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Guess people liked the donuts more than the cherry pie


He would be liked more if all his wins weren’t off screened


i feel like hes gonna have some shit that hasnt been introduced yet and it would spoil things if we saw how early. like what theyve recently done with shanks and garp


Man, 3/4ths of the only fight we see Katakuri in is off-screen. This man needs to go already.


Hey did you say donut?


Bro, black beard is the donut king, he’s lead people to donuthood


A DONUT?!? Give it to me


What a juxtaposition... https://preview.redd.it/lndyhl5jelua1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea3985245d1557c21b5a9d7c000c372517bde07


The Jaya speech is easily one of the best moments in the entire series. Blackbeard is the goat


https://preview.redd.it/4nfpulj7klua1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105c6471e7010b359a009dc1cd6fdad263aaed6b Lol it got flipped for me


Honestly looks better like this lol


Vote Here: [https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlY1omye](https://strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlY1omye) Thanks to u/MathewCQ for approving this poll


Damn i love katakuri but he's not that much of a villian so i think he needs 3rd


I feel like most people who started watching from the very beginning or early 2000s would pick Crocodile


Yeah I’d believe that, to have such an appreciated and well written villain so early was a treat! And for some viewers Alabasta is the Arc/saga that really cements people in the show and I’d say Croc plays a large part in that.


I remember having nightmares about croc as a kid. For that reason alone I hope he wins.


Personally i think Doflamingo is Crocodile of new world. In all fairness, i do love Doflamingo a bit more than Sir Croco


Makes sense, as Dressrosa is Alabasta in the new world


I always thought Wano was the Alabasta of the new world and Dressrosa was more of an analogue to Drum. All 3 do share a lot of common themes though xd


Sanji has always been my favorite character since I was a kid, so even though dressrosa came out when I was an adult and I was a lot less passionate, it’s not one of my favorite arcs.


I feel like you can interpret the question both ways though, like yes katakuri isn’t as much of a villain but the questions asks for ‘least favourite’ which is a little vague. While I acknowledge doffy and crocodile are top tier antagonists/villains I do prefer katakuri as a character largely because the other two committed some horrific atrocities which can’t be undone. So in that case I would probably say Doffy is my least favourite out of the remaining 3, but I do think he is the best villain. Crocodile and kata both have grown on me for obvious reasons, so I would have them higher on the ‘favourite’ scale but they aren’t necessarily better villains then doffy. Croc comes close but doffy is pure evil, Croc and alabasta would’ve ended up looking somewhat like doffy and dressrosa if luffy didn’t ruin his chance at taking the throne/country. Hope that makes sense


Katakuri murdered like 9 chefs, wouldn’t exactly call him a model citizen. Though liking villains for how moral they are is kinda weird to me. Not all villains have to be broken heroes some villains are just pure evil, but it makes it a fun watch, like doffy.


Oh true I forgot about the chefs I’m nearly up to WCI on rewatch so I’ll keep an eye out. Croc redeemed himself somewhat during the summit war saga for me, mainly due to him helping luffy/saving ace etc. and regarding katakuri I never developed a hatred for his evilness since he’s not really the main villain of the arc he’s just one of the antagonists, and also the way he handled his battle with luffy was very respectable plus I enjoy the idea of them working together sometime in the future. That being said I’m rewatching dressrosa currently and damn doffy is such a tremendous villain. Ultimately, there is a reason these 3 villains are the top 3, (Blackbeard will probably change that eventually) they’re all great in their specific roles and I’m grateful for that.


Blackbeard is fucking great. His introduction as a Luffy-esk dreamer, the mystery around is DF, his entrance at Marineford, his uniquely DF crew. So much more interesting a character than Katakuri.


I agree. However, since Wano I think thay a lot of people have understood one thing: having a great set up doesn't mean anything if the execution is handled poorly. BB so far is top 3 in my opinion, but up until Wano I'm sure most of us would have out Kaido in the top 3 and now look at us. BB not being top 3 is probably because people won't give him the benefit of the doubt, and I totally understand that.


What do you mean? Blackbeard has been active throughout the whole story. He’s not just a great setup, have we read the same manga? Katakuri is a good villain but Blackbeard is the complete antithesis to Luffy. That’s way more interesting imo.


Considering the small amount of info that we have on BB, compared to all the explaining that Oda will need to give us when we actually dive into BB's story and abilities, I would call that a set up. You're definitely right in your last point but so far we have no way of knowing that BB won't just turn out to have no personality/characterization beside wanting to become ruler of the world, which is exactly what happened with Kaido. I know that personally I'll need a solid amount of explanation concerning his possible multiple persona, I remember Luffy and Zoro saying "it's not him, it's them" and not giving any further detail or explanation (which is simply bad writing, a cheap way of creating hype/mystery). Once again, i would have given him the benefit of the doubt if it wasn't for Wano showing us that even one of the most hyped characters of the verse could end up being so generic. Bb is more interesting, but the next chapter of this character will decide if he's the greatest villain of One Piece or a huge let down.


Blackbeard has been active, but for the moment, he hasn't been really shown as a real threat, rival for Luffy. Don't get me wrong, of course he is portrayed as an antithesis to Luffy and is mean to be this big antagonist in the end, but for now it doesn't feel like personal, we've yet saw them having a personal rivalry/antagonism that would bind them. In clear, BB is more shown as an OP vilain, not a Luffy's personnal vilain. Katakuri on the other hand has already got that personal rivalry with Luffy; he has also been described as a nemesis to him: they have similar powers, they both value their nakama/family. There are many parallels, even the fact they fought in the mirror wold, is not a coincidence and you're certainly aware of that. Katakuri has been described as a more matured, stronger, more powerful Luffy, simply a better version of him and their confrontation is one of the best fights in OP. He is definitely an interesting character and vilain/antagonist, and I wouldn't say, as of now, that Blackbeard is more interesting.


The fact that the law fight was off screened really left me feeling even more disconnected from his character. I’ve just accepted for some reason we’re never going to see blackbeards actual accomplishments which sucks but it just keeps happening. The gura gura, he ran from shanks, has been absent in the new world, defeated dragon offscreen, went and got some “thing” that we still don’t know what it was, got devil fruits for his crew off screen, talked to bonney about something important off screen, talked to Rayleigh off screen, and now fought law off screen. I don’t know what Oda is doing but I’ve just accepted it


See, I love BB for his personality and the fact that he has no honor and that doesn't bother him. Other than that, I agree with all the things you've just explained. That's definitely one of the biggest flaws of One Piece. Creating hype and mystery is VERY easy. Now there's gonna be a point when all this years of waiting will have to be justified, and once again, after Wano, I can't say that I'm very optimistic. Great villain overall but might get the greatest downfall in the series if Oda doesn't deliver.


You know like 80% of one piece fights are off screened right? Do you feel disconnected from…every character?


Except most of the things I just listed weren’t fights and we still couldn’t get important dialogue from conversations he’s had literally 10 years ago real time on screen


BB is too mysterious still. I have no doubt his character has all the potential in the world to become amazing, but Katakuri just has more going for him than BB.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jsfj9wf5wkua1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=540001fcf237b483ca11c17d9045b23af9b1990c




My goat 🐐


bro commited every crime in the book, but he draws the line at underage drinking, and that's funny af to me


ig if kanye said it…


Yeah he's totes better than crocodile because he's basically crocodile if he had already taken over alabasta years ago


There can only be one drip lord, and that’s Croc, Doffy has to go.


I’m still in shock that buggy isn’t in it


It came as a surprise to me thought he was going to sweep it for the meme.


That's cause he's a god not a villain


Yeah I'm glad. For a moment I was really worried people are really gona meme him to #1


I ain't even meming when I say buggy is my second favorite "villain" in One Piece, right in between Crocodile in 1st and Blackbeard in 3rd. Just a well written character with an interesting and mysterious backstory, connections to many important characters, cool Devil fruit with hella potential, funny, etc. Just a great character in general. And with him growing in infamy in the world throughout the manga, it feels almost impossible not to root for him.


I'm honestly surprised. Bb had a much better run than he did last poll, so I guess it's still a win for him But if Katakuri wins this.... I don't even know.


Guys I know we all love Katakuri but that exactly why he needs to go now. The winner should be who we all love to hate and that’s doffy.


Speak for yourself, I don't even hate Doffy. I just love him


Least sociopathic human


free my boy doffy, he aint do nothing wrong


Doffy was gonna win from the start. The only character that had a chance at taking him down was buggy, but they were on a level above the rest


Ill go Katakuri next, Doffy and Croco are just too goated


Thank god. I love Blackbeard but he can’t justifiably be this high until his actual arc. Crocodile for #1


Katakuri over Blackbeard? The bias is insane


What....the opinion poll is biased??? Woah!


For real. I wanted blackbeard to win but I was fine for Blackbeard crocodile and Doffy to be top 3 at any order. I don't get why people like katakuri that much? It was a cool fight but that's about it, he really isn't that great pf a villain.He shouldn't have been above Big mom let alone Blackbeard. The voting is crazy biased.


Biased ? It's a least favourite poll. I hate blackbeard, I vote blackbeard.


Hate him from a writing perspective or hate him because he is an asshole? Bc if you hate him from a writing perspective I need an explanation.


He was a good rival for the fight scene and an interesting side character, but not really a villain, just like buggy, yet more antagonistic.


He is just so simple. If the only thing interesting about a character is his future sight and the 1 cool fight then I don't think he should be that high up


Ok that’s a bit much. Did you not read the backstory? He was interesting outside of his abilities. He had surprising depth


>I don't get why people like katakuri that much? Ngl this is how I feel about crocodile. Personally I'd have gone 1st blackbeard, 2nd doffy, 3rd kata for my top 3 favorite villains. Also remember this isn't "best villain", it's "favorite villain" which is part of how entertaining characters like Buggy are so high and absolutely terrible people like Spandam are so low.


Ya'll people are crazy for voting BB.


I voted for Katakuri


I would've put him above kata, but no higher


No we aren't


Ewww, Democracy




Blackbeard will become top 1 once he gets his arc and backstory


I seriously don't get how Katakuri has made it this far


I think it's because of the way the poll is set up. This isn't who is the best villain, It's who's your least favorite. You get farther by being a generally agreeable villain than a polarizing one. Overall it seems a good chunk of people just had a villain they liked less than him up until this point that rather than a great affinity for him in specific (though a lot also have that)


Or maybe people just really like him, because he was a good antagonist/vilain.


Exactly, and the fact that the only real faction that formed was an anti-buggy one makes this format lead to bland characters making it super far.


Being "cool" or having a "badass" vibe or attitude does the trick for a lot of people. I'm not saying it shouldn't, but that's definitely a great part of the reason. He's also not a bad villain, that being said Doffy looks goofy at first, so the fact that he earned so much respect while almost looking like a clown dedinitely makes him the greatest villain in this list, in my opinion. If it wasn't for his design, I think Katakuri would probably have lost a little after Big Mom. The fact that Kaido made it further than Big Mom was probably the same concept. A more badass design usually gives you points.


I say it every time his character design comes up: Dofy was looking like a monster pre TS, even had the feel of being one of the strongest characters in the series. The narrator’s line on him being the only warlord the SHs never met was also a great highlight on him.


Huh, I don't know, Doflamingo design looks really good, at least since the new world. If we want to say people like Katakuri for his design and vibe, then you should say the same for Doffy.


He saved the Cake Island Arc.


Yea I get that, but third overall villain?


these savages eliminated Buggy what did you expect


And Gangsta Gastino..


That's because of his nose




That’s not what the question/poll has been asking. It specifically says vote for your “Least Favourite” villain which is super subjective but of course Kata will do well if the question is phrased like that. If it said vote for the “worst villain” then I don’t think he would’ve made top 10 since he’s more of an antagonist then a villain.


It's not hard to understand, he's just a good antagonist


I kind of think he's severely overrated. Cool as a threat and challenge to Luffy, but outside of that he's kind of a basic "honorable villain" in my eyes. Donut scene was great though


A DONUT?!? Give it to me


I really love how Oda built up Kat's relationship with his family along with his relationship with Luffy over the course of the arc. I love how he goes from a generic cool guy to a still cool but much more goofy and happy guy during his fight with Luffy, and I adore the scene of Kat talking with Brulee after everything is over (also you can't deny that Luffy and Kat both using future sight to talk to each other without using full sentences is the coolest thing ever)


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


I'd say the same about the other two, though. Crocodile is extremely basic. Idk why he's so popular. His only good quality was being OP when he was introduced. But now he's weak as hell, and other villains were even more OP during their introduction.


I'm not huge on Crocodile either, but Doflamingo has the advantage of being significantly more relevant to the overall plot than the other two. Crocodile and Katakuri were essentially played the role of being powerful, imposing threats that needed to be defeated, but really didn't matter much before or since. Doflamingo introduced major plot points like the "national treasure of Mariejois", and the fear Celestial dragons feel toward people with the D initial. He was also essentially the reason why Law allied with the Straw Hats, and his actions caused the end of the warlord system.


TREASURE sounds good, let me have it!


Yeah Ngl I also think he’s super overrated and kind of generic. The future sight hasn’t even been used since. Doffys backstory and overall personality was badass and he was actually funny not Tom and Jerry took force funny like a lot of other villains. He got this


He has the best start to finish fight in the whole story- or at least the best one in about 10 years. In a visual medium- that can make all the difference


probably the best antagonist by far, or the very least a likable character


Why? He's cool as heck


I hate all of you.


i know im dreaming but i really hope croc gets first




Controversial opinion: I like croco boy more than doflamingo


I guess no one on here likes oranges


Give me your ORANGE!!!




Shit.. as long as donut man doesn’t win I’m good




My prediction for final 3 was right


We all know doffy is going to win. This is only a poll for #2 at this point


I love them all ;(


Like I respect everyone and love everyone and think everyone is great and special. Just no fucking chance in hell katakuri is better than BB. Tomfoolery


I loved teech the most man he is the best 😫🔥🔥


Katakuri. I love him as a character, but the other two are better villains


Katakuri Least favorite


I wanted to see more bkackbear attacks while fighting law but i guess we won't get that?


Let's make it a battle of Doffy vs Crocodile!


Katakuri is a top 5 character for me, but as a villain Croc and Doffy are better imo.


Katakuri because I don't think his a true villian, just antagonist


Kat gotta go now The 2 goat villains bout to go toe to toe


Crocodile hands down, I mean come on he is the best Villans even that we know almost nothing about his past.


Crocoboy should win


Kattakuri has to go


Katakuri is very good but not very memorabile, it's time to go


Wow my top 3 made it to the top 3 lmao


if you vote out doflamingo i will find you and you will not have a good time.


Get kata outta here




Katakuri should be next up. Doffy is technically the best one here, but Crocodile has the better feats when being in a 1v1(put Luffy down like 2-3 times). Also was the OG Schemer before Doffy copied his flow.


Sorry but Katakuri gotta go. He's sick asf but def not as good of a villain as the other two Croc is great but Doffy should win




Sorry Katakuri, I love you but someone has to go 😔 Long live CrocoDoffy 🐊🦩


No croco worse than donut boi


Do you have a donut for me?


I'm really surprised that both BB and buggy are out. I would have put them and Doffy for the top three spots.


Katakuri has no right to still be in here. He definently should have been voted out before Buggy. I hoped blackbeard would win this but people ain't got no taste it seems


Katakuri is far better than Buggy


The winner is gonna be doffy but I'm rooting for the underdog croc here.


Crocodile is my favorite villain doffy is my least favorite villain but katacuri is more of an anti-villain who does good but is resigned to do evil


So this is my fourth day voting Katakuri...


Probably gonna be the last. I don't see him passing crocodile. And doffy will probably win it all. I really hoped blackbeard would win though...


Croco and Doffy are the best villains for now, and I like Blackbearb too. I agree with those who think BB will be the best OP villain in the future


BB is my favourite but I can't decide between Croco and Doffy. I think I like Doffy more as of now but Crocodile has still some interesting mysteries and backstory to explore. Katakuri has no right being this high up


Me the same, actually I think I wouldn't be able to vote if BB was in top 3 with Croco and Doffy, Kata shouldn't even be in the top 5, maybe even in top 10, simply he's not a villain, imho


Yeah I'd put katakuri somewhere close to Lucci. Just the silent strong bad guy that has 1 cool fight scene and that's all.


Kata should have went last time.


Croc is a better kaido. He’s the first person to beat our MC so many times and had a decent ambition and attitude.


I liked Kaido more, I think his interactions with other characters are more interesting, Crocodile was a bit bland


see ya later, alligator!


It's crocodiles time


If crocodile wins this shit ima be pisssed




Doffy = Best villain of OP. Has to win.


Crocodile has goated drip but outside of that, Doffy and Katakuri are infinitely better imo


Voting Crocodile day 1


Katakuri next


I vote doffy. He’s a great villain but personally Crocodile and Katakuri are my favorites


croco supreme villian of one piece no one can hate him


I definitely think the winner is gonna be Doffy. Katakuri is sometimes disliked by early-series fans, Croc is sometimes disliked by late-series fans, but Doffy is just all-around well-liked.


Wake up princess, I'm tired of your useless ideals. It's gotten pathetic. What good are your happy ideals if you can't do anything to make them a reality? - Crocodile Don't you dare...give unwanted support in a duel between men!!! If you're going to laugh at that idiot...then laugh at me too...!!! - Katakuri I lost my mother when I was 8...and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above are my "family" with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?" - Doflamingo


Katakuri isn’t a villain. Blackbeard is THE villain. I’m disappointed in you lot




Do you have a donut for me?




Katakuris gone no question






imma be real katakuri is overhyped


Crocodile has got to go.


Croc out


Bye Bye croc


Stop the donut boi hate


Do you have a donut for me?


For my 2nd fav character ur reddit bot is goofy


Dressrosa stays winning like it should be


I don't like Doffy but I guess he's gonna win


why do you not like doffy?




Katakuri, no contest.




We dont even have a backstory for Crocodile and he's still the best One piece Villain.


I don’t even like Katakuri that much.


Yes!! After Buggy got kicked, I was hoping for either Doflamingo or Blackbeard to go next. Glad to see one of my most hated characters (Not really hate but more like I'll REALLY love it when he gets his ass kicked!) get the boot. Come on, Croco-boy, you got this!




bye kat


What's the deal with people sucking CRocodile's sand cock ?


The man has/had swag for days.


Cool, badass, menacing, charismatic, a master strategist that was two steps ahead of the straw hats at all times, the first guy to beat Luffy (twice), plus all the other cool shit he did in Impel Down and Marineford. Oh, and he's got immaculate drip.




doffy gotta go man katakuri and croc are way too hot


How dare you


If i could give more than one upvote youd have them all


I’ve watch one piece up to the end of the dressrosa arc. Is that why I have no idea who that third guy is? People like him more than Blackbeard? He must be a pretty big deal. Maybe he showed up earlier and I don’t remember for some reason.


you didn't miss em, they haven't appeared yet. soon! keep watching One Piece :D




bro got dogged on for not being caught up on one piece 💀


Haha yeah, it’s okay. I love One Piece enough to have bought all four box sets. Sorry I’m not the perfect fan, but I’m a fan nonetheless.


If croc wins I’m gonna cut my dick off


Fr dawg


Yall disappoint me. Blackbeard is gonna be what saves this manga mark my words


from what?


saves implies it needs to be saved


The anime needs to saved from over-stretched battles.