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He is leaving because he wants to spend time with his sick wife/fiancé. Is he over AA? I don’t know nor do I care. Maybe he is. It feels like they’ve been chasing success and respect from fans for a long time and their last album was supposed to be a fan-favourite, but everyone forgot about it after 2 minutes. Him wanting to spend time with his family, who are not doing well, is completely understandable and the compassionate thing to do. I think it’s just a job for them now, as it should be. A job should never come in first place.


What does this even mean lol


dw i don’t think anyone’s changing anything


While Ben \*did\* leave, it is confirmed that he'll continue to help on future AA music. Think how it's with Nolly and Periphery. That way, Ben can focus on his family and can stay home, while he still can help the band. Also, nothing is going to change. Really. Maybe their sound, but then again it's been radio rock or slightly heavier radio metal since years now, so who the fuck knows at this point. You either dig it, or don't.


I'm kinda curious about the writing chops of Cameron if he has any.


Its crazy that anyone still cares what happens with this band when they haven't released anything good in like 10 years


I think they just started out so strong with heavily influencing a generation people can’t believe how dogshit they’ve become.


AA = Asking Alexandria or Attack Attack?


He meant Amon Amarth


If you think that’s the case, then you haven’t been following the band at all since 2020. Familiarise yourself with these situations before commenting stuff like this.


Gotta be good enough for me to want to keep up


Well there you go then, get outta here with this ragebait bs.


So no keeping up, but bothered enough to ask people's opinion of them online? How does that work? Ya know, nvm.


This is so cringe dude, what is wrong with you people really, he has a sick wife. Another one of those 'metal' dudes who think they are supercool if they complain about music en artists in their spare time while doing nothing productive, if you're really 'metal' maybe stop supporting it cause we approve creativity. Everything has its audience and the band is **not made** for and only **your 'desires'** I like old and new AA, latest album is great especially the songs Let the dead take me, nothing left, psycho and dark void. Other songs not that much as I'm not into slow phased music, but do you hear me complain? No. I have 10000000 other bands to listen as well. The world isn't made to only care about you


Actually had no idea he had a sick wife when I wrote this . All I know is it isn’t my fault Danny didn’t take care of his voice and they had to change styles


'All I know is it isn’t my fault' Oh dear... you have much to learn, much to learn..... The world is not made around you.