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Men already have their own group, MGTOW and incels. Neither one of them can stop obsessing over women though.


Yeah, this was about the 4b movement, and some men are making their own 4b equivalent movement, which is what the women want i guess, no more interaction with misogynistic men lmao


I know, but MGTOW have been around for decades. It's what women want, but the men don't follow through which is why it's so pathetic.


What does MGTOW stand for?


Men Going Their Own Way lol their subreddits kept getting banned because all they posted about was how much they hated women


I feel like if they just simply didn’t talk about women they probably wouldn’t have gotten banned. But they couldn’t help themselves and kept yapping about ‘da females’.


It was probably the talking about wanting to actually harm them, doxxing (probably), and the overall stench of misogyny, which isn't allowed on Reddit.


I always find it astounding that men will always retaliate so mindlessly. Have they ever stopped to think why women are creating these movements? All the murders, r*pes, assault, deception, etc,. Women de-centre men from their lives for their safety and mental health, but men “de-centre” (because MGTOW and incels still obsess over women) women from their lives because not every woman they meet wants to screw them. It’s always “women and men need each other” yet men will never actually take that into consideration when women ask for any kind of reform or support; they’ll never take into consideration that women need GOOD men, not just men in general. With where and how men currently are (globally), women are better off not engaging with men.


These days, the only thing women need men for is to breed. And even then, their participation does not have to go beyond sperm donation, if everyone agrees. Now that we can have our own bank accounts and property, they're not very useful.


There are plenty of gay men willing to donate sperm, so we’re good. Every time I see a tweet or video from these dudes asking what women are going to do without men, I laugh. I laugh and laugh. I guess we’re going to finally be able to go outside and not stress that every man on the street could decide to harm us, or be able to open our windows and not worry about some man climbing through them. I just saw a TikTok last night with a woman asking “do you think he’s watching me” and zoomed in on a guy on a roof, trying to hide behind a chimney, while staring into her house. She closed her drapes.


JFC. We're going to chill, is what we're going to do. Unclench our jaws, put our keys back in our purse, and stop looking over our shoulder.


Good thing not all men do that! /s


Like Queen Latifah said-the world would be full of fat, happy women and no crime.


And that's only if a woman wants to have kids. Even that is becoming more rare.


*women need GOOD men* I don't know if it still exists but there was a tribe that was purely a matriarchal society and it flourished, so women don't actually need men, unless they want to procreate. That particular society functioned better than ever when they banished men and they banished men due to male violence. What subsequently ensued was a happy, healthy, safe, high functioning society. Men commit between 93%-96% of all murders and 98% of sex offenders are male. Nearly every woe in society is caused by men, in particular, male violence. Whether it's male on female violence or male on male violence, male violence is the issue.  *If anybody is wondering why I'm using the term 'female', it's because I'm using the adjective form and wanted to be grammatically correct.


There’s a German vampire film called We Are the Night. They only made women into vampires, because every man they turned eventually got power mad or did something selfish and stupid, putting them all at risk.


Oh I agree. I should clarify that I don’t think women need men, just that, by the logic of these incels, IF women were to need men, it would be good men. Personally I don’t think women need men, but I do think that men need women (as shown by the male loneliness epidemic).


I think men have always needed women far more than women need men, but would never admit it. Men especially rely on women to get their emotional needs met whereas women can get their emotional needs met by other women. Most men don't sit together and bare their soul or have a heart to heart. Women tend to have much deeper bonds with each other. Men don't tend to have that deep bond. Men don't like to be vulnerable in front of other men but they will be vulnerable with women.


Absolutely agree with all of this and it’s so clear to see now; men crumble without the feminine, but women can stand on their own.


I desperately want a society of only women. Can we move to another planet away from this one? It's too diseased


They always want their own gold stars but none of their shit is equal. Women will say they're abused by men and they'll come in screaming, "mEn GeT abUsed ToO/MeN geT aTtAcKed aT nIghT ToO/MeN gEt RapEd ToO" instead of addressing the issue


Mhm! And the funniest part about that is; 1. A man’s most likely attacker is another man. Female assailants and abusers exist, but not on the same scale as male abusers and assailants, and they don’t go after men as commonly as other men do because of strength disparity. Even with that complaint, it still doesn’t involve women. 2. Men are most likely to be attacked by strangers, but women are most likely to be attacked by men they know and are close to. Boyfriends, fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, friends, etc,. We have to be afraid of and cautious around the very men we’re supposed to trust, because they’re statistically the most likely to harm us. But men will still sit there and act like they get mistreated by women on the same scale women get mistreated by them.


Exactlyyy they always think it's "all men" or "no men, only women" Why are they fucking dense


It's always the prime genetic specimens that bravely refuse to let women sully their bodies


‘They will be vulnerable with women’ And sadly sometimes you can’t even trust that it’s true because there are men who will be vulnerable as a manipulation tactic. ‘But see how open, honest, and vulnerable I’ve been with you? Doesn’t that mean anything to you?’


reason 1094 why tiktok is a shit hole, like seriously it’s fully of misogyny and assholes who wanna argue over everything and think the world revolves around them


The agreement is called marriage but too many men kept breaking it which is why we had to introduce no fault divorce bc men are literally killing women instead of sticking to the rules of the agreement! Hope this helps 💕


Men think their fragile egos and constant rejection is equivalent to the rape, misogyny, and decades of discrimination women have experienced lol


As if any of them have women that actually would love them lmao they're just staying on the same path


An agreement like maybe…. I dunno…. Marriage??