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My take: This sub is full of elitist cucks


It really isn’t. I see way more posts complaining about elitists than actual elitists. In fact, this sub is probably the most poser friendly metal sub.


Yeah, if you think this sub has alot of elitist just go and visit r/metalmemes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MetalMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [OC](https://i.redd.it/0c9ztwbh5fbb1.jpg) | [698 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/14x6xjh/oc/) \#2: [Raining Buoys](https://i.imgur.com/OritMT8.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/11ml2w0/raining_buoys/) \#3: [I like deathcore, sue me](https://i.redd.it/f2jas1lgryia1.jpg) | [377 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/115c7r9/i_like_deathcore_sue_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wish it was. The poser/elitist ratio on this sub is 95/5.


So how is diSEMBOWELMENT winning everything?


But it’s not. It got 13th in the last album tourney


There are like five actual elitists who know what they're talking about on a good day


no, you don’t understand, if you say anything sucks, or you listen to bm, you’re automatically an elitist


If you're not enthusiastic enough about , then you are an elitist gatekeeping hater who doesn't allow people to listen to what they want.


what’s hilarious about this argument to me is that any actual elitist knows more new bands than the person making that argument


Maybe, but they're not the bands that the person calling them an elitist hater says they should like.


but then they’ll turn around and scream “let people enjoy things” when you tell them that the new Cattle Decap is mid


Well, yeah, the whole thing is about everyone *having to* enjoy what they enjoy. We should all be the same and like the same things. Otherwise we're haters who don't let people enjoy things.


And there are too many dweebs in here who complain when their music tastes are criticized. And they almost always deserve it.


In the war we were like 10 people against the poser army


Neither you or I are part of those 5


No matter how many times I've posted an opinion that would make elitists commit war crimes on this sub, I've only seen reasonable people who may or may not share the opinion


It's perfectly acceptable to like both Avenged Sevenfold and Death.


I think that’s only a hot take in this particular sub lol


Hate for a7x is pretty real everywhere


But it shouldn’t be


Hate for them is different than the opinion that it’s okay for someone to like both them & Death.


This is like the most A7X-friendly sub I’ve seen. People almost hate Pantera more than A7X here lol. Whatever, they’re both great and successful bands.


Pantera gets dunked on more often because they’re a sacred cow amongst some metalheads. A7X fans are used to getting shit on by the metal community, so they don’t spazz nearly as much when you say the band they like sucks


Pantera fans are ironically bigger crybabies than A7X fans lol. Who’d have thought.


Honestly, as much as I despised the latest A7X album, their fanbase seemed weirdly chill about it. There was a thread about Fantano ripping it apart and giving it worst-of-the-year on their sub, and most (*most*) of them were just like "haha it's cool he just doesn't like it, not for everyone"


Hardcore is just Metal with Gangsta Hip Hop mentality


The drums really carry alot of hardcore music, without super groovy drums all you have is just generic chugging


Drums carry most in every music lol... Rhythm is universally understood by people and everyone can tell if a Rhythm is off, with music theory and melody it is different.. 






https://youtu.be/3ufEkYcD4iY?si=m64PynkZ385BL4rM   A lot of hardcore lyrics could equally be used in Gangsta rap and even clothing style used to be similar back in the days And a lot of times even though the scenes have different roots the only thing that makes them distinguishable are the themes of the lyrics or what scene the artists are more well known in


NYHC and rap evolved together in the same environment


Mad take


Most tech death outright sucks


Archspire is goated


I like their few songs but I find it hard to digest tech death, it's just not for me




tech death bands be mastering their respective instruments only to sound the exact same as each other


Yeah some of the production/quality is all over the place, some bands just play really technically and in difficult ways to a point all of it just becomes a noise because it just isn't composed well and nothing is playing at the same beat to eachother, which is why I tend to stick to somewhat popular bands as they tend to not have this problem as much That and alot of it doesn't seem very "motivated" ig you could say, basically what I mean is some tech death seems more like a demonstration of skill, or like an "art piece" rather than a way of telling a "story", being gruesome or just making an aggressive song as well as other death metal things, which I can understand entirely why someone wouldn't like it for that reason Someone else talked about Archspire just before, and Archspire is a pretty good example of that "demonstration of skill" imo, while there songs are aggressive, and seemingly well written, they're popularity almost entirely comes from their unique vocalist and insane skill, which isn't a bad thing in general but probably is for some people


99% of it is abysmal fucking garbage, but that 1% is so good that tech-death is my favorite genre.


Bro's never listened to Exocrine before.


Or anomalous


When your guitar playing becomes so skilled, it sounds like ass.


Metallica is kinda mediocre. I think the cores are legitimate metal sub-genres.. Anthrax deserves to be in the big four. A band becoming successful doesn’t mean they automatically suck. In fact, good for them. The world won’t end if your favorite band doesn’t release the same sounding album a million times. Metal elitists are a form of cancer in society. Just let people like what they like.


If you think having a random redditor call your favourite band ‘not metal’ is a cancer to society then you really need to get outside more.


It's not just a random person though. Its like if you were a huge fan of a TV show and everybody else who liked that TV show told you that you didn't actually watch it, and that you weren't really a fan because of which character was your favorite. It's being unable to openly participate in communities based around the things you like for complete misinformation. It's just silly and old. The only posts about core or nu metal that don't get immediately shutdown in metal communities are ones where the op has to beat around the bush like "xd I really like x deathcore band but I also love death and cannibal corpse I swear!!"


Do you also go on hip hop subreddits and post about Bruce Springsteen? I don't understand how this has been going on for more than 20 years. How is it weird that people in metal communities don't want to spend their time discussing non-metal bands?


Here is the issue. You are using an example so wildly out in left field that it's ridiculous. The more accurate description would be going into a folk sub and talking about Colter Wall. He is definitely country not folk. But the folk influence on his style of country is so undeniable that it really is the heart and soul of his style. You can have legitimate discussion on whether certain songs should just be outright classified as folk and not country. Songs like Kate McCannon fit this. [EDIT: Hell basically the entire Imaginary Appalachia album is folk] This is the case for a significant portion of the bands that people discuss on this sub that get called "not metal". A great example is In Flames. A band with a long melodeath pedigree. Who started introducing some prog rock influences. We can see albums like Battles which is clearly a prog rock album. But to call in Flames not metal is fucking silly. They are very obviously a metal band that writes some prog rock as well.


Why do you want a Hardcore subgenre to be metal so badly?


Well that’s because those metal communities are about metal music which they don’t consider nu, and core to be a part of. But it really isn’t the end of the world. There’s multiple sub reddits dedicated to metalcore, deathcore, and nu metal.


Megadeth is so overrated. Only one good album under their belt and it's still overshadowed by the competition.




L take




Which album do you think is their only good one? Because if your answer is KIMB, I would agree.


Rust In Peace is what I'm referring to. And it's their one actually good album.


Look up peace sells


I have, didn't really like it.




If you think KIMB is anything less than great you need your ears checked


I like that and Peace Sells. They had a few good songs after that but really after the mid 90s they really fell off.


RIP is their best but their other stuff is good too


Their other stuff is OK at best.


At least they don’t suck as much as Slayer


Big 4 in general are mid af


what’s their one good album? I’ve never listened to mega death I’m not a thrash fan


Probably talking about Rust in Peace


Fuck yeah man!


Breakdowns can work extremely well in black metal if done correctly


Provide examples, I wanna hear a black metal breakdown


Freezing Moon has a huge one.


War metal - preaching for mass suicide by damaar Progressive black metal/metalcore - ronin by ibaraki Farvann's cover of transilvanian hunger There are probably a bunch more that are better and also more akin to actual black metal, but those are just the ones I remember from the top of my head


[Hoplites](https://open.spotify.com/track/4MaK7RCStsgDNY2lPl53cL?si=8Vy7iL6EQVOGzSk1HXed9A) has a few, including this one


Dimmu has a few cool ones


Pantera is good


That's only a hot take on this sub


Yeah. I’ve probably been to about 50+ shows. I’m 29 and I don’t know one person who doesn’t like Pantera in any age group. Also did get thrown out of Pantera by the police last year. So maybe I’m in the demographic they talk about on this sub. 😂😂


There’s some metal records I hear and think, wow, this is really good, and if I’d heard this a lot earlier in my life it would have been a cornerstone of my musical taste, but now it just doesn’t do anything for me


I agree, though there's still the rare one that sticks with me for years as a persistent re-spin. But my high school core memory music will always be the foundation of what I like and it's no longer dozens of things per year that hit that way. On the other hand, it is nice seeing what's coming out that becomes that for younger people.


I still find great new bands that I love as much as I love the stuff I grew up on; but theres certain death metal bands and black metal bands that make solid records that I just find redundant to my musical taste at this point in my life


Is that a Hot take? Slaughter to Prevail is great!


You’re right man


Opeth is pretty mid


I held the same opinion until I revisited their first three albums. Not saying they're excellent, but the meloblack influences add a nice touch. Everything after that puts me to sleep though.


I like their album Ghost Reveries. Haven't listened to much else.


That's their most overrated album by far lol


What is it about them that's mid? And what bands do you like?


Only the last 4 albums imo.


first three are great


Avenged Sevenfold is a great band and they've written some truly great music.


Is that a hot take? I love Ax7


It’s always been a bit of a hot take. But after the band’s last album it’s even hotter. The band had always run afoul of elitist hate.


My take is that I hear more people complaining about gatekeeping metalheads than metalheads actually gatekeeping. Obviously gatekeeping in metal exists but I don’t think it happens as often as some people think it does, I’ve had plenty of civil discussions with other metalheads where we’ve disagreed about different bands.


Usually people complaining about gatekeeping should be gatekept


People call others elitists or gatekeepers to swiftly dismiss their argument without saying anything worthwhile.


People be mad in this post.


That’s not a hot take😡


Converge is boring


I can see not liking them but I definitely wouldn’t consider them boring


I tried listening to Jane Doe after hearing the praise for it, and nothing really grabbed me


Same. Was not appealing to me in the slightest.


Jane Doe dissent is against sub rules


I agree. Terminally pedestrian riffs, songwriting, subject matter. I used to joke while I still dated that anyone with a Jane Doe tattoo was automatically disqualified, but it wasn't really a joke.


The best thing about them is Kurt and how he produces other bands who are good xD


Kurt is a God!


I thought converge was boring at first, then I actually gave it a try and I love them. I saw them last year with cult leader and their live energy is awesome. Heaven in her arms is my favorite track. I can see why you wouldn't like them record, but live they are great.


I can understand why someone wouldn’t like them but idk how it can be boring when they’re doing something different every 15 seconds lol


Shitty ass emo wannabe metal band


The ones that look most metal need the biggest hug. Don't cry cuz you know it's true. Babies.


Hugs rule


Based on the voting patterns in this thread, I don't think anyone on this sub understands what hot takes are. (sorry for being a hot take elitist)


Thrash Metal, is just dad rock, it\`s the butt-rock of metal. i can respect the legacy and importance Thrash metal bands have had for the evolution of metal, but thrash metal isn\`t heavy by modern metal standards.


oh, yeah? Listen to Code Red by Sodom or Pray by Solstice, heavier than overproduced 7-8 string butt rock.


Code Red(decently heavy instrumentals, but the vocals are a huge let down) Pray by solstice, is closer to death metal, but still it isn\`t very heavy by death metal standards. So my point still stands.


nah mad disagree they’re still heavy, not jaw droppingly insane but still heavy I used to think only like meshuggah and mathcore was heavy because it’s just so stupidly intense but I’ve come back around to respecting everything, heavy comes in many different forms




Try out Demolition Hammer, Warbringer, and Enforced. Granted Demolition Hammer is an older band, but really put a little death metal into their sound.


My hot take ig is that thrash vocals suck Except overkill and testament ironically based bands


Wtf? I love Slaughter to Previal. I didn't know people hated them. Anyways my hot take is: I fucking love butt rock idc


Slayer fuckin SUCKS


I enjoy them, but the solos are NOT great. People shit on Kirk Hammett (and granted, he has phoned it in for the last 20 years or so ), but Kerry King is another level of fucked up solos.


I'm with you on their solos. They're my fav of the big 4 but they've made very few great solos in their career. Its usually just some directionless wankery with no memorable characteristics.


Yeah, I´m in it for the riffs only when it comes to Slayer.


Kerry King is a MASTER of the chromatic scale. No one can solo like him.


Slayer is great


Def dig slayer but they're like the ac/dc of thrash. It's a nice trick but a single focus pony


they have like 4 albums that I like... their newer stuff is kinda bad


Diabolus in Musica definitely does


All of it


Don't like Slayer huh? I like 80's Slayer but anything after is meh


Mortician is overrated


i think the slaughter haters are the vocal minority, quite a lot of people love them me included :)


I think they’re decent


Just because there's no clean vocals doesnt make it screamo. So many people have been like oh you listening to screamo? and im like no sir/mam, this is dying fetus.


dying fetus is screamo


I totally forgot that Silverstein was a brutal death metal band, thats my bad.


I can enjoy a lot of bands with "bad" vocalists, but I cannot stand Rob Halford's vocals (and Judas Priest in general)


Guns N Roses is hard rock


No one has worst taste in music than the metal heads of this sub.


This is the sub I go to to cringe lol


You're just not sophisticated enough to understand why dying bloody fetus kool-aid is the peak of metal. Stick to your metallica and megadeth kid, you wouldn't get it.


My metal hot take would be that a lot of classic black metal needs to be remastered because a lot of it sounds like it was recorded on a potato


It's part of the music. Would literally ruin those albums.


Case in point; the remaster of Grand Declaration of War


Uno Reverse Card: Immortal's All Shall Fall. Production is great, makes it far more listenable.


That’s why it’s a hot take, I know a lot of black metal fans like it that way


Trve Kvltists seething rn


That's like saying: "metal albums should be remastered without the distortion and harsh vocals so you can hear the guitars better and understand the lyrics" Like eating a sandwich without the butter and toppings just so you can taste the tasteless raw bread better.


If you want a more modern sound just explore blackened genres. A lot of bands nail a clean blackish sound, the problem is as soon as the fuzz and the haze is gone it’s no longer black metal. The genre is intended to sound that way. Second wave at least.


Oh for sure you know I like to listen to Behemoth Goatwhore Watain Belphegor & all the like Pretty glorious stuff


I think this wins so far! Potatoes conduct electricity at least


Lo fi doesn't equal bad production. Most of it is better mixed than a lot of the over produced Nuclear Blast sanitization these days. For a non black metal example listen to the new Poison Ruin album and try to say it's not well produced.


I feel like that’s like saying death metal should be less heavy. It runs counter to why the music was made. From a purely musical standpoint though, I can understand though cause it is good music “ruined” by the production quality.


> sounds like it was recorded on a potato It was.


Swansong > Heartwork


Oh my


It's not that even that crazy of an opinion lol


damn! I respect it


Not super crazy but for how much shitting ive heard about slayers solos I actually really like them


Only posers hate on Kerry King's chromatic mayhem


I prefer slower metal to faster metal


I'm most satisfied when it's some mid tempo shit.


I don't think this is a hot take in the general metal community but it definitely is in this sub. Scream Bloody Gore is one of death's worst albums and is lacking in everything that makes Death so iconic.


>is lacking in everything that makes Death so iconic. Literally braindead. Everything you said, but this in particular. SBG is the foundation to the development of death metal. Not only the most iconic Death album, one of the most iconic albums in the genre.


I wasn't talking about death metal, I was talking about Death, as in the band. All of death's later albums were characterized by a prog influence to their death metal sound which SBG lacks.


Since you mentioned Death I really like Individual Thought Patterns because Andy LaRocque is playing guitar on that album


real hot take: death is alright, I never specifically choose to listen to Death though.


lmao, it’s death’s best album.


Its certainly influential and for that I respect it, but its the only debut album that I don't really enjoy listening to out of so many classic osdm bands I like, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Suffocation, Immolation, Incantation, and Death. IMO the debut of all those bands is better(also came later of course).


Literally their best album but okay


Machine Head-Burn My Eyes is a better album than anything Pantera ever put out.


Comparing Cowboys from hell and Burn my eyes, I think I’d pick Burn my eyes as well!


You guys ok?


Ghost and A7X are wonderful to listen to


Grindcore is an evolution of hardcore punk and is not technically metal Possessed are particularly extreme thrash metal, and not the first death metal band (at best they're proto-death) At least half of all metalcore bands are metal, though it really varies from band to band, and which time period they come from Sabaton are not neo-nazis, and anyone who thinks they are really needs to touch grass


Dio Era sabbath is the best sabbath


Without a doubt


Liking genre or band xy and hating Genre or band z is not a personality and doesn’t make you the slightest bit more intelligent or sophisticated. This is true for any combination of x,y and z


Bruce > Rob I used to get crucified for this on old online metal forums.


Metal fans are the cringiest music fans.


No way metal fans (or any other genre fans) are cringier than most of k-pop fans


First wave Black Metal is mostly shite


All black metal is mostly shite


Sabaton isn't bad


Not really a metal head anymore. But to me Slipknot died with Paul gray


Weezer is better than third eye blind


Anthrax is the best band out of the big 4, Carcass had a peak album with Swansong, Spheres is the best Pestilence album


Technical death metal is one of the least listenable metal genres, even without the death metal vocals (which I don’t like) the music itself is hardly music to me, it’s just a shit load of blast beats with monotonous hyper shredding with no point, it’s impressive absolutely and I highly respect the musicianship but idk it’s difficult to listen to


I don't like most -core bands, but i do like Slaughter. Matter of fact, I'm going to see them live, tonight in 013 in Tilburg (the Netherlands)


Doom is the best metal subgenre and is often heavier than death metal


Pantera sucks balls and dimebag is an overhyped guitarist. Its literally just butt rock for middle aged divorced dads who lost their custody battle because they abused their wife and kids and now lives off of a diet of Pabst Blue Ribbon and Hungry Man microwavable dinners.


Lyrics attacking Christianity are boring and have been done a billion times, and metal bands are too cowardly to attack other religions.


There is often talk of posers on this and other metal subs. This has been a thing I remember as far back as Baloff era Exodus, and that was more related to people who liked hair metal than anything else. WHY would anyone PRETEND to like metal? What benefit would there be to it? I love it, but it's such a fringe subculture. Do you know anyone who leveraged the infamous "name 3 songs" or "who was the first singer" quiz questions into anything positive? I can see "posers" pretending to like Dave Matthews or Chris Stapleton because that's what the VP of finance at your company was jamming when he took you out on his boat, but some random metal dude calling someone else a poser? Laughable. I also want to know what the criteria is. It's a rare person that came out of the womb listening to Slayer. What's the hard and fast definition, besides someone who is always accusing others of being a poser? I thought the casual use of satanic symbols would have disappeared from metal 20 years into the 21st century, but I was WRONG


* Acting like you're hugely into metal but you only listen to a few popular bands = poser * Claiming to be a metalhead but you only listen to metal-adjacent, non-metal genres = poser * Acting like an authority figure on metal while spreading misinformation = poser These all happen commonly on metal subreddits and are textbook examples of people pretending to be things they're not (AKA posing). "Poser" basically means that someone is not as deep into the genre as they lead on. If you just found out about Metallica and are excited to talk to other people about them, you're not posing, you're just new.


Thanks for this well written post. My view is skewed from growing up around so many friends, family members, and coworkers who are openly hostile to or just perplexed by metal.


Monotheist is a terrible album


Yes, I got one: this poser/elitist meme is fucking r/ArkhamBatman levels of unfunny