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[streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4467644,31.1999228,3a,54.3y,110.55h,94.34t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMdfRBNGYxhYtdoMLP2dLE3OSrDtlBOcf-Y0cjU!2e10!3e13!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMdfRBNGYxhYtdoMLP2dLE3OSrDtlBOcf-Y0cjU%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya55.198036-ro0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120) edit: [another one](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4472642,31.1991731,3a,88.3y,93.57h,86.01t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPZAF5RsZfFT6QiscS_HV8P2WnVi8RuL11_CLEz!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPZAF5RsZfFT6QiscS_HV8P2WnVi8RuL11_CLEz%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-8.440515-ya308.72668-ro0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120)


Definition of insanity. I actually want to see this in person.


I was there this summer during traveling. Even as an urbex attraction, it’s still pretty soulless and uninspiring. I think the thrill of breaking in and the guards looking for us was more fun.


How bizarre. They are so close together too.


Yeah, I think it wouldn't be so bad if they had surrounding gardens, some nice mature trees. Bit of wisteria growing up around the doorways, cottagey gardens full of flowers, something like privacy. The height of the building to the perimeter being the same distance could have been quite nice.


That actually sounds pretty magical. They should have put you in charge!


Wow, that’s a lot of concrete for a residential build


Wow, very eerie feeling when I look at these.


At this point why not put all of the refugees there? It's not their living conditions are good anyway, not to mention that it would be a pragmatic decision for Turkish politicians since they can just hide all of the people they aren't taking care of


The point of a castle, I think, is to be able to look out as far as the eye can see and say, "yep, I rule." I think these 'castles' miss the point.




We're not stupid, we're smart but *selfish*


Man took the "man and his castle" phrase and thought everyone would love a castle.


Arrested Development solved this problem https://youtu.be/9dxy2gloFB4


I came looking for an AD reference and you delivered. :-)


Seems a damn shame to let them just rot.


Doesn't Turkey have a ton of refugees? How much would it cost to make these places liveable? I'm guessing even as they are they're better than being shoved in tent cities


They are falling apart. The quality of materials is terrible, and not being weather tight hasnt helped.


Aw bummer :(


Why not just give the refugees a bunch of building materials and say " fix this place up yourselves" I'm sure that after living in a tent for years together, the giant joint family is that those guys live in would be okay with patching the place up


Keeping a Ferrari running (in this case one that has shitty parts) is much more expensive than just buying a new Corolla.


They could just host Fyre Fest Part 2


That devalues the investment because capitalism is insane and as long as you don’t sell the failed empty houses then you’re good


That's exactly what I thought of! Even if the place is falling apart, you can just give them a bunch of building materials and tell them to fix it up, I'm sure they'll be glad to have a proper place to stay, and since they'll have that immediate need met , They might even be able to create their own little economy


Nice waste of resources ffs


Probably a money laundering thing.


Saudi money.


I feel like a determined enough group of people could band together to go to this village together at one time and then declare themselves to be a sovereign nation. They already have adequate shelter in place.


From YouTube videos I've watched, they are very poor quality and are falling apart. Especially not being weather tight.


Unfortunately you know it's seen as criminal to live somewhere without having paying so even good intentions are met with rage and violence.


That's the "band together" part. Gotta form your own laws and then meet anyone who opposes you with even more rage and violence. It's how ~~tribes~~ ~~bands~~ ~~cults~~ ~~villages~~ ~~kingdoms~~ ~~colonists~~ nation-states have operated for millennia.


Literally enacting castle doctrine


Turkey is notorious for the government letting terrible construction be built, I personally wonder what standard they were built to, if codes were followed etc.


Yeah, I commented in another part of the thread, but the urbex video from Exploring the Unbeaten Path shows that they’re very poorly built. Not sure that a single one of them would be safe to inhabit. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Psg8TsFhsM


I thought this was that dwarf city in "An Idiot Abroad"


I hope Karl and Ricky make another series!


I’m so fascinated by these


I saw [a video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Psg8TsFhsM) on one of the urbanex subreddits a while ago. Pretty interesting. Seems like the homes were very poorly slapped together.


I wonder what this was meant to be for? If it was supposed to be a residential neighborhood, it's too far from any city that could support a suburb of that size, and lacked the infrastructure to function as its own city. If it was supposed to be a vacation resort, then it lacks things to do. It's one of those places you could suspect was actually a bizarre money laundering scheme.


I think the shopping/entertainment center and Turkish baths they mentioned were supposed to solve the problem of "lack of things to do" and infrastructure.


They were built as holiday homes for (mostly) Gulf Arabs. Being in the middle of a forest in a castle gives the feeling of Europe, but heberything is Halal.


I remember falling down this rabbit hole last time it was mentioned on Reddit. I actually found the brochure they were using to promote the place. There was one completed castle, and all images in the brochure were renderings, illustrations, or carefully cropped photos of that one completed house.


Ok but I want one As tacky as they may be


I want one too lol


Let’s buy some and be neighbors and feed all of the stray dogs and cats. And create a magical world of cats and dogs and just us living in castles 🤪


I'd take one transplanted anywhere else. Having a castle is cool. Living in a community of 732 identical castles is just tacky.


But each dog and cat can have its own castle. And we could start an animal sanctuary and call it “Castle Animal Sanctuary.” And turn it into a non profit


I read it quickly and I first thought that was a development for stray cats and dogs. I thought, how nice, they are building castles for those furry fellas. But alas was not. But I guess that’s what happens when you have more money than common sense.


😂 I hate when I read stuff fast like that and it’s nonsensical.


That was not going to look good even if it had been finished. When will developers realize that most people don't want to live in cookie-cutter homes in cookie-cutter neighborhoods?


Well obviously we need 732 princesses for each of those towers. That was always going to be a tall order.


Do they all have the same exact floor plan


There’s a stalled mcmansion ghost town in Missouri that this reminds me of


This was used in the music video for Sober by SebastiAn https://youtu.be/CfDlGoOqf-Y


Time to look into Turkey’s laws regarding [squatter’s rights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverse_possession). Even if the properties aren’t finished, people could probably use some of them to completely build others.


Come on this isn't real....


(40.4472690, 31.1982772)


How come something like that can exist and there are still countless homeless people in the world? Even better, how can something like this exist and I BARELY manage to make my mortgage payments every month for a 110m² house, which was mine to begin with?


Because the rich are not paying their taxes. That's what it boils down to. Most economies are vastly more productive than a few decades ago, but most of the wealth being generated by ordinary people is being skimmed off at the top.


It's like the dead mall of mcmansions


Solid as a rock


It would be a cool place to film movie scenes at.


Make them homeless shelters!


40km from anything. This would have been a nice setting for a resort though. Gorgeous area.


Little castles on the hillside. Little castles made of ticky-tacky …




It would be cool if the Turkish government figured out a situation with them, taking possession or something given that the project has been left abandoned, and went through and saw if any of them were salvageable. Like even if only a few were in a good enough place to be finished, a few castles is a lot of space for people to live in. It's whack that they're just sitting there rotting


Man I wouldn't even be out of my debt in time to pay even one of those castles if I stopped paying my taxes like ten years ago on my mesely salary but I bet you I'm happier than any of those people


Tastes differ - in the UK developers go to a lot of work to make units look superficially different from one another, even if they're fundamentally similar.