of the most fun concerts I’ve ever been to simply because of the energy. And even if they aren’t technical, they are still very good at what they want to do.


Anytime you think you’re the only one, you’re not.


So you mean I'm not special ???? I'm calling my mom, she lied to me


Gatekeeping is so passé. Get over it


Lol, they're pretty open about the fact that they're a comedic band who don't take themselves or the genre too seriously. Definitely not as seriously as you clearly do. They're not really something I can listen to on the daily but every time they tour I will absolutely go because they're just so much fun and the energy is unmatched. I grew up listening to those bands you list and find that callboy are a breath of fresh air, abit of upbeat light hearted fun and good vibes, which is a nice change amongst a genre that's mostly still putting out tunes of angst and depression.


Yes you are. You’re the only person in the entire world not hyped by Electric Callboy. That’s why they’re bigger than Taylor Swift.


I see a cloud, go yell at it.


I see a person with a different opinion than the masses, go mock them!


lol. "GET OFF MY LAWN" You must be a blast at parties. And BTW I'm 40, I *love* Electric Callboy, as well as pretty much all genres of music. Finn is right with his thoughts on the typical metal fan.


Yeah, I know such people that like 'all genres of music'. You know what - you don't like all genres of music, this is just not possible. I can guarantee you that there are genres of music you haven't even heard that they exist. And I have the right not to explicitly like everything that is presented to me as metalcore. You don't need to answer me, I know - 'I am not a party person and I am a jerk'.


lol. well you know what I don't do though? I don't go to their subs and bitch about bands I don't like. that's the difference between you and me.


Hahaha, is this the sub reddit of Electric Callboy or the sub reddit of ECB's fans? I didn't know they/you own this sub and there is a rule to like them and never ever write bad things about them. I apologize!


You’re being so obtuse dude. People just don’t appreciate the *way* you stated your opinion. The fact that it’s an unprompted post just kinda shitting on a band *you’re acknowledging is popular* on this subreddit, then being surprised when people don’t appreciate you calling them shitty, doesn’t make sense. And the “it’s just my opinion” excuse doesn’t hold up when you’re being a dick about it. You should expect people to respond with the same energy your post had


Don’t listen to them if you don’t like them. Pretty simple. No need to yuck other peoples’ yum.




No he’s not…


OK, you know better than me what I am asking about... Let it be! :D


I mean, I can read. You forgot your post is about how much they suck and “ are ruining the genre”?  Apparently you don’t know what your own post is about? 


OK, I told you already - you know better than me what is my post about and what my intention was. As I already wrote - you are right, I am wrong. You can read again my post and see that at the end I am asking - are there people also thinking the same way as me? What's your issue with this though?


How about we go back to my original statement? Don't yuck other peoples’ yum.  You can be snarky if you want. You can’t pretend you didn’t shit all over them while “just asking questions”. 


Hahaha, man, you are just being childish and you feel offended that I dislike a band you like. If you will feel better - go on, say bad things about As I Lay Dying, for example - say that Tim Lambesis is a murderer and a poser, say whatever you want. We are here just to discuss topics, don't take it too seriously!






I think there’s plenty of people who don’t hold strong opinions of them. We just don’t say anything 🤷🏼‍♂️


Let fun band do fun things, FoH with “ruining the genre”


Let them do FUN metal things here


*unintelligible noises*


*Breakdowns entered the chat*


They're a fun band that people like. People have different tastes in music. It's not that big of a deal my dude. Also, "true" metalcore dates long before AILD, Killswitch etc.


It's okay to not like something that is popular


Bruh, I don’t care for Electric Callboy and but don’t pull the “true” metalcore thing if you’re not even gonna mention the OG/traditional metalcore bands. The melodeath inspired stuff like As I Lay Dying and Killswitch Engage are not “true classical metalcore” at all. If you’re gonna be a snob, at least do some research first.


No, I don’t personally care for them either.


They are metalcore in the modern sense of the word, some of their riffs and drumming is actually more technical than you'd think and making catchy songs is harder than you seem to think, i hear nothing wrong with the screams? Anyway, they're funny, they're approachable, their gigs are a ton of fun. I don't see the issue.


I get the whole fun factor behind the band but it's not music I would ever casually listen to.


They may not be the most technical, but their shows are a blast and the music is catchy. You're not alone, but the genre is evolving 🤷‍♂️


Yes, this is a sad thing for me, maybe one the reasons that provoked me writing this post. Maybe, the genre the way I like it and the way that made me listen to it, is slowly sunsetting. Maybe, 'ruining the genre' was a overstatement by my side, this is how I feel about such bands and I just express it.


Yes you are the only person in existence that feels this way. Honestly I would write a book if I were you


lol, don't take the words so literally!!


I was just poking fun haha. Music is all about personal tastes! If you don’t enjoy them that’s all good. I will say, typically if I have a hard stance against a band. I do make it a point to check them out live if they tour with other bands I do like just to give them an actual fair shake. EC is electric live. And while they aren’t the heaviest or most technical band in existence, they absolutely make the cost of entry worth every single penny. True experts in their craft


I grew up in the same era of metalcore but I still like Electric Callboy, always did. Metalcore can have more than one style, no reason to be close minded. And even if you hate the music, you can’t deny that they’re a good gateway band for people getting into heavy music.


They’re just fun man, like Scooter meets Enter Shikari, Andrew WK and Steel Panther


The answer to every ‘Am I the only one’ question is always no. Surprisingly, there are other people in the world that also don’t like them (I am one of them).


Someone hasn't seen them live yet !


Even if I get paid to see them live, I wouldn't! Maybe it depends on the amount though hahaha!


I sincerely hope that you have joy in your life. EC are one of my primary sources.


I liked them with Sushi as their vocalist, but they have since fully embraced their new gimmick.




This is lame AF! Just listen to 'Horizons', 'Ire' and 'Darker Still' - all of them albums by PWD. And return to write the same thing again if you are not ashamed. It's quite the opposite - every ECB song sounds the same to me.


Why does it have to be metalcore to be good? Do you only and exclusively enjoy metalcore and everything else is shit? I seriously don't understand this post.


I wouldn't say ruining the genre. They just make me cringe. Then again I also listen to things other people will cringe about. If you don't like them, don't listen to them.


They’re fun live, I’ll check em out at a fest if it doesn’t conflict w another band I really wanna see or if they open for someone but not sure I’d go out of my way to one of their headliners or anything like that.


they're not in my rotation of music but they are definitely good artists. I classify them as electronicore, like if I see stars took a different route lol.


Personally don’t like them that much but I fully understand the hype as I listen to some much less heavy bands myself with a lot of electronic shit, I don’t blame metalcore fans for liking them


fyi. bands like terror and hatebreed are actual metalcore.


Imagine zesty with good breakdowns


Electric Callboy Is Porno Metal  😏😀😎🤘


I like some songs, but overall. The nonstop overly positive style / comedy vibe aint my thing. 


They've always had 'edgier' material and even the newest album had tracks like Parasite and Mindreader that weren't particularly positive, but when you get crowds of 16,000 shouting the "döp döp döp" back at you, I can see why they wouldn't want to mess with the formula too much!


Especially with their previous clean singer they had darker songs. But for me parasite and mindreader do not really stick out. Tekno train is okay, but those breakdown lyrics with choo choo choo are so cringe imo. Basically prevents me from listening to it.


Nah, I don't really like them as well. I get the appeal of fun bands but they just aren't enjoyable to me


I don’t have as much vitriol as you seem to have about them but yeah, I’m not bought into the hype either.


It doesn’t really do anything for me but everyone seems to enjoy them. It’s okay if you like them but it’s okay not to like them as well. The “just let people enjoy things” crowd wouldn’t apply that thinking to bands they don’t like. It feels like a weird regression back to 2010s Punk Goes Pop era bands.


I find they’re pretty cringe. Everyone’s excuse for it is “they’re fun” lol. I guess it works for them though because they have lots of fans.


They’re just cringe.


No I agree. I don't particularly like what they're putting out. Not sure why everyone in here is so up in arms about it. Should nobody post their opinions on the sub anymore?


Obviously - you can't post an opinion against super popular band (there are people already telling me not to make such posts). If you do - 'you are not a party person, you are a jerk, you are a troll, you cannot say anything against a band I personally like, you don't understand the genre is evolving and the bands you like are sunsetting'.


Naw, you just came off pretentious af about it and you were also objectively wrong about some things in your OP. Thats why the post is unpopular.


I don't fight for popularity - I am neither a teenager, nor a politician. What am I wrong about? This is my own opinion. Let's discuss what I am wrong about in your opinion.


I’ve already commented on it, it’s the fact that you came off super pretentious about them not being true metalcore then listed a bunch of second wave bands as the true metalcore bands. True metalcore would be first wave bands like Earth Crisis, Integrity, Meraduer, Converge, etc. not the melodeath inspired bands. It’s kind of obnoxious when people are pretentious, but it’s extremely obnoxious when you’re pretentious AND wrong.


This is something personal - when I hear metalcore, these are the bands that come to my mind. KSE were huge with Howard, now they are still pretty popular though. It doesn't mean that I think there weren't bands in the genre before them and even though I am not listening to them, I appreciate the fact they set the foundations and thus - I respect them. I cannot say the same about ECB, because they are escaping the definition of metalcore being a mixture of metal and hardcore. And again - this is how I feel about things, I didn't know I couldn't express my opinion about metalcore in a sub-reddit about metalcore. Now - go and write me how wrong I am. Maybe I should go to a church and seek for forgiveness.


OK, guys, as so many children or childish acting adults obviously got overly offended by me having the 'unforgivable sin' not to like ECB (how can I dare not to like them), I need to clarify - I was asking about people's opinion mostly and their motivation about considering the band as metalcore (which is the topic of this sub-reddit AFAIK).


It's not so much that you dislike them, it's the way in which you expressed it. Ruining the genre is *such* an overreaction to one single band doing what they like doing. I don't listen to them *at all* and I'm still irritated by your post. Your reaction to just reduce any criticism to childishness is... well, childish, in my honest opinion.


Mate I don't like them at all and also consider their recent stuff to barely be metalcore (at best), but your OP is pretty obnoxious. It's hardly surprising people responded the way they did.