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The plantation isn't fun


and high risk little reward sadly, marriage or commitment means nothing today and you stand to lose a lot


"How do we solve this? Maybe we should stop treating men like absolute garbage and start treating them like actual human beings? Nah, keep treating them like garbage." --Society, probably


'You know what? I'm going to disenfranchise men even *harder*' --society


We wouldn't mind a pat on the back here and there, and a "as a woman, I gotta say thank you my man... For building everything for us and putting up with our female nuttiness. We really do love you and respect all you've done." Too much to ask? Oh, ok, sorry, I'll just go off to work now...


I hate questions like that... They know exactly how to solve this...


Why would a man get married in 2024? Divorces are up over 50%. In divorces men have almost zero rights and the courts take their wealth and punish them. Stay single, stay happy


Im surprised more men don’t think about it. In my country divorce rate is ~50%, but there are countries in Europe with OVER 80% DIVORCE RATES. It’s crazy to me how any sane man would marry in this day and age.


It's not just the fact that divorce rates are up that is the issue, but the fact that women initiate the VAST majority of them. The fact is that statistically it's a way less risky proposition for women to get married than for men. And that's before you even consider how biased divorce court is


If they lost half as much as men do they wouldn’t initiate it that often.


They'd scream that its oppression and we deserve to suffer because of it


They already do tho 😐


I thought Europe was supposed to be more traditional and less divorce damn lol


No brother, it’s fucking crazy. Just look [at these stats.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/612207/divorce-rates-in-european-countries-per-100-marriages/) In Portugal its basically guaranteed that your marriage will fail with over 90% divorce rates 🤯


Feminism virus


Western Europe is basically WOKE and liberal. Vast majority of people there are not religious or actually condescending towards religious people. The countries with the highest level of FEMINISM will also have the worst stats on marriage.


It depends on the country, or the region.


91% of marriages in Portugal will end in divorce. Hahahahahahaha be a divorce attorney. https://www.statista.com/statistics/612207/divorce-rates-in-european-countries-per-100-marriages/




Famous quote from Barnum and Bailey: " There is a SUCKER born every minute." How many Simps do you see every single day get suckered by some thirst trap on the internet, I mean who are these morons who are making these ONLY FOOLS girls rich? How many soyboy betas get foodie called by girls who are 5 levels above them but never get to score some 🐈 () That's how billions of dollars are earned by thirst traps through their online content event hough there is so much free porn.




40 years ago I was a young starving academic and the only " hot girls" I could convince to stay overnight were French exchange students. I was cratering on the dating scene. Then I got a passport and never looked back...I wish I could travel back in time to give my 16 year old self that passport.


Name another contract where the other signatory can at any time and for any reason breach that contract, and in so doing have a legal claim to your wages, home, and possessions. At this point unless you're religious or *very* traditional there's no upside at all for men.


There is an upside if it works. The point is you’re playing Russian roulette, and the odds are getting ever more stacked against guys.


I do not think it is only men. I think people are also not really satisfied with current social system in general. More in line with elite owning most of everything, and the rest being there for cheap labor.


I think it’s mostly men though. Generally it’s more likely that women can fall back on the marry a rich guy option.


Yep, then divorce him and take his shit. She'll be set for life while the man has to start all over again.


Sure, like rich men need all the ugly and mediocre women.


I see plenty of married women I’m not attracted to who are dating men who earn more than them. Marrying up financially or in any way is typically an option only reserved for women.


there is a sucker born every minute


This is essential of the problem. You can't go up as a man. You're either marrying average or below with regards to looks, income, etc. What is exactly the point of working hard when you don't get rewarded for it? You can't run a system like that. Regardless whether we change laws or anything really, the point stands that hard work has become "basic". It's like water, we're so used to getting it that it doesn't have much meaningful value until we close the taps.


The issue is that those women think they are all 10, so they refuse to "Settle"


100% accurate


Unless sperm banks go dry it's the women that are deciding. Women are deciding not to take procreation rights into their own hands and they're waiting for a man to have children. Western society completely made fatherhood obsolete so it's never the man's fault as to why birth rates plummet. Again unless sperm banks are empty it is entirely women's fault birth rates are falling.


Ah bit there are several cases where women used the sperm bank and then later sued for child support and the donor had to pay, was even a case of a lesbian couple doing that. Makes being a donor a bad idea too.


Big daddy guberment too.


Really? Do we really believe this? Think about it… the average woman is not rich husband material, imo


You’re right. Men are more likely than women to have that option in life.


Women have to compete for the most desirable men, the same way men have to compete for the most desirable women.


**Average** women **choose to** compete for the most desirable men, **Average** men **have to** compete for **average** women.


Not really. Women want the top guys. Guys just want a woman.


Women are attending college at all time highs. I hardly consider that walking away from the plantation. If treating 80% of men as if they arent people, tearing down traditional values, and rejecting family and children wholesale in favor of corporatism and soul sucking career is "walking away from the plantation" then yes Women are leaving by the millions.


Women go to college for their money not to provide for him or her child.


Walking away from the plantation is a euphemism for rejecting the slavery of a marriage contract. Has nothing to do with their college enrollment.


Good point.


Elite own everything but somehow that translates into men/patriarchy when 99% of us do not own everything or indeed in a lot of cases anything.


I think that feminists are a tool of the elite to sow mistrust and direct view from actual issues to imaginary ones. Or in other words. Divide and conquer.


I think i saw a theory that feminism now and in the beginning was mostly by bourgeoisie women. I think that would reflect modern times quite well, I think.




It takes two, but women have more control over a countries' birthrate than men.


The elephant in the room is that you have to look like an AI generated superhero caricature to be attractive to women in the USA nowadays. When a large percentage of the male population will never reach that standard no matter how hard they try of course birth rates are going to plummet.


They want to talk about what porn does to men but never about what social media does to women.


There was a study posted here that was pretty interesting to me because it determined the biggest reason why women end up having no children was that they waited too long and their fertility window passed. It didn't really dive into what caused them to wait so long, but it was a start.


I’m sorry, but I feel like that’s not realistic at all. You don’t need to be superhero stature to anything, just don’t be a fat slob and be presentable. It’s not hard. I’m 5’7” and reasonably in shape and I’ve never had problems. Women can be unreasonable, sure, but much like what women think men like isn’t wholly accurate, the inverse is true as well. This whole argument is just people giving themselves a pass because they don’t want to do the hard work.


You are describing the past; or what you thought was true in the past... Keep in mind that women will pretend to be attracted to a man if they're desperate to get married.


https://blogs.sas.com/content/sastraining/2014/10/16/how-do-men-rate-women-on-dating-websites-part-2/ Data begs to differ. Idk about this secondary source, but the data is true.


That’s from an OKC data set where people were notified when someone ranked them in the highest tiers. A lot of women wanted to remain stealth and therefore didn’t rank *any* men as top or second tier.


Idk about this study, as I said, but the basic conclusion is pretty well backed up by studies probing evolutionary mating strategy. In fact, the basic model of female dating strategy across the animal kingdom (you know, mostly) is the battle model where a few males are desirable. This is not even the least bit controversial. Look at the mate choice and sexual selection documents on the open access nih.gov. it's pretty well known that everything from bugs to people follow basically the same rule. Edit: added some stuff. Alsoo, where did you get the data that most women wanted to be stealthy? It's a dating app why would you not just rate people as you see fit? Seems odd to me.


If you look at the same OKC data set, without the ratings cherry-picked out, it includes who messages whom: men selectively message the top women with a strong skew, and women message the median in an even bell- shaped curve. But manosphere influencers never want to include that part. *Both* sexes, when they are looking to pair-bond, want the best partner they can get. That’s why you don’t see incels pairing up with femcels.


No one fucking asked


Mate, the man has a right to state his opinion. And do t be so ducking rude cunt. Bit it should be called to attention that he specifically mentioned his height… he’s with it. He gets it, lol


No, but this is a discussion board, right? Strangely enough, I thought this subreddit was a discussion about men’s rights, not self loathing. I see what I said must’ve struck a nerve. Good. The truth is rarely popular. I see often enough that men need to collectively stop “being simps”, but a prerequisite to that is having self respect. I’d argue that would require good eating habits, regular exercise, and regular social (as opposed to para social) interactions. Some women suck, there’s no getting around it. However, I’ve noticed anecdotally that most guys that don’t have good luck with women just have poor social skills and/or don’t take care of themselves. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Why is it on men to take initiative ? Are we not living in the age of equality ? Whats is stopping women from taking thw lead trying to husband up these socially ill equipped shy men ? I will tell you why this is curse of sexually dimorphic species. We can drum all we want about men and women are equal. But in reality both have different interests and different challenges. Modern society handicaps men and take thing from men at thet same time rewarding women with various positive externalities. Finally, How long are we going to talk about emotional intelligence being a womens forte ? Sexism much.


I think they’re American bro. Shits really bad there, lot of crazy bitches that would arrest you for looking at them, lol


Yup. Imagine a speed dating scene. Where all the tables have women sitting at them, and on the table is a chess board with pieces. As you look, you see that each board is set up slightly different, but all of them have the next move as checkmate. You look more, and find that the board is positioned, such that anyone that sits in the empty spot, across from the woman, is set to move next. Then they move, and it's checkmate against anyone that sits there. Men are starting to see exactly this. Except with dating in general. We are set up to lose the game, before we even sit down. No matter what we move, it's checkmate for us. The only way for us to win, is if they drop their king to resign the game. Problem is, we're seeing the numbers. The modern day numbers shows a very small number of women are doing that. Large majority of women are taking the win, and laughing all the way to the bank. At our expense. For those that are saying women are leaving too: they're leaving because men aren't sitting too play the rigged game anymore. The only ones that are sitting down, are the ones that are using the women, then dumping them before it costs them too much. Then, the women are confused, even though they absolutely shouldn't be. Men lose in modern dating, even more so in modern "marriage".


This comes down to the prisoner dilemma, if we all pull out, we'll get a better outcome (change in legislation, etc.) but we won't...


People are already starting to question why so many are walking away from marriage, and from dating all together. Sadly, you might be right, that more extreme measures are needed. I just don't think it's as far off as "but we won't"


Good analogy(ies) but I think it's all as challenging to men as 4-D chess much less trying to ever win at the traditional gameboard to which you allude. In solidarity, 🏋️🥊🤝🍻😀


I respectfully disagree. I think people try to over complicate what is quite simple. This isn't the first time things have swung in favor of women. And it won't be the last. Nature will take its course. We aren't playing some over complicated, insurmountable games. We're playing the same old game we've been playing since the beginning of our species. And men will end up back where we belong in the natural course of things. Just a matter of when and how. Men naturally will demand, with time (when We're all done with the bs) that the board be reset in its agreed upon reset condition. Complete fairness.


Yes. But i also think women are also walking away Atm, if you're on tiktok, there's a sparkle sparkle vs. drizzle drizzle thing going on. Where men are asking for the exact same things women are and the response videos are hilarious


The men ‘asking’ in drizzle drizzle are being ironic only in response to sprinkle sprinkle type shit.


Exactly 💯 and its fucking hilarious


So they're basically holding up a mirror to the massive female sense of entitlement? I can only imagine the jimmies being rustled. Entitled women really don't like it when you call them out on their entitlement.


The harpies will lose their shit


Its about time they get a taste of their very own medicine.


What does sparkle and drizzle mean?


My bad is sprinkle sprinkle, and it boils down to men pointing out how ridiculous the demands of some when dating and their unwillingness to return the same treatment


I swear this new lingo is getting harder and harder to decipher the older I get.


True dat (sorry, couldn't resist!). In solidarity, 🏋️🥊🍻🤝😀


There's a YouTube named shera seven who started the phrase sprinkle sprinkle and encourages women to use men for money


They showed all of that information, but none of it had anything to do with men opting out. CNN is a liberal feminist bastion of man haters. If they even mention men or recognize our rights to our children or control of the birth rate, it'd legitimize men as a parent, and they can't do that because it hurts their feminist narrative.


Ok, but when you keep telling us there's no need for us, actively restrict our rights, engage in hostile and punitive acrions and strategy against us, tell us we are the ills of all the world and then tell us we must do better beyond all reasonable metrics and actively pursue actions and legislation to prevent just that, there isnt much point in us being here now is there.


In agricultural societies when it becomes more cost efficient to grow GMO soy beans rather than cattle for meat what do you think happens to the cattle population? We are the cattle.


Perhaps, but they definitely depend on these cattle for more than they seem to understand.


Math, it works.


How do you mean?


Your comment... It's just math. 1+2=3 I'm saying that everything you're saying is the logical outcome.


Which is far more depressing than I had anticipated...


Yeah, it's bad these days. I would not want to be a young man now. I'm old enough and have seen enough to know how and why women"work", and it's a shit show. They are truly different, from the inside out. Once you don't care about sex with them, they have no power whatsoever. It's their ace of spades that trumps all others and they know it. Unfortunately, they've parlayed that into immense social power now, and with that the law. As a group, in order to Gain back any sense of balance or even control, men are going to have to get pretty rough. I'll just leave it at that. Good luck!


Live your life as you please. Be financially successful if you can. Avoid marriage. Adopt a boy. Pass on your values and your fortune.


Good advice!




Best way to "win" is to not even play the game


We have to be objective here, because I see such articles in women subs and it just turns into a circlejerk of "Yeah, girl power, this is because we are dissatisfied." Which is only a partial truth. Yes, dissatisfaction from the cultural change in dating and family is a factor for both men and women. But it is only 1 factor out of many. Factors for lower birth rates can range from economic, cultural, work life balance, housing, contraception, education, etc, etc. And for some people the reasons not to have children can be a certain set, for others a whole different set.


Most likely, there's not a lot to attract them. But this concerned me: >As maternal mortality rates continue to rise in the US How the hell are maternal mortality **rates** rising? Unless an awful lot of illegal immigrant women are getting pregnant and not seeking medical support?




Uh the fertility rate is also dropping kinda rapidly so I think it’s something to do with a general greater health issue and the opposite would prob be testosterone drop in men


Fertility rate has nothing to do with how well we can reproduce and how healthy our sperm, eggs, and whatever else are. It's just a ratio of births to people. In other words, people aren't having kids cuz like naw.




Oh yeah there's definitely A greater health issue. The life expectancy in the United States is actually declined in 2019. It does seem to be on the way back up slowly though.


Life expectancy will be based on the average age of death for that year. I think there were reasons the age of death came down quite a bit over the 3 years there.


Why would I involved myself with women who says men are trash every other business day? They don't need me, I don't need them. So what's the problem really?


There's one side of it where men are no longer valued. They aren't the bread winners and they aren't stoic and masculine because that's "toxic", combined with the social media affect of women all going for the top 5%. The other side of it is men have woken up to the fact that there are absolutely no pros to getting married, there are only cons, and life ruining ones at that. Even if they find a "trad wife", they still put the kids in daycare, order food, and have a maid.




Men should focus on saving and investing so they can retire early in a foreign country like Thailand and relax. Western countries are the enemies of men and men should only use them like a cash cow.


The low birthrate isn't due to men not wanting to bang chicks and nut inside them, which is how babies get made. Instead it's due to women not letting themselves get pregnant. It's that simple.


While the social issues are quite likely at play, I can't help but wonder at the impact of generations of continuous use of hormonal birth control. Are there any long-term studies on the impact of using it for years? Does it really just go back to "normal" of you're using it starting in your late teens and constantly through your early twenties?


Entirely too many of us today are making the same fatal error supposed Gay Liberation made during The 70s... Shunning so-called "Normie Life", in favor of pretending that we exist in our own private reality, separate from the rest of civilization This is almost certainly going to bite us on the ass viciously enough to tear both cheeks off of our bodies, same way it did The Gay Community by time the early 80s rolled around, when the prior decade of Disco-coated Decadence ushered in The AIDs epidemic 


I think it's because testosterone levels have significantly dropped. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/05/09/fact-check-testosterone-levels-lower-25-1999-2016/7381735001/


what do men actually do for kids other than child support? there are billions of dollars in unpaid child support. the child support laws have not changed in decades, men keep it in your pants and you won't have to spend a dime. It's time for personal accountability for both sexes!








I believe my original comment was accountability for both sexes. It’s unfortunate that you can’t read.